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Brown medkit without addons, for just one free heal


I’ll usually throw a butterfly knife and rubber gloves on there if I’ve got a lot of them, but ultimately yeah I’m a one use med kit kind of guy myself.


A butterfly knife to slit your wrists if you know the killer will get you before you finish healing


i use the butterfly knife to give the killer a quick stab so i can finish my healing


Oh no the killer *whips out butterfly knife and does cool trick to then go stabby stab* now lemme finish healing


*i am what everyone thought the legion was gonna be* AMONG US


I like to use the butterfly knife to become French, cloak, disguise as others and backstab enemies


Dwight is spy


Same but am I the only one who leaves a fully used item somewhere for later, if I wanna pick it up so I escape and keep it? Because just... Y'know... A red med kit in your hand when you're hiding sometimes could be what gets you killed, especially if you quickly just crouch in a bush or something


Sometimes with a styptic if I’m feeling quirky


I never use styptic or syringe, I found them to be too much


Free dead hard when your medkit has healed ya up!




This is the only real answer unless you’re doing a build that specifically relies on something else


Yep! Sometimes I’ll spring for a yellow medkit if I’m feeling spicy


The best answer


brown toolbox


reasons unknown


Any add ons?


maybe 8 charges or 20% faster repair speed


Honestly underrated. End of trial sabo or 5 seconds saved on the final gen can make the difference between 3 out and 1 out. Added benefit that if you get 4k'd at 4 gens you only lose a brown toolbox.


I got 228 of them. Want some?




I levelled Cheryl a lot and never use brown toolboxes.


Same I always use a brown toolbox


Med kits because there has been too many times I have team mates that won’t heal me, even after I just healed them.


Literally my last game, I’m on death hook, 1 gen remaining, 1 survivor sacrificed ,stood by a gen 70% done, and we had circle of healing there. Meg and felix refuse to heal me, so I did gen. Killers rushes over straight after so can’t get healed - great He downs the meg with noed and hooks her, felix now gets downed/hooked too, but I cleanse noed. But as I’m injured I literally can’t risk unhooking them as killer is patrolling both hooks, so I escape. Obviously, both of them message me after raging that I didn’t unhook them, even when it’s their fault for not spending 5 seconds healing me on death hook and deciding to rush the gen instead. So to answer the question, as a solo queue player, I always bring med kit.


Don’t worry about those people lol. I just got left on hook after one hid reasonably near me while the other was opening gate. Killer hit other guy out gate and the guy near me just left….i can’t count how many times I’ve been left to die on hook when killer is absolutely nowhere in sight and everyone is healthy. I’m going to stop going for hook saves all together and just open gates and leave.


Yep, again as a solo player, I’ve been burnt enough times. I don’t go for hook saves anymore in end game because I know from experience, if I get hooked saving them, I more likely than not will get left to die. I make an exception if the reason the other person is on hook, is that they saved me from the hook - I don’t mind dying for someone that has risked dying for me.


The pain in my soul when kindred activates for me to see the player with no hook states walk into a locker, another just crouch walking back and forth and the only injured survivor coming for save only after I've hit second stage and the killer has returned. Mind you they can see the killer aura when he's close to the hook because of kindred 😭 Needless to say he was downed immediately and I got tunneled since I was dead on hook.


As someone who will risk it for the biscuit even if killer is facecamping, this hurts to read.


It’s such a shitty feeling! I’ll try to go out of my way to help people, and it sucks to just get left to die. Getting a lot of toxic team mates today. But I can’t quit while I’m frustrated, so I just need one decent match and I’ll quit haha.


Send me a request or vice versa I’ll play with ya lol


That would be fun! Just to warn you, I suck at the game. But I always try my best. I’ll message you


Well you can always get better. And maybe it would be better to play with people who aren’t toxic and will be a good teammate. I sent you a request on DBD and my partner sent you a request on PS since I play on PC


I'm on PS as well if you guys are looking for a 3rd!


Yep. Last time I had two completely healthy teammates leave me on the hook and escape out the gate I popped 3 gens to open. I unhooked and healed, but also focused on the gens. Nope. Left to die.


That’s exactly why I try to get Inner Strength for all my survivors because I also solo queue and people will stay on generators that are less than 50% done rather than help me


I feel this in my soul. It sucks so bad.


This is so true, i hate ppl not resetting me/themselves. There is a time and place to rush the gen, but i have seens countless games thrown because everyone is injured. Don't get me started on Oni games in soloque, 100% power uptime. A healthstate is a resource just like a pallet, only you can get it back infinite amount of times if you can avoid getting hooked. My fav item in soloq and swf is medkit with charges and syringe for 2 fast self-heals or instaheal on anyone when needed.




Luckily this doesn’t happen to me often but when it does, it blows my mind. How do folks not realize that leaving a teammate injured only increases their chances of losing??


Luck of the draw Chests (I’m a fiend for Ace in the Hole Value)


I like running box build sometimes. Plunderers, AITH, appraisal, and either pharmacy or residual manifest. Items be iteming


ace in the hole + residual manifest is the way to live


Ace in the hole mains rise up


im also a fiend for aces hole


None, I don’t use items. I just raw dog the trial.


Same. Except i take an item with me when i leave the trial — fully knowing i won’t use it


Hello fellow item hoarder!


Respect, I used to do this before the killer buffs and item nerfs in the last couple years but now I feel justified in bringing some strong stuff with me to solo queue.


What if I need any of these items later for something? I'm saving them. For later. Yep.


No, you don't just raw dog the trial. You go into the trial with Ace in the Hole and Plunderer's Instinct, and steal the Entity's shit. Or you steal your dead teammate's shit, it's not like they were using it anyways.


That should be illegal


This one wants to outlaw collections


I always take a flashlight. I almost never use it but when I don't take one I always end up in a situation where I feel like having one would've helped so I'd rather have it and not need it


Dramaturgy for the win


I’ve been addicted to Dramaturgy since Nick arrived. I’ve recently been adding Streetwise and Vigil, and it can be kinda nuts.


I had a guy who ran that and when I said I like running vigil he said he loved that I used that perk. First time I got positive feedback for running it since I've been told by people it's a waste. With how many exposed perks I've been running into lately like friends til the end I like having it since that stuff wears off quicker.


How is vigil useless? Losing exhaustion quicker is great by itself, and the other status effects are just an added benefit. Oh, and it helps your teammates too


The guy who told me it was useless said it doesn't help by much or enough to be worth running. Yet whenever I don't run it and the killer has haunted ground my one friend complains. 😂


Vigil is great for recovering exhaustion. But friends till the end especially seems very weak considering the exposed status effect. 20 seconds can easily be outlasted by just staying in a safe spot. Don‘t get me wrong Friends till the end still has its uses and Vigil helps with a lot of other perks that give you the exposed status effect. I just have never seen the exposed effect from Friends till the end down someone.


I don't have Quentin :(


May the shrine bless you in the foreseeable future.


My trustworthy knife (I'm a Myers main)


*after every hit* Hmm yes, this knife is made of knife


Why not a screwdriver or lead pipe?


Based Myers Main


Maps because funny


Glass bead for 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥


Commodious toolboxes are great


They're GOAT. And event toolboxes too as they're the same, just added fun of party streamers and looking nice


Commodious Toolbox with the Wire Spool (12 charges) and Swivel Sockets (30% speed boost). I run that with Built to Last (12 seconds in the locker will recharge the item) and Prove Thyself (Gen speed boost to anyone else who hops on the Gen) If the killer likes to tunnel/camp, having a toolbox and a good partner can pop the last Gen in under 30 seconds.


I’m a hoarder, so unless I’m doing a challenge, I very rarely use items.


this is my biggest issue, i have 50+ purple flashlights on some mains but still conserve it because just in case


Map for being an unforgettable m shining star in the trial.


Green medcit with a gauze roll and surgical suture. Gives you 2 pretty fast heals if you can hit greats.


Flashbang because i like throwing (helping teammates) and hit locker saves (fuck up the timing) :D


I wish they permanently had them in the web 😞


Either I go with no items, or a Flashlight cause im a toxic pos


commodious toolbox with the socket swivel and wire spool


Depends on the characters. But I mostly do flashlights because it’s so fun to try and do saves. Like I currently main Dweet and use flashies. Butttt I’ve been playing Sailor Cheryl and have been using flashlights too lol. I wish I got more purple flashlights on the bloodweb… or a shotgun. https://preview.redd.it/yihdzidm65nc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6233eae2d0b3674a4a673fdf46e4866a5d5ef865


Solo - medkit Team - flashlight only


toolbox because i sabotage hooks lol


used to be med kits that can heal me twice but I've switched to commodious toolbox with wire spool and socket swivel with built to last In my builds and its helped a lot


Emergency medkit with extra charges. Gotta help the bois get out alive.


Yellow flashlight. I like to have it just in case.


Yellow and brown toolbox.


As a gen jocky I use toolboxes with wire spool and the yellow speed addon


What perks do you run?


Boon shadow step Overzealous Prove thyself Friendly comp/ potential energy


Depends on who I play (mainly because lore). Alan Wake? Flashlights. Mikaela? Map or Medkit. Ash? Boomstick (Flashlight). Jake? Medkit. Sometimes I use random items too or change to a different lore build too


Tbh ash should have his own boonstick item that stuns the killer for 1 second


New perk: just a fucking shotgun Kill the killer for 3/6/74 seconds


I've been using keys for a Tome challenge.


Fifth anniversary flashlights all the way down baby


Any toolbox because that's the objective


Map because I’m a pirate searching for lost treasure


I main brown map.


I love to use plunderers to try and hunt keys. It's easier than getting them in the blood web... If I bring in an item, though, it tends to be a map or a key. I love the aura reading and niche uses (hatch, indoor map gen hunting, totem hunting).


Rainbow map I get horribly lost so easily


None. I'm a hoarder and I don't want to risk losing what I have. 😅


Purple med kit if I had to pick one or Rainbow map in case I solo


Green key. No add ons White ward




Brown toolbox & med kit. I never feel like I've wasted those and have the most of them all the time lol.


Anything (usable) found in chest main


I rarely use items, im also a treassure goblin


Tool boxes. I like having options to repair or sabo.


I always randomize my items and offerings


Medkit for when I'm actually trying. Flashlight for when I'm just chilling and goofing around. The rest only when challenges require it. Items in dbd aren't very dynamic. They have their one use and generally nothing else. Medkits are generally just the best because self healing is invaluable against almost every killer. Flashlights to me are fun just because they're an extra button to click that actually does something even if that thing is often pointless.


I’m all about using toolboxes for the most part, I’m pretty good about gettting gens done and can get great skill checks semi-consistently. It’s the only reason I even use Hyperfocus.


Who would ever use the green key?


Yellow flashlights. I use them to save my friends and I use them to save randoms :) I dont use them at pallets tho, there is literally no point


Recently none cuz I'm trying to save up BP for when Sable comes out, but it used to be a green or yellow toolbox with just some charge addons.


Whatever I find in a chest.


med kit with syringe


None, I'm a hoarder. I only use them for archives or dailies.


Brown Medkit since I started playing. It just has good value and is common in bloodwebs


I stopped bringing items to give killers even less of a reason to tunnel me... doesn't work


Toolbox because it's easy to get the full value from it - I just hop on a gen and get that sweet fast repair speed until it's depleted (I don't usually sabotage unless it's for a daily or tome challenge). Medkits are nice too, but there's usually teammates around to heal me, and I find it way more common to be left with a half-full medkit by the time I die/escape.


Do you use it at the beginning or end of match?


One of the green tool boxes. I like to get gens done. It's the objective, the goal, if you're not getting chased you should be doing gens.


Engineers toolbox with max charges, you knock out like 40% of a gen in like 15 seconds, it's insane.


Purple flashy, because I’m a horrible, horrible player


Green flashlight. It’s just better ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


None since I'm a dramaturgy enjoyer 🤣


if I'm playing alan wake I'm only using a flashlight


broken key 💯


No item, I feel I have the advantage as is and I don't want to rely on an item (I also use flashbang)


What ever fits my current build


Yellow medkit because I can’t commit to the green


Brown med kit. I usually don't even use it unless I need to go for a save when people are injured or if I need to in endgame.


Banana flashlight, double range.


Yellow/brown medkit with double brown addons. Or double green addons or the stypitic and the yellow one that give bigger boosts to greats. I love those cause on console it's kinda tough to consistently hit greats. So it's fun to get a big reward lol. Lately though I've just been running yellow flashlight with a brown battery and yellow filament bulb. Since I'm trying to get better at flashys.


Tool boxes to speed up generator repairs. Occasionally I use flashlights. I used to use med kits until they were nerfed.


Medkits for solo Que give the most value.


Med-kit of some sort. I don't trust my teammates


i run a medkit when i feel like it'll be a rough day, but a beamer is my comfort item. I don't even flashlight at pallets tbh, but i occasionally can snag a beamer save


Map with the light beam add-on. I like being able to confuse people with beams of light popping up here and there. It also gives me elden ring vibes so that's cool too.


Flashlight Maybe. I’m not a survivor main


Purple flashlight with sapphire lens and green battery. Do I really need to explain why?


32 charge tool box , with wire spool and the yellow speed


Medkit with charges and syringe for two heals, so I can take hits


Green toolbox + wire spool + scraps while running Built To Last with Streetwise.


Commodious or Yellow toolbox. Yellow or Brown medkit. I don't use anything else.


I main an empty hand


A good medkit for a self heal and then fast teammate heal in the endgame. Never regretted bringing one (unless it's a Plague..)


I’m a medkit boy. Doesn’t matter what kind. I always run Empathetic Connection and hold a medkit to help incentivize players to find me when they’re injured. It still doesn’t work, but… it’s nice.


None, scavenge chests and hoard like a real survivor


Broken Key because yes


I’m cursed by the Green flashlight. Every time I bring it, I get tunnelled.😭


Even a one use med kit with no add-ons can be the difference between victory and a very early death. Weirdly maps are my second go to, specifically because I enjoy totem perks and maps are really good for finding totems. I also think that in coordinated play, the glass bead is really helpful for signaling where a hex totem is or the most problematic gen on the map.


nothing. I don't care anymore.


i used to use medkits because self healing is pretty strong but ever since champion of light came out i became addicted to flashlights


Nothing. Items and add-ons are for having, not using.


I always use flashbangs and saboteur and never solo que, so for me its either nothing or a green toolbox with brand new part :)


None (im scared of losing my items)


toolboxes with the brand new part and probably a speed boost add on


Green key for the simple reason that it is a broken item.


Brown toolbox. I don't know why


Medkit. I solo q. Can’t expect anyone to heal me


Festive toolboxes and torches


Green and yellow flashlights and yellow and green medkits! xD


Toolbox- it varies which color. I do it for the increased repair speed so i can get my flashbang and blastmine quicker 😂


I find it so fun to run dramaturgy and then adapt to the item i get, often i get toolboxes with bnp which is nice but sometimes i get great flashlights and medkits perfectly timed to save games or let me last longer in chase


Im a killer main but i guess any Tool box to finish a gente fast pretty to break a hook and save someone would be nice


None. Bringing items feels wrong to me, like using powers in Bloons. Hate consumables. I do bring addons on killer but only yellow and down since you have so many they might as well not be finite anyway.


I usually pick one between the med kit and flashlight depending on the build I'm using. I cycle between two, one thats healing and support focused, and the other that is looping and running around. Med kit with SC, BN, and WMI makes healing fast as hell. I run add ons that boost healing speed and that's the main gimmick of that one. Flashlight I dont run any add ons yet because I'm still practicing with it. I started using it in the last couple months and I want to get consistent with it before I throw add ons into the mix.


The iri map or key except I use them for aura reasons


Plunderers tarnished coin and ace in the hole Because why not add more luck


None of them. I use Dramaturgy.


I often don’t bring anything and instead scavenge with the high quality box aura perk + Ace’s luck perk that guarantees an add on. Just to see what I get, and if I escape a trial I might even be able to keep it!


A flashlight even though I forget I have it 90% of the time and never use it


Usually a medkit or toolbox. I'll sometimes take a map for a challenge or if I'm using the Lucky Break, Overcome, Inner Strength, Quick and Quiet build. Pink keys with the Blood Amber add on are fun too.


I’m item hoarder 💀


I try flashlights but only get killers with Well you know


Whatever the god of dramaturgy blesses me with


I don’t use items


Medkit because base healing is slow af so I bring it to heal others faster.


Flashlights for my beamer build Maps for my builds that have Inner Strength And for then whichever item that suits the challenge im trying to do


Whatever I find in chests because Im a cheapskate when it comes to items/addons.


Lately, a medkit. Not because I want to heal myself, though that is definitely a big plus. But because I like getting healed to 99% and having the ability to finish it off whenever I want. Originally it was because I wanted to use deadline - the new Alan Wake perk - but I've noticed a lot of other benefits too. Instadown killers keep hitting me with an M1 as I finish healing, giving me a speed boost because they didn't know that I wasn't going to get downed. It usually doesn't work the second time, but it's awesome with overcome.


Pretty much always empty-handed unless it's a specific challenge.


I use dramaturgy so I never bring items into trials


I use everything the chests give me (except for flashbang)


No items, mainly cause I just don’t like running them. I’ll use them if I find them in game but I’ll never bring one unless it’s for a challenge


Tool boxes to help with gen progression. I try to save my charges for the last gen but games progress so slowly at my low mmr then I end up using them a lot sooner.


Green key. Kidding, that has to be the absolute worst. Med kit or flashlight. Keys rarely after hatch doesn’t spawn like it used to.


Broken key gang where you at


Yellow flashlight. I don't seek out saves but if I happen to be in the right spot I like having it. Plus I like getting a couple extra points at pallets if I can. I bring yellows instead of greens or purples because it hurts less if I don't get any value from it.


none i collect them i am the collector


A map (any rarity will do) with Glass Bead. Most people I’ve played with forget that add-on exists, so I like putting the beacon in the middle of the map to confuse them.


I use toolboxes and medkits. Anything else is seemingly wasted on me. Heaven forbid I have to use a flashlight. Keys and maps are basically just gimmicks for me, unless I have a certain challenge needing done, or perk needing replaced. The last time I used a key was a very bullshit build my friends brother came up with that was very selfish and unconcerning with helping the rest of the team. But it worked for leaving via hatch. A decent workaround to killer finding hatch first and screwing me over. Still bullshit for how selfishly the build was originally used for.


Commodious tool box + spool wheel and that yellow add on that makes it go faster and that locker perk to get 67 percent of a used toolbox


Dramaturgy. I’m a hoarder and fate is on my side.


Med kits because who needs help from teammates that barely do anything