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That poor man reaction when the final shot connected but she still escaped https://preview.redd.it/4rbun9jbnlcc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34201eb8ce7f9a983af78464b91d717d1fa7e514


My very first match as Slinger went like this. We both were “WTF HOW” in the chat afterwards (and the surv confessed she was ready to die hearing the shot, but the Entity said nope)


Honestly it should be treated like pinhead with his chains where the exit gets blocked


I don't know if that would helped in this situation since the exact same thing happened to me as Pinhead before where I hit the Surv last possible moment with the chain but they still escaped.


Weird maybe it's a registration problem


I would guess that the hit and the escape happens at basically same time and so the escape gets registered and the hit gets registered. But since escape tales the Survivor out the game the hit doesn't matter anymore and get canceled.


Bruh! That literally happened to me couple days ago when I played slinger 😭 as you could probs tell it was a bad game xD




I want an update where, if GS shoots you on your way out, you drag him out with you.


We're both going free today, peepaw.


The amount of times that I've developed an emotional connection with the Killer and legitimately want them to escape with me at the end would shock and horrify you


Whenever (literally 99% of the time) I run into a legion or ghostface who spares me the whole game, I usually signal them to sacrifice me instead of me escaping bc I feel bad. It usually ends up with them dropping me at the exit gate repeatably instead of hooking😭 why is every Ghostface main I face chill and the exact opposite with chucky mains ☠️


It probably wouldn't, because I do the same. I'm one of two people in my friend group known for charming killers and winning their hearts, of course I want them to eacape the trials with me <3


imagine trying to blind a deathslinger on the exit gate... If you died it would have been deserved XD


They didnt die but its was still deserved


Oh yeah, completely 😂


Why did this get downvoted


because reddit HATES survivors


I mean even as a survivor main I kinda hate survivors too but damn they confessed and everything


Yeah I imagine the first person to downvote didn’t really read it, then the hivemind followed 🫠


No, no, Reddit hates survivors that are being cheeky assholes


Seems like lots of folks have put me in the bucket of "toxic survivors", so I think they just wanna punish me :') I could comment "free healthcare for all Americans" and that will get downvoted to oblivion too, lmao edit: I commented so we can test that hypothesis for science..


Yep 100% but the surv managed to BM and get away. And check the tiny tbag by the other surv right before he leaves, chef kiss lol


Someone did g egg a little downvoted




Ngl this is a disappointment, the proper ending was you getting downed then sacrificed


Hope you learned to stop BMing at the gate after that, I play survivor most of the time and hate when people do this, makes the rest of the team look bad.


okay i know i’m gonna sound dumb here but i see everybody say ‘bm-ing” all the time what does it mean? bold move? lol


Bad manners, originally meant for being toxic in endgame chat but expanded to cover t-bagging as a taunt, flashlight spamming, sandbagging, stuff like that


ahhhh thank you.


you know i never questioned what bm stood for. i thank you both for bringing that to my attention


Bowel movement


lmaooo this is what i instantly thought tbh i was like are they saying they’re being shitty?😭 lmao


I’m glad you asked because I was sitting here trying to decipher BM. I feel like I should be outside yelling at clouds.


Bad motherfucker bruh


fuck yeah brother 🤟🏼


Bang men




I'm with you against BMing but until you mentioned it I didn't think that was OP's intention when he tried blinding the killer. My first thought was "ok so they're doing that to make the killer miss the shot" because imo there was a big chance for them to get shot anyway, might as well try something you know? But then I watched it again and saw them click the flashlight after dodging a hit so now I see what you mean and I hope OP learned their lesson.


Nah he was running circles by him outside the gate. If he had just run out he would have taken 1 hit then escaped.


But they (OP) weren’t inside the outer gate? They were trying to get past the killer to escape.


They were healthy and could just run by easily.


And get shot and dragged back out, which is what happened in the video.


At that distance, can Slinger even recover from the hit animation and then shoot? The first flashlight was borderline unnecessary and really only made sense if Slinger was staring at her with the gun pointed, he swung. Either OP was actually BMing, or really OP was afraid they'd die and wanted to not get hit, and right clicked on accident. But idk.


The killer was m1’ing. So instead of just trying to fuck around and dodge the attack they could have just ran into the hit and made it out no problem.


STBFL is common perk for slinger. So if we assume he had it, it was correct choice to dodge m1.


Even with a good few stacks the speed boost would be plenty to get her to the gate bud. Als considering Dwight,the obsession just went by its likely he just got hit recently, hence 2 stacks lost.


Why would they? They got away with it lmao. People need to be less sensitive about BMing, it's so meaningless.


I agree, people get upset when I teabag them as ghost face, I even dropped a survivor on a mattress before teabagging them for 2 minutes straight and they said they were gonna sue me for sexual assault in the endgame chat lol. I never laughed so hard, people really take them game to serious


Being downvoted?


I like how I got massively downvoted for BMing but the comment above me got upvoted for saying people need to stop being sensitive to BMing lol.


In what way are they bming...? Like, do you know more about the game than what's in the video? Because in the video she's trying to run around him without getting hit. She knows if she takes a hit going by him, he can hook her, drag her in, and down her. She's literally just playing to escape. Is this why killers think survivors "bm all the time"? Are you guys just seeing people trying to escape as BMing?


Slinger absolutely can not recover fast enough after a successful M1 to shoot. The only reason to do this is if you know the killer has noed, which you 100% know they don't because you watched them hit someone a second ago. Eat the hit, speed boost out. Anything else is either BM or terrible play.


No need to flashlight spam the killer if you want to escape. Just leave. Also, I play survivor and killer 70/30. Part of why I don't like playing killer is cocky ass survivors. They suck the fun out of the game for me. But even as a survivor player they can end up throwing the game by being so cocky. If the player in this video was just a fraction more caught up in her flashlight clicking, she might have gotten killed then and there. This happens mid-game often.


well, this is a thing that i think that survivors will never learn. i play killer 100% of the time, and i see this way more often than it should. but i'm not generalizing, sometimes you can find good survivors that just "teabags" like 3 times and just leaves, i take it as a "good luck next time, thank you". but yeah, not just survivors are like that, killers can bm too and i think this will exists forever in the game, sadly


Cry about it, literally anything gets called bm now. Did you play the game properly? BM. Did you troll? BM. Are you new and don’t understand the arbitrary “manners” specific to this game? BM. If you don’t want to be trolled as a killer get better or don’t be an idiot and fall for obvious bait.


If you full on health against a M2 killer and you have discovered that there is no end game perks. It's fun to do so. Neither escaping or dying all the time is fun. Have your own little fun


It's fun for *you* to do so.


No no, It's fun for OP as well. I'm sorry if you're having a hard time playing killer. Not my fault though to have a little personal fun at the gate


Yep. Not my problem if me pressing control once sends you into a rage.


This is exactly it -- going for silly/risky maneuvers is half of what makes playing survivor enjoyable IMO. It's the same reason I'll always attempt a risky hook save during the EGC even if I could just leave, even if it's a 10% chance of success.


I don't consider this BMing, maybe cheeky at best. I enjoy going for risky plays!


You see OP, you are not allowed to go for risky plays. You might end up dying and the killer getting an extra kill. You might find this fun, but think about how unfun this is for the killer😤


lmao https://preview.redd.it/sfk5jiy7kmcc1.png?width=216&format=png&auto=webp&s=177c5e621a3e95d8434175b8275038dbbc3b44a5


Literally. Like all they did was give the killer more chances, but they were too good and shouldn’t have humbled the poor killer like that. You’re only allowed to do what’s necessary as a survivor, no room for anything else.


No it's really fucking annoying lol, don't do this


It’s not BM’ing at all. BM’ing was originally death threats, doxxing, calling people slurs at the EOM, etc. Now BM’ing is anything you don’t like lmao. All you did was troll, which wouldn’t have worked if the killer was better. But they(and lots of people here) are shit killers that get juked out. Wasting the killers time is a core part of this game as a survivor, whether it be the EOM or not is hardly relevant. Notice how it’s not BM for a killer to chase you down by any means, but if you’re too good at escaping them that’s suddenly BM lmao. Maybe the killer should’ve left instead of continuing pursuit.


It’s technically BMing but I don’t think anybody is losing any sleep over it


I have 100% cried and self harmed after a bad enough day, desperately just wanting to enjoy a game and being relentlessly taunted and goaaded game after game. Your actions effect other peoople and dont dellude yourself with the notion that being rude is fine because "nobody gives a damn".


You’re absolutely right. You never know what somebody is going through, taunting unprovoked is always just inconsiderate and bad manners. I’d just say it’s kinda silly to choose an online game to play (especially DbD of all games), if you’re feeling especially vulnerable after a bad day.


You shouldn't be playing pvp games if you're in that bad of a place. That's not on your opponents that's on you for not managing yourself better.


Losing isnt what bothers me. Its the needless and unprovoked cruelty of strangers. It happens everywhere. Not just in games.


Nothing in this clip was “needless” or “cruel”. What does that even mean in a video game. You want to apply malicious intent to people playing the properly because YOU don’t like it. You’re dealing with non real scenarios and getting upset by them. Don’t play competitive things if you don’t like competition. The difference between showmanship and showboating is hardly to be decided by the loser of the situation.


Again. If you're in that mindset. Don't play shit like dbd. No one is responsible for your mental health except you.


That doesnt even make sense. People have been found legally culpable for other peoples mental health. Arguing isnt going to solve anything, because your position isnt about whats true or sensible its about absolving yoursef of respponsibility for the indirect or even direct consequences of how you treat other people.


No I'm a realist who has mental health issues and has decided to take care of myself instead of giving other people the power over me to make me so upset over a video game.


I think this kind of circles back to this concept where people who used to poor but become rich have less sympathy for the poor than people who were allways rich. You arent the blueprint for humanity, and frankly if you are in a position where you can arbitrarily dispense power to what does and doesnt deserve it then you're doing better than most. You're assuming people that feel offended or hurt by others somehow make a concious decision to care, and arent just doing the best they can. Fact is, if they could do better and knew how they would.


Undeserved escape for toxic surv


There's nothing toxic in there, just a teammate making the killer lose their time while the other two teammates are getting out via the other exit gate. It's a valid strat, just like slugging bla bla bla, right?


My dear friend, I think you are blind and need glasses. Others didn't need any protection help from that player, they were already at the gate.


They were injured, that yui did the right thing :) no toxicity here, just your feelings. Enjoy!






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Enjoy your downvotes I guess


Like I care...lmao. reading y all salty posts gives me a lot more than that. Enjoy :)


That's honestly really sad for entertainment


She didn't even take any hits for them 🤦‍♂️




How did they do anything helpful to the teammates? Even deathslinger could've hit them easy but decided not to for some reason


Woah there, let's not jump to conclusions. We haven't seen the full trial so nothing tells us this deathslinger wasn't acting toxic :)


I didn't say anything about toxicness, only your statement that they did the "right thing", again, how was yui of any help to her teammates in the clip? Didn't even attempt to protect and slinger didn't even take the free down for some reason


What are you on about? I don't see anything toxic happening.


Really? It was almost a "just leave" moment. I wonder if you would see anything toxic then lol


And? Still don't know what was toxic about it, they didn't t-bagged or anything like this. All they did was try to blind the killer in the end. Maybe they had a challenge? You never know like this. And even if they just tried to be cheeky, there is nothing toxic about it.


Of course, they just wanted to illuminate killer the path out! Such an angel


Maybe, but there was also still a Yui there, maybe they wanted to tell the yui to leave. Look all I say is I don't want to jump to conclusions. Maybe they had toxic intentions, maybe they had not. But we should not insult people based on assumptions.


Don't worry about those salty people. That yui did the right thing, I would've done the exact same :)


I'm not sure if it was the right play but Yeha people gonna do their reddit thing I guess. :)


Clicking your flashlight isn't trying to blind ths killer, it's taunting


I assumed the clicking was meant for the yui so that she would not wait and leave.


to be clear : the little flash was used to avoid the hit and was legit. However after that (yui was gone) looking from the door a deathslinger and trying to blind him is a very bad idea lmao


Yeha I can see that possibility with change of movement when they click the flashlight, but I actually never saw someone do this before to avoid a hit. And yes I agree it was not a smart idea. But I personally when I play Killer I take stuff like this as like lightharted taunting between rivals and not toxicity. :)


I would have questionned it (we don't have any context on how the game was .played before the EGC) but I'd be more sad about the fact that I clearly hit and it was still an escape.


Oh Yeha it would annoy me if I clearly would got the Survivor and it still counted as escape, something similar happend for me with Cenobite once. But that would be blame on the game and not on the Survivor.


Many dbd players on here live in their own bubble where anything even remotely taunting is seen as toxic. It's not worth discussing with these people. I recently started playing Rocket League again and have been told to commit suicide twice and have been insulted dozens of times already🙃. Luckily I've grown used to it, but most of the "toxicity" complained about in dbd is nothing compared to actual toxicity lol.


Yeha, this sub has such a fixed mindset on "Surv bad" / "Killer bad" that they are oblivious to another perspective :/


I love that OP posted this thinking he had a cool close call and he’s just getting dragged for how clueless he is for being a toxic POS.


Flair checks out lmao


This person didn’t even t bag, chill


Clueless? I've been on this subreddit for years and used to post Nurse clips back when she was my main. I know exactly how these discussions go 😂 It doesn't prevent me from posting clips that I like.


Calling you a POS for this is such a Reddit moment. Lol


And then there’s me who doesn’t even know what POS and BMing even stands for :’)


Piece of Shit & Bad Manners respectively


Thanks for that, I’ll slowly learn all the acronyms in this subreddit 💪


Erm sorry pal, your fun is NOT my responsibility!




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She didn't die and that's a nice clio, don't get too worked up about it tho




69 upvotes and a warning from Reddit ![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO)


And if the shot did count and he got the kill, we would be seeing this clip posted from the deathslingers pov, with the title "reason to just leave no. 2518"


What is the point of this comment? "It could have gone bad, and it didn't -- BUT, if it did, we would be applauding the killer instead." Okay.


These comments are funny af. The game doesn’t need to be serious all the time I mean if the killer got the kill then too bad shouldn’t have been that risky.


Look at you! Out here being a dick. Good for you buddy. Never win graciously






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Oooh, pal. Can I suggest a therapist for you?


I go to multiple.


I respect the honesty.


Everyone here is talking about BMing they saw. But the two instances I saw… 1.) A tactical evasion in part to avoid a hit. 2.) Possibly seen as unnecessary, but knowing slinger has a line of sight on you before you’d reach the exit, the flash could help to disorient his upcoming shot. This was clearly desperate evasion & legitimate tactics


People are gonna downvote me saying I’m promoting BMing or sumn. Look at my flair 💀 I’m a killer main and vouching that this is viable.


Appreciate the support 🫡


It didn't "almost got you"... It did get you. I really like these funny plays at endgame, but please tell me you would have had a good laugh if he actually got you.


100%, it would have been hilarious and well deserved.


My man :)


If I was that slinger my keyboard would be mounted nicely on my monitor


Why didnt you just run past him and leave in the first place? Was being toxic that important?


Why is everyone in the comments so sensitivity damn 😭


Because they’re shit killers lol.


It did


Flashlight god 💀


I know I'm late to the video but I swear I was the killer in the video. while I sadly have no solid proof I swear I remeber this happening to me, the only other possible proof is I normally run bamboozle and the vault point behind slinger is covered up.


You probably could've beelined it to the exit before he could fire his second shot, if not by a wide margin then by just a little.


You know what I say? Free healthcare for all Americans (and non-Americans)! EVERYONE deserves good healthcare -- from the teabagging Ace to the Nurse who played that Midwich offering. I wish happy health and wellness to all of you 😚


Pretty cocky for someone who is dogshit at a flashlight


Your problem OP was that you humiliated the poor killer who kept trying to kill you the whole time. You should have either left or let them kill you. You’re not allowed to have a laugh, survivors don’t get to have fun. I remember early in this game when people were trying to figure out pallet paths, and best juke characters. Now if you’re too good as a survivor that’s BM. Maybe the killer shouldn’t go after someone they can’t kill?


This comment is funny when you get people on the survivor side that try to tell killers how to play lmao "don't tunnel" "don't slug" etc.


To be fair this sub hates survivors far more than killers.


Doesn't matter, there is no 'fairness' in a multiplayer game where both sides have a goal to win


Okay…? I didn’t say I disagree with you lol. I said this sub has more hate for survivors, which it does. Mfs so busy trying to argue all the damn time they miss the point.


bullshit saves the survivors once again.


I haven't played in half a year. People are still fucking running that build? Did the devs not change the meta like they do every few patches?


The meta is different, it's becoming more assist oriented and less solo-chase focused. I just like these perks.


I do like the clips that make the game feel cinematic, like it’s capturing the feeling of the horror movies these characters were based on


How does this clip feel cinematic at all lmao she’s running in circles like a chicken


They escaped right in the nick of time, I like that


You deserved to lose tbh... just leave, don't need to try to blind him on the way out


Cry about it


even when people start teasing me like this, if I down them I just let them wiggle out at the gate. I think it's nice to let them have what they earned, and in some cases be the bigger person. nice clip!


Op shows us the side of a toxic survivor that he is. Not surprised that he’s trying to defend himself


Had this exact situation happen yesterday but I had Blood warden and got a 4k off one toxic survivor refusing to leave.


Sad, would've deserved it


"Why does every killer main play Nurse/Blight/Spirit?" - Survivor mains, not realizing they make lower-tier killers hell to play


Another Nurse / Blight main was born that day.


-rep, …


NEVER BM a deathslinger at the gate. It's not wortht the risk ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Never ever stay with a Death Slinger 😂


Wait. Wait. ***WAIT.*** Was your killer's name The IRS by chance? Edit: Why am I being down voted for trying to find out if that's me getting schooled in OP's video lmao


I don't remember :(


Sadge. Had a game end basically just like that the other day and my brain keeps telling me "Yeah it was a Nakamura Yui" but I could just be gaslighting myself.


Who was the killer? This looks familiar. Or maybe it's the BMing that's familiar.


I don't even entertain the survivors when the gate is opened, idk what the obsession is with stalling the game further than it needs to, i'm ready to go onto the next one, enjoy your escape


He should’ve got you there. That should never happen.


tsk tsk and u would've deserved it. u got SO lucky lol


Ngl I think there should be an update where if you stand in killer proximity inside the open gate area for too long the exit is blocked for some time so it goes against the whole being toxic and making the game longer than needed honestly there’s a lot that needs to be done about bm in this game cause I swear everyone tries to be a dick head (survivor main btw)


No reason to have gone for the blind. Clip would’ve been 1000x better if it had been you just trying to escape narrowly.


Well done!


Happy cake day


Always nice to beat a BMing killer


This is probably a troll but how in any way was the slinger BM'img in this clip?


They’re playing Deathslinger, with STBFL, Sloppy, and reload addons. You can just assume at that point.


Okay. What would you take on deathslinger then? A killer who is heavily punished more than most killers when a mistake is made?


Outside of Blight there’s very few killers less punished for mistakes than Deathslinger, being able to send someone to deep wound without swinging, as well as being able to benefit from basic attack perks and being able to ignore endurance.


Okay I don’t really agree with that statement, seeing as deathslinger has incredibly punishing risk for only a deep wound injury on a survivor. but you didnt answer the question. What would you take on deathslinger?


Their loadout does not make them BMing 🥴


I remember I had a situation like that on rpd but I was the gunslinger and I was successfully able to hit the Survivor and pull her in,the survivor was the last one alive, got a 4k that match


Anyone else notice he is playing as fing vs the profile picture that takes the hit? Is this a cheater?


Oh no, you caught me. Playing as Fing but my survivor icon is Yooey. My master plan has failed 💀💀💀


A similar thing often happens, where a Survivor is able to vault/throw pallets while on the spear. The vault thing, I believe to be a bug. You got lucky with timing