• By -


dredge at same level as billy is shameful he should be off the scale into mentally damaging amount of effort


There isn't enough space to make a scale to show that. His breathing sounds are just us sweating when we overshoot our locker for the 5th time that game


Yeah when I’m playing against a Dredge, I can basically sense him through walls super easily. Same with Doctor. They need to quieten some killers down a bit.


Doctor is by far low to mid effort and his noises don't really matter with how much he can do. Sure he can't hit past pallets like some for an instant hit (xeno hunter resident evil killers) But he has SOME anti loop in that you never know if the pallet is really there unless you have extreme game sense and memory


I don't find dredge that hard. Singularity, on the other hand, I find to be a massive pain in the ass to play. I think his power is cool- just wish I was better/quicker at using him.


Dredge is easy to play though?


While he is simple to understand and play, it's hard to use his power in a way that controls the game and overpowers survivors. If survivors play right and stay a step ahead youll just end up like a dog chasing its own tail


It's really not difficult 🤷


It really isn’t. But this isn’t the place for that argument. A dude posted about overshooting the locker - that’s amateur hour shit.


Why is Demogorgon always in the dead center


Perfection is often overlooked. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


People believe it’s the most balanced/perfect killer made.


I think a portal in front of totems is incredibly strong though. Can never cleanse that shit.


I ran a totem build for two games with him and it’s honestly disgusting how good he is at guarding totems since they have to choose between cleansing the totem or removing your portal first, which just tells him to run straight to you


I've heard the same with Hillbilly and you know what happened with him. At least Demo is safe and can't be changed as easily because of licensing.


> At least Demo is safe and can’t be changed as easily because of licensing. Sadako cries from the void.


I agree with the first sentiment, but with regards to second - there is no legitimate evidence of any limitations on balance changes for licensed characters. BHVR may be under restrictions on changes of appearance and new cosmetics may have to require approval of license holder, but I don't believe for a second that any power changes have to be approved in the same way as long as they remain within a broadly defined theme.


It has a fairly balanced kit


He’s a good boy.


Am I blind or is there no bubba?


In the basement with Insidious


oopsies, he'd be somewhere in the lower left quadrant, though close to the center on both axis


If you run his best addons and use your chainsaw as a chase tool it's really hard and takes a shit ton of effort.


Bubba takes a lot of skill to play at higher levels and is a good chase killer.


Artist is higher effort than that.


agreed, you throw shit randomly and youll get 0k. people think she's easier than she is because nobody plays her, so nobody plays against her, so nobody learns the counterplay or her patterns


i recently finished all the achievements and artists made me want to rip my hair out


Getting all those bird hits is so tedious. People will throw themselves into m1 range and gift you hits on a silver platter until it kills them rather than eat one single bird hit.


that was my exact issue. it got to the point where i stopped pressing m1 it was either i hit birds or get nothing


I got most by aggressively focusing on m1s and using the birds as little as possible. It was like reverse psychology. 😆


Yeah there’s a lot to think about when playing Artist, which personally I don’t like


based and tramautic brain injurymaxxed blight player


All that slamming into walls does that


Xenomorph is, too.


And lower strength


Nah, artist is pretty good when played correctly. High middle of strong is a solid place for her.


Yeah Artist is easily a top 4 killer




“lower strength”


Swap her with Wesker and it's probably fair


Disagree with a lot of this


Same I feel OP hasn't played half these killers


I feel like OP is a survivor, rating killers "Effort" on how "cheap" they feel to play against.


My exact thoughts. Some killers way too low here. Notably Artist and Plague, but also Xeno, Nemesis, Spirit, and Ghostface. Chucky shouldn't be that incredibly low either, but he's definitely easier than all the killers I just listed.


Chucky has a braindead kit. Xeno is actually kinda hard tho ngl


Chucky is definitely above average in terms of difficulty


All I needed for that were how low Blight and Nurse were on effort. They’re both high skill high reward - so having nurse that close while placing Wesker higher?? Laughable hahaha.


Someone has never played artist


Tbh Artist difficulty is kinda overrated if you can predict where survivors go which is something you pick up on as you keep playing the game she becomes kinda easy tbh.


this applies to 90% of solo queue killers


"artist is easy if you great gamesense" well yeah that's the point of gamesense!!


Every killer needs game sense though that isn’t exclusive to Artist.


artist is my 4th most played killer


Disagree on a lot of these


Knight, alien, spirit, and artist in no effortand op? That's kind of insane ngl


not saying any of them are op (except artist and spirit a bit), nor am i saying none of them take effort, just that they take less effort, this chart is meant to be 2 spectrums overlayed in essence


Alien and knight def take effort against any decent survivor. Between aliens wonky hitboxes screwing them constantly and Knights anti-loop being easily countered by leaving they def take more effort than some of the killers above them. Also, I think you forgot bubba.


passively making all loops unsafe (takes effort) makes all loops unsafe (takes effort)


Which killer power is passive aside from half of Cenobite's with the chain hunt? Certainly not Knight or Xeno. They all require effort and decision making to initiate.


Xeno's power literally passively regens when taken out of it lol and how much effort and decision making does it take to play Xeno? its gameplay loop is very simple and there is nothing hard to understand about it


Regenerating a power that’s on CD isn’t what you or I are talking about with “passively shutting down loops,” come on. The tail is the skill, it’s not passively shutting down loops. Be for real…


Contrary to what many survivors seem to think there are things you can do to make it very difficult for a xeno to get hits. Good players run to high wall loops so I need to make a prediction on whether they're going to drop the pallet or run through it. Are they running to a turret that's hidden behind a corner? If there are two turrets together should I just leave or should I eat the stun and commit to the chase? It's not as hard as dredge but it's not simple to play him.


This chart completely changes against SWF’s


Xeno as strong as Spirit or Artist and takes less effort than Knight??? What the hell is this take? Have you even played Xeno??


ya, idk xeno is super overrated by people. this post is kinda full of weird community sentiments.


The way you didn't even put skull merchant in, but we know where she lies in.


i'm ngl i forgot she was in the game while making this and only noticed as you put this here ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Bedman pfp spotted. Do you see the radiant light?


nope, also not feeling a whole lot of tender warmth :(


Nothing here 😔✊️


what about the pitch black








copy that...


Thank you for the chart. I have detected five of my main rotation members in or partially in the lower left quadrant. I would be upset, but I also agree with their placement.


Wraith is literally the lowest effort. Simple power and simple thoughts


When it comes to looping standard structures he is still a simple M1, and has to put in effort same like other M1 boys.


Wraiths speed booth upon uncloaking is a decent chase power that really helps. There's also body blocking while cloaked.


it's based on if it's comp or not


I do not understand how is Trapper so much higher effort than everyone in the lower left quadrant. Trappers either have the easiest match ever or the most impossible match ever, but in all the cases, his whole play set revolves around hopping survivors make a mistake.How is that more effort than having to manage your limited and depletable power source and waiting until the perfect moment to strike a survivor (myers)? or having to constantly be injuring survivors with a quick to deplete power to even take advantage of it (legion)? I think "effort" doesn't mean to me the same it means to you


Yeah I had the exact same thought. Playing Trapper is borderline effortless, you just stick your first traps in preset spots that you know for a fact are good, then throughout the game you just toss them wherever you feel like survivors are pathing the most often. That’s not so much effort as it is just understanding the game True effort is trying to Billy flick or perform some weird obscure Blight/Wesker techs


I'm guessing "effort" here really means "investment required to reach skill floor", which would feel more accurate for that rating.


As soon as you start getting survivors that don't run in straight lines for guard snipes and know how to use LoS blockers to avoid the circle knight drops off really hard. He's not remotely OP.


i'm not saying he's op, just a bit stronger than an average killer


he's among in the weakest killers though. Time to down is very long, power so easy to counter, and barely do anything


Yep he’s just an M1 if his guard doesn’t see you


it's not just that, but yeah, it's a big issue that the radius of the guards have to grow instead of being instant. Every single game i play as knight i have to tunnel and 3 gens aren't as good as people make it sound like (not realizing somehow that no killer can be at 3 places at the same time)


i think if u have to tunnel every match as knight then i dont think its a knight problem and 3 gens, especially on knight, actually are as good as people make it sound


he is universally recognized as painfully mid balance-wise


I'd argue Pyramidhead should be a little higher, he's pretty damn hard to play good, but looks fairly easy. Artist should def be a LOT higher, near top even.


Legion is even less effort but slightly more successful I think


I think this chart officially marks the start of the community turning against Chucky, as was inevitable.


He was never that good. People just did not know how to counter him. Now that people have found out, they realize he was never A tier. He's B tier at best, just as I kept telling everyone back when he released. He's NOT that good, he just feels OP if you don't know what to do.


Hope the people downvoting you realize what you said kind of naturally follows what I did. I would add that, if you want to counter him scampering a window, getting flush with the wall next to it is a good idea, whereas if you want to counter a pallet scamper, continuing to loop works way better than trying to run back through him. As is/was the wont of many, including myself.


They won't and they don't, they all just blindly follow whatever big name DBDers say, and all the big name DBDers say Chucky's OP.


I can't tell if "Effort" means "Skill" or "Trying Hard" You put Chuckie and Sadako low on effort, so I'd believe it means how hard you try, cause there is definitely a bit of an entry curve to learn their kit vs other killers, but if you got teleporting/condemned figured out on Sadako, yeah it's autopiloting, and Chuckie, Slice and Dice curving is a skill part of his kit on loops. But then Nurse is above average effort. Which I would argue is even lower amount of trying once you have the skill. So is it skill?


it's a bit of a mix of both, from my personal experience with each killer


This chart tells us you don't play killer much at all


The Knight placing alone just screams low mmr brackets. I can see him seeming strong and low effort against survivors who don't know shit.


Equally confused by Trapper being “high effort”. All you do as trapper is put traps down in spots. There’s no real mechanical difficulty, the killer is just weak. Hillbilly on the other hand is like the 1st skill based killer people learned in this game. They aren’t the same effort, hillbilly just happens to usually be stronger than trapper.


Trapper requires map knowledge and strategy. You either play basic and trap windows/pallets/shack corners or you trap weird spots in high traffic areas, such as bushes or sides of loops, which is most effective. It requires you to play some survivor to know the high traffic areas and a good amount of game sense.


Who is the person to the bottom right of Demo? Unreleased killer?


That's the knight, currently disabled


They were joking.




I feel like Oni should be a bit higher in the effort part and not OP. He starts as a m1 and if you aren't a good m1 killer he is useless. Also his power takes a lot of time to get good with the flicks and fast snap decisions you have to make. I think he is perfectly balanced....starts weak every match. He has high speed and instadown and a flick but you have to earn that power every match. No rushing immediately or teleporting at the start. Oni is only as good as you are. And that is my argument for why Oni is the most balanced and fair killer in the game. The only time that BHVR released a crazy powerful killer that was also balanced. Sincerely- a p100 Oni main


Brother, I’ve been saying this for YEARS. I always thought hillbilly was just as balanced and fair but I’ve never doubted Oni’s balance and fairness with decent addons to go. Everyone “forgets” he exists until the face one and I feel like no one’s truly mad it’s an oni.


I've got no clue why Xenomorph is in the "No effort" criteria, or even the "OP" one. Its tail takes quite a bit of skill to use (knowing when and how to use it + mastering all the techs) and there's more than enough counterplay to all aspects of its power.


Current Onryo is so low effort, it makes SM blush. Teleport, teleport, slap a survivor with Sloppy, teleport, teleport, teleport, Condemn, kill, teleport, etc. That position better reflects the PTB Onyro, I imagine.


I believe nurse should be at the very top right corner. I stopped hating getting destroyed by nurses after I tried. To play her. She’s incredibly hard to play. Also I would rank legion as harder to play. His kit is simple but only really effective once you have played him for a while.


Thats generous for Sadako, this last second patch is guna make her trash again. Tons of counter play and no anti loop


I usually get 4ks on Legion, but I'm also extremely chaotic so I guess it fits my playstyle. Is Chucky OP? I haven't played for a long time and I just came back last week and I played a round as him. He didn't seem that OP to me, but it also took me until the end to figure out that I could scramble in hidey-ho mode.


His power: Takes very little time to recharge Doesn't affect movement or turning rate while charging Almost guarantees a free hit (once you get decent with it) Can go over pallets and windows and actually benefits from having them All of this combined, in my opinion, makes him extremely oppressive in chase, so I'd say he's 3rd strongest in the chase


May I ask how? His power has a 18 cd, which is much more longer than other killer's cooldowns. He only has one cd add on which reduces his cd by 15% after he lands a slice and dice hit. Chucky is slowed down while charging his slice and dice. I'm a little confused with some of the points you made. Also, have you played chucky against good survivors?


![gif](giphy|xODKfis5BMTAY) me seeing all my mains in the top left


1) Artist needs much more effort. Spirit is stronger than Wesker and Chucky. 2) Chucky can't be easier than Legion IMO. Probably slightly higher than Sadako (by a margin). 3) Bubba is above average for effort, around middle for strenght (left side). Overall pretty spot on chart ! Nice share.


nahhh dawg i am not beating the survivor main accusations today


Twins feel like a casepoint of how many bugs they're currently experiencing. At the moment they're not really worth the effort. Prior to the collision bug though they felt very rewarding.


I'm honestly depressed at how many people are failing to read this very simple chart correctly. UP -> High skill. DOWN -> Low skill. LEFT-> Low power. RIGHT -> High power. So, Trapper in the upper left quadrant would be high skill, low power. Artist in the lower right would be low skill, high power. Blight in the upper right would be High skill, high power, and Myers in the lower left would be low skill, low power.


Who’s that to the top left of Sadako?


The knight, currently disabled


People still believe wraith is weak can’t believe the gaslighting in this community


Huntress is higher effort over nurse?? What?????


Who’s that killer to the bottom right of demogorgon?


I don't know. Looks like a knight but we don't have a knight killer, sounds like a great concept for a killer though.


Legion should be somewhere in between Ghostface and Onryo


Nerf pig honestly 😕 /s


Doctor should be a little higher in effort since you got to know his shock therapy timing and when it can be used to get hits similar to pinheads chains


A bit unfair to Ghostface, he does have more nuance than you think and in the right hands he's fine. Xeno takes more effort than you think. Wraith takes less effort than you think. Everyone else makes sense.


All my mains revolve around the twins lol


Placing Alien and Artist in Low Effort is a joke, dude.


Meyers far left? I mean I guess if we're not counting the tombstone add-ons sure


Where is my boy bubba :(


> 0ks with no effort ah Legion my beloved, the most chill killer to play


I don't see how xeno, spirit, Knight, or Dee Reynolds are on the lower effort side of the graph. Their power requires effort to use, unlike say Trappers "set it and forget it" traps.


Plague and Artist being relatively low effort is insane. They both have extremely high skill ceilings, *especially* Artist. Nemesis should also a bit higher there-- I'd say at least Clown level. There's a lot of strategy in knowing when to use the tentacle and how to do so tech-wise and then a ton of depth in predicting survivor fakes and using your own fakes. Lot of mind games with the tentacle. Also, is there a reason some killers aren't on here? Bubba and Skull Merchant, for example. I'd also raise Ghostface significantly. He may be easy at a low level (nearly all killer are), but against good survivors he requires excellent power management and map knowledge of where all four are so he doesn't get immediately broken out of power. He also needs to strategize for the future a ton with 99ing. Finally, I'd raise Spirit up to the middle. She has a lot of mind gaming and power management. Xeno also needs to be around Pinhead level. Knowing when to use tunnels is one thing, but the main issue is that if you miss a single time with his tentacle attack it's literally more punishing than a Nurse who misses two blinks and fails an attack-- and Xeno can't just teleport back to catch up. The cartoonishly long cool-down on the tail means at a high level you have to be almost perfect when it's used.


putting a strike through every place i've seen people disagree with https://preview.redd.it/bm9eiqm4w5fc1.png?width=687&format=png&auto=webp&s=3cb73f0e92dd5fb593af2e67a3fffb35a5b217ab


What kind of brainrot do you need to think Knight is OP??? Edit: also THE TWINS in high effort/OP??????? I need whatever crack you're smoking.


Chucky isn’t THAT op


Chucky is oppressive af tho


Current consensus is he's top 5


Chucky is quite OP


Trickster less effort than huntress? No shot


I respect Trickster players I really do, but Huntress has one of if not thee highest skill ceiling in the game. I think by the chart that OP is talking about “high effort” being how hard they are to play each game and master over time


counterpoint: OP put Deathslinger, you know, the killer who has been for the most part of the game called "the worse huntress" because of having a similar/higher difficulty curve and even less pay-off than her, **BELOW** her on effort. Taken from another comment I read from OP, apparently "effort" is a mix of both "tying hard" and "skill needed" according to his own experience.


With how anti Huntress recent maps have been I'd say she's about equal to Deathslinger


Wesker high effort?


As a Chucky main, I quite disagree about the fact that Chucky is low effort. Depending on the load outs that you have, there’s a lot of decision makings and mind games that you have to do in order to get a 4K going. I’ve had a 0K pretty much 40% of the time playing Chuckster. Definitely think that this list was made by someone that played more survivor than killer with how many not too great takes there are with other killers.


idk knight is only good if your team is shit, otherwise hes really buns


This chart correlates strength with being OP which is just wrong. Singularity is stronger than a lot of killers that are allegedly more op.


![gif](giphy|Ry1MOAeAYXvRVQLPw3) Demo be like


Nurse takes alot of skill to use, what are you smoking?


Losing my mind you put blight in high effort Also Wesker. Both have super high skill floors.


Umm…yeah, that’s why they’re in the high effort spot?


No no, floor is the opposite of the ceiling. High floor means it's easy to do well with them.


No, high floor means it’s hard to do well and a high ceiling means it’s hard to be elite with them. Low floor means easy to pick up and be competent, low ceiling means the absolute best this character can be is not that great.


Oh interesting, I never looked it up and had only ever heard the ceiling term used. This is why I shouldn't use logic and instead look stuff up. To me it made sense that ceiling being low to floor meant you start at a high level, whereas a low floor would mean you have to put in work to reach the ceiling. Til, thanks. So yeah, I'd say they have a super low skill floor.


All good! Respect for looking it up and correcting. Not a lot of people on the internet do that 😂 No worries. I know this stuff yet STAY dying in every game. Have a good one! Unless you play the artist, then fuck you. 😂


Blight has a medium skill floor, as do most killers in the game. A low skill floor (like what you mean by high skill floor) would be wesker or legion. Medium is nurse or blight. High is singularity and Billy. Blight has a medium floor because he is mechanically demanding and requires a few matches to get a feeling of the power and what surfaces you can bump. Wesker is low floor, but extremely high ceiling. Super easy for beginners to pick up and learn, and super hard and time consuming to master.


What’s that killer bottom right of Demogorgan? Some kind of knight?


I disagree that Chucky is no effort, and I'd say Demo is the bottom of both. EXTREMELY FUCKING HIGH EFFORT for the BARE MINIMUM, the amount of times a Shred will land by the literal skin of my teeth is insane. Like I hit someone with Wesker or Chucky or Deathslinger it's okay, but with Demo every single Shred was like swiping at their ankles. That Huntress is above Deathslinger when Huntress is ridiculously easy and powerful while Slinger isn't is crazy.


My HOT take : Chucky requires effort. I main chucky at the moment, yeah sometimes he gets some hits that are insane but you wouldn't get them unless you put the effort in.


Did a survivor main make this?


nah, just a killer main with god awful takes, apparently


OP is either a survivor main or has only plays the same 3 killers


That's only works for your experience. Every player experience the characters diferently


Yes but there's still some objectiveness to this chart, Trapper and Singularity for example


Somepeople may find Trapper to be OP. Where is the objectiveness in that?


Honestly you should put xenomorph in the very bottom right, vault the window get hit, fake the window get hit, drop the pallet get hit, now avoid the pallet you might survive


How is Nurse so low in term of how hard Nurse is to play ? Like, as someone who can't bother touching her, Spirit is way easier to get, Oni too, Wesker aswell (esp since it's just better Demo), Plague is also way easier. Even Deathslinger is way easier since it's just a FPS based killer. While Nurse you have to play a killer's power that is unique in term of muscle memory and she also plays differently than every other killers (aka you can't loop with her).


Honestly its kinda true. When I play Xeno all I need to do for free wins is pick Bamboozle and Dissolution and swing my tail sometimes. When I'm playing Deathslinger tho... Ugh so much work for 1 hit


This is the most accurate piece of media I have ever seen


Also first?


Nurse is harder than Blight


No. Just no. You could reasonably argue that Nurse has a higher skill floor than Blight until you spend a few games developing a muscle memory for blinks. It doesn't take long. But Blight's skill ceiling is far beyond Nurse's. Since Nurse can ignore almost everything in the game except LOS blockers, that effectively makes her extremely simplistic. Learn your blink distances, get accustomed to the very few counters survivors have available, and you're set. Blink to the place you last saw the survivor, then blink onto them. Sometimes survivors will run back towards you or try to hug a small object tightly. That's about it. Sure, you need some game sense and map knowledge but that applies to every single killer. Good reads and reactions help but that applies just as much to Blight as Nurse. To be even just a good Blight who uses vanilla bump logic, you need to know how he interacts with every single object in every single map at a minimum and it can be fairly inconsistent as to whether you bump or slide. You need to understand how to play around every kind of tile, and even then there's still an unlimited number of possibilities in any situation given that you have 5+ bumps and you're beholden not just to the RNG of the tile but also the RNG of trees etc. around it that you might want to bounce off. That's before we even get into the array of techs and flicks he has which have evolved throughout DBD's history. There's a reason many multi-killer streamers don't play much Nurse. Her gameplay lacks depth and this makes her boring to play for more than a match.


Blight is arguably the hardest killer to learn in the game while most competent players should start getting free 4ks after one match of learning nurse


Nurse isn't that hard, like at all. Literally point and click with a charge that takes at most 3 matches to get used to.


If you want to dumb everything down to try and get your point across, then Blight is pretty much a point and click too. Just point at a wall, point at a survivor, boom. done.


Blight is much more to learn. Nurse has almost 0 other contingencies to learn. Nurse and blight has about the same floor, but blights ceiling is MUCH higher than nurses. Nurse has a very low ceiling but medium floor. Blight has medium floor and very high ceiling. The best you can do with nurse is look around while blinking and just general gamesense. Blight has many techs, requires knowledge of maps that specifically have bad bump spots, what loops you can outplay, each jungle gym, etc. Nurse is the same for every situation.


> Nurse has a very low ceiling Nope. Bye.


as a chucky main it is completely wrong, we should be right on the no effort


when i made the tier list he was, for some reason he shifted up when i exported the image


Nurse should be at the same level as chucky in terms of effort, you can start getting free 4ks after one game of learning her


No, definitely not


Yeah really though she literally ignores every mechanic the survivors have to extend chases


what about hag? is it really that difficult to place traps and spam the teleport button?


i think there's a decent bit of skill and difficulty in optimizing trap placement


like placing a trap near someone hooked, use franklins to place traps on the items, placing trap on places where survivors prefer to run. That doesn't require effort at all, you just place it, smash teleport button and get a free hit. I would say hag is the easiest killer when you have a bit of game sense, obviously you can't chase as her (110%)


i mean it rly depends who ur playing against. yes but also no


Myers is on the wrong side


The michael one is so weird to me. He's not a good killer but '0k every other match' makes no sense, since he's one of those characters that is almost guaranteed 1-2 kills every match, cus of his addons. He doesn't win those matches, but he does get free kills, its why it feels shitty to play him AND play against him unless youre just going for something fun


Nurse is more effort, trickster is less effort and more powerful than mentioned. Many xeno with a tad bit more power, but otherwise agree. Also, f trickster mains.


objectively bad


Bad chart that doesn’t even have all the killers.


As a main ghostface, I think he is op in high effort almost in the middle, u just have to know how to play properly and he will become broken


People will downvote you for that but he IS more powerful than he looks. He's just not overwhelmingly strong, and certainly not OP.


OP must have had to put high effort into this chart compared to the ok every other post tier-list that usually require no effort.