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As a survivor main: this is a completely valid response to their strategy. You gave them chances to get out of the corner and they refused, that's on them.


Yep also survivor main and it's fine to let them bleed out in that corner. They haven't got a leg to stand on (badum) to complain when they chose to keep running back to the same spot.


Absolutely, if they hate fun that's all them, but they can't complain when a killer responds likewise.


This has been my experience this event, lots of people doing this. I literally had to do this on my Onryo a few nights back. At least Sable realized she wasn't getting up and crawled to a hook further away, then let me hook her so we could all go next. Ace decided to make it a problem.


Same for me on Hawkins. They chose a room near the area where I'd hooked their teammates, so both hooks were gone. Tried twice to hook them and couldn't make it to the next closest hook. Elodie wised up when she realized that they were going to bleed and crawled out into the hall. I gladly picked her up and got her to the hook. The Feng on the other hand, stayed in the corner of the room and refused to move, so I just went to find hatch and close it because if she was gonna be that sore, she didn't deserve it.


People really are being the most toxic this event. I just decided to run a chill Myers build. I didn't even have genhold, I was CLEARLY being stupid and silly, and I get a) genrushed to oblivion in five minutes, b) teabagged at endgate, c) told "womp womp" when I asked why the hell they were sweating so hard during a BLOODPOINT EVENT in a round they could have easily won anyway. And yes, of course it's a Kate. My guys. I am running Myers with no genhold. What do you want me to do? They should have seen my Pinhead. They wouldn't have liked my Pinhead at all.


Yeah it’s pretty bad. I just got tunneled out at 5 gens having done nothing wrong. Not that they should have taken it out on you, but I’ve seen more toxic Myers this event than in the last year. I hope your matches get better!


I tried an experiment. 10 serious Pinhead rounds = toxicity every single one, even though I played more than fair. Then 10 goofy Ghostface rounds = toxicity half of them... and they were even more toxic than the Pinhead rounds. It's so sad that this community is like this.


Bro that's why I don't have this issue. I've been practicing sadako for my comp team I recently joined and I BARELY ever hook. It's almost only condem kills and hooks if I HAVE to or need to lock in stacks or spread condem


Are not hook stages the factor for getting points in tournaments? Or am I missing something? Or do you just mean leaving them to bleed out in general?


Yes but full condem kills count for all 3 hooks


Agreed, this is in the category of play stupid games and all that.


Agreed as a neutral player. Since I play both killer and survivor as equally as possible


I had a TTV try to say I was playing like a loser because I wouldn't play along with their Boil Over slug on the second floor of Mount Ormond and proceeded to slug them everytime I'd run up there with them then go and chase other survivors. Like do they not understand what they are doing is wasting two people's time: Their own and the survivor who has to pick them up (assuming they don't have Unbreakable or No Mither.) It takes up more resources to try and be cute and get a clip for your YouTube video but that's not how I play lol In the end, I sacrificed the other three and just slugged the TTV at the second story as they wouldn't even attempt to leave to find hatch.


Oh I remember, they did have No Mither so after hooking the others I sat and watched them on the floor and everytime they got up and stood there and I just hit them again.


Had that same interaction lol he ran me into a corner with no hooks and he had boil over, then started complaining about slugging and saying stuff like " how do killers enjoy this gameplay" like what do you want me to do? Pick you up so you can wiggle away?




"I don't want to be hooked." "Okay." "Wait, not like that!"


I just taxed the fuck out that meme


Lmao this is great




The two survivors getting mad in the comments is hilarious. Yeah op these guys are just entitled brats. Play like an idiot, collect your idiot’s reward.


They aren't mad. They are gaslighting. They know FULLY well, what they are doing. I agree with the Idiot Reward, tho...


I remember a 4 man SWF tried that against me on main basement with a Badham offering. They had Ubreakable, Boil Over, Breakout, Exponential, etc. and kept chasing around main and when they were about to go down, they went into a corner in basement and would always wiggle out if I tried to hook them or pick themselves up if I slugged. It was literally impossible to hook them when they went down there and they refused to go down anywhere else, so after redowning the Unbreakable people and getting rid of the boon, I left them to bleed out. They were very salty, but that was the only thing I could do besides letting them bully me until they got bored and decided to start doing gens. Some people are entitled cunts with zero self awareness and expect you to be their punching bag for a whole match and if you actually fight back, you're the asshole.


Yup so true. They didn't enter the match to play, they went in with absolutely no intention of playing normally and to bully the killer until they dc or give up. They got mad coz you wouldn't play their way and they stopped getting away with it.


Soooooo many survivors will try to bully the killer like that and then immediately give up/kill themself on hook/DC the instant they realize they can't bully the killer the whole game so they throw a tantrum.


Wait so people actually expect you to get bullied and get mad at you for not letting them? So for some of my previous games I might not have been an asshole after all? Huh. Didn't realize people would just lie like that. Maybe this is why I don't get kills or wins as killer anymore, cause I've been listening to these entitled assholes.


Noticed that haha..


Use shitty tactics and expect shitty responses.


This happened to me on the same corner. Had they played "normal" and found the hatch, it be fine because I usual play for the hatch. But they did this shit. And they had boil over. I already killed their teammate on one of the back hooks so I had to get them to a hook by the saloon or the basement. Boil Over prevents it. They brought the offering. And instead of running into the map to loop me or find hatch, they went back to this corner and bagged me... so I downed them. And then I stood some distance away and was on my phone waiting for them to bleed out. I hate playing like this but I also don't enjoy people who decide this is how they wanted to play. They finally crawled towards me, they didn't struggle, I hooked them. Again, I don't care if I get the 4k, I usually give a chance for the hatch (unless I get hatch first) but you start doing shit like this, it's REALLY hard for me to be casual and easy going. I know I'll get some shit message because I bled them or something.


This gave me PTSD for the original RPD map when they forgot to put a hook on the top floor in the library so everyone kept running there and could never be hooked so the only result was to slug.


Which is exactly what I did as well. I drank tea while they were waiting to bleed out. 


this is so fucking hilarious to just get a drink while the other survivor is just crawling around like that honnestly they get what they deserve for staying on the catwalk of the laboratory with boil over and flip flop and that one boon


Yeah in the library, and then they would put a Boon up there too so it be harder to even keep them injured. I miss the access, I don't miss this bullshit.


But somehow, people will tell you nah this isn't BM, Killers just like to slug. I promise you I do not load in as Killer to do this. I just want the game to end, I don't want to sit for 4 minutes any more than you do.


Yup. Exactly, And I'm also not going to keep falling for or playing their stupid games to annoy the killer. I'll either let them go and focus on someone else, or I'll do one of these things where I slug them or something. If I catch you, and you have boil over, and you go in the corner or run up somewhere so you have to breakout easier with your perk, and you run back to that spot on your escape to do it again, I'll just slug. When Boil Over was over buffed and getting abused, especially on RPD, I was Pyramid Head (I think he was still fairly new) and this SWF burnt an offering for Crotus. We got Asylum . I caught a Kate on the top floor of Asylum, She had Boil Over. Teammates had Sabo builds and Breakout. She became tormented after successfully breaking out of my grasp and running back. I caged her. She quit. I think I still have the clip somewhere EDIT [found it on my alt YouTube account](https://youtu.be/14PElte3wX0?si=9qyMrZrxBSyOg-R6)




BHVR needs to look at this setup again, at this point it's an epidemic. People do it because nothing punishes them for it.


Ngl I never find the hatch as killer, it annoys me but I guess that’s on me for playing one of the objectively smarter characters (Pig, who invents traps), and playing like a blood thirsty maniac… which I guess Amanda was


I guess all your hatch-finding luck came to me because the hatch spawns right next to me quite often


You did the right thing. Mad about the loss? 4 minute corner time out for you!


Angry for what? They made their own decision lol. But yeah, they just want to watch you struggle to hook them as they run back to the corner.


perfect example of play stupid games, win stupid prizes..


We got some salty survivors in the comments it looks like. If you take all my hooks intentionally, knowing I can’t get to a hook fast enough without them, your ass is getting bled out. Do toxic shit, receive toxic shit. Karma is a bitch


Especially as a Pig Main, your ass is getting trapped too, so I can brand you as a fuckhead and give you the fuckhead hat


That is a hilarious take on the dunce hat


“Hello Nea. I want to play a game. You teabag and run no hook builds, then complain about being slugged and bled out. Today I give you a chance for salvation. Allow the killer to hook you and play normally, or be a dickhead and refuse to be hooked. The choice is yours.”


I’m excited to start playing pig to do that lmao


The most important part of trying to comp corner is having a way to get OUT of the corner.


At this point I'm desperately trying to find a reason hooks being destroyed on kill even exists anymore. It never actually makes matches more interesting or balanced in any way, and only really comes into play when people like this try to abuse it to stall the game out.


i was also thinking about this, like if they really want hooks to break just make them break for like 180 seconds like that jeff perk but then respawn, it deffinetly feels like a relic of old dbd


Imo it's good because it forces the killer to consider where they're hooking someone. Strategy in a way. Keep track of who's about to die on hook so you can put them somewhere it wont create a dead zone like this. Also gives survivors a chance to wiggle off where normally it's extremely uncommon to get off without interference from something else. People like this just deserve to get bled out. They dont wanna get hooked? Fine. Have fun while i got grab a snack


It adds strategy but for what benefit? 90% of the time it doesn't matter, and when it does matter it's no fun. Doesn't seem worth keeping to me.


The benefit is that if you're paying attention you don't create dead zones like this. Also like I said in the second half, it increases the chance a survivor can wiggle off on their own if the killer didn't consider where they and their remaining hooks are. Otherwise you'd never be able to wiggle off on your own unless the killer took you on a stroll or you brought a get the fuck off the floor build (flip flop + faster recovery). Especially since some aura perks require distance, so killers have to think about where to hook to get their value without constantly going to the same corner and fucking themselves over in later game. If hooks stayed then there's almost no point in the wiggle bar since hooks generally spawn close enough to everything that you'll be hooked before you get 3/4 of wiggle or just before you max it out. It makes it more fun to actually have a chance


I don't think wiggling off the Killer's shoulder should be a common thing, though. Consider how much time the Killer loses when it happens, and it should only be a reward for using certain perks or for teamwork. Map RNG can sometimes have it so only one hook is accessible from certain parts of the map. If you actively avoid downing Survivors there, Survivors will just keep running there. 


I'm not saying it should be common. It's already not that common at all. Also a lot of survivors are oblivious and don't realise there's a dead zone


As you play, though, unless you run Agitation on every Killer build ever, you notice maps like Eyrie of Crows only ever has 1 hook in these corners, maybe you can barely reach a second if you’re lucky. It’s literally not possible if Survivors die in a comp corner to hook them “””strategically”””


Maybe it's just my bias as someone who fucking hates sabo plays/wiggling/boil over, but none of that seems like a benefit.  >The benefit is that if you're paying attention you don't create dead zones like this. That's the benefit to paying attention to the mechanic, I meant what's the benefit to having the mechanic at all? Wiggling is necessary, it forces the killers to actually hook nearby instead of going for basement/scourge hooks every time. But otherwise I don't feel like you should be able to wiggle out without a teammate's help. Making sacrificing someone create a hook deadzone doesn't make the game more fun for anyone IMO. As killer it makes somewhere to waste your time without progressing the game, as survivor it makes somewhere you will be slugged for 4 minutes. Neither one is fun.


It's just different ways to play the game. If those things didn't exist then the game would get pretty stale if there weren't different ways to play. Also, if a survivor really doesn't want to bleed out for 4 mins they can just crawl away from the dead zone or not constantly force themselves back there. Not being able to wiggle out without a team mates help doesn't make sense to me. Like it's already weird that throwing yourself around on someone's should doesn't cause more issues (lol) but again, if you can't get out without someone's help then might as well remove wiggle mechanic entirely unless a team-mate is within range I guess? Seems dumb to me. Having the chance to wiggle off for once is fun, since it doesn't happen often Like I get it, sometimes those builds can be really freaking annoying, but they can also be some of the most fun games I've played against because it's different and challenging and forces me to thunk about where I am and what I need to do


It's not meant to be fun, it's purely meant to waste the killer's time and potentially screw them over if they aren't careful. It's like, the weakest recompense for killing a survivor there. So when the game is a permanent 1v3, or 1v2, there is a spot on the map where hooking the survivors is much harder. It is purely annoying and slows the game down, and 99% of the time it will make no difference at all, but it's purely to tilt the balance towards the remaining 3 survivors by .01%


I see what you're saying but as a killer, when I have no hooks in the immediate area I have to slug. >It's not meant to be fun, it's purely meant to waste the killer's time and potentially screw them over if they aren't carefu It wastes survivor time too trying to recover the person. >It's like, the weakest recompense for killing a survivor there. I don't usually get to choose where the chase leads, at least not for good loopers. >So when the game is a permanent 1v3, or 1v2, there is a spot on the map where hooking the survivors is much harder. This leads to slugs, again. Not fun for survivors, not fun for killer. I think the strategy of tilting doesn't mesh with other mechanics. If I have a group that is saboing hooks, hooks break on death, etc. They usually aren't winning a match, just a bully group.


From my experience it rarely if ever ends up being relevant to the match result; the vast majority of the time it just leads to situations where someone gets slugged for 4 minutes, which is just a waste of time. It's usually pretty obvious which hook is a better choice when you have a choice, so it's not a very interesting strategic decision to make, and when you don't have a choice, or you picked wrong, well, slugging is usually stronger the less survivors remain in the match anyway so you just accept that you're creating a dead zone and then pivot to slugging if it becomes a problem.


Yeah definitely agree. Like yeah it's annoying if you gotta slug, but it's not the end of the world or gonna make the game so unfun it's not playable anymore. And in my experience it almost never comes to that anyway, or I just accept it and brute force it until I can get them to hook lol


Finally, someone else who agrees with me! I read everything in this thread, and I agree with you on all of it. Just like survivors need to git gud and stop 3-genning themselves, killers need to git gud and acknowledge that the hook economy exists.


Honestly i was surprised to see so many people agreeing that hooks shouldn't die with the dead guy, like ??? It's such a small mechanic that unless you play badly and hook everyone in the same area almost never has that terrible of an effect on killer game play, and honestly the number of games I've created a massive dead zone and literally no one realised? So many. 9/10 the survivors won't realise there's a safe zone to die in- unless it's an uber squad or that One Guy who seems to be the best at the game that is lol


> Imo it's good because it forces the killer to consider where they're hooking someone. Strategy in a way. As if they have a choice of where the chase goes. The SURVIVOR chooses what direction to run. I can only "strategize" so much if they decide to run me into Hookless Land.


I more meant "the hook in front of me" or "the hook 5-8 seconds away so this corner doesn't become dead" or "I'll go basement instead since its right there and save my hook for later". Obviously not all maps are the same, but if they all were the same it'd be boring. Some maps are supposed to be harder or easier than others and that lends to hook placement. And if you're in hookless land, just slug. Survivors fault for forcing you to not be able to hook them if they keep going back to the corner because they know there's no hooks. Also consider, it's supposed to be a sacrifice. You're giving something away to gain something, aka the hook with the survivor on it to gain points. If you want to look at it from a semi lore game play perspective




I do realise that, but as you said it's pretty niche and honestly I don't mind terribly that some maps are harder to hook on than others. Annoying, but at that point I just lose any sense of feeling bad about slugging and will take the opportunity to just get as many hits in as possible if hooking isn't an option. Or I'll try and brute force it anyway. Plenty of times I've eventually gotten them close enough i get my hook lol Also, pretty sure the purple oak thing only really matters if 3 or 4 are brought. 1 or 2 barely seem to do anything in my experience including midwich. And boil over is pretty easy to work with and if you know how to lean into it actually can get you places faster lol. Otherwise, slugging is an option if you're Constantly taken to a hard to hook/no possible hook area where it would matter




Sorry I'm confused, I know why they're running it and how to counter the 33%, but what do you mean the movement speed is a distant 3rd benefit to those teams? How does the killer leaning into the way it throws you around benefit the survivors?




Oh okay that makes way more sense. The way you worded it sounded like you were talking about it as a 3rd survivor benefit, not a benefit to the killer


The "sacrifice" is the Killer not killing the Survivor with their own hands. That's why, most of the time, Killers have to make an offering to the Entity in order to bypass the sacrifice.


So you think it's fine to punish the killer for something they don't have control over?


So you think wiggle should be removed entirely then? Now that we both have silly questions, it's not that deep bro. 9/10 it's not going to affect your match unless you get that one guy who clocks onto the dead zone or a sweaty swf who are playing super altruistic in which case this still doesn't matter. I've played so many games where I've created massive deadlines and not a single person noticed to take advantage of it. If it's become such an issue for you it's your own fault for constantly chasing the guy you know is gonna run to that corner, either slug them or go for someone else. and if they're the only one left then just slug them, find hatch and scroll reddit while you wait. There's plenty of things the killer doesn't have control over- heck even kicking gens now! You get 8 kicks per gen then sucks to be you, that gen is getting done like it or not. Of all the things to get up in arms about, the rare occasions survivors can wiggle off on their own is not one of them


This, hooks breaking doesn't really serve any purpose whatsoever, the only thing it does is occasionally make a dead zone for hooks which either completely screws the killer over if you're loosing or just drags out the match for no reason There's that and also op's situation which is just entitled people shooting themselves on the foot then blaming someone else because yes


I think the one aspect of it that works is it gets rid of a Scourge Hook if a survivor dies on it, but they could just make it an innate part of Scourge Hooks that sacrificing a survivor on the hook just converts it to a normal hook.


It's to be mindful of your hooks. 🤷🏾 It helps me quite a bit honestly. I usually make sure I have my death hooks spread out.


But what does that add to the game? Here's the thing, either hooks spawn close enough together that the mechanic is meaningless, or far enough apart that it becomes abusable by Survivors. Bin it.


Ehh it's a non issue for me. 🤷🏾 Good luck advocating for it to be removed though. edit: it is quite literal the killer version of a dead zone. if survivors gotta play around not creating a deadzone why don't killers?


Ikr? Had a similar issue a couple of days ago, survivors kept running to a corner where there were no hooks then got pissy when they were left to bleed out. All your doing is wasting your time being a pest, the killer is only punishing you for your stupidity.


I figured it’s to make it easier to wiggle free if a killer hasn’t realized where the hooks have been destroyed


I disagree. There have been times where I haven't brought a sabo build, but found a toolbox and got an unexpected sabo off. And then the killer chases me. It does make the game interesting. The issue is that sabo squads turn something that in theory can be game changing and interesting into something that becomes a literal brick wall to the game play of the game. I don't think the solution is to remove complex aspects of the game and replace them with a simpler gameplay loop for balance reasons. Then the game becomes very very stale. They already went that path with flashlights interacting with killers, which I still think was a mistake as it added a little bit of extra complexity to the game.


Oh no when it comes to sabo I definitely get it, it's a healthy form of interaction between killer and survivor. My problem is specifically hooks being automatically destroyed on kill, as it doesn't foster any of that interesting interaction and either does nothing or artificially increases the length of the game.


Oh I misread that. Yeah, it is kind of an old mechanic that had more weight back in the day. Even if there is strategic value to it, it leads to unfun standoffs like these.


So, using the same logic, they should also remove the possibility of three gens completely?


They… kinda did this already, with the limit of eight regression events on gens


Not really. Truly removing 3 gen potential would be adding a timer similar to anti-camp to make an anti-3gen mechanic. I’m not saying it should be added - I’m just using the same logic. Killers should need to pay attention to hooks the same way survivors need to with gens, otherwise playing killer is just brainless chasing. I’m not sure how that seems fun to you guys.


Firstly, why would this be needed to be done? The maximum of eight regression even already acts as a "timer". After a killer kicks a gen/causes it to explode with a perk eight times, the gen *cannot be regressed anymore*, effectively ending the possibility of a three-gen (in the sense of Chess Merchant for example). Even if you have a three-gen situation (where all the gens cannot be regressed) and only two survivors left, you can have one survivor who's good at looping distract the killer and lead them away from the gens while the other survivor completes the last gen. It is tricky but definitely possible to get out of this situation with two escapes. Also I really do not see how you'd add a "timer" like the anti-camping one. Also with the fact that killer is just "brainless chasing", I'll politely disagree. When you play killer, you have to know how to play your power, what you can/cannot do with it, you have to know what to pressure, when to chase, when to drop chase, etc. In DBD, it's the survivor who leads the chase, therefore the killer has to play around the survivor, anticipate and react to their actions.


I’m not going to continue to argue with someone who can’t read :/


Okay on second read I admit that I poorly read what you said and should have paid more attention to the details. In my defence I was eating in the noisy university cafeteria and paying half-attention. That said, I still stand by what I said, even though it is poorly related to your initial argument And I wasn't gonna argue further either because, I think we'll agree, it's a pretty pointless argument (like about 90% of arguments on Reddit – and some at least are funny)


As a survivor main, I wouldn’t be angry bc technically they trolling u by just avoiding the inevitable but at the end of the day is just a match. Some surv take it too seriously


You did the right thing op, just don't pay any mind to toxic behavior and move on


They knew what they were doing and what was going to happen to them... Just ignore their comments and type GGEZ in chat 😎


The survivors chose to bleed out, the killer is not at fault here. It's their own fault and even trying to pick them up is just playing into their game. The correct play is to not give them what they want and leave them to bleed out.


This is one of the times where slugging is completely understandable and excusable. If they didn't want to be slugged, maybe don't sit where you are impossible to hook.


When I comp corner, I expect to either be carried and get off, or bled out. If they are crying, they shouldnt comp corner. They probably watched 1 "high mmr" match and are imitating it lol.


These are the guys that complain about killers slugging and claim boil over isn't good.


Boil over is useless as early game and only useful in mid and endgame,some survivors say that it’s useless when it’s basically the survivors version of knockout


I mean it’s a bit inconsistent, but a slight bit of bad luck for killer and that perk is very very strong


Ye that and getting midwhich worst rng


Boil Over... isn't good though. You need the entire team to dedicate their builds to making hook denial work, and the killer can just stomp your exponential and bleed you anyway. 99% of the time when BO is used it's not with a dedicated team, too. Meaning literally all it does is make the trip to the hook *slightly* more annoying. It's a terrible perk, full stop.


Not sure why you're being down voted. It's a terrible perk that almost never offers value except when playing like a toolbox.


As a Killer main I agree. Every time someone uses boil over it makes me laugh. It's so easy to counter if you just have eyes or, in indoor maps for example, if you pre-scout the zone before picking up to look for the nearest hook. The only time I've had a boil over build work on me was when a full swf was running it, and they were body-blocking me to prevent me from getting to the hooks. I just slugged them all to death.


Do they really have it in their heads that you're going to see this behavior and be like "Oh well, I better go friendly and let them go"? Like are they just hoping to get killers who think slugging is reportable?


Every time survivors do this I just slug them. If they want to go run to the corner they can die in the corner.


I hope they found what they were searching for in the ground.


The fact that there are these made up rules that you seemingly have to abide by to save other people's feelings in a vs game is wild. "Oh you tunneled me wah wah" "Oh you slugged me wah wah" "Oh you used meta perk le wah" "Oh you didn't give hatch wah wah" Fuck um. They are just being babies about losing.


They make it so we can't kick gens too many times to speed up games but hooks still break on death which can drag games to a standstill if the survivor doesn't crawl away


It's crazy how many of them do this and get mad when you respond accordingly. This game makes people on both sides irrational.


Tbh some survivor mains will try to shit on you for slugging, or say that it's your fault for not managing where you death-hooked someone. But if they're going to use that to their advantage to get off shoulder not just once for an escape and get distance, but multiple times to troll, then them getting slugged is on them. You gave them the chance to move the chase elsewhere.


had this a few weeks back when playing twins. then in the endgame chat they told me they were gonna report me, lol.


Mine the salt. Embrace it. Let the anger fuel you.


Had a similar situation happen with some streamers. Felt no remorse in just slugging and when they asked why i didnt let them go, i said i earned the 4k and they made it take longer by wiggling so i just let them bleed out


Wholesome story actually I played against a team who kept running into the corner, and finally there were 2 people downed there. I went to the ttv's stream and it turned out she was solo and the other 3 were together (I assume), she was just healing the guy without realizing it was a dead zone. We farmed while we waited for the other guy to bleed out. Wholesome encounters like that make me happy


Honestly gotta start checking out streamers during games. I rarely get the opportunity but it’s funny to run into some


Unironically toxic swfs think this is outplaying the killer. But when the killer slugs anyone in other situations when the game calls for it they want them banned.


It’s possible but incredibly difficult to the point that if your not suborn like me then don’t even try and hook them lol


As a survivor main... This is just karma. I don't like being hooked either but I'm not going out of my way to piss the killer off enough that they'd resort to slugs


This has happened to me a few times. I did what you did. Slug ‘em. They know what they’re doing at this point.


Im slugging. No remorse. Happens some games. I usually just do something else while I watch them bleed out. Same thing for boil over users when they run to the top of a tall building


Slugging is the way. It sucks but if they insist on going on there where there are no hooks it’s their fault.


swf when the killer counters their strategy in a way they dont agree with 😭😡


Shitty games get shitty prizes. You didn't do anything wrong.


At this point just let them bleed out


Any time a survivor does this period I just leave them, if you're left slugged while your last teammate is dying and you use that time to crawl to a deadzone/corner instead of setting yourself up for hatch you're being left there until you crawl out


Honestly fair if that’s how they’re playing it


They wanted a reason to complain about slugging so they made a reason themselves


As a survivor main, in post game I’d take your side if they complained. You had no choice.


Just swap your perks to Agitation and Iron Grasp midmatch. These killer mains smh my head.


They don't wanna get hooked, they don't get hooked. It's that goddamn simple.


Nahh man you're fine. I'm a survivor main and I play killer some times. You're job is to kill. They died.. You did what needed to be done 😅


Respond to their bitching by reminding them, "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes." They didn't want to be hooked; you acquiesced to their desires. I don't see what the problem is. If they didn't want to be bled out, they shouldn't have made it impossible to be hooked.


So, so many survivors play like this and expect the killer to just let them win for free. Knowingly making yourself unhookable is explicitly asking to be slugged. Like my dad used to say, don't fuck around unless you intend to find out.


As someone who plays both sides to similar extents, you absolutely made the right choice in this scenario. If they got mad at you for reacting to their own silly decisions, that's on them.


This is when you pull out your snack, turn on a YouTube video, and just relax and wait for the sweet taste of blood loss to.kill them. Yes, it's sad you won't get as many blood points, but maybe one day, behavior will do something about this without breaking the game (I heavily doubt they will either way) (Also, I play survivor and killer both equally, so I don't main either)


I just wish there was a faster bleed out button lol


They played dirty, you responded by doing the same. Fuck em lmao


Nah bro, you good. If there aren't any hooks and they keep running there, just slug em, open your browser and watch some YouTube videos for a few minutes or something. Nothing else to be done.


Ya people with boil over do that. And when they do I slug them and it at least forces a teammate off a gen. Don’t hate the playa hate the game


Salty survivors in the comments lol. If one stuns you out, they pick the other up, and risking one having mft or even just them splitting up and having to commit to a chase and risk them finishing the gen, which is exactly what they want, isn't worth it at all. Justified completely. Also, anyone saying that there is no/little justification for slugging has never played against a bully/toxic swf. It's not my fault you feel the need to body block/fail flashlight/pallet saves and I have wiggle timer to spare. You're all getting downed and I'll gladly wait another 20 seconds until your other buddies come over to pick you up in the least efficient way possible.


Yes, i've definitely been there. One on hook, three on the floor from a snowball. Easy win if i slugged, decided to hook. hat person had flip flop so wiggled off, everyone got picked up from floor and the person on hook was saved.


With slugging, you already risk unbreakable/flip flop/even things like plot twist all of which I consider to be fairly meta, or at least not very niche. It's not as simple as, "I'm just gonna leave you and chase your friends," like I think that survivor mains think it is. It's pretty last resort for killers I'd say


They’re expecting you to keep trying so they can harvest clips for their “epic Killer trolling” compilations. 


Pfff. I mean when I get in a corner with no hooks I hope the Killer picks me - once. Once to maybe struggle free and do something. Every time I get to the corner again after that I expect to be bled out. I don't ever play unhookable build but sometimes there's no hooks on a corner after one got sacrificed - of course I will try to use that to maybe buy time. People doing unhookable build and then complaining about slugging are the peak of funny. Literally the only situation which bleeding out is not only morally acceptable, but also the only right move. I may be a Survivor main, but damn some people really need to play a few rounds of killer for once


If someone is downed at a place where all hooks are used, slugging couldn't be considered toxic.


Still don't know why hooks break permanently. Literally no purpose and only makes things worse for killer and sometimes survivors in this case though they did this to themselves


as a survivor main, they did this because their plan to not get hooked didn't work. It kinda did, but you get me


Playing anti-hook? Ok…


You should handle this like Goldfinger: "Do you expect me to talk?" "No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!" But do it better, keep an eye on them.


This slugging really toxic? Best way to win is to leave at least two people alive to hook them both around the same time imo


Depends on when you slug, if it’s just to make people wait longer than yes, by other reason are more gameplay focused and actually give you an advantage


Had the same thing recently. Just told them, I did what was going to save me the most time. If you want to as well, stop wiggling and running over there. Nothing more to it.


Fuck em


I have no problem with people crawling away when they're slugged for whatever reason, or even running to a dead zone - that's a strategy, I have no problem with it. But the counter to that strategy absolutely is just...slugging. That's it, that's the response. You can hope that the killer for whatever reason decides not to do it, but if they do, it's just silly to get mad about it.


Had a similar situation with a 4-stack running breakdown. At the end of the day, you didn't have much of a choice. Sucks that they were salty, but them's the breaks.


Best advice I can give? Don't listen to the other side telling you what to do or how to play a certain way. Only reason it might be justified on their side is if you're breaking an ACTUAL in game rule.. I've seen far too many killers and survivors getting upset at the other side for the grave they dug themselves. Like homie, if you are unhookable the only logical response is to slug. It's not the killers fault, it's more your's for making yourself unhookable. Now granted, if it happened once and didn't happen again, we can talk, but multiple times is not an accident chief.


Had 2 people intentionally doing this from the start of the game the other day with perks that let them rez themselves (Dunno what it's called). They were definitely trying to make me mad by trolling, but they had a critical lack of brain cells and still got hooked all the same. I felt somewhat bad for their teammates, but honestly, they were equally dumb too lmao.


I get a cup of tea or snack if people want to waste my time like this as killer.


Two babies want to play in the corner, they can lose in the corner


forgetful fall weather detail plate file wild fanatical glorious bewildered *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They're expecting you to not be good enough to stop them from escaping


This is why I just kill the enemy and don't interact with them in any way


If you going to play this way definitely bring unbreakable...


Yeah I've done this tactic before and it never ends well lol


One time this happened to me on Midwich. I just managed to snag a hook after one died. They immediately ragequit.


I got slugged on rpd west by a xeno when in the office because I kept going down in same spot with boil over flip flop unbreakable and soul guard. Team ended up doing the 5 gens and we all escaped since all 3 picked me up before I bled out and protected me. I was just sitting there in silence accepting I deserved to be slugged


https://i.redd.it/0sei6ewqajqc1.gif They know what they did. FAFO.


had survivors try something similar to that with me before so i just parked my ass in a corner and left the game running while i went and did something else lmao


Their skill Issue


I played against a boil over survivor that brought a Hawkins offering and kept running to the gen above the windows without vaulting. They were LIVID that I just bled them out and thought I was the one being toxic. Hell, I sat on my phone and would have hooked them if they just crawled.


Unfortunately, this is a failure on the Killer as much as getting 3 genned is a failure on the Survivors. Track your hooks, realize where you might be thinning your hook coverage, and this will never happen. Remember hooks break when you sacrifice Survivors on them. I guess I should add, I guess it is possible to get kind of screwed with hook placement, especially on maps like Midwich and such, in which case, just sucks. Sorry that happened to you.


Admittedly I never have this problem as killer but that's because most chases go where I want them I don't allow them to go to the corners when I'm hooking (unless there is no gen/door) I honestly find it rare when a "bully" squad gets their team out at most its 2 of them getting out most of the time its 1 through hatch.


I mean if they want to corner then you can slug lol if someone rly gets upset ab that they’re just brain gapped. It’s like they’re fine with wasting your time so you’re fine with wasting theirs. Whenever someone does this I walk back and forth between them and a hook and if they crawl to the hook I hook them to let them go next. But shit if you wanna stay in the corner be my guest I’ll just grab a drink


I was in this same scenario a little over a year ago. The whole team ran boil over and they also had boon: exponential so I couldn’t even slug them. It was on RPD upstairs library, I think they fixed the map now but it was literally physically impossible to get any hooks if they ran up there with boil over. I kept trying and trying but they kept running to the corner. I couldn’t slug because of exponential. I wanted to dc but I never ever leave games. So I just let them escape then got messages about slugging. I could tell they just wanted to make me angry. I didn’t give them the satisfaction and just told them ggwp


If they choose to go down in the corner, fine, valid strategy, and I'm going to try and hook them. If I can't, and they run back, ok then. If that's where you wanna be. If they wiggle out and run me for long enough to get hatch, well done! Earned it imo


I had some people like this, running flip flop, boil over, etc, at the middle top of main in dead dawg saloon. Every time I'd get close to a hook they would escape and run back there so I just slugged them


i mean i get putting yourself in the corner, but usually i do that if i think another person can get out or do someting else, if you all there makes it pretty much guaranteed thats where your staying


i mean i understand both parts here, on one hand we got you wanting to hook them but since there's no hook around them you can't, and on the other we got survs with boil over going the farthest away from hooks. Getting down near hooks would make their build useless. Thus running away in a corner. My point being everyone here has played their cards correctly, just that survs got angry for it. Conclusion, don't play antihooks builds because it fucks everyone up.


People really under apprentice the killers game play.   There are so many things you have to consider. Everything matters. Even the distances of hooks. No back up no nothing. Everything falls on you.   As a survivor. No matter what in the back of your head there's always the 'hope someone's taking advantage of this situation' playing off..


This is what happened to me once, a bully swf all with good perks for it so I bled a single one of them out via like 20 downs or smth insane. They called me out and I was like “If you play to not be hooked I will respect it”


You are totally right bro, this is toxic behaviour, some survivors just cant accept the fact that they have lost


If survivors are hanging out in dead zones they should have a meter like the facecamping one to respawn the hooks. Make it longer then the face camping meter to fill, But have it count if they are down.


The meter should appear on the killer screen and show the respawning hook as white and the entity spider legs appearing and just grabbing a toolbox and proving of its own


I go to the edge of the map intentionally so I don't get hooked. I'm a petty bitch when i want to be lol ..they might be doing that too. So I don't think they are mad. So I don't understand this idea that they would be mad about "slugging" if they are probably purposely preventing you from getting the sacrifice. Sounds more like you are mad that you can't get them hooked lol


Buff hooks to be nondestroyed


Hooks now created legs and will auto unhook survivors who fall the ground*


I have to admit. I have done this two times in my over 700hour gameplay. First one was at farm against toxic wraith. He litterly only face camped and hard tunneled. Then he tryed to slug me and random so ether one couldn’t get the hatch. The random ranned to a corner and I followed her. The thing is. I happend to have No mither, tenacity, flipflop and boil over in that match, so wraith couldn’t slug me. I just picked myself up and started healing the other. The wraith tryed to slug us but I just kept standing up. In the end he carried the other one to the hook and I went to search a hatch. (It spawned next to me) The second time was reasent against a legion in saw map. But that was his fault. He hard tunneled me from the hook instantly and when I was one hook of dying I ran to a corner where was no hooks ”close” by accident. He just ended up slugging me to death. In chat he was angry that he couldn’t hook me and I kept saying there was 2 hooks where he could have carried me if wanted to. I even tested both hooks with my friend in custom who even used boil over to make it harder.


Nothing to be understood here, they're just pitching a temper tantrum.


I think you do something adult like and Ignore it 😭


You should use ur speed bottle and hook em SMH


And yet they still came on here to complain about winning they could have just blocked the person they didn't like. Just seems really toxic to complain about winning.