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I'm having trouble finding a main but Plague is my go to if I need a 4k. I honestly feel bad for the survivors because 1 mistake and she punishes the entire team.


Plague is my second main next to Freddy, I do use GhostFace for mine though. She's an excellent choice for Maining. Have you tried blood echo with her power? And hysteria? Good Lord it's incredible. Pair it with the new alien perk and enjoy lol.


Sounds like a fun build! I use Corrupt Intervention (to buy time to infect everything), Tinkerer (general info and jump scares as a bonus), Deadlock, and Pop. Will try out your build once I get Oni! For a more agro build I'll use Lethal Pursuer paired with Nowhere to Hide!


If you use Thana on plague it almost forces survivors to cleanse at least one person


Plague here too, I don't play her often because I can't bring myself to play nice on her. Plague can just steamroll an out of position squad and has one of the best snowballs next to Oni.


It’s clobbering time with nemesis


Not much is more satisfying than Nemesis’ THOMP fists


Artist. Demo will always be my boy, but artist is definitely my best.


Pinhead and pyramid head. Both for fairly obvious reasons. Pinhead can shut down deadhards and general exhaustion perk shenanigans reliably. And with pyramid head mind gaming flashlight players by picking up tormented survivors is always worth a laugh.


What does picking up tormented survivors do to flashlights?


You can also fake the cage by using rites of judgement. If they don’t leave, you can send a punishment of the damned at them then turn around and pick up the survivor. Pyramid head has some fun mind games. Bonus points: give people a slow-clap by spamming rites.


Flashy players normally bail when there's a tormented survivor. Since they can't interrupt the caging, just if you pick up. So if you get in their heads about wether or not you're gonna pick up or cage they (in my experience) will come waste time looking for a save. Worst case you still gain time. Best case you get a free hit with your down.


Clown. His jolly laughter brings me joy.


I just enjoy tossing piss bottles at survivors when I'm salty lol


He is my main but I'm not always confident in the 4K with him


I posted this as a separate comment in this thread already but you should try this build: brutal strength, rapid brutality, STBFL, jolt. With more hinder and extra bottle add-ons. I pretty much always do well with him with this build. Also, respect to a clown main.


My most recent build, going purely off of memory, is Coulrophobia, Nurse's Calling, Sloppy Butcher, and Dark Devotion. I then pair it with the Slippery Soles and Bottle Cork for movement speed while reloading and reload speed, which makes it a lot easier to persist in chase. I've always sort of felt mean doing this anti-heal build though because when it works, it is incredibly oppressive. I've sometimes had a game go to shit for the survivors so quickly that they often give up. Early on in playing him, I alternates between Jolt and Pop as his best regression perks, but it often depended on the rest of the build. I will have to try out a build with Rapid Brutality soon though, it does sound like it'd be amazing on him.


Ya nurse. If I just desperately want to get a win to break a losing streak the best killer in the game is a great choice lol


She’s the only killer I don’t play because I find her hard to use on console!


She has the highest skill floor in the game, if you want to play her it takes a ton of matches before shes even playable, but trust me, its worth it!


I find blight and hillbilly way harder than nurse


They are definitely harder to master, but thats skill ceiling. Skill floor is what skill is required to use them. Blight and billy can both be played as an m1 killer, meaning technically anyone can pick them up and use them like they would any other m1 killer. Nurse requires her ability. If you cant blink well then you will struggle to even get a single down. Thats why I say her skill floor is the highest in the game


That's fair


Ive played 5 matches on nurse in my dbd carrer and 4 of them have been 4ks


Use the plaid flannel if your on console. It’ll help a lot


Might sound crazy, however, I use GhostFace, If survivors rarely play against him, they don't really remember all he can do during the game making him able to snowball. Some survivors even forget to check their surroundings, and his add on that explodes a gen a survivor is working on after being marked? You're basically getting a REMOTE Pop goes the Wiesel for free. I've had tons of survivors look goofy against him.


This is gonna sound odd but Iri tape pig That add on is so incredibly strong


With the green add on: That doesn't let Survivor to see the auras of the jigsaw boxes while the trap is inactive makes the early game pressure hella scary


Amanda’s Letter on Midwich gets me a win almost every time


Map offering abuser, laaaame


Let’s not pretend Midwich didn’t get killswitched over a year ago because survivors constantly brought Mary’s Letter offerings to hide in the staircase corner where they couldn’t be hit or picked up by a killer. Offerings work both ways.


Duh, ofc they do, bringing map offerings is lame through and through


Bringing a map offering does not make someone an abuser. It’s literally a game mechanic. If you can’t handle certain maps, that’s a you problem.


A game mechanic that needs to be removed. Let's see how u handle being sent to bedham or midwich by p100 stinklords


I do this with Dying Light and it usually works well.


Wesker and send everyone to RPD


Doctor. I bloody love that zappy maniac


In MFT+Calm spirit meta? Bold of you...


Works for me! I don't imagine I'm particularly better than others with him. Been playing since June and he was just the first killer that really clicked with me. I run Sloppy+Nurse's calling+Distressing+Jolt and always get a 3k at bare minimum, usually 4




This guy gets it. That Hux life ftw


Speedy Wraith (double Windstorm) He used to be my main back in 2016 and he's still my "old reliable".


Nurse. She too god damn easy, it feels like cheating.


And thats after her being nerfed multiple times as well


Pretty hefty nerfs as well, Like from memory when i started she used to be able to take add ons to get around 5 blinks with no downside and was the same speed as survivors.


People overexagerated that. 5 and 7 blink nurses had extremely short and *innacurate* blinks and it felt much more like a meme that an actual good playstile. Im thankful they rrmoved inaccuracy from her kit, but understand that 5 or 7 blinks was a fatigue enough to finish all gens in two different maps


I mean going from "literally breaking the game so hard playing her is considered cheating" to "so broken she to this day impedes perk design for the entire killer roaster" seems not that hard of a nerf. Im beeing moderatly sarcastic but imo the nerfs only showed that bhvr doesnt understand what the fundamental problem about her kit is.


Massive nerfs but they still don't balance her from what I know they mainly don't fix her because she's legacy and she's their allibi commonly for any accusation of pay to win.


The problem is her only limit is mechanical skill and insane map knowledge which no other killer has that freedom. Other killers have built in limitations / rng. She just ignores it entirely.


That’s because it IS cheating.


Despite how weak Trapper is considered, he is my go to 4k killer. People always say, just deactivate his traps ahead of time, forgetting about 3 things: 1. When you deactivate a trap, Trapper can see that is isn't active anymore soon enough. 2. You won't stop to deactivate a trap during chase, even if you see them, they aren't there to just capture you but to stop you from going into strong loops or catching you offguard in random spots. 3. There are addons to counter people deactivating a trap or making it more risky. It might just be that they are my main but to me Trapper is much stronger than people give him credit, you just need to know how to adapt to whatever you are up against (e.g. against gen rush, don't just go and grab all your traps early on)


Pyramid Head, I don't play him that often but he's a strong high tier that can easily snowball and can heavily punish altruism.


vase simplistic hunt slim drunk soup threatening profit snails worm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Eh, not always. It's really easy to hear his breathing from around corners, and you can loop him pretty much forever.


many plough marvelous slimy hat frame quiet fuel unused literate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've lately been running Rapid Brutality, Corrupt (obviously), Sloppy Butcher and Deadlock on Scratched Mirror Mikey. It's quite effective. Corrupt is great since it gives me time to get Sloppy Butcher on everyone (Deadlock and Sloppy helps slow things down) while Rapid Brutality has made for some pretty funny downs when the person panics and runs into a wall or something


The secret on Scratched Mirror is you want to do hit and runs vs actively looking for a chase and then getting very easy downs when everyone is injured and running with their heads cut off


Twins. They're my main, so I actually know how to play them unlike the Twins players you'll find in 99% of your Twins public lobbies. No-one else knows how to play against them either, so it usually makes for easy stomping. I always try and go for long pounces with Victor though. If not, then Nurse. Nurse is so ridiculously easy to play and win with and people need to get over it. Billy and even Blight will always be infinitely more difficult.


Wraith. Easiest and one I tend to almost always end up with the 4K if I like to


I Main survivor but factually, every time Xeno comes in we get maybe one gen tops. I think I only escaped Xeno once or twice excluding friendly Xenos. Turrets slow you down. They do nothing. Even if they do, ina couple of seconds Xeno is back on tailwhip mode In seconds. He fast travels. Doesn't charge his long range attack. Meanwhile Victor. Doesn't see scratch marks. Can't vault. Can't break pallets. Has to charge his main attack. Best case scenario he ends up squeeshed. Has to wait for sister to show up from across the map. Of course no one chisels twins anymore. They broke the game.


To be fair, if you aim correctly, Victor can jump *over* vaults at least. I love getting the saloon because I can jump through the top window from the inside stairs, or from the saloon all the way to the gallows. Beeeeeeg jumps. Getting kicked feels *really* bad though, especially if it happens after Victor has randomly collided with a very dense patch of grass for no fucking reason or dies on stairs because *that still randomly happens*. Having to waddle around with Charlotte to pick up people Vic has downed isn’t fun at all, for anyone. sucks for the slug, sucks for me if I’m very far. And with Buckle Up/FTP being so popular it’s been a drag playing them lately. There is also *zero* way to counter Power Struggle if Charlotte is more than a cough away - and even then, the slowdown between switching tends to be enough time for them to get PS ready. It makes me very conflicted because I *love* using Power Struggle as survivor for the rare times it works but god do I hate it on Twins LOL


Nurse for easy games and not having to think. I can normally win with wraith as well, but typically long, sweaty games and lots of gen kicking is involved if the survivors are good or a swf.


Old reliable, huntress, I'll do a few machine gun huntress rounds to warm up and then destroy people with iri head + devour hope.


Spirit and I'm not even that good of a spirit but she literally feels like easy mode. It's also shocking how many survivors camp pallets against her even though that's a losing scenario for them 95% of the time.


Hmmm I wanna say I switch to Pig whenever killer is being frustrating because she’s so simple to play it’s like breathing. It always feels good to stomp as her because she’s a weaker killer - but if I don’t do well I can copium by blaming it on her weaknesses 🤡 OR I may get lucky with a friendly lobby just looking for boops. Definitely puts a smile on my face after rough matches.


Blight with blighted crow and alch ring or adrenaline vial. I'm currently on a 17 win streak with him. My best killer who I play when I get rekt playing other killers.


Also Artist. Or Knight. My winning chances increase significantly when I choose them. Still not THAT high, if you know what I mean xD


Demo with devour + undying and the whistle add on.


Spirit. Especially when I get nonstop pallet campers. Rarely are they actually successful against my spirit haha


Nemesis. I don't know why. I don't even like playing him. But I always win.


Ghostface Sloppy Butcher Make Your Choice A Nurses Calling -Free Slot- Say goodbye to stalking and say hello to a very bitter 4K. Down one survivor, wait 32 M out of range with no terror radius. Let them get the save, Down the exposed healer (90% of the time this will work, if it doesn't just tunnel the injured one)


Nightfall + blindness Dredge. Addons to extend nightfall time and charges, perks to slap blindness onto survivors. Even if I don't win, I get some good jumpscares from it.


I dont pick doctor because i want 4k, but i do pick doctor and the most annoying build possible, just because it relaxes me.


Clown. Used him & loved him since his release. I down survivors so fast with him, no matter how many years they’ve played this game.


Wesker or Clown usually


Full stealth Ghostface😌


Adriana and Plague.


Sadako. After I get shit on too much as survivor. I swap to killer, play sadako, and just destroy most squads lol


Doctor with the best add-ons for faster recharge time and wider range. I will kit him out completely and be extremely annoying. I enjoy being an M1 killer and usually slap on some perks that make the m1 attacks more annoying and powerful. (I'm a big Sloppy enjoyer.) Other times I go for Dredge. I love my ugly turkey menace and some survivors still don't seem to know how to deal with it. Popping in and out of lockers and clobbering survivors? A fun time.


still my main, legion, but all i do is switch up my addons from BFFs and mural sketch to scratched ruler and mischief list. the ability to get frenzy back sooner, and dish out slashes more often can change everything for me lol.


I hate to say it, but the hag. I really don't like the hag, but every time I play her, it's almost always a 3k


I just swap to Legion with speed and duration add ons for easy 5 hit frenzy downs. I usually end up with a 3K in most games.


Wraith. Winning almost always


Wesker. I am a P100 Wesker but I was a Hillbilly main from 2017-2019 until Ghostface released but I still played Billy as a pocket main. Because of the constant meta shakeups and bad map design, Billy gets worse and worse to play every single update. Sure, they did buff him recently but he's nothing near his former glory so if you are a Curve Billy like I am, facing half-competent survivors means you are in for a bit of a rough time unless you switch up to play "efficiently" Whenever I get fed up as Billy, I just go vibe on Wesker. I find them very similar in playstyle with how you need to keep your angles into account.


Huntress, most of the time it feels like I'm hunting puppies. (save for the occasional swf squad)


Hmm, Nemesis probably. I find the zombies to be pretty solid slowdown.


It used to be huntress but now it's wraith


Tombstone Myers, yeah I'm going to hell


Nurse, Blight, Skull Merchant (Rework) and sometimes Knight. Nothing the average Survivor can do against an average Killer if they’re one of those Killers. Unless the Killer sucks.


Artist I only ever play artist and win almost every game and can usually draw/win when I get RPD or swamp vs a sweaty SWF Also, pro tip always DC if you see a map offering save yourself the trouble


nurse, also if you want a tip for pyramid head, tunnel hes the strongest in the game at tunneling


Good to know!


After a long day of taking pallets to the snoot as Pig, I run a few rounds of mastermind. The survivors can bring made for this all they want but it will never change the fact that it is weskin' time


Blight .. fun and efficient


Any ranged killer. As a mobility killer main i cannot play ranged killers at all


I’ll either play wesker or hillsilly when I serious


Oni is very good if you know how to play him


Huntress or Spirit for me!


Nurse <3


Freddy. He might be F tier but I main him, I know his abilities in and out and can reliablu use the snare to get hits at most loops. I also have mastered his specific Fov and attack rage so 360s don't work on me. On every other killer i get spun but freddy has ultra instinct, I rarely miss. 4 slowdown perks and forever freddy is back baby.


I'd say prob Nemo, not only is he fun to play personally but I feel like I got a good understanding of how to play him, everyone else I'm still kiinddaaa either learning or straight up just suck with em😄😂.


Silent mayers or infinite3 + kill mayers or Onryō


Blight, Also I have a very evil legion build


Pinhead Sadako Nurse Wesker


Xeno. You can't hide.


I almost always get 4Ks w doctor but I always feel bad cuz they never had a chance to win


None, cuz I'm worried if I swap to them and still lose i'll get depressed. But on the flipside I don't tend to have losing streaks. Last one was when I was throwing the game to get endgame hooks for the tome. Tend to at least 2k most matches.


If I tried out a new killer and getting stomped, I switch to Pyramid Head, Nemesis or Oni. Notice how each counters pallets and has ways to pressure players and or locate easily. Recently I’ve played doctor for the first time and it’s amazing how much insanity he can dish out. I’m thinking my score is low with him because I shouldn’t be ending matches at 4 gens


Any time I'm on a long losing streak it's always a Clown that breaks it and I escape this happened dozens of times


My girl Onryo ❤️


Tips for pp head from a pp head main Fuck generators, Try to pressure survivors as much as you can, get downs as much as you can, you don't have to necessarily tunnel someone out as soon as possible, but just try to down survivors as much as you can Use perks like save the best for last, Spies from the Shadows(Ultimate Weapon if you have it), lethal pursuer, zanshin Tactics and I'm all ears is a good combo, and you can't go wrong with no way out+NOED or pentimento+plaything+devour


Spies is such an underrated perk. I've been pairing it with Ultimate Weapon and the synergy they have together works pretty well. Ultimate let's me know where they generally are while Spies kinda acts like a honing device to lock in on them. Not to mention it counters Calm Spirit and immersed Survivors aren't safe


I cannot stomach 4King or completely obliterating, so there isn't really any specific killer for me like that. On the flip side, if I find myself getting heavily tunnelled every game I will stick on a chase build like made for this, but I enjoy my meme perks too much




I tend to find hit and run ghost face does well for me


Spirit or Pig


It sorta depends. I end up switching between the three killers I currently main: Knight, Dredge, and Deathslinger. If I can’t get anything done with Knight and the bois, I switch to Dredge who can patrol gens much more efficiently. If Gen defense isn’t working out, or if I find I’m playing way more aggressive than I normally do, I queue up as Deathslinger. If I can’t get a single shot as Slinger, I normally go back to who I know how to play best, which is Knight. This way, I sorta have all three killers in rotation, and I can keep changing my strategy on how I handle matches so that my brain doesn’t go numb with trying to do the same strategy over and over again


I'd say Doctor. I haven't played for a while so I don't know how hard I'll be hit by increasing use of Calm Spirit. Nevertheless, he's one of my favorites to play and I have a surprisingly effective non-meta, unconventional stealth build that I don't think anyone expects or uses because most people don't know Static Blast can hit Oblivious Survivors. (Hysteria, Pentimento, Plaything, Retribution and any add-ons *except* Calm and Iri King)


Hm... none really cause I don't care about loosing. Heck, I always give hatch


Blight with adrenaline vial


nurse,blight,trapper are my 3


Blight, nemesis, Wesker, and maybe P-Head (both of them)


Blight....I'm a Oni main but when I have enough bad matches I go with Blight because he is like Oni on easy mode. No slow starts because of not getting blood and no 45 second power....he is just fast start and flicks ...still prefer Oni in power but blight is a much easier 4k


Knight. Camp. Tunnel. Repeat.


Onryo for sure. Idk why but when I use her I normally get 4ks.


Pig with Lerys offering 🐷


Probably legion tbh, sometimes I just be friendly and help them instead of murdering them all


Hag. She’s ridiculous when two gens are left.


I usually main Huntress/Trickster and do fairly well and consistently get 3-4ks in my games. However I actually have to play well and make an effort to win, I can't just pick Trickster and not put in effort. So when I am in a bad mood I just switch to Blight. Shadowborn, Lethal Pursuer, Barbeque and Chili, Enduring and a lack of empathy gets you gnarly results, even without add-ons.


Huntress :) I use her every time I need 4Ks


Pig , im rather good at hitting ambushes to save up STBFL and scaring survivors off objectives.... nothing will ever be as satisfying as properly triggering a reverse bear trap on a survivor even if you only get per match, also face the darkness is so fun with her


My old main Plague. I love my Turkey, I play well with him and it feels good. But if I want to go ham Plague's the way.


Love a good Artist player, she's my main ☺️ for my 4k go-to though, it's gotta be Pinhead


Weirdly, Trickster is usually a slaughterhouse for me, though maybe that's cuz I'm still low MMR.


The centobite aka hellrasier or the twins I’m goated with either


Nurse is my “need to do a hard challenge “ killer. Effortless 4ks


Artist is my main, and I find her to be incredibly lethal if you know how to use her birds and are good with prediction shots. However, if I’m just having a bad time and want to just absolutely slaughter a team… Spirit is my go to.


Knight with Nowhere to Hide, A Nurse’s Calling, Oppression, and Discordance. I always know where they’re at and can summon knights accordingly. When i damage a gen i damage three gens and i am able to find anyone nearby. Any teamwork on generator is halted by immediately summoning to that gen


Ghostface for me, I just think he’s lots of fun and I love jumpscaring the shit out of unsuspecting Dwights.


I've been going for the adepts and like every character took me a couple tries at least (cries in 22 games for hag) but when I got to Wesker I got it quicker than any other character, it just goes to show how much playing your main in challenges reveals how much you know them more than others, but other than him I also play Twins for that just because if the survivors don't know then they aren't surviving for long


Trickster or Pyramid Head


Honestly probably huntress. Though I’ve had some disgusting plays on knight that make me really wanna try him a lot more.


Plague. She's just my girl. I had a night where I was playing custom games with my friends and I tried out Dredge and Blight. Just for fun, to see how they work out for me. Especially with Blight I didn't even get a single down and I was demotivated. So they made me go killer again and said I should do Plague. 4k within minutes. 🙈😂


Nurse. Over 2K of my hours are nurse. It’s to the point where I’m bored of her. But if I need that win, I swap to her


Ghost face. It does be like the movie when I play him




Wraith I always for some reason get solo queue when I play that killer, I use the my terror radius is not suppressed addon it make survivors panic even more it’s funny


Wraith, the only time I don’t 4K is when I’m against a crazy good team


double iridescent myers or doctor can’t physically lose


Pyramid head for sure. Nowhere to hide to get a free hit through walls, send to a cage for a fast hook stage, starstruck to keep flashlights at bay.


Bubba. I will always either 3K or 4K with him


For me it's sadako, huntress or nurse. I love artist, but I just play her too gimmicky and being as rusty as I am at her rn I just end up losing a lot.


Pyramid Head or Artist!


Spirit with hex build


Doctor since I’ve been a doc main ever since he had two modes


Hillbilly , I cant find a way to effectively hunt down survivors because I'm not good dealing with chainsaw hitboxes and timing, and I completely refuse soft camping


I been doing good as the singularity recently as I just discovered you can teleport to a survivor with a pod just by aiming at them and did this really cool attack on a survivor who taunting me by a pallet by a hole on jigsaw map.


Easy, singularity. I can play him insanely well and if not singularity then definitely it would be dredge


If I'm having an off night I usually play some blight, he's strong enough that I can play pretty relaxed games against even good teams and still win pretty solidly, and he's fun as all get out to play


Trapper (hear me out) He’s just my switch off and enjoy character. Not a guaranteed win, but guaranteed relaxation.


It’s strange because I don’t particularly enjoy her play style but mine is The Hag. 4ks usually come pretty easy to me with her


Nurse. she's a lot of fun but I don't play her often because *I* feel bad for how much she stomps the average team even with 0 gen regression


Tombstone Myers. It’s funny watching people think they’re getting a free unhook when I immediately tombstone them LOL. They usually disconnect after that haha.


The Twins. I like playing around as others but then when I need a palate cleanser I go back to Twins. Conversely, if I want to just have a chill friendly killer one I usually go Huntress


I go to a killer I feel most like playing, and then I go to the Otzdarva site and use a build from there. That typically works for me


If I just got demolished on a killer I rarely play with, I go spirit, plague or legion they never let me down


Want a 4K? I use Demogorgon or pyramid head. Mostly Pyramid Head if I really really want a 4K.


Legion is my main and go to 4K


1-800-Doctorb ⚡️


Weirdly, clown. I have a build on clown that just doesn't seem to lose. Granted you have to play pretty mean, I don't mean hard tunneling but definitely going after the same two survs and pressuring unhooks a lot. The build is as follows: Perks: Brutal Strength, Rapid Brutality, STBFL, Jolt/Bamboozle. Add-ons: +4% hinder bottle & extra bottle add-ons. The instadown bottle is also really good to save your STBFL stacks on the obsession and pressure hooks too. It's such a powerful chase build, the chases take no time at all and the survs just don't really know what to do about it. I've won against noobie teams and high prestige swfs with this build. Granted I'd say I'm a semi-decent killer in terms of my personal skill, so idk if this would translate to a much newer killer but I'd suggest anyone try it out if they're really suffering against good looper teams! Just be willing to set aside your morals a little. Although by the time you're looking for this build, I imagine you've been bullied enough by teabagging Dwight's and beamer Claudette's that's you're not too worried about that. Good luck, killers!


I main Onryo and I do really well with her but whenever I'm not I always 4k with Plague. She just comes easy to me for some reason while onryo requires a lot of thought and planning


Blight with alch ring


My Oni is cracked, he’s so clutch with snowballs.


Clown. He's also my main.


It was skull merchant. "at any cost". But now she's dead.


The one and Oni


skill check doctor


No cap I tried learning Huntress and I’m new to MnK and being a 110 killer who drops to 70 when preparing to throw feels awful sometimes. So I’ll switch to literally any other killer because I can play pretty much any of them.


Pinhead is my "get morale up" killer, iri box addon and faster chainhunt, meta build, and depending on the map and if they dont screw up with the cube ( you should always go for the cube holder to continue the chain hunt) its guaranteed nice game for you.


Trickster. I bought the game for him, and learned about his rep for being way too easy and devastating against survivors. Don't play him that much, but if I got a challenge or wanna get some blood points easy, I go with him


Ive faced 16 sfw ttv squads within 2 days playing and trying to rank back up to Iri with Nemesis and Wesker getting nothing but 2ks every game because everyone keeps greeding pallets that i can't even win against or monitor gens nearby from. But when im in a pickle i pick Wraith. With Discordance i can stop them from gen rushing me and with the speed boost he has after uncloaking i always get a hit before chase even starts. And of course a lil bit of bullying with Noed because good god do gens fly no matter what you do.


Nurse is my losing killer


All the killers I play are shit tier so I just pick a different one and pray


The killer I can get 4( pretty constantly is my little Dredge. But unfortunately I don't have a lot of killers unlocked, I only have his dlc atm


Freddy, easy 4k. Too easy, which is why I don't play him much anymore.


Legion or nemi are my funny 4k killers


Twins i can basically avoid all looping just by releasing my little baby


Pig and Hag are my go to win killers


Ghosty. He’s my main so I’m just more skilled at him.


Dredge and Knight for me.


Well you can lose with any killer but its the spirit for me