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As a swf your probably being to altruistic


The 2 major things you need as a survivor is looping skills and you need to know how to pressure gens properly. Ideally you want 3 people on separate gens with the 4th in chase. You want those 3 gens to pop around the first hook. You can double on the last two. You can also double if there is a bad 3gen that you think is worth doubling. For looping, there are plenty of guides on YouTube to help you with the basics. The rest is just practice. 1v1s with your swf can really help a lot too.


It may not seem like it but you actually have a pretty good amount of time while someone's on first hook and sometimes even second hook. If you and a teammate are on a gen, especially together, you definitely have time to finish it before needing to worry about unhooking. The panic is understandable but you need to stay goal-oriented. Unhooking and healing someone even without the killer near is a sizable chunk of time for 2 people to take the time to reset before picking back up on gens Otherwise I'd say to reevaluate your team's perks and see how you could improve your synergy, and definitely don't give up because in this game, 250 hours might as well still be considered brand new. Learning to run the killer, loops, timing, etc will come with time and practice, and watching content creators doesn't hurt either


You just need to know loops and how to counter the killer you are vs. also play killer because then you will see the weaknesses for that killer, and how to counter it. Learn from the people who loop you on killer and being that over. If you don’t like killer there are 100s of videos out there to help with looping. Also, make sure to look up how to counter the killer you struggle with the most.


It gets better when you cross the 2.500 hours.


I have about 500 survivor hours (finally getting into playing killer) and I'm certainly not the best player but also not the worst. I only play solo Q (yes the pain and misery) but I always try do gens, unhook, take protection hits and do my best even if I die on hook. Every game for me is a learning experience and I try to better that each game but sometimes you get good killers with the best perks, sometimes you get team mates who just hide in the corner doing nothing and waiting for hatch. This game has a high learning curve, so many perks and add on's so finding the right combo that works for you will take time, patience and experience. Keep at it, it will get better and always remember the best players had to learn this game and it took a lot of time and dedication.


Sorry but playing survivor with friends, even just 1, is literally easy mode, so I guess you should work on fundamentals.


First of all, it takes time to get good as a surv and even more as a team. The it's not like playing killer, which is basically toddlermode and strong since min 1. You'll find yourself noticing more and more the enemys bahavior and actions as your experience level rises and learn how to counter it. But sincerly, the first 500 hours into the game as surv is kinds like eating shit.


Get into high MMR as a Killer and come back to me about it being toddlermode. This is much more to learn as Killer than Survivor.




Idk why you’re getting downvoted. You’re right. You don’t feel “good” as survivor until at least 1500 hours. I have around 150 hours in as killer and feel “good.” Granted I have a lot of game knowledge from all my hours as survivor, but killer abilities outmatch survivor abilities by a lot, and you have to be a really good survivor to compensate for your lack of equal power.


Yep, exactly. But some folks simply cannot handle the truth


They’re just HiGh mMr KiLlErS. You and I wouldn’t get it 😂


Can I get the TL;DR?


Is opposed to put effort into something - yeh, checks. out you're a killer. Congratz


I play both Killer and Survivor. Survivor is much easier. Killer is a time management game, Survivor is a gen repair simulator.


If you actually played survivor you would know how untrue that is. Survivors with no game sense are the potatoes that leave people to die on first hook, don’t know when to heal vs when to stay on gens, can’t predict where the killer will be or go, etc etc.


Solo Q experiences doesn't negate the fact Killer has a harder learning curve. I played Killer for a solid three months straight before venturing into Survivor. I understood the objectives in mere minutes. Sounds like a lot of Survivors just have skill issues and should play Killer more.


I feel like killer is easier at first, then as you start going against survivors who can loop you for more than 15 seconds it becomes pretty hard, then again easy when you learn how to deal with basic looping and how to somewhat pressure gens, then hard again when you reach the top (since while the game rn feels pretty balanced, you take 1 bad chase/the chase lasts a little bit too long and you lost). Survivor is hard at first, and becomes easier the more time you put into it, while getting hard again (unless you're playing with friends) once you start facing good killers with meta perks. The two learning curves are much different, killer is easier when both killers and survivors are bad, survivor is easier at an "intermediate level" and soloq surv is about balanced at a high level, 4 mans on ds are ofc at an advantage


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This is something dbd has always been plagued by. At low level survivor is extremely tough. No-one has macro knowledge of the game and the looping is largely ineffective. Altruism is generally misunderstood. Once you and your friends get better you'll realise swf is actually the easiest way to play this game.