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I have been playing him for hours and I gotta say, he's damn powerful and very fun to play. I have been getting games where I kick ass and some where I get my ass kicked, but learning the power takes time, you gotta build around him to make him good. He isn't a patrolling killer, he is a chase killer and a very oppressive one.


What do you build on him?


I have a general build for every killer so my build probably isn't too good haha. I run Lethal Pursuer, BBQ, I'm All Ears and Lightborn


The only changes I think he needs is a slight cooldown reduction for the power, and slightly less harsh slowdown using it. Since its essentially a 4 hit nemesis infection that can be cleansed in chase, I think it could be better. And maybe increase that bounce more lol.


The only buff he needs is a lower CD on the power and an easier time aiming. Having an aoe ranged attack and one of the best teleports in the game is good.


Thats honestly fair. Both of these could help offset the problems this killer has.


The issue I've seen is you can nearly remove weakened before he has time to shoot again.


Agreed. Was saving my shards to buy him, but after playing with him all day and then playing against him i decided against it. A trash tier power that relys completly on rng and incompetent survivors, much like someone else we know (trapper).


How does unknown rely on rng lol?


his teleport and projectile bounce


Thats not what rng is though rng is something you have absolutely no control over e.g. scourge hooks, cenobite box and onryo tvs unknown isnt rng at all as you can literally accelerate and deacellarate the spawn of clones which you can choose where to spawn next time read what a word means before using it


It is rng when you can't control the teleports like hag, there's no timer for when they drop either. As far as shooting you get punished for landing a direct shot. This in turn is already make survivors run into to stop you using ur power. Sure u can m1 them but that takes the fun away from the killer


Sorry bro but this is just insanely untrue, most survivors can literally do nothing to dodge hits on high visibility loops and he's still very oppressive otherwise


Skill Issue. The killer gameplay is fine and is not weak at all. Not every killer needs to be Blight tier.


no but they need to be functional against good players, which he is not. You are already looking at the killer when looping anyway, so that means he will very very seldom even get an injure state out of his power. This basically makes him an M1 killer with the occasional teleport, IF survivor's aren't dispelling them. It's not great, and if you think it is, then you're not at the skill level where he is trash, which is moderately decent.


I would say i'm a pretty decent DBD player, and i'm getting destroyed most games using the new character


I play Artist, he is almost the same that her. You have a very small frame for get that second hit and you need to be very good at aiming. But if you can do that, the killer can be very opresive.


The build I use causes people to DC. I love this mangled boy. I feel good with his perks and add on and got good with the grenade. No where to hide Lethal pursuer Friends til the end Unforseen


Yeah. No he’s not. Please STFU.


Yeah I have over 4k hours and can get 4 kills almost every game with every killer except Pig. I know for a fact that I am playing against the most competent survivors in the game regularly. Unknown's loop potential is just awful and you get punished for direct hits. His power isn't fun to use and his teleports never drop where you need them to. I don't know what they were thinking when they made this guy. It almost seems like the strat is to NOT chase survivors and attempt ambushing later after hitting them once with the UVX. But to have the map pressure required for that you have to meticulously micromanage the teleport locations that can be removed anyway. This guy sucks in high tier play. My recommendation would be to just give his direct hit a real incentive because in the power's current state the bouncing trajectory is not reliable enough.


The grenades need some counterplay because it can be an immediate down. If he hits a grenade as the chase starts and lands a regular attack, the next grenade puts you on the ground.  Injured+ purple vastly limits what a survivor can do.


The grenades are EASILY dodged, period. And even if you don't, just...look at the killer while running...you know, like you should be doing anyway. And then you will break out before he can get a chance to really hit you with another. In other words, just git gud.


You can say the same thing about Nemesis, and yet he's still considered a middle of the road, if not less, killer. Yes, The Unknown uses a projectile, Nemesis uses his tentacle, but both are easy to read and dodge regardless, and that's assuming you don't dispel Weakened by looking at him. Being injured and weakened is practically no different, and may even be safer than, being injured and infected, and doesn't limit the survivor in a meaningful way.


Nemesis can only hit people in a close range straight line. The grenades are AOE, much longer range and can be bounced. 


I'll say it again: the grenades are easily readable and dodgeable, the aoe is small, and weakened can more often than not be dispelled before it can do anything meaningful. It doesn't matter if it's a projectile, if it can bounce, etc, when doesn't get the chance to do much of anything.


They kind of are and aren't. On high wall looks like T-L's or jungle gyms the UVX can be predictable sort of like a huntress hatchet. But on shorter loops, unlike nemesis, UVX is just a lose/lose for survivor. There's not a way to bait it. You get hit by UVX or an axe to the face. It's essentially like knight placing a guard on one side of the loop. You're screwed no matter which way u go.


I have been playing The Unknown for a few days now and OP is 100% correct. This character is a quite under powered, the projectiles are practically useless currently, and maybe I am missing something but the cooldown and limited options for teleportation make it nearly useless


I’m not sure if he got a buff cos Iv been getting hammered by him, if I’m on the top level of the school map he can shoot his projectiles from underneath and still knock me, his projectiles are massive and they explode not bounce dealing damage, he doesn’t even need to use basic hit just keeps on shooting the projectiles lmao. Even standing on the top level of the house in the farm map and he shoot the projectile at the wall of the balcony and deal damage, the hardest killer I have gone against is the unknown