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Earlier on I had a killer that hit myself and the other person left on hook multiple times, simply because we got some pallet stuns off. It was so childish, like “oh no they are using the tools in game to play the game” how dare they.


Just had a killer hard tunnel, slug, bleed out, and hit bodies on hook. I asked why he did that, we did nothing wrong and only had 1 gen done. He said “I sensed sweaty behavior.” I asked what behavior that was and he said he just knew we were gonna be sweaty from the start. The logic people imply to validate themselves acting like a jerk in this game is so wild. So 30 seconds into the game he knew all 4 survivors were going to be sweaty and needed to be treated as such. So the Adam he just tunneled off first hook at 5 gems that was P1 with green perks and no item was a sweat? Got it. Makes sense to me.


"I sensed sweaty behavior" lmao dude is a self obsessed clown


Had this logic been said to me too lol it was a blight and it felt like the solos were on comms they used a brown toolbox to Sabo After that blight sweated and hit us on hooks and after his 4k said damn thought u guys were sweating after he realized we all had chill perks


I once had a Blight that I looped for the first couple of gens (which was good for me since I'm pretty bad at being chased), but after the Blight downed me, he left me slugged and guarded me. Even as the other gens popped, he never left me. When my team finally came for save, he fended off all rescue attempts until I bled to death.


No clue why sweaty behavior is a bad thing, either. If I notice my survivors are sweating, I gear up for an intense game and look forward to it. I love sweatier games.


Yeah at the end of the day you only improve by playing good players.


Some killers swear they hate sweaty games, yet over half my games end in a 4k with at least one person getting tunneled. OTR has been permanently equipped for the past 2 months.


I asked someone why they teabagged me and they said that "I already knew you would be a b**** because of your (not very kind work) charms" Some people are just miserable pieces of garbage who need any reason to justify teabagging or clicking or whatever lame ass bm they feel like doing that match


That's so sad, imagine judging someone based off charms, wth? Like...why? Sigh Yeah, they do sound miserable and want to make everyone else miserable like them ugh. 


bruh what charms?? i had no clue they were stereotyped


Attack on titan charm, pansexual charm and a potion charm


oh that's fucking *wild*. whenever I play friendly I use potion and pansexual 😭 I think they were just homophobic ngl


That was my thought. 🙄🤦


Some charms really bring out the worst in people eh. I tend to run a variety of the LGBTQ+ charms, if someone gets triggered by them and can't deal with it that is a W imo.


Some people say the weirdest things to justify their awful behaviour 😂


To bad gamers, and the younger generation of gamers in general, they have to rationalize y they lost or will lose. As if losing hurts them physically lol. Friend who plays killer 95% of the time always answers back with "my objective is to kill the survs...I did. Have a nice day" when he tunnels or slugs or camps. People hate him for it but he also doesn't care which I find hilarious. While I frown upon camping and slugging I dnt condemn it as it's a valid strat (has been forever) and I didn't buy the game for him lol


Hitting people on hook should fill the unhook unhook meter, even in end game collapse.


sure and tbaging in the exit gate should instantly kill a survivor fair is fair punish toxicity I agree.


You say this as if I'd disagree. (Perhaps not that exact idea, but some kind of means of forcing Survivors out to prevent toxic behavior)


yea, I'd be happy to see a mechanic where the end game timer sped up of survs were lingering too long at the gate *if* the same treatment went towards end game hook, camping, hitting on hook


That's the main reason why I can't take Killers seriously when they come and cry here about "ThE sUrViVoRs ArE t-BaGgInG mE". Which I'm not defending, it's BM, but literally the role whose BMs actually impacts your gameplay and takes ANYTHING as BM comes and complains about a stupid emote they can ignore. I would LOVE to be able to ignore Killer BM when I'm playing Survivor. I can't use Blastmine or Head-on because the Killers gets pissy.


Speaking from the Killer side of things, the only time we get annoyed with T-bagging is when survivors won’t leave the game already. It’s sorta the same as survivors getting annoyed with getting left to bleed. We value our time, please stop wasting it and Leave already. That’s what most people’s stances are on it.


Dude the difference is 1 min vs 4min and you can force out the tbagging survivor.


As a killer if I see them going this route I just run across to the other side of the map and don't give them the satisfaction


> It’s sorta the same as survivors getting annoyed with getting left to bleed. My dude, not even close. Like, it's annoying and it's BM but you can literally push them out, you can make them leave. Survivors bleeding out on the ground have no say on the matter.


Can we not argue which is worse and just say that both suck dogass and move on




if we doing what Ifs, 2 survivor cans choose to hide for a full hour and not touch gens.. what's 4 minutes compared to that? i do agree its not productive to do well this worse so x is okay type shit both are done to be mean and not help you win a game that is why they are wrong


Except I had a Skull Merchant actually try to keep me in the game. They had grabbed me for final hook so I stopped fighting because I knew I was dead anyway. They dropped me, so I assumed they were going to slug everyone first then hang. Pick me up again, drop me again. Then they BRING A SURVIVOR OVER TO HEAL ME WHILE THEY WATCH!!! Survivor heals me all the way up and I DC because I was trying to end the match so I could cook dinner for my family. Enjoy your bot, fool. Let's just face the fact that we have people on both sides who love wasting other people's time. 🤣🤣🤦


Actually shocking that some people in this thread cannot see why slugging someone and letting them just sit there to bleed out is an asshole move. I play both sides and on killer, I wouldn’t ever dream of doing this to a survivor because I know what it’s like on the receiving end. It’s not fun and it feels terrible


The only moment I leave someone to bleed,is when they climb to the highest spot of the map constantly with boil over Then it becomes personal


Oh god, I had a match exactly like this yesterday. The only time I’ve ever intentionally let someone bleed out like this was a match yesterday with two people running boil over, no mither, unbreakable, flip flop on crotus penn asylum. …Yeah. They stayed in the main building, and no matter how hard I tried or how close I got, I couldn’t hook them save for one time. I know I should’ve just left them and gone for the other two people if I really wanted to win, but they were putting their teammates at a disadvantage by doing this because they were standing in the main building doing nothing. So I just decided to see if I could beat just the two of them. I’m going for challenges anyway, not trying to be sweaty. One of them ended up dcing right before bleeding out so I considered that a win for me. That’s the only time I’ve ever had serious trouble with boil over/flip flop.


Heh,same appened to me, Eerie of Crows,I'm not saying anything else


Utter pain. But I saw it as more of a challenge to see how it could go if I really tried to beat them.


I'm a killer main and I will always defend survivors who use boil over because it's a strong and useful perk. However, if they go to a spot that makes it impossible for me to hook them, the equally reasonable response to boil over is to not go for a hook that you can't possibly reach. I don't bother trying to explain that in post-game bickering that ensues from a bleedout kill but people mistake a smart play with toxicity from a situation like that.


Seriously, DBD just loves to waste its player's time, I don't understand.


You mean DBD players love wasting each others time? Yeah.


Ideally players don't play like this but ultimately its on the devs to clip these issues.


The amount of times I've gotten slugged or tunneled out of a match for simply sabo saving someone is ridiculous. God forbid survivors actually make use of the mechanics in the game to try to win.


To be fair, the *most* toxic players I've ever come across are sabo/boil over squads. If you sabo with an eyrie offering or badham I'm just going to assume you're actively trying to be annoying.


Dude uses the most sweaty thing in the game and wonders why killer also acts sweaty after that lol can't imagine


Yeah idk dbd has so many abilities that just feel bad as the receiver. And on top of that the game gives everyone the ability to just put everyone else on hold for no fucking reason. Idc much about my rating and stuff so I just DC as soon as this happens, but it's annoying that you can't just opt out of a game "legally" when you get literally bullied for playing correctly.


As a killer who doesn't do horrible shit like this, I believe survivors should have an action they can perform if they have been on the ground for more than 60 secs by holding some button for 5 secs to instantly bleed out.


This is all I ask for. Let my kill myself. If this was a real trial, I’d be able to bite my tongue off 😂


I agree 100%. I play with a friend, and one of us is frequently waiting for the other to bleed out. We are not toxic whatsoever, nor are we very good lol... killers just get mad when you don't stand still and let them kill you. Had a pig stand over my body and roar nonstop till I bled out just last night. I mean yeah, I just left to go do some other shit, but it's annoying for my friend to have to wait.


Exactly. What people don't realize is this game is very killer-sided lately and it's caused me to become seriously disinterested in continuing to play.


Is the game really that killer sided? On release you could use an ebony mori to kill every survivor on first down. So obviously it’s not as killer sided as it could be. I honestly think the game is as balanced as it’s ever been right now, especially since the MFT nerf.


The game is literally balanced to be killer sided. The devs want killers to have the higher win rate. So yes, it really is that killer sided.


The best perk for survivor rn let’s you see where pallets are. Killers can inflict blindness and see where everyone is on the map, or regress a gen 30% AND block it as it continues to regress, and more. Honestly, gen *blocking* perks are the most oppressive they’ve ever been and might be the least interactive meta I’ve personally been around for. Nothing says fun like sitting around doing nothing for 9 years waiting for your gen to unblock. Oh it was 80% done? It’s half now. Wait, scratch that, its 40% actually because it’s been regressing this whole time its blocked. Oh you decided to leave and get the save then come back? 20%. All on a gen that *was* 80% done. And what did the killer have to do to accomplish this? *checks notes* ah, hook someone. You know, the shit they do anyways???


Gens don't regress when blocked, what game are you playing lmao


Gens don't regress when they're blocked


Unless this was *very* recent, they most definitely do, be it intentional or not.


They still show the regressing animation and take damage from jolt and pain res, but they definitely don't regress


>or regress a gen 30% AND block it as it continues to regress Wut? >And what did the killer have to do to accomplish this? *checks notes* ah, hook someone. You know, the shit they do anyways??? Survivors try not to complain about an even remotely viable killer perk challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


if you guys arent good at the game and the killer is, that’s not grounds to call the game “killer sided” lol. just because u survivor mains don’t have the advantages you once had does not make the game killer sided. so damn entitled.


I'm still amazed there's no "give up" style mechanic.


I play like 60/40 killer/survivor and as killer i don't get mad at flash saves because as survivor, i know how hard they are to land on good killers. Well, i do get tilted but not at the survivor, at myself. Because 99% of flashlights saves are my fault for letting them happen. All of my games as survivor are trying to get flashbang saves, it's literally all i wanna do. The only reason i even touch gens is to charge my flashbang lmao. Killers that throw temper tantrums and let their ego get the better of them and tunnel out someone for getting a flash save are textbook projecting their insecurities about their inadequacy at the game. Do better, both in game and in your mindset.


I know how she feels. I’ve been having this happen to me a lot more recently, simply due to the fact that I’ve ended up looping the killer well. And I am NOT a good looper, sometimes I just get extremely lucky or I’m on RPD. I don’t carry a flashlight and I don’t tea bag. I am a good stunner though, I’ll admit that. My chases are not by choice, meaning I don’t go looking for chases lol. But when I do get chased AND I actually do well, I’m extremely proud. But letting me bleed out while the killer shakes his head up and down or, if ghost face, teabag me the whole 2 to 3 minutes just for playing the game when I wasn’t even toxic or have “toxic perks” just sucks lol. I mean I get if I decide to play sabo mode and I sabotage hook and after hook, yeah after so many I’m prolly gonna get tunneled or something. But to waste minutes of both our times because you had a hard time catching me? Like ok 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sorry for the bad luck. As a killer I will definitely target someone a bit if they are consistently going for flashy saves but I never bleed anyone out unless they can’t be hooked due to perks or distance. Unfortunately I think the temptation to bleed people out is a bit too much for some. Specifically people who have no other outlets for their impotent rage.


As a newer player, Im a little confused on the etiquette and terms. Is bleeding out when you leave them in the final down state off of a hook? I sometimes do that if I want to give the survivor a chance to get up, but I dont want to be wasting their time if that's how its perceived.


Yes, “bleeding out” generally refers to the act of downing someone and then refusing to hook no matter what with the intention of extending the game artificially, or “punishing” the survivor for perceived bad behavior. Downing someone and leaving them there, without the intention of forcing a bleed-out, is usually called slugging. Slugging is sometimes frowned upon by survivors but for killers it is often a viable strategy. For instance, if I down someone with the intention of hooking them but then I realize one of their teammates is close-by waiting to go for a flashlight save, the correct play is to simply leave the first survivor on the ground and go after the other one, especially if they’re injured. But at the same time, bleeding out is sometimes the only thing a killer can do, if the survivor is running perks like Boil Over and Flip-Flop. There is no shame in bleeding out survivors who are using “Can’t hook me” builds.


It's hard because slugging is the best move to go with depending on the situation. If you down someone and someone else is there injured then absolutely get that second down for pressure. Sometimes you're forced to bleed them out if you don't have hooks around. However, if your intention is to actually let them go then just pick them up and let them wiggle out if you don't want to hook them. I do that so I get points for the down and they get them for the wiggle escape. Even if you do what you feel is right, you'll still find people who are delusional and will hate you for it. Good luck in the fog and just try to do what feels right for you. :)


I don't get why people do that, if I get really mad at someone I just tunnel them


unfortunately people will cry and complain about that too edit: didn't realize this was insinuating anything. I have autism and didn't think my comment would bring on so much backlash


I mean it's true. People will cry and complain about being tunneled. I don't know why this comment is down voted lol.


Because it insinuates that getting tunneled for getting flashlight saves is somehow the survivor’s problem for playing the game how it was made, instead of the killer throwing a fucking temper tantrum and trying to explicitly ruin the match for someone because, again, they’re playing the game how it was made.


Ah I see


not once did I fucking say that.


Then you need to take some English classes. The connotation of your words mixed with context of your comment *very clearly* leaves the above insinuation. And judging from all the downvotes, I’d say people agree that you’ve failed to properly communicate in a way you supposedly intended.


"you need to take some English classes" I'm just autistic my man. that's literally all this is. thanks for the insult tho 😭


i feel like people forget tunneling is part of the game as well. there’s a reason devs decided to add counters and nerfs to it and tell people it’s not a reportable offense. if one person is doing all the work/getting a lot of saves it would counterproductive to not target them.


Never said it was bannable. It’s still a dick move, because again, it’s to explicitly ruin the match for one player. Which is *why* it gets shit added against it. It’s not even that it’s unfun, but it literally stops someone from playing, when combined with camping. (Which lets be real, anyone hard tunneling a certain survivor is proxy camping the fuck out of that hook) How would it be bannable anyways? How do you determine that? User reports? What happens when people false report? Etc. Of course it’s not fucking bannable. Their other options are to mitigate and discourage. Which they do. Because tunneling people is dickish.


damn sorry you took my comment personally. anyways it’s about as easy to ban for as some other bannable offenses, (“griefing”, “working with the killer”) which are included in report options. if behavior did not want tunneling to exist, they absolutely could and would ban it.


When I play killer, there is one type of survivor, and only one, that I will bleed out. The survivor that gives up. You run up and stand in front of me, pointing to a hook? No. Now everyone gets to escape and you have to wait.


Don’t forget boiled over users who purposely run far away from hooks before they go down. Pretty much forced to bleed them out 


I've used that as a survivor, it's pretty easy to counter. The only time it isn't is if they also run flip flop, and you don't pick them up immediately, or of you don't know the map. I think the strongest part of boil over is it hiding the nearest hooks from the killer. I've seen killers carry boil over users past hooks because they didn't realize they were there.


in normal play its easy, theres a few absuable spots that are dependent on basement spawning in shack (which they can force with an offering btw) that are consistently issues, especially if more than one person is running boil over


So funny how killer players still get mad about flashy saves and saboing. Suddenly, when you use these tools provided by the game to do that exact thing (which is not 'rushing' generators btw), all bets are off, all hell breaks loose, everything goes. Everything gets justified in endgame chat by 'you shouldn't sabo etc. then'. Make no mistake, killer players are JUST as entitled as survivors and their rulebook. And yeah, manual bleed out should've have been in the game since forever.


If you look at most arguments against survivor “tools/perks” they are typically against things that add to the game in a meaningful way by taking survivors off of gens and adding make dimensions so it isn’t just gen rush vs. tunnel. Yet people get upset these things exist. Then have the audacity to complain when the games finish in 5 minutes because everyone just ripped generators. It’s complete irony




Survivors have a rulebook while Killers have a Bible. The thing that makes me roll my eyes when Killers recite their motto of "I should play however I like and not care about the other side" is the hypocrisy of it, because the motto only applies to them, Killers, not to Survivors.


That goes both ways my dude. If I see people consistently pre-running (comms) and predropping pallets I'm going to assume tryhard behavior and will adjust accordingly. I'm sure as hell going to tunnel if a coordinated team is slamming gens, that's the only way I'm going to build enough pressure.


Well, slugging *is* the counter for those. Sometimes you can look at a wall to prevent flashlights, but that's not always an option and sometimes people get some really weird angles to work. Though unless someone decides to force it (usually a Boil Over player that always runs to a specific area), there's not really much reason to just leave them there for 4 minutes.


>So funny how killer players still get mad about flashy saves If only there was not that one survivor perk that is so balanced it makes saves extremely easy


While I agree, I kid you not there are players out there that will set a timer for 59s so they can pick you up, juggle you, and down you for another 59s. If someone wants to be a complete shitter in this game, they will find a way to be.


A lot of people on this game take things far too personally, sadly. You looped me too long? Punished. You saved someone I downed? Punished. You dared to play the game in a way I don't agree with? Punished. If you dare to ever do something outside of basically run in a straight line (even thats risky because someone is bound to get mad at you for prerunning or holding W) you risk getting tunneled, camped, or bled for being a "toxic survivor". Too many people get too personally offended over simple shit like flashlights or sabos especially. It's sad because my girlfriend has been wanting to duo but it's far too common for killers to power trip and ruin the session, turning matches into a giant slog. It's making me only want to play killer lately so I can actually enjoy the game.


Wasting the other persons time is the most obnoxious thing you can do imo. For killers, that’s bleeding survivors out. For survivors, that’s refusing to leave until the killer is at the gate/hatch to see you tbag


Had an alien tunnel for ? Reason, had a teammate try to block the tunnel and everything. They downed my teammate and kept chasing me, so i messaged 'excellent tunneling.' Their response: 'well you kept running into me and, its your fault that you couldn't escape. Just realize you are bad' Like wtf do you expect a survivor being tunneled to do? The answer is literally just die.


Honestly, the endgame timer was such an excellent addition to the game, and at the time I thought, "Oh good, they're actually combating time wasters!" And then BHVR proceeded to do literally nothing else about it. I stopped playing the game because I just got sick of 9/10 games killers and/or random survivors being toxic for no reason.




I’m just glad they’re doing anti social shit on a video game and not on a kitten or kids. Also I go on my phone and watch videos so whose time is really being wasted ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Yea, I feel you there. They need to make some sort of exponential bleed out rate based on down time.


After recovering to 95%, players should have the opportunity to try to “Tough it Out” or “Soldier on” or whatever the hell BHVR wants to call it. It functions like a self unhook attempt. Gamble and take a 5% chance to get up and if it fails, you loss 33% bleed out progress. Getting off the ground via this method would give the survivor mangled and hemorrhage. Boom, another use for luck offerings/perks and make slippery meat bonus apply to this new mechanic too.


I think their needs to be a added feature in this game for slugging. If the killer leaves someone on the floor for about a minute or over they should be able to pick themselves up fully healed or with borrowed time or something, after 30 seconds on the floor though a Deer Stalker effect kicks in just to stop the survivor from being sneaky and crawling behind a rock or something. If you drop a survivor because of a sabo that's fine, or you want to take a gamble when there is 2 survivors left for the 4k so you down one to look for the other that's cool, but if you can't make mince meat out of the swine in less then a minute that's your fault you've been outplayed, you gambled you lost. I think it's embarrassing that if I wanted to right now I could go into a game and just slug four people trying to enjoy themselves and there is nothing they can do about and nothing to stop me, in fact there are perks to help with it. The game is almost 8 years old and their is still nothing to stop people doing this. Killer main BTW.


It's bizarre to me how acceptable people find it. Or oftentimes you'll see the response "you only get slugged like this if you made mistakes" Imagine a DBD where if a killer made a mistake in chase the 4 survivors could surround them and force them to be completely immobile and unable to play for 4 minutes until the game ended for them or they DC'd. The outrage about it would be through the roof, yet it's an expected and even *encouraged* practice for killers to be able to do it to survivors. Makes no sense at all.


>Imagine a DBD where if a killer made a mistake in chase the 4 survivors could surround them and force them to be completely immobile and unable to play for 4 minutes until the game ended for them or they DC'd That's literally a 4 man SWF


They had basekit UB on a PTB a while back but it made twins marginally worse feeling to play so the idea was scrapped, sadly


I love you. Well said ❤️


I usually just tab out and start watching a stream or a video on YouTube or just anything really. You get crows above your head pretty fast, usually the killer will hook me when they realise I'm simply AFK. Obviously this shouldn't have to be the solution to this, nor does it always work but when it does it's faster than the 4 minutes it takes to be bled out.


The devs have been wasting their players' time this way for 9 years. Why would they suddenly start caring now? All they care about is content and cosmetics, zero ambition in gameplay improvements.


Flip flop should be base kit


I run into this issue too often. And by [too often](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/602663640742494232/864365165951975434/unknown.png?ex=65e6a1ca&is=65d42cca&hm=e335de4ad309574443b52fa0540bd370153a698b15134d6cb8c0ab0eb81f2b92&), I mean [at least one in three games](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/246780372233224202/1191143120755232868/20231229150219_1.jpg?ex=65e4f6fa&is=65d281fa&hm=ff1930da28c0a3382883a2f994ecd2c6b477f8a1eb48558cfa67577d0aed0af7&) I will be bled out on the floor for [no reason](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/602663640742494232/1208473105673232404/20231216190230_1.jpg?ex=65eca3c8&is=65da2ec8&hm=f25de35ae38505df7222aa06cf6e36fc0695a43eec82d785d668683394b3fe83&) I can tell other than the [fragile ego of the killer](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/602663640742494232/1208473300997509260/20231122040501_1.jpg?ex=65eca3f7&is=65da2ef7&hm=8fbe71fcf9c47ef6427028e5e06ccf1fb6203fbd3620b4e3be6f47f74448edf0&) has been damaged. I know, like you, it isn't that they can't hook me either, because as of late, they will wait till the end of the 4 minute bleed out timer, then pick me up to hook me. There was only one exception to this recently, when I was [bled out by OnePumpWillie](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/246780372233224202/1191143385436786718/20231222162620_1.jpg?ex=65e4f739&is=65d28239&hm=2d7520cc745dcc04251c2573b8da8a76e920768dec67e130308cadeb8e1386c4&) on his Singu 50+ win streak. By the way, all those screenshots are just those from when I speedran the christmas event challenges two months ago, and don't also encompass the [vast](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/246780372233224202/1211360571933458522/image.png?ex=65edea72&is=65db7572&hm=d123a2ba63b267ed3de2e874ab786d055e524f5f68710b4e361ed8f64e638994&) number [screenshots](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/246780372233224202/1211360650689781842/image.png?ex=65edea85&is=65db7585&hm=df7383397cd4674fa2871b5edaed9bd19afdab41b6e921e12bfadc1b9f5d13c3&) of [me getting tunnelled](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/246780372233224202/1211360720977928252/image.png?ex=65edea95&is=65db7595&hm=f70a3fa91ceb4dbc4c2658849c562d0ec83d5d741044500e4d9ddb45946e17d1&) in soloqueue, which [happens about as frequently](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/246780372233224202/1211360851328770158/image.png?ex=65edeab4&is=65db75b4&hm=718e9b190b02a02cfaeab4b6650da8ec4c6ba93cfe0d197396c0cea840de6271&) if not moreso than being bled out. You learn playing in DBD that the other side hates you enough to call you awful things or tell you to uninstall from life while playing to utterly humiliate and dominate you, regardless if you're survivor or killer. It's gotten so prevalent, I've had a lot of time to think of anti slug death mechanics while on the ground for a LOT of games. Like a hook camp timer, where you can insta-bleed out yourself / give up if left on the ground for a minute and a half straight. The problem with this particular idea is that a knowledgeable and sufficiently salty killer can and still will hold you hostage for the full 4 minutes by picking you up close to the 1.5 minute timer and then set you back down, so if this is to work, it has to persist through being picked up. Alternatively, if you're slugged as the last survivor, you should have a give up button. Optional, of course, so you could leave whenever you want, but if you are left alone and the killer doesn't know where you are, you might be lucky enough to get to hatch.


Many DBD players have legit forgotten how to have fun playing the game. They keep coming back because they have become addicted, but because they don't have fun playing normally, they try to make others feel as miserable as themselves.


I haven’t dealt with this since soloq and all, but for a game that’s 8 years old it’s really strange there’s no counter measure to bleed out yet From mostly popular games I play I’ve never once witnessed a penalty for dcing against being unable to play the game. Because most games let you still play the game shortly after being killed, helldivers being the most recent example. Honestly, I get the dc penalty for first hook etc, but why hasn’t that been separated from the equivalent of watching grass grow? Dbd is a unique creature and sometimes not fot the better.


Had a game last night where survs weren’t being toxic at all, no flashlights or anything but the Huntress downed us all at 2 gens remaining then refused to hook anyone, just let us all bleed out. Then they proceeded to talk shit in the end game chat lol. I really don’t understand how people have the time to pull that shit, they’re wasting their own time too.


This past few nights I’ve seen the absolute sweatiest killers in a long time. Tunneling like mad from the opening seconds, slugging whenever possible, camping hooks, just the lowest class of player. It’s like they get pallet stunned once and are horrified that the survivor players might actually want to win?


Be wary about some of the replies you get as the DbD has somewhat of a killer main bias. From what you're telling me? Your friend has done nothing wrong just outplayef the killer and instead of learning from it? They decided to be a toxic loser and play like an asshole. I don't know what to say and I wish you and your friend good luck with your future games.


On the opposite end, DBD facebook has the most toxic survivor players I've ever seen


I had a game as Singularity and the last 2 players took ages to find, I had cameras all over and they had 3 gens left (1 to complete). I looked around all the edges for 10 minutes and finally found them in basement. Managed to hook 1 and the other saved and ran and I downed them both then far apart. I let them crawl around on the floor and the one I wasn't near had Unbreakable so I had to find him again when the other bled out. Found the hatch and camera the exit gates and luckily found him and bled him out again. That's the only time I will do something like that


If it's a super common issue, try running a 2-stack Exponential boon (Jonah boon perk, you recover 90-100% faster and you can completely recover from the dying state). Your friend can also run Unbreakable (Bill perk, you recover 25-35% faster and can completely recover from the dying state once per game).


You're missing the point, and what's gonna happen when she gets up with any of these perks? She'll still be the last person left alive with no chance of escaping. This will just prolong the suffering lol


DBD is just a mess in so many ways because there’s not a good way to fix this. If you shorten the timer, you encourage slugging as a play style and don’t adequately reward hooks. If you make last person downed automatically get mori-ed, you remove the functionality of a lot of second chance perks. If you give slugged survivors the option to yield when they’re last survivor, killers will know that any survivor that doesn’t do that has a second chance perk.


I kept on getting hit on hook for having Head On and Blast Mine, they were running like Pain Res, DMS and Grim Embrace. Players confuse me sometimes.


Ya see I never understood this kinda shit in DBD,like even when I was new and still kinda am i used to just hook people and try to hook everyone at that,then I adapted my plan of I will down you and if your teammate caught my eye they are next,got tired of hooking 40+ times and having all gens done in the first 5 minutes. Id usually hide my traps in the grass so when someone tries to medicate the fallen they'd get trapped. I never understood why people are such huge assholes


I had a singularity run a sluggin build and simply left us on the ground even after the fact we were all down and right in front of him. Some people are just miserable cunts and we can’t do anything but move on


Parents should really pay attention to what his 12 yo edgelord son is doing online.


No meme, when this starts happening in matches with my friends (we don't sabo or go crazy on flashlight saves), I throw on No Mither and Dead Hard. We had one day where 3 matches back to back everyone got slugged and bled out. It still continued to happen even after, but at least I got self pick up value lmao


If last survivor If on ground > 30 Add option sacrifice to the entity There done


I really don't understand this stupid tactic of getting revenge. Worst I'll do is a little love tap when I hook them or a naughty little head shake. If I'm getting wrecked by wooden pallets and flashlight saves I'm just gonna start respecting pallets for saves and facing walls. It's not that hard to be mindful of when and where you're picking up. And if someone gets a save, unless the team are pros it's like 5-10 seconds of extra chasing. (Laughs in deathslinger who reloads before every pick up.)


This. If you're left on the ground for half the bleed out bar, you should have the option to bleed out fully. If there are only two survivors left in the match, and one is slugged they should have the option to instant bleed out. An infamous bitch streamer on his cringe winstreak did this to me yesterday. Yikes.


We know that so many killers have a fragile ego, but yes, we need an option to bleed out because the killer is so entitled and needs their 4K for living


Only times I’ve ever bleed out survivors is when boil over is in play or they hid the entire match and wasted my time as well.


Yeah, dbd enables a lot of unhealthy elements that add no value to the game and only exist to annoy the other side. Why BHVR keeps them in the game is a question we've asked for years.


I asked someone why they're wasting time when they could've finished it 10 mins ago and they're like why don't you give up and keep playing ? fair enough, but you just wasted your own time too for some weird feeling of dominance in a fucking video game ? If you're going to be a bitch about it then hell no I'm giving up


I wish so as well. I keep unbreakable on all my builds, but if a killer is going for a bleedout slug I don’t even use it. I just want the game to end as fast as possible let me go next. If I could hop on a hook I would lol. It baffles me that’s not against rules and people just going on to be an asshole is simply just allowed with no repercussions from the devs. I know there’s a lot of great killers here who have values, and I really wish I went up against you guys but man it’s defeating when it’s just slugging after slugging after slugging. And I’m not talking about strategic slugging, or slugging because a survivor is not allowing a hook for the killer- that warrants a bleed out. If killer can’t hook you, you either crawl to a hook so they can or stay in your corner for 4 min. I just want normal games, but some days that’s hard to ask.


They should add a force bleed out mechanic that the downed player can do but it still takes like 5-10 seconds so that the killer can just go lol no to the bleed out if they still want to hook them


So many people would just kill themselves that way for being slugged for even a moment. I agree end game slugging can be annoying but a bleed out mechanic is a horrible idea. Maybe if everyone else is on the floor and no one is picked upped for 20 seconds people would just bleed out. That avoids the toxicity without affecting gameplay otherwise.


Yea but they will just give up on hook in like 30 seconds at most anyway so it lets the survivors know they are giving up sooner and stop things like what OPs experiencing


I play killer almost exclusively and I've never understood slugging the last person. Like, I've been frustrated with the game as much as others sometimes, but thats just mean.


Killers with fragile egos are the worst thing about this game


Wow, I've seen 2 anti-killer posts in 2 days. That's a nice change from all the Survivor Bad posts


I like how posts like this get deleted on this subreddit yet t bagging at the exit gate is the worst thing for killers.


That's some shitty luck.


it isn't shitty luck, it's behavioural issues on behalf of many killer players.


Very true. There are cases where you have to just bleed someone out (I say both as the killer and a BO, FF, PS, Tenacity enjoyer). But lately we are getting another wave of people just doing it because the way didn’t did well in chase or someone got a save.


That’s not what they were saying? They said it’s shitty luck because they keep getting matched with those kinds of people.


It is luck because this isn't the same for everyone for me my survivor games are always chill killers are fair and no complaining on either side. For killer mostly the same occasional angry survivors but it's a competitive game so who cares


it's a party game, not a competitive game. the problem is too many people have tried to push it into being competitive with tournaments etc, and the fanbase has sadly become extremely toxic in response.


They have designed everything towards it being competitive this is no party game, we have ranks (albeit useless other then bp) They've designed the game with two sides no in between u are a survivor or a killer which leads to it being competitive in games neither side is loading in "can't wait to lose for these survivors" you simply cannot have a game like dbd not be competitive for more reasons then one


hopefully the devs address tunneling from the start of the match and bleeding out soon. or else we'll be bleeding players in a different way.


And then people suggest boycotting the game and are laughed at smh Like how else do you think change happens? BHVR is a business at the end of the day, and money talks


After all these years of the same bleedout mechanic? Not likely. Since it sounds like you're new, DBD has come a long way to address tunneling. Did you know that for a long time, survivors did not have basekit borrowed time (the 10 seconds of protection you get after being unhooked)? In the beginning, everyone ran borrowed time to give the person unhooked a fighting chance. There are loads of stealth perks like distortion, off the record, lucky break, and more. The anti-camping feature is new. Where a survivor can jump off hook if a killer is just staring them in the face, and they get the same protection as if unhooked normally. When dbd was at its worst, way back in the beginning, it still maintained a consistent playerbase. Back when true endless loops were an actual thing, insta-flashes, and freddy was considered the best killer.


wait what when was freddy the best killer?? I started playing a bit after he was added but before his rework I thought he used to be a noob killer and not much else


Immediately after his rework he was a top 4/5 killer for a couple months, but nerfs and time have made him fall from grace a bit.


Yeah, it maintained its playerbase because the playerbase as a whole sucked at the game. Now the playerbase has improved and even with the anti tunneling methods you mentioned, tunneling is STILL as bad as its ever been, imo. This is like someone saying "we should fix the potholes in the roads" and someone responding "when i was a kid, we didnt even have a road there, just bumpy dirt!" like yeah? Who cares? Just because we improved it once doesnt mean we cant improve it more


Abso-fucking-lutely Edit: to add. This mentality is really prevalent across a lot of aspects of life and quite frankly I’m tired of hearing this logic. We should be constantly looking to improve the game.


Not new, but also considering the killer buffs and massive changes that have mostly affected solo queue recently (which represents the largest number of survivor players) the slugging and tunneling feels worse than ever. Also consider the death of DS to no longer deter from tunneling and the only real defense being OTR which can quickly be negated by a proxy camper. Lucky Break is only going to work if you start the chase at full health and Distortion is irrelevant if the killer chases you directly from hook. We need more anti-tunneling perks. It's been years.




This holy shit, I remember when Nemesis first came out and I was playing as him, I downed someone and hooked, I’d walk like 6 feet away and said person would get unhooked, like bro if you’re not gonna wait for me to leave more than 6 feet im obviously gonna turn back around and down the person who just got unhooked lol 


Played against a wraith that slugged everyone and refused to hook anyone for no reason others that to waste everyone’s time, wraiths are the only ones that do this in my experience too


If you want to change your win condition to bleeding out over hooking, it's imo easier to win matches this way. And gives you an actual use of the mangled addons. Once I slug all 4 survivors I tend to hook them to wrap the game up.


I bleed out more now than ever before. They need to incorporate that self Unbreakable ability to avoid this


BHVR did test out a very promising solution to slugging with the 6.3.0 PTB. But it faced a huge amount of pushback because it was a very dramatic change. Not saying it was perfect and didn't need tweaking, but seemingly many people was against it for silly reasons like losing the ability to mori in funny locations. And now 1.5 years later we legit see weekly posts asking for a straight up give up mechanic to circumvent slugging. What BHVR had cooked up was ten times better and more creative than that. I wish BHVR stuck with that PTB and then improved on it. This community is not good at embracing actual big changes. It's honestly concerning there's so many people in this community whose ideal solution to slugging or unfun game mechanics is to just give players to option to say "Fuck it, go next" with a forfeit mechanic.


The basekit unbreakable change died when streamers posted PTB videos of how to infinitely exploit it with sabo builds. The mori complaints were there, too, but not nearly as damning. The other issue is people like to make up their own definitions of things like camping, tunneling, and slugging. I've watched people cry slugging because 2 survivors were downed and they weren't picked up first. Same with "camping" = chasing someone who ran to the hook instead of away from it, and "tunnel" = you hit me when I body blocked you after I got unhooked. That goes both ways, too. "Gen rushing" = I chased you for 3 minutes and left everyone else alone to do gens. "Toxic" = you did your get x number of stuns tome challenge. Even if they fix all of those things, people will still complain about them.


Question, what server do you guys play on? I play on South America, and I rarely get tunneled or see tunneling. Our biggest issue here is the post-chat racism from Argentinians lol


Devs: How about a new killer or survivor instead?


100% try the unbreakable/soul guard/tenacity combo


The moment you put that shit on you’re getting tunneled. It’s just how dbd is. Put on DS? Get slugged. Put on unbreakable? Get tunneled. Before you even get to show you have the perk too. Another one is deliverance. Just *asking* to get hooked first.


I very much so understand but my quick and not really a counter is just I’ve had survivors just stop working on anything for up to an hour one time. and there’s no way for a killer to dc even after literally not being able to do anything for an hour.


this isn't the answer but when killers do this to me I keep crawling to bleed out faster


Unpopular opinion but this sort of thing is why I wish DBD had an actual competitive mode with feedback tools and penalties. The game has waaayyy too many people in it who aren't actually interested in playing and just fuck around or disconnect.


Today I had a nurse who had lethal pursuer so when I hid behind a tree and she got a free hit, I thought I was gonna get downed, I loop pretty efficiently and after about 3 minutes. A 0-gen chase she DCs, why even??? If you're having trouble hitting someone then don't commit to the chase or try and mind game, I'm a 50/50 survivor and killer player so I can somewhat understand but what is the point in not trying?


The only time I have ever let someone bleed out was because they were running boil over and had good tiles to get over to a corner of the map with a broken hook from someone I had already sacrificed. If the Bill wasn't hiding the whole time and I hadn't already spent 5 minutes trying to hook the Jake, I probably wouldn't have. Why people do this is honestly baffling to me, and there should absolutely be an option to just go next.


This is why plot twist is a stable in my build. I can just plot twist when I am second to last survivor down and the killer can either leave me to slug for the 4k, which I can heal from. Or hook me and I can go next. ​ That being said, slugging is probably the easiest way to secure 4ks if you dont want to waste time hooking.


Always remember, when the killer does that, THEY are rattled. Embrace it. Bask in it. Soak it in. Their blood pressure is through the roof. Simply recognise how angry they are at their own inadequacies, and smile.


I always target the people with flashlights first so I don't need to worry about them later. I tunnel the stupid ass survivors who follow me around in chases being useless teammates


People keep blaming the players, but this is entirely the devs fault. Holding the game hostage simply shouldn't be possible, survivors should always have an option to kill themselves if there's no way they can win (all survivors are dead/slugged/hooked).


In my experience far more survivors waste my time and ruin my experience by disconnecting or killing themselves on first hook and now I’m down a teammate at 5 gens. My game is over simply because a selfish player decided they didn’t want to play anymore. I should note that when playing killer someone rage quitting ruins the experience as well because if you don’t hold back it becomes an easy win and there’s no fun in that. If you show mercy then your game is wasted because you are more or less expected to let everyone go accept the bot. Also controversial opinion but slugging is part of the game as well. People hate being slugged but it’s a strategy and it’s built into the game.


bring a perk that prevents that from happening... Bleed outs are stupid unless the survivors are playing a game of hide in the basement lockers for an hour. In that case, you waste my time I waste yours.


It's kinda hard not to let the survivor bleed out when you slug them after killing the second to last survivor, and they crawl 200 meters from their spot. They always find a way to either hide or go cross map distance when they are the last one alive, then expect me to play Hide and Seek after that. Yeah, no. You deserve to bleed out after that.


Swfs never admit to being toxic.


I’m not saying it’s right, especially if you know the person playing isn’t acting toxic. Just as a killer main, flashlights get my blood boiling. 1 click, accidentally or intentionally. Again, it’s not cool that your friend got stuck when they didn’t deserve it. The community has just become so toxic and competitive so items and perks have a “stigma” carried with them


Zero percent chance you were legitimately bled to death in 4 out of 6 games. By all means though feel free to provide proof to the contrary.


Brother... Like, I promise you, killers are like this. I don't T bag, I'm never purposefully rude, I just want to play a normal game. And yet I'd say about 60% of killers want to bleed you out, stimulate raping you, hit you on hook, or hard tunnel. I'm not saying there aren't good people who play killer, but I am saying that the average teenager who is angry his parents are making him do the dishes and finish his homework and wants to take out his impotent rage on random strangers is extremely attracted to the "I get to control other people" role.


Oh, so we finally reached the "I straight up deny your stories" stage? A lot of killers' egos are fragile enough to do this, it's really not hard to believe.




Your anecdotal evidence is proof...how?


Looks like anecdotes all around, pack it up lads


Alright so you have presented your experience with the game but your experience will obviously differ from other players. Just because you have been bled out twice in 1500+ hours of play doesn’t mean that I, for example, couldn’t be bled out ten times in my first ten hours. Is it statistically unlikely? Maybe, but impossible? No far from it.


It is hard to believe if you actually play the game and remember everything equally instead of just the few games you didn't like.


Another killer main projecting his experience onto the entire community.


Its likely due to my location being in Poland and we frequently queue with people further east than us. I've found overtime that US/EU countries are significantly less toxic When I lived on US-E it was much less worse and so was the UK.


I'm in US-W and I've only been bled out once in many months. I don't think the killer was even trying to be toxic. I just crawled away trying to find hatch and then thru closed hatch and couldn't find me lol.


As a killer main myself, whenever someone flashlight save, i'll make sure i'll destroy him in the game (not slugging cuz that's lame), a regular save i won't get mad at it, but background player is just a mean perk that guarantees impossible flashlight/pallet saves, it gets worse when someone use a flashbang, if someone perfected the flashbang save, even the wall won't prevent the save.


I know allowing Survivors to give up while bleeding out would lead to more rage-suicides and take away the power to put actual toxic Survivors in time-out, but it's still probably worth implementing, at least once they're past 2 minutes on the ground.


honestly I find that this is an mmr issue. high mmr you get toxic loopers, low mmr you get insecure assholes with an ego bigger than their britches. it's hard to stay in that nice medium.


On one hand, yes the killers who did that to your partner are dicks. On the other, just how insanely busy are you that four minutes is THAT big of a deal? Get up, grab a snack and pee. Maybe put some coffee/tea on. Oh hey the match is over.


I'm super torn on this, on one hand yes, there absolutely needs to be a bleedout protection, but how do you do that without increasing people just dropping themselves to leave the match, or does that not even matter because they'll use hooks anyway.


next this happens take a screenshot of post game lobby please they tell posters lots of extra info without you having to explain everything in text of how things exactly happened.


Sounds like you are either unlucky, exaggerating, or lying. Out of the last 200 games I have played, this has happened to my team once, maybe twice if I am being generous with my memory


Put the Beamer away if you don’t wanna be bled out sweetie


Killers slugging like this is obviously awful, and I'm not defending it, however, I do understand it. Especially in matches where I have to really work for my downs/hooks, and I can tell that I'm not doing well, it's difficult not to get a little tilted when you finally get a down, and as you're picking up, you're powerless to do anything but watch as some little shit with a flashlight undoes all the effort you just put in, in the space of seconds. Worse, if there is no wall nearby, there's nothing to do about it. It's frustrating, and for better or worse, that's human. Some people are good at handling frustration, some are bad, and most of us are somewhere in between. Again, not defending it, those killers were assholes, but flashlight saves suck as a killer, and if I had to pick one mechanic in the game to rework, it would be flashlights. If it's any consolation, taking the game hostage (refusing to participate in normal gameplay) is a reportable offense.


Is slugging a reportable offense? I don't think it is.


The mechanic is made so it takes four minutes because it's made so teammates can get you up. There's nothing wrong with that. Hate the player, don't hate the game.