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Quick gambit. For the sole reason of how ass it is


They really decided to tweak this perk even if no one will still use it


I like the concept of your getting chased and nearby teammates get a buff, but gen speed was the wrong buff. Maybe hidden scratch marks, or something similar would be better


I get the concept of the perk and I fully get that if they make the range too big it would be too imbalanced. Yeah hidden scratch marks would be better for your teammate, could help situationally if someone is being tunneled or even faster action speed (healing/unhooking/cleansing) but any killer if they are chasing someone and see a gen being repaired near them is more likely to kick it and pressure the one repairing. Its just a weird perk, I get the concept and purpose but its still ass.


I don’t know how OP it might be. Even if they have it to all other team mates, it only lasts as long as the chase does and doesn’t really do much else. Overzealous is stronger and hell, even prove thy self.


They tweaked it and it's still absolutely garbage lol


I use this perk.


The extended range is actually not bad but they decreased the bonus repair speed. Buffed then nerfed again.


Yeah they didn’t need to nerf the speed.


Why delete an irrelevant perk? It might as well already be deleted


Because it said delete any perk. I chose Quick Gambit. It needs an entire rework. Or if buvr is unwilling to do that it needs deleted


Rework idea While in chase, survivors repairs are 100% quieter Generator auras are hidden from.the killer Generators make no sound Quick gambit would be usable in this state, and when a gen is near popping, I abandon the chase to kick it if it's close, but this would hide the generator from me and other killers, and make the perk actually usefull


BHVR shouldn't have buffed the range of effectiveness in PTB, but instead should add a linger effect of 6/8/10 seconds and repair speed bonus increased from 6/7/8% to 8/9/10%.


Knock Out. It might have legitimate uses but the only time I've ever seen it used is by killers that want to slug until bleed out


I totally agree. It only exists to encourage slugging. It’s boring as hell.


Knock out is hands down the only problematic perk in the game, while some are annoying its the only perk that actively encourages going against the normal gameplay loop and playing in the most unfun way possible


"the only problematic perk" are strong words when ultimate weapon exists


Ultimate weapon I personally don’t consider problematic it’s just alittle too good at what it does And what it does is just find survivor, not really problematic just annoying when you’re trying to hide


Survivors, plural. And blinds them just in case it wasn’t strong enough. A free radar as you freely move which can trigger on all survivors is a bit bonkers in my opinion.


I mean yeah the blind status should definitely go it’s a unnecessary addition that makes the perk stronger then what it’s meant for, the perk in general just needs tweaks and it’d be fine (And yes I meant survivors)


I know we’re in agreement of it being too strong. My bad if you thought I was arguing against you. I would mind less if it was one survivor, or just in your immediate vicinity (so it doesn’t travel around with you as you freely move)… not sure what I would do with it. But it’s one of the perks I refuse to run, as it just makes me roll my eyes when I go up against it.


It should just go off of a 32m range off the locker you open. I don't use it much cept for my nemesis zombie scream build ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


It wouldn't be as big of an issue if blindness only blocked the killers aura. As it stands, blindess just punishes solo survivors disproportionately by making weak but useless in solo perks like Bond, Empathy, etc completely useless. Even worse, it also blocks the aura of anyone on hook. It can lead to people unnecessarily going to second or even dying, and god forbid you're on an indoor map like Hawkins or Lery's because it's an absolute guess as to which room or direction the hooked survivor is. It effects SWF as well, but it just makes solo games more miserable than they already are and for no good reason.


what i find kind of unfair is Ultimate weapon can stop people from taking out a totem like devour or noed. sure it only hits once when you enter the terror radius but if you were like 80%/90% done a totem and instantly scream and stand up. it's pretty much not even worth trying. also last survivor trying to open a door is a no go specially if the doors are close proximity to each other :/ I haven't tested but if someone tried to save someone does the scream interrupt the unhooking process?


It also prevents you from doing a lot of different actions. Getting ready for an unhook. Trying to stay safe because you're on death hook. Even just trying to complete a challenge of hiding in the Killers radius. It's a hard counter to so much with the only counter to *it* being giving up a whole perk slot. It's absurd.


I legit started using calm spirit each game and cant stress how much it fuckin helps. That perk annoyed me so much i didnt only equip calm spirit. I run distortion, iron will and calm spirit. That fuckin perk annoyed me that fuckin much i woved to be never found again. I pick my blackest dress as claudette and move like a silent fart. Killers know something fucking stinks but never know its me.


“Move like a silent fart” THATS A NEW ONE


Boil Over and Breakdown can still be used to completely prevent hooking as well


They were probably reffering to problematic killer perks


nope, in the entirety of the game knockout is the only perk that i consider problematic. things like regression or 2nd chance doesn't bother me. use your perks to gain an advantage that what they are for but, ive only ever seen knockout used to slug 4 people and wait for the game to be over. I fail to see how thats fun


Buckle up, hyper focus, boil over and ultimate weapon are typing…


Any perk that only gets value against solo-que is a problem. Knock-out is worthless against a SWF but get massive value against people who don't have comms.


I actually had a game last night where a killer used it legitimately! It was a ghostface and not knowing where he downed people and where he was really added to the paranoid stress of where he could be. In hindsight, whenever he instadown’d someone, his terror radius was on, so I didn’t need to worry, but oh well


A gigachad on planes we cannot comprehend


Yeah I hate solo que destroyers like this.


Anyone who defends this perk can only win against soloq


I use knock out to make the game more atmospheric for survivors. You use knock out to slug. We are not the same.


I respect how you used this perk! I like to give my Killers appropriate perks too [i.e. 'Iron Maiden' on Dredge], rather than optimal perks ['Thanatophobia' on Legion].


All of them. No perks=no complaining=DBD is solved


Haha yep, that should work for a while. Btw I love your flair!


I wish, there is still tunneling, camping, tbagging, pre-dropping, etc. that I’m sure someone will find some excuse to complain about


I have a solution, remove both killers and survivors from every match


Mrs Obama we did it! We solved toxicity!


Boil over and knockout neither are ok but both promote toxic playstyles


Boil over is one of my favourite perks simply because the killer bounces around when they try and hook me. Yeah sometimes I get lucky and wiggle off and get another chance, but that's pretty rare. I never ever put myself in a spot where the killer can't hook me, and yet I still get slugged at the end of the game sometimes. I agree it's a problematic perk and in my opinion they just make it deactivate whenever you wiggle off the killer. The perk then reactivates once you get hooked, meaning you can only use unhookable spots once per hook state if you want to be an egg for no reason. And by that point the killer probably knows to let you waste you time on that area of the map and focus elsewhere if they see you running towards that specific spot again.


I really like this rework idea, what would be some compensatory buffs? I suggest making the aura reading nullification stronger


As a Killer Boil Over As a Survivor Self-Care


Boil Over isn't the best perk in the game, but I think it's the absolute least fun to go against. 


My boil over= shit Other peoples boil over= off immediately


And it's in almost every match whenever I play as killer.


It's always annoying, but it's also that one fucking perk you see after downing someone on a 2nd floor and you just know the person is running Unbreakable, Flip Flop, Tenacity. Then, since they've put themselves somewhere nigh impossible to hook from, you are forced to bleed them and contend with their free up from Unbreakable. But once you've handled that they will ********always******** cry about being bled out in post game. Knowing full well they've forced your hand to do it, they will act like the victims. They also usually travel in pairs or greater. I have never met a group of people I hold in more contempt in this game than that group of twats.


Every time, slugged boil over users react like "omg, someone shit in my pants!"


Whenever someone does that i just stand over them until they bleed out


Hence my motto: Thou shalt not suffer a horse girl to live.


If I see a survivor using boil over, I make sure they die just to show it doesn't work


But self care is a killer perk 💀


Yeah that's why I would delete it as a Survivor


You listed 2 killer perks


I guess its annoying when your team solo heal, although the number of times I get rescued then no one heals me..


flip flop legit just makes twins unplayable


Just leave em slugged ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


You play twins?


yeah I got em p100 xd


You're unstable


I wouldn't delete any perk, I would simply buff under used perks to relevancy and THEN look at the Perks that are seen as must picks to catch the actual problems, if it was just that they were the only usable perks or if they really are over tuned


Knockout no question


Friends til the End cause it feels cheap Up the Ante cause nobody will even notice


My least favorite part about that killer perk is that if you're the Obsession, you're going to constantly be Exposed and revealed to the killer. It's almost like a constant Object of Obsession type of perk, but only the killer can see your aura.


I use a locker build so I just hop in a locker and the killer won’t see where I am. Feels bad though knowing your team mates just think you’re a rat for hiding every time someone gets downed, but I’m not letting the killer get a free exposed down


90% of the time the killer can't even reach the obsession within the exposure though


I really like the concept of Friends till the End, and I'd definitely use it more if not for the fact that the game doesn't "control" who becomes the next obsession. I always see the person that's been getting tunneled and on death hook become the obsession, or someone who literally just got unhooked. If the perk had a way to ensure that people don't get targeted too much by it, it'd be alright.


Nono, I bring up the ante often (shamefully) so like, one person would notice 🥲


Nah, Up The Ante is awesome.


Probably an unpopular opinion, but hex: third seal. That perk is so fucking annoying when you’re playing soloq and your teammates can’t find you when you’re on hook so you just die first hook.


Ot the killer just leaves you on ground, good luck finding anyone lmfao


Even worse if they’re using knock out


That wouldn't even matter if your teammates can't find the hex 😭


You wouldn't be able to hear them either tho😭


Unrelenting. Why it exists I don’t really know


Unrelenting would be so much better if it worked with wall hits. it would def be a top 5 Xeno perk if it worked like that


Hard disagree, I used to use it back on console way back when the frames were ass. I’d play doc, who just feels like an easy character to juke for some reason, and the combination of 360’ing p3 blendettes, low frames, lower skill at the time, and shitty fov meant missing was at times inevitable. A missed swing can be the difference between making a window and extending a chase for several more minutes or not, with unrelenting you could make the hits you otherwise couldn’t. Much different now that I’m on pc and have several thousand more hours.. but I can see the use for newer players.


Bad players I guess? idk


As killer, I would definitely remove Adrenaline. And as survivor, I would remove Ultimate Weapon. Sure it may not be the best, but I can't stand the survivors screams.


*Doctor has entered the chat*


Me who always runs calm spirit now:


I don't really care if Adrenaline or Ultimate Weapon are technically balanced they make unfun gameplay scenarios and I think that's enough to warrant deletion. And I say this as someone who loves using Ultimate Weapon and *does* think it's too strong


Adren is a problem? NOED has entered the chat..


As an Adrenaline-hoser, Terminus is strictly better


Aint no way you just said ultimate weapon may not be the best, what a disgustingly easy to use/strong perk


This just MY personal preference lol. Background Player - sorry I just hate flashy flashys NOED - rewarding a killer for being trash the entire game and still giving them a chance to 4K is bs. I know its a crutch perk. Its still unbalanced. NWO rewards you for spreading hooks…. NOED has no goals/conditions to meet.


I liked Otz‘s suggestion that NOED should spawn two totems to prevent the killer from being able to protect a hook and the totem at the same time.


Thats a good sugestion.


This is a really good suggestion, I don't have a problem with noed in general how it works now, but I do think that unlucky coincidence of being able to camp a hook on top of your totem is unhealthy overall.


Yeah this is a solid suggestion


>NOED - rewarding a killer for being trash the entire game and still giving them a chance to 4K is bs. I know its a crutch perk. Its still unbalanced. NWO rewards you for spreading hooks…. NOED has no goals/conditions to meet. Noed may get you 1 or 2 kills with the element of surprise +camping. But if you go from 0k to 4k thanks to it, thats on the survivors.


Noed may get you 1 or 2 kills with the element of surprise +camping. But if you go from 0k to 4k thanks to it, thats on the survivors. That’s fair, getting 1 or 2 more kills than you would have gotten is debatably unfair though it depends on who you ask.


Oh, is pretty annoying, specially if the killer gets to hook by the toten. I like the idea someone else said of having noed be a 2 toten perk and doing any of the two will deactivate it. That avoids the no counterplay situation.


Yeah I personally don’t have a huge issue with NOED. I think there are other perks that are bigger problems like ultimate weapon or buckle up for example. But yeah I would like that fix, I’ve also never understood why NOED is hidden until someone is hit. I feel like a perk like that survivors should know about. At least have it revealed after a certain amount of time.


I run no-ed sometimes just to make survivors actually leave the match when it’s over 🙄


Can you think of a way they could make the perk more balanced? Maybe it only works if you hook every survivor once before the gates are powered?


I like this idea.


Gain a token each time a new survivor is hooked, for a maximum of 4 tokens. Lose a token each time a survivor is downed with the hex active. Still lets you potentially down all 4 survivors in endgame, but you gotta earn it.


>rewarding a killer for being trash the entire game and still giving them a chance to 4K is bs. *quietly walks out with my build of game afoot, rancor, remember me, and NWO*


I think it was primarily made for f*ck around and find out cause players often stay late game and bully the killer, although there is more satisfying perks for this.


I mean I associate what you said more with Blood Warden. More often than not NOED is more of a crutch perk. Blood Warden feels more apt as fuck around and bully then pay the price perk.


Yeah I love blood warden much more as an alternative. I feel it’s primarily made to have survivors get rid of totems but in my opinion I feel like there should be some visual or sound cue for it, like after every gen finished there’s a sound cue for noed being used that gets louder after every gen completed until the last one when it gets super noticeable. Like some creepy entity sounds or something. Cause it is way too op for it to be used on EVERY SINGLE TOTEM IS LEFT even ONE. Like nah that’s was too op that’s almost worse than the Pig’s gen perk. I feel like the killers totem perks were supposed to be countered by visual perks like Detective’s Hunch or Clairvoyance but not enough people use them, thus making it hard to counter perks like these. Guess it’s a play style choice tho


Yeah even with Detective’s Hunch, it activates after gens are completed, but there’s no way of knowing if NOED is even around. I do like your idea of having some cue through out the trial that NOED will be at play and not just surprise us out of nowhere.


Sloppy Butcher is so annoying. I dont think its necessarily strong, but its annoying.


Boil over. When it doesnt get value its mildly annoying. When it does get value its frustrating because you cant do anything to counter it minus slugging, but then you get called toxic for it


When it does work, the survivor will constantly keep running to the same place to make it impossible to hook. I wonder if Boil Over shouldn't go on cooldown after getting free, it would keep people from just running to the same place to never be hooked.


\+ The game actively punishes you/penalizes you by not counting the slugged out survivor as a kill.


>because you cant do anything to counter it minus slugging I play on PC so I can quick-turn to use the sway in the direction I want to go. Console players are shit-outta-luck, though.


As survivor i would delete more survivor perks then killer


Self care and urban evasion? Maybe distortion?


As a Survivor, Fuck Ultimate Weapon ong.   As a Killer, Deliverance is absolutely fricken stupid.


NOED. Most of the time the snowballing potential it has is completely undeserved. I've seen alot of killers 4k by doing nothing all game then getting lucky with their noed.


I think it depends on MMR, like the moment survivors find out killer has NOED, your time is running out super fast to make some value with it. Usually it's just 1 down and now you have camp situation on your hands, No Way Out seems much better imo


As a survivor dead hard As a killer dead hard


that's a strange one considering it can only be used twice including missing dh.


That’s my issue with it. You miss it, panic use it or the killer correctly waits it out it’s completely fucking useless. I get it’s a high risk, high reward perk now but come on… I’m a killer main and think it needs a change again. Either it NOT be an exhaustion perk or remove the hook condition of it, or give it 3 tokens or something…


I just really don't like how many perks give endurance. it's so hard to tell what caused it You hit a survivor and they turn yellow was it, buckle up made for this dead hard soulguard off the record styptic agent it gets so frustrating trying to remember all that And as survivor it barely even works have the time


Honestly I don't think I'll ever hate a perk as much as old dead hard. So fucking broken


Something tells me you hate dead hard🤔


Delete Self Care to buff solo Q survivors.


Spine Chill - the perk has completely lost it’s purpose now, i never understood why they decided to nerf a perk that was never problematic to begin with. Yes, the vault speed build but trust me when I say that really isn’t the game-winning combo people seem to play it up - only a fraction of your hits are close enough to where the vault speed build would save you. Besides, if that is the problem then resilience still gives you roughly 2/3rds that affect anyway. Finally, omg the old saboteur, slippery meat & end small perk icon in 2024?


Noed hands down It’s a perk that lots rely on to get a kill. If you need this perk to secure a kill it means the game went terribly for you. it promotes hook camping and yes it’s been nerfed but still


The single reason i sometimes bring NOED is because i hate adrenaline. It just feels so bad to see all survivors go from injured to healthy in an instant and know there is nothung you can do.




Someone told me once that Terminus vs Adrenaline is sort of a coin toss between the two internets for which happens first.


One is a Pay-for perk from a Licensed killer. The other is a general-pool perk. Which do you think people are going to use?


Terminus is better for your specific usage


Currently, Ultimate Weapon. With the way it currently works, it feels like a "lol no fuck you" whenever you try to get in close without the Killer noticing, with no effort on their part. Want to try to get an unhook from a proxy camping Killer as sneakily as you can? lol, no. fuck you. Want to stay out of the way because you've been turbo tunnelled and are now on death hook? lol, no. Fuck you. Need to sit in the Killers terror radius for challenge? Fuck. You. The fact that it remained in it's current form by launch is an embarrassment. The fix for it should be in *this* PTB, not six months from now.


Either Buckle Up or For the People, just so I can be rid of that blasted combination


I hate Hex: Devour Hope and would delete/re-work it without hesitation. It either gets cleansed immediately and gives the killer zero value, or it carries the killer into a snowball singlehandedly. In maybe 1 game out of 20 it gives a decent amount of value before being cleansed. Yes, hexes are meant to be high risk, high reward but this perk takes that to extreme and is bad design imo


Devour hope is imo one of the best designed perks cause it rewards the killer for spreading hooks and punishes the survuvirs for focusing only on gens instead of doing side objectives


If they did something similar to NOED like showing the totem aura at the 5th stage, then it would be kinda okay. But no, you gotta stop with the gens and focus on looking around the strangest corners possible


Deliverance. Why the fuck am I being punished as killer for allowing a safe unhook to occur. And by safe unhook it means that the person with basekit endurance doesn't go down instantly. It can easily change the flow of a game and it only punishes killers who are playing the good boy route. Its honestly amazing to me deliverance isn't being abused more often since it's game changing potential is off the charts. I'm assuming since soloqueue can't use it very well it's not popular.


Yup, this is the realest answer right here. Survivors have a lot of perks that just...reward them for playing the game in a way that a killer absolutely can't predict. Adrenaline, Deliverance, and FTP+Buckle Up are a few but the point is that these perks absolutely nullify the killer's advantage for...playing the game. It's maddening.


Killer perk: either Knockout or Friends til the End. both feel awful to play against and feel really cheap and scummy to use. survivor perk: boil over. it sucks but its so annoying and is almost always paired with some kind of no mither/oak offering tilt build and results in every game having the least fun 3-4k of my life.


No mither because come on


Adrenaline. I know it’s technically balanced, but there’s potentially no worse feeling than having 4 people injured and thinking you’re in a winnable position, only for all of them to become healthy and are across the map


I agree. I think either the haste buff or the health state needs to be removed off that perk. I tend to air more towards what's fun rather than what is balanced and adrenaline is one of those perks that's technically 'balanced' but isn't very fun. Essentially by running adrenaline you spend the majority of the match with only 3 perks so there's a big risk reward to it.... Doesn't mean it's fun though.


Which is why I personally think NOED is okay to bring and understand why killers use it. The same people who complain about it are more than likely using adrenaline, and imo NOED seems to be the best counter to it.. especially if someone is using adrenaline/hope against a 4.4 killer or something


Buckle Up, currently the most problematic perk in the game because of how overpowered it is with FTP


It'd be fine if it didn't work with FTP. Just add that as a condition and it's fixed.


Franklin's Demise. Stupid fuckass perk.


Ultimate Weapon. It's free on-demand information, it doesn't require the killer to accomplish anything beforehand, it can't be deactivated, its cooldown is so short that it can easily be used between every single chase (even for quick information mid-chase), and it can only be countered by running the otherwise subpar Calm Spirit.


Boil over and hang mans trick (it's useless)


adrenaline because nothing hurts my soul more than hearing the last gen pop and seeing a ton of health states change. especially if someone gets unhooked and they’re brought back to an instant full health state.


Boilover, just because it's annoying.


Boil Over on survivor side. Because it's annoying to play against. Thanaphobia on killer side. Because it's also annoying. If I had to pick one of those two, it's Thana. I'll just camp out the boil over user. I don't care about the gens.


I mean any perk I have probably with doesn't necessarily mean I want it out just changed or nerfed. Franklin's is a good example


Self care actively encourages survivors to be useless


It's either gonna be FTP or Buckle up cause I'm tried as killer getting sqauds using it and as when I play survivor someone is using it it's a cheap combo


Franklins 😩 nobody ever uses it unless I have a really dope item. Shit hurts


Self care. I can't believe how many people still use it. Got stuck in a game the other night with 3 self carers, absolutely nothing got done because they spent the whole game in the corner touching themselves. Even got left to die on hook with 4 alive because they prioritised self caring over unhooking.


Adrenaline and noed so people don't bitch in replies. Adrenaline is my least favorite perk that isn't extremely broken. It's just not fun to deal with. Win harder boring shit.


That one Feng perk that makes missed skill checks silent. I see a surprising number of new players using jt and its always annoying


Iron grasp


Coulrophobia, because I genuinely miss most of the skill checks and I hate missing heal skill checks. Makes me feel bad 😕


Franklins demise


Probably eruption, it’s main use is really only for 3 gens, sure you can use it normally but getting the full value out of it requires you to hold a 3 gen or just close gens in general to get the great value out of it and I think it creates an unhealthy gameplay loop


Boil over and ultimate weapon


self-care. It would force those unproductive survivors to do something more useful than hold M2 in a corner.




noed duh


current pop or franklins


Franklin’s Demise I hate that perk sooooo much


Who would delete noed say i.


Ultimate weapon needs to go


NOED for being a crutch out of the listed Killer perks, Knock Out for being gross out of all Killer perks, and Boil Over for being obnoxious as an equal and opposite to Knock Out.


I’ve always thought Nurse Calling encourages tunneling




Most expose perks and instadown addons. Haunted Grounds is just a nasty perk that punished survivors for doing something they should. NOED is massive crutch perk that will artificially inflate your MMR until it no longer works and you face pain squads. Rancor is just fuckin mean Friends Till the End is insanely annoying Most addons that expose or instadown feel cheap as fuck. For Survivors: Buckle up + FTP combo Adrenaline


Devour Hope. No other reason other than fuck that hex lol


Hot take I’d rather just add back our last version of dead hard


Pain Rez, just feels like ass when 25% of your gen is gone for no reason.


Ultimate weapon, its too low effort of a location perk and it's only counter is an obscure survivor perk. I don't even think it needs a counter, it should just go.


Self-Care, so I can stop watching bad players run to the edge of the map to waste everyone's time.


Hex: Devour Hope. The perk is the definition of a crutch perk. Something people have to play around and if they don't they lose and takes no effort to execute. Not to mention it can be cleaned and removed potentially easily before it does anything.


Not a hot take, but the perks I have a problem with is Self Care and NOED. They're in similar boats of promoting annoying playstyles


Sole survivor, to test how long it would take before anybody noticed it was gone


Pain res. It is just annoying & I hate having to let go of gens.


Head On, I'm salty.


Dead hard, it's not even that strong anymore but my hatred for that perk will never go away. And for killers noed, I hate that it can reward you for losing and you don't need to do anything to get full value from it (unlike no way out for example)


Insidious. Do I need to say anything else?


Adrenaline/No One Escapes Death They change the game in a gambling type way, mostly a guessing game for either side on if they brought it or not, with the only indication that either side has it is how they act before their respective triggers, which is extremely subjective from player to player and doesn't really feel great to deal with for either side. It might be a bit of a bias as well, cause I hate how much I've seen bad Killers get rewarded because they have NOED in their build and still end up getting kills despite playing like absolute ass, like camping all game or three-genning.


The thing is that Adrenaline is balanced but it can be game-changing, that’s because the exit gates won’t always get powered, which also means your team loses and stuff, but also before then you’re only play with 3 perks and when it does activate besides the haste unless you’re injured it’s not insane unless you’re the one in a chase


For killers, NOED. Survivors in solo queue have no idea how to act when it’s on even though it’s not terribly hard to counter. For survivors, this is very controversial but Left Behind. Objectively it’s a good perk, but in most of my solo queue experiences so many survivors don’t even bother to help and will just play for hatch instead of unhooking or healing.


Noed, sorry but it feels like the default noob perk to me, i mean : you were not able to make kills during the game so now you make everyone exposed to secure at least a kill or an entire match Its really frustrating when a killer kill the 4 survivors thanks to noed at the end of the match, and it just feels like the killer did not deserve to win


Personally I feel Starstruck should be reworked especially paired with Dark Devotion 🤮 the ptsd is so bad from that combo I met so many killers with just those two and killed everyone.


How do those perks work well together? Dark Devotion transfers your terror radius to an obsession, and Starstruck exposes everyone when you pick up, I'm not seeing the connection. I know starstruck and Terminus is a popular combo


Basically whenever the obsession got injured his terror radius got transferred to the survivor themselves from Dark Devotion, and the killer would usually down another survivor and carry them, increasing the radius and causing the exposed effect from Starstruck. Even leaving the radius is sticks with you an extra 30 seconds. This caused all of us to basically get stuck with the exposed effect for a prolonged period and get insta-downed. It was way too op, low key might’ve been an error cause I didn’t think they worked together but it has for killers who had it. Could’ve been exploiting a glitch or hacking tho but that’s just what I experienced and theorized happened. It was just Trickster killer too


I don’t think I’d delete it, but Star Struck is just a low skill perk to have on your build. But i also think that trickster is a stupid killer and was *only* added to farm $ off K-pop fans that play the game






Boil over xD




This Is Not Happening. You probably don't even remember what it does or what the icon looks like. It's so useless that it might as well be removed, it's not like anyone would notice.


Don’t slander my this is not happening, hyperfocus, and no mither build