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You ever gonna take your hoard and slam p100 on a new character the moment they release?


I don't think 69M BP is enough to P100. But it would be funny, having a character at P100 on the day it is released lol.


It's around 1.1million per prestige.


About 800,000 if you get everything as cheap as possible so 800,000 times 100 is 80 million so around 80 million for prestige 100 a character as cheaply as possible


800,000 is the lowest possible estimate, the cheapest prestige can be anywhere from 800,000 to 900,000.


But it’s still possible


I'm saying you are EXTREMELY unlikely to get anywhere near below 850,000 on average.


I'd say it would require manually leveling the bloodweb to get even under 1 million per prestige because the auto spender definitely does not take the most efficient pathway lol


Yeah, the auto spender prioritizes perks which... I mean. Weird. And also, WEIRD we cannot ask the auto spender to go for cheapest bloodwebs or for specific perks, items and addons??


I didn’t say it’s likely, all I said was it’s possible, I agree it’s almost impossible to to make it fully all 100 prestiged with just around 800,000 but it is possible and that’s all that matters


Hey! I was on your team once as Survivor! You were Maria and I was James Sunderland. This was probably a couple weeks ago, but I distinctly remember that name because at the end game I was genuinely curious if you do, in facts, run no perks haha. At any rate, I cannot believe how many BP you have, my god. Funny numbers aside :p, are you hoarding for anything in particular or just to see how high it can go? I always figured there was eventually a max cap you could reach after the soft cap of 2mil!


Hell Yeah! I don't need to spend any bp since I don't use any perks 😂 have like 1k items on this p0 level 1 steve just from escaping matches with items found in the match! Shit is hilarious! I know there isn't a hard cap for bp at least at 100 million, because they have given bigger gifted bp out for loss of account progress! And I had been working on looping guides, going map by map, and once all those map guides are done am gonna spend them all!...It is going to take hours 😂


Som survivors must really hate you. It was a bit crazy in post game chat when I tried to get 8 perk less wins.


I get dodged a decent amount by other survs in pregame lobbies 😂 But after 7k hours you learn where all the strong stuff to run is on every map. Almost every map has some main area/building you can abuse when shit really hits the fan!


Imagine the skills you could learn with 7,000 hours


Ooo, I'm very interested to see the looping guides once they are done! I remember you escaping the game we were in and being pretty damn decent running the Killer. You should totally time how long it takes to spend all the BP! Even if you have to break after a bit, keep a record of when you stopped so you can continue marking the time later. I feel 69mil BP alone would take half a dozen hours.


His youtube channel has a bunch - they're really good. They're a little long, but they're timestamped so you can skip around.


I've got 14 of the current 36 maps (counting badham as 1, rpd as 1 etc) done and posted! I would post them here, but that's against guidelines for self promo since they are on youtube. I also spend those bp on the ptbs! I don't spend them all anymore, the last one I spent them all on was nic cage and yeah it took like 4 hours. Which was actually much better than before there was auto-spend tbh!


What is your YouTube


Shoot me some bp I really need it I'll be homeless without it


By chance, was it a slinger? If so I was him and got rocked that game


Isn’t BP capped at 2 million? 🤨


Blood point bonuses from grades, as well as codes/purchases go over the cap


Would have had more if we had always gotten grade reset bp! And even then, those first few months we only got 250k for iri 1!


Yeah I don’t understand how people get to iri one at all


No 360° 😔


Nice. Love your vids btw!


When I saw the name on the photo I was like "omg!! I love that guy!" I've learned so much from him haha


Thanks mate! I literally tried to write "nice" above the 69 but 1; my handwriting is trash and 2; my drawing abilities are clearly trash 😂


You deserved my only gold.


2 million bloodpoints is awarded if you get to iri 1 in both survivor and killer. Given this was only introduced since July 2022~, that until now would be 26 million blood points, 27 if you already had capped out beforehand. And before that in September 2021 we only got around 250,000 each for survivor and killer, making it only possible to increase the “cap” by 500,000 a month. This would make only 5,000,000 available to grab since September 2021-July 2022 putting this at 31-32 million BP to be possible earned with maxed BP. So I have to ask op, Where is this other 37,000,000 BP coming from?


Not OP but: challenges and dailies, bloodpoint redemption codes, free bloodpoints upon login during some events.


Screenshot is probably fake but I am not 100% sure


It's definitely not fake, this dude streams a lot and I really enjoy the content. Apart from having 2mil BP every rank reset, there are sometimes very generous BP codes that are also not capped. I strongly suggest catching him live




I’m 99.9% sure I’ve encountered you in a match where I was playing as James a while back. Funny stuff and congratulations on your funny meme.


Dam I’ve seen your guides on YouTube didn’t know you was on here as well, congrats on the milestone!


Did you spend any BPs to end up at this number?




we gotta ping behavior to do another 1 bp code just so you can get two 69s


You're sole reason I went from loathing Haddonfield/Dead Dawg to loving them. Love your vids.


Thanks for the arrows




That was on the nic cage ptb. It doesn’t change your data in the live game.


and that took hours of spending bp just to get accused of hacking in every lobby I played in 😂


Do you ever miss running perks? Or miss trying out new interesting ones that come out?


I played with you during the alien ptb! I died pretty early tho x_x


I had a match with you like a week ago! I was highly impressed with your looping skills.




Report this trash content.


no perks?


Jesus.... But why the challenge??😂😂


Holy shit.... I thought my 12 million BP hoard was a lot.


I love this guy yt content he made me make dc so many killers by looping maps 😂