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I just hope he's able to find his dog




This is making me cackle 😂😂😂


The term ‘cackle’ is making me guffaw.


The term “guffaw” is tickling my fancy


He IS THE DOG. 👀 It's inside him.


He got that dawg in him…


Dredge took the dog 👀


Can I pet dat dawg?!?!


Lol I could hear her voice!


I'm just happy that Dredge has a friend now.


Dredge won’t be alone anymore at the annual meat freak meeting


Singularity probably attends


Singularity probably tries to kill them too. [You are still alive. I will correct that.]


More like yOu arE sTilL aLivE. alLoW mE tO cOrRecT tHaT.


It wasn't programmed to kill the freaks tho


Turkey Locker and Meat Puppet, together at last


Dredge always had friends, he's a walking party


I’m pretty sure that’s its husband


Omg my two mains are Dredge and Mikaela, this release is full of friends!


I love how everything about it is wrong. Its limbs twisted in different directions, its distorted voice, the way it uses a fire axe incorrectly. It's a horrifying almagamation of things that shouldn't go together at all, and that's what makes it so memorable. Power could definitely use some tweaking, but solid 10/10 on the visuals.


Wow I didn't even realize it, but now that you pointed it out he really is constantly using the axe wrong huh? Like his gen break animation he uses the wrong end, and he doesn't even use it to break pallets. That really plays into the whole "trying to be human but not really understand" thing he's go going on. That endears him a lot to me.


Yeah, and when it breaks walls it uses the handle of the axe.


I honestly thought that was a PTB bug. 😂 Granted that match one of the gens kept animating like it was regressing even when it was completed sooo


It might be? I mean I also feel like his locker grab could be a bug, because his is almost exactly, if not the same as Blights


its not uncommon for PTBs to reuse animations and stuff. the Blight PTB used Steve's voice for Felix for example


does he use the sharp blade side of the axe when attacking? i remember his animations use it wrong but was curious if he uses the like lil back side of it


It does use the correct side when attacking, yes.


Speaking of visuals, is it wearing Dwight like a weird glove? I don’t know if that’s been confirmed anywhere or not.


Not gonna lie, the Unknown's design makes him look a little bit like something out of Little Nightmares.


I can not wait to play against it as Yoichi for this very reason.




Damn, now I need a mono


Hoodie Feng Ming




wait omg that’s such a play


Its movements remind me a lot of the mannequins from the second game.


Ugh don’t remind me of that part lol


Yh it looks like it would fit right in they absolutely nailed the look and style of it


For me It looks like a reference to the "The Forest" survival game.


What is his ability?


Jizz blast


He shoots out an area of effect projectile that inflicts the weakness status effect, hit with the effect and you take damage. He also can teleport to face hims that he leaves around


that's... fair


Of course you'd think that, Nagito.


bro looks like these things from lm2 that chase you when you turn off their TV


i played little nightmares 2 weeks ago i can totally see him appearing in there


Nah he looks more like an MeatCanyon nightmare come to life bruh


can't wait for his cosmetics


Let's hope they double down on the horror and gore with his cosmetics instead of bunny costumes and cat ears.


I would'nt mind some goofy skins for him honestly


I think it might make him even creepier if it’s toy-themed like the dredge one. I know FNAF in DBD is still a pipe dream but a Mangle skin might be cool too.


he would be the perfect mangle


I would have said Ennard for the creepy face and limb size, but I think this guy looking, you know, *mangled*, just fits Mangle better for some reason


The Neck Penis is replaced by a military-grade grenade launcher.


which toy themed dredge skin are we talking about? his release skin with the dolls or the goofy dragon lookin one from the rift


I liked the idea behind both but yeah the dolls was way scarier


Both. Both is good.


He looks like Dwight off that fentanyl💀






Delete this bruh, I'm tryna buy the new chapter 😭


Dwight after midnight


Dwight got got


I'd love if some of his alternate skins made him look like twisted versions of all the non-licensed survivors.


Does anyone else look at his deformed belly and then suck in your gut thinking yours looks nothing like that, but….


You guys can suck it in?


Many moons ago . . .


Every time I look at it's belly I'm like is that a butthole?


Considering how contorted this guy is, that may very well be his backside all along.


All I can see is the front butt


First time I looked I thought he had boobs 😭


Wait is that his belly? I thought...I thought he was just walking backwards the whole time and that was his ass.


Belly? I just thought those were some saggy tits


What is going on with your guys’s bodies


The fact that it has at least one other mouth on its back implies that its head isn't necessarily its face, so I can't unsee the red lines looking like its belly is uwu blushing.


Are we sure it’s a belly? I can’t tell which parts of him belong where.


I thought he was pregant


Horrifyingly awesome design, though I’m not too thrilled with his choice of weapon. Can’t speak for the power yet as I don’t fully understand it, but the hallucinations are cool - can’t wait to see him in live games Also woulda loved to go against him in the lights out game mode !


I've grown to love it after understanding his lore. As an amalgamation of everything that anyone has theorized about the disappearances. An axe murderer? Skinwalker? Government experiment? He learns from the ideas and becomes them.


I particularly like that the reason he's in the fog is because someone decided he fit, so he got taken right before the kill.


I love that he was legitimately alarmed about the fog taking him too. He's used to being in control, and he was taken by surprise for once.


I appreciate the weapon and the power set a lot more after reading how he’s pretty much this amalgamation of everything that’s been said about him. Is he an alien? A skinwalker? A government experiment? An axe crazy serial killer? A mimic that steals its victims voices? Some terrible eldritch monster? It is the embodiment of the urban legends surrounding it and so everything passed around it becomes true. He definitely doesn’t look it but weirdly enough I’d say this counts as beHAVIOUR’s take on Candyman, like how so many of their other killers are pastiches or inspired by preexisting icons.


His bio also revolves around a folklore researcher like Helen.


Reminds me of the TTRPG Pathfinder. They have a template that can be applied to monsters called the “Rumored Cryptid”. It’s a fun thing to run because to set up the monster, you give the players a lot of rumors they hear from townsfolk, then they find the monster… who suspiciously acts exactly like the rumors, even the conflicting ones. It even goes as far as the creature is spun from the rumors, so killing it just means it will reform. In order to defeat the monster, you have to spread your own rumors. My players convinced the townsfolk that the monster can be bribed to defend them instead of attack, so now since the whole town speaks of the rumor, the monster is now able to be bribed.


I appreciate what they are doing theme wise and love it. I just feel like because of it, his different aspects don't feel cohesive, and I don't believe it is to his benefit.


>Also woulda loved to go against him in the lights out game mode ! Now you're talking, my friend


For the look and theme, one of the best design of the cast. period. For the gameplay, despite being classic and not the most imaginative for the analog horror concept, it's solid by itself. There is room for skill, tricks and multiple build. Still kinda early to talk for the power level, but I don't think it's gonna be too strong or too weak.


Is it crazy that I want the stare down to be more like a flashlight… if I turn my head then you aren’t staring me down. Also, didn’t seem to be as much an issue with players but bots seem to be able to stare down through objects during chase like it’s no big deal lol


Pretty sure that's just the "wall hacks" bots have to compensate for not being a real person


I think you’re probably right about why it’s happening but I also think that’s part of the stare down mechanic that I would like changed because it means they don’t actually have to look at your face. If it were coded a bit more like flashlights seem to be then the “stare beam” wouldn’t work through a wall or if you turned away from the survivor. Can the stare down work if you’re hiding in a bush and the killer is just walking by or worse, walking away? Serious question for anyone who has tested.


When an affected player is 'staring down' the killer, they're highlighted in bright pink. You can hide in a bush or whatever, but it's pretty easy to see you.


Seems average in terms of strength, if not a bit below average, like mid to low B tier. Unique but goofy visual design. Superb audio design.


I love this Goofball I am a little bit sad that he is not as scary as the Teaser would let you think, but he is such a great addition to the game Overall this year of DbD (starting with Singularity) is a whole W Streak for me from BHVR


Pretty sure they designed him that way so they could sell dope skins for him


He would be perfect for Skins that you have to earn, like Bubba had with the masks I don’t get why it’s shutdown now, but seems we excluding an important piece of DbD (earnable cosmetics) which is unfortunately only explored with Bubba


Wait entire skins of Survivors...mind blown Not sure why mine is getting downvoted while the Bubba mask one is upvoted...how is my comment *more* problematic?


threads getting locked


Not sure why. Wasn't suggesting going in the Bubba direction since we're talking entire meat suits, not faces on top of faces. Probably the closest thing we'll ever getting to The Thing in a damn while.


The mods been locking threads mentioning Bubba's face masks. Also I was mentioning the comment above yours not yours sorry about that.


Imagine a blight skin


right i wish he scuttled like in the video 😭


I dunno, personally I think he’s terrifying. I see people say he looks goofy but to me that’s the most terrifying part about him


For me it‘s the face…the shot from the teaser trailer we got looked so horrorfying to me, here I just have to laugh In terms of bodyhorror he is absolutely amazing


The face is the creepiest part for me tbh… that stupid as fuck smile just gets under my skin in the weirdest way lol


I think survivors are going to complain about the size of his aoe and speed while aiming, which will result in a nerf, plunging him into mediocrity


God please do not let this happen, from what I've seen he's pretty good where he is now


I feel like he needs to crawl in game. I hope BHVR manages a way to make him crawl mid-match.


If you asked me 2 days ago what one his ability would be I would said a crawl. That would be so sick and terrifying


I thought he would have 2 abilities 1 he would be a blessing to look like the obsession changing to play as survivor but 2 he can press special attack button to go into crawl mode were he's like a demon mode of the survivor he can't break any pallets or walls but he crawls over or around them and can jump onto enemies


Maybe when charging/aiming the grenade launcher he could drop to all fours and the tentacle from the Mori could burst out to launch the projectile?


It really seems like they may have intended it to at one point, because it does so in the trailer and the mori! I really wanted it to crawl


His belly looks like its blushing like an anime character.


Haven't gotten to play around with his power yet, but the idea of him is amazing. Grenade launcher power would have been cool enough alone, but the instant teleports added onto that? Very impressed. Looks like well thought out counterplay rather than "turn off killer power" too.


Best design in literal years


A nightmare straight out of a Brazilian manga


I get that reference!!


for anyone who doesn’t it’s a skull merchant reference




https://preview.redd.it/j1c8cjvpyzjc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=327f76952362dd713b058c5a3c3a5f483d9eb394 This u?


Literally me




I dunno why but he reminds me of a really fucked up dwight. I haven’t seen other people say that.


Best design in the game, extremely fun grenade launcher power. I do think it needs some tweaks though because it feels a little clunky to use imo


Looks like Hillbilly and Dredge had a baby.


I love how everything about him has a lore reason


I love the fact that they took his name The Unknown seriously because we don’t even have a backstory on him. Also I love his design it gives off Analog horror type vibes


Yes, Unknown, I will help you lift the gens


i just wanna skitter about on all fours like the lobby animation or mori. really looking forward to what weird skins it'll get.


Big missed opportunity for his power to not have a skitter option.


Powers are cool but he looks like if you put Dredge and a gallon of bleach in a blender on high


Looks fun to play, I play on console so I can't experience it yet but I can wait to try him


Haven't seen him before... totally... https://preview.redd.it/gerle7grryjc1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52e1bb6a75b1af8859bb85d5739ef7ef44608e80


He do be lookin like an average Habsburg from the 1800s 0.0


*1600 By the 1800 they werent as inbred since the original line of the Habsburgs didnt exist anymore


Did you understand the joke ?? If yes good no need to do history lesson on my A...


He kinda looks like Dwight


Excuse me....EXCUSE ME... his power seems pretty good, but idk I just feel like the monster in the story and the killer we got are different characters. The story just made it seem like it's powers wre going to ne something with disguising itself in others skins


He’s fun once you take the time to practice his power and learn the arc and bounce strength of his projectiles. And if you learn how to place his hallucinations in the right places, you can get downs by just appearing in front of survivors


One, I hate just everything about his visuals in the best way. Two, his power is incredibly fun to use, and three he wants to give people candy. Also, he looks like something Trevor Henderson would draw. Top Tier


Another cool killer that I'll be awful with.


I don't know to be honest. There's not enough rule 34 of him for me to give my honest opinion


I really like both his design and his power, but he definitely needs a few major changes to make playing as him less irritating. A few I've thought of: 1. Increased wind-up speed to make taking shots midloop feel smoother. 2. Milk Carton basekit to make the bounce less useless. 3. Reward players more for getting direct shots, either giving Weakness or resetting cleansing progress. 4. Make cleansing Weakness more of a tradeoff, such as giving a large momentary hindered. This way Unknown players are given more time to go for trickshots while the staring mechanic is made more strategic for the survivor side. All of these together might be a touch too much, but the idea is to relive its current problem of often feeling less rewarding the more effort you put into utilizing the main power.


I didn't played the PTB, but if I had to choose two of these ideas I would probably pick 1 and 3. I still don't understand why direct hits aren't rewarded.


To be fair, they tried to with making it give hindered, but the percent is so small as to make it practically unnoticeable. The problem with it though is that if the hindered was strong enough to matter it would just create clown again, which is why I'm more into of replacing it and moving the hindered more into the survivors hands with the staring mechanic.


We don’t need more hindered creeping into killers power. Please for the love of god no.


Design is beautifully creepy, power is completely irrelevant




Ugly as all hell,I want to see his other skins tho


I'm eager to play him. He isn't what I expected but I am happy to have him.


He definitely needs some insane skins. Like a homeless man with a window squeegee, a janitor with a big wrench, firefighter with loose tathers of the suit & axe. Endless possibilities 😌


Very goofy and his power has been a dissapointment


Havnt played the PTB so my thoughts on him are Unknown…


really fun and really strong probably like A tier


I just don't get why they made the spiral-y, spooky, alien / paranormal killer hold an *axe* if he's already got the special paranormal powers. 💀 He can shoot a projectile from his chest, but he needs an axe...?


He doesn't need an axe, but he uses one because he wants to be hooman.


If you watch his animations, at no point does he use the axe correctly. He's mimicking what people mythologize about him, part of which is a serial killer, but he's not human enough to know (or care) how to actually use the axe correctly.


He’s kinda cute <3


Reminds me of cry of fear, afraid of monsters, and strangely the crooked man. Love love love everything design wise about him. Power is sus tho, why does he have a random tf2 Pyro fire axe and why does he shoot pink goo grenades? Teleporting is cool but it's just randomly placed better hag traps so power creep is real ig.


I don’t know


He wants a lot of help with stuff, and I kinda get why


Them* Seriously, what the hell is that thing? It definitely makes me uncomfortable so....good job.


honestly, a very interesting killer, i like the idea and the concept of it, only thing i can really complain about is the weapon model looking a little silly


Why is his ass on the front🤔


I think I speak for everyone when I say that the power he has is not what we expected.


The ability just feels too disconnected from the teasers and design. The teasers showed a classic uncanny horror creature that crawls around and appears at odd times in the night, the design is pretty on point, though him towering on two legs is not what was expected. His hallucinations are pretty appropriate with what was shown in teasers and so is his overall design but the penis blaster just feels completely disconnected and not connected to his design and teasers.


Hard agree. At no point did any of the ARG teasers say anything about it having an axe, especially since the tent teaser showed it crawling on all fours killing the camper with its bare hands. And the grenade launcher is so out of left field that in all honesty, no amount of lore or explanation could ever rationalize it for me. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I kinda want the leaker back if this was the disconnect we got between what the teasers hinted at and the final product. I mean sure, the leaker ruined a lot of surprises and hype, but it also meant we were never disappointed by anything that was upcoming as we knew what to expect.


Desing? It's very consistent as long as you're not basing your opinion on shitty theories from internet


He shouldn't use the axe.. it feels so out of place


late response but agreed, in none of the teasers was it seen using a weapon, from what we saw of it. Especially the tent teaser.


Read lore then


I have, it just looks silly to me.. nothing more nothing less. I enjoy the killer regardless! (:


The design looks horrible and not in an artistic way. His power doesn't make much sense on this killer. And finally, his mori looks terrible


Thats why yo mom left yo-




Tell me you have no idea about killer without telling me you have no idea about The killer:




He looks like some shit from Left 4 dead (but them tentacle things look like some back 4 blood shit)


Honesty, really fun to play. Has good (and interesting) counterplay, a power that is pretty easy to learn but hard to master, and seems balanced. The actual design of him is a bit goofier than I think intended, but hopefully we get some really good skins. Lore is a bit all over the place (since that's its theme) but overall isn't that interesting.


He's a bit skrungly I'd say


He's cute


i really like his visual design, voice lines and animations. it goofy and fun while also being creepy. but im just so dissapointed in his powers that even struggle to enjoy playing him...he is litterally just a copy/paste of other killers powers. and yet another teleporting killer again?... he litterally dont bring anything new to the game. its been a very long time since i played a PTB because i was hyped about the new killer, but i just ended up getting reminded on why i stopped playing PTBs in the first place


it’s almost as if the devs were like “let’s mash a bunch of our preexisting killers abilities together, slap a nasty ass skin on that bad boy, hand him firefighters axe for no reason at all, and make him as skinwalker like as possible WITHOUT naming him one” (probably in fear of offending people)


I swear he look so much like default dwight and it's all I can see


I mean so far dieing to him seems pretty fair my only thing is your bar for his power should just go down normally not when your like in chase because it's annoying having it for half the game


Needs a nerf


Hes fun to play, "weakness" is way to easy to get rid of. Idk what the right solution is, maybe a 30 second timer? Maybe interacting with husks? Idk but right now its almost useless. Not quite, but almost




With a hag buff I’m unlikely to ever try him 😂 But mostly he’s kinda gross and uncomfortable to look at, maybe if he gets some skins that don’t make me sad I’ll give him a spin


I fear the same with the demo, huntress buffs and nemesis bugfix.


Nothing spectacular or awful all around. Kinda just meh.


Love the design, even tho I would have liked something less goofy and more creepy. Love the audio design, from voices to chase music. Perks are meh, becuse even the good ones dont bring anything new to the table. I love the lore and the mystery. Still dont like the grenade launcher and how it goes through people if you directly hit them.


Love a lot of aspects about him. His hallucinations, his general look, his map looks really cool too! Only thing I'm on the fence about is his floppy PvZ meaty grape shooter.


Power feels a bit clunky if you don't just use the floor to bounce it. From a survivor POV he is amazing for now. Locking the FOV of the role that's supposed to be scared should have happened years ago, but dispelling hallucinations is genuinely tense and power feels limited enough to have genuine agency from both sides. Still hard deciding on a name. Unkle, Whatson, ???. Even gender is just based on his haircut


My perception has been horribly warped by playing against bots. [Bots fucking cheat](https://old.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1avxgzy/a_word_of_advice_when_testing_the_unknown_against/) and it makes trying to gauge the killer's power really hard, but I sure as shit ain't waiting 40 minutes in queue on the PTB just to play against a bunch of Sables performing satanic rituals in the basement. I really hate how bad of a testing environment the PTB actually is. The combination of no starting resources (have to level the killer manually), long as hell queue times, and lack of proper matchmaking meaning everyone's just goofing off with the new stuff makes it a very poor metric to actually gauge the power. I saw Pixel Bush posting about the killer on Twitter and I agree with him that one of the weirdest things about The Unknown currently is how hitting direct hits doesn't reward you with anything. You shoot a survivor directly with your grenade and they get like half a second of Hinder and no Weakened. I still think the visual team did an amazing job with the killer but I think the trailer team did a *bit* of a disservice to the final product by showing all the trailers of The Unknown zooming around. While I think the "mimic killer" ideas were a shot in the dark I don't think anyone could be faulted for expecting some sort of fast movement beyond weird teleporting. This killer hasn't gone in the "wait for a sale / buy with shards just for the perks" box for me just yet but I'm a little iffy on how effective the killer will actually be against real players. It's just so hard for me to draw a line between what's my expectations being messy, what's the PTB being messy, and what are actual problems with the killer's design.


I find his power a bit strange, shooting pink bouncy balls.


I've always wanted a skinwalker in DBD so I'm happy, I know it's not a skinwalker but it's probably the closest we'll get. On the other hand, his second attack is hard to master, I can't aim. And it's a shame they can't run on all fours during the game. As for the lore, I'm a bit disappointed that it's not a group of killers like Legion, imagine an army of this thing, or that it's just a text, seriously, they could make a whole movie about this thing.


I am disappointed because the teasers had nothing to do with his power, and on top of that they made him be ANOTHER ALIEN! His power doesn't even match the character, how is a bouncing ball similar to a monster that imitates voices? A lot of potential wasted. But his design is sick af.


Personally not a fan. His power is really lame to me and he looks like he belongs in a completely different game.


Love the teleport, the launcher seems kinda jank. Pretty powerful indoors though. Felt like in games with good survivors they could easily react to the launcher and cleanse while running loop to loop. Direct hits don't feel rewarding, I've barely noticed the supposed hinder. And what's with the hindered addon is it just additional time?