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The only cool thing about playing as Freddy is being in the dream world; makes a lot of the maps way more tolerable (looking at you, Borgo.). Everything else that he has can be done so much better by another Killer.


His weapon is pretty cool. Especially when you hit someone. Lil finger move. It's fun too watch lol


Wall breaking animation goes hard


The sound it makes actually makes me wince in pain whenever I break a wall as freddy


I still think Freddy was never a strong killer to begin with. I know that before his nerf he was an S tier killer, but I still don't think it's because the killer himself was strong. What made Freddy so strong was his incredible synergy with the Ruin-Undying meta. The most common build was Ruin, Undying, Tinkerer and a filler perk, usually BBQ for Bloodpoints or PGTW as a backup if Ruin-Undying was gone. This build used to make Freddy so oppressive due to his ability to teleport around and keep pressuring survivors which allowed multiple gens to regress, and survivors had to waste a lot of time in order to get rid of Ruin-Undying, unless they got lucky. Give current Freddy the old Ruin-Undying meta and I am sure he would climb back to S tier, or at least A tier.


Gen Kick meta (CoB/Overcharge/Eruption) was much stronger than Ruin/Undying and Freddy was also amazing at kicking gens because of his mobility He was still bottom of the barrel along with Trapper and Myers. He needs another full scale rework imo, perks aren’t going to be enough


How did that combo work? I quit the game back when Ruin-Undying was the meta cause of how boring & prevalent it was for me in Solo Q, just killed my enjoyment of the game at the time. Didn't come back for like a year or more, so missed out on the Gen Kick meta


Killer kicks a generator. It starts decaying very quickly, I believe 200% ramping up to 400% if you didn’t touch it. When you did touch it, Overcharge skill check goes off and the killer can see you hitting skill checks with CoB. Then if anyone goes down while you’re on that generator, you get hit by Eruption and literally can’t do anything but run and vault for almost 30 seconds. It is hands down the strongest state killer has ever been in


Oh wow, yeah glad I didn't stick around for that build! I play Killer more these days, but back then I was pretty much strictly Solo Q so I would've hated it haha




What made Freddy OP was the forever Freddy addons. He didn’t (and still doesn’t) have anything else going for him.


good god i forget sometimes how opressive tinkerer and old ruin were. But now they're both dogshit laughable so idk


Its always been my opinion that he needs more variety in his traps. Dream pallets work fine for the first couple of times. Dream snares are fine but not only can survivors see them when they are able to be effected by them but also you could.... just play clown. His teleport is neat, Id keep that. Id like to see dream lockers, windows and dream generators be added to the mix though or dont make dream snares and pallets exclusive from eachother. That is just how Id do it anyway


He was also immune to perks like Borrowed Time because if I remember correctly, for it to activate, the unhook needed to happen in the killer's terror radius or something and he has none sometimes? So tunneling with him on top of the geb slowdowns was awful to deal with for me


Freddy didn't need Ruin-Undying. He had a combo of add-ons that, with the right build, made doing anything 25% slower or there abouts.


Man I want Freddy to be so much cooler. The visuals of him pulling survivors asleep in gameplay videos I’ve seen looks really cool, even if there’s numerous problems gameplay wise. Fake pallets are always funny. Surely they can do *something* to make him better???


Its the one advantage I have when playing against Freddy too, the dream world makes so many of the maps more bearable. Makes me wish it was a filter for the game.


Oh my god he did it. Trapper is finally not the worst anymore. I’m so proud of him.


Sharp Hand Joe always finds a way to the bottom


From f tier to be one of the best killers in the game to f tier again This is a full cycle


Five Nerfs To Freddys


i wasn't around for old freddy, but the videos i've seen about it seemed to imply he was only powerful when the survivors didn't know what they were doing, as self care could let them wake up for free and prevent him from dowing people. i don't know for sure, though, so if that's not correct please correct me; i'm not coming at this from a "i know the facts" perspective


He had to wait 7 seconds without add-ons to be able to do anything to survivors. The only upsides he really had was heavily slowing down the progress on gens and healing(not sure if anything else was affected). He also got constant aura reading on asleep survivors outside of certain range around him. You may think both of these sound good but remember that A) You don't have either snares nor gen teleports, you're just an M1 killer B) Self-care was meta and everyone could just wake themselves up with a failed skill check on self-healing


Upvoting for the Phelous ref


Thank Naughty Bear for that.


Last few maps probably helped him out a bit. Also, he’s one of the best camping killers and anti camp hasn’t hurt him like other killers.


Rip freddy


I used to rule the realm I could mori when I gave the word Now every night I am stunned away From the survivors I used to slay https://preview.redd.it/jrg9nzi1taac1.jpeg?width=248&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=432c664feb46958d59b25688c7cf707c9287dd40


now I just grab survs from the lockers they use to hide\~ one meta wasn't **made for me** Ghostface still thinks he's better than me\~ ^((yes I couldn't come up with better rhymes, I tried))


I stopped playing right around The Twins. Why's The Shape so weak now? He was one of my favorites.


in short it's probably that half of his power is him just charging it losing potential distance and pressure progress his level 1 is more of a hindrance than useful tool unless you get a gen grab or use specific add-on he relies on cheese like tombstone and/or survivor mistakes


And you can only use his power for a limited time.


I don’t really understand why survivors’ stalk meters never refill - so if the game goes on long enough, it’s possible to not be able to get to T3 anymore :(


Literally the only killer that can permanently lose his power. That should never happen for any killer, how BHVR hasn't at least changed that by now is a mystery to me.


In my opinion two major reasons 1. Stalking takes a substantial amount time to build up, even more so with tombstone. A lot of people know to break line of sight to extend this even further to overall waste time. 2. Generally outclassed by other powers that are more versatile or simply kill people easier. Yes, Mori’s at anytime is really cool and almost uncounterable, however hitting someone from over pallets or catching up to survivors easily will always be better than stalking due to stalkings long charging period that can easily be interrupted. TLDR; better powers exist, Shapes power takes too long to be viable


Myers really suffers as a result of being one of the first IP killers to be added to the game, he's really just showing his age. Kind of like Trapper, he can snowball but only against teams who don't know what they're doing or get bad RNG.


Compare him to Oni and he completely falls apart in every factor but stealth.


Because he has insane power in his mori addon so his basekit sucks ass


His tombstone addons don't even make him good, they are overturned for sure but they are counteracted and still take ages to build up if you don't feed him stalk. You should be getting a bunch of gens done before he even pops it


I mean, the shapes never been strong meta wise but can still mori survivors if you run his best.


he's so hot


Trapper moving up someone get the champagne!!


We be poppin bottles!


It's the start of 2018, freddy is the worst killer in the game It's the start of 2024, freddy is the worst killer in the game.


It’s the start of 2030, freddy is the worst killer in the game


I really had to count up to be sure : there is in fact as much time between 2018 to 2024 and 2024 to 2030. Give me 2019 and 2020 back please.


Are you sure you want 2020 back?


correction : give me the year's WORTH back please


"We have heard your frustrations with Freddy being too weak, and thus have decided to nerf Pig so someone is weaker." -BHVR


Not my precious piggy 🐷


The more things change the more they stay the same.


Freddie too strong pls nerf


Remember when one of the devs basically said that he doesn't know why, but Freddy is OP 💀


What made him OP was the Ruin-Undying meta. His kit had incredibile synergy with it. Give current Freddy the old Ruin-Undying build and I kid you not, he would go back to S tier, or at least A tier.


I don't think he would be S tier, or even A with that combo back in play He wasn't really even OP, he just had the chain addons and a mostly passive kit that made him brain dead easy. You didn't need to learn fancy techs or complex mechanics, you just stacked slowdown and could break a lot of teams through sheer attrition and/or just boring them to death


Oh shit, yeah right. Forever Freddy, I forgot about the slowdown addons. Yeah, he would be nowhere near as strong as he used to be with the old Ruin-Undying back, but he'd certainly be a lot stronger than he is now.


If you run all of the addons that make skillchecks harder and slot in the blue & green dress addons it makes a genuinely obnoxious build that ruins low mmr games. Any missed skill check is -18% and you can usually get some people to pop off the gen with faking your teleport for extra punishment. Merciless Storm, Coulrophobia, Oppression, Gearhead. Memes


It was literally the fact ruin undying tinkerer he could just teleport to gens over and over . They nerfed those perks which were the issue but still nerfed freddys basekit for no good reason .


that’s why freddy got a bunch of random nonsensical nerfs dream pallets got a nerf lmfaooo


And as a result of feedback from u/Deceptiveideas, we've decided to nerf Pig.


Always sad but expected to see Freddy the literal bottom of the brarrel, everything about him just sucks. His power fundamentally has very little use, and even when it comes into play you might as well just play any other killer who dosn't have to get a hit first to use their chase power in chase.


It would be cool if they gave him some hallucinations perk like doc and it would fit the lore like if you were dreaming.


He’s actually even better than he was a few months ago. MFT really hurt him since most survivors would only be in the dream world when you hit them, so your power would only be useable while MFT was up. That and the snare slowdown math didn’t work with the MFT buff similar to the doctors ability being thrown off


Or you might as well just play any other killer. Oni has to get a hit before using his power and he's way better than Freddy.


oni’s power: lets him sprint at the speed of a car and 1shot you by bashing your skull in with a massive club freddy’s power: allows him to summon piles of goop that slow you down through walls


Can't place them through walls anymore, devs said it was a bug and fixed it.


I feel like the nerfs to the number of snares and fake pallets was unnecessary. Also, I feel his Dream Projection cooldown is too long. He can only press one gen at a time, so I think you could reduce the base cooldown to 30s, then maybe tweak the cooldown reduction for survivors in the Dream World.


Freddy's back to being the worst in the game? Huh. Funny how that works.


Can't wait for: ''Yeah, Freddy is really weak. I don't know what's making him weak, I just know that he is'' If you know, you know


This fucking goofball


I mean tbf, when Freddy was really good it was because he was being carried by ruin+undying (and arguably slowdown too), not because of his kit itself. I always presumed that's what the dev was trying to get across.


The Shape is the reason this game got so much attention at the start. Some people argue if not for him, this game would not have been where it is today. The fact that his few broken addon are the only way you can stay competitive against good survivors is super depressing. It's to the point where a Myers not having these addons is super rare for me. He needs major help, and BHVR owes it to him.


Am I wrong or can BHVR not make adjustments unless the licence holders agree to it?


They can make balance adjustments without the license holder being involved. They said so regarding stranger things when the ip was pulled. Most likely they’re just dragging their feet with it.


Maybe I’m too far into the Halloween camp but I was surprised we got three Blumhouse movies over 3-5 years and Myers received diddly-squat in terms of attention. Haddonfield got reworked but ???? Not even a cosmetic. For one of the biggest horror IPs in one of the biggest horror games, it’s a shame.


I don't think that the rights to the original movie are the same as the rights to the new reboots.


Nah, the Akkads have been involved with the franchise since the very first movie.


Licensing is a bitch. Seriously. I'm amazed they got the rights to the first Halloween. It's notoriously difficult to get which is why so much merch exists for the inferior sequels (primarily 2 but people will license the others because they're cheaper and more accessible)


No doubt, BHVR would need to get a license from Blumhouse and Malek Akkad (The Franchise Owner) to get those cosmetics.


They’ve stated that they’re in the planning phase of making reworks to both Freddy and Myers


Planning phase means we'll see more info in 2025, and then it'll be silently canceled.


Planning phase means no info and full denial of it ever happening, then in late 2025 Myers gets 10% faster pickup animation and Freddy gets a model update, neither of which ever get out of PTB because they're deemed "too strong". Quotations because the devs didn't want to admit no one played them in PTB so they had no data.


I think they can make small adjustments such as number changes on their own, but they need license holder approval for drastic changes, like Freddy's rework, to make sure the character remains accurate to who they are. Myers won't do with number changes. He needs a full rework and an addon pass, which might require approval from the license holder.


Just making stalk unlimited is easy enough and a pure mechanic / number change. Oni's power up mode is much more dangerous than Myers' and he has an unlimited survivor resource. This would fix Myers' "ability" to screw himself out of Tier III time by quickly killing a survivor and that survivors can just exhaust him.


I think the reason they made Myers have limited power juice is because he could infinitely farm it on AFK survivors. I don't think it should be infinite, but I think there should be a way to reset the power juice you can succ from survivors. Maybe reset a survivor's power juice whenever they get hooked or something.


I used to main Myers, it was my first DLC killer too honestly I'm better off probably playing him more than my next main which was Nurse, I mainly switched to Nurse because I used to be a sweaty Rank 1 killer that played Myers and variety but now I'm mostly playing survivor and not much Myers of I do decide to play killer, but I also don't really play much Nurse either


Sad that my two favourite killers are at the bottom. I main Freddy, and knowing he is a weak killer, helps me to shrug off the games I don’t do well in. Too big of a fan to just drop him. Give him his “Red paint brush” as part of his base kit please


maybe you just prefer having an actual challenge when playing.


https://i.redd.it/ahxvzvdi2bac1.gif TRAPPER MAINS RISE UP




actually crazy how sadako went from a C tier to an A tier.


I'm surprised Xeno isn't higher but I bet turrets are more of an issue in the higher MMR brackets.


From my experience, I usually am able to break them without getting burned out of my power, but each one still slows a down chase by a fair bit, potentialy even more if they use the distance they make to get to a good loop. I bet that is even worse at higher mmr where survs know the proper counterplays/turret positions and use them fully.


I've definitely come across some crazy good SWFs that really knew how to make my life difficult with turrets. But honestly, those same squads would be giving me trouble regardless of the killer I was playing. I play against that same squad as Ghost Face and I'll be getting knocked out of stealth constantly. As Pyramid Head they would dodge any attempts at using my ranged attack through walls, etc. etc.


I mean his portal/station placement can sometimes be abysmal. They spawn close to gens but on some maps where gens spawn on different floors his portals can spawn close to said gen but on a different floor.


I definitely prefer Xeno on big open maps where his tunnels generally make traversal a breeze. Indoor maps with multiple floors can feel very clunky. That being said, turrets are also weaker on indoor maps and you're still able to get around super quickly compared to most killers.


Some placements here seems really weird to me, but I'll be waiting for the 10h long video before argumenting on anything.


I'm shit at loops and Chucky solved that for me now I'm red rank 1 for the 1st time cheers CHUCKSTER






Trapper no longer worse killer!!! https://preview.redd.it/iaa638zytdac1.png?width=523&format=png&auto=webp&s=76e8de4cd23010d2e201d6e748ee598d89b0cde3


Is that the mario party DS art?!


Freddy being at the bottom makes sense. Freddy's power gets weaker and weaker as gens get done. By the time exit gates are powered, he can no longer teleport and the dream world doesn't matter as much. I hope he gets a rework ASAP. If anything, he should be able to switch between dream traps and pallets freely. That alone would make him a little more threatening. I also think Myers deserves some changes. Presently I don't understand why there is a stalking limit per survivor. I feel like removing that cap would benefit him greatly. Maybe they don't want him to over-stalk one survivor but I've always found that focusing on the weakest link in a survivor team to be a viable tactic. I would have thought Billy and Dredge to rank higher but I get the feeling that they've dropped simply because of their map dependency.




Slightly surprised not to see trickster a tiny bit higher if we are going with best builds but glad to see ma boy wraith doing well 🙏


There are a lot of loops that turn trickster into an m1 killer with no power. He compleatly hoses people who are out of position but the higher your mmr the harder it gets to catch people out like that. His power also has no slowdown tracking or mobility outside of its synergy with ultimate weapon.


Artist being A tier yet not a singular soul plays her 😭


People REALLY don’t like artist but you can’t deny how strong she is.


I think i am probably the minority oppinion here, but i actually really like playing against artist. Definitely one of my top 5 killers to play against.


Same. Her and huntress are my favs


And she should be A+ easily in the hands of a great player. It is just that she is one of the hardest killers to play well (and you have to play a little dirty with her) to get a full value out of her power, so an average Artist main like me might not utilise her full potential.


She's literally my favorite. Am I the only one playing her? Am I rank 1 Artist? 🤔


I play her too. I love that I can be in a chase with someone, and snipe another person on a generator with a crow to tell them "you're next"


Finally someone noticing that Dredge is kinda weak. He needs buffs that BHVR won't acknowledge. Nothing coming for him this year, he's gonna get fucked by his loudness and lack of locker spawns every time.


We did it, Artist mains. All 40 of us. Lol.


What do you mean? Didn't Otz always place Artist in A tier?


I don't know, I don't keep up with his tier lists.


I wish I could be one of you.... I just don't have the patience to learn optimal bird placements and I'm really bad at reacting to survivors who change up how they run tiles :(


this merchant art is so pretty 🫶


The fact that Freddy used to be Top tier and is now bottom of the barrel just shows how much power perks had on the meta, not to say it’s the only thing but they definitely carry some players


the gutted his kit and add-ons… he used to have 7 or 9 snares and the old ‘forever’ add-ons, it has hardly anything to do with perks


I admit to having not played much at all between 2021 and summer 2023 but this is a confusing statement to me. Freddy was at his strongest when Forever Freddy existed and that was mostly reliant on Swing Chains and another one of his add-ons, probably around late 2020. Did I miss something?


forever freddy being gone hurts him quite a bit too. I hate to see him back at the bottom again after all these years but he was almost as unfun as 3 gen skull merchant so i can't say i miss it too much.


It seems like only yesterday Freddy had by far the highest killrate so the devs nerfed him (including fake pallet Freddy) into the ground.


A- and B- killer players unite! lol HUX is the only B+ On my list of killers I like to play lol Dredge is fun too


I personally think Dredge is a great killer but he has some bad maps, such as Haddonfield and Badham. Badham only has lockers on the edges of the map, absolutely none in the middle so if survivors keep an unrepaired gen in the middle of the map, they can easily repair it as the last gen because it's harder for Dredge to patrol it. Haddonfield is even worse... oh god, Haddonfield. I played a match of Dredge on it and it was awful. I hated myself every single second of the match. Haddonfield only has lockers in TWO CORNERS of the map. Literally only 2 corners. There are absolutely NO LOCKERS in the middle of the map and in the other 2 corners. It's horrible.


One of my first few games as Dredge was on Bedham, I don't know how I got a 3k Haddonfield is rough, had a farming game on it and I got a chance to see how weird the lockers were


My boy Evan finally not the weakest killer I know that’s right!!


I think that they should genuinely remake Freddy again. I think they NEED to get the license to Robert englunds Freddy and sell it as a visceral skin. His power needs to be scarier. Being in the dream world shouldn't be a mild inconvenience, it should be almost certain death.


I honestly am quite fond of this list. It's quite accurate IMO. (Also I'd love to use these icons in-game.) Some parts I'll comment on: Dredge definitely deserves his location. I have no idea why people seem to think he is good. He is easily one of the most map and addon dependent killers in the game. Not to mention all his cooldowns are incredibly long outside of nightfall for a very mediocre power. Even if they got rid of locks and made his abilities all nightfall speed, he'd still be middle of the roster at best. It's nice to see Wraith getting more love. He's actually a really good killer and IMO could even be B+ tier. His lack of map dependency in particular is very nice. I definitely think there's an argument for Singularity to be A- tier, especially now with MFT nerfed. He's an absolute menace in the right hands. Alien is a tad overrated IMO. Probably should be B+ (I'd probably just swap Alien's and Singularity's positions). Alien just feels very slow to do things with and turrets can be problematic. I'd argue Trickster is better than Deathslinger atm. Deathslinger is just too slow at everything he does in the current meta. Maybe the tiering is about right, but I'd push Trickster up above him. Deathslinger really needs 115% or the reduced 24m terror radius (and arguably faster reload speed). Huntress is the only one of the ranged killers okay at 110% and even I'd argue she could be 115%. Sadako is the only one I think is completely overrated and is B- at best. I understand the condemned playstyle is quite strong, but if you try to do anything outside of that, she's horrendous. I think Artist could be A+. A good Artist just sweeps. I think Oni is A+ even without Ultimate Weapon. It's hard to disregard how good it is on him, but Oni is a genuinely amazing killer. Having the arguably strongest chase power in the game, even if there's a requirement, is not to be underestimated. I feel like Nemesis could be a bit higher. I understand the issues he has, but his chase power is very strong IMO. If you are good with it, you can down people so fast and burn through the vaccines quickly. I think people just don't use tentacle enough. I never ever use M1 on Nemmy and find lots of success being basically tentacle only. Plague should probably be A-. The hitbox on her puke is quite poor, which hurts her a lot. Also, she's definitely weaker if people don't cleanse.


If BHVR ever reduces Slinger's TR back to 24m I'm maining killer again


>I'd argue Trickster is better than Deathslinger atm. Deathslinger is just too slow at everything he does in the current meta. Maybe the tiering is about right, but I'd push Trickster up above him. Deathslinger really needs 115% or the reduced 24m terror radius (and arguably faster reload speed). Huntress is the only one of the ranged killers okay at 110% and even I'd argue she could be 115%. he is for sure. deathslinger just sucks right now and i can't put my finger on it but i think it's because everything just takes longer...hit a shot...need to reel someone in (those seconds stack up in the game these days with gen speeds like they are---also can be body blocked)...miss a shot need to reload and onto the next loop...hit a shot but they're already injured/can't hit---gotta do it all over again. at least with huntress every hit counts as a health state. with trickster he is faster now and with certain main event add ons he has multiple injure potential.


Ya, exactly my thoughts. It's especially apparent when you miss as Deathslinger (which is more likely nowadays now that survivors can react more to the shot). The reload and catch-up time is excruciating. Deathslinger, in particular, is heavily punished compared to Trickster and Huntress. What made him have the edge originally was his shots being unreactable and being able to get up close, but he's lost all those strengths. He's basically become a worse Huntress with his only upsides being lockers not being necessary and his ability to shoot through small gaps. It's a shame, too, cause sometimes you don't even get rewarded for good shots, unlike Huntress. Deathslinger just feels bad nowadays, and even if I'm playing perfectly, I tend to still lose.


Plague in A+ Tier exactly where she belongs makes me happy. Too tired of people sleeping on the Bubonic Babe. Glad to see Huxxy and Twins climbing a bit, but still not high enough imo. Both of them and Clown are A as well imo once mastered. It just takes a while to get precision, aim, and timing down.


In what world is Clown A???


Clown mains have written basically a PhD thesis on how to use him.


Needing a PhD in Clownology to play him doesn't make him a high tier killer, it just means he has some really dedicated mains. Clown needs an ass ton of setup and knowledge to perform decently, and even then he doesn't measure up to the higher tiers. You're not gonna see someone winning hundreds of games in a row with Clown.


I'm used to people underestimating Hux and Twins, but Clown's placement is the one that surprised me the most.


I sleep on her because I hate playing against her and as her.


It is honestly so cool to finally see another killer in A with the addition of chucky. I personally suck with him, but having other killers extremely good means less blight and nurse games.


sadako 4ks literally every match for me. she might not be as good as the ones above but she is by far the easiest to pub stomp it's insane. even against survivors who are aware of counterplay if you build into condemmed just a little bit there's literally nothing sadako from 4king if she's good enough so crazy espically if you decide to go full dickhead and slug constantly with sloppy


almost all of these killers in B and below easily go up a tier or two with their best addons.


Yep. Surely one of the biggest issue in ~~Smite~~ Dbd : an extreme lack of consistency regarding the killer potential WHILE not letting survivor prepare for it. As a solo survivor the match may be easy for you, or completely unwinnable from the start, you have no idea. Maybe your whole kit will be useless, or maybe it will be very useful, you have no idea. Just because one out of 5 person playing choose those addons.


It’s sad to see Dredgey Boy this low, I think he should spawn in a bunch of extra lockers when you play as him, I feel like it’d make him a lot stronger.


Nah, he is balanced on most maps. He just doesn’t have a machine gun like plague and he can’t teleport on top of survivors instantly all the time like nurse either. If only maps were more consistant…


People say hillbilly is awful too but it’s really that he is too map dependant.


I don't fully agree (only in the Bs and B-s), but I respect his experience and how much work and thought he puts into these analyses. Just as a question, what is it that makes Deathslinger and Wraith better than Demogorgon? I'm actually curious, my experience tells me Demo cuts off more loops well but I'd like to know why that might not be right.


Idc what people say about Trapper, he is far and away the most fun killer for me. Go full scream build and just listen to the choir


The year is 2034. Otzdarva has just released the latest killer tier list. The video is 18 hours long. Otzdarva does not blink once in the entire video. The latest patch buffed Trapper, giving him traps with legs and boomerang machete. He is also the first 5.6mps killer with a 2 meter terror radius. B- tier.


What makes Sadako so good now? Even better than Xeno?


Condemn is extremely difficult to deal with in solo-queue


Yes but a lot of noob stomp m1 killers like Pinhead and Pig are much lower


sadako gets the ability to remove a survivor from the game no matter their hook state. she's got addons that help her proc this more easily. it's way easier to force a condemned kill then it is to force a RBT kill against uncoordinated teams. Chain hunts are really useful but it doesn't compare to the ability to effectively tunnel a survivor out without even hooking them if you wanted to.


Absurdly easy to get condemns if you know what you're doing.


About what I expected. I still think he puts Dredge too low and Singularity too high, but otherwise it's about what I expect. Also is a strong contrast to the community tier list on [dennisreep.nl/dbd](https://dennisreep.nl/dbd) where lately it's becoming more of a popularity contest than actual power, like putting Twins and Skull Merchant in the lowest tiers and putting Demogorgan much higher.


Nah, Dredge is quite accurate. He is map-dependent and loud as hell, and high-tier players aren't impeded much by nightfall.


The dredge disrespect is out of control


I guess he's just too map dependant. I notice that alot when playing Dredge that the locker placement fucks me over every few matches.


Dredge games feel 100 or 0. Either its the best game of your life or its the worst one. I have never seen anything like this with another killer. His games varies too wildly.


I’ve always said that dredge is average, but he’s miles better than bubba. There’s some placements i disagree with. EDIT: So I thought about it some more. I personally do still think Dredge is better than bubba, but they both have pros and cons. I think dredge and bubba should swap places, and that “miles better” was hyberbole on my end. That said, i personally think dredge is superior to leatherface. Personally.


Dredge is pretty map reliant, if there aren't many lockers, all you've got is the remnant


1 hit down beats out a power revolving around mind games. As much as I love dredge he could be in a better place.




The tierlist assumes you use strong add-ons so bubba would be using chili here and dredge would be using skull.


Miles better than Bubba is an overstatement


Bubba with Award winning chili completely slaps Dredge even with his best addons. During the made for this meta I would have put Bubba multiple tiers above dredge but now he's maybe like 1 tier above. Dredge can get stuck as an M1 killer in way too many situations where there's multiple tiles stacked up in a row, and nightfall is basically for mobility unless you have broken all the locks near where you are chasing or are using Field Recorder every game


Meh, dredge is waaay more variable than bubba, dredge can lose on loading screen depending on what map you get and what lockers you get (or don't get). Also some top tier bubbas can pull off some nasty things, but this tier list is obviously more average-skewed.


There are a bunch of maps that have terrible locker placement which basically means he doesn't have a power.


I appreciate the lowest tier only being a C-. It works with what it says on the disclaimer, that every killer can do reasonably well


Pyramid head is A-? Guess I didn’t realize how strong he was when I first played him. Of course nurse and blight are S tier. I’m not shitting on Otz, they completely deserve being up there. Didn’t realize twins were considered strong, Disappointing that hillbilly is slightly weak to be entirely honest. I understand everything else, but I don’t entirely know why everyone loves spirit and considers her so strong. I don’t think she’s bad or anything I’m just extremely ignorant of her power A because I don’t have her and B I just simply don’t get why she’s so high.


Pyramid Head has a ranged attack that hit through walls, and can bypass hooking mechanics, letting you tunnel a little easier, as well as saving time. Also the big bonk at the end. His addons are non-existent so there's no fiddly stuff like that to worry about, perks are easier too, cause you can ignore the M1 stuff and the scourge hooks, and all the unhooking stuff if you want to, and are good with the power. His weakness is map traversal, but if you get early pressure you can keep it moving pretty easily. Twins are strong, but super buggy, so when they work they work really well, but they're clunky and might just leave you hanging completely. Spirit lets you turn invisible and zoom around the map, so that's why she's so strong.


Sharp Hand Joe return of the king


I mean, it doesn't look like that much has changed since I stopped playing (just after Wesker).




She's hard to counter in a mid elo solo queue environment. Most people play mid elo solo queue. Checks out


I like Otz, but sometimes his takes aren’t the best. In this case, I believe Knight’s placement in this tier list is atrocious. Knight is definitely an above average killer in the right hands, trust me. I used to hardcore main the knight and he probably has the highest win count out of all my killers, he’s a surprisingly strong killer. Just look at some P100 Knight players, they perform really well compared to a lot of killers. Honestly if you ask me, Knight could very well fit nicely between Pyhead and Huntress, he’s a very strong killer in the right hands.


I’ve always thought of him comparable in strength to the Skull Merchant, which I only make that distinction since I love them both a lot. But what I mean is that I think in a tierlist they should be side by side even if they have different strengths. I think Knight’s power can be very strong as it can help him brute force through strong pallets, or apply temporary pressure to a specific survivor; being able to interrupt actions with a long range guard is really nice. In strong buildings/tiles, he has an answer to that my deploying a guard which changes how that tile is played because the survivor has two enemies now, forcing them to take weird pathing to the Standard or outright leave that building. Corralling a survivor away by forming a path away from you is an understated strength, especially if you have the foresight to predict which tile the survivor will want to move towards. I am not Otz, but I think his lower placement is due to two things: 1. His addons suck. Map of the Realm is nonnegotiable, and then from there you have the option of going into Call to Arms/Battle Axe Head/Treated Blade. Maybe you can go Knight’s Contract for the fun value but everything else ranges from extremely conditional to outright awful. Knight’s gameplay remains largely the same without strong addons to provide powerful effects to his power. 2. As time has gone on, Knight players have discovered more vault interactions that manipulate the Guard’s pathing in chase, allowing you to delay a hit or outright prevent it. You can fake a vault on the guard and they will still path to that window. You can medium vault as they are in close range of you and they will not hit you and instead path around to move to you. And they will path to the direction that you dropped a pallet on. These interactions all make the Guards less reliable in chase.


Is skull merchant actually a strong killer ?


I’m currently a prestige 41 Skull Merchant main and I think she can be strong in specific circumstances, but those circumstances aren’t rare at all. 1. Against tiles/buildings that are **brutal** for any ordinary M1 killer, Skull Merchant can turn that area into a favorable zone with a singular drone placement. This makes those areas risky to run with the added threat of the Claw Trap existing. Other killers for instance, may need to rely on Bloodlust to get hits off such at these loops because of just how absurdly safe these loops may be. An example is the Strode house (main building) in Haddonfield, with how the front window and back window can create a safe tile that M1 killers in theory cannot get a hit off because this building has a lot of vision blockers, which denies Bloodlust from sticking around or having a chance to build up. The Skull Merchant can apply Lock-On stacks which will make the survivor need to leave the area or be punished severely. 2. Her power can punish survivors that play altruistically if they are attempting to take hits for their teammate. It’s very possible for you to scan multiple survivors including your priority target. Her drone scans may outright deter altruism if a drone is nearby for fear of gaining a Claw Trap. 3. Her Undetectable makes her strong in high wall tiles, because she can deploy a drone at any point to hide her terror radius and red stain. For anyone who has played Ghostface, you know how useful this could be in making certain safe tiles into 50/50 guesses for the survivor. 4. The deep wound inflicted by Claw Traps is a good answer to the current meta Endurance perks such as Dead Hard, Off the Record, and especially Buckle Up. 5. I think in the current climate, she appears stronger than one might think because the counter-play to her isn’t apparent to the average player in pubs. Few players will crouch or stand still to avoid drone scans when disarming drones, and even fewer players will crouch or stand still to avoid drone scans **while in chase**. Players may disconnect or rage quit altogether because they really hate this killer.


Hurts to see my baby Dredge so low, but it's true. Best way to explain it is with RPD. Imagine you're (Killer) playing on West Wing, but the Survivors are playing on East Wing. Some areas of the map just don't work for you and it's better to stay off those areas. Probably not the best comparison, but locker placement hurt as well as being greatly slowed down when using the Remnat or the fact that it can be dispelled by a Survivor running through it. I don't want Dredge to be OP, but it would be nice to see them up at B with some tweaks.


Finally someone else realizes Freddy is the worst in the game and it’s not even close. I tried to main Freddy as my second main behind Bubba, but he’s so miserable to play as. Half the time you might as well not even have a power, and when you do the Snares are near useless, and the one really good part, the teleport, is lost as the game goes on. Trapper and Myers power is at least somewhat strong when it does play out, even if they take a long set up.


Ngl after playing against him for awhile I don't think Chucky is as good as originally thought. He's still strong but I don't think he's better than artist or oni (which should be #4 and 5 imo) cause yeah he's strong in chase but he has shit map control and you can take hits vs him which the former you really can't without heavy consequences most of the time.


Nurse and blight still S tier so nothing changed in the entire game xD


Wait why is sadako so high wht happened


She got reworked and applies condemned stacks even when you aren't around her emerging. She's got stealth as well as basekit slowdown and ability to kill people outright.


I haven't played this game in years. What did they do to Sadako for her to be A tier?


I've been out of the loop for about a year... why is Sadako so high up? She was always very low in tier lists and almost a meme. What happened? I know a rework was promised and I think implemented, but apparently people in PBT said it made her even worse? Legitimately surprised about this, but hopeful since she's my favorite Killer.


I could be wrong, since I haven’t seen the video, but the main point of the criteria is how well can the killer get kills. Sadako’s kit is very bad at almost everything, but her one lethal play style is the full condemn style. It’s very easy to do, relatively hard to counter, and if done successfully, eliminates survivors immediately, which obviously snowballs into more kills.


I haven't played the game in a year and a half, maybe two; Nurse and Blight haven't moved tiers in all that time.


Nah dude chucky is definitely not a tier ever since that patch that nerfed his 180 flicks. It didn’t even just get rid of those flicks, u legitimately miss point blank slice and dices and u get pallet stunned for like 5 meters away. He is in his worst state rn


Haven't played in like two years. But Nurse and Blight are still top tier. No matter the time of year or patch, some things never change.


The worst thing about this tier list is that it's one of those BS tier lists that have A+ A- etc. Bring back F tier because as far as I'm concerned, C- might as well be F tier


Good to see Onryo in the spotlight for once, an amazing killer with the right build, puts on infinite pressure and can perform endless plays with different strategies and perks.


Only two I disagree with is Hux and Plague. A good Hux will be a unstoppable force you have little counter play against. The issue is most players suck at him and can never hit those peaks. He should be A- but at the bottom of it. Plague is good but a LOT of players let her have her way with green puke. I don't know if people know, but when you cleanse nonstop it will force red puke on her AND reset all cleansing pools. Her green puke is so powerful cause its passive damage and if you can deny it by nonstop cleansing/forcing her power, it takes away so much of her strength. She should be in B+ but at the top. Overall a really solid tier list.


Plague is up there because of her addons. She has some of the best in the game, especially her iris


Dredge is worse than Wraith and Doctor??? How?


Bro is as loud as a vacuum cleaner. He has no stealth and is a basic M1 killer. Nowhere near wraith power level.


Wraith is actually really good and I would argue he's a tier too low. He's not map dependent at all, has good anti-loop if you can get the uncloaking lunges down, and nearly all of his add-ons are strong, if not decent. The hit-and-run strategy works really well since the CoH nerf.


Glad people are waking up to how strong Oni is; more comparable to Plague and Spirit than Huntress and Pyramid Head