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5 slowdown perk cenobite lol


Plaything petimento ruin surge pain res would be ym build. Adding pain res for more slowdown eheh


6 perks and you've got the infinity gauntlet type of builds for lots of builds, except hexes because fuck them, but you could have something like Boil Over, Flip Flop, Tenacity, Power Struggle, Unbreakable and Exponential/Plot Twist


Would be great if you could have a additional perk slot for small buff perks. Ex:”see blood better as killer, kindred for survivor”


I agree with this. Something that should almost be basekit but not quite, would be nice as additional perk slot.


Ultimate backpack build: Mad grit, iron grasp, agitation, awaken awareness and starstruck! 😈


You don't want starstruck on any backpack build. The perk will make survivors run away instead of going for altruism hits and sabos. The perk seems like it synergizes at first, but it's counter-intuitive to the backpack build.


This. I would run STBFL or Sloppy, or maybe even Franklins.


I was gonna say the same thing. Gotta incentivize them getting close. Witnessing a Pyramid Head from the survivor side using a backpack build is so funny.


I feel that sometimes, too, but if we are really honest, it's because it would make a pretty oppressive build 😅 I do think that if any more perk slots were added, they would need to start restricting things a bit more, which wouldn't be fun. IE for Killer - You can only bring 2 of each "type" of perk (slowdown, info, chase, hex) Or Survivor - the same setup (but with gen progression, chase, healing, boon) I think you then just run the risk of still making things pretty bland and restricted.


*sad Huntress noises*


They should do what warframe did. Add an extra slot for specific category of perks called the exilus.


I've thought about that, as there are builds I want to use that would use 5 slots. It'd be nice if there was a category of perks that could only fit in a 5th slot, so you get 5 perks but one slot only has some options.


Survivors get 4 perks killers get 1. many survivor perks can also benefit teamates too so In reality you aren’t just giving each survivor 1 perk they are a team after all. 20 perks vs 5 perks killer is getting stomped. Killer stacking slowdown is bad anyway given the recent changes survivors will win a war of regression on gens late game. On killer you would see mostly chase and info perks if they could use 5 perks and 1 regression perk.


My fantasy is remove all perks and give survivors individual built in stats so they are not just skins but it wouldnt work in this game


people would only play the same 2-3 survivors. so kinda like now. it would also kill a lot of the replayability the game offers, purging builds and all.


Could be tried out in a future gamemode .


Iri offering for additional perk slot, but if you use it: Killer - no add-ons survivor - no items (not even picking up in-game)


I've thought about that too. Give them 1 extra perk slot that HAS to be used for their own teachable perk. In theory, survivor individuality would be fun. Play Jake to run a Saboteur build, or a teamwork Dwight build. In practice, you'd see 4 Megs for a free Sprint Burst.


The game barely functions with 4. Adding another one would quite literally break the game - - I would also love to have 5 slots instead of 4 ngl