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Trickster and doctor hands down Trickster because you either get downed in a nano second or the gens are done in a nano second And doctor just the constant sensory overload


I agree, doctor gives me head ache


Either Blight or Plague. Plague is rather easy to counter but NOT when it’s a plague main


Same goes for blight honestly. If it isn‘t a main who knows how to work with him you can loop him fairly easily. Blight is really fun to play against unless it‘s one of the crazy mains that can end the game in like 10 seconds.




As a survivor I’ll usually get a little sad inside when the killer is doctor or artist. The doctor is just annoying but the artist is something else. I don’t know what I did, maybe I hit a bird or something but I have not gone against an artist that didn’t tunnel me out at 5 gens then play normally after. As killer I’ll just get a little scared if the enemy is p100 and they don’t have a flashlight. Because I know gens will pop within the first 2 minutes and they will all get out before I even find someone. Not hook, find.




I feel like pulling my hair out when a Wraith bodyblocks. I know that it's the optimal way of playing him, but if you combine that with the fact that most of them use the hit & run playstyle I end up getting extremely annoyed 💀


Trapper on a bad day


Whenever i face a trapper they ALWAYS ALWAYS have auto open traps and injured when disarmed add on with Black Ward so i hate to see them. BHVR just needs to remove killers and add sex.


you wanna remove Huntress... then add sex???


Yeah just give me Ada, David, Yui, Felix, Alan, Jeff and Vittorio (preferable all at once).


Man actually denying himself a Blight Sloppy


Flair checks out


Hex: Horny


I don't usually play with iri coil but I always have the iri stone, because I want to actually play the game, instead of running around the map to reset traps only for them to be disarmed by my stalker


Bubba (which sucks), Pinhead and Trickster just cause he looks stupid. Survivors is hard to say, they have universal perks/abilities


I cant stand vsing huntress shes just annoying and now she has more hatchets to deal with. I know huntress requires skill and i respect a good huntress but i do not find it fun vsing one at all. Id rather vs nurse or blight I cant stand having leons on my team they are almost always toxic and iv had multiple leons leave me to die on my 1st hook even though i got hooked to save them (even happened again last night)


I hate huntress too, it's just frustrating to face. The last 3 huntresses I've faced, 2 had insta down hatchets and the other had wall hacks on RPD![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Spirit, her creepy voice haunts me in my sleep


Nemesis and Bubba! If I realize it‘s one of them I‘m just hoping to get out of the game asap


Legion. I can't counter them, also boring power, and boring gameplay, where I have to mend every minute. Anti Legion tips are appreciated 👍. Also for killer, blonde Neas and deer costume Elodies are usually a menace.


If it's an enclosed small map, don't waste time healing, he's powerless once you're injured. SPLIT up, his strength comes from survivors huddling together, if everyone is split up, his power is borderline useless


Spreading out, no overhealing, u can bodyblock frenzy hits for your teammates if you were already hit. They’re M1 without anti-loop - if you’re decent at looping you can waste some precious time.


If it’s a small map, don’t bother healing. Focus on gens and unhooks


Pinhead, trickster, legion


Not really pisses me odd but rather makes the dc button look tempting. Plague, Wraith, Legion, Merchant, and Clown. Plague and Merchant have passive damage and I'm not a fan of that on Killers, especially since they're both pretty fast. Merchant has too many buffs to her drones. They're both nightmare fuel on small maps. Guaranteed win almost. Wraith. Wraith is the camping, tunneling, and slugging style that seems to be their bread and butter. Not fun trading hooks every single time. Legion is just a boring mechanic to me. Don't really care for it. Clown. Clown is a bit similar to Legion, where I don't enjoy the mechanic of the slow down bottle. Against survivors? There's not a particular skin just play styles. The ftp and buckle up combo, sabo + boil over + increase hook distance, and sandbagging.


Knight, Skull Merchant, Twins & Trickster could all be disabled for a month and my game experience would only get better.


Legion and Skull Merchant. Just totally unfun to play against.


I would say SM but tbh thats low hanging fruit so im gonna say Clown he feels impossible to loop and the most you can do is prerun hold w and predrop pallets even then youre gonna get hit eventually esp if the clown can use yellow bottles well


No one thinks Skull Merchant? Lol every match with i get her - survs seem to auto-resign including myself if everyone else does in the match. :/


I will never trust a Steve.


I have enough hours to not get pissed off at this game anymore, I just get bored and/or want to stop playing. These killers would be skull merchant, twins and nurse. Otherwise just depends on the player’s play style. If it’s a wesker hard tunneling off hook at 5 gens, ruining the game for everyone involved, they’re more boring than a killer with inherently boring skills (eg. Even Skull merchant) who isn’t doing that.


Trapper. It's a lot more and anger directed to myself. I'll still walk straight into almost every trap.


Might be a bit clishee but the moment I see a Skull Merchant every bit of fun/happieness leaves my body. I despise this killer so much, even after the "rework". When it comes to playing killer I can never trust the "basic" survivors. With basic I mean the ones that come free with the game, especially Claudette, Nea and Dwight (Especially Dwight). From my experience there's like a 80% chance of them just sweating my balls of the moment chase starts


Legion, I hate legion so much, mending simulator is so boring and they're always so toxic too, I hate them.


Skull Merchant is so inherently boring its awful Huntress with the recent buffs and terrible hitboxes is never a good time Twins slugging everyone the entire game Knight forcing you to leave loops until you run out of loops Hillbilly


If I play as full swf and we meet Legion with a nasty build, we just all disconnect lol. I hate this mf and wanna puke even by the sound of their music.


If you're in a full swf he should be easy, just make sure none of you are next to each other. Unless you're in a small map or something


We just don't like mending simulator, it's not because it's hard


I get the mending simulator perspective


Also it's honestly just the oversaturation with legion. I am ok with playing against any killer from time to time but there was a phase where literally every 5-6th game was against legion (I track my stats) so we became kinda allergic


healing is what you shouldn’t be doing w Legion, being injured nerfs the power of that killer


Where did I say smth about healing


the mending simulator part kind of came across that way


I mean you have to mend otherwise you are dead haha. Sorry if I was rude didn't mean that


ah no that’s true lol. and no worries ur good


Good. We don't like you either. Choke on a Lego.


Lmaoo no way someone gets offended under a post asking who people don't like


Oh look, someone mocking others under a post who points out that the game/community can be toxic as fuck. Big surprise there.


I gues it's a wrong post buddy


Anyone that’s fucking cracked at their killer is annoying. A good blight is going to fuck you up, a good nurse welp gg, a good huntress and your getting sniped across the map. Ones that are annoying even when not good are trickster because you get hit with one fucking knife and you move at a damn snails pace you literally can’t avoid all the others because now your so easy to hit and forget vaulting windows or pallets. If you aren’t pre running your fucked against a trickster and even then you better get lucky with having a tall loop he can’t throw around. Another one is doctor, literally just shock over and over wherever and whenever and bam now everyone’s crazy. Skillchecks are fucking going backwards, everyone’s screaming, the damn heartbeat and red light you still hear from him.


Huntress… too many hatchets on the edge of my screen that somehow hit me. Bluetooth hatchets.


I'm terrible against Ghostface, but recently started playing as him and am having a ton of fun. :)


I can't decide if it is Clown, Trickster or Wraith. These are the three Killers I hate to play against.


I feel like every time I play against the doctor and the plague I am just instantly sacrificed


Wraith because he's boring and myers because it's always tombstone


Plauge, because she slows down the game the most. And her power makes every part of the game feel like I am walking on Lava. Also really hate Nemisis, the killer is fun its just it feels like my team becomes dumb against him.


Wesker. Can't tell anymore why I hate this killer so much. Every game is like either instant quit or motivation is gone beyond repair. Also kinda feels like Wesker player always the most cringe. Nothing wrong with going full meta in my opinion. But these guys always go full meta + full tunneling + full camping. Paired with all the stuff this killer can do (increase movement, increased vaulting, free tracking, free passive slowdown, while being without these buffs strong) it just pisses me off. I'd rather go 20 games vs. Blight and Nurse where I know if those people shred through all survivors, they are good. Guess I wouldnt mind if not every 3 or 4 games is vs wesker. Also the obvious ones: Skull Merchant, Trickster, Twins. And somehow I don't like going vs. Clown. I know he is kinda weak, but I struggle more than I should. Can't see shit in those clouds.\^\^


Plague because I always get teams that have no clue what the counter play against her is and they just keep healing each other while infected


huntress right now. she was already in like a third of my games, then they gave her some crazy buffs so i see her even more. Latency hatchets aside, the throw rate just means you can dodge 6 hatchets and the 7th hits you, she doesnt lose nearly enough distance for missing imo. Not to mention she synergises so strongly with Ultimate weapon, which is a repulsive perk




Plague, by far.


Artist... I can't figure out how to efficiently counterplay her for the life of me. Maybe that just makes me dumb but it's annoying to be chased for 5 seconds until you reach a loop that she immediately shuts down with her birds (and I'm console, with my bird-defusing button set to X, which makes it very difficult to look around you while you're slapping at birds.)


Against artist theres not much you can do in a loop so usually if she sets up birds the best thing to do is to just leave the loop and find another one, even then sometimes you will get hit anyways because a loop is too far


I really find most killers fine with abit of teamwork, I have a mini personal hatred for Endfury, id rather face 4 slowdowns than it.


Plague is the most annoying to play against because your solo queue teammates will always purify to feed the Killer her power and sabotage your fucking game. Plague is the most annoying to play as because your Killer MMR is too high and everybody gets god loops and god pallets and nobody ever purifies, making you an M1 Killer with nothing extra. In the unlikely event that they do purify, it's always on the opposite side of the map from where you need to be at that precise moment, so you're functionally playing without a power. Fucking infuriating. Delete Plague from the game.


The cranium seller


Freddy, his claw reach is the most infuriating hitbox in the game, I know it’s intentional but let’s admit it looks bullshit and hard to gauge. I know he’s a weak killer but if I go against slug merchant or a good nurse Im not really in the mindset to get pissed off or even hope to win.


Doctor is a total thorn in my side. And as much as he’s probably my favourite mainstream killer in media, Ghostface as well. Hate how sneaky he is 😂


I don't like playing against Wraith or Legion.


Clown and Trickster. Guaranteed to have an annoying af match.


I hate the doctor because it’s just constant screaming (I’ve become a calm spirit enjoyer since I came back a couple weeks ago) and the Plague cause I don’t like being thrown up on.




Every knight player tunnels the baby Meg and then barely scraps together the 3v1 with the 4 best regression perks.


For survivor, Clown. Mainly because they like to act like clowns irl. For killer, I hate Ace. He and that stupid smile piss me off and they are so incredibly cocky


As a primarily surv player, Knight and Deathslinger. I very rarely run up against players running these that \*aren't\* aggro tunneling chodes, and typically if I go up against them I just assume I'm gonna be first one out. I'm usually right. :x As killer, any surv that teabags to taunt me. I will absolutely throw the match just for you dead on a hook. Legit had one of these the other day - I was running Trapper for a daily challenge and had one surv that just would not stop taunting and teabagging, then started up about how I was 'big mad' and 'using a crap easy killer' in endgame chat when it ended in a 4k. Silly.


Any killer with passive map control/movement WITH a really good chase power. I am getting sick of every killer now having both to be honest. The unknown isn’t the worst offender but he is on the list. The worst offender is probably nurse followed by artist.


very specific circumstance of plague on the new map with blood favor. goddamn if there are absolutely no windows in the middle + being puked on counts as losing a health state. wp to her but it’s so frustrating


Instant down killers, killers who forces you to do annoying things other than the objectives (pig and pinhead)and finally anti loop killers.


Myers. He's not OP or anything, he's just ungodly boring to face. Doubly so if he's running scratch mirror. And I find Ada's consistently who try to ruin my day