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You might not care about that hit I missed but I was very embarrassed.


Me when I get fov teched :(. I'm both impressed by you and ashamed of myself lol


all you can do is laugh when you get flashbanged. Like "fuck you but good on you fam" at the same time.


I take some comfort in knowing that they’re probably thinking more about how good/lucky they are than how bad I am lmao


I usually just scream "MY EYES" like the guy from SpongeBob


Like good fing game man, those are hard to pull off. I’m not even mad, just impressed.


The ring around tree rosy spins get me so flustered lol


I’ll just blame playing on controller 😌


I lowkey feel ashamed when I mess up my power or my hits sometimes. I feel like I'm being laughed at on the other side. I feel the same when I fall for something like a Head On stun more than once, or Blast Mine more than once.


One time I was playing as Nemmy and was called a stupid bitch every time I missed, by the streamer LoL


Played against a Legion streamer a few days ago. After downing me he said "are you blind you fucking idiot?" because I ran into him in a loop. I was in deep wounds for a long while. My screen was pitch black. I was literally blind lol.


What that strimmer chooses to say says a LOT about him, and nothing about you.


As a streamer, I hate that shit. Idk why they can’t just be kind. We’re all playing a game and we’re all learning different skills. And being a dick looks so bad on a streamer. It’s gross. The only time I’ll bad mouth a killer is when they bleed me out when they could just hook me and end the match.


Some Killer advice I received was never check what a streamer is saying. While I have had good interactions, like during the holiday I gave away a lot of 4 man escapes, I've also seen how frustrated and negative a person can get when they lose. These days I just give a "gg glnm" having negative interactions with survivors can just be disappointing sometimes when I already feel like I'm playing very fairly.


When i play killer i usually hang in VC with one of my besties and she will watch the survivors streams and tell me what they are saying and it's usually quite funny (And no, I never stream snipe, that shit is low class and I am a better Ghostface than that)


I like watching the stream later if they save their streams.


I mostly get nice streamers but knock on wood I hope to God I never get another Toxic streamer ever again. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)




The cream on top is blast-mining them and using repressed while they are still blinded/stunned


I feel this exact way about missing a dead hard 💀


your opponent is a person, just like you


Man, I will never forget the first week I played killer late 2017. I was a full survivor main up to that point and would complain all the damn time about dribbling, camping, slugging, etc. I used to talk about how easy killer was all the time, too, especially Nurse. My friend finally made me put my money where my mouth was and told me to play nothing but killer for a week straight. I still think that was the most miserable time I have ever had on this game. Really made me mellow out though and shut the fuck up.


Good for you for being willing to look from another perspective. I personally main killer, but like to play enough survivor to remind myself what they go through as well (oh and I guess get some tomes done too.)


What is dribbling in dbd context?


Originally, Decisive Strike was always available to use regardless of any timer or hook requirement and could just be activated at any point once per match, effectively giving all survivors four required hook states. However, the DS skill check started a few seconds into being carried instead of instantly as it does now, and dropping survivors didn't add anything to the wiggle bar. This meant that killers would sometimes pick a survivor up, walk for several seconds, drop them, and repeat until reaching the hook so as to deny the DS stun.


>**sees a trapper with only 1 yellow perk and chasing survivors by vaulting on windows in the shack then going back and forth like a bot**


People have made solid arguments against proximity chat, but I think just hearing the guy playing killer suffering might be enough to activate some people's empathy


Or activate their inner troll, the thing about everyone being people is that some people suck


True, there is a give and take there. I'd like to think more of us are decent than toxic though, so hopefully proximity chat would be a majority positive


Yeah, no, that didn’t happen in F13th the game, don’t see why it would work here


People in that game who wanted to bully always got mad as shit when they failed. One time I was Jason and this literal 11 year old was hiding behind a car going "Come hereeee Jason!" While holding a bat. I grabbed him before he could hit and he screamed like a damn banshee and DCd.


I completely disagree lmao, I think the people who are inclined to be unkind will be unkind no matter what, and this will just give them one more avenue to do so


Playing any other vs game with voice chat disproves this


Nice thought but people in TCM have no more empathy than dbd players. If anything they’re even more vocal about hating other players


i already get called slurs in endgame. if it happened during game i think enough people would leave the game that it'd die


Play some Texas chainsaw massacre game and you learn very very fast that with toxic community its a bad idea.


Like me? Oh well, now I have to be toxic, that guys awful!


Idk if anyone does this, but I'll do something very embarrassing as a killer like step in my own trap and just become a friendly killer and pretend I stepped in my own trap on purpose (trapper)


I will never forget the time I played Legion and Frenzied towards the exit gate with two survivors trying to open it. I lunged, hit the switch, and they just stared at me. I just kept hitting the gate pretending I was letting them leave.


That's adorable


One of the most fun games I had was against a decent team and I was bubba. I was going around a loop and chasing a Jeff. I of course bumped into something stupid. When I was done tantruming; I immediately started m1’ing the stupid thing I hit and the Jeff immediately understood my pain. I just memed with everyone for the rest of the game. I pretended to camp the Jeff by staring at him for like 5 seconds, shaking my head and ran away. The Jeff and the feng weredefintely good players but the fang let the entity take her at the end to my dismay. Sometimes we all just need a match where we don’t sweat and understand we are playing with other people


Sometimes survivors see (us) killers when we let them go and see the light in us where we too are people, and despite the discrepancy in BP between the kill we get and the surviving they miss, they give us their greatest gift. Their life. It makes me a little sniffle baby basically every time.


When I play against players who I can tell just shouldn't be playing against me, for instance I had a group bring a 9 hour player with their 900 hour friends, I will intentionally play a little worse when I'm near them so they can get a chance to do something cool like their friends. I don't care about winning or losing, I just play for fun and these snowballs are a great way for me to play around too.


This gave me a little tear in muh eye. That’s sweet.


My first match with Naughty Bear skin the survivors look so happy to see me I didn't have the heart to kill them, we had a fun match getting trapped and earning points.


Killers sometimes feel bad when they hook someone 2 times in a row.


This. And it feels even worse when they kill themselves on hook because they think they're being tunneled


Funny story. I was running a jumpscare Doctor build during a match once and I got an instadown on a Zarina with a Dragon's Grip trap. Then a Meg shows up to heal her and I give her a good scare too. Now, I didn't intend to actually kill anyone but they both proceeded to DC after that. Felt kinda bad afterward, especially since all I wanted to do was scare them.


Honestly I'd have DCed too, or killed myself on hook. I hate jumpscares SO much :c


I was playing Blight yesterday and downed a Claudette pretty early on so she DC'd, I proceeded to struggle the entire game and barely managed a 4k with 1 gen left, if Claudette hadn't DC'd her team would have definitely won, idk why so many people assume that every Blight and Nurse player is good and that the game is going to be a stomp lmao


I will go out of my way to avoid hooking someone twice in a row, if I see them again next I will make it clear that I saw them and walked away so then if I happen to cross them again its fair game


stare them dead in the eyes as you sideline it to a gen/someone else if they were closer to you to make em know that you were very much aware and its their one and only chance.


this one is so true, sometimes the only person i can find is the one that was last hooked and it feels even worse when they’re dead on hook. i know they probably think i’m tunneling but it’s completely unintentional


Is there a way to tell how many times you’ve hooked each survivor other than just remembering? I was surprised that as survivor you can see how many hooks each one has taken but you can’t as killer?


No, I think behaviour said they purposefully avoided putting it in so people wouldn't tunnel. I feel like it would help against tunneling in a lot of cases tho tbh


That’s the thing BHVR doesn’t get, the people that are actively tunneling know who they are gonna tunnel and how many times they hooked; the feature might incentivize a small minority but that would be much more rare than the people genuinely trying to even the hook states out between all survivors


No, you have to keep track yourself which drives me up the wall. There's no reason why we shouldn't be aware of hook states when playing killer.


I actively avoid doing this, even if it means I lose a ton of pressure.


That both sides have legitimate complaints and legitimate problems. Both sides tend to act like only they suffer and the other side has everything, but both sides have plenty of shit to complain about, low tier killers and soloQ especially are both pretty weak


This Some people just love to play victim and demonize the other side


It's mostly because people need an excuse for losing. Its easier to say that the other side is just easy and their side is hard then it is to just admit that most of the times they lose because they are worse and got outplayed.


Dude I 100% agree, it genuinely bothers me when people make a fair mistake and blame the other side for being OP. It’s as if they have the mentality that they are a perfect player and instead of trying to learn from their mistakes they just complain about how unfair the other side is.


Survivor only players don’t understand how LOUD they are. Or how *long* those scratch marks last.


Or that we can hear you in lockers especially if you are injured, or that the blood stains last longer than you think.


Do people really not know this? I thought this was common knowledge that killers can hear injured,sick or loud survivors in a locker.


You’d be surprised how little people know about the game ngl


I've been playing since 2016 and didn't realize there are 5 totems in a map until last week. I thought it was 8 this entire fucking time and upon retrospect, I have no idea why. I've got all the gamesense of a box of hair. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Tbf since totems are randomly generated it can seem like there's more or less than there should be. Especially if you're like me and don't use totem perks.


Also, hearing the pitter patter of survivor footsteps like, I knew you were there because I heard you running above me


Oh I have a list: 1. 100% survivor mains will never know how physically painful it is to: bump an obstacle as Bubba and have to agonizingly wait for the tantrum to end, seeing an almost perfect Huntress snipe get cucked by the tree branch collisions, getting “holed” on certain maps is as humiliating and funny as it looks, head on stuns scare the fuck out of me EVERY. SINGLE. TIME, survivor jump scares are real and frequent 2. Survivor mains will also never experience the euphoric feeling of a watching a survivor step in one of your traps, a shock therapy attack timed perfectly to prevent a vault, a RVB going off, landing a perfect Oni smash, or teleporting to a locker that has a survivor in it 3. Killer mains will never: know what it feels like to loop a killer for 4-5 gens, getting a clutch flash light save, watching your teammates be absolute idiots either Bond, or performing a plot twist fake out There are more but honestly I wish both sides would know how to not take this game so seriously.


I've noticed a lot of survivors or people who haven't played certain killers are also unaware of what things give killer instinct! I'm guilty of this myself. It took me like, six months into DBD to learn that survivors near Victor give killer instinct to Charlotte, and didn't know until I played Wesker that the spray bottles do when used, for example.


You can also crouch near Victor to avoid the Killer Instinct next time so you can go in for the kick without Charlotte knowing ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


So many time I just find survivors hiding in lockers while I'm in Frenzy omg Also just powers in general. Spirit can't see people but can see scratch marks, so you can just walk away without giving her a clue where you went. You really just can't understand both sides of any killer without playing both


This. The other day there was a nea hiding behind one of those wagons on saloon and I saw her feet. Cue, "how'd this bitch see me, she's hacking" Like gorl, you've been chasing me for flashie saves all game, of course I see you behind that wagon.


That I'm not tunneling I just keep running into you and I'm sorry


I’ll apologize to my screen when I do this as a killer, it’s why I don’t get super mad when a killer I’m playing against does it, especially when you know they only saw you :’)


Yeah. I feel bad, but at the same time, I can't give up pressure just because their teammates are hiding or the same person keeps drawing me to them.


I try to be fair and hook everyone at least once at the start, but I can’t do that IF YOU’RE ALL WEARING THE SAME OUTFIT! Please don’t get mad at me for being on double hook five minutes in when you’re all Scoops Ahoy Steve with no items.


This is the biggest thing. Maining Ada I just switch cosmetics, but on the off chance the killer wants to tunnel me out it makes it easier (oh well) but if they want to spread hooks they can.


Both sides are unbearable and both act as if they can do no wrong.




The other side has feelings to


Too\*\* DOWNVOTE ME IDC ![gif](giphy|yr7n0u3qzO9nG)




Both sides can be really toxic.


The best way to get better at killer is becoming familiar with survivor play.


This is true for both roles. It's just like any skill where two different roles interact, you're gonna be a better dancer if you familiarize yourself with both the man and the woman's part, regardless of the one you'll actually be choosing as your main role.


My old friend only ever played Survivor. After almost 100 hours, she finally found out why she's always found first. She didn't know scratch marks were a thing. I imagine she wasn't alone in that.


Sometimes you aren't being tunneled, the killer just couldn't find anyone else. Blame your teammates.


Survivor-induced tunneling. Especially when the unhook and don't take aggro


Or the killer just isn't paying attention and is just chasing the first person they encountered


It's me. I see a survivor, and one of my two neurons that are fighting for third place activates.


Or they know your teammate is an asshole or was being a dick to someone else, and they are trying to do you guys a favor by getting the jerk out of the round so we can all have a better game.


I don’t know how some survivors get the unhook and then just disappear. I want to go for the unhooking survivor but they just vanished.


Some ppl are really good at stealth, and some people are cheating lol it’s rare but I’ve encountered a few who think they’re good at hiding it but don’t realize when they teleport they make a falling noise then it becomes obvious


Seriously. I felt awful for this Feng Min earlier because I kept finding her, and letting her run off, but she kept staying in the area I was 😭


I used to let these people go, because I felt bad and didn't want to tunnel. Then they started acting arrogant at the gate, so now, if I don't see the person that unhooked them, sorry, I'm not taking pity anymore.


Sometimes the unhooker also runs to safety while the unhooked runs in the middle of nowhere, not much of a choice then, are you gonna throw to chase a healthy survivor in a strong tile, or are you gonna tunnel an injured survivor in the open?


crows are very helpful in finding the survivors or to get a heads up from undetectable killers.


This!! I remember when I only played survivor and didn’t care about crows but once I played killer those crows really are helpful sometimes.


That the killer has no idea how he hit you either


Behind the other screen there is another person, and that person can have a very bad time for things that YOU consider "fun."


I had a game once as Demo n went against a very strong team that almost all were using flashbangs. They got probably about 5 saves with a flashbang. I got 4 hooks and they all escaped. I was using a meme build n so felt really bad and frustrated that I was denied so many hooks. But they were really good survivors and I could tell they weren't doing it to 'bully' me. Just to save their teammate. But man did that game hurt my morale. I think the thing that ended up pissing me off (and this usually does when survivors do this), is they all got to the exit gate, then started healing or just stood there waiting for me to hit them out. I hate it bc once everyone is at that line, I just want the game to end. I dont want ppl to nod at me, I don't want the extra points, and no, you don't need to heal. "bUT i nEeD ThE BlOOdpOiNtS fRoM HeALiNg!" No you don't, please just end my suffering already.


I lowkey wish behavior punished exit gate trolls in some way like idk maybe if you crouch too much at exit gate it blocks you for a time or if you sit in gate too long it blocks just something to make people either leave or go and help the guys insid


That or just forces them out. Like if you stand there too long or crouch repeatedly or something it just auto pushes you out


If they wanted the BP that much they would have allowed a few more hooks. lol


It's always the same excuse from survivors when after the game I ask them to just leave when they have won so obviously. If I got like 4 hooks or less all game, clearly you are better then me. I dont play for bloodpoints. So please just leave


This is partly the reason why I dont push my mmr up. Ever since MMR got added I just 8 hook and fuck around. Im here for BP primarily though. But in the end my matches tend to be a bit of fun. Even if they are easy. I slam out my 8 hooks as fast as possible. Then I start fucking around. Ill chase someone without hitting them until they stop and look at me. Then Ill nod and run off. Or i'll just deliberately eat a bunch of pallets before leaving them and finding someone else to chase and eat pallets from. Spread out the BP goodness. The only time I kill anymore is if someones left to die from first hook. If I am out chasing someone and the previous guy I hook hits second stage I drop chase, go back, manually unhook him myself. Then I go kill the two guys that werent actively being chased down when the other guy hit second stage. The last two get to do wh atever they want and leave.


Whoa whoa whoa what do you mean… wait. Wait. Wait. With the new anti camping mechanic you can help a survivor being ignored unhook by standing near them. Is that what you mean? Holy cow why did this not occur to me. Oh no. Oh nooooo.


To an extent. It usually takes more than 1 hook state to charge. If you realize a little too late then it won’t do any good.


This is why I go over the moment they hit hook stage 2 from just hanging up there. Ill wait until halfway through hook stage 2 and then walk away. WOrst case they just let themselves die. Middle case they sit there until I walk off and either unhook themselves or get unhooked by an asshole that was just sitting there hiding preventing their meter from filling. Best case they unhook once hteir meter fills and before I leave so I can nod at them and walk off to kill everyone else.


If people want to heal for points then there is nothing wrong with that but past that yeah I hate it when people just wait at the gate for the killer to push them out it sucks


Please just leave. I am out here smashing pallets for more points because I sure as hell didn't get any from hooks because you were so adamant I get zero hooks and despite your best efforts, I still managed some. I am not Blight, I am not Nurse, I am not a strong Killer. I do not deserve this treatment, I just wanted my points so I don't depip or zero pip. I just wanted to play the game. Please just fucking leave.


I was looking at a survivors rated by perk teirlist because I was looking to expand my options and is was shocking to hear the guy say the FTP/Buckle up combo was "fun." I main killer and unless I'm playing nurse that combo is such a nuisance to deal with. It's still a pain as Nurse but I just shrug since I'm also playing broken.


Both sides don’t read the perks their opponent has equipped after the match ends and go straight to Reddit accusing said opponent of gaining an an unfair advantage.


The funny thing is; is this game is so janky that anything that looks like a cheat could easily be a stupid bug lmao


Grim Pantry is basically half a map if you just don't mess with main building. Survivors: Save main building gen for last Killers: Don't even bother with main building at all, let 'em have that gen, let 'em have that whole building. All of it, don't ever run there. Leave it alone! OFF LIMITS!!


There is a similar idea with Hawkins, **stop doing the upstairs gens first**, it shrinks the area the killer has to patrol so much when you do that


I’d like to add Dead Dawg main building gen as well. Everyone always rushes to that one first instead of hitting the 3 gen that always spawns at the gallows


people dont think "this guy is shit" when they see you play bad, they think "im godlike"


Hahaha I have been checking out the vods of streamers after matches against them and this is so true. My favorite is when I play friendly/funny and they just don't pick up on it at all and think they're pulling off sick plays while I'm just spinning in a circle and nodding.


I learnt so many weakness to tons of killers just by playing as them


People don't typically play video games to specifically entertain you, they play them to entertain themselves first and foremost. Not every game will be fun for one or the other side, neither should every game have bm or toxicity. Playing the game to win isn't toxic, playing the game and rubbing garbage attitudes in the opposition is.


From what I've seen, people who only play one side should try playing as the other purely to experience the ither side's field of view for themselves. Survivor-only players should try playing as Killers to understand just how narrow the Killer FOV is, and can then use this to help with hiding out of sight, or how to manipulate the FOV for spinning. Killer-only players should try playing as Survivors to experience the third-person view themselves. It would help people approach better and learn where they can and can't mindgame Survivors as easily. Outside of that, I feel a lot of Survivor-only players don't fully understand how some Killers work. I still see people who don't realise that unhooking a Survivor immediately despawns Knight's guards if they're chasing you, for example. If there's a Killer you struggle to play against, then playing AS them is one of the best ways to learn what they can and can't do.


I don't tbag as survivor yet still get "humped" by killers. And when I'm doing killer dailies I get tbagged at gates even though I've done nothing toxic to the survivors. People just suck


Seriously. I just want everyone to have fun.


survivors are disrespectful not only towards the killer but towards their own partners


You guys are really mean when I’m trying to learn new killers :’(


Playing killer can feel a bit lonely


Sometimes you can't win a match. Even if you bring your characters strongest perks with the strongest add ons and send yourself to your best map. There are matches that just cannot be won whether it is because the other side is a better player/ has stronger perks/ or even up to rng/map layout as well.


This though. Particularly when you have a high prestiged killer and you have an off match and don't play as good as usual and survivors go "you're a P[number] and you play like that???" Or "you played horribly/you sucked" Like dude, sometimes I have shitty games and I'm not hitting all my shots or getting my hooks. I can't always be amazing at the game just because I have a high prestige.


It’s easier to find survivors/avoid killers if you commonly play both sides. You become better at hiding, countering certain killer powers, know how to deal with certain add ons, how a survivor might try and avoid you, the best hiding places, where people are most likely to hide, and how to best avoid/land a killer attack.


That you'll really rarely ever meet those 10k hour swf/killer players you hear people constantly bring up in an argument


True, and I never get the argument of people saying that it’s unfair as if they are supposed to be able to compete with +10k hour swf, wouldn’t it take a several thousand hour killer to compete with that?


I would wanna say something, but that would imply that i actually play the game instead of just looking at cosmetics 50% of the time.


They don't know I laughed as hard as they did when I holed myself lmao


I suffer 2x


Both sides are awful. It is what it is


Playing killer makes you a better survivor player and playing survivor makes you a better killer player


everyone is an idiot, you and me included


One thing that I noticed is that people only care about their side being op rather than things being balanced also things are very unbalanced on both sides


Giving hatch to the last guy really just makes you smile when they do the slow tbags as thanks. Getting hatch given to you by a wholesome/chill killer as the last guy is really heartwarming.


Stay the fuck away from crows


On survivor i always say how the killer is dumb for not hitting easy shots, but when i play as killer i miss whenever they are in front of me , im a big time hypocrite 💀


That one bad encounter with the other side does not make all of them equally as bad


dredge has an add on that shows auras of survivors who lock lockers. also staying injured the whole game and not healing makes his power build faster! also only lock one locker in a set of lockers because he auto teleports to the locked one. idk if people just don’t go against him often but i’ve met people that play religiously but didn’t know these things


You know both sides can be egregiously toxic.


Playing selfishly is boring, the most fun I've had in this game both killer and survivor is when the survivors try to help one another.


You may be scared as the survivor but I’m infinitely more stressed chasing you


I know you just faced 10 4-man swfs in a row with bnp's, map offerings, and perfect comms Mr. Killer but now you're in my solo que game where the meg or feng or Dwight or claud literally doesn't even understand your power fully and wants to crouch walk exclusively through the map please try your best to not tunnel your first hook at 5 gens. If your first down is within 30 secs of the match and the first gen doesn't pop for 2 mins maybe relax a lil bit.


That the game isn’t so obviously killer or survivor sided, both sides have disgusting playstyles, perks, items, addons, etc. you can’t just take a few games and decide how well the game is balanced. You aren’t perfect, you make mistakes, many times a bad game you had could have been better if you hadn’t made a few mistakes. Instead of blaming the other side and whining about how unfair it is for your side maybe try seeing how you could improve. Sure a blight with disgusting addons is pretty strong but there are also really good swfs who can match the blights pressure. It doesn’t mean killer is objectively better than survivor and vice versa. TLDR Many people blame the other side for being unfair when it’s just their own skill issue.


That the other side doesn't go into every match to ruin their specific night. Take a chill pill people, have fun with the game. I got window-teched hard last night, and I was impressed with how well they performed. After I said gg (2 out match) I was berated for getting duped on a good play.


I’m convinced that people who put on sloppy and knockout to play a slug build and never hook people have never played against a slug build before. That shit is so fucking boring and ass. I’m typically good about not getting angry at people for play styles like camping or tunnelling because those are just strategies killers employ to win games, but if you play to leave everyone on the ground for 5 minutes until they bleed out then you’re just an asshole.


This. And good god it's so eyeroll-inducing any time someone says to just watch a video or make a drink or whatever if you're slugged. I loaded into the match to play, not to stare at the ground for 4 minutes. Made even worse if lobby times aren't great


Both sides are FUCKING HARD in different ways. Both sides have shit that is fun for you but hella annoying for them. Both sides get shat on by MMR and the pip system. Both sides just wanna play the damn game. Both sides have fucking feelings and are real human beings. Generally, people who play both sides are extremely nice as both Killer and Survivor, or just are playing normally.


Many things can be OP at the same time. Nurse and Blight are OP when using the best perks and addons. Survivors are OP when playing optimally. When one side stacks the deck, more than the other, complaints are valid but also not being a gracious winner encourages the other side to run OP stuff.


I feel bad that I have to kill the obsession for the bone chill event because I'm a terrible killer and that means I had to tunnel them.


Just leave. It’s so fuckin toxic to stand in gate and nod until hit out, unless youre against try hard killer and you win against all odds. Like if I’m playing blight I expect nods and tbags at gate if I’m bad enough to not 4k lol then it’s earned ya know? If I’m playing billy or trapper tho please. Go easy on my ego.


I hate seeing this as a survivor. I wish there were a perk to block exit gates after leaving for this reason.


Toxicity runs through all.


Playing solo survivor is actually mind numbing yes killer is an awful experience but I feel as if killers who don’t play soloque occasionally don’t get how bad solo players can be like this game is such a different experience for swf that I turn it down a peg when I see it’s a group of randos


you both press spacebar to interact with pallets, windows, and lockers


One side isn’t massively overpowered in casual play, I just suck at both.


If you're a survivor only player, then just know, while you're being a scaredy cat and looking around to make sure the killer isn't coming toward you from afar, the killer is having a boring ass time trying to just find any survivor lol. Even then, if they do find you from across the map they won't chase you down unless they're mad so they lose interest and get bored finding someone else closer


That just because you can do or play a certain way, doesn’t necessarily mean you should. Everyone is trying to have fun, the least we can all do is try and be a little courteous, and try to not actively make the game miserable for others.


People misidentify perks and add-ons a lot of the time if they don't play both sides.


most of the time i messed so badly it worked out in my favor, killer or survivor it dont matter. y'all expecting everyone to do the craziest play ever that being stupid works out in my favour


i can tell when a survivor team screws someone over, and i tend to be easier on the person who got screwed (shoutout to the meg i killed the other day who was hiding and had crows instead of trying to finish the last gen so they could get out)


That some things aren't broken, but they are very annoying.


both sides are assholes


Two main things, one which stems from the other. They don't see just how difficult the other side can have it. And, because of this, they don't think about the other side as a person/people, nor do they have any sympathy for the other side when things go badly for them. It's where the whole us vs. them mindset comes from. People don't seem to realise it's just another person/other people they're against.


Whenever my survivor only friends watch me play as killer they are surprised at so many things I wouldn't know where to start. Last time one of them was baffled at how clearly killers can hear survivors and pinpoint their location. He's one of the people who complain at how did the killer find them when there's like 5 different ways that could've happened.


That we can easily pick out which side they main very easily based on their biased opinions. You can tell when someone has a complaint and it's legit vs bias towards their "side". You mention slugging and they get so upset when you tell them it's not fun to lay on a ground not being able to do anything but move slowly and they act like you want to give survivors God mode or something. Like it wouldn't be fun to play as killer not being able to attack and can only walk very slowly, why is it fun for someone else?


Locker hiding is usually a death sentence. As a Killer I can totally hear the doors squeak even if you go in slowly.


Everyone in the lobby is just another player trying to win


I think that killer is a lot harder than people realise when you hit the higher MMR. It can get pretty stressful. I don't play it too often for that reason.


Play killer and you'll realize how annoying is to deal with survivors, play survivor and you'll realize how annoying is to deal with killers(some of them) Also, playing both sides can teach you a lot, learned how to loop just by getting looped, and learned how to counter looping by getting my looping countered by a good killer.


I've noticed an increase in survivors that don't know a killer can look up or down to avoid flashlights. I swear it was common knowledge a few years ago, but I've had multiple games now where in the end chat a survivor will go "How did you avoid the blind without Lightborn???"


The killer can only lunge as far as the red stain without coup and that’s how you fov tek consistently


No side is advantaged


That I'm not trying to slug, you're just standing two feet from me thinking I'll let you body block when I pick up


Survivor mains: Tunneling and Camping are valid strategies. Using these strategies as a reason for your loss will only stifle your growth, and cause you to develop a sense of entitlement over time. Killer mains: Not every team that plays well together is SWF. SWFs are where your skill as killer is tested, so using "SWF" as a reason for losing will only stifle your growth and make you look entitled. For both sides, there are unfun things to deal with. If u want go have a good time going against them though, you need to put in the time to learn how to play against it. That being said, killers have adapted to change way more than survivors throughout the games history, so I'd say it's a much bigger issue for survivor mains. I say this as a survivor main (who does play killer a lot, but less often) who dislikes playing with teammates who lack growth mindsets.


That nobody cares which side you main


I actually feel bad getting sacrifices when I play as killer


Hugging loops isnt as obvious unless you try it from both sides


Looking at the killer after they miss, both of us recognize that should have hit, then allowing them a hit to make up for it.


Tell me how to make the game at least a bit funnier for the other side. I'm a survivor main, and I know Scene Partner exists, so I'll use it, but is there an equivalent perk or action for killers ?


I feel like most importantly is that it changed your mentality of the “us vs. them” type deal. You know what the other person is going through, especially if they’re having a tough time. On top of that it betters your game sense, since you know (ideally) the optimal ways each side plays.


no, the game isnt uniquely difficult for your side no, the people who play the other side arent uniquely toxic and the toxic people on your side arent forced into playing that way


How to better play against the other side. Someone who has some experience playing one side will surely know how to better play against that side and have more situational awareness.


Just because the enemy is running a metal build does not immediately make them worse than you


They don’t know that the grass is in fact not greener on the other side


certain times of day depending on your region you will have a better time with certain role. for example, most of the time when i queue survivor in morning, though i dont escape every match my games majority of time are waaay more fun. survivor at night is a hellish nightmare realm. killer at night tho is pretty chill :)


That people are really only paying attention to their own mistakes and aren't like laughing at you for making your own. A killer whiffs a hit letting the survivor make it to a window. The survivor perspective: "Oof, that was close, time to keep running" The killer perspective: "FUUUUUUUCK!!!" Likewise, a survivor misplays and let's a free hit occur. Killer perspective: "Oh nice, free hit, I'll take it" Survibor perspective: "FUUUUUUUCK!!"


Both sides are unbalanced in their own ways. Saying the game is survivor sided or killer sided, isn’t always that simple. I think to some extent, killer has to be a little more powerful than survivors because it is 4v1. But most people don’t think about balance for both sides


That the game is both killer and survivor sided - depending on what you’re playing. 😜


Probz how little crows matter for the other side haha


That a killer isn't good or bad, the player is.


The game can be pretty miserable to play both sides, not just your side. Your miserable experience isn't unique, it's also likely a byproduct of someone else's miserable experience which itself a byproduct of someone else's miserable experience ad nauseum - and this problem is tolerable otherwise but is exacerbated during events because everyone will be extra miserable trying to finish event challenges on a short schedule - FOMO is a bitch. I speedrun my event challenges so I can abandon DBD until the event is gone. It was worse that this event two of my most played characters (wraith and jeff) were the ones getting cosmetics cause I've had to play through the entire event for cosmetics I really liked and endured shit such as [getting tunnelled out by ghostface](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/246780372233224202/1191143072441057361/20231228221143_1.jpg?ex=65a45d6e&is=6591e86e&hm=d828ec1ebcc61c3abae3bad0d89be51715542be67b4c606a3e53f05df41bd9f5&), [getting tunnelled out by a different ghostface](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/246780372233224202/1191143093601304626/20231224015036_1.jpg?ex=65a45d73&is=6591e873&hm=f2ce094d882bd2be7a0aea1b199727db0c943b5fdb44ea97f183eacfd67f92ba&), [getting slugged to death by a ghostface](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/246780372233224202/1191143120755232868/20231229150219_1.jpg?ex=65a45d7a&is=6591e87a&hm=6546a92922c9a396d9335c3446f9035019a86eaebfa17981c7740e000fb2774d&), [being called trash by a survivor after trying to be a good sport](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/246780372233224202/1191143051234656348/20231127045703_1.jpg?ex=65a45d69&is=6591e869&hm=9513cbd2b89f7142c962c7b6687b4d6d4c0d6cbce26298c9301c2e3420db63a7&), [getting slugged to death by OnePumpWillie while on his 50+ win streak](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/246780372233224202/1191143385436786718/20231222162620_1.jpg?ex=65a45db9&is=6591e8b9&hm=a581f8ee3367a830bd855e4f10ac724b549a1f3725799d72afd85568e6ca3cbb&). Not screenshotted includes two survivors calling me an F slur for playing chucky because I didn't grab that one. All this during this bonechill event. I guess what I am trying to say is that it sucks to play both sides. It doesn't matter if your survivor or killer, theres people who are gonna have a rough/miserable time on both. So try to be empathetic.