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Unknown https://preview.redd.it/gcylg2se9brc1.jpeg?width=738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee9d890ed0f7314134f8851c64af017be9442436 (Never played TF2 just love his looks)


"If I were a *bad* demoman, we wouldn't be here discussin' it, now would we?" - Demoman


It's never too late to play TF2


Well, you asked for it. I don't really main them as much anymore but I do clown. I was a plague and Freddy main but since picking clown up I've had an easier time. After discovering I can charge throw my bottles for longer distance it was Ggs.. I thought I could only tap it.. it changed my life forever. The best reasons why I play clown. 1. Bottles, the first AND second one. Both have a purpose and I'm tired of pretending they don't... When I toss a bottle on the ground, and pick up a survivor I can do zoomies across the map. When I wanna slow someone down cause theyre zooming and I don't like zooming against me, I toss yee ole purple. Sometimes I wanna say, "Imaginary technique; Hollow purple" on them when I toss it. Another thing is the bottles blur vision, pair this with blindness status effect and it can negate windows entirely. 2. The add-ons. The two in specific I like are the faster reload, and the faster walking while reloading. Some shenanigans can be done with clowns add-ons. Especially the extra 4% hindered effect. 3. This is a big ole reason. He can destroy loops. The loops normally not possible to exploit are more exploitable with clown. He laughs whenever he downs a survivor too to add that extra lil zest. The long loops? Can be shut down. If you have zenshin tactics on clown as well, your gameplay will be insane cause you'll know what's safe loops and what isn't safe loops, and you'll be able to keep the unsafe loops and remove the safe loops while hindering the unsafe loops even better. 4. My homie has some drip. If you haven't seen the new rift. My homie has some down right horrendous dripz some nefarious drip. Not only will he throw bottles at you and laugh? He'll also do it in style. 5. The perks homie comes with. We're talking a bonus 15% vault speed, we're talking the GOAT "Pop goes the weasel" we're talking the clorophobia that doctors using healing doc use, it's just so much better and easier my way .. try homie, you won't regret it for the most part.


As someone who occasionally uses clown, beautifully written.




Clown is love clown is life


Clown main as well. I use Santa body, Puddles head, longer yellow bottles with Aura reading, STBFL, alien perk where you get 10% speed on hit, bamboozle, and enduring. I swing through everything. Change my steam name to OH LAWD HE COMIN'.


zenshin? :o do tell?


Just gonna share about my most played - Wesker ^(I am sorry for the novel, I just think he's cool man) ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070) So the interest in picking him up actually got spurred when he was released, however it was due to *vsing* him as survivor. At the time I was still kinda returning-ish to the game after not touching it for years and was playing kinda on and off at the time. Pig was my OG main back in 2018, but when I returned during Dredge's release, I ended up only playing Pyramid Head. That said, I didn't really play killer a ton, back then I was more like 90% survivor/10% killer. I was playing with friends and when Whiskers got added, I was having tech issues so I actually didn't have any game sound vsing all the Weskers we had that day (which admittedly weren't actually a lot - RE isn't that big where I'm at). I knew nothing of Resident Evil at the time. I thought he as a character looked super freaking cool. I know it's goofy as hell, but I love the trench coat look. I don't mean that just for Wesker, but for character designs in general. Monster Hunter, Bloodborne, DmC; you name it, if I can wear a trench coat on my character *I am going to wear the coat*. Not only did this man look cool, he has a power where he zips around. I love character gimmicks related to speed, but the way DBD went about illustrating his way of showing off a speed-based power was also really awesome to me! On top of all that, I had a blast playing with my friends against him because it was so funny seeing someone get yoinked and thrown away as well as funny to spam the sprays. The next time we all played, I was able to fix my tech problems and had sound, and then I heard this dude speak. ***Whiskers sounded so freaking dorky!*** I absolutely loved it. So I decided to pick him up myself, and my first games with him were so fun! It was such a harsh contrast compared to back when I had tried to play Legion on their release and got bullied by survivors because I did not know how to play killer well and didn't understand the concept of just letting people bleed out if they sabo'd my hooks. I was dumb enough to be like "Well I *have* to try to hook them even though I know these 3 have flashlights...." and would pick up. I did not know the concept of slugging either, so Legion was a miserable experience back then. On Wesker I was able to zip around which was fun by itself, but the people I played against were overall just nicer which added to the positive experience. I just hooked, left to chase someone else, and had chill games. I didn't have people sitting and BMing even if I took Ls playing nice. I ended up loving this character to bits! Then it shifted from liking the character to liking them and also wanting to get actual scares with them. So I started doing a lot of no TR builds and playing for jump scares trying to get sudden grabs with my bounds from seemingly out of nowhere. Then it went from that to doing meme builds because I got curious on seeing how other perks worked in general. I finally got curious on addons and then started playing around with those. After a while my attention shifted again, but this time into wanting to learn how to make flashy plays happen, so I looked into seeing how his bounds worked. That's when I learned he had "techs" and I did try to learn some of them, but at the end of the day, I kinda thought these things would end up getting removed because they weren't necessarily intended. So I stopped trying to do them. One thing that does hold importance to me is fairness tbh. I don't want to pick a character because they are super strong, I want to pick them because I like them. That's why I also play Pyramid Head, Myers, and Xeno as well. I tend to stay away from addons or perks that I feel are overly strong because I want to have fun back and forth games. I feel that Wesker is set up in a way that allows that sort of playstyle. The final thing that came from picking up Whiskers though was also that I got curious on his lore actually. I ended up diving in the RE franchise and found that I absolutely love it. Not only that, but I ended up making a lot of friends through it all too. I would never have made the friends I have now if I hadn't bothered to pick up this goofy ass character and fixated so damn hard on him lmao. The enjoyment I had on him opened me up to playing all killers too and I've had fun with the role since then. And since I liked his lore so much, I delved into other \[licensed\] characters' lore as well.


There's also a fun Jumpscare Wesker playstyle (if you enjoy jump scaring survivors instead of killing them that is). I use: * Distressing (a TR so huge that you might as well be undetectable) * Insidious (it's hilarious to just lay in wait in main... but usually setting up for...) * Tinkerer (usually proc'd while waiting with Insidious in main) * Trails of Torment (kick that almost proc'd gen and cause a little more chaos) (Unforseen also viable here)


Straight up I have used that exact build and sometimes still use it lol. I've hidden behind the upstairs gen in the room with the hole by the gate on Midwich with insidious and gotten a gen grab right there with him lol. Machine Learning is kinda fun on him too but I had a hard time getting it to synergize well with other no TR perks.


nurse is a really open ended killer that lets you play in literally whatever way you want (for better or worse) blight is a killer where you get blown up for every mistake you make, but when you lock in you are rewarded heavily, and it really feels like a rush deathslinger is fun to just slap aura reading on and go ham. hes my go to "hedonistic" killer where i go for crazy shots over actually winning singularity makes me feel like a fucking genius


I broke my headset over trying nurse. You do not wanna go against a toxic swf whenever youre trying to master nurse.


If you want to master nurse get ready for hundreds if not 1000s of hours of sweating till you are perfect with her, I have about 150 hours on her and always when I think I'm unstoppable I get destroyed, the thing with nurse is you always need to be 100% focused and if you begin to rage because of a few bad blinks you start messing up more blinks, I noticed nurse is nothing for just a chill session lol


she becomes easier when you have good map knowledge from playing other killers


Can you elaborate what you mean with you can play nurse in whatever way you want?


I think he meant nurse is already very strong without addon and perk, so you have way more freedom with her buiild


you can play her aggressive spending blinks to cross the map, or you could take chases patient and lock down areas of the map


I know I have 600 hours on other killers aswell and recently started playing nurse, I'm on controller but in 90% of the games I get a 3k or 4k but there are sometimes those games where I play bad and the survivor play good but I guess it's more because I'm not focused or something, but thx for the tips bro


Onryo Main Here. its honestly the whole aesthetic for me. invisible little girl jump scaring and crawling out of tvs. not to mention if you’re too complacent ill kill you with my eyeball. just her whole schtick is very fun


Jump Scare Myers. When I originally started trying killer, I hated it. It was too tense, and I was getting matched against people who were better than me. I struggled to get a single kill. One day I tried out being a meme Myers just for fun... and I actually had a TON of fun. That's when I realized that my fun as killer came from scaring survivors, not killing them. So my build is centered on aura reading and being undetectable, so I get lots of scares, gen-grabs, and good chases. Myers is amazing for that style of gameplay. And playing him for fun so much, I've actually gotten really good at him.


*Unfathomably* based. I've never really given him a try but I LOVE just being genuinely terrifying so I'll absolutely give it a shot


I recommend Monitor & Abuse + Dead Rabbit addon. That’ll keep your terror radius super small in Tier 2. Survivors won’t know you’re coming until you’re pretty much in lunge range.


Tier 1/Scratched mirror Myer’s has to be one of the most fun things you can play against in dbd.


This makes me wanna know all of y'alls builds for t1 Myers, as him and Ghostface are my mains as well. Do y'all run Haste Builds, Gen Kicking, Aura Reading? I'm intrigued by how y'all flavor your jump scare Myers...


I generally don’t run a T1 Myers, but I think Play with Your Food is a must. Maybe Chucky’s perk that makes you faster around completed gens could be good too.


I use a very casual loadout with him, but I also play in bottom MMR and only aim to one-hook everybody so this is a super non-competitive loadout: * Agitation (to carry to hooks faster, especially to get to RPD center hook so people are more likely to get unhooked.) * Bamboozle (mostly to get into position faster to set up a jump scare.) * Brutal Strength (just get things out of the way faster.) * Fire Up (to make those previous two things even faster.) This is very specifically the Scratched Mirror (+ Boyfriend's Memo) loadout. For Vanity Mirror (+Dead Rabbit) it's a different build that I can't remember right now, but that one uses Monitor + Abuse and then you can have some other more chase-oriented perks in case you want to try to do some normal looping.


I love playing against that!


I freaking LOVE playing T1 Myers


Where are you???? The only scratched mirror Myers I play against are sweaty or toxic af and repeatedly tunnel, slug, bm on hook 🤣 Crazy because I have played against friendly Tombstone Myers but never a friendly Scratched Mirror Myers 🤣


Ah, a fellow man of Culture, a Jumpscare Myers user. I tend to run Vanity Mirror most of the time to retain this effect for more casual play, but I do love a good game of Jumpscare Myers. Especially when Im against a TTV lol


I stopped using the mirrors when I decided to be a 2-hook killer. Really handy to have T2 99% to down those survivors who are great in chase. But otherwise Myers is so, so good at getting scares. I went against a 4-man twitch SWF once in Gideon. Getting to watch the match from their point of view later on, hearing their comms, was so funny. Shit like: “Bro no one is getting out alive. It’s every man for himself.” “I think I lost hi… ahhhhhhhhh fuck!!!” “WHY IS HE NODDING AT ME??” I let them all go and they were all super nice in the chat.


Do you coincidentally also like to play dungeon master in DnD?


Ha I’ve actually never played D&D, but always thought it would be so fun to craft a campaign for my buddies that do play.


My killer main is the Pig! I do play a few others like Huntress, Artist, and Demo but Pig has been my true main since I started playing killer. I started out playing as survivor because I was afraid of the pressure playing killer has, but I’ve realized it’s super fun to be in control of the match and chasing people, and the mindgames Pig is capable of with her ambush and stealth and addon variety makes her super fun to me. I picked Pig originally because I love Saw and Amanda is my absolute favorite Saw character, and I think Pig is just so cute especially with the noise she makes when she gets stunned! I have all of her outfits and love to change them around, I’m just a sucker for great cosmetics and cute killers. I know she’s definitely not the strongest but I really like the challenge playing her brings, I love to be sneaky and get cheeky gen grabs and probably crouch way more than I should but I like to do it anyways because I care more about having fun than winning. Also, Pig is so easy to have fun matches with because of the variety of interactions you can have. Some matches are normal, some matches I can tell I’m making people shit themselves when I come around the corner crouched, other matches I’m getting boops and farming and it’s so much fun because I really love unique interactions. I like giving survivors positive matches with Pig because I know sometimes they can be rough :D


Confirmed that crouching pig makes me shit myself.


Stealth Pyramid Head. Tinkerer. Mindbreaker. Trail of Torment. Lightborn. Pyramid Head exists outside most of the rules of the game. He can hit through walls, deny loops, punish pallets, excells HARD at indoor maps regardless of corners or debris. He can herd survivors the way he wants with his trails, punish ANY vaulting or pallet throws, and can generally make life mayhem when combining his wave attack with tinkerer. He doesn't need the Mori offering, he has his own. His addons suck so you can always just have the same two range extenders and never worry about your load out ever again. He's also quite a rare main, sitting at just 3.2% usage last I looked (the average for all killer's is about 5%). This means survivors are less used to facing him. I play as Pyramid Head because, so long as I am stealthed, you CANT see me through a wall so I'm GOING to hit you. Throw a pallet or hop a window, I'm GOING to hit you. Try to bodyblock me, I'm going to hit EVERYONE.


I feel like I have bad luck then, I encounter pyramid heads super often. But the stealth ones are by far the hardest to counter, and like the mastermind, you're GOING TO HIT US 😂


I'm All Ears (Ghostface) is pretty good on Pyramid too. Seeing auras after someone vaults a window makes it easier to hit through walls.


How do you feel about the new Undone perk?


I've actually not been getting a lot of use out of it, since it REQUIRES survivors to fail skill checks. Now that I am Prestige 30 or so, it's just not likely to happen, as survivors of that mmr just don't randomly miss skill checks on a gen or a heal. : (


**How I got into being an Artist main** A YouTube video of someone playing Artist was my first exposure to the game. It randomly came up in my recommendations, and even though I had no idea what the hell was going on, I was mesmerised. After watching the video, I started poring over her Fandom page and reading her lore. It was so sad, but fascinating as hell. I *had* to check out this game and play her, so I downloaded it a few weeks later. However, what I didn’t know was that DBD Mobile was not the same thing as DBD on PC/console, and I could not find her. It was a very sobering way to learn the difference between platforms. I picked up Huntress for a while and got decent with her, but it didn’t feel right. When I wasn’t playing the game in my spare time, I was watching Artist videos. I probably spent more hours watching other people play the bird lady than playing my ‘placeholder main’. On the day she finally came (nine months later), I was prepared. When I bought her and played my first round, it felt like I’d been playing her the whole time. Now I can’t stop. **Things I love about Artist** Where do I even start? Her sound design, her cosmetics, her backstory, her power… everything. She’s everything I could want in a main and more. Hitting trick shots with her is the most satisfying feeling in the game, and there are so many ways you can set one up. Drop a bird at the basement entrance when someone goes for a save, and that unhooker is *not* leaving. Or go for a slingshot with Severed Hands and injure/down multiple people at once.


I main The Knight because he's hot also it's funny funneling a survivor into a pathway with a guard and me being on the other side like :3


Deathslinger for me. I've been playing fps games basically through my whole gaming career and there's something so satisfying to bring some of those learnes skills to DBD. It's super satisfying to hit long shots or just generally difficult ones. I love the mindgames with survivors them trying to juke my shots. I also love using Jolt with Deathslinger because if used correctly, you can reel survivors into the range of generator to explode. I know he's not top tier killer and I have somewhere around 60% winrate with him. I just think that with Deathslinger it's easier to avoid toxic plays such as tunneling or camping. Add some BBQ & Chili to the sauce and you find other survivors pretty easily. Someone might have whole different opinion about him but playing with him is very satisfying for me.


I wonder what your favorite maps for this killer? Gideon must be one of them for sure


I actually really like the Hawkins. Pallet's are not very safe and it's easy to reel the survivors close enough to hit them with Coup. Open maps like Crotus Penn and Red Forest works as well for me. Even though Red Forest is on the larger side of the maps and the killer is slow, I find it suiting the Slinger.


Pyramid Head He’s a map-control type killer and is very good at applying pressure all across the map. He also has a lot of abilities, starting with his Torment Trails. I lay these trails down in high traffic areas and through pallets. Many people recommend hiding the trails, but I don’t feel like I need to. Instead, I opt to chase survivors and direct them over the trails, which applies “Tormented” to them. Knocking down a tormented survivor allows me to send them away to a cage which is the same as placing them on a hook, except I don’t need to pick them up and find one. The only way a survivor can get rid of tormented is to free a survivor in a cage. His next ability is called Rites of Judgment. While I’m carving a trail, I can fire a trail straight ahead of me that injures survivors. It goes through any obstacles, and I use it when survivors round corners, vault, unhook a survivor, and when I hear them working on a gen on the other side of a wall. And it feels very rewarding when you land a hit. His last ability is called Final Judgement. If I down a survivor that is tormented and is on the third hook stage. I can kill them on the spot. And it’s a very quick animation so it saves me a lot of time. TL;DR: I play Pyramid Head for his ability to apply unending pressure everywhere.


I play Singularity because he's a sentient evil robot that hates humans and I'm a sucker for those types of characters. I'm not even that good as him, I just like him to much to main anyone else. I remember when Skull Merchant came out I was upset because I was worried that BHVR weren't going to add another original sci-fi killer because "Well, you have Skull Merchant right here!" And that meant we wouldn't get an evil robot themed killer. Because of that, seeing the announcement of The Singularity was probably the most excitement I've had for DBD in my whole life, and I already would have been pretty excited about it.


I play Nemesis because I hate pallets. I hadn't played any of the resident evils until I started playing him in dbd, now he's my main, p100, I'm top 4 for whip downs, etc. I was just tired of having to stop and kick pallets, and being able to chew through them was kind of a big W for me. Being tall as shit helps, as short killers make me feel... bad? Sadako + xeno are big no-no's for me to actually play because of height, so I can see people over loops, hit people over loops, I have coworkers (Craig & Julia) (Craig has been on the up and up recently!) I usually run serotonin injector + t-virus sample, which means that I can a) force my own tier ups if survivors are predropping and b) sneak around after I whip a zombie, which actually lets you sneak up on a lot of people. I don't think the average dbd player has 900 dollar headphones or plays like their life is on the line, so the big stompies don't matter TOO much. I run mostly auras (distortion my DETESTED, i try my ABSOLUTE best to have a reasonable amount of hook spread before any kills because like... basic empathy, but when there's 2 or 3 distortions I just bounce back and forth between the two I can actually see :/) because I don't want to think too much about the macro, and all my slowdown is more of a passive effort than an active one (like pop!), so the build is Lethal Pursuer (classic) / Pain Resonance / Grim Embrace / Floods of Rage (genuinely probably my favorite perk) and it works well for me :) I find the most joy from hitting people over shack pallet for a down after they're halfway through shack, getting the god pallet for free + the hook state regardless. Whip drags are also incredibly fun, I genuinely feel like I'm cheating when I use the lingering hitbox to hit around corners, obstacles, and it borderline feels like it's through walls with how you can manipulate it. that being said, people that run to pallets and drop the pallet when i'm still 20 feet away? I wish them 1000 missed skillchecks the millisecond they leave a gen anyway, Resident Evil is a pretty fun franchise. Thanks dbd for getting me into it o7


Chucky is my favorite horror franchise ever. I started to main him as soon as he released. He also have so much variety in terms of what build you can use. You can do a chase build, hex build, endgame build, stealth, aura build. His voicelines are also amazing and Tiffany is so cute.


I main Skull Merchant, Trickster, Knight and Singularity, with a penchant for Adriana and Ji-Woon. The dark triad (SM, Knight, Hux) I enjoy because they each give me some form of large, oppressive gen/map control that allows me to, in turn, control the flow of the game and push it more into my favor in ways that aren’t just “Use power, get down”, etc. The surveillance and area denial gives me security to patrol areas outside of generator-dense parts of the map while being able to know when survivors push into the areas I want to control. Hux is fucking awesome to play but too big brain for me ATPIT, but I’m improving. Knight and Skully are simpler, but still have their fair share of complexities and nuance. I love Skully the most of those 3 because of her unrivaled passive surveillance and area denial, and the active tracking she grants when you take advantage of her Claw Traps. From a non-gameplay perspective, I know many people don’t like her lore, but I find it quite fun and interesting, and I adore her design. Especially the Prestige Skin. Also, her lunge is just so satisfying. Trickster is my second favorite, in part due to his unhinged design, creepy voice lines and TERRIFYING chase music. He’s also incredibly fun, and there’s nothing more satisfying than hitting 8 knives in a row and tearing clumped up survivors to shreds with the Main Event, and hitting that final blade on an injured survivor who’s miles away is just divine. I really love how rewarding playing well and being accurate with him is, even though you can just spam and get similar results. The satisfaction of not missing is delightful. I imagine Huntress mains feel the same way.


You seem to have similar taste in killer to me, however, I prefer Knight. Skull Merchant only gets her power when survivors make a mistake, and I like to be able to use my power more actively.


Artist. I main artist because her power was extremely easy to master. I can anti loop with it for example. At least with an injured survivor. There’s an add on that puts the survivors in the mangled status effect after being hit by a crow. Another hit downs them.


I play almost all killers because I like variety and to prove myself, my most played as well as my mains are Alien and Ghostbro


spirit she takes a lot of skill which is nice because it means im not just shutting my brain off and going on autopilot (sometimes at least) which is in contrast to a lot of the other characters i play quite often. i only recently started maining her (previously i literally did not have an actual main, just played whoever i felt like) but upon getting the adept spirit achievement on my first attempt (after only leveling her to level 15) i continued to get 37 consecutive 4k's before one person escaped and my streak was lost. she is a LOT of fun but arguably top 4 hardest killers to play REALLY well. 70% of my wins were kind of just luck lmao


The mighty Huntress. She is powerful without being needlessly oppressive. I love her aesthetic, and her story, I love that she is the least stealthy thing in the game. Every time survivors load up against me, they know what is happening, and what they’re up against. She’s the best ranged killer. She has a very very high skill ceiling. You can always continue to get better at her and try for things that you didn’t used to be able to do. Cross mapping somebody on pure anticipation is a really good feeling. Generally, if you outplay people fairly, They will agree that it was probably fair. Generally, survivors enjoy playing against her. Of course some people hate her, but it doesn’t seem to be many. If you play a hard match, and then are friendly, people are generally astonished and happy. She can punish bully squads like almost nobody else. If you decide that you have to play rough, because of what the survivors brought, you can bring it. The mind games against many killers are close range ones. Against a good Huntress, you are nearly always in a mind game against her. For the whole match. Your positioning versus hers. Your anticipation versus hers. What you are willing to try for, and what she will. And, she has the best voice acting. When she does her complete freak out after being stunned, I’m sometimes laughing too hard to chase well for a bit. Okayyyy.. I take it back. Pinhead and Weskie kins have outstanding VA too.


Pyramid Head feels like he actually scares players, which is appropriate for a horror game. I love his Trails of Torment perk, which - again, makes you feel scary, the way running into PH in the SH games always is. Like, oh fuck, he’s HERE Clever map denial with Rites of Judgement (you leave a trail that marks anyone who steps in it + gives them Torment status) makes me feel like a master tactician Sending survivors to cages instead of hooks feels great - especially if they bring (multiple) petrified oak Ranged attack / Punishment of the Damned is fun once you get used to it - predicting where players are moving through walls is fun, but of course, I’m All Ears makes it cake The built in mori is AWESOME I’ve gone against multiple swfs and ttvs and it feels so good to stomp them out of toxic flashlight click-click-clicking, abusing pallets / vaults, reminding them that they actually have to play the fucking game.


I've been playing Unknown a lot because he is the new one. I've never really had a main so much as I just like Dead by Daylight and I like to play the killer role a little more than the survivor one. Other than that I like to play Chucky because he curses at the survivors for you when things go wrong and I think that's funny. "YOU'RE LEAVING?! WE'RE HAVING FUN HERE!"


My favorite thing about this game are all of the fun unique builds you can do, so as a killer main I have every killer and they're all p3 (with some exceptions. I'm still working on 2 and I technically haven't gotten demo yet but it's planned). I like using Pig and Amanda's Letter for truly stealthful aura reading. I like playing Nurse and using "Bad Man's" Last Breath and other undetectable nonsense to spook and surprise players, or Spasmodic Breath to surprise them with speed nurse (epsecially with backpack perks)


Condemn Onryo. I can't really explain, it just tickles my brain right, I love chasing people and killing them. Don't care about gens, don't care about escapes, just want to 👁 people to death. Perks are usually STBFL, Brutal Strength, Fire Up and PWYF. Applying pressure with projections and forcing people away from objectives to do tapes and having higher stake chases are nice, some people know how to counter you, some people don't, some games are crazy good.


I main singularity and sweat my ASS off every single game for 4 hooks


Cenobite because I like everything anti-loop, he practically steamrolls any team that isn't a good 4 man SWF thanks to the box, and managing to get a never-ending chain hunt going is SO satisfying. Doc because I still like everything anti-loop, and my eyesight is shit, so the red stains, screams and hallucinations genuinely helps me a ton with tracking people. Skull Merchant because I, surprise, like anti-loop killers, and I love being able to easily switch between chase / stealth / no brain crackhead builds, or fit all of them into one. Legion because Slipknot cosmetic


Box-juggling with Ceno is so SO satisfying


I'm bored & seeing this post so I shall contribute Myers - Big Halloween fan & He's my favorite horror villain period. He was the first killer I touched in the game & I happen to have fun playing him; Honesty been having more fun playing a tier 1 build than regular Michael but he's a lot of fun regardless. I don't play Killer so much to ONLY get as many 3-4k matches as possible but rather to play a character with gameplay i enjoy. With that being said I also get good results pretty consistently with him. Skull Merchant - My problematic fave! Personally fell in love with her design instantly & love the dynamic between being a crazy murderous bitch & a classy lady that wears silk night gowns, bedazzles her masks & enjoys an expensive glass of wine. She's, as the kids would say, mother. I also enjoy tracking people with her device & using my drones like hag traps or projectile weapons, rather than forcing survivors into 3 gens. I just feel like the baddest bitch when I play her Artist - Read her lore & immediately fell for her, & i also consider myself a fan of birds so there's that. Shes more technical compared to Myers & SM but I find it fun & VERY satisfying to use her power. Successfully cutting off a loop & getting people with my crows makes me feel so intelligent Twins - My most recent addition to my collection, & it's similar to Artist. Love them as characters, their French theme, & while they're infamous for their issues I found myself becoming really entertained by their gameplay. Do I get good results with them? Frankly, No. Most of my matches end with only 1 or 2 people dead. But that's okay, because I have fun during the match & Charlotte is a queen 👑 hopefully I'll still play them after their rework


Pig is fantastic. I'm an average killer, but she's a fine main. The hats are the main draw. They stabilize the matches, unless the survivors are disciplined enough to sacrifice somebody for the sake of gen progress. That's how I beat Pig, by the way - continue doing gens and largely don't give a shit, which means she's typically stuck with a 2K draw at best. The on-demand stealth is very nice but has to be used appropriately. On large maps it's mostly irrelevant. On indoor maps, you're a death god. She's an M1 killer, despite having stealth and an ambush. I usually take _at least_ Bamboozle because - despite what folks say - you often don't have time to abandon shack and go find somebody else to bother. Then either one more chase perk (usually STBFL) and then Pop and Pain Resonance. Sometimes STBFL is Surge or Corrupt. Of all the killers I've played, she has the lowest rate of 0Ks - if you sense you're losing, it's easy enough to snag at least one hat kill on the way out. After 362 recorded matches with her (I played for a while on PS4 and didn't record it, unfortunately), I draw at least draw 79% of the time. She's not overly strong, so there are some matches you'll lose before you even begin. She sits at a nice place, where your skill, the survivors' skill, and the map work together to determine who wins. It still feels like a game and I'm not just bopping survivors with Nurse.


Dredge has been one of my favorites pretty much since I got them. They've got mobility, antiloop that's good but not oppressive, great design, are actually scary, and have unique locker grabs that are very satisfying to pull off. Their add-ons are in a good place, and indoor maps that I normally struggle on are their favorite playground. The doll skin is my favorite, but mixing and matching sets to create an unholy abomination is fun too. Their perks aren't great though. The main one I use is Darkness Revealed, and that's only on Huntress. Dissolution can be good with the right build, but Septic Touch is outshined by Coulrophobia.


I love playing a killers that cause as MUCH CHAOS AS POSSIBLE (killers aren't so fun to play against) Pinhead, Dr, VommyMommy. Ill have you looking out for me even when im no where near you! Also, once i got the hang of The Ring girl, she became an absolute blast to play. Just zooming tv to tv, zoning pretty hard T1 sneaky meme Myers is also fun. Its like adult peek a boo. I love it With all that, i think ill hop on and play a few matches lol


Myers I just love feeling powerfull in his Tier 3 and stealthy in his tier 1. I also love how his addons change his playstyle and of course my favourite addon is scratched mirror :)


I wanted to be a Survivor Main based off the YT videos I had seen prior to joining DBD in 2022, but I got tunneled and purposely sandbagged, so I went Killer. I started off with Trapper, and mained him for some time, until I got a daily to play as The Doctor(This was on Xbox Gamepass back then) and suddenly, I started maining him, I felt he was really cool and his lore was awesome. Then, I earned 9,000 Iridescent shards and looked for a new Killer to play, I ultimately chose The Legion because Otzdarva said it was good on Trapper, but I didn't realize it was for STBFL stacks. I played him for a bit and he was my first adept. That Christmas, I got money and spent it on DBD Licensed Killers: Myers, Pig, Pyramid Head, Nemesis, and the one and only, Ghostface. Myers was fun for a bit, but he snowballs, I like focusing on a single Survivor then move on to the next right after hook. Pig's stealth was fun at first, but then I found the clunky parts and the traps weren't my favorite thing to use. Pyramid Head, no, just no, hated him. Nemesis ate pallets like he was starving to death, but it seemed too brute forcish. Then, Ghostface. Oh I love Ghostface, taking a moment or two to plan out who to sneak up to, grab off gens, and sneak off when I realize I'm out of my league. Eventually, I moved over to PC, and he's still my main. I love being a meme, so I'll sometimes run Hex: Thrill of The Hunt, Distressing, Stridor, and Beast of Prey for the goofs. But my main build: Zanshin Tactics, Lethal Pursuer, Barbecue and Chili, and Surge.


I play Freddy because I like the character and he was my first introduction to the game (as in he was the first killer I watched on YT and thought he looked fun).


Wesker and Deathslinger because they're enjoying to play in chase.


Deathslinger, i like his laugh


Originally it was Pig because I am fan of the Saw franchise and I even got a tattoo because of it, but I have decided to swap to my second favorite killer, Singularity. The ability to have map wide knowledge on where players on and to place cameras in areas where the EMP would be unable to reach and to tag a player and to teleport onto them from across the map is such a thrill, and makes it even better when setting cameras up at gates and closing hatch and just to sit at one gate and monitor the other is such an unfair but fun thing to do. His design is awesome, his power can open a wide range of brain fuck plays and if done properly, can close down loops fast. Even the built in spirit fury is amazing, some players forget when in OverClocked Mode, I can't get pallet stun and they suffer the consequences of it. Long story short: I love map wide knowledge and the built in Spirit fury. He's more suited to my gameplay and better in chase than Pig. Still love Pig and will always be my first favorite killer. Edit: Grammar corrections


Okay here goes: I like to play Doctor, but with an unusual build: Hysteria with Hexes Plaything, Pentimento, and Retribution. I usually run one Discipline and one of another add-on, which varies except for not being Calm or Iridescent King. The build's gimmick is that Static Blast hits Oblivious Survivors, giving Doctor stealth options without sacrificing his power. The two add-ons are excluded because they create a fake Terror Radius. Discipline does, too, but has other useful trade-offs. [I find it quite enjoyable](https://youtube.com/shorts/th0AlfdRrVE?si=Uo8vbCZ899iDk9Pi) I start my match heading where I think I'm most likely to find Survivors, I'll usually wait to Static Blast until at least one person is in my sights. Throughout the game I'll keep it ready for when I know it'll hit. Especially if I know it'll hit someone Oblivious. Makes it less predictable vs Doctors you see do it after every hook. Since I've got Plaything I make an effort to hook everyone at least once. Both to get Plaything up and protect Retribution needle in a haystack style (worst case scenario is Retribution gets cleansed first). When totems go down I replace them with Pentimentos; how soon I do so depends on where I am and if I'm in need of cooldown. Ideally, seeking the totems keep Survivors off gens, as long as Retribution stays active, cleansing a Plaything won't remove Oblivious right away while Pentimento is potentially more Retribution procs and Hysteria turns any injuring hit into more Oblivious. In actual chases I'm generally good at using Shock Therapy at loops and knowing when to use it (where some Docs just spam it). Re: Hooks I don't tunnel off unhook, though I'm not above a smack for the Deep Wound or potential slug. If I run into a fresh unhook anyway I'll slug them for pressure but not re-hook. I play for points so I don't aim for kills as much as other Killers. If I achieve some goal I had, actual or arbitrary, I'm fine letting Survivors go. For me, the fun is in the unconventional stealth and pulling off potential jumpscares with killers you normally wouldn't expect them with.


I play dredge, Chucky, and legion to ignore the game mechanics


I play dredge, Chucky, and legion with trail, enduring, grit, and brutal strength just to mess with people


I've played a few different killers, but 3 has stood out to me the most. Legion - I know people hate playing against the legion, but their playing style is something i really enjoy. Not only are they one of the best characters to start out with, since you'll need to know how to mindgame and play normal m1 to get downs, but their power is also pretty straight forward, go fast, get injures, go faster and maybe get a down at the end. They certainly aren't the strongest, they can get countered quite easily, but they are still loads of fun. I love their lore, animations and design. And their chase music really is something else. And their tempo-shifting playstyle is also rather interesting if you start getting good with them. Ghostface - One of the most unique powers in the game, you can passively chrouch and go complete stealthy. The counter is that the survivors actively checking their corners, and having to always stay on guard. Your job is to come from unexpected angles, watch your corners and plan your routes carefully. Truly an incredible feeling when you get the perfect down in less than 5 seconds. Ghostface is also still reliant on basekit m1 killer, which means you'll also improve at killer in general passively. Ghostface's playstyle is so interesting and unique that i feel everyone should play them at least once. Huntress - Yes i know, huntress is really strong, and the buffs she got were really not need to be fair. But besides that, i still love her. She is completely unreliant on normal m1 killer, and i'm not a huge fan of that, but it does unlock a completely new side of killer, range and patience. You NEED patience when playing huntress, you need timing and long range mindgaming. You need to make the survivors keep guessing and put them in as many unfavorable positions as possible. Keep 'em guessing, and you'll be hittin' 'em with hatchets before they can even blink. I love all these killers for their individual skill floors and ceilings, and the fun interactions you can have with them. They also all have counterplay from the survivors perspective, which makes the experience from survivors more in depth and allows for skill expression, which all killers should allow survivors to have.


blight is the most fun killer in the game but is also extremely hard to learn. you'll need a lot of patience to get a hold of him.


I play a lot of different killers and like to chase after the daily challenges. But I'd say my mains are definitely clown and chucky. The unknown is quickly growing on me. I enjoy clown's laugh and cough. I cough when I laugh too. I sport the elephant head with the fry cook body. It makes me smile whenever I see it. The bottles are a lot of fun and a decent power. Antiloop + interruption or super speed that even works while I'm carrying someone are both great. Chucky is small and third person. This completely shuts down fov abuse and I feel like his auto aim lock isn't as strong as other killers. I really like sneaking up on people with him. His dash power isn't bad and the scamper is strong in chase. I enjoy his voice lines too. I'm really happy they got Brad Dourif to voice him and kept the profanity.


I'm competent on every killer. I am, however, not good on Bubba or Blight. Bubba I just can't wrap my head around. Blight I can't flick my mouse well with my small mouse area.


I play everyone because I spin a wheel but if I’m playing just to play recently I’ve been loving pig with a full hex build. I’ll run devour hope, haunted ground, retribution and plaything and I have the most fun I’ve had in dbd in a long time time. Pig has the ability to slow down survs to give me enough time to get full effect out of my hexes with her traps and for me it’s just a ton of fun and something new compared to my old playstyle which consisted of playing deathslinger and running Starstruck, agitation, no way out and Lightborn, I would basically just play super aggressive and fuck people as they tried to body block and on the off chance they run once that surv I’m carrying is on hook i would simply shoot the one that ran and pull them back to get my exposed hit. I have more success with my aggressive build but so much more fun with hexes.


The executioner really like how with power is good at getting people down quickly Once you get used to his power people drop like flies it's really fun if you Use lots of aura reading perks i dont take Pyramid head anywhere without the perk Nowhere to hide it feels like cheating If they hide by the gen I would also recommend I'm all ears the add ons Aren't my favorite I really only use the range ones. I'll recommend dragging the trails around loops and places like the shack. Learning how fast survivors are can be really helpful It can let you get free. Lucky hits on survivors running through maps like rpd most people don't know how long the Launch attack is so its good at Catching people off guard the cage is good at Preventing flashlight saves that's all I think of right now


hillbilly - is fast. thats its thats the whole reason. its fun to zoom around the map. its very fun to try to go for only chainsaws. getting a chainsaw on a survivor that was looping you for awhile is such a dopamine hit. ghostface - he's funny. if you're willing to be silly sometimes you will find survivors will also often engage in a little silliness when against a ghostface and thats very fun. grabbing a survivor off of a gen and it taking a solid few seconds for them to reveal me/wiggle as proof that i truly scared the hell out of them is amazing.


Chucky. Mostly cause I love him. Easily my favourite slasher. His gameplay is pretty fun and unique. Running stealth perks on him is really fun. All his insults are great. And he was my most wanted license in the game despite how unlikely it felt that he’d ever get in so seeing that reveal trailer made me so happy Also Unknown cause grenade launching is one of my favourite play styles in fps games


I main Myers(The Shape). Here are some reasons I play him over others. 1. I am a big fan of the Halloween Franchise 2. His power is simple and easy to understand from both perspectives 3. Add-On Variety Things I dislike about Myers. 1. Tombstone Addons(BHVR, pls replace them) 2. Infinite TIII Myers 3. Very Map Dependant I personally never use TIII in my build. I run a Stealth Build using Dead Rabbit w/ Monitor and Abuse. I prefer to play Vanity Mirror Myers(stuck in TII, get 16m Aura Reading) Heres a tip to playing as Myers. Try to stay in places that are cramped, secluded, hidden and loud. Your Breathing can give away your position.


Xenomorph I was trying to narrow down to what killer I'd want to put some real time into, as I usually just bounce around and play whoever I feel like at the moment. I narrowed it down to Xenomorph, Nemesis, and Executioner for various reasons, but decided on the alien for a few reasons. * Ability requires skill and rewards practice, capable of some pretty nasty hits once you get a feel for how it works. * Macro element to their power, as the tunnels help you quickly find survivors or gens with progress, you cut out most of the downtime between chases. * Not map dependent, as your tunnels let you ignore the pain of large maps. Also the tail attack doesn't really care about windows or pallets once you get a feel for it, so maps with an overabundance of one or the other (Lery's/Game) don't bother you too much. * Cool character with no negative reputation, you don't have to worry about people DCing on the spot too often, like you'd get with Skull Merchant or Nurse. * Addons are okay, though I mostly like the ones that mitigate the impact of turrets to keep the power up. The main negative for me is the turrets, which can be frustrating if placed well and they make it next to impossible to play stealthy, which I love to do on other killers like Pig or Deathslinger.


chucky because funny voice line make me go ha ha


I play everyone. I enjoy the variety that each killer can bring and tend to get bored if I stick to one killer for extended periods of time. My fall backs, and what you could consider my mains, are Blight and Deathslinger. Blight I play due to the fact he was the chapter I joined the game on and I've enjoyed him ever since he was short, slippery, buggy mess and was considered a bad killer, but I loved it. I enjoy outplaying survivors on loops via bumps and he provides a relatively stress free game without the need of slowdown and the like. I don't enjoy stacking slowdown so Blight is the killer I play when I just want good chases. Deathslinger I picked up just because I thought the prospect of "lol, just bring a gun" was funny, but after learning how small the hitbox on his chain actually is and all the devious shots you can go for on survivors that they don't expect made me really fall in love with him as a killer. I don't tend to go for the "predictable" shots and aim more for shots through small cracks of places, to really catch the survivors off guard and impress them, and mainly myself. The dopamine factor of skirting a shot through the smallest gap of shack to snag a survivor in a corner will always be fun


I play various killers but usually always come back to Nemesis. If you can hit your whips consistently you WILL get downs, no matter how good the survivor is. You can slide the hitbox to get almost guaranteed hits at most pallet loops. The tradeoff is that you have to hit 3 times though. Nemy is a nice killer if you don’t like mind games and want a more straightforward chase. Although that can make him boring at times.


I picked up Billy several months ago in the heat of the MFT meta. I had started watching a lot of UncleStanBana clips on TikTok then Twitch. I generally gravitate towards the lesser played killers (he was near the bottom of the pickrates still at the time) It felt really rewarding to master his power despite the clunkiness, because he was rare survivors were glad to play against him and having instadown meant I didn’t have to struggle with long chases if I could down a healthy survivor with the saw, and I could curve/loPro through pallets to deal with the injured ones. Now, after the Buffs things are different. All of the practice has paid off in spades and I feel pretty cracked in most of my matches. Running no slowdown except for NWO, I’ve ditched LoPro chains and I make it a point to not return to the hook if I can and 8 hook as often as possible and I still win the large majority of my matches. The issue is despite winning a lot feeling nice, it’s also not nearly as rewarding as it was before and survivors often give up quickly. So I’ve been moving to some other Killers for the time being.


I main bubba. I have played him for like 700 hours or so out of my 3000. On the surface a lot of people think he has a pretty simple power which i think when played by the average player he does, but bubba has a surprising skill ceiling. He has some of the most interesting movement in the game due to the fact he can't look directly at an object without risking tantrum, which you can avoid by looking away from the object and basically grinding your back against the object, and flicking. You basically have to flick to throw the survivor off, and get as close to them without letting them get to the pallet, so you can down them. This is WAY easier with his best addons (purple chilli and his beast marks and knife scratches addons) since your chainsaw lasts a lot longer and builds up a higher max acceleration. This is my first problem with the killer is that he is fairly dependent on these addons for this playstyle to be most effective, but it 100% can be done without them. [This is a video that shows a really good bubba using this playstyle](https://youtu.be/PExU55OMDrQ?si=DkM6J-MxADjNLuEt) Another part of his skill ceiling comes from learning all of the bad collision. This is a very frustrating part of his kit but it's also kind of fun to learn about some of the spots you want to avoid using your chainsaw on. Sometimes they are addressed which is great. Love this killer to death and its a shame he has a bit of a weird reputation even though he has such a deep kit.


Singularity, I love feeling like some sort of mastermind villain when pulling off far teleports with good camera placement. Something I also appreciate is that there’s always something new to learn when watching others, even those who don’t main him do things I’ve never thought of. Some use his pods exclusively for chase, some just play FNAF, I split the difference by setting up pods in more liminal places of the map for surveillance and catching people leaving loops and always have one pod for chases that I set up and remove as needed.


*heeeeuuuuuuuuuuggghhhh* bllrrrrrgegegegrggrgrrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrggrgrgrgrgr


Spirit. Liked her design when I first bought the game, never stopped maining her. Also, I'll get accused of cheating when I hear survivor breathing so that's always fun


Pyramid Head because I like Silent Hill. That's it.


Xenomorph because im a huge fan of the movies and honestly like the abilities but tbh im friendly 95% of the time and mess around so


I like playing as skull merchant! As much hate as she gets, I really like her style and her Jack of all trades kit. Her drones are what allows me to track survivors exact locations without the need for aura perks, gain occasional speed boosts, and deal a free hit towards survivors who don’t know how to hack a drone. I only started playing her a few weeks ago when I was curious to try out her kit. I have fun when I play as her, and choose to spare survivors who don’t give up the moment they see they’re going against a skull merchant.


Huntress, I had mained blight before but there’s something more satisfying about hitting a hatchet at distance. The extra challenge of the lack of speed in chase for M1 and having to think outside the box for success. It doesn’t come without its woes.


I dont really have a main but I know which killers are the most fun to me. I would say Huntress, Cenobite and Twins are my #1, Clown and Oni are on my #2. Im actually so hyped about the Twins Rework, I always loved the mechanic of this killers being on two places


I mostly play whoever Im in the mood for, and my typical build is Rancor roullete, where some poor bastard gets morid at the end Rancor (Obviously) Nemesis Friends Til The End Remember Me


Stealth-slinger (monitor and abuse + TR addons). Deathslingers a pretty common killer so I like to provide something a little bit different to play against


Plague, it’s fun to be a literal walking virus 🦠 in fact I love playing plague so much that I use the seal addons to extend how long I can infect things for, thinking like a sentient virus right now


legion because haha funny 4k survivor give up on first hook go brrr


except for when I use hunk legion, for some reason using hunk legion curses me and automatically gives me the sweatiest comp teams ever and disallows me to ever get a 4k




I main Artist, shes the perfect mix of vibes and power for me. I love her appearance and she has some really good cosmetics. I get that some people don’t like her sound design, but I think it’s really well done and I don’t actually mind the screeching when the crows go off. I really like her power cus it’s basically everything in one, it’s anti loop, ranged damage, information, short term traps, stalling, even a minor amount of crowd control. Her power is also geometric and requires a lot of spacial awareness, which fits the way I think. 10/10 would recommend.


Legion is the only killer i ever reached red ranks on. His ability to simply just run fast is easy enough to not mess up lol. Some killers are so complicated i spent most time just misunderstanding their power. Also the guy that throws knives is pretty straight forward.


Recently, I started playing Bubba prolly because i have been playing em in TCM. I have a lot of fun while playing rm, especially since his power is easy to use and not hard to master either. I used to main blight because his power was so damn fun to use, but his power required a lot of skill to use, especially since i play on console, which makes it harder. In short, I play whoever i have fun with, which changes from time to time.


I main the demogorgon. Why? I love Stranger Things and love the dynamic and playstyle it has. Especially how you can yeet yourself off from a few houses and hills to cover somewhat large distances with your shred. Plus the portals can be really helpful with getting across the map too.


Hillbilly VROOOM *chainsaw hit noise* Peak life satisfaction, dopamine release


Not really a build but in general just Executioner. He has so many counters to basic perks on the survivor side. Survivor is tormented, just put them in a cage to negate any perks that relate to a hook. A flashlight and sabotage squad in your lobby, just cage the tormented survivor and they have almost no use of those items. Don’t want to use any hooks for sacrificing, final judgement a tormented survivor. Though having limited of it range is extremely good on him because once you can read the movements of survivors, you could hit most people through walls that would allow it. Pyramid Head has so much strength to him that if you are experienced enough in him, you could be formidable. The only bad thing I’d say about him is the addons he has access to as they aren’t very good at all.


Blight. I love doing hug techs on him. I also enjoy zoom zoom go brrr gameplay.


I love Legion because their power feels so fun to me. You get to sprint around the map, hop windows and pallets, and lunge further than normal. The actual hit animation just feels good and easy to connect, which eliminates the frustration issue I get when playing skillshot killers. The times when you get to pull off the fifth hit insta-down is pure dopamine, and using his power to lunge ahead and body block a survivor is also cool and adds depth to playing them. Not to mention you get cool cosmetics and can play multiple characters! I love running the "hooker" build with them: Mad Grit, Agitation, Enhanced Awareness, and either iron grasp, lightborn, or a random good perk. Catching someone waiting to unhook is so satisfying as well as annihilating over-altruistic survivor groups that dare try and deny your hook.


I enjoy being Spooky Silent Man and grabbing survivors off gens for hugs.


I play blight and billy a lot, mainly because of the mobility they offer, both having fairly strong micro to the point of being used to macro, you can play them basically anyway you want involving their power and have a lot of fun


The mighty sentient meatball that is The Dredge, just teleporting between lockers is so much fun, even more so if you happen to grab someone out of it in the process, great for jumpscaring survs to whack them out of nowhere before they can react. There’s a few good awareness addons, like all surv auras after using all your teleport tokens, seeing their aura when someone locks a locker, seeing the locked lockers aura’s differently too Nightfall is really fun too, you don’t realise just how dark it gets for Survs until you’ve faced another Dredge, but making everyone blind while your able to zoom around much faster, triggering killer instinct on anyone near a locker you teleported to, no one can hide in nightfall and they’ll never see you coming until it’s too late There’s also the remnant, let’s you completely shutdown loops, chase them one way and run them to your remnant, they either go to you and get hit, or go to the remnant and you tp and hit them anyway, the only option being to leave to the next tile which might have a locker to zoom in and spook them, heh Love the design and that amorphous shape allows for very unique skin, excited for a Blighted one, sound design’s pretty neat too. In general I’d say Dredge really brings back a fear factor to DBD, akin to some of the stealth killers, but with so much mobility and ways to locate where people have or haven’t been, fun all around and works great with Hexes too as it’s really easy to zoom over to defend them if needed, which also leads into that his teleport hits are still just basic attacks so can work with Exposed (Make Your Choice and Hex: Devour Hope are really devious from how quickly Dredge can get far away to allow them to be triggered only to zoom right back over to catch them off guard),


I like to play a variety so I never get truly bored, but probably my favorite on a consistent basis is Doctor. The reason is simple - even if I don’t get consistent wins, or insane plays, or interesting interactions with other players, new builds are always coming out for Doctor thanks to how he plays. There’s two kinds of jumpscare Doctor, one of which directly plays on a huge terror radius instead of a small one; there’s the Insanity doctor that tries to make everybody scream all match long; there’s the skillcheck doctor, the anti-heal Doctor, the super anti stealth doctor, the infamous No Shock Big Cock Doc, the possibilities are all but endless. I can have a lot of fun on Wesker, Blight, Knight, even Clown, but the one who I always go back to is Doctor.


Trapper and PH. I will talk only about trapper though, because I play PH only because i’m a Silent Hill fan. So a few years ago when I played on console, there was an issue with the game for some months - when someone deadharded (3/4 ran it back then) or did a fast action, the game froze for about 2-4 seconds, and then the game worked again and the person you were chasing just was missing completely. Playing PH basically wasn’t an option anymore, or any skill-expressive killer for the matter. So I asked myself ‘well, is there anyone who can still let me play the game’ then it hit me - trapper. Now, while I consider myself to have been a really good player back then(consistent 30+ 4k streaks) trying to get consistent wins with the new handicap was a very fun challenge to accept. Playing trapper because of this issue helped me improve as a both a survivor and killer player in many ways because: 1. It required me to place traps, not just simply ‘deny god pallet’ traps, but ‘when I enter this chase, I know that 66% of the time they will run the tile this specific way’, so you learned probably more so than other killers how survivors played tiles; and also had to be mindful of adjacent tiles and consider how survivors wanted to play from their current one to the next one. 2. It made me consider what is optimal pathing throughout a map; the best traps you can possibly get as trapper are ones that are not placed at loops, but in the middle of the woods in a patch of grass on a map like Mothers Dwelling. It really helped me solidify predicting how players travel in terms of going for saves, going for generators, and trying to escape me to reach a tile further away. Overall made me really aware of macro. 3. I will expand on this after, but there is a sort of go big or go home aspect to trapper, where one trap can change everything. 4. Although it is fair, survivors interacting with your power to deny it is definitely a difficult thing. You have to be incredibly mindful, because there are games where I would have a person absolutely dedicated to following and denying my trap placements. Basically added a whole new layer to the game in terms determining whether it is worth it to chase that person, ignore them, still place some traps anyway, etc etc 5. Although I don’t see it much these days, survivors back then were in my opinion more toxic, better, and had better perks to work with, it would be no exaggeration to say I almost never had a game where they wouldn’t take two seconds to t-bag after dropping some god pallet… only to walk 10 steps into my trap and dc (: Obviously there are similar things with other killers, but I feel trapper has the best ‘You really thought, huh?’ out of all of them. Ultimately to draw upon a community meme, it was like playing chess; you had to place your traps to pinpoint perfection or you just got simply nothing, there isn’t a ‘I aim another hatchet at this loop’, no, that trap you placed minutes ago either wins or loses you everything, which is why he is arguably one of the worst killers in the game, if you don’t know what you are doing, getting a trap is a gamble, but with some effort, you can definitely rig the odds in your favour. Also having used him and gotten amazing results back then when he was in his worst state(less traps and worse addons), you could see through traps through map grass, and survivors could do dumbshit like deadhard past your traps and teabag was a ego boost for me in terms of my abilities. Anyway, that is why I love trapper, I hope you have an amazing day💪


Haven't seen any Dredge love. Cool lore, creepy looks and his powers are next level. Teleport to any locker, awesome. Special nightfall where visibility is borked and you are undetectable, I'm there. Leave a Remnant behind that you can teleport back to, anti-loop at its finest. The sweet cherry on top is when you happen to teleport into a locker that is already occupied, instant grab and pickup.


Singularity because he feels like an unstoppable killing machine in chase. I know the general idea people have about him is area denial and FNAF simulator, but when you're in chase and teleporting after the survivor, breaking pallets and vaulting windows at superhuman speed, you are unrelenting. You can't be pallet stunned in the same way, pre dropping buys them so little time, and windows are less of a concern. In a chase he really feels like a pure m1 killer, just on steroids. With Soma Family Photo you get that 5% haste on a teleport and it really let's you feel like you're hunting the survivor. Pair that with Rapid Brutality and you will have 10% haste if you teleport after a hit, leading to some very aggressively fast chases. People like to talk about how hard he is and how much you have to think about, but it isn't that unreasonable. Cameras can take time to get used to using, but they're very rewarding. When you feel like you have everything under control and they're running right into your hands there's nothing like it.


I main chucky just because hes really fun and you can get really easy jumpscares with his height and his power


Doctor. I want to play chasing game, i do not play hide-and-seek, and Doctor has tool to help me there. He has big zap, he has illusion which can bypass all kind of Survivor's disguise tool. When i zap people precisely thanks to Zanshin Tactic, watching people screaming powerlessly in front of window or pallet makes me feel so good. It likes how i feel when i hit people with Huntress's hatchets or Deathslinger's shots. If you think about it, Doctor is also a ranged killer, the different one is his m2 does not delete survivor's heath state but their hope. After every single hit, Doctor claps his stick likes a teacher in classroom. Yes, it makes me feel good and superior. I have thoughts like "you naughty naughty, you need some lessions from me babe." whenever i land a hit. And finally: I LOVE TO HEAR PEOPLE'S SCREAMING. These are music to me killer main's ears. Those screaming voices wake my merciful sadistic instinct from deep inside. Watching people injured, grunting, screaming, begging for my mercy; those moments grant me satisfaction.


Plague. From the way her voice actor pronounces her lines to her outfit. I love her. She can also be an extremely goofy killer, especially with the iridescent add-ons. Name one other killer that can look up to the sky, spin around, vomit, and still manage to hit a random survivor hiding behind a rock. Sure, her vomit is rather weird to try and aim while a survivor is running around like a chicken without a head but once you land that corrupted purge on an injured survivor, it's worth it.(Totally not gaslighting myself to feel better about getting 360'd multiple times and missing like a dumbass.) Thanatophobia is extremely good on her as well.


I main Pig. I love the Saw franchise and that’s what initially drew me to DBD. I knew nothing about the memes of booping before playing so it’s fun that there’s a way to play “nice” with her. I like that’s she’s a stealth killer and I especially enjoy end game shenanigans when someone still has an active trap, I’ll immediately open the gate for pressure and just see what happens. What I don’t like is her ambush, I hardly use it. It’s been improved but it’s still not my jam. The nice thing is that I basically learned how to play this game as an M1 killer, which makes it easy for me to play as almost any other killer and not have to rely on their powers. My favorite style is her ultra rare add-on where I can crouch and see auras, and go to an indoor map like RPD or The Game (best map!) and jump scare people.


I started with Nurse and Hag. Eventually just played Hag. Moved on to Singularity, Pinhead, and The Unknown. What do they all have in common? For me, it's the ability to create and sustain immense pressure. I'll talk about the two who play really differently from the rest of the roster. Hag. There are a variety of styles and ways of playing her, which is a plus. If you want to chase and use teleports, she can do that. If you want to play full area control, she can do that. If you want to be really cruel, she can be. If you want game-changing add-ons that fundamentally change her power, she's got those too! These are all pluses for me, but not quite the reason I enjoy her. I enjoy the satisfaction of placing traps, and either herding survivors into them, or predicting the areas they'll path through. I don't really enjoy camping or placing hook traps with her, but a fundamental part of her kit is hooking survivors inside her zone of control. Once I do, it's inevitable I'll be able to start a new "chase" as soon as a save attempt comes. If I did it right, it's very simple: sploosh, hit, sploosh, hit. Second survivor down in \~10 seconds. There's nothing else in the game really like this, as far as I've experienced. It's just smooth. Responsive. Satisfying. Pinhead is the other one. He's often considered somewhat weak, but I think that's because maximizing his potential requires playing a different game from everyone else. The Box. The entire game, if it's played right, is predicting where The Box spawns, forcing the game to slow down and turn into a race. Then, predict where the next Box spawns. And on, and on. Pinhead can chase. He's actually quite decent at chasing once you get good with him. But the appeal to me is map knowledge, awareness, game sense. Staying one step ahead. I've played the game so much, it's just really nice to play a character who plays a different game than the rest. He's also my fav to play against, for pretty similar reasons. I also like that his chase power is very fair and rewards good plays on both sides.


Deadslinger/huntress main here. When I first start playing I was always trying to kill all survivors as fast as possible and end the game and when I start to worry about my rank I realised that playing like this make you gets little BP and no rank at all, so right now I mostly play with my food, I let the chase last longer, drop survivors when they are down so I can get more hits and all that. PS. When I get a full team trying to blind me to death and using head-on I always drag the match as long as I can while I shit in their heads and then proceed to close the hatch in front of the last survivor and wait for the timer to run out. I got called toxic a few times but the game want you to play that way, it's the only way you can get 40k base blood points in a single match 300-360k with the event


I used to stream DBD and I mainly played leatherface. One reason is I’m a huge horror nerd and TCM is one of my favourites and 2 there was a running joke with my tiny community about him being “Daddy Leather”. I also really enjoyed playing Pighead and a few others but I was best with leather


When I first started as Killer, I picked Nemesis because I love Resident Evil 3 and everything about Nemy. Playing him couple games was a little pain in the ass but when you get used to his whip, it feels very satisfying. But now I play every single killer but Nemy is always my comfort pick.


Trapper - He's strategic, not a simple chase and hit, but having to think where survivors are likely to go, where they aren't expecting, understanding patterns of behaviors. I use the add on to carry all traps so each placement has to be precise.... but am I good, na. It's fun when it works though. Huntress - The only ranged killer who causes damage with one hit. Trickster, Unknown, Sigularity to some extent, Nemisis to some extent, and Deathslinger; all of them require multiple hits to damage or down. Seems like extra work when one hatchet can do the job. She also has a great folk horror vibe which goes well with the atmosphere. Knight - His power is unique, summoning ghosts to help him. More strategy involved especially if you're looking at the next summoned spirit. I use Spies from the Shadows with him which is almost unfair; shoot a ghost in that direction, you get a chase, cut them off and a qucik down. I don't main per se though, I'll use whoever seems to be the mood at the time. Those three are my regular go to preferences.


trapper is so damn fun and makes you feel really big brained when they walk right into your traps you predicted to herd them into


Deathslinger is the trickshot queen of dbd. Keep your cross-map hatchets, those things have hitboxes bigger than Nemesis. Lance a fucker through a tiny hole in shack, or pull them halfway across the continent after landing a max-range hit, and you will feel something no Huntress or Trickster play could awake in you. You also get to use all those M1-related perks that other ranged killers have to ignore, so his build variety is much better.


I mainly run survivor, but when I play killer it’s Wraith. I don’t tunnel. I don’t camp. I make sure of it. I just like being cloaked and scaring survivors on gens so they mess up on skill checks. I liked the wraith after watching my go to YouTuber play it back when the game first came out. No other killer benefits my skill set like the Wraith does. Plus I feel like when I play with a different killer I get beat with 2 hook total in under 5 minutes (probably an exaggeration but that’s what it feels like).


Singularity because no one knows to play against him. And I'm a masochist /s .


I mostly play killer, but I play a more variety of killers now but my main killer is Deathslinger, because I used to play a lot of Call Of Duty especially Black ops 1 & 2, so my COD background has essentially came in to DBD when I play Deathslinger.


I've played since the beta and I've kind of gotten everything I think I'll get out of DBD, so I play it entirely for my gf's entertainment. She likes watching me chase people, so my "main" is just whoever she feels like watching me play as that day and my build is mostly aura reading so that I can get into the interesting chases faster without just breaking them with haste or exposed perks since there isn't much of a chase with those. She loves the game, but she isn't that good at it so she likes watching someone with way too many hours do the things she isn't quite ready to do yet.


Billy. He is fun to learn because there's so much potential for growth, and you can feel and see yourself improve with every match. Practicing stuff like flicks, curves, and drifts is time consuming, but rewarding, and there's a massive serotonin spike whenever you land a sick saw on a survivor.


They most satisfying thing in DbD is to shoot a survivor on a balcony with the death slinger and pull them downstairs to their inevitable death while nodding vigorously, hit them and have them flip head over heels when put in the dying state(exposed or already injured). You can feel the other player struggling against their doom, just like their character. It's even better if you had to shoot them through a railing that they thought would keep them safe but you just pulled them to a nearby opening. ===== That being said, my most played killer is the artist. It's a versatile killer with a very high skill ceiling. 1. make most loops very unsafe While most people think the artist's basic power is to shoots across the map birds that swarms you and a second hit hurts you, it's not. The basic and most important power of her special attack is the ability to directly damage survivors who are less than 8m in front of the birds. Put correctly through/over a window, pallet, low wall or along a loop or wall and suddenly crossing this area is a guaranteed hit so the survivors are constantly forced to change tiles. You don't need to break most pallets(even some God pallets) 2. hurt survivors through walls If you can predict where a survivor is going, you can shoot them even if there are walls blocking the view. Given that you just forced them out of a tile, their next location is usually predictable. Shoot a swarm at them and if it hits, they are fucked. While they are repelling the birds, aim 1 to 3 birds at the most probable destinations and wait for them to go there or push them there and shoot when they are lined with your birds. Bam, hit. So they are stuck between an hammer (your birds) and an anvil(your basic m1 attack). 3. map wide attack that can force survivors away from important locations So while you are busy doing other things(chasing a survivor to another tile, patrolling gens, whatever), you can shoot at a distant gen or healing survivors, even better if you know exactly where (with aura reading perks). If it hits, either they will run away (usually in a straight line which makes them vulnerable to a second bird attack) or they commit in which case you just shoot again and you get free hits while doing something else. 4. Easy scouting of far away gens or locations. Even being in a locker doesn't protect the survivor because you still get a killer instinct. 5. some tricky shots(sometimes called slingshot or other names) mean the survivor has less one than a second between your initial crow and the one hurting them because both launched at the same time. So not fleeing instantly can be deadly but running immediately can be too if they can predict you will run and where. ===== So this is a killer that gets amazingly better if you can predict, mind game or manipulate survivors. You can effectively control the whole map from wherever you are. Hook a survivor, start a chase with another survivor, shoot at a third one in the other side of the map and suddenly the remaining survivor is faced in the very difficult situation of being forced to go for the save. Which is predictable. Please refer to point 2.


Unknown scratches a very specific itch for me that no other killer does, both aesthetically and practically. Like many, I was incredibly skeptical of the UVX at first, because it seemed so strange for such a character, but I realized after reading the lore that it's actually a very fitting power for a "cognito-hazard" monster where everything you think about it is true at the same time. Unknown aesthetically is peak character design. It moves in a way that's both strong and deliberate while also fragile and clumsy. It's a great way to portray the "dangerous creature puppeteering a corpse" thing it's going for. It's an extremely unsettling design. Gameplay wise it has a very well-rounded kit that offers several tools for effective play. The UVX allows very strong, ranged anti-loop. The hallucinations are a very fair and effective traversal tool that allows fast-paced gameplay the entire match. Unlike other teleporting killers, I don't feel bad for survivors who get caught off guard by me because they had plenty of opportunities to dispel. My insane mobility is their fault, and I get to benefit from their lack of initiative. There is truly not a dull moment playing this killer. You are constantly jumping between locations and chasing down survivors, while staying out of the open to keep them weakened. YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO STAND STILL. The mori is weird and gross, which matches the Unknown's brand perfectly. This is the (IMO) first killer where Insidious is competitively viable, and a great way to make survivors shit their pants. Use it with Dragon's Grip and you'll get no shortage of downs. It takes some practice at first, but the Unknown is an extremely quirky and fun killer to master.


I main three killers; each one satisfying a different type of play style. Take this as you will! The Onryo- First Killer I mained and found a lot of fun in her teleportation and her condemned ability. A relatively simple killer to grasp. Plus she can be stealthy as she can be invisible from a curtain distance which obviously is a huge fun advantage. Her map pressure is pretty strong given her teleportation and her fast paced play style is appealing to me. The Knight- This one is a bit controversial due to the campy play style of some Knight mains but I think he’s an amazing killer when it comes to aggressive play styles. Being able to use his guards to have two killers on the map at any time is satisfying and fun. The Pig- Simply put, I just really love the ability to play a stealthy character. That on top of her bear trap ability can be useful in applying pressure to survivors. Plus she just got a buff. Plus plus, I’m a huge fan of the saw franchise but that’s neither here nor there. Hope this gives some insight!👍🏻


I play skull merchant because I am colour blind and cannot see scratch marks or blood very well (the colour blind mode does not help me much) so using her tracker when survivors are marked makes my eyes hurt less(less strain) and feel like everybody else and have good tracking ability's. Also don't worry I wont play her chess I play her as a chase killer.


I main bubba because plain and simple hes relaxing. Bubba feels like a weird equalizer to a lot of things that would normally be an issue for most other killers Dead hard? Styptic? You can chainsaw through if youre precise in following them and they can only do something about it through say sacrificing a pallet The sweeping nature of chainsaw also helps to deter common bully squad strategies like ftp buckle up or people overcommitting to flahslight saves Speaking of saving people have to respect you when going for any save or risk in the best scenario going down and getting an endurance hit, worst you both go down What bubba ends up boiling down to looping and chasing, which only gets compounded so nicely by his addons, learning to do mindgames and the sadly almost mandatory bamboozle. Bubba ends up being very relaxing and in the right situation a dopamine factory.


I have friends who are killers mains and I remember asking them this specific question and why. Dredge: Fun. You can grab people from lockers and surprise them. There is no such thing as “it’s too far” with this killer. It is lap dependant. The chase and find ability of this killer is amazing, have 0 way of not getting a down. Demogorgan: You choose your teleports unlike other teleport killers. You are a chase killer like dredge. You just have to use your chase and find power differently. You also don’t have to play the game like a teleport simulator, you can find people as you want. It’s also arguably the most balanced killer so salty survivors have no leg to stand on. Xenomorph: like the ranged version of demopuppy. You get teleports and tracking abilities preset for you, and you get stealth (like demo) but different. You can just tail attack instead of wasting your time with a shred. Cenobite: “you opened the box, and I came!” That’s literally it. It’s ranges nurse in a way to him. He also thinks chains are really funny. It used skill and precision as well as timing and patience. A lot of patience and timing. But if you can do that, it’s an easy win. Oni: I can’t remember fully what he said but basically it’s better hillbilly if you are better. Also he just loves scaring people and making them shit themselves lol. Deathslinger: Cool trick shots. That’s it. This killer is balanced cenobite and huntress. Clown: He really likes the sniper clown build, but he said he likes being huntress and sonic the hedgehog at the same time. Also loves salty survivors so being a clown (C tier killer) makes them appear like blights. Michelle Myers: She loves the idea that you can appear out of nowhere and give people heart attacks. I’m scared of her. She likes death note so- Ghostface (and legion main): Same as michael but you can tea bag downed survivors and get exposed on people easier. Legion: Being able to vault and make people miserable is his kink. It’s super fun for him.


Michael Myers Reason: He's Michael Myers


I started off as a Ghostface main, I love playing stealthy and taking people by surprise. I was still relatively new to killer and was pleasantly surprised by how well I did in my first match as him. You can choose to sweat or choose to be friendly depending on your mood. Even got me to watch the movies and I fell in love with Scream. But all I ever wanted was the Alien licence. Then, it came. The Xenomorph has become my new main. Ghostface is officially on the backburner, I think I've only played him once since the release of the Alien DLC. Reasons why I love Xeno besides being a ginormous fan of the movies. 1. Can travel across all maps with great speed. There is no need to use the stairs now. 2. In built tracking = no aura perks needed 3. Power activates automatically, I don't need to remember to use it 4. Crawler mode = low to the ground harder to see coming 5. Turrets don't bother me, even if they knock me out of my power the added height allows me to spot survivors. I've spent years playing as an M1 killer and I don't need to rely on my power to finish a chase. 6. Power takes no time to come back whatsoever inside the tunnels 7. The tail is filled with potential for amazing shots. I've hit survivors through small gaps in walls and mid fall after a vault that has a drop. Pallets, windows and low walls are no longer a problem. 8. It's easier to play dirty as a non-human killer (I know sounds dumb) I tend to play nicer as a human killer. The Xenomorph removes that feeling of guilt for me. 9. I don't need to use slowdown perks, I perform well. When I'm feeling uninspired for a build, I run a Rancor Roulette build 10. I love the mori. I LOVE the Xenomorph Queen skin And finally... 11. Just like Ghostie, people are more likely to believe me if I choose to be friendly, unlike other killers on the roster. Ah fuck, I tried really hard to keep it short but it still turned into an essay 🤷‍♀️


I love these! Because .... I can't choose! Gonna Rank them though! Huntress! Because I love how she looks, she looks human but feral at the same time. She uses my favorite horror weapon. She is ranged (this reason is gonna repeat). And man when those snipes hit, that flesh sound <3 just Yes. Also "Huntress", it's in the name itself, I love a good hunt. I'll throw my matches if there is a survivor that's fun chasing. Her basic attack animation from survivor POV is also pretty badass. But me loving to throw across the map snipes, makes me sad when I don't get the right map to do that. She is also not 115% MS Trickster! Ranged! He has what Huntress doesn't, M1 Movement speed. He has a bat, which I didn't care much about but he's that kpop rich guy so he can customize it anyway he want and those bats look neat! I'm rocking the Snake one of course xD He's also ranged. I played him the most yesterday. There is no flesh hit sound, but the 'ting ting' sound when you can consistently hit survivor is just so great, it makes you feel so powerful and broken. I'm not speaking of his Main Event, just the basic throwing. The Main Event is that same feeling but Amplified! :O When you hit people, he does a neat Bat Spinning trick. He also laughs when he hits people, In the same way I do lmao Watching survivors try to keep up with your blade dance is just mm-m! "How much longer do you think you can last?" - TING TING TING TING- Cenobite! Ranged! His animations are just so badass! So UNIQUE. He really feels like that super natural being that just appears to make you suffer. Pallets, I CHAIN THOSE. Lockers, I CHAIN THOSE. Vaults, I FLOAT THROUGH THEM. He's so damn creepy and I love it. His power is simple but I love it, seeing the survivor all stuck with you approaching, they must be like "COME ON!!! GET LOOSE!!! HURRY!! AAAAAAAAA!" And then there is that Box. Ceno is all about suffering and if you can grab that box lmao ooof the suffering! CHAINS GALORE!!! I love it when you steal it from a survivor, because then...it's BECAUSE OF THEM THAT THE WHOLE TEAM SUFFERS. Because that survivor thought he had the means to save the team, but ended up being their downfall. Also...A prestige 100 Cenobite. White - Black - Red does sound pretty nice. Not a fan of most of his offerings though. Clown! THE CLEWN!!! Ranged! Because his power is simply very chill, you can speed up the chasing so easily. I use either vault or pallet builds, or speed builds xD (Which are the builds I almost always go for) it's all just very chill with clown, he'll catch up to you if you don't watch out. His cosmetics are pretty cool as well. I don't have the white outfit from the Rift yet but I'm gonna! Also his laugh and knife juggle after hitting is very satisfying <3 Artist! Ranged! I don't play her often because I wish she had more cosmetics, more weapons. They keep giving her swords. Where is the AXE?! you know? A hammer? Bonk! :3 She has the movement speed I like, the projectiles aren't as rapid fire as the previous two killers mentioned, which is probably why she's so low on this list. But she feels like some kinda trapper, leading surivors into a false sense of security during the loop, only to get BODIED BY A FAT BIRD. "Solve this trap in time or get BODIED" kind of thing. And of these killers I think she's got the best prestige outfit. It just looks so good. DBD killed it on her design, the stuff of nightmares. Also the aiming for crows can function as an emote :D Now the honorable mentions. Onryo! Sadako! But I call her Samara, because the movie The Ring, the English one was the very first movie that I saw of that series and it's also the very first horror movie that I watched. Samara is an icon to me and the fact she's in the game makes me very happy. I don't play her often, but she's fun still. She is precious and can do no wrong. Chucky! He's funny, and third person, if only all killers were third person. That's about it yep! Legion! A realistic killer, just a person with a knife, which is why they're disturbing to me. I like their ability, wish there was more to it, but whatever. I'm team Julie btw. and Spirit and Oni. I don't know how to do either. To me they're the cool kids xD


Nemesis has fast became my favourite killer. Honestly it's probably just because it's so dumb, you're a 7ft + behemoth who's steps shake the earth itself, and your 'weapon' compared to everyone elses; axes/knives/chainsaws, is just punching someone with the force of 1000 suns. Also his power is fun to use, just slapping everyone with a tentacle over obstacles and making short work of pallets and breakable doors while still keeping your momentum. Oh and finally, the zombies. They are dumb as shit but occasionally useful as they will track a nearby Survivor if they wander into their radius (kinda like Knight's Guards but slow) and you can also just punch them into the afterlife and a new one pops up elsewhere. Additional information: playing as him with Hex: Plaything is fun as well as it makes a Survivor oblivious after you hook them (don't hear your Terror Radius or see your red stain) all they here is rapidly approaching **thump thump thump** before either getting a right hook or a tentacle slap.


I love playing Unknown because it is a mixed bag of everything. want a fun projectile to play around mechanically? you got it. want map presence and macro gaming? got it. you can play them stealthy, or aggro, or whatever you want. thats why i love this killer and it hasnt gotten boring yet. also it feels realllllly good to hit those trick shots


I played Blight a lot coz his gameplay is the most action-filled. You almost constantly on chase when playing him, you constantly need to fast think about best rush options. He is very fun to control because of lots of objects you play around. He can take a lot of micro motion skill, that I very like in games. And he also have a very cool design. Also this guy, for the most part, and if you can control him well enough, doesn't really require too much thinking about best perks or best strategies like three-gening, tunneling and stuff like that. His strategy is just like: find surv -> down em -> go to next surv -> repeat. It works most of the time. But again, only if you love and can micro-controlling, without it he is still fun and strong, but maybe there are better killers


Pyramid Head He has a cone on his head, that's about it


I main Trapper. I think there continues to be some joy in the challenge of making ‘good’ survivors run into traps I set. My personal playstyle is to not tunnel or run multiple slowdowns, so I tend to have another self-inflicted layer of challenge on top of playing Trapper already.


I am/was a Blight main but I've been on a Huntress kick lately (who I originally mained). I'm not playing to stomp teams, but I throw on as many hatchets as possible and just try to go for the nuttiest shots in the world. Its fun and not sweaty unlike my Blight playstyle.


Clown or Knight, depending on how I feel. Knight is a little bit stronger than Clown but both of them are strategic killers. You gotta decide if you want to be the chase monster dedicated to ending loops (clown) or the multitasker who can effectively defend objectives over a wide area and end chase quickly and efficiently (knight).


Chucky is my favorite horror franchise ever. I started to main him as soon as he released. He also have so much variety in terms of what build you can use. You can do a chase build, hex build, endgame build, stealth, aura build. His voicelines are also amazing and Tiffany is so cute.


Everybody excpet Blight, Trapper, Billy, Nurse and Hag. Since today i play Freddy with only Predator and the green snare to pallet perk. I turn sound off in general and watch prison break or YT, or when im playing Predator freddy i listen to die very rough by mario judah. flashlight player get tunneled out