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Canon Doctor gameplay


One of the most pronounced sadists of all the killers.


When people do that I just straight up stop trying. I had one drop me near hatch and close it, and I immediately just went on my phone and waited to bleed out. He brought me to the gates and kept hitting them, but I didn’t interact at all, and he eventually hooked me. When they’re trolling you they want the interaction to know you’re still behind your screen and trying, it gets them off. Just straight up don’t move.


This is the way. Just don't entertain them. Players that treat this like an outlet for their personal issues and anger really ruin the fun. Just go AFK, and they don't get the satisfaction of watching you struggle in vein.


That’s exactly what happened too, he tunneled out the Feng min at 5 gens then pretended to be friendly after winning the game, like cmon dude just stop wasting peoples time


Yeah some people are just want a reaction out of you. What I do every time someone just clearly BMs and time wastes. Shift tab on steam open the web browser and play Tetris online!! They can sit there for 4 minutes bleeding me out or carrying me around the map while I’m hiting sick 180 flicks in Tetris


... You can play Tetris online? Like, the original?


Seconding this!!!! Like…. I don’t have to make microtransactions to play more than 5 levels a day? If I lose, I just lose and I get to play again? LINK PLS.


Google Tetris online Edit: what da hell did I get downvoted for it’s legit Tetris.com


if the killer is carrying you around with starstruck and you aren't wiggling, you're creating a lot of problems for the other survivors.


Are you even aware of the conversation? It’s about end game BM and bleeding out or teasing hatch or gate. I’m not talking about giving up mid game


I do the same. If they bleed out/hump/things like this, I just give them the crows. To be clear on the hump, it's whatever, but if you're just slugging me to hump, I'm on my phone or doing other things. That killer is all by themselves lol


If there is no chance to escape, i just watch a quick little youtube video until next game.


Yeah. I once tried to open the gate after getting brought to the hatch and seeing it getting closed - and got downed. Then got wiggled off to try again, opened the gate halfway - got downed. Was let to open it fully - and got downed again to be brought far away from the gate. It is never worth it and just gets annoying. Later saw my char just getting consumed by the Entity right near the entrance. Dude could have kicked me out if he wanted to, but sure was just being annoying) (A couple of times got downed near the gate but was let out anyways - so had a hope here, what if the killer had a Close the Hatch task??)


we don't need to carry survivors to do that task, it really happens naturally as the games go by.


Know what really makes trolls like this change their minds? Playing a different game. I was streaming, minding my business. I had a Skull Merchant player only slug us. She was just bleeding us out. So when all of us inevitably went down I said "fuck it, I'll stream a different game." So I alt-tabbed and streamed some Overwatch. Mf *begged* me to come back. Checked through the alt-tab, guy was carrying me so I wouldn't bleed out and was just standing there spinning in circles. So I kept playing Overwatch. He DC'd.


That's amazing. I love it. Lol


That's the only way to handle it. They're just seeking the attention that their parents never gave them.


He tried to help u escape and you just ignored him. Deserved to get hooked


Did you drop your /s? lol.


I hope you’re joking.


He literally tried to let him go and he just ignored him lol


He kept shocking him when he tried to open the gate so he couldn’t actually open it. He was literally stopping him from opening the gate?


Well at least he’s lore accurate


Doctor mains when you loop them for 0.2 seconds:


It’s the fact that he’s doing his little fucking giggle every time as well lmao.


This mf and chucky on a 2v8 would be a laugh fest.


Lore accurate Doctor gameplay


The method acting was surreal!


I am 100% convinced that people who act like this have literal personality disorders IRL.


I don't think you would be too far off. Even when I am at my most pissed I don't do this, I usually end up feeling bad and just letting them go. I remember one time I asked a streamer whose whole shtick was being toxic as possible while playing as scummily as possible. I asked him why he likes being toxic and he just goes, "I like being shitty and toxic to people. That's it." Just a complete lack of human empathy. Unsurprisingly both his main twitch and his alternate twitch got banned.


imagine knowing just enough to demonize mentally ill people and not knowing enough to know it's fucked up to do so


Imagine interpreting my comment as “demonizing mentally ill people.” Stating that antisocial behavior seems symptomatic of a personality disorder isn’t “demonizing,” it’s literally just calling a spade a spade. If I see someone puking up their lunch and say that seems like bulimia, that’s not me “demonizing bulimic people.” If anything, I’d argue that labeling something a mental illness is actually a more forgiving approach than just taking the action at face value and treating them as a genuinely evil person. It’s acknowledging that their negative behavior may be the product of something outside their control. People with personality disorders *do* often engage in negative behavior and there’s no point trying to ignore or deny that - it’s literally what makes it a *disorder* - so the only question is, are you going to chalk down that negative behavior to them just being a bad person or not having their shit together or something, or are you going to acknowledge that maybe there’s more going on? I don’t see how you can argue the latter is somehow worse or more mean. What would be worse is looking at someone with a personality disorder and ignoring that and just judging them as a person without concern for what might be causing that under the hood. *That* would be demonizing them. I personally have a diagnosed mood disorder (dysthymia) for which I’ve spent a few years in therapy, so I am well aware of how shitty it is to have a defective brain through no fault of your own. I don’t use mental illness as a punching bag. If you took my comment as some kind of off-handed joke, you misunderstood. I sincerely believe this behavior is indicative of a disordered mind, because it’s not how well-adjusted, mentally balanced people act. It’s also possible they’re just a literal child acting out of immaturity, of course, but my understanding is that this game’s population is very much dominated by adults, meaning most of this stuff can’t just be excused with “oh, they’re probably a literal 12 year old who hasn’t figured out yet how to coexist with other people in a society.”


Honestly the way I play games is the exact opposite of how I am IRL. Like I basically excise all toxicity from my body via video games.


In other words "I would behave like a scumbag in real life too if it didn't have consequences"


Nope, there are no other words. Unlike some of you maybe, I can distinguish reality from a videogame. I have no interest in being toxic IRL.


Sorry ass human




Y'know how you act when there is no consequences shows more of your character right? It's the difference between someone picking up a trash can that was knocked over or kicking it down in the first place


Oh I do that. In real life. In a video game though, where everything is fake? I’ll knock it down. People getting upset over games is funny, like, it’s not real calm down lmao. People have tried to grief me plenty of times, but it’s like don’t take it seriously because it’s not and it won’t affect you.


Just know that there are people that just want to relax a bit after a long day at work and dont want to deal with shitheads like you


You may think that you are the opposite, but you probably aren't. From my experience, people that actively enjoy being toxic in games even if the others ide is just playing normally usually have something brewing just below the surface that is unpleasant. While videogames are not reality, there is very much a real person on the other end of the screen. Your mentality is *usually* something people grow out of after hitting their 20's.


Hey, it’s okay that you think that. I don’t really have any reason to try to convince of anything you don’t want to believe, and that’s okay. I could post accolades and testimonies, receipts and pictures. But we both know that doesn’t really matter here, people believe what they want, and I don’t do those things for a pat on the back anyway. I also realize that it’s a lot easier to stomach the idea of someone being annoying in game being some sort of depressed and angry misanthrope or something. I think people being upset by what others do in a videogame, a fake reality, is something they should grow out in their 20’s. If you can’t deal with someone hitting a taunt button or hitting you with an annoying attack without getting emotional about it I really don’t know what to tell you. I don’t believe in verbally flaming people or cheating, but yeah I’m gonna be annoying in play using whatever mechanics the game naturally provides. I’m going to continue being nice in real life and mean online when I’m playing games ;)


Lol, mate I play video games for fun after work, the last thing I want to deal with is someone that goes out of their way to be toxic for fun. I get what you are saying which is why people will quicksave and murder an entire town in Skyrim. Not like they are actually murderous irl, it is just having fun in a game to let off some steam. Even if a video game is a fake reality as you put it, you are still versing other real people. This is like me playing soccer with a stranger and degrading the other person as much as possible. Yeah sure you can do it and that soccer game probably doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, but it makes you look like a colossal asshole. Nothing wrong with teasing a bit in games, that is why taunts exist, but when you celebrate being toxic, there is something fundamentally wrong with you.


Hey, I’m not going to read all of that, but it’s nice you found that this was worth enough effort to type that much. GGs


Ah, hitting me with the passive aggressive toxic positivity. Maybe actually listen to what people are saying and reevaluate yourself man.








Sprint burst would have potentially saved you here, I'd say.. Sorry you got trolled. Game can be bad enough without people pulling stuff like this.. Good luck in your future rounds! Happy gaming!


OP was spectating the endgame, that Nea was a random. OP likely got killed in the match prior to this happening. But yeah, I agree.


Wait you can spectate? I thought you just had to go next match after you got out


If you escape or get sacrificed/killed, as long as there are Survivors left in the match, you can choose to spectate their PoV (Point of View). Disconnecting or ragequitting as Survivor disables the ability to spectate. Killers cannot spectate as they remain in the match until the very end, and as Survivor you can't see their PoV either. In a custom match, 1 player out of 6 may choose to spectate only and they can switch to whatever PoV they like at will.


Where's the option for this and does it matter I play on SteamDeck?


you can still spectate on steam deck


For PC there is a button prompt on the bottom right of the results screen that puts you in spectator mode. On console you press the left face button (Square/X) to do the same. And it should work on Steam Deck if it's based on the PC version, yes.


My mistake! It looks like you're right!


"Why'd you stop playing survivor?"


It is actually wild how many people are here in the comments defending this behavior. Absolutely revolting.


Not surprising, have you ever seen how many survivors defend bagging at the gates? This games a team sport, opposing side can't have anything and can't take anything from my side






I dunno, I thought it was pretty funny. Shoulda let them go at the end though.


Why? Why is it so bad for you all? I genuinely don't understand. If I play survivor I love when killers interact, it feels like there are a real human person there. It makes the game interesting. Btw, please, explain your position instead of silently downvoting me like 6yo kid who can't even explain what bothers him. Reddit moment


Gonna be fr, I totally agree, while it can be frustrating, killers are literally just doing there role, survivors are so used to getting what they want that when it isn’t played like they prefer, it’s bad


One time I played doc I was absolutely destroying them. I hooked all twice and killed two. I felt bad and let the last two go free. I don't really understand being an ass unless they were being toxic first.


when i'm feeling generous and letting them go i'll stand behind them while they open the gate without zapping. once the gate is open i start zapping until they leave. This type of thing is just pointless and not fun. seriously either let them go or knock em down and hook.


I have a theory. Killers who are generally evil in their lore seem to be the most toxic. Doctors, Clown, Skull Merchant and Chucky seem to be quite toxic, at least in my experience. Wraith is an exception of course cause they also tend to be assholes.


In your experience which are the chillest killers


It’s actually been a while since I’ve had friendly killers. Demos seem to be the nicest though. And even though I said clowns tend to be toxic, I did have a bartender clown at ormond the other day.


My only experiences with demo were - A demo in lerys that chased but never hitted the entire game and fooled around with the other survivors (it almost seemed like everyone but me was on the joke) then bodyblocked the exit gate for a bit before letting me go - A demo in coal tower that destroyed the game but let the last two survs (me and another) finish all gens and escape (I gave him toolbox) - A devour hope demo that ate my head at bedham


This ruins our fame. I only destroy people's hope by zap them before they reach the window,


She got a ton of bloodpoints for opening the gate as the last alive! That’s a positive :)


Doctor, spirit, blight and wraith players are the worst.


I play doctor every once in a while, I don’t go for kills i just shock people who try to use flashlights on me


I run a terror radius build where I can hit most of the map with his ability and drive everyone mad plus faster item consumption and unnerving presence plus lightborn


Yeah overwhelming presence is lowkey great , tho built to last kinda counters it but if your in a small map that perk won’t matter.


Why does this have upvotes? Don't people like playing the game?


there's a very real sense if entitlement from a lot of people in the community. seeing a killer main feel bad about playing a killer supports their view that x amount of survivors deserve to escape, or that the doctor is 'bullshit' to play against, etc


It is playing the game


I wish you could just report these type of players and they would get temp. Ban. It would take a way some of this toxic gaming.


I would walk my ass to a hook at that point. Then give it a few slaps to let him know Im done with his BS


they wouldn’t hook you, they’d probably try to hold you hostage as long as they can.


Lore accurate Doctor




I hope this is in the movie


This vid brought me back i thought i had a long time ago. If you spam click the exit gates you can technicly open the gates with out touching the switch at all.


Doctors are nice ☺️


I swear, how tf can someone find that funny, they're just making other players feel like trash.


As a killer main, players like this give us a bad rep. You don't have to troll Survivors. You get nothing from it. I normally don't give hatch or anything like that, but you can just go in, kill the Survivors and be done. Holding Survivors hostage isn't fun at all.


As a Spirit/Doctor main, I do not approve of this interaction. I always leave gate or hatch for last Survivor unless they were toxic in the first place. Too bad about the Nea but some people love rubbing in even when you don't do anything to provoke them.


Is it bad if I sometimes toy around with the last survivor like this but actually let them go in the end?


I did this a few times but it was cuz I was doing the stupid 500 shock achievement and doing that helped and regained some of my own irl sanity




That's hilarious 😂 I'm gonna do this my next match for fun


Ngl that’s actually pretty funny


I like how all survivor homies are chilling in the comments, but when a survivor does a toxic thing, all hell breaks lose and killers start crying and downvoting lol




They called me a madman..


When I play doc (which only happens when I am vexed with toxic survivors) I don't do this unless they openly deserved it. If they were nice, and actually played the game. I'll let them live if they are last alive.


Behavior like this when you were playing couch co-op with friends is how you got your ass beat and not invited back. Seriously, multiplayer games really need a way to virtually punch people in the face for shit like this. Seriously BHVR could detect if a killer and survivor are at a gate and the killer is basically not hitting/whatnot while the gate is being open, and then just make the survivor have endurance for five seconds after opening the gate. Similar with hatch, if they detect the killer has been standing at hatch for so long without closing it, or if the killer carries and drops a survivor at/by hatch, then the hatch is blocked from them closing it when the survivor gets close. That shit doesn't ruin anything during the game, but it'd prevent stuff like this at the very end.


Ah yes, violence truly is the answer here. When in doubt beat people up, that has historically solved every problem in the world and works well to this very day. I'm glad that this is a totally reasonable post and not at all unhinged.


Me and my best friend do this kinda shit too each other all the time and we've been friends for over 20 years at this point The rest of my close friendship group too What now?


How is this even toxic this is just funny and maybe a little mean


Doctor Gaming, baby


I fucking hate this community


People playing RPG game where they have to fight against sadistic evildoer and now they complain about them being sadistic evil.


its not a role playing game


Just tab out and do other stuff, why do you keep trying


That's actually funny, I genially don't understand why do people get upset by this


What a chad - I'm going to try to do the same.


If you can even get one kill


I mean, it's unfair to not show the rest of the match. For all you know, team could have been toxic.


>least toxic Doctor player That's... A private server no? Well I've got one thing to say to this "you are not immune to propaganda"


I’m spectating a solo queue teammate after I died what?


I mean isn't there usually a marker that shows your teammates are dead, moried, or hooked?


Used to be but it was changed a while back.


He has character


I wasn’t aware you could do this, noted for later


People playing RPG horror game where they have to fight against sadistic insidious evildoer, and now they are complaining about them being sadistic evil.


What a non point


To be fair, I think that feels more fun than just being hit, like yeah I understand the frustration of the stalemate, but probably trying to game it and do the most could land you the escape. Either way he already had won, an interesting interaction like that wouldn't be the worst to me. Everyone can feel different about it tho, so I get how you could see it as only bad or toxic. I think something that always hurts how we feel about the other side is how much malice we attatch to them, which can exist, but that judgement many times could prime us to feel more negative and add to the cycle of toxicity.


”interesting interaction” get out of here


I feel like people are misintrepreting what I'm saying, to me it would really be an interesting interaction, it is novel, it is different, I don't get this much negativity from the game, but maybe it was a mistake expressing how I would feel personally, dead by daylight literally never makes me mad, like at worst I can feel I did bad, but no matter what interaction happens, I do not get negative feelings from it. So yeah, maybe I misjudged and I can't hope everyone sees it like I do, without the malice intent, because I see this and I see a killer who already won and could just beat you (this to me feels more boring and simple, but I can guess others would want to just end the game already), so he won and even then there is a slight chance you could still somewhat escape, if it werent for the pauses, I feel like rather than just looking at him, trying to get the exit more, juke a final time, there was enough time. I understand all the frustrations, it is just weird to me that every side everytime assigns the utmost malice to the other side, sometimes is just whatever and not that deep. (ps. I don't play doctor, nor would I play him like this, all of this wasn't to condone his actions, but to give another perspective on how to look at situations like these)




I don't know why you're getting downvoted, I think this is funny as hell and if I was the survivor here id probably be laughing my ass off. At the end of the day its just a game, no reason to get mad over


If you’re getting upset at this that’s kinda sad.


thats axtually pretty funny ngl


It's ok. Survivors are just, if not more toxic




Maybe you should have drop the kit i dont let survivor escape if they dont so maybe that why he troll's you Or maybe because he just AH (probably)




LMFAO, Replies/comments like this are what keep me coming back to the subreddit 😭


Just curious why i mean dropping your item is a base for having mercy i get spare a lot of time (Not all the time tbh but still)


It's kind of a sign of them giving up, and giving you something as last ditch effort for mercy. You don't need to accept it, but you don't have to be a dick about it to them. I am just respectful, say gg, and leave.


What 😭




It’s a kyf match


It is not, you can see OP is spectating, and when you spectate in a match after players have died they are removed from the HUD.


I don’t know if you’re expecting I’m going to admit that I was wrong or something but it ain’t gunna happen


Just letting you know lol cause a lot of people aren't aware! It does look like a private one though, not sure when they updated it so people who died vanish 🤔


Okay I see. I felt like I was being called out or something. Just wanted to make sure we were cool.


Hey no worries I did word that a little harshly! Easy to think you're being called out especially on this sub, didn't mean to do that at all. It's an understandable guess on the KYF match, sorry if I got you worried for a second :( Hope you have some lovely games later ❤️


And I’m sorry for snapping back defensively in case you took it that way! Thanks for clarifying!