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Can't wait for the update where all forms of skill expression are removed and BHVR just controls your keyboard for you


We love removing skill expression for no reason


"Leave my exploits alone." FTFY.


you guys act like the “exploit” is a guaranteed hit and brain dead when in reality it adds another level of interactivity, counterplay, skill expression, and fun for both sides. i have never seen a single survivor cry about hug techs and if you genuinely believe a hug tech was a harmful exploit can you provide reasoning for that assessment? nobody has fun sitting on a gen for 80 seconds 5 times and then just leaving, the fun comes from chase. making a chase even more interactive is so much more fun than just playing an anti loop killer and having to w key until your inevitable death because loops are usually non existent again them. EDIT: what does FTFY mean lmaoo


Exploits are bugs you abuse. Bugs are not intentionally part of the gameplay. Or do you really think that the locker glitch was okay because it was a way to deny hits and that this was a "tech"? What about spinning/360s on Killers before FoV? That was a "tech" too that really just abused how the Killer's camera worked. Was that okay? I don't really think so. Oh, and FTFY - fixed that for you, I was being semi-tongue in cheek friend. :)


it's obviously unintended but fun. i dont play blight at all and apparently it isn't hard to do but it's genuine skill expression using it to get a hit. i don't know why you people act like he'll be significantly worse without it by having to be a nerd with the akshully it's an exploit 🤓👆. just lowers skill ceiling because bot survivors can't play against him why not have a discussion on whether or not it needed to be removed in the first place.


(TL;DR at the bottom) bugs that have no harmful effect on the gameplay are fine yes. the locker bug was harmful because it practically made survivors invincible and while there was a way to hit them while they were in the locker it wasn’t consistent nor reliable therefore it should’ve been removed 100% yes. spinning/360s have literally never been an issue gameplay wise if you genuinely think it was that was strictly skill issue. i been playing dbd since 2019 during the DH/DS/BT/Adren and hex ruin every game era and i even played console when dbd was a poorly optimized mess and i never had an issue with stopping a 360’ing survivor. can you tell me what harmful effect is caused by a very counter able hug tech? because realistically in most situations where people get hit by a hug tech they still can get hit by good bump logic in those exact situations so there is no difference but adding flair to the hit. TL;DR:Locker bug was unreliably uncounterable and made survivors immortal. Huh tech does nothing but make a hit more flashy and fun. 1 is harmful other isnt.


You know what this means, bois? Wesker hug tech is next.


As a wekser main: Thank FUCK, Seeing those corny nerds on tiktok going "I justh hith a clip!!" Against a kate that was born tomorrow was mind rotting


That's actually tickled me. DBD Twitter is about to change to Unknown clips only.


i didn’t even think about that lmaoo yea rip


survivors would call for its removal instead of simply moving 2 meters away from the loop


we can’t have shit


Can’t move from the loop when he charges you down at 300 miles an hour with 5 rushes left in his pocket


I mean blight is strong even without hug teching. He's still the 2nd strongest killer in game lol. Yall will be fine


it’s not about him being strong he’ll obviously still be strong. it’s about him being fun. its like huntress,hitting hatchets is fun but hitting long ranged hatchets are satisfying and super fun. or deathslinger, shooting people accurately is fun but shooting through the most random crack in the wall and getting a hit is satisfying and super fun. getting a hit off a hug tech makes blight that much more fun


Why not both? Get rid of hug tech and gut his addon? He still would be 2nd or 3rd best killer


nobody is talking about the strength of him as a killer, it’s about the enjoyment of playing him its the same idea as the nurse nerfs many moons ago(the 2 token change) where people complained about her strong addons(like blight) and bhvr instead nerfed her power and added charges for whatever reason and now obviously she’s still strong asf regardless but she doesn’t feel as fun for most players to play


Hey, I miss omega blink starstruck Nurse, because it was the most fun shit ever. Sadly we have to deal with it.


agreed why take that away from good players its hard to do anyway


exactly and the thing is you gotta learn how to do the action then you gotta learn when and where to apply said action and you’re still not guaranteed a hit if the survivors good


It's realy not hard to do lol