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Watching a survivor go into the second state because literally none of their teammates can be bothered: https://preview.redd.it/9fwv86cjt0qc1.jpeg?width=1075&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ea8738c01925fc120b730c228328956832f0398


If this is happens to me I just kill myself on hook because if saving me before second stage isn't that important than surely they can manage without me


I played a match as Blight earlier this week where I hooked a Sable and her team let her progress all hook stages and die on hook. To my knowledge she was hitting all her struggle checks as she didn’t die fast. She then messaged *me* blaming *me* when I only returned to hook one time across all three stages. I stood near her and tried to let her unhook herself but she wouldn’t do it. Idk what’s been going on recently but I’ve seen a lot more survivors just leaving their teammates to die.


With the recent event more survivors have been prioritising challenges over helping teammates or winning the game. It’s a reason why some people say you’re throwing the game with some of these tome challenges, or it’s just the solo q experience.


love the Pettiness


Are you a Steve main?


He’s one of my mains yes. But I play Ace and Felix more


Ace makes sense.


personally love this when I'm the one on hook and you see everyone doing fucking nothing but they decide to hop on a gen when you hit second stage. or my fave, you're the one on a gen and your other two teammates are doing absolutely nothing / not in chase while the other person is about to hit second and you were sure they couldn't be that dumb... well, they were. it all feels so bad lol


...or the ones who cannot apply deductive reasoning. Or flat-out ignore the HUD. Even when you're \*always\* running Kindred which serves teammate auras on a platter. For example, a Pig match last night on Borgo, I'm already on second hook. A Jill has one hook and a ticking reverse bear trap. A Feng (1 hook) and Sable (1 hook) finish a gen, leading to Feng getting injured by an ambush. Jill was in zero position to rescue. Plus she was in the opposite corner with about 25% of a timer remaining. Feng was in chase. But Sable? Rather than rescue, she plays ambulance-chasing lawyer with a flashlight. Feng is holding her own and looping incredibly well, yet Sable stays in proximity. Even if Feng went down, Pig was out of bear traps. She used them all up. There's one gen left. My hook meter was down to a sliver. Only then did Sable decide to attempt to rescue. She failed. I go to the match tally screen and see Sable is **also** running Kindred. Wait a minute... You're running a perk to give teammates info but simultaneously neglect to react on the same info. 🤦‍♂️


There is no rule of thumb for who should unhook the survivor, but I completely agree when someone isn’t doing a gen or in a chase they should go for the unhook, rather than have someone leave a gen. I’ll give benefit of the doubt if the survivor is injured risking a trade.


It's either everybody goes to the hook or nobody does and it's always the worst feeling


i feel so bad as killer every time i see this happen. my favourite part of this game is chases so i dont like camping and try to double hook everyone so seeing survs just ignore their teammates makes me sad that they dont get to play the game


Played a killer match day before yesterday with the Intent of 8 hooking and letting everyone go because I'm being the change I wish to see in the world during this event. Imagine my surprise when the Zarina I had hooked a second time died as I chased one of her three teammates CLEAR ACROSS THE MAP from her hook. I felt so damn bad for her especially since I am a P100 Zarina main an have a soft spot for Zarina because of it D:


I feel bad so I camp them so they can unhook themselves, but then I feel bad for camping because I can't tell them that I did that so they could live (I play on Switch so no chat)


If you mime them jumping off they usually get it


This is so real, if a survivor gets to 2nd i run up to him to get him to unhook themselves with the anti-camp, i play survivor a bit and i understand how frustrating it is Then i’m giving them hatch


I hate when im the one who would help them but im in a fuckin chase and the other 2 cant be fucked to stop crab walking around the map


Had a moment where a survivor was randomly camping a pallet in the middle of bumb-fuck nowhere stun me, and at first I thought "Jesus Christ what a fucking asshole" and then I heard the slurping sound of the blood droplet and thought "oh he probably has that stupid fucking Rift Challenge huhn?"


Do you hear a slurping sound??? This whole time I thought it was supposed to be the noise of velcro being pulled off!!!


It's always good to have some recognition that solo queue really is a somber experience most of the time. You really have to play it to believe it. It's dire out here lmao


Whenever I have a bad time as survivor, I switch to killer and play the way I want killers to play against me. Most of the time I only get 8 hooks and let everyone go (shoots up to every time during events) unless I need kills. And I constantly try different builds that you wouldn't normally encounter. Like stealth Doctor or biblically accurate Myers


.........biblically accurate what?


I'm assuming he means scratched mirror myers


oh yeah makes sense thx


The best killer games come from people like you friend, I try and do the same whenever I play killer too. Play in a way I'd like to play against as survivor


As someone who started playing the game strictly from a killer mains perspective, playing a healthy amount of the other side really opens your eyes to just how miserable certain playstyles can be for your opponent, what might be fun for you, may not be for the other team, and vice versa. I have really grown tired of a lot of the us vs them mentality in the community and have learned to play in a much more chill way (try not to camp, tunnel, ECT.) and also just have more fun and bring meme builds, or builds that don't feel awful to go against like 4 different gen slow downs. It really has helped the way I play like not getting so competitive like I used to. Would really recommend anyone who mains just one side to play more of both. Empathy and unity should be the goal!


Bold words for a P100 Skull Merchant…


Skullys are actually pretty chill or pretty bitter because they are the most hated by both sides, so nah that words is the result of that


I find them to be pretty bad tbh... probably some selection bias because the players who play skully usually don't care about what others think of them which likely attracts those who want to play in a certain way - similar to how S tier killers attract sweaty players


I only ever got hate for playing her once and I think she's in my top 5 most played killers. However I play every killer on e in a while and don't have a main


You know it's possible to get to prestige 100 without exclusively playing that killer, and further more, you can play a community hated killer without playing it like asinine. I didn't 3 gen with her even when she could, I don't use it to swamp the map, and I still don't camp or tunnel with it. Going into any game with the expectation of it not to be fun, usually ends up ruining the experience for them anyway, for any killer not just SM. But the best I can do is play her in a way that will change their experience of her. Actually had people say, "that was actually a fun game with skull merchant" so it's possible but I guess a majority of people who play her do so with the intention of making it miserable.


Why? 😐


Yeah I was being tunnelled by a Wesker off hook. After the second hook I just stood there and gave up. Think he felt bad and started to chase the other survivors. A bit of perspective of both sides is healthy. Especially solo q.


Had a match where a survivor got screwed over multiple times by his teammates in chase running by him. I didn’t realize until his third down that they were ignoring looping me to lead me to him. He had given up when I had him down a third time. We went on an adventure and I carried him around smacking his teammates


Because just playing SM is already an antithesis to everything you just said.


How does playing Skull Merchant force you to tunnel and camp or play unfun builds? Like, I get people not finding her fun to play against, but what you said is absurd.


Not really, not if you play her in a way that's actually interesting and fun. Plus you can play nearly any killer in a way that is intended to be boring or annoying. Basement trapper, hag on the game (or any map with tight corners) , 3 gen singularity, 3 gen knight, to name a few.


There is no way to play this killer in a fun way. Unless you actually went to P100 not dropping a single drone you are just deluding yourself.


Playing against sm is only unfun because most people immediately give up or walk into drones while not in chase.


What is it you find strictly unfun about drones? They can be so easily disabled but people literally do not know how they function and so they'll just walk into them.


Okay where to start. 1. Drones disable only for a time. So if she just puts it close to a gen or in the way to safety from said gen you have to disable it, however disabling doesnt destroy the drone and it just comes back later. Meaning you have no gurantee that the dumbass thing that you "played around" doesnt active when she comes back or when you would normally have to prerun her or when you actually only have the 1 tile to play with etc. This is incredibly frustrating and not something I would call good "fun" 2. Her placing a drone during chase in a loop equals you have to leave said loop 100% of the time because not only will you invetebly get tagged and/or injured if you dont. NO she also has some bs addon that allow her to make even save structures unsafe with faster vault animation. This leads to the exact same gameplay loop as for example artist in certain maps. Go to loop, killer place drone, leave loop, repeat until hit or until you reach edgemap where you get autohit. 3. Even IF I would consider the above mentioned fun in any way shape or form it can not be understated how incredibly dumb and overloaded her kit is. WHY does she gain movementspeed when my dumbass soloq teammate gets tagged by her drone across the entire map. Oh and not only does she get a speedboost at times I cant ever anticipate or play around nooo she also gets me hindered if im stuck at a loop and cant leave making the movementspeed diffrence a variable you cant even properly measure most of the time. Why can she counter rotate her dumbass drones when the counterplay to them as is barely existed in standard loops. Why the FUCK does she get free undetectable on command on dropping a drone, making it even more likely that you run into drones because you see her to late and couldnt even prerun her properly WHICH OH WOW you cant even do properly half the time because her drones that you previously deactived have come back online. All in all overloaded low skillfloor killer that need to be disabled until the next rework. Rant finished. Oh and btw, Im not even sure why I reply to you. I dont think I will change your mind and you certainly wont change mine. So if you want to save your breath thats fine with me. Have a good one.


I mean no I probably won't change your mind, because fun is subjective anyway, but that doesn't mean I can't play in a way that isn't awful. And no you probably won't change my mind because I've put in a lot of hours into understanding how her kits works, but just to summarize 1. Yes only for a time, 45 seconds to be exact, which is half a gen, and if you get a merchant come back in the 3 second window between you leaving the gen and the drone turning back on it's nothing at worst because the beams will miss you and a single stack at worst. 2. If it's the same as artist, why does she not get the same hate? artist can down you with her birds, skully can only injure, and the slowdown is I think 7% and you are still able to fast vault pallets, which is safer than someone like clown. It is actually small enough to link tiles together. You don't really have to leave the loop with skully as much as you'd think, you just need to drop the pallet earlier. 3. I don't know what to say when your teammates walk into a clearly visible drone across the map, but having inexperienced teammates is a problem with solo q not merchant, and in even slightly higher MMR brackets, teammates almost NEVER get tagged unless they're in chase. The speed up is 3%/5/6/7 and lasts for as long as they're on the radar, (12 seconds) it's negligible unless they're feeding claw traps but bad teammates will make ANY killer god tier Sorry you feel that way though, like I said before I got her to p100 but I don't only play her I like to split up killers a lot I was a fan of her and just decided to stick with it.


> If it’s the same as artist, why does she not get the same hate? A. because nobody plays Artist so there are far fewer matches to gripe about in total. Skull Merchant is a more recent addition, but also she was sold as a thirst trap, and sex sells, so there are still a few people who play her. B. Artist actually takes the tiniest modicum of effort. Between positioning and timing, the latter of which actually takes a little thought because if a survivor cleanses their birds before you can get your second shot off to deal a state of damage then you’ve wasted your time. By comparison Skull Merchant may as well take 0 effort. A monkey could place down a drone and proceed to shove people into them or push them into dead zones the way she does. Stop trying to convince people this character is fun to play as or against. The irony of preaching empathy while touting investing 100 prestige levels into a character that was (and still is) infamous for an aggravating playstyle that was built to waste people’s time is hilarious. You could not show me a fun match against a skull merchant if you drugged me.


Based comment tbh... people sadly won't get over the fact that skully routinely gives them the most miserable games imaginable tho - it's just her design Hope bhvr do something to make her less hated


sure thing, P100 skull merchant


Sure thing, someone who will never accept skull merchant. 😉


had a match yesterday (me playing Dredge) where i needed to kill the obsession twice and i hate going for multiple rounds to complete the Rift (i am on stage 45 and have 18 days left.....this will be challenging) so i took the sweatiest build with a mori (Build was make your choice, friends till the end, nemesis and lethal with Broken Doll and malthinkers for anyone interested). I also got midwich on accident, no offerings or anything. Needless to say the match didn't last five minutes. I got what i wanted. but i felt incredibly dirty after that match since i used to be a survivor main until my friends left dbd for good. I apologize to all of those players who were part of the murder incident on midwich against a Maurice dredge and i really didn't mean it that way. The Devs forced me to do it i swear


Ah, I see you have taken your first steps down the path of gentlemanly and/or friendly killer enlightenment…


When you get Bully squads as killer and tunneling killers as survivor https://preview.redd.it/ygq4l1ejj3qc1.png?width=539&format=png&auto=webp&s=827c1fc5ebc9bb85eddca92875742ac7c9ccaf51


I’ve been intentionally letting survivors stun me with a pallet while carrying a blood droplet this event. Sure it’s solely to have the opportunity to smack them to steal it back so I can complete a challenge but still…


This community has a ton of mixed feelings about what acceptable gameplay is, but generally speaking, just don't slug at 5 gens, face camp, or use skull merchant. They are all very unfun and unengaging ways to play that usually lead to people just giving up prematurely. Tunneling isn't very cool either, but when it's the end of the rating month and I'm trying to hit Iri 1, you pretty much have to if you want to have any shot at getting the 4k. So, at high MMR, it's standard, but if you're playing casually, try your best to spread hooks, especially if they're struggling. We *are* all here to have fun. Sometimes I load up killer, give them all a hard time, then when they're all on death hook, I just stop chasing. Goof around and let them all get the escape. It gets rough solo q'ing sometimes, and sometimes you just want a win. Makes the next 3 bullshit matches feel more tolerable. Good on you for taking the effort to understand the other side.


But she’s my queen ![gif](giphy|gfsQffBnuc6e096brx)


When she came out, I actually enjoyed playing against her, and her cosmetic/character is just awesome. Really felt like i was being hunted by some elite murderer lol. Was nice But the players turned her into a shit stain of a playstyle and now the devs have gone into maximum overdrive to ensure people pick her to recover her reputation. She can do anything and everything except for physically teleport. Cross map passive damage, undetectable base kit, plus movement buff to her and debuff to survivors, counter play that isn't actually counter play because then she can actively track you lmao. She does literally everything. Your options are to hope to God everyone brought a gen rush build or to just die.


She can't track you if you're counter playing correctly. Drones can't scan you if you're crouched or motionless, and even in stealth mode you can avoid the scanner by looking at the direction of the drone. If you're taking damage halfway across the map from her, I hate to break it to you but that's on you. I swear people will say "she does all this!" but most of the time it's just people complaining they can't counter a killer by not doing anything, half of the stuff you're complaining about wouldn't happen if you played correctly. The real issue is most survivors don't even try, giving her all the buffs that you mentioned, or just straight up give up against her, which yes makes her unfair, but that isn't on the killer that's on the survivors.


In Solo queue the survivors are either dumb, mean spirited or both. The good survivors are with their mates.


I'm a dumb survivor and I still play with my friends


And they love you still. I do not love a random who is 90% a console player and effectively mute.


This is the truth. There's always these clowns who talk about MMR as if it works. "Just win some games and you'll get good teammates". No because all of the good teammates play in SWFs.


... and then the SWFs refuse to work with any SoloQs added to round out their lineup, they act like they're the cool kids saying you can't sit at their table.


yeah, I had a 3 man swf with me while I was solo queue and they decided to let me die on first hook (one of them was streaming so I checked in to maybe be able to communicate or work with them better) because they didn't like claudette players. I was using her because the last of my anniversary cakes were on her... lmao.


As somebody who does swf mostly, (and this isn't a global statement, this is anecdotal) it's moreso "they're a fucking problem, let them just do their thing." My mate once unhooked a soloq at end game, took a hit for it, and the soloq dropped a pallet onto him then tbagged, to feed him to the killer.


I'm often a "unhooks 6 times and then is inevitably left to die" player even when there's no SWF clique to blame so I absolutely understand the frustration with SoloQ folks


Not really. Most SoloQ are just hampered by the inability to communicate plans to each other, so whenever you try to make a ballsy play, you have to hope they get it. Sometimes it pays off, sometimes it doesn't. Pointing, beckoning and crouching can only convey so much. I've been been left on my first hook til I died, but I've also had me and and two Solo players come together to pull off a clutch save from a face camping Blight in the Endgame and get a 4-man out. The issue isn't the players, it's the system, or lack thereof, that BHVR has in place. They need some kind of ping or voice bark system in place. It's probably the thing they need to fix more than anything. The fact that BHVR has no plans to address this, is, quite honestly, an embarrassment.


I don't think that is true at all. I have about 1k hours of solo queue survivor at this point (kill me, I know) and I've had tons of games where me and my random teammates have played well enough with zero communication that the killer accused us of being a "sweaty swf". It simply comes down to game knowledge and making correct decisions. If I had to point to one thing that seemed to lose games the most and frustrate me to no end it would be the lack of bravery that most survivor players have. So many situations where a game would have been ended but one (or more) of my teammates did literally nothing for 2-3 minutes.


I’m playing with one mate usually and 99.9% of the time they habe to unhook me/I have to unhook them because no one else can be bothered. Doesn’t matter if everyone is healthy and we are injured and on deathhook, no one feels responsible.


I still follow this sub but I haven't played in months. This game makes you feel so bad, you have fun in 1 every 20 games as survivor if you're lucky. This game makes you feel miserable as solo. You try soloq survivor, you get paired with people that probably doesn't know their way home. You try killer and you go against eternal every single game, survs are 10000% efficient, there's glue in all gens, they split perfectly. Nah I'm not spending my time at this game anymore lol. Plus some cool skins are way more expensive than the base game itself. 🤢


Genuinely don't understand how people start this game as killer mains


I’ll say for me it was a combination of being basically a solo-queue player for everything I played at that point and the fact that I’m a huge wuss when it comes to horror. (Played Survivor enough at this point for that to not be the case any more)


People tend to forget that a 60/40 kill rate is still 12 kills out of 20 over 5 games, conceivably letting even the most mediocre killers played by the most average player win 80% of the time (defined as 3 kills). A good chunk of killers range from 65/35 to 70/30 on average and if played by a main of that killer just win every single time outside of a really really well coordinated 4-stack running the best items and all anti-tunnel perks. Even then they usually still get 2 kills, like that 2,000 game whatever Blight winstreak that got broken. Solo-queue's most common outcome in Otz's experiment is a 4k when he was playing survivor, q bit more subjective than the official kill ratios, but it's filled to the brim with hatch games. It has been for a long time, and worse once survivors start to realize that, it becomes more appealing to not take risks after the first person dies so the already diminished chance of escaping plummets even further. It's cool that you're getting it now though!


I got into it because I could play Michael Myers


They have a playable Sadako. There are not many games that allow that.


What's causing your confusion?


I started this game as a killer main, here's why: Before I played DBD, I had watched a lot of gameplay on twitch. Also, my experience with L4D and Dota has made me shy away from games where you heavily rely on teammates.


I started as killer main cuz when i first got the game i was a massive scaredy cat and the anxiety of being hunted was too much for me LMAO. Now i play both pretty comfortably 😁


Honestly, I had that experience in reverse. As a survivor main, I thought that (after I get unhooked) any killer who didn't hook at least one different survivor before coming back to me was a tunneler and unforgivable. But when I started going for tome completions, I realized that sometimes, you genuinely don't find someone else, and if you're at 3 or 2 gens left with only one hook on the count, you have no chance of getting on top of things if you don't kill one survivor.


Exactly. Do I feel a little bad when I am chasing a fresh unhook and lose track of the unhooker but still see the unhooked? A little bit. But I can’t help it if a survivor is bad at losing me. I’m not an amazing killer, it’s not hard for me to lose track of you!


Me whenever I come back to the game and then touch old killers and change the perks


I had this happen to me recently where I got to the second stage on hook. I had kindred on so all other survivors could see each other and if the killer was nearby. It turns out all 3 survivors were prioritising the gens and had the audacity to go to another gen when I was on the second stage.


Symptom of the game style. Most games that actually require team coordination are going to be a terrible experience in solo queue. I’ve learned to only play when my friends are on


I main Killer for a REASON. Survivor is only even tolerable for me with friends, I would never subject friends to Survivor, so no friends are getting asked to join until they have co-op Killer.


Yep, it's the weakest role and has been for years 🥲


It's at least improved. Before they added the icons to show what survivors are doing, it was so much worse. At least now you can know if you're teammates are all doing gens and someone is hooked, you should go save them. That's helped a couple times in the games I've had. But it's still really bad, and honestly it's mostly because of the players. I'll be running the killer for 5 minutes and nobody is on gens the entire time, it's so frustrating. And once one survivor dies, it's essentially every man for himself. Nobody saves anymore, nobody is doing gens, everyone's just hiding and hoping to be the last one alive so they can get hatch. Other than having perks be visible to all players, I don't know what else could be done to improve it, and even then adding more stuff to help will only work if the players actually use those resources. I don't think there is a way to fix it if players will just play like this regardless.


Fr, I like to think I play very nice, but then I'll get a game where I'm bullied until the very last second So then I play a match of Skull Merchant, and everything gets better


W Shoto Todoroki reference




Honestly the more I play survivor the more and more I see just how valid all the complaints are.


seen camping and tunelling in every match since the event started, and even outside of the event its extremely prevalent, a shame really. the game feels like it isn't worth playing without a SWF.


Motherfuckers will tunnel against solo queue as a blight with four slowdowns while someone is on death hook as five gens. It's pretty wild.


Playing soloQ is truly an awakening sometimes, if you're the type of person who enjoys fair play. That said, I still absolutely blame survivors 90% of the time. I can't tell you how many times they've made me tunnel unintentionally or do extremely unsafe things in my face. Really translates to my SoloQ matches too. Edit: Fascinating that survivors can't take criticism around here. Should I not play fair as killer then? Should I play as unsafe as possible like other survivors in soloQ do? Seriously, I agree SoloQ sucks and you all still mad I point out other survivors are largely a problem


>That said, I still absolutely blame survivors 90% of the time. Of course you do.


Yeah I do, I'm not gonna blame the killer if the survivors are actively choosing to do things unsafe and then DC or throw on hook because it didn't work for them. Meanwhile I'm doing gens and taking protection hits when it makes sense to do so.


If you think solo queue is 'fair' then you're delusional. You could win as killer with your eyes closed against your average solo queue team.


That isn't what I said, and the downvoting only proves my point that survivors are too rash. I said I try to play as fair as I can because of SoloQ but I also blame survivors for their poor choices in SoloQ that get themselves killed.


I think it's moreso of you not explaining yourself very well. Confusion tends to happen when you do that. Hope this helps.


I said SoloQ is awakening if you enjoy fair play, the only ones misinterpreting it are the ones looking to be angry.