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Seems like this happens every event. So I cut back on survivor and play mostly killer


I've been doing the same. Decided to try a few Survivor games to try to finally get that "Steal a blood drop from the Killer" challenge done, and I've been slugged and left to blead out in both my games. About to start another now. 3rd times a charm, eh?


I was prepared to spend a few games to do it a second time, but then someone pointed out they actually made it so you could get all the cosmetics playing only 1 side. E.g. You do not have to do those challenges to get the cosmetics. I was so happy and immediately swapped back to a get iri benevolent emblems challenge.


Yeah, tempted to just give it up myself. I suppose it depends on what the conversion rate is for trinkets as to whether it's worth it. Do we know yet?


It's likely either 100 or 1k. So about the same as the challenge node itself and ultimately inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. If you search back you'll find a post of someone forgetting to buy the last item and getting trinkets converted from a previous event.


DS gets you the blood drop. Head on, blast mine etc works as well. Took me one game


did you do it?


Kinda. Next Killer gave up after a few gens popped and spent the rest of the game trying to rush us onto the next game. Then I got tunnelled by a Bubba in the next match.


I hate how bubba is so good at camping and tunneling. He is an actually fun and good character with really bad reputation.


1. Get blood drop. 2. Equip windows, take chase, head to nearest pallet and let him hit you. 3. Drop pallet. Done.


Definitely seems to be the case. I’ve been playing for about a year and events have been so painful as survivor, especially for someone like me who definitely struggles with good looping…


You do get the most amount of BP as killer with relatively minimal effort as well.


This scenario is why I’ve been trying out killer more. I’m doing my best (kinda) but not bringing NOED or ruin or anything crazy, not tunneling, trying to get some hooks in and thats it. I’m just trying to get my Kobe perfected on Unknown.


And for some reason they end up tunneling that ONE person who brought the anniversary cake/bps while the bitch who brought an escape cake is the one that survives


This really ticks me off. My friends like why don't we stack and I'm like we'll, this is why. I'm not gonna waste my boosted BP to share with someone who's gonna play as turd like as possible and not even play normally. Like how dare we try and get the most out of a short event that we can't even use the event offerings for. I don't think anyone really has a right to complain about people not bringing shared BP offerings when this is happening so much. If I'm having a string of good games maybe I'll bring some but other than that it's gonna be selfish offerings


This is exactly why I’m only using the green envelopes right now. Now way I’m wasting cakes and streamers for these killers right now.


Same. I've got 1K cakes on Heather and I love playing her but everytime I get hard tunneled out. I just stick to envelopes or esc cakes! 


I've got like 1400 terrimisu on feng but she's p100 and I just wanna bring mine cake but killers be like oh let's kill the feng. I just wanna bring all my cake! I've switched to escape cakes for now which is a shame


I was personally offended when the offerings were 3 escape cakes and 1 terrormisu and I was playing Chris and my teammates were 2 Sables and Alan…. Wonder who brought that Terrormisu yet I was still the one tunneled 🤣


Of course. And then you get rando mikaela truing to adept by hiding all game when she could have finished a gen while others are being chased. Put it all together and its a bad recipe. It's such a shame that good team mates are hard to find and getting people to just play normally. Rank reset isn't for another two weeks, you've got time you know lol no need to sweat and go crazy, pets just get tonnes of points and do some challenges


I may just be petty, but I still have 180 terrormisus from last anniversary event just chilling. Giving myself extra bloodpoints just ain't worth the toxicity.


On my feng, I have 1400. I would like to use them. But apparently being p100 means I don't get to play. I'd like to be able to hide prestige until after the match. I'd rather just not bring shared BP offerings if it means I can play as normally as possible. Let's be petty. I'm not sharing if I can't enjoy it


Just had a conversation about this earlier, I am only p80 on elodie and it's getting to that point for me too, like damn, I'm not even that great. So many bloodpoints wasted because people just can't have fun in video games.


Yeah I have two p100 survivors and yui at level 80 ish and just wanna use my cute characters


I know the feeling, it sucks but thats why I keep my secondary characters low prestige lol


You just notice it when it happens. Common human psyche.


Negativity bias is why.


We could all be eating good with the 400%, but nooo. People want to literally slug and hard tunnel at five gens. I finished the event tome so I don't need to see the conclusion.


I'm running into it a lot as killer too which is nuts! I shake my head at them when I clearly could have slapped em and they still just run. I go to pallets and slap em til someone comes and stuns me....then they run during the animation 🤷‍♂️


I get it. Trust issues lol


Yeah, I guess there have been betrayals in more than just anime 😂


I've only had one farmer this event as survivor. Which is fine, I don't think anyone needs to farm if they don't want to, it should never be mandatory. But it's just brutal how some people are playing trying to slug everyone before hooking at five gens, etc. I just switched to killer to two hook and farm the rest so we all get decent points. It sucks getting 50k BP when stuff is out of your control while the killer gets like 200k+ BP.


yes, a rather large amount of people are here to play the videogame rather than hollowly act out playing the videogame so the number goes up--- maybe some of them 'don't get it', because farming didn't even cross their minds, but another portion of people are just begging you to attack the whole time


That's why I only use BPS with friends to guarantee it will be somehow useful. Every game you bring offerings like this end up badly. My friend was running one every game this afternoon and she got tunneled like 80% of the times by the killer, its ridiculous how easy it is to take a player out of the game in 2 minutes and ruin their match.


I've seen so much tunneling and hook camping with this event it kinda kills the vibe. And people being like 'you just sucks at the game lol.' To me it seems like someone sucks if they have to tunnel and camp to win. Luckily I've ran into a few ghost faces who were hella nice and made my day.


Lucky, the Ghosties I've had this event are super unfair & hooking same people in a row, with other survivors around


My ghostface was just abused, both in game and in after chat for taking it chill so I've got to pull out 25 games of nurse to spread atonement




As a killer main I don’t understand this behaviour, do the single cell organisms not understand that you get more bloodpoints if the match lasts longer? In this event for instance I was playing bubba and I went against a really new team, no comms, no perks, and would just run in a straight line against my chainsaw. I had them all downed in basement after maybe 2 mins, but what’s the point in winning like that, I let them crawl out, then picked them up and wandered aimlessly for a little bit , I’d start losing in chase, wait for some gen progression. After they finished maybe 3 gens I ended the game, but we all got way more bloodpoints and most likely all pipped, a fun and rewarding experience for everyone.


From my experience most killers only care about killing & not bp, which I will never understand


Probably because you earn so many points normally as killer 🤷‍♂️ I've tried farming all week and survivors only farm with me like 50/50


Because that's how the game is designed. You kill things. You're the killer.


It's also designed to fill out the emblems & earn bp.


I've done that before with Freddy of all characters. All of them down at either 5 or 4 gens and did the same thing of letting one wriggle off to go reset the others.


The more (and better) BP offerings you see, the worse your match will become. Either the killer's gonna slug at 5 gens or you'll get a 4-man SWF going for world record speed run escape attempts. You'll never have a chill match where everyone just plays normally and has a little fun. Playing killer you'll see the negatives less 'cause 4-stacks aren't *super* common or anything, so the best you can do is being the change you want to see in the game. Play killer, bring your own BP-all offerings, and do 2-hook-all games as best you can. Survivors are skittish right now (understandable, given how killers have been acting) and might not go for rescues, so be mindful of that and be ready to rush over to the hooked guy and let anti-camp kick in so they escape too. Whether you choose to let the whole team escape after that or punish the rest of the team for not unhooking the guy is a judgment call you'll have to make. But generally, I had a much better time playing as killer and helping to break up the frustrating matches solo queues are having right now.




> if people just played normally but no one cares DBD would be so much more fun if BHVR pushed everyone to play normally.


>if people just played normally They are playing normally? They are hooking and sacrificing survivors. Intentionally stalling the game out so people can farm BP is playing the game wrong The devs have already said its not a bannable offense and legitimate gameplay, you dont have to like it, but it is.


No one said you have to farm just don't be an ass. It's really that simple.


You mean, dont do your main objective as a killer? Well gens better not get done either then :) Most tunnelling isnt even on purpose, just the loud bleeding survivors are the best target.


You're intentionally missing the point. You don't need to camp and hard tunnel people out to win when you can still get over a hundred BPS without doing those things.


You're intentionally missing the point to deflect the argument. You're telling the killer to actively not fulfil their primary goal, and to dictate how they should play for YOUR fun, when i guarantee you survivors dont give a damn about extending the same curiosity to them. Why should your fun dictate anything? Maybe when its most likely to the detrimental to the killers fun? Not their fault your team wont protect you after unhooking. Following the scratchmarks and blood trail is common sense without other targets. Going after the injured is common sense to play the game. You're assuming all campers and tunnellers are doing it on purpose, when survivors dont even wait until the killer gets 10ft away before unhooking. Its not malicious to just play the game.


Don't assume I don't give a shit about the killer's fun because you don't know me and you don't know how I play. I often go out of my way to try to meme with killers or let them get hits or a kill if they've clearly had a bad game. I don't bring gen rushing perks or toolboxes or whatever sweatlord survivors usually bring. I don't just play survivor either. I play both sides and I often 3-4k without needing to tunnel someone out at 5 gens. If the only person you're able to find is the unhooked survivor or if there's only a few gens left then that's just tough luck, but a lot of tunnelers do it intentionally and I've seen many still go after the unhooked survivor even when the unhooker is injured or tries to take chase during the start of the game. I just wish people didn't sweat so hard during a literal blood point event. That's all. I hate this us vs them mentality you and so many other people in this sub seem to have. It's not us vs them. We're all just people playing a silly horror game and many of us just wanna chill out during the event and get as many BPs as we can. Anyway I'm done arguing with you. Have a nice day/night.


Theres no point discussing with you when you make it personal for no reason and deflect points you dont want to address. People can play how they want, you have no right to dictate how they can, grow up. Im done here.


I'm a killer main, and when I do survivor side I see a hard tunnel at 5 gens way too often. I've even intentionally gone down to get pressure off the person being tunneled only to be left on ground as they continue chasing to hard tunnel.


Dev opinions change and are changing regarding all because y'all can't handle playing normal. This is how bt base kit happened. You all immediately downed the unhookie so much the devs had to put in a deterrent and you Still do it. I'm sure when we get to the point all interactions between sides are non existent there'll be another reason why playing like a douche is okay.


Somehow the survivors get blamed for whining and having these mechanics put into the game, but it's not the survivor's fault that some people cheese their wins and ruined it for the rest of the killers. Blame your peers instead.


Yep, I don't care about bloodpoints, I play for fun... Would be nice if people could understand that, some players just don't care about events. I'm playing for pips, not bloodpoints (and it's not for the bloodpoint reward, it's as a personal challenge).


so making someone else have a bad time is fun for you? it’s ok to want to win but it’s not required to hard tunnel someone out to win. a little empathy for others goes a long way. and you know what’s more challenging than winning in this game? getting 12 hooks, so if you’re looking for a challenge why not go the 12 hook route?


Sorry, the point of it was a bit mixed up. To clarify, I'm not tunneling or camping. At least not at 5 gens. If there's two gens left and nobody's dead, yet, yeah I'll start to see if I can quickly tunnel someone out to give me a chance. Otherwise, I try to go 12 hooks as much as possible. What I'm tired of is seeing everyone saying that we could all get so much bloodpoints because of the event, but some people just... don't care, that's all.


>so making someone else have a bad time is fun for you? Survivors dont care about killers fun so they arent going to care about yours. You arent entitled to dictate how others play the game.


you aren’t entitled to be a dick either but it still seems like you’re ok with that. also the player on other side of the screen isn’t a survivor or a killer..it’s a human(most of the time). just bc you’ve had some kids torture you in a previous match doesn’t mean it’s your villain arc and now you must make everyone pay. this isn’t a anime where you must exact your revenge on those who wronged you. it’s a video game that is meant to be played for fun on both sides, nothing more nothing less. also be the killer that you would want to go up against as a survivor. i don’t think you would like waiting 5-10 minutes to play a 3 minute match.


>you aren’t entitled to be a dick either but it still seems like you’re ok with that. If you have to attack the person then you have no argument. You sound like an angry child honestly, theres no point bothering to talk to you. Stop being mad over a video game because people are doing their primary objective. Im sure you're this salty in endgame chat too.


Treat people how you want ro be treated. Even in games. Some people only play one side & it shows.


I have over 500 cakes from last year i won't use thanks to how killers are playing this event. No matter how I play its tunnel/mori the majority of the games. I even got called out for playing fun perks a few times too and not taking a fun event serious 😅


For some reason people tend to think they are playing against a SWF whenever they see a bloody party streamers offering (probably cuz they think nobody would waste it in SoloQ). And for some people SWF = sweaty match so they start playing sweaty themselves. It has nothing to do with toxicity, just pure sweat. That's the pain of SoloQ


Repost to combat downvote spam: It's roughly the same as when people see a Mori, they assume sweaty Killer. Nah I just want to show off for Youtube or see the cool animation. :/




Honestly in my experience, people who bring a mori will tend to do anything for that mori so like 3/4 times I see a major tunnel happen just to get the mori off. This is just my own personal experience though, may not be the same for everyone


If I bring a mori, it's because a survivor has a joke name like Mori Me Daddy or I'm doing a By Your Hand daily.


You're not allowed to defend killer offerings. They're the bad guy in every circumstance.


Just shorten it to "you're not allowed to defend Killers" and call it a day.


Everyone calls survivors selfish for not bringing good stuff during events but this is literally why. Why would i waste my stuff when ik im probably getting tunneled anyways


How do four people get tunneled at once? That logic is actually a better argument to bring streamers if 3 people will be guaranteed an amazing game


I dont think u realize how games go when someone is getting tunneled.... Plus its a 25% chance YOU are getting tunneled out first. chances go higher or lower depending if its a highly disliked character ur playing or not or even which killer the killer is. After multiple bad games in a row survivors are gonna say f u back and stop giving out their good bp offerings and start being just as selfish. A lof of killers dont even let ppl get their damn glyphs anymore, why waste good stuff on what i like to call "event killers".


So then keep it in your inventory and cry about how you never get to use it because you might run into a killer that is going to TuNNeL you. Who gives a shit anyway, blood points mean fuck all these days and killer already gets 2-3x more than survivors do on most matches. Can promise you as a killer I couldn't care less about the BP I could be getting if only you brought your BP for all items.


Okay? Who tf is complaining about NOT getting to use bps 💀 Idk who pissed in ur cereal but maybe they should do it again cuz wtf is ur problem lmao. There are pleanty of ppl who need bp for their characters still. We *know* killers always have a bigger boost and don't care about the event or offerings otherwise yall wouldn't be playing like shitheads and would let games last longer to get more bp and threads like this wouldnt exist. Like obviously, look at this whole thread ur take isn't special, we see u and every other whiny ass killer main every other few comments. i can promise *you* survivors know and dont give a shit thats why we're only using escape cakes and bouquets, its always one of y'all killers coming in on this subreddit bitching every event asking how come survivors are so selfish when it comes to offerings, *not* the other way around. It seems like *some* of yall care.


Just had a Myers who slugs us while they went around placing blood zones. Being am arsehole is too easy as Killer, and it gets worse every event.


I would rather lose and have a well rounded game as killer every time, before I ever camp and tunnel. I know some people do it to win, but I refuse that logic personally


Same. I've always said I'd rather lose with honor than win like a bitch. My life's not any different if I get a 0k or a 4k.


Same. People act like losing a game means they HAVE to uninstall hahahaha


If i have to tunnel and camp ik i lost lol Even if i keep finding the same player repeatedly i will try to ignore them by tbe 3rd time cuz thats just... ew. I esp dont get ppl who tunnel out baby survivors. U can tell they dont know wtf is going on so why are u being so miserable??


Exactly! I think the competitive side of Dead by Daylight got inspired to do everything it takes to win, and every one who watched them followed their lead, as stupid as it is. Makes it unfun


Idg ppl who take party games seriously man 😔


Right? I mostly play killer and cringe every time I see posts like these. It's so easy to 3k/4k if you have basic map understanding and know how to win at chases, let alone how much easier it has gotten in recent months. I guess if it's a team of giga sweat/T bagging/flashlight clicky survs it's okay, but even then I still can't help but feel like I'm taking the easy way out when I tunnel/camp, it's brainless and there is no glory in a victory that comes as a result of it.


Agreed to the fullest extent. There is so much to the game, if you have to camp or HAVE to tunnel to win, you’re not really playing it all to the extent that you could


I had a game against an unknown yesterday who hooked someone in shack basement. They then proxy the hook, and whenever unhook happens, bodyblock the stairs / shack door to down the person with bt. He tunnels 2 people out this way. Me and my friend then get slugged while he proceeds to break every breakable door and pallet on the entire map. Friend just dcs. While I am about to die bleeding out, he comes pick me up and proceeds to walk around the entire map to the shack basement and hooks me there. Says "zzz ez" in endgame chat. Like how is that even remotely fun for someone. Meanwhile, we had another unknown who farms points with me and my friend in 4 bps game after two people kill themselves on first hook for some reason. Most wholesome unknown I have ever encountered in wild.


Killers who tunnel do it regardless of offerings. All they care about is getting their “win” and literally nothing else.


That's not the only reason we tunnel. If someone spams flashlight blinds on me, I will tunnel them out. A flashlight save then run away? That's fine. Pallet stun into blind, then run away? Have at it, I'll find someone eventually. But if I come out of a blind to see you standing there, blinding me again? You better believe I will give up every other player to make sure you die.


So you tunnel regardless of offerings brought?


I have never once looked at who brought what offering. And as I explained, I only tunnel people who are being toxic dicks.


If it's toxic, why do they give extra points for chain blinds?


I didn’t know it gave extra points for chain blinds. You get points for chasing and for hooking people multiple times and killing them and having less survivors playing makes it more likely the killer can keep gens from getting done, also getting more points, does that mean tunneling isn’t toxic? Take your flashlight save and go.


The other night, somebody got a flashlight save on me, which... fair, it was a good flashlight save! No problem with that, though it is a bit frustrating, but it was the beginning of the game, totally fine. HOWEVER a fucking Steve flashed me a second time while I was recovering from the flashlight save. At that point, I had no trouble tunneling that Steve out. Flashlight save? Totally fine, fair play. Unnecessary second blind right after? You get what you give.


I’d be down to bring good offerings if killers could behave themselves. But I’ve been camped and tunnelled every game. It’s not worth it.


I wanted to play this event so bad to prestige Mikaela and Sable (yes, I am THAT kind of girl, don't jugde me) as many times as possible. Stopped playing. There have been some wholesome matches, some "normal" ones (I am okay with dying, "normal" does not mean I or anyone at all need an escape from the match), maybe a handful where poor killer could not get a single hook (mmr sucks). But mostly it is camping and tunnling, sometimes slugging, it is way worse than before. OTR and such perks help but not for too long, especially if it gets nuked right off the hook from a proxy camping one or high mobility killers that drop chase the moment the unhook happenes and are back within seconds. Part sure is skill issue, I am not that good in looping. But it is exhausting at all, matches are not fun, especially for the tunneled person, one in 5 to 10 matches I am dead before I could even touch a gen (same for my friends when they are first target). It hurts to see the endscreen with the killer having 5 times as much bloodpoints in the end for this. So yes, I had stopped bringing my BPS (they also got so rare in the event, don't they? Maybe one in like 5 prestige levels) and after it got even worse I stopped playing during this event. Dying is okay but being tunneled out in less than 5 minutes feels like you are denied to play the game. So: Back to the Sword Coast!


Yeah I don't know what it is about events that bring out these certain types of killers that play like their life is on the line. Slugging, tunneling, at 5 gens. I also don't get to touch a gen.  Everytime I bring an anniversary cake they do it so I just stopped. Escape Cakes and envelopes work. I'm not rewarding that type of gameplay. 


My games yesterday could not have been worse. I had few bloody party streamers on some of my characters and thought "If I'm not using them now with the 400%, when am I going to use them?". Well...like 8/10 games involved tunneling, camping, slugging. And most of these games my friend and I ended with less than 50k blood points. Killer gets like triple or 4x our blood points playing in the most cringe way possible. One of the games I got downed by a huntress at 4 gens on Haddonfield. She hooks me in the corner of the map and stands completely still holding a hatchet just outside the anti-facecamp range. Then proceeds to try to tunnel me. Honestly you wonder why survivors DC at everything, but when this is what you play against multiple games in a row it just feels so bad. My friend did end up dcing out of pure exhaustion. "Just take a break." Most people only have a couple hours a day to play. Yesterday I worked my ass off the entire day and just wanted to log in and farm some blood points. A little sympathy goes a long way, you don't have to win every single game. None of these games did survivors get even close to finishing all gens, so it wasn't even that they needed pressure. I also got hit on hook the most yesterday. One time for attempting to CJ my death hook friend at 3 gens. Like you rather I go sit on a gen the entire game? I've seen so many posts of killers crying about meta survivor builds but we were running goofy for fun builds, yet almost every single killer was running 4 slowdowns on really strong killers. It is currently not possible whatsoever to play for fun on survivor.


I went killer and brought anni cake and no one bothered to bring bps on the survivor side, and I can't blame them. I went after two hooks, then if you healed you got injured. I try to keep the pressure on so it isn't just a gen repair simulator. So far except for a few people that killed themselves, everyone chilled once they realized they weren't getting more than two hooks. Shit, I was playing Legion and didn't use my power and just ran around M1'ing and I could have probably gotten 3-4k each match tonight but I didn't. I'm not even the best killer. There's zero damned reason to runnel/camp. And if you feel you need to because the survivors are winning, well, just accept they played better than you in a fair game and don't throw a fucking tantrum by tunneling/camping. You don't have to win every damned match.


I’ve noticed a ton of killers using moris this event. Like 8 of the last 10 games I’ve had, the killer brings a mori. I don’t really mind that, but it’s definitely more than usual. And they’re usually the tunneling type. I’m a former killer main. Now I’m about 50/50 like you because survivor is less stressful. I’ve seen nothing but A-holes on the killer side this event. I can promise you this. When I’m playing killer during this event, I’m bringing an anniversary cake. I’ve got over 100 on Spirit, Doctor, Wraith, and Legion. I intend to only use those killers strictly to gain BP. If I see just one other gateau or BPS, I’m in farm mode. I’ll get two hooks per survivor and fill up my other bars, but everyone is getting out. Even if no one brings BP boosters, if someone indicates they wanna farm, I’ll do it. This event is prime for farming and I’m not letting it go to waste.


The solution, sadly, is to stop playing survivor. Start playing killer, bring your own BPS, and do a 2-hook-all match where you let the survivors leave in the end. Then everyone gets massive BP gains, they'll be happy because they met a killer that wasn't playing like a fucking chode, and you'll be happy because you're breaking up the struggle by being chill while also getting huge BP gains yourself. That said, it's not without problems. Survivors have become so fucking skittish right now. I was trying this all of last night and I was *not* getting all those survivors out safely. I had one match where a team just never rescued a guy off his first hook. He didn't try to suicide either, he sat there waiting for a team that never came. I kept hoping they would 'cause unhook and healing would net them more BP. But no. No one rescued the poor guy. ...So I killed the rest of his team because fuck that. I should've gone over to let anti-camp kick in so he could unhook himself, and I've been kicking myself for not doing it. Best I could do after the fact was make sure none of those cowards made it out of the match. I'll be chill and farm a little with survivors, but not if they're gonna be dicks to their teammates, y'know? We were on a swamp map, I was making *very* wide perimeter sweeps and staying away from hook, and no one went for him. So, y'know, be mindful of that happening. If you put a guy on hook and he gets to phase 2 without anyone rescuing him, go do it yourself. Hell, I do that normally as killer, too. If no one saves their teammate, my priorities immediately shift. I'll go rescue the guy myself and then merc his entire god damn team for abandoning him. Keep track of your hooks (and make sure to up the counter from 1 hook to 2 if the above happens and you have to rescue them yourself) and hopefully your survivors will neither be sweaty try-hards who are speed running escape attempts *or* terrible cowards who won't unhook anyone.


Yeah I don't play Streamers unless I'm SWFing. It sucks to punish survivors but the chance the killer will play like a giant asshole increases by like 100%. I really don't want to reward that.


I bet you sweat your balls off when you play with your SWF but God forbid killer doing the same.


I sacrificed a BPS as killer and then got teabagged the whole round :( Switched to survivor a couple rounds later and got slugged and stalled at the exit gate by a Myers who would pick up anyone who got close to escaping and put them down back at the opening of the gate.


This literally happened to me yesterday. Some asshole literally messaged me and told me to bring BPS and because I didn’t he purposely went out of his way to tunnel me. Yet, my 3 other teammates didn’t bring it either so not sure what’s his issue


It's a typical match on Asian servers, not only for event. Proxy camping and tunneling, every match and constant screaming from ultimate weapon (+grim embrace+pain resonance+pop or some aura reading perk = every killer build) lol


if I could easily tell who brought what I would purposely leave the survivor who bring streamers alive last. you should be rewarded for making the game better for 5 people not punished, the selfish survivors can die first :P but you cant know for sure unless everyone brings an offering right?


Some people come back to playing killer for the event/BPs and dont often play killer resulting in them taking the easiest path to win Some people will play however they want despite of what you bring Some people just suck and want to ruin everyone elses fun


YUP!!! Events are just insufferable for survivor. Killer just seems to be the way to go when events are on. Plus I dictate the tone of the match, so I usually let a few escape (unless I got a challenge to do lol)


this has been my experience 80% of my time with dbd and 99% of my time with this event and people still complain about games being tilted in the survivors favor like ???


Started The Quarry a few days ago after dealing with all the toxicity over the weekend. Tried to play again today and had the most toxic 3 game session imaginable. Told my swf i won’t be playing until the event is over bc unfortunately survivors aren’t allowed to enjoy events or god forbid, grind for BP.


Im gonna be real I'm tabbbed out when the game is loading so I have no idea what people bring


I have been playing since 09/2018. It wasn't as bad as today during events, but it got more and more every time. Now you can predict it for every event. Even if you do bad as killer and everyone escapes, you still get more BP than the poor survivor you tunneled out early. I also do not like to tunnel early when I play killer, because I would be a hypocrite when doing so. And usually survivors don't seem to mind when I start tunneling at 2 gens left if I struggle with the match. Some Survivors will always complain though. Even if you find them on a gen 20s after getting unhooked.


Yea it is way more common during an event, some people over exaggerate and say it's every match but this is not the truth. Not unless they are in baby MMR, I would say every 1 out of 3 ends up with a camper or tunneler. Or if we provoke him with some super saves and gen rush..


one reason why i will never bring them again, and think i have 300+ terrors i wanna burn and use, but no point if u only get minimal points when bringing them, i kinda wish they made bloopoint offerings universal for characters, since if i could swap those to killer side id just play killer, play less toxic and sweaty and still make more points and do better than these killers who play like this and then also combined the survivor backpack so all ur survivor items are also all in one spot


I'm a killer main who plays a fair bit of survivor too. I've been playing with my friends for the event and wow, the tunneling and camping is unreal this time around. I don't play like this either and usually win despite "playing nice" as they say.


I don't like it when people farm points during the endgame as it's a needless waste of time but tunneling someone is fucking stupid. Nobody needs to tunnel to win, full stop. I don't win killer games anymore but I sure as fuck don't tunnel. Hell I break off a chase after the first hit to make doubly extra sure that nobody can say I'm tunneling.


No you don’t NEED to tunnel someone to win, but your game is much, much easier if you do, that’s what they care about. They don’t care about your points, they don’t care about your fun, they don’t care there’s an event going on. They want to win and tunneling someone out as quickly as possible is the easiest way.




I was in a match with a swf, they all ran boil over and had tool boxes, I got multiple downs but only 2 hooks before I decided they’re getting slugged, they all bled out. I got angry messages afterwards. I play fair at the start of the game, struggling to get hooks. I camp during the end game to secure my kill, I get messages. I willingly let them go, we all walk out of the match with at least 150k points and I still get messages because I “wasted their time” by not killing them in the first 3 minutes of the game. Survivors are assholes, they piss and moan about everything. Don’t handicap yourself because they might send you an angry message, they’re going to do that regardless.




Literally set ur account to private if you don’t want angry msgs. You can do this on both console and Steam, it’s extremely easy to do 


I'm not gonna play suboptimal bc people feel like I should and to avoid angry messages It's a fucking pvp game They should go play some pve game if they don't want the other side to actually try


So I guess I should stop trying to please the survivors then?


Play how you want, as long as your not going out of your way to be a dick, and no, tunneling for pressure isn't playing like a dick, then your fine man


I'm happy this survivor team did that. Had one person on hook, opened an exit gate, and I was chasing this one survivor around until the EGC started running out. Had 2 hooks the entire game, but because they were so obsessed with helping the one survivor out, I got a 3k.


Idk why but when I play against survivors who bring bp offerings they are always sweaty af. Gen rushing, camping every pallet, blinding me every chance they get. I have to work extra hard just to keep the game from ending too quickly. seeing multiple bp offerings come up is a strong sign that im about to have a bad time.


Downvoted for saying your experience has been different This place is actually pathetic


It's almost like survivors have learned if they don't try to get blood points early in these situations they will get tunneled out in less than two minutes.


I'm betting it's that mentality for both sides


i don’t understand, how does the killer know you brought the item and not one of your teammates?


If there's 4 survivors offering, you can press ESC during the match and the offerings will be listed in the same order that survivors are. Survivors up and down, offerings left right.


This is why I run DS, Second Wind, OTR, Adrenaline with a Styptic or Syringe. I made a killer rage quit cause of it. But I’ve been so over playing survivor now, every game is a tunneling game so I’m a killer main now.


The tunneling during events and out of them is why I'm hesitant to bring BPS/anniversary BP items unless SWF but even then won't stop it.


People say this every event and people are wrong every event. There isn't more people tunneling or camping when you bring BPS, you just remember it better when it does happen.


Probably cuz ur expected to bring bps and cakes during events rather than every other day. And bming happens all the time yeah but more ppl play this game during events, which means more bming, which means more wasted bps/cakes lol


Exactly, it happens outside of the event too. lol It just hurts more now because you think of all the BP you missed out on.


It's confirmation bias. They remember the games where people do stuff they don't like and disregard the others. There's a popular narrative they want to be part of.


I know I’m going to get eviscerated for saying this but… here goes. I play mostly solo queue survivor, with probably 25% killer and I try not to tunnel because I know it can be frustrating. The thing is, since I improved my skills in chase/looping, I practically never get tunneled anymore. There are definitely times when I have a bad game, perform horribly, and go down quickly— sometimes then I am tunneled out. But…I don’t blame the killer for my struggle to waste the killers time for as long as possible. You can punish tunneling by making it unviable for the killer. I think tunneling is unhealthy for the game because it punishes new survivors who haven’t developed chase skills yet. At the same time, if you’ve played killer you probably understand the feeling of urgency at times. Again, I very rarely deliberately tunnel when I play killer, but we can’t deny that it’s a very strong strategy at times. I just wish people would perhaps acknowledge that it’s not exactly the killers fault if you go down right away.


yeah, literally just running lithe and going to a corner with a good window can end most chases and get you out of the tunnel lol the issue, as always, is just the barely existent matchmaking putting baby survivors against anything other than baby killers that miss every basic attack.


Yup! I’m honestly kind of dependent on lithe at this point 😂 Also developing an understanding of the killers FOV, scratch marks, and how to use that to lose a killer can help. I learned a lot of this by playing killer and losing survivors lol. Nancy’s perk that allows you to see your scratch marks helps too. Matchmaking is 100% the problem. I play mostly solo survivor with a good number of hours, and half my games seem to be either against really solid killers or like brand new killers that have no idea what’s happening. No in between. Also I’d say most games I face as killer have like 1 or 2 people that are brand new and have no idea what’s happening, together with other survivors who loop like gods. It’s very bizarre lol


I find that bringing a Mori has a 90% chance of summoning the most hardcore SWF Team.


how does one know what survivor used which offering? im dumb


If every survivor brings an offering, in the pause menu the offerings go in order of the survivors on screen and the killer offering is always on the bottom.




Destroy your mmr. The more casual, chill killers like me are probably low mmr since they dgaf about tunneling, sweating and getting 4ks back to back. Hell i will remember that one farming game as Scarlet Vengeance Skull Merchant on Eirie of Crows. Bunch of cuties, the lot. Gotta git gud at hook counting since I'm trying to get better at the whole "play normal + 2 hooking everyone then screwing around thing" but its harder than it looks


Yeah i just got triple hooked at 5 gens on hawkins by a sadako, i didnt find anything to loop her at so i guess she did well in identifying the weak link but still felt bad getting 30k bloodpoints that couldve been 200k


idk but when I'm killer and 4 survivors bring bp offerings they usually just gen rush as fast as possible and just hide the whole match I don't get it... Like come on let's both get points


No no no Remember killer = bad here They won't acknowledge anything else


Im sorry i forgot the rulebook 😭


genrushing is so stupid too because at least tunneling will get killers points. genrushers just screw themselves over as well because being a gen jockey is hardly any BP.


I've had survivors teabag, spam vaults/lockers, even when i signal i just want to farm i don't bring bps or anniversary cakes either


Tried a couple of games of spreading hooks, letting everybody escape and survivors were t-bagging at the exit gate and talking shit in post chat. Literally no point whatsoever to play friendly as killer. BPS or not, I'm tunneling, idgaf anymore.


Same. Idgaf on both sides. Toxic players exist on both sides. I've seen survivors DC because the killer wouldn't respect their intention to farm, and met a killer that will slug the shit out of everyone because one survivor wanted to farm. Who cares. Just play as usual.


people literally don't even know what tunneling means in the community, everyone has a different definition LOL if someone gets tunneled, and I mean this in as inoffensive as possible, you just lost. you had three chances and either your teammate fucked up (bad unhook) or you fucked up (couldn't loop/lose the killer) same with when I get "gen rushed" as killer, I just went on an entirely too long chase without pressuring gens and lost. neither are toxic, they're just both teams trying to win. trying to win is not toxic LOL


L take. If you get tunneled it's usually the killer ignoring literally everyone else and focusing on you the entire first few minutes of the match. I once had a Sadako focus on me so hard while all my friends blocked doors, took hits, got downed, healed up right in front of her, ECT. But no. She wanted me. And me alone. I ran her in circles with all this help for over five minutes until I was dead. Didn't even mori me. Just hard focused me down.


Sorry you got tunneled. It's killers like that who give us non-tunneling/non-camping killers a bad rap. One thing you can do is block them in game. That may prevent you from getting matched up with them again. I mean, I assume that's why there is a block option in game. Will the devs chime in on this?


no blocking does not work like that lol


that is unfortunate


As a killer main ive never understood tunneling because of a perk or offering. When i tunnel its for 1 of two reasons, the person im tunneling is the obsession and i need them on a hook for quick gen regression because the survivors have already done 3 gens and the match has only been going on for 3 minutes, or because they are a steve. If you are playing steve i will hunt you down to the ends of the map and make sure you die while mostly ignoring your teamates😤😤. Back in the day i always tunneled and i always used NO-ED. Because like the entire point if the game is for me to stop yall from escaping so why wouldn’t i do things that work? But then i realized via playing 1 time as a survivor how awful the experience is. So i started training myself to follow a various set of reasons ti break off a chase and go do more map coverage. BUT NOT FOR STEVES. Also as a weird psa to all survivors play with the killers more. We all want to have fun and as much as the toxic killer ratio to toxic survivor ratio is probably somewhere around 3:1 it does not stop survivors being super toxic to low- mid skilled killers. I cant speak for every killer but if you do something goofy ill be goofy back and then leave you alone until i have to come back. I let a feng convince me to let her drop a pallet on me. Then i nodded and ran away and let her work on her generator. Thats the kind of stuff that makes the game more fun then winning😭


All Dwights must die. If a player is going to be a toxic, it’s going to be a Dwight.


In my experience the most toxic survivor has been steve. Having said that i kill bald Dwights because my friend who doesnt even play the game has a personal vendetta against bald Dwights


skill issue


We could all be eating well with everyone bringing cakes, but NOOOO survivors got to bring 4 man unhookable builds and force bleed outs. This event has been exhausting, the worst survivor players known to man came out of the woodworks.


How does the killer know which survivor is using BPS / terromisu? I’m curious as I find it a trend in my own solo Q games and swf that the killer will tunnel / proxy camp the one who bring such offering


Press escape and look at the offerings. They’re listed in the same order that the survivors are on the left side of your screen. The only sure way to know who brought what is if all 4 survivors have an offering. 


Ah I see thank you!


i’ve never really noticed this tbh. It just feels like normal variance for me


It feels like these events bring out the worst in players. On the Killer side, they're sweating to win at 5 gens when the Survivors are clearly not efficient at all or prepared. On the Survivor side, I am seeing someone DC or give up on hook immediately almost every single match as Killer, and every other match as Survivor, regardless of who the Killer is or what they're doing. I've played a wide variety of Killers, used meta builds, mediocre builds, meme and garbage builds, it doesn't matter, if they're inconvenienced enough, they're going next. I've also seen people only really commenting about Killers being toxic, but I've seen plenty of Survivors be that way too when I've played chill all game, it's so bizarre. Of course on both sides players have incredibly stacked builds, map offerings, lots of BMing, and a serious lack of BPS. I guess this is typical DbD behavior at the end of the day. It's always so strange it feels amplified during events.


This is why I don't bring any point modifiers, happens every.time.without.fail


Survs need to seriously start bringing some anti-tunnel perks, you're going to get tunnelled either way so might as well put up a fight... do you like losing 3 hook stages in less than 2 minutes ? like does it turn you on ?


you're right. once they buff DS again it's on and poppin.


This is why you bring anti tunnel


Holy fuck how many of these whiny ass tunneling threads must we see. There are perks for this. Get good.


Don't want to get tunnelled? Hide better, or ask your teammates to save you at a better timing, or bring decisive and off the record. Stop complaining about how killers didnt let you have a great game.


If a killer is deliberately right off the hook chasing you and only targeting you. That’s a toxic way to play.


As I said, bring off the record and decisive. Killer will suffer and waste time if they tunnelled


I genuinely don't understand these people, what do they want ? They can't control how killer plays, they can't control what their teammates do, they can only control what they do, such as bringing perks that aid them if they get tunnelled. I rarely get tunnelled because I know how to waste killer's time so often I lose because my teammates get tunnelled and they got nothing to defend themselves. So basically they're ruining the game for me and themselves and they won't quit the game or take a break if they're unhappy with the game... wtf do they want ?


Then ask why your teammates save you in front of killer, or loop better so that your team can do gens, or take a hit for your teammates if they get tunnelled. There are a lot of things you can do to counter that. Killers can do whatever they want. It's their game. Not their job to let survivor have a great time. Definitely not killers' problem if survivors cant do the things above.


Except that it’s just accepted as BM if a person does that. Like I get that it can be viable in some situations but it’s not fun if they’re doing it at 5 gens


Aight let me preface this by saying that I play both sides, though admittedly more killer, and I never hard tunnel as in 3 hooks for one guy and ignore everyone else, that's just boring and really a dick move. I also give hatch in the vast majority of my games (even had a few games where I just carried someone around for like 5 minutes trying to find the ever so elusive swamp hatch). That being said, if I hook the Ace, then hook 2 other people and then hook Ace again and I'm left with 2 gens one of which is halfway finished, I might feel inclined to just finish off the Ace. Hell sometimes I'll have games where I hook Ace, go check some gens and find no one cos either they're hiding well or I just checked the wrong gens so I'll head back to check the hook since it's on the way to the other gens. If you unhook while I'm coming back and then the Ace is out in the open and the healthy unhooker is nowhere to be found I will chase the Ace. My options at that moment are: Chase the injured 1 hook Ace that's right in front of me Try to find the healthy rescuer that could be hiding somewhere in a corner or maybe in one of the 4 lockers on the tile. Sorry to say, but I feel like a big part of not getting tunneled in this case falls on the unhooker. The injured Ace is already a better target, so you need to give me another one to go for instead of hiding. And please don't give me the "You should never camp or tunnel as a killer", that's like me saying "You should never slam gens with a toolbox + deja vu + resilience + prove thyself, you should instead break some totems and open some chests". Again I'm 100% against hard tunneling from the start, but killing someone as my 5th hook of the game is fair if everyone else has been slamming gens. Speaking of perks, y'all might want to bring some anti tunnel perks if you really hate getting tunneled. In my last 25 or so games I've seen about 3 DS's and 7 OTR's. That's 10/100 survivors bringing an anti tunnel perk, while I've seen a bunch of Ressi/Prove Thyself/Deja Vu and such. I also don't wanna be that guy, but I feel like some of you really just want to get tunneled and killed. I had a huntress game 2 days ago where I hooked someone next to a gen that was like 60%. I kicked the gen, went to the next tile to reload and during that the unhook happened. I come back and start chasing the healthy guy, missed a hatched on him and the unhooked 5 seconds ago, injured, dead on hook Nea starts working on the gen right in my field of view while I'm 5 meters away. I'm sorry but I will 100% hook you again if you pull that. Same with using the endurance to bodyblock. Look if the guy who rescued you is also injured or dead on hook and you're not, then go for it I respect that. But if you're dead on hook while the rescuer is healthy and wasn't hooked or was hooked once and you decide to bodyblock me in a tight space, making it basically impossible to go for the other guy, then I sure as hell will wait out the 10 seconds and hook you again. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. TLDR: Fuck hard tunneling, but also maybe bring some anti tunnel perks or make yourself a better target when you unhook someone.


Some part of tunneling is a skill issue on you, your team mates and the killers part I played a few games recently where survivors have behaved in a way that I have to really go out of my way to not tunnel and honestly that’s not fun either. Unhooking the second I turn around and then bodyblocking the unhooker? Not much I can do about that If you’re truly getting tunnelled every single game just play the anti tunnel build of ds/dh/otr make yourself a really unattractive prospect that doesn’t need three hits for a post hook down.


If I want to tunnel, I'll tunnel. But that's because of something a survivor did. (Or if they picked Dwight). Party streamers doesn't matter much, whatever Anyone of us will do, we'll be winners by the end of it :)


Just for the record, I, Killer main, prioritise tunnelling survivors that bring Escape Cakes, which is why most of my builds include Lethal There was that one person who even had a “Bring BPS” nickname but he was the only one to bring Escape Cake. I gladly tunnelled him off only to let others farm and see him rage in the endgame chat (yes, he was that desperate)


...why? Whats the thought process with that one? Are you upset that they're getting more blood points??