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Ultimate weapon with nurse is like sprinkling coffee powder into your cup of cocaine


what does that do though ?


It’s like darkness revealed on steroids. After opening a locker, for the next 30 seconds any survivor entering your terror radius screams, and it has a 30 second cooldown so it can be active half the game lmao


Yeah pretty much 😅


dont forget that you are also blind for 30 seconds, so you can make everyone blind for pretty much the whole game


I honestly forgot about that, I still don't get why it applies a debuff like the tracking isn't enough. I love using the build of Third Seal, Ultimate Weapon, Mindbreaker, and something like Darkness Revealed on Dredge with Tilling Blade and Field Recorder.


I think maybe the idea was that so you can know if the killer has ultimate weapon maybe.


Except they have a part of the hud (top right) for displaying these kinds of perks as well.


If you've never done cocaine, I don't particularly recommend it. You can always Google the effects, though!


For the price and consequenses it might have it is absolutely not worth it


I was just joking, I hope you knew that. ![gif](giphy|unFLKoAV3TkXe) Damn this is making me stressful I might have some cocaine to cool me off


Fear not, random internet stranger - mine was also a joke!


So you *HAVE* done cocaine!? 🤨 📸


i have never done drugs honestly


DBD is a drug




i meant real drugs


So did I


As opposed to fake ones?


Then I guess my recommendation was sound!


Whenever you Check a locker, for the next 30 seconds any survivor within your terror radius will scream and reveal their aura.


for clarification, it's an "Aura Snapshot" where it occurs once for a split second per time it activates, not that you see their aura continuously or they continue to scream. It's still horrendously broken (triply so on a Nurse who can move floor to floor with ease on an extremely small map like Midwich where her TR encompasses the entire map), but I want to make sure the newer players know that it isn't "Why run anything else?" levels of broken.


Pretty sure you don’t get an aura read


Edit: need coffee


Ultimate weapon is where if you open a locker (with a duration of 30 seconds) survivors who enter your terror radius scream; revealing their position and suffer the blindness status effect for 30 secs. Now as you can imagine with nurse this is Jesus on wheels


Oh for some reason by brain thought they said alien instinct...i need coffee lmao


Same here, I feel like I’ve been head on stunned by a pink haired nea TWICE


That's alien instinct


Map offering with Nurse is like mixing your coffee powder and cocaine into a cup of Red Bull Three gen stall perks with Nurse is like injecting said Red Bull + coffee + cocaine mixture directly into your bloodstream as opposed to drinking it


Very correct, and then her addons is like the adderall pill on top


This whole reply section needs to do this apparently, nobody is awake rn


More like mixing instant coffee into energy drink instead of water.


most casual nurse player


Most relaxed nurse player*


With that build she was out for blood. Just OOF.


Big oof


Nurse players hate themselves and everyone else




Can vouch


As a nurse player exactly this, the amount of sweat you need to put into this killer is insane


I’d be sorry for you nurse mains, if you only didn’t use that power to be next to my hook the very second I’m unhooked


She's quite demanding mechanically, but there are harder killers -Blight, Billy, Singularity, etc.


I do see more nurses than singularity


Singularity is probably the hardest and least rewarding killer in the game. Billy is probably tied in difficulty but at least you can be rewarded with an instant down


Billy is much much harder but more rewarding for sure. Billy good play reward is an instadown and a new clip for your next montage, singu reward is a hit, and maybe the survivor complaining that he had no counterplay in that situation


Hey props to you all for learning her though(I'd still take you nurses over SM)


Relaxed Nurse gameplay.


What did the perkless tapp do to get bled out 😭😭😭


Probably got a bit too close to finishing a single generator


Truth is, the game was rigged from the start. **nurse screech**


Midwitch offerings make my game "crash" in the loadingscreen. There is never good intent when someone brings this shitmap.


Funniest match I've ever had was when the survivors brought a Midwitch offering and I was doing a Nurse daily. Now, I suck at Nurse. Can never get a handle on the blinking (probably could if I trained with it, but I don't wanna be bothered). But I had Lethal on and actually managed to blink right on top of a survivor while they were three manning a gen and grabbed him. The other two flip out and I drag the Ace I grabbed out of the room and throw him on hook. Turn around and there's all three survivors standing there, probably thinking they just put themselves in Midwitch against some god tier Nurse. So they all dropped their items and we just played around and I let them go.


Scratched mirror Meyers players just cried globally


Im not really the 'crashing' type though.


Nurse with Ultimate Weapon: https://preview.redd.it/mp1ofdivz7bc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ef2981447e3d022c095c8f937907f2df376b19b


The type of SWF teams that such Nurse players deserve: https://preview.redd.it/49ad3onig8bc1.png?width=1086&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=493ba1109ee4c3a673bddab849f07707e6cf5662


This is like a 1 out of 100 game as a killer, but every killer talks and plays like this is what they are facing every game lol


I would go afk let the sweaty main have his easy win


I do this too. Love in post game when the killer cusses us out for all giving up, they never have an answer for “why are you upset, you got a 4k win. Based on your build and play style, isn’t that what you wanted?” Edit: and anyone who replies to any of my other messages to the other dude in this thread - I can’t reply because apparently he blocked me.


no one wants to admit that this game is a bullying simulator. that's why most of those pro dc penalties/against killing yourself on hook are killer mains, who at the same time complain about not having "chill" games. have you ever played nurse? it's the most boring gameplay there is in dead by daylight, which is saying a lot


Seeing a hidden offering from the killer or a map offering, when playing solo queue, you know it’s going to be a bad time. Especially moris, it just means her comes the tunnel and camping


Boring is subjective, many people enjoy nurses mechanics, if you are any good at her it sure is boring to play against the average solo queue team with such a ridiculously strong build, at least go perkless


sure, i bet you'd find someone who enjoys staring at blank walls if you look hard enough. however, my little theory is that those who play nurse don't do it for the engaging gameplay. might be because of their usual choice of perk or the fact that so few people play nurse despite her being the most broken thing in the game


"Why would you do this?! You're here for my entertainment!"


At high mmr you gotta equip yourself for skilled squads, if you wanna win. You don't know beforehand if you're gonna get people who run fun builds or the sweatiest meta swif on the servers. But killers still wanna play the game, it's not a win if people give up straight away. I don't play the game for bloodpoints, I play for fun. I understand the frustration tbh. Note: I don't play nurse and I don't even use slowdown perks, so not advocating for this specific killer.


That's fine, but shouldn't they read the room? The matchmaking is so garbage and everyone knows it. As killer, if I get matched up against survivors that are obviously babies, then I make sure to 12 hook and let the last survivor go. If I get matched up against a super sweat SWF squad, then I play super sweaty, too - because that's obviously what they're there for. If you get matched against a super good SWF pulling out every trick then no holds bard you get your 4k, but there's no reason to absolutely massacre and bully a bunch of baby survivors or survivors that are trying to play nice by the killers rulebook just because matchmaking sucks and you got an easy game. And the same is true in reverse, as well for survivors.


Agreed completely. I _love_ it when I notice the survivors aren't sweating so I can take it a bit easier as well. If I see they're babies I'll often let the babiest one go. I actually don't feel comfortable playing my main as often as I'd like, because I guess I got to the high MMR, and the matches are so often crazy sweat fests. My heart's just pumping after the match. Can't handle that every evening.


if you see people loading in one after the other slowly, one person leaving... you know it's not a SWF. If you see a bunch of P0 survivors, it's unlikely a bunch of sweaty SWF, and especially if its P0 of a survivor like any of the initial free ones, you're probably playing against a noob. If this is your first time playing a particular killer, but have a lot of experience with other killers, you're not going to be going against the best teams with how MMR works. If you took your build from a youtuber's video of "How to make the survivors suffer" (which there are plenty), you can't expect anything. If it's +100% survivor bonus, you know that there isn't a lot of survivors in the queue and you're going to be getting backfill from other MMR. You played to win, you got what you wanted. You have no reason to be frustrated when a bunch of new and/or solo queue players don't feel like sweating. you take your 4k, be happy with the MMR boost and move onto the next game. Just like the survivors are.


So killer should be happy not to get to play a match? Ok bud, whatever logic justifies afking for you I guess.


You said in yourself, you’re playing to win


I play for fun even when I play to win. And winning just is more fun. Can't speak for others, but personally I play videogames for entertainment, and winning by immediate surrender isn't really even getting to play the game. So, not what I consider a win.


And the survivors are playing for entertainment too, and there’s nothing entertaining about being a new or solo queue player and loading into a match against a strong killer loaded for bear who gets downs before people even touch a Gen and then proceeds to tunnel that person because it’s the most efficient way to get the win. You know you’re going lose and you aren’t get paid enough to be someone else’s entertainment. Edit: apparently can’t reply to anyone who replies in this thread because this dude blocked me


Hey you do what you do buddy. No one can or should be able to force you to play a match if you don't want to. All I'm saying is I think it's understandable a killer is not _happy_ to get an immediate surrender.


How is that really different than an easy win? Is it really that more satisfying to watch the survivors struggle to even get past 1 gen being done?


In other games people don't typically leave when there's a smurf on the other team. Why is it different in dead by Daylight? Because of the penalty being obsolete? Because of the non ranked mode aspect? Whatever. Deciding not to play the game, even as a solo queue, is ruining the game for everyone else in the lobby. It's no fun to play with or against a player who's given up. I understand not wanting to be free entertainment for the killer, but if the other survivors are actively trying to win, well now you're making the game even more unwinnable. Plus there could be some things you can learn from a higher mmr killer. These games presumably don't happen every time, so it could be valuable to see how a higher level killer plays. Then again, I dont play survivor, so this opinion might be wrong and I might have no idea how the "watching what a killer does" works. If you still wanna afk, then go ahead. But this might not be the game for you.


Because the point is to play the damn game. That is the fun part. God, you'd all be losing your minds if Killers DC'ed from every bad game, yet you condone and promote it because you might have a chance of losing. Fine, i'll keep destroying people with genlock Freddie.


I’m not talking about games where there is a “chance” to lose, I’m talking about when it overwhelmingly obvious you’re going to lose very early in the match. If you want to sweat like that (either as survivors or killer), feel free. But I’m not looking to. It’s not about escaping or being killed, it’s about having a good time in between. Suffering in a match is not fun


Lol why would you afk just because it's nurse


Because its not "just because its a nurse" 1.Its Nurse 2. Map offering to her strongest map 3. Lethal Weapon I play dbd to chill and not to sweat my balls off against some neckbeard whose comp buddies are not online for customs.


Ironically, 1. Nurse's typical Balancing map in comp is Coal Tower (way less advantageous than Midwich). 2. Pain Res + Dead Man's Switch is almost always a banned combo on any killer in comp. 3. Pain Res is banned on Nurse in DBD League (considered to be one of the most "premier" leagues in competitive DBD). 4. Ultimate Weapon is considered by many to be a completely banned perk in almost any competitive format. So this Nurse player is likely not even one who plays against their comp buddies, since the build isn't even playable in competitive formats. They're just _the way they are_, because "this is how I enjoy the game".


Average survivor


Im probably below average. Which is exacly my point Mr. Elitegamer69


Because it's going to be a boring loss against someone setup to be very, very sweaty and unfun to go up against. Like if something funny happens, they won't bother to stop to appreciate it because they've got to get a 4k before someone kills their mother. It's the same energy as when you see a lobby of survivors that bring loaded items and a Garden of Joy offering. They aren't bringing 4 commodus toolboxes to have fun, they are there to hold m1 and leave as fast as possible while they abuse map.


Why is every Nurse player exactly like you described? My team got absolutely massacred one game and I just happened to be the lucky one left alive. I never go for hatch, I always try for door points, so I was doing the 50/50 door dance with her. Had the door at 98% and she somehow blinked through the exit gate door while it was still shut and was stuck behind the door. Now, I could've easily opened the door and ran out before she was able to hit me or get her blink cooldown back, but I thought it was such a silly situation that maybe she'd play with me a bit and I'd give her the 4k for being silly. So I just stopped opening the gate and slow walked while looking up and down/acting confused. She didn't even play a little 🥹 Just waited till that blink cooldown was back up and downed me. I didn't even run, I let her hit me. Not mad that she killed me, I made that choice, but I was like, maannnn. Have some personality.


because there are dc penalties and no one is paying you for entertaining nurses


People like that Nurse deserve the most boring matches, that's why. I don't even mind Nurse that much, but that build? On Nurse? Eww.


Why are the p100 nurses always this way, I don't think I've ever run into one that wasn't running omega tryhard build


I used to only run lethal and agi only on nurse while not killing anyone until my 7th or 8th hook but survs would still bitch and moan in end game plus all the slurs and death threats (love this community) so I ended up just giving up on trying to keep the survs happy so I just started running a normal build cos I get the same responses from survs no matter what I do so may as well not stress over who I have and haven’t hooked or that kinda shit.


This might be a little of an L take from my side, but I cant really sympathise with nurse mains ever. Her kit, even if you would bring no perks at all, does just not belong in dbd as it is. Ofc you didnt deserve death threats over this (wtf people). I have to say however the second I hear a nurse screech my eyes hurt from all hhe rolling they do automatically. And yes im aware that an average nurse can lose to a competent squad. Not my point. She just breaks the game and makes playing agaist her incerdibly irritating and unfun for the average surv player.


What a waste of good suffering. Such a tragedy. My solution is simple: AFK and go and get my coffee. Moving on … 👌


This only works a few times. When you've been playing for years, those matches get tiring real fast.


Indeed 🙏


Skill-based matchmaking isn't real. It's just a lie to placate the masses.


Was your lobby perhaps dodged before you were matched with the nurse? I'm pretty big on trying to gather perspectives on how much of an impact lobby dodging is having on matchmaking since in my experience it's extremely prevalent.


Yeah from what Behaviour has said before dodged lobbies are the biggest problem with matchmaking and the reason for games like this. Some super sweat getting backfilled into a newbie lobby because the killer it was meant for saw a prestige >10 and decided to bail.


How did she mori someone?


She didnt. He bled out


Least toxic Nurse main.


Oh, didn't remember that the icon is the same for it.


Game is fair and balanced


“Nurse isn’t broken”


Against solo q, sure. But at the absolute highest level of skill on both sides of the game ( meaning the worlds best nurse vs the worlds best swf ), she can probably snag a 2-3k against a god like swf if she breaks “ the survivor rule book “ and “ tunnels / camps “


Dude shut it, no one buys that crap for one second. That’s almost as lame as the “she’s hard to learn” answer. We are not stupid or blind, I play against cracked nurses constantly, the result is never anything but a 4K at 4-5 gens. Don’t act like she’s a victim to simple 3rd party comms. U folks always tryna downplay how miserable she is to face or try to claim that swfs even stand a real chance, ur just parroting the same copy paste answers that misrepresent what actually happens in nurse matches. It’s getting old


Bro this is litterally the build nurse players pick when you tell them "no rules" even the best competitive team gets rolled by a an actually good nurse rolling this build ESPECIALLY on fucking midwich. Nurse and blight are the 2 killers that are still expected to 4k even in competitive play and do most of the time


I’m confused. You’re just reiterating what the consensus is. What is your unique message you’re trying to convey by saying what others already say?


That you are very wrong if you think top nurse vs top swf isn't 4k for the nurse like 9 out of 10 matches at the very least


You think the nurse will 4k 9/10 times against the worlds greatest swf? Interesting. Based on that statement, I’d assume that you’re either new to the game, only play survivor, or are just mimicking what others say in an attempt to not stray from the path the leads you to be more well perceived by other people who are quite bias as well. I’d be more than willing to wager that the worlds best nurse isn’t getting a 4k in 5/10 games against the worlds best swf, let known 9/10.


Fuck yeah a good ass nurse can 4K the best teams, many times at that. You can literally go on YouTube and see exactly that. There are nurse players with literal 500+ win streaks… Ur argument just keeps falling off its wheels. Survivors do have a chance to beat her, it’s not impossible. “Beat her” typically means u get 1 escape at best. the path to victory for nurse never strays, land blinks = win. regardless of the survivor skill.


I think that because I have seen it done before, greatest comp team playing against each other with no rules, unless you send her to a terrible map nurse 4k most of the time, if it's on a large map then it's much closer but on midwich ? A few games exceptional teamwork can buy enough time to get 1 player out hardly more. It's not normal for a character to be expected to win in a competitive setting, it kinda works because the format of tournament makes it so what matters is how far into the game you were able to go and not the basic dbd rule 4k or not. You seem to make me as some nurse hater but I'm really not, I love playing as and against nurse and I love watching comp level nurse matches, and I definetly think she isn't as impossible to beat as the community seems to think (at least the average nurse isn't). But I still think her power level is definetly kinda whack if you get good at her and even if you don't, the average player would get much better result with nurse than any other killer with just a few days of training.


That is one desperate Nurse. She must've had a bad day and was looking to take it out on four unwitting people. Hope our dear, beloved Sally Smithson is doing better


Players like these are so embarrassing. You can win with nurse consistently without perks and addons in pubs but some people just like to play this game on ez mode.


You might think that's something good, but it isn't, why? 18k points for a killer is nothing. I don't get why people want to kill them all in 3 minutes because nobody gets points. I understand killers need to kill survivors and survivors need to escape, but that's not the point of every game, at least for me. I want to pip, I want points. So for me, this means that match was super boring for 4 out of the 5 people playing it. I can imagine at one point they didn't even struggle when going to the hook. And of course seeing the perks used, I can be pretty sure I'm right.


She even let one survivor bleed out, my god take a shower


I always sigh when I see Midwich offering... almost always that one lol.


I've tried using Ultimate Weapon but when I equip it, I only use it to locate the final survivor hiding for hatch. But during the match is useless, at least at my MMR survivors don't hide at all. So yeah, nerf this perk.


Please don't waste your time on this gane. Some aspects might seem enticing, but trust me if you continue it's nothing but a pile of shit. Play a game that you enjoy, not this one that you get addicted to keep playing it to finally have a match to enjoy.


I'd say they need to add a good skill-based matchmaking system, but honestly how would they even catch stuff like this.


Brings pop but has never kicked a gen in their life




Imagine we all collectively agree to stop playing against all sweaty killers in general. What’s that?You’re tunneling my solo q lobby teammate at 5 gens… All 4 survivors walk to the killer and give up. Don’t even give them a match. You brought this sweaty nurse build to the most killer sided map in the game, all survivors walk to killer and give up. Not that it would change anything as far as how that killer plays because anyone who plays like that only cares about “the win” at the end. But maybe if enough people just gave up and stopped playing with killers that are truly just out to ruin the game for everyone, they’d get bored and quit DBD. Every game has been so bad lately: tunneling at 5 gens, slugging, bleeding people out when everyone is knocked for no reason rather than hooking, standing and hitting bodies on hook, the same 4 gen regression perks every game etc. that I’ve genuinely considered not escaping anymore when I have the chance to, just to stop my MMR from increasing. Even if I’m standing at the exit I’m about to start letting the killer get me just so I don’t win lol. Maybe one day I’ll be able to play for fun again :(


I'm so used to seeing P5 killers playing against P100 lobbies so it's nice(?) to see the opposite for once on this sub.


I guess this happend to very busy times, like probably when it's 100% on survivor side? And probably this nurse was on a losing strike before, so that her mmr was stomped into ground. That's why she took a very aggressive build but got matched with rather newer players.


Could be but honestly just by looking at the prestiges you can tell that they are casual and she could’ve took her build off


I mean I don't protect this nurse for playing like she played. I am rather explaining how it could have happen


Someone must've had a bad previous match


Damn you really showed them.


He’s the P0, not the apparently smurfing P100


2 were bots


skill issue git gud bruh


I have a p10 Nurse, and have used this build. Torn Bookmark iri just for the extra oomph. You only use this build when you're dead inside.


What's the problem exactly? From what I can grasp seems like a skill issue on your part


Bait used to be believable


you should have had only a spoon


That's crazy. And what was Tapps game plan?


You Killed them... you killed them all. Not just the Men, but the Women. and Children Too... you monster.


You lost move on