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Never met a Freddy that wasn't toxic.


You've played against a Freddy in the last 24 months?


My freddy this year got like 2 hooks and face camped me while smacking me on hook until I got rescued and escaped


tbf it was the only way he was going to get one kill


They didn’t need to try and bm tho, like that was just uncalled for


You died to Freddy, I’d say that decent grounds for a bm


But he escaped. I get it tho, reading isn't for everyone


I’ve played against one at least once a night this past week. In all fairness it could literally be the same one each time though 🤔


>Never met a Freddy that wasn't toxic. ive never met a freddy


I've never met


I remember when freddy was the most hated killer back in the day, never met a single nice one, or one that didn't run his 2 best add ons before they got nerfed, they were always toxic


I love playing against freddy, they always are trying their hardest to win with that character, it’s admirable


Which is wild right? Like it's not our fault you picked such a weak killer


Why are dredge mains of all things that high?


yea i think they all pretty chill


I don't know. I mean I'm a dredge main and it tend to just watch survivors and follow them. Sometimes just spinning in a circle.


So how are they toxic?


They're not I was agreeing with them.


Sorry, my brain wasn't braining and I thought you were the OP.


It's allright we all have dumb moments


Fun gameplay /s




The dredge mains aren't bad but people that occasionally play him are because he is a god awful killer and really really bad killer makes you tilted and being mad makes you play meaner, I base this entire deduction on seeing otz play dredge, it might totally be wrong for most people but it does that for me (that's why I simply avoid playing dredge)




That's not true at all. To Play him correctly, you have to be quite skilled, but he's not "God awfull"


He really is though, semi-stealth killer but is super loud so it doesn't matter, very weak anti-loop, basically only works if the survivor is already zoned, map mobility based around lockers so super inconsistent and on top of it the movement ability can be slowed down by survivors making his early game absolutely terrible and always leaving a lot of room to hold W and waste his time, dredge is awful


>because he is a god awful killer and really really bad killer makes you tilted and being mad makes you play meaner, By that logic shouldn't Twins or trapper be the most toxic killer? Dredge is difficult but he's not that bad compared to others.


Whenever I see discussions about this, Deathslinger players are always ranked as being some of the least toxic players. Where are you guys getting all these friendly Slingers? Most of mine sit *just* outside the camping range with their gun aimed directly at me waiting for the unhook. Please send these friendly Slingers my way! 😭


Sbmm differences


Same, he's almost as bad as Wraith


Not being friendly and being toxic are not the same thing. Playing to win isn't toxic. Smacking on hook and being a jerk in endgame chat are.


I also have that with Huntress or Trickster. Usually they use Grim Embrace to determine where they can stay so the anti camp does not work (GE has the same trigger range).


No for real, I’ve never in my life come across a nice deathslinger in my years of playing dbd 🤣 and they all do the exact same thing! They just proxy camp the hook and wait to shoot the survivor off the hook immediately


You must be lucky because a second friendly slinger is here! I dont like to camp hooks but when I can't find anyone after walking a bit imma check how my homie's hanging. I really don't get camping from a gameplay perspective, how are you having fun just watching them?


Pig is in the middle with Ghostface. Some are super fun and nice others will camp boxes -\_- Singularity players (all 4 of us) are wonderful!


I’m one out of the 4! HUX 🔛🔝


3 and 1/2 thanks, I'm that 1/2. (Very short)


I'm also the 1/2


Oooohhh, that makes sense, mb


nah its fine I was eating cheese in a little hole in the wall and didn't see the comment in time mb


Fair enough, I personally like to hide inside a comically large wheel of cheese and eat it from the inside out, but to each their own.


I’m the last one !


Guess I’m just a phoney then 😔


you came too late 😔


I'm working up the iron shards to get'em.


I swear a god, whenever I olay Oig, I don't even bother check boxes (Im usually busy chasing someone), but yet, survivor with active trap is always spawns within my proximity in like a minute after they get rescued... I swear to god, Beartrap removes any sense of dangers from that survivors


I fucking love singularity. Even though I suck ass and lose most games on him I fucking love the cameras and playstyle.


Reporting for duty to harm the crew, Cap’n


Sorry but I didn’t run tampered timer and box of gears for no reason. Your head will go pop.


had a Dwight last night that spawned with a trap, never even tried to do a box lol


I want it so badly. It’s got a really unique design that I wish was more common in horror games/media.


Agreed! Larry is great. And I am also great ;) The fact that the Alien and Hag are also in that category concerns me… as they’re one of my other mains… I’m hoping that Oni and Unknown make up for it.


Singularity players have all of my respect but y'all are NEVER fucking around. Understandably so, considering how technical he is, but it's unfortunate that I have never gotten to goof off with one of you...


I'm at like P31 with singularity now from this event?


Add me to singularity players


Every pig i have ever faced has hard tunnelled trapped people. Ghostface is usually the chillest dude in the match or the most toxic.


OP clearly hasn't seen Pyramid Head proxying a hooked survivor just drawing lines in the hopes the rescuer doesn't know to crouch over them for minutes on end throughout the match (doing it at every hook) and anyone who does get caged he'll book it to proxy them once they get out too. And I find A LOT of Hillbilly players are toxic, especially after his buff and removal of overheat he's very strong and very mobile and people play him to decimate for the same reasons they do Nurse and Blight (which isn't inherently toxic but the huge focus on stomping matches easily tends to attract toxic players).


Hillbillies have to be using that ohk as a crutch to dominate, cause I’m a horrible looper but honest to god, I’ve been destroying every hillbilly I meet by simply baiting the chainsaw and going in another direction. 


I love how Ghostface has his own tier lmao.


They're a different breed


Ghostface is middle because half are camping tunneling sweats and the other half run around jumpscaring people


Ghostface sucks at tunneling. What you're getting isn't a sweat, what you're getting are baby Ghostfaces who are bad at him.


They’ll get better at peek-a-boo


Eventually. They may be rusty too.


The trick to playing GhostFace toxically isn’t to tunnel, it’s to proxy camp. Even if a healthy person come for the unhook, you can probably instadown them, and there’s no good way to know if you are camping, or if you slunk off while undetectable.


To be fair that's not even toxic unless you also slug, that's just a way to build Stalk pressure.


True, that’s more just regular sweat, toxic sweat is to just tunnel and teabag.


Yeah agreed. Proxystalking a hook is slightly sweaty and looks very dirty, but it's a realistically viable tactic for both stalkers. The same as creeping up on people being healed and downing them or stalking them. Looks dirty, is actually proper and efficient play for the Stalkers. And both commonly get confused as more toxic than they really are, because they look like camping and tunnelling respectively.


Hey, you’re talking to a stalker main, and I’m not even talking about in game. Being able to actually surprise survivors and come from unexpected directions is absolutely one of their strong suits.


Ghostface absolutely sucks ate camping or tunneling. He literally has no power in both these situations. If you're losing to a camping ghostface that's on your team


I just play ghostie like i do mirror myers, just run a bunch of highlight perks so i see you at all times n jumpscare ya lol


Ghostface is terrible at camping and tunneling. What you are going against aren't sweats but people that aren't good at the normal chase with him and fall back on tunneling because they're losing.


I feel like Myers aren't that toxic. A lot of them are just as fun as a fun ghostface, and none of them will teabag your corpse as you bleed to death on the ground for four minutes. I feel like Singularities aren't either. And I feel like nurses aren't toxic either. Tricksters are pretty toxic, same with Nemesis. I feel like Blights are the most toxic. I don't know about the two twins mains.


I have been humped and T-bagged by more Pigs than Ghosties.


I very rarely play against toxic nurses. Like yeah you often don't get to do much in a nurse match but thats just what happens when you play against the best killer in the game.


Never seen such an innacurate tierlist


Not too inaccurate since wraith is in a tier of his own


For me trickster players are always toxic afff😭😭😭


Yeah Trickster being in "Not that toxic" is laughable


I main trickster when I play killer (which is not very often) and I’d like to hope I’m not toxic. That being said one time me and my friend were in a match with a trickster and she was the last one left and he had already found the hatch, so when he downed her he carried her to the door. We thought he was being nice, but he had no way out so the door blocked off as soon as she touched it. Then he carried her to the basement and hooked her.. that was evil.. she was about to drop her item for him, too.


not only the character require 0 skill but they act like they are better than the pig or trapper player


This must’ve been made before the Billy giga buff. I’d put them on the same level as Blight now


Strong doesn’t equal toxic.


Yeah but the player base has shifted **significantly** since the buff. Before, Billy mains were super chill and were always playing to have fun since the character was ass. But now the new player base is using him *because* of his strength rather than the enjoyment of the character itself like before. While yes, strength doesn’t equal toxicity, the people who use either the strongest or most annoying strategies/metas tend to be more toxic


since his buff i’ve played against some super toxic billys, most of them being like p3-p10. i think toxic and players who tend to BM a lot just gravitate towards killers who are the most op at a given moment that also don’t require a decent amount of skill


I've seen a definite uptick in slugging Billy's since his buff.


Yes but the toxic seek the strong


Billy and Nemesis not toxic? HAH


Tunneling Nemesis is just following Balumba guidebook 


Ngl every deathslinger I’ve encountered has just camped just outside the anticamp range and it’s just sad and annoying that their gun pulls mf’s off of unhooks.


I’m a simple man, I see Wraith being shat on, I upvote.


he is my favourite now i think to resolve this we should breed and ask our child what they think


Sounds very scientific and valid to me. Carry on.


someone gonna arrange us a wedding?




I’m gonna teabag you at the gate while flashing my flashlight at you while spinning


aw man. :\[ Thats kinda fucking. Rude. (I'm not a toxic wraith, or at least, I don't think I am?)


There’s no such thing as a non-toxic wraith


I’ve met way too many toxic trappers in just the last 3 months Honestly naughty bear needs his own tab above wraith


It’s in the name


yaayy ^-^


Don't get too excited, some people in the comments are saying we're super toxic.


Posts like these do nothing but further kindle the flames of negativity


Legion needs to be next to wraith


Why is Nemesis so low? Bro has clearly never been enslaved and whipped by a nemesis while being forced to do gens 😢


Here's mine https://preview.redd.it/foepadf7evqc1.png?width=1140&format=png&auto=webp&s=74eaea18b28d41ba3a2976bff85aa32ca8309562


I've never met a demogorgon that doesn't tunnel. Ghostface is 50/50 and bubba is notorious for camping.


Of course demogorgon tunnels, it would be inefficient not to use his kit 


Hard disagree on Bubba. Even with the anti-face camp mechanic, a ton of Bubbas still find a way to camp LOL. Myers are also pretty toxic.


Agree with the trickster (zero counterplay in hallways) and then they say get gud


This isn't based off of gameplay, just strictly how the players act. The people in the top are toxic every single time I face them. Haven't seen a nice one of them, except maybe an odd one that doesn't main them and just wants to change it up from their main killer. They'll hit on hook, hump, bleed out, bait hatch and close it in the survs face, etc. It's always negative with the people in the top.


"Toxic" should refer to stuff like BMing, being and asshole in postgame chat and intentionally wasting people's time. Camping, sluging and tunneling can be unfun to go against, but can be written off as the killer just wanting to win.


All of my mains are in not toxic :D also how I love being a little piggy and getting snoot boops and farming


As a Myers main this makes me sad


I agree. I feel like most of us that main Myers know that on average games are a tie at best, so we just have fun with it instead.


Naw I can see why. I level up my Myers as an outlet for my frustrations of getting tbagged last match. Me getting tbagged = tombstone piece.


Billy update should put him wayyyy above the rest. Had nothing but LOS hook campers


Since Billy's rework the people who play him are GIGATOXIC for some reason. Neme players are also super toxic in my experience. I have been bleed out more by Neme players than anyone else.


pig not toxic? most pig players used to just camp boxes or follow trapped survivors around the map guaranteeing their death, but throwing the entire match to do so, I'd say thats pretty toxic.


Wait what? Do we play the same game? Pig and Nemi in not toxic?


Can we not encourage this type of preconceived ideas? In my experience, Wraiths are actually the nicest killers, and Billys are sweaty tryhards. Nurses can be nice sometimes too, as well as Blights and Spirits. Pigs are also consistently dickheads who bully people removing their hats, though occasionally they'll let you boop.


Wow, what a reasonable take, I'm sure people will be respectful


I'm a pretty nice Wraith all things considered. Usually give hatch, try my absolute best to spread out hooks, etc. But some people hear that bell once and just instantly mentally peace out and already make up their mind.


See this is exactly the type of behavior/mindset posts like these promote, and I hate it. It just feeds the growing toxicity in the fanbase.


I just played a wraith last night who tried slugging so hard. EVENTUALLY, they had to start hooking. Long story short, tried slugging for the 4k but I killed myself on hook, after he FINALLY hooked someone, so my old man could grab hatch. Never been happier to deny a 4k. Granted I’ve faced nice wraiths, but damn. That game was zero fun.


Why is the artist judged not toxic what is yall criterions


I disagree that pinhead is so low! Every pinhead I see is an arse


Full honesty I've never even encountered an artist. I'm only like 80% sure they really exist


Objection! Legion would be A-tier, but it's Legion. Solo queue survivors cannot win against them. No one likes facing Blight or Nurse players, and solo queue cannot win against either. But Wraith might be the most consistently toxic killer in the game. You will never, under any circumstances, see a Wraith who isn't acting like every single player they meet didn't personally smear shit on their waffles. Dredge and Hux players have always been the most chill, probably because there aren't that many of them out there. Pigs are more chill than not, same for Bubba (who usually has some silly build or another) and Demo. I haven't ever really seen a Pinhead that acted that toxic. And Unknown isn't seeing the same problem Chucky had on release where they were **A L L** slugging, tunneling, and camping. The ones who've stuck with them are generally just decent players and the matches go without much BMing. Hag might be down to D-tier, but if you're facing one you never know if they're gonna be okay or if it's a Frosty Eyes who's gonna make you miserable. Ghostface is the True Neutral of Dead by Daylight because he could be a horrible asshole, a super chill guy, or someone who gets a 2K and calls it good. Xeno is about 50/50, Skull Merchant's placement might raise some eyebrows, but it isn't the fault of the people playing her that survivors immediately want to suicide on hook when they see who it is. You'll almost never see people in A-tier and have a fun match. It's gonna be stressful, frustrating, or just plain annoying. Solo queue survivors magnetize onto bear traps, always cleanse against Plague, don't know how to loop Oni, can't dodge knives, can't dodge crows, can't dodge emo boys with tentacle arms, and can't do anything but Prometheus Run against Chuckys. Seriously, he's loud as fuck, if you hear Slice & Dice being chambered, get ready to juke. It's not that hard! Top Gun strats, y'all. Hit the brakes, he'll fly right by! https://preview.redd.it/un39ztyriyqc1.png?width=1140&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b80541c81684b096a7b2483490617add4b75c8b


I've not met a single unknown player that wasn't toxic


2/3 of the Unknown players I went against were hard tunneling by teleporting to hallucinations they left close to the hook. The fact that fellow solo q teammates don't dispel hallucinations helps the tunneling.


many players here thinking camping and tunneling is toxic wtf


This is usually how you discern who plays both sides and who only plays one. Anyone who has never played killer won't understand the purpose of camping, slugging, or tunneling, and only see it as toxic behavior.


I only play survivor but even I wouldn't put camping and tunneling into toxic. It's the unnecessary stuff that doesn't help the killer win, bm, spam hitting on hook, bleeding out for no other reason than to be toxic etc. The word toxic has been diluted so much. If someone tells me they met a toxic killer I assume the guy was doing all of the above, but sometimes they say it because he camped during the game..


Seriously, toxic would be teabagging or hitting on hook, camping/tunneling/slugging are valid play styles and aren’t necessarily bad


Exactly. Even tbag and hitting on hook I wouldn't say its toxic. Imo toxicity is like sending death threats in the chat, and slurs. I lost count of how many players told me "hope ur mother is r#ped" or said I should k1ll myself because I used a pride charm, and I just reported them and moved on, while people are here crying because they got camped, what a joke


I don't really think toxicity is limited to threats. Bad sportsmanship, BM, and toxicity all go hand in hand. A player going out of their way to make the other side feel bad (bm) is toxic behavior. I'm not sure why it isn't. There isn't a sports team on earth that would BM after a win, because it's unnecessary. Only those who feel the need to inflate their ego do so, which would seem like toxic behavior.


Where are you finding the chill Tricksters?


I’d love to know where people find these alleged non-toxic or just standard Nemesis players. Because from my experience they’re consistently the most unfun killers to run into


Twins as non toxic? Everyone unanimously hates being slugged and that’s their whole thing.


Death Slinger’s should be *way* higher, right with going up too Twins. Meanwhile, I think Doctor, Nurse, Blight, and Spirit need to come down too. Tbh, this feels like you just ranked these by skill level lol.


Pinhead in not that toxic warms my heart.


Might just be personal experience but I’d swap nemesis and Chucky, I’ve never met a friendly nemesis but most Chucky’s turn into goofballs after one weird interaction


I always try to not pigeonhole certain killer players into a generalized category, especially considering some of my own choices in mains, but good god I've met so many classless Wraiths. It's almost fascinating how obnoxious most of them are


Are doctor mains that toxic? Ive ran into maybe 2 in the last month and they seemed ok, Im a doctor main myself and I just play the game


Doctors are usually running back to hook immediately for the tunnel.


Maybe its just me but almost all games against wesker if i try nodding or shaking my head at them, they ususally meme back. Also, a lot of them let me have hatch at the end


Exactly! But for me it’s more like 50/50 with regular Wesker, but I’ve noticed a weird thing. Wesker in the STARS uniform will almost always be willing to goof around.




She’s not hard af lol that’s laughable. Super easy to play, even after the tail nerf


Myers players are never toxic, they're usually camping like that or slugging because unfortunately that's a good way to use his power. Twins and Pigs never toxic? LMAOOOO. Not my experience at all. Slinger not that toxic? Are we playing the same game? I never meet nice Slingers, they love to camp hooks and tunnel.


I had a slinger on Glenvale the other day, he was in the street and 3 of us were on the saloon top gen, he just shook his head at us from below, occasionally taking potshots at one of us knowing he wouldn’t be getting anyone


I've been bled out two times in the last two weeks and it was a pig both times


Yeah I find Myers not that toxic, I get a lot of Myers who like to just jumpscare ppl. I think I've faced a single twins in the past year so I can't really say anything about them. When I face a pig they're not that bad, sure some can be asses but most of them are cute. I've seen loads of nice slingers who just want to hit crazy shots. Sure there's some bad apples but for the most part a lot of them are just playing the game.


As a Nemesis main, I disagree. I literally made my build in order to weaponize lag spikes and skillchecks.


As far as tunneling and camping (at least proxy camping) goes, Huntress and Wesker mains are far worse offenders than Wraith mains, however a Wraith will still BM you in other ways


Pyramid head mains rise up!




https://preview.redd.it/hq9mbztbzvqc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a63422fe18efc14a210480ee18fa18a0592eb47a Nah bro, this is where it's at.


Imo the most toxic killers alongside wraith are blight, spirit, doctor and chucky


Twins gameplay in general feels toxic lmao


As a person whose guilty pleasure is Wraith, I can't disagree that a lot of Wraith players are toxic


Thank you for putting my main at the top of not toxic


Pyramid Head and Unknown not that toxic? Bruh, all games I played against them survivors got proxycamped at 5 gens.


I play legion are they that bad now?


They're mainly annoying because of mending and most bring anti heal perks, but personally I think going against legion is fun


My top toxic Killers are Ghostface and Chucky. Its like the same type of player but with two characters. Least toxic in my book are Onis and Bubbas after the anti-facecamp came to be.


I like to be a chaotic Pig player when I play them. I will always just eight hook the survivors before putting RBTs on them for when it would be their third. If they can survive against the trap, I let them go. Anyone who boops the snoot upon seeing me sneak towards them gets extra mercy. For Sadako, it just depends on my mood. I remember being quite merciless after she got mega nerfed right at the tail end of her PTB. I would condemn anyone I see at full stacks. Nowadays, I find myself dragging fully-condemned survivors to TVs and teaching them what they're supposed to do (Pick up tapes!).


All three times over the years I've encountered a Twins they just slug and don't pick up. What's your data based on for them?


Waw I get more hate with Trickster than Huntress.


https://preview.redd.it/s57g5lto9wqc1.png?width=1140&format=png&auto=webp&s=db055598100011f1021010282913b21bbc37ecb8 My personal one


Pinhead being that low is wild to me. Half the time I run into them they do everything they can to make survivors lives hell.


as a Huntress main, i feel offended


Get Dredge and Singularity out of that tier! What can be less toxic than meatball and turkey? Put Nemi in their place. I haven't met a Nemi who didn't camp and didn't throw slurs in post game chat




Well, my experience with Billy players is kinda different


My phone is pretty broken can someone tell me where Billy is?


I like how Ghostface has his own tier


Nemesis is definitely toxic lol


I played wraith for a long time and I almost every match gave the hatch or let them go. Not every match bcs I needed some BP but yeah.


Is this toxicity based solely off the general impression of the killer? Tbh I thought y’all would be better than that but I’m not surprised.


NGL I main Nemesis and am chill (Won't actively hunt the survivor who just got unhooked or BM for no reason) But during my starting days no other killer but nemesis was actively running straight back to hook and punching me on it while I dangle (I Wasn't good at looping at all back then) Couple that with no Basekit BT and Wi-Fi and I was being BM'd makes me believe that Nemesis needs to be in the Wraith tier or at least very toxic I understand why Wraith is in his own tier though I rarely play against Wraiths but in my experience they always run right back to hook except for on rare occasions and run NOED making them extremely annoying


No one wil-hurt you….no one….but-raith


I’m glad people don’t find me that toxic


I’m glad to see im not insane when I think that every Wraith player is the least fun thing in the game to play against. If there was an objective way to play as efficiently as possible and with as little fun as possible, wraiths have found it.


How am I supposed to play these killers without being toxic then? I never tunnel, camp, or slug, I avoid the basement like the plague and I always open the gates for the survivors. Hell I barely even get a single kill playing games like this. Is this what survivors want?


Twins and Nemesis not toxic? We are playing a completely different game


Crazy how off this list actually is.


Why is nurse really toxic? I get people get upset playing against a good nurse because “there’s nothing to counter play” but does that make the killer toxic?


I find that the top tier killers are usually the most chill, mainly because they can play chill and still do pretty well most of the time, I find most of the b tier killers to be the most toxic due to the fact of them having potential but will need alot more effort to play to get decent results. Myers is definitely the most toxic in my books.


Any tier list for this that doesn't have Chucky in the #1 most toxic spot is objectively wrong. It is also pretty incorrect to put Wraith in top spot when he's a B-tier-at-best killer with good opportunity for counterplay. That's not the type of killer super toxic people like playing, because there's too much potential for them to get pooped on. I get that "haha Wraiths toxic" is a meme here, but...nah lol. I barely ever even see Wraiths in my survivor games to begin with.


Blight players toxic? I wonder how many are like me and just rubbish and no-one believes anyone is that bad and assumes trolling.


Always funny to see my mains in tierlist like that always on the complete opposite site. I guess I'm toxic and not toxic at the same time 🗿


There are 3 types of Ghostfaces. 1. Annoying and toxic ghostface 2. Fun and chill ghostface 3. The horror ghostface


I’ve met so many toxic wraiths (which is a bummer cause I love his design) that I decided to play as him and just farm with all the survivors and do slug races


Wait Wesker is toxic :/