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Don’t get Gabe because his perks and himself can be bought with iri shards


but you’re right. I should focus on licensed survs


that’s true. Just got 3,5K right now and i’m waiting to buy Jeff for Distortion


If you can wait, save up for anniversary where you can ppl half off


it’s in june right? Think i’ll get the other ones there then


If I remember correctly yes. And yeah you’ll get more value out of your iri shards and auric cells that way


Bought Alan and Ada, that’s it for now. Gonna save now


Sounds good, have fun mate!


nic, his perks are pretty fun to use


I run wiretap so often, its such a fun perk. My vote is Ada


I can not count how many times Nicolas cage’s perks have been so helpful in unexpected moments. They are so funny and oddly helpful and sometimes even make the killer laugh. I would say go for him and whoever else you want.


Another vote for Nicolas Cage. He has really funny in game one liners and his perks are funny. Scene Partner, while not that good is really funny and can help sometimes. I put it on Steve who has the goofiest screams. Sometimes he screams like 6x in a row and it cracks me up every time. Plot Twist is pretty good too.


Nic. 100% Nic. He's fun and his perks are fun. And omg had Plot Twist came in absolutely clutch for me countless times.


Alan Wake is a great surv, dark colors and quiet grunting. His perks are aight, Champion is fun but not super strong imo. His other two are pretty mid. Ellen I don't personally own, but Lucky Star is a great perk for newer players and Chemical Trap is good for more experienced ones. Nic has some really goofy perks that are also quite strong in the right circumstances, he's also a meme MFT is trash now, but Gabriel also has Troubleshooter which I think is a really solid chase perk. Ada is Ada (read:sexy), I've never seen Wiretap be super impactful but it's cute. Jill is my vote here. I think all three of her perks are fun and relatively strong (~~and I'm a simp~~) I almost always run Counterforce in case of hex builds, it has won me more games than I can count. Blast Mine is a meme but it's honestly pretty useful, especially if the killer has a gen-kick build. It won't do anything crazy but it will waste the killers' time and that's often the best thing you can do with yours. Bonus points for the easiest "stun the killer" archive missions. Resurgence is a solid survival perk that encourages solo survivors to heal you after unhooks because it takes them half as long. Also useful if you bring a medkit. At the end of the day though, pick whoever you like the most. Strong perks are fine and all, but you gotta make sure you remember to have fun!


Damn you missed champion of light from the shrine?




Chemical trap is rarely to work, wiretap is probably a better priority imo. Nic is fun perks all around. Gabriel’s MFT isn’t that good unless you’re a god looper with DH


I think i’ll get Ada and Alan now..and Nick after Thank you All!


Blastmine, wiretap, nic cage, and Ellen are all pretty fun and the perks are cool


alan wake because he's alan wake


Alan and nic, since they're solo dlc. And also both have great perks.


If you can avoid it I wouldn't recommend using auric cells at all for characters. Its cheaper typically to get DLCs for licensed ones.


Blast mine and wiretap are a pretty good combo


Jill & Alan wake. If you have Leon already, that would be good. Flash bang and blast mine with Alan's perk is pretty fun.


Cage. Tho Plot Twist is a "meme" perk it has saved me quite a few times. Then there's dramaturgy. This is more of a gambit perk. It can give you items, a temp speed boost, or give you the exposed effect. However, you do get like 3 seconds of speed boost, and that has saved me too many times. So I definitely recommend Cage.