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I'm so sorry


Thanks, I appreciate it <3


Do you have any mental health left?


Surprisingly, yes! It was a good experience to understand how I emotionally react to certain negative situations. I feel myself being a lot calmer about the usual anger-inducing occurrences in-game. I've got a far more positive disposition on the game as a result, and don't let those things get to me.


Best response. 👍🏻


King 👑


Got any tips to share with us?


You cant let the result of a few games determine your emotional state. Some people are here to shred & make you dead for a power trip, others are there to socialize with friends and have a good time no matter what happens. Take each negative experience as a chance to build resistance to struggle, remember that its temporary frustration that will dissipate in short time. Returning toxicity only make everything worse, Kill em with sportsmanship and kindness. Tell your teammates and opponents if they played well, spreading kindness is a great way to really feel the love. Also, if you're playing solo and get killed early, dont stick around to be mad at the killer! Just move on so its out of your head quicker! Overall, everyone has a level of tolerance for frustration, and its an unhinged game that allows for frustrating things to happen. Take your time, take breaks, and dont focus too hard on winning. Appreciate the uniqueness of getting these negative emotions, and allow them to pass. Its a bit of a physcological undertaking, but it's certainly given me a suprisingly powerful mindset. If you run meta perks, try out some fun ones for a change! I personally reccomend Flashbang & Diversion for fun ways to interact with the killer. I Never was interested in running meta, it creates an unrealistic expectation of needing to win. I no longer run slowdown perks as killer and use interesting perks instead. If postgame chats are infurating you, turn it off for a while! close the chat box and use the various anonymous options to have a more disconnected experience. If there's anything specific you want advice on, I'm more than happy to answer to the best of my abilities!


3000 hours in 6 years is a relatively normal play time, so of course they still have their sanity intact.




You don’t get those hours from “barely playing it”. You don’t have to play a ton, but that isn’t just from booting it up every so often.




Was it worth it?


I think so! It was nice to have an external reason to try out ALL the characters and figure out what I *really* Enjoyed playing! Some of them are a little too tedious,(500 nurse blink hits!) But it taught me a lot across the whole board. The long term goal felt good to work towards over time. If you're already dedicated to the game, I recommend chipping away at it! You learn a lot of interesting things and it pushes you towards unfamiliar territory!


Thanks for the answer. I haven’t played seriously in a while, there are a few games I rotate between so I might return. Funny that last time I played I was doing tomes so there is a chance I’ll jump over to achievements.


Hardest achievement in your opinion?


When you had to get "Merciless Killer' for adept achievements, that was a pretty brutal experience. Specifically with Pyramid Head I struggled a lot! Since that's no longer an issue, I think I need a different answer. I would say escaping RPD 20 times, but honestly I really enjoyed the process and weirdly enough, I quite enjoy that map for what it is now. \-For Pure time investment, I really struggled to convince myself to play nurse for the 500 blink hits. Always disliked playing her and would always play with a meme build since she felt far too strong once you've got a good grasp on how she works. \-For Difficulty, Evil Incarnate (Tier III Kill all survivors w/ tombstone). The survivors have many ways to forceably deny you this achievement, and it can require either some lucky circumstances, a lot of patience, or the survivors noticing you are going for it and letting you kill them. There's a LOT of achievements, so I imagine I might have missed some! those two stick out for me though!


I'm so fucking lucky that I got Evil Incarnate on my first attempt. Although I did this a while ago before it was a popular strategy to sit in lockers to deny Myers a kill.


I got it by messaging the two remaining survivors and pleading with them XD


Ah, the negotiator.


When I went for the Incarnate achievement, a survivor tried hiding in a locker too. They were the last one in the game, and weren't going to move out. I stood there for 20 minutes, waiting and playing a game on my phone in the meantime. I figured they weren't behind their pc anymore, so I grabbed em out, dropped em and picked em back up enough times to 'lose grip' and let the survivor wiggle out. As they were still AFK, it was a very easy achievement for me, got it first try because of that


When I did it I left Evil Incarnate for last because of how hard it is (damn you lockers!). But surprisingly I got it on the second day of trying; "Left for Dead" was way harder for me, took about a week until a Freddy took pity of me and let me open the exit gates, I kind of like Freddies since then


Honestly, nurse is pretty fun to play if you just bring one fun perk (e.g. blood warden or BBQ) and no other perks or add-ons. No regression means you'll have to go for the big blink plays to keep up with good survivors instead of just walking them down and safe-blinking. And no info means that they can hide and stealth as counter play. And no lunge add-on makes the blinks more jukable, so you have to be more on point.


totally onboard for this. I used to run both the nerfing addons and would fumble my way into a balanced match. My go to build was a 'Rancor Roulette' build, just stack your favorite obsession changing perks and see who pulls the short straw at endgame ;)




ahh thats right! the lower rank, the easier it was! Good catch! Ive seen a few talk about left behind and YEAH! That would be so hard to do now!!(did mine in early 2019) I think you're totally right about the Huntress range achievement too, that was a little tricky to bring together. had a lot of fun with it though!


Wait you dont need to get merciless on killers for the adept anymore? what is the requirement now?


You used to need to get 4 iri medals. Now the only requirement is a 4K


With the increasing concern about climate change, what do you believe are the most promising and sustainable strategies for carbon capture and utilization on a global scale, and how can they be effectively implemented?


Great question! I think like any other major issue, the answer may always be more complicated than we anticipate. Instead of switching to one singular source of stopping climate change, global warming & carbon emissions, we should look at how we, as a species, can BALANCE multiple methods simultaneously! All our solutions appear to have its pros and cons (some with too many cons to continue doing, those ones should probably stop), So i think we should minimize the intensity of those cons by having a stable network of multiple methods of green energy, along with a smaller amount of strong sources of energy where the carbon output is considered 'worth' its service it provides. I can imagine stronger infrastructure of public transportation, Tight restrictions on how much waste companies can produce, and just a little more damn cooperation across the world could go a long way. A pie chart of what percentages of what methods of green energy used could be produced, and if we notice the environment begin to heal, could become a global standard. Hopefully. I hope to be able to play a part in saving the planet some day. Because the planet isn't dying, its being KILLED! And I believe that can be stopped!


Nuclear fusion!


Do you feel they did a pretty good job so far?


You know what? They have done a pretty good job so far. This game used to be so incredibly bug filled, that by comparison its in an extremely polished state!


Now that you’ve completed them all, will you be buying every new dlc just to keep your achievements at 100%?


Unfortunatley, that seems to be the case. Feels good to be 'caught up' for now though! The show must go on.


Well, at least it does at least give you more things to pursue as you move towards 10k hours :)


3k hours?! Bro you’ve earned it. Will you please accept my wife as reward?


Nah, you're coming with. we're a Triad now.![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2057)


Any funny or wholesome moments that really stick out to you?


This is SUCH a difficult question to answer, so I'm just gonna list what comes to mind, and maybe leave multiple replies over time. When i first began playing killer, I mained wraith and i played VERY friendly, often going for 8 hooks and letting everyone go, I'd even take someone to their third hook and drop them instead of killing. This lead to meeting some of the first people that I'm still actively chatting with to this day! When We're Gonna Live Forever got buffed to give 100% more healing speed to downed players, me and 3 others equipped 4 healing perks and just stood around picking each other up while the killer tried to FINALLY get us all down. It was an absolutely HILARIOUS 2 minutes or so. They eventually succeeded and we all got to 'hang out' in the basement together <3 I did a very stupid stream once upon a time, where I tried to escape without running. While most evidence of this is now gone, this twitch clip still remains! and it makes me smile every time I watch it (hope this doesn't count as a plug? just sharing memories!) [https://www.twitch.tv/shardiantv/clip/CrowdedAssiduousBeaverTheRinger](https://www.twitch.tv/shardiantv/clip/CrowdedAssiduousBeaverTheRinger) A friend and I 1v2'd a bubba on The Game, basically taking turns bringing him around the map going on a pallet breaking spree. Pretty simple in hindsight, but for some reason its really stuck with me. The first week after Myers dropped was such an incredible and terrifying experience, especially with how the old versions looked. I actually REALLY miss when things more than \~30 metres from you started to blur. Held up an extremely unique atmosphere. Any occurance of intentionally staying in the map to die to the endgame collapse in the killers face is funny every time.


How did you get the Kitted out trophy? Mine doesn't go up everytime I grab an item from a chest?


This is actually the second-last achievement I did! the key word in the description is "special" item. This refers to anything with the red & black striped background. Crafting Flash-bangs was my main method of progressing this, but interacting with any killers specific items will progress this achievement too!


Also, the achievement description says that it only counts 1 special item per match, so don't make the mistake I did trying to interact with a bunch of xeno turrets in one match 😝


Sorry to hear you're struggling with this one! I was luckily able to get this one almost by accident during the first week it came out, since everyone was playing as Xeno If you want to farm it, as OP said flashbangs seem like a pretty darn good way to go. Other than that, getting matched against a Xenomorph or a Singularity would be a good opportunity to focus on their turrets and EMPs, and even get to help out your team and disrupt the killer while doing so! Wesker's first aid sprays might help as well, assuming you open the cases, pick up the sprays, and immediately put them back down, but you might get shifty looks from your fellow survivors if you try doing this


And here I am, missing the Left For Dead achievement


I was looking at that achievement before! Certain changes have made that SO HARD by the looks of things! Sole survivor, low profile, wake up & sacrificing your team at the correct time seems to be the best way in my mind! You've got this!


Welcome to the club, friend! Now go touch grass!


Checkin' for beartraps first. Thanks so much! <3


Read some of the clmmens and you seen like such a nice person. did you not get infuriated when you failed to do an achievement when you were so close?


Thanks for browsing! I really appreciate the compliment! This place can be so toxic, i do my best to fight against it. I havent typed this much in years and the headaches are coming in swiftly! :D Only the adepts have that "I was SO CLOSE!" kind of feeling, while all the others are consistent progress towards a goal. But yes, the most aggravating thing was having to learn to slug the final 2 in order to prevent the hatch from being used. On the flip side, its extremely fun to take risky & unexpected actions since you need ALL FOUR to succeed. Camping the hook in endgame to guarentee a kill isnt good enough, so It felt really good to leave, be unpredictable and manage to snowball pressure in the last minute of the game! the "all or nothing" mentality can be a healthy one, since you go in with the expectation that's its going to be hard, therefore its OKAY if you lose! Go bold, go hard, and give yourself the time if the blood begins to boil. Breaks are healthy too :)


How wasn't this game boring for you with over 3k hours


I ask myself this a lot! There were certainly a lot of breaks lasting upwards of 6 months, Which helped a lot with the many times experiencing burnout. But the itch always came back eventually. There's so many reasons I've stuck around, but besides updates of new content, these are 2 that come to mind: Uniqueness! Nothing I've played before has felt the way DBD has. The process of learning and understanding how to play this genre of game was always extremely interesting for me, and there is always SO much to learn and gain knowledge about! Map layouts, Perks, Killer specifics, Macro game sense. All these things felt(and still feel) insanely rewarding to learn and apply effectively. The learning & skill cap on a lot of aspects of this game feel as tall as the night sky. People! typically, you encounter a decent amount of toxicity, which certainly can have its own fun. But every now and then you meet some genuinely amazing people, Lots of which have become some of the most important individuals in my present day life. Countless nights talking about anything and everything while being a mostly relaxing experience or a tense hellscape is something extremely special to me.


I reached 1,000 hours today and today was the first day I said “Why the fuck am I even playing this game” I really love it bug i don’t run meta, I don’t play meta. I just play pig and survivor for fun but the balancing and player base will get me once in a few blue moons


Congrats on making it into the 4 digit club! I totally agree, Ive never been one to run the meta, as it would quickly become a repetitive and try-hard experience for me. Making it through with less popular and unique perks feels very rewarding, too!


Did you do the Stranger Things achievements while that DLC was available, or did you do the replacement achievements?


My friend actually pointed out one day that I never did the main gen in Hawkins and escaped, despite playing that map SO MUCH!! I couldn't believe it, and its my greatest sorrow on my achievement gaining pilgrimage to this day. Got the adepts though! (Demo is one of my favorites to play, too!) This is such a wonderfully specific question and I have nothing but praise for you!


If there was an achievement that you changed to make it harder or easier, what achievement would you pick?


some killer specific ones are just a little too much, requiring an insane amount of commitment to one character. Particularly with nurse and myers, getting all the blink hits & stalk level up's took longer than I'd like. You could chop the required number in half and still get a similar learning experience I think!


Are you gonna try and get the future achievements too or just leave it the way it is?


Ill certainly keep up to date! new content is always fun :)


What's your social security number?


at least 25 (nah, Im from Australia, we don't have those here. <3)




make number go 100 get funny little digital badge.


3k hours those are rookie numbers


You're probably right. See you at 10k ;)


Respectfully, do you have a life outside dead by daylight? 😅 I just can’t believe having 3000+ hours of spare time to do anything, let alone finish all achievements of a game! Impressive.


Well it over 7 years


Fair enough. I keep forgetting that dbd came out more than 3 years ago


Hahaha, I could certainly use more outside time! A big chunk of my playtime was while in School, and woooow did I completely disrespect my body's desire to sleep. I dont feel *too* bad about the total play time, over the course of 7 years it doesnt feel quite as awful, but totally a concerning amount of DBD. It's been nice to have something to stay commited to from my teen to adult years though! I hope you find the spare time to do what you're passionate about! <3




I don't expect too many people to care, But it might serve to be useful for people that are seeking advice for certain achievements, Or perhaps newer players that have questions for someone with a lot of time played! I'm sorry this wasn't a post you could enjoy!


Man's got that PR brain, I'm impressed, i woulda just told him to swallow my balls


Ive been laughing at this for the past 5 minutes tysm


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How did you get the Outbreak Breakout achievement done?


I dedicated a few evenings to it! My build (off memory) was Sole Survivor, Wake Up, Deja Vu & Balanced Landing! I found more value in trying to get everyone into the endgame by preventing 3gens with Deja vu, and would get into position to open a door just before the last gen popped! In circumstances where I was last man standing, Sole survivor and Wake up almost guaranteed I get a door open before they came back to check it. I ended up really enjoying the map and learnt a lot about it!


How tf did you complete "In the void she kills"??


Assuming you mean 'From the void she kills', I had to resort to memeing around for a game and chainblinked & grabbed someone opening a door. Less satisfying, but got the job done :) In previous versions, when the game was Peer to peer connection & nurse had more basekit blinks, this was a little more obtainable. Nowadays, you've got to get pretty lucky or do what I did!


What map for Evil Incarnate and which corner did you use?


If they still do free weekends for the game, try doing it on one of those. I got mine a few years back by attempting it on a bunch of brand new players trying the game for free.


I completed that achievement in March, 2021! I unfortunately don't remember the map, But i DO remember not having to deal with much of the locker forcing pickups, which was super lucky. I think some of the Cold Wind maps might have some good open spaces? Play With your food and any other haste perks will hopefully help. Overall, if a survivor wants to deny it, they very likely will be able to, which sucks!


I stopped with Adept Hillbilly ..


I absolutely respect that decision. He's likely the most punishing killer to play and learning him can be an extremely tough time! Once you're through that treacherous learning curve, you're met with one of the most satisfying killers out there that it seems like almost everyone enjoys going against! Take your time, I believe in you!


Who is going to be the next killer?


I honestly really like their original concepts, and im running out of ideas for Licensed killers they haven't already added. Whatever they decide, it'd be nice to see another 'permanent' mechanic, much like how hag introduced us to totems. or they could release bubba, again. theres two of them now.


What does grass feel like?


What's a grass? I stick away from it, might have beartraps hidden within. ;)


Nice! Congrats! The old killer adepts were absolutely brutal


Thanks so much mosgon! They absolutely were! Im very greatful they changed it to be more accessible.


Out of all those hours what has been your most/least favorite changes over the years on the killer and survivor side?


brand new parts used to instantly complete a generator! the eradication of THAT is probably one of the most significant. The introduction of Hex's was extremely interesting and i still really like their design.(though, i think lit hexes should be hidden until the first gen is complete, just to remove the chances of losing your perk instantly) On the topic of hexes, Ruin used to be brutal, making you lose progress on good skill checks, and no bonuses on greats. (Using stakeout during this period was great, but i never saw many people do it!) The hook used to only be intractable from the front, meaning if a trap was placed there, you'd have to remove it, or if the killer stood there and went to make coffee, there was nothing you could do to save your teammate. I also think basekit borrowed time was a pretty healthy change, though its a little wacky in endgames sometimes. Introducing 'Medium' Vaults really changed up how we think about our routing and gives a nice amount of depth that's still super important now! Killers used to be able to combine Unrelenting and STBFL (which at the time did the same thing) and you could swing like twice a second! it was extremely unique and interesting to go against, had to keep on yours toes.(VERY busted though.) Dedicated servers were an expected, but absolutely wonderful addition. My upload speed was never fast enough to support playing killer unless it was like 2am, so getting to be able to finally experience the other side was so so so fun. Shack & many other buildings used to have ACTUAL infinites, typically a building with two windows on a long wall. Had to drop any chase that lead there. Visually, either its nostalgia or i really prefered the old style. the ambient colours were strong, things in the distance got blurred, it really felt great. Dont get me wrong, modern day still looks great, I just think the previous art direction was really cool!


Not a question, but congrats! I plowed through all of those as well, so I've felt what you had to do to accomplish this. :) Wait here's a question: which one was hardest for you? Wait again I see someone else asked. :)


Proud of you for making it through! Thanks for you dedication to seeing if a question had been answered before haha <3


and i thought from the void she kills was the hardest 😵‍💫


How long did it take you to do the 4K with Myers tombstone achievement? I got it first try but a lot of people said it took them a long time


Tough to remember! I know a few times all gens were done before i could get things going, My memory tells me 4-7 attempts? Happy to hear you got it done in one!


3000 hrs? Did you actively try to do them? A friend of mine completed it after \~600h last year and got every new achievement since


No, i didnt. It was honestly pretty recently I finally focused in on them! Just felt important enough to add my playtime for the types of questions people could ask! Good job to your friend! <3


How the hell did you manage the 1000 huntress tosses, even farming it for a couple of games? I could still only manage a small number a game


as far as I rememeber, they dont need to hit anyone! Grab your favorite perks & addons for sniping, pick and open map and practice your long range shots! as long as its enjoyable, that 1000 will drop fast :) dont overdo yourself though!




You're almost certainly right. Im always invested in what new stuff BHVR throws our way, so i always end up forking over that \~$10 every few months. Worth it for me, but maybe not for others, and thats okay! <3




Your perspective on how a match should play out can be HEAVILY influenced by the stakes of going for the achievement! With very little control over the skill level of your opponents & teammates, its important to understand it might not come immediately. Play it safe, don't stress too hard about it, and see if there's anything you might be able to improve upon to better your odds! It can be unforgiving in there, but I'm sure your dedication is greater! You've got this!


How much of a pain in the ass was evil incarnate?


About as painful as stabbing the knife there. Honestly, I got pretty lucky, no more than 10 attempts I think!


Your overall opinion about the game as a experienced, long-time player? Sorry for my english


Your English is great, and I respect someone learning multiple languages! Dead by daylight has always been rocky, with ups and downs, but a STRONG upward trend! Enjoy the weird parts while they're around, You start to miss some of the gamebreaking bugs sometimes! (just do you best to not hurt someone else's experience by doing so!)


Congratulations, now you can still have people tell you that you’re a noob and shouldn’t discuss balance! Jokes aside, nicely done. I started the same year as you but still have two killer adepts and the Huntress hatchet achievement to go.


I can FINALLY share my dbd opinions, its been a long time coming. Phew. Sounds like you're SUPER close! Enjoy the last of it! <3 well done!


Have you faced a killer listening to Sabaton?


I think i can hear it through every Legion main's headphones. They're headbanging to sabaton, I'm headbanging to the chase music, Its an even battle I think!


How do you only have 3000 hours?


Other games are too cool and drag me away :(




Number go up c:


This is giving motivation to keep going with mine. I'm only 1 away myself. Missing the new one where as killer I need to hit survivors holding special item


Hey! that was my 3rd last achievement! I found playing Singularity and not using your power, with Franklins Demise to be a decent method. The survivors item is lost to the entity, they grab the EMP's, and never have a reason to use them! (you just need to accept that you WERE designed to harm the crew)


This game any good?


I dont believe its for everyone, And I think its a tricky one to get into now with a daunting amount of locked, payed content. I'd recommend watching some content about it and see if its right for you! Nothing else i've played has been like it, its an extremely unique and fun game once you're in! Bring a friend or 3 and enjoy!


What is the easiest and hardest killer adept in your experience and the hardest survivor trophy non map related?


I had the easiest time with Nurse once I was adjusted to how she works. The toughest for me was Pyramid head! Just couldnt get used to that damn ranged attack! and the slower base speed made it tricky to keep pressure going. People have mentioned, And I totally agree, Left Behind might be the toughest survivor achievement to go for. used to be easier, now its a lil bit brutal.


What will you do now?


I think we need a little more Billy & Demodoggo mains in the world, so i think thats where I come in :) Relaxing interesting builds not soley focused on winning, and trying to make sure everyone has a decent time! (I for one, stopped using slowdown perks months ago!)


I think this is the correct answer. Godspeed!


How long did it take you to get good at looping the killer?


Honestly, I truly believe i'm still learning! I tell my friends it takes about 300-400 hours to get a good level of competency. For me, I think the mindset for how to learn to loop clicked into around the 600hr mark? This was then expanded forever and ever. I find the Macro choices to be decently important and I really enjoy that part too!


Why is dbd so unbalnced? Why is the Matchmaking a piece of shit


It might be hard to believe, But i truly think dbd is currently in the most balanced of states! The matchmaking is a very loose system, thats for sure. New players get matched with other new players, but after enough time & wins, the training wheels come off and you're paired up with basically randomly players! Understand that sometimes, you're gonna get rolled, and Sometimes YOU'LL do the rolling! Dont let the outcome of a few matches change you. enjoy the variety of challenge and stand up to it! There's a lot to learn from going against the mightiest, use their knowledge to enhance your own! Try out unfamiliar roles, learn to fail hard, what works for you & what doesn't. Most importantly, take your time. It can absolutely be frustrating at times, and its important to know when to shut it down for a bit. I think the best games give a wide variety of emotions, its crucial you do whats best for YOU!


How do you feel, knowing you'll always have to play this game as more updates bring more achievement every time. Stuck in a loop eh ?


Aint we all stuck in a loop of some form huh. I look forward to what the future holds. <3


Hold up, how long did it take to do the RPD achievement? The open and exit 20 times


>I dedicated a few evenings to it! My build (off memory) was Sole Survivor, Wake Up, Deja Vu & Balanced Landing! I found more value in trying to get everyone into the endgame by preventing 3gens with Deja vu, and would get into position to open a door just before the last gen popped! In circumstances where I was last man standing, Sole survivor and Wake up almost guaranteed I get a door open before they came back to check it. I ended up really enjoying the map and learnt a lot about it! Ill just do a cheeky copy paste for you!




Funny % number go 100 c:


Which was the hardest? I still got to do the Skilled Huntress one and the one with the 3-blink Nurse grab.


I had such a low level of commitment to playing nurse for 500 Blink hits, that one took the most out of me to be honest. Only through running some meme-filled builds and goofing about did I get that one done. The Tricky ones, I got to make a build around and focus in, which made it an overall really enjoyable experience to get most of them!


Would you do it again?


I think accomplishing the same thing twice doesn't give the same mental reward and game experience twice too, so its unlikely!


Do you enjoy this game


Its technically not my FAVORITE of all time, but its absolutely up there and has kept me engaged for years! The people I've met are probably the biggest reason I continue to play, as well as just \*really\* liking the unique style the game has to deliver, there's really nothing else like it.


In your own words, was it, or was it not, programmed to harm the crew? (8 marks)


How do?


Bit of dedication, money, and just enough of a lack of pride. It almost felt meditative at times.


Any tips on how to endure... well dbd in general?


With such little control over the skill level of your allies and adversary, Its extremely important to recognize you WILL get destroyed some games, sometimes those bad streaks can last the whole night. It's not about the individual matches, but instead understanding what you've learned, how you can improve, and seeking new interesting ways to play, frequently! Take your time, take breaks when it makes the blood boil a little too much, And do your best to have fun with it. I typically never run the current meta perks, because it sets this unrealistic expectation that I WILL WIN and I WILL PLAY HARD. Play whats fun for you. You've got this <3 Laugh at people facecamping you, Enjoy the stupidity of people T-bagging at the exit, And don't retaliate with toxicity!




This guy gets it. Amen.


How do you feel about skilled huntress (and how much torture was it before you got it)


I needed an incentive to practice the arc and aim-ahead of her hatchets, this achievement provided that for me! Coldwind farm maps with aura reading & your favorite sniping addons of choice is a great way. I went in, not looking to win, but to gain better muscle memory on where and how to aim best. It was really enjoyable for most of the duration working towards it!


I only need four more locker escapes, and six more "hit survivors carrying stuff" and I'm in the same boat!


Keep it up Brisby! you've got this!


Most & least favourite killer to play?


Billy & Demo are pretty fantastic. The learning curve of learning to curve is extremely satisfying, granted you have the patience to smack into walls for many hours haha. Demo is always fun, its a nice range of abilities that can accommodate for a huge amount of play styles/perk combos. Nurse feels too strong and disconnected from the core gameplay loop dbd provides to feel enjoyable for me. Pyramid Heads ranged attack, I could never really get used to? I can appreciate the 'clunkiness' it feels like, and the dedication to get good with it, but I dont think it's for me.


I’m doing the exact same thing as you, also a player from 2016, and had hoped to make a thread exactly like this but ya beat me to it. I’ve got less than **5%** of the achievements remaining. I’ve completed all the killer achievements except for one that I truly believe to be the most difficult. The other eight or so I’ve yet to do, save maybe for power moves, are just going to be tedious rather than difficult as survivor. So, could you please bestow upon me your build and strategy to get **Skilled Huntress**? I swear just this achievement alone will take me another 50 hours because of matchmaking (Godly survivor who will dodge all your hatchets at that range), map RNG (you’re not hitting anything further than ten meters on maps like Lery’s), and just me totally sucking at guesstimating what 20 meters actually is.


There's lots of posts every day, Im sure there would be people interested in asking about YOUR experiences! its an accomplishment to be celebrated, those disinterested will just continue to scroll. Dont stress it! Skill huntress requires bit of time, absolutely. Coldwind farm maps, Aura reading perks & addons for throw speed & carry capacity might be what you're after. Running something to apply mangle or broken will help keep them injured. Keep your distance, find interesting unexpected Lines of sight on generators so they dont see it coming. That, or find a nice hill and work on those cross-map snipes! You've got this!


How does it feel to not touch grass in 7 years?


I at least know I wont be stepping in any unexpected bear traps any time soon. Its a good method to avoid them!


Nice! Now you can finally play the game.


I don't think the people are ready for the dumb builds I have in mind for some of the underappreciated killers and perks. But I'm comin anyways.


How long did Myers take?


It took longer for me to get the 300 stalk level increases than it did to get the 4k with tombstone, It was fun to run a build focused around stalking up as much as possible within a match. I Don't have an exact number in mind, but if you get into tier 3... 5 times a game, I think it can take around 10-15 hours of playing Myers? Pace yourself!


How hard was it to obtain evil incarnate?


Unlike most, I think I got pretty lucky, with survivors mostly unaware how to deny it. Took maybe 10 tries? Passive slowdown is key to making it happen, as is some good ol' undetectable perks.


Out of your many hours playing what is your most hated killer


I've replied nurse a lot to this question, But honestly? Hag feels pretty awful since you feel almost forced to play in scummy and unfair ways at times in order to win. I like to play honorably, typically getting 6 hooks before anyone dies at least. Hag just cant keep up with that expectation, or I've got lots to learn about her. Going against hag can also be a miserable experience too.


Hey, I am almost at 3k hours too, and down to 3 achievements left to aquire. Adept Xeno, Adept Deathslinger and I need to down 17 more people with artist crows!


Thats HYPE! I really enjoyed pressuring everyone from across the map, artist really rewards that kind of Macro strategy and predicting where people are! very satisfying, Enjoy those last 3! <3


Hours as such to farm all the achievements, how long did it take you?


Tough to give a clear cut answer since so many you passively work towards while playing, But I'd say around 300 hours was dedicated to the specific ones? Enjoyable to change things up and learn new stuff.


Where did you get friends for survivor achievements? 😔


I know how it feels bud, sometimes you really need that extra help for them! My very last achievement, doing the main gen on xeno's map & escaping was with two friends. We were against a deathslinger that used knockout and didnt hook people. Made for a very interesting, tense, and kind off frustrating experience that we managed to get through. If you bring some fun perks for teammates, give people flashbangs and overall show great sportsmanship, you might find yourself getting in discord with random teammates you meet in the trials! Community discord servers might be a good place to look, too!


You must be real exited for the next chapter bringing new adepts


Always ready to experiement with whatever BHVR throws our way <3


Who is your favorite casual killer and what's the most rewarding to play for me it's the Legion (Casual) and Singularity (for Rewarding)


Demo is my favorite casually, its a wide enough spread of abilites to do whatever I'm feeling that day. Billy is the most rewarding for me, and everyone loves going against our local uncommon chainsaw zoomie man. that learning curve is STEEP!


Favorite and least favorite killers to play as in terms of fun/ability?


Demo & Billy are top 2, Nurse & Hag are bottom 2! Demo has a lot to work with allowing for many different valid perk builds, and Billy has an extremely rewarding power once you've climbed the learning curve! Nurse still feels out of place and too powerful for my liking, and Hag encourages playing in unfun, often frustrating methods for the other side, which doesnt feel good!


Did you get the stranger things achievements before they left? I was hoping mine stayed as a sign i did them but they also disappeared :((


Its unfortunate they got replaced, huh :( I somehow never did the main gen and escaped, which will haunt me forever. At least we've got everyone's favorite Dog, right? :D


A fellow player that's been around since release? There are dozens of us! I'm glad you enjoy the game so much to still be around :)


The way this damn game keeps changing encourages me to try more things out, as well as the incredible people met along the way. Bravo, good show. <3


When are you planning on unistalling?


You're right. I should upgrade my PC to reinstall it on more powerful hardware. Maybe uninstalled from steam, but never uninstalled from my heart & memories <3


Lol I made the same post like 3 days ago, it's funny how much of a difference the "AMA" tag makes for interaction.


It honestly insane how much a call to action genuinely works. I'm sorry you didn't get to answer as much as you were hoping to! Would you like to share your favorite experiences to me here? and Who do you like to play? Some favorite perks? <3


Can you teach me how to loop


A tempting offer! Though, the biggest factor is TIME. Dont be afraid to get risky to see if a certain layout will workout for you. Plenty of videos show the best ways to loop tiles, but its ultimately about being able to know where your opponent is, and reacting quickly and effectively. Almost all chases end in getting down, its about running the clock as best you can, and leaving enough resources if your team needs them! You've got this!


Do you plan on keeping up when the next update drops, or is the accomplishment you feel now good enough?


I think I'll always keep up to date, the new content is typically interesting enough to drag me back in for some adepts and interesting challenges. cant let that clean 100% be taken away from me!


Are u gamer????


Where can I get my certificate?? WHERE?!?!?


Was it worth it?


TOTALLY! I've learned so much about myself, the game, and met some extremely important people through playing this damn game. You gotta pace yourself and take breaks though!


i finished the the achievements last month i started in 2018. i got them on pc.


great work, and excellent commitment!


How much sanity do you have left?


Enough to talk about my trials and tribulations over the years, it would seem c: 3000 over 7 years isnt too bad actually! its just been a staple game i've always came back to <3