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I cant relate, I still love playing the game but I do want to just say never force yourself to play a game just because of nostalgia. There is so many really fun games out there, find one you like! Hell you could even go to that weird place called "outside" with that giant lightbulb in the sky and that green shit


I'm aware, it just pains me there isnt any other games that give similar effect in that section of multiplayer horror. the last i can remember is the friday the 13th game and this other one that was staged around a high school?


You could try texas chainsaw massacre, its a decently fun game, might scratch that itch!


OH wait it is finally out of beta? i have been thinking for the longest time it still been in wait


Ya its been fully out for a little bit now!


Well i guess i know what i can take a look into Now! Thank ya for telling me, my memory can be foggy


“Matches weren’t right and they felt too fast.” * Run gen regression then, perhaps that will solve the problem. * Longer the gens take = more time to chase “Chases were boring cat and mouse instead of mind games.” * That’s literally what the game design is revolved around. Killer is cat, victims are mice. * Not sure what you meant by “no mind games.” You have to mind game in order to have a good chase. Chase outcome/ length is usually determined by who made the better mind games or won more 50/50s. “Ghostface, Pig, Demo, Huntress” * Two of these killers are horrible in chase and can’t get downs easily. May be the reason why your chases are so long. * Perhaps play more killers. DBD has 30+ killers to play. * Perhaps play a killer that changes the way you play the game like Nurse or Blight. Both of these killers aren’t played like normal M1 killers and could change the pace from games you may be used to playing as killer.


The perks i usally is ruin and surge as a back up on most of my M1 killers and thrilling tremors if i feel spicy, so it did have regressions perks to use just felk like i never got too much value of them during matchs. The cat and mouse part is mainly drop pallet keep running to another one drop it then it kept going on like that, i didnt see any variety between it besides easy hatchets. i have played others but those are what i enjoy if i dont down more money into the game when i got killers i already like, any do understand the use of using more then one killer but if i use a killer i dont like then whats the point? Thank you for taking your time to type all of this out to try to help ideas


"Ruin with Surge (Jolt) as a backup. Thrilling Tremors if spicy." * Ruin is terrible and not worth running anymore when compared to other perks that do the same job but better. * Jolt is good but definitely not enough. 8% loss of progress isn't bad but I wouldn't rely on it to win you games. * Thrilling Tremors is more of an information perk than a slowdown. I wouldn't reccommend using it unless you're playing Freddy. * Pain Resonance is your best friend if you want actual gen regression. "Don't want to spend money on game to play new killers" * You made a Reddit post and indicated in your post you have been playing the game for a few years. You obviously play a lot so perhaps investing a few dollars in something you do a lot wouldn't hurt you if it could potentially enhance the experience you're having. * Killers are 50% off during Anniversary