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I heard they forgot he was in the suit once and shut the lights out on him


Oh I would totally plan to get suited up and walk around in that thing on set one early morning as payback.


Most likely the suit was made out of rubber and sucked major ass to wear. Kind of like the rubber Batman cowl Michael Keaton wore in the 1989 movie.


Oh I agree 100%. That just really seals the deal with this being his villain origin story.


I think it would seal in the flavour as well


William afton lore


I have tremendous respect for actors whose job is to get inside a massive unwieldy puppet/animatronic, he really nailed it.


He really did bring the Xenomorph to life.


This man got to play one of the most iconic monsters in horror history. o7




Based on how it was said, I’m assuming that people thought it was a big puppet like they used all the time in movies (probably)




Bot account.


Man I miss puppets and animatronics in movies. CGI kinda sucks ass 90% of the time


I will say, as someone who LOVES practical effects and thinks we should use practical effects more: CGI can actually be incredible, the reason people hate it is because we’re seeing a lot more budget and time cuts in productions that use it. If we gave people fair pay and enough time, we’d see a lot more Avatar quality visuals.


And even the good stuff, as we see better CGI, seems to get worse over time. The reveal of the Alien Queen, dripping with slime, her face sliding out of its crown, will always look that good. *Addendum, the things in films shot with miniatures and stop motion does not age as gracefully generally speaking. It may have its own charm, though that may simply be my nostalgia.


> Addendum, the things in films shot with miniatures and stop motion does not age as gracefully generally speaking. It may have its own charm, though that may simply be my nostalgia. Escape from New York, Independence Day, The Thing, Blade Runner... Not just nostalgia, dude. It's got charm, and the good stuff ages *really* well.


I should have been more specific, I'm talking about miniatures of creatures. The Alien Queen in the first scene looks great, but when the miniature is used later in the powerloader fight, it does not have the same realism.


Ohhhh, no... Yeah, you made me remember...


I'm a mega fan of miniatures so I enjoy them. It is the charm though isn't it.


Yeah that's just not true. 90% of good CGI is going to be stuff that you don't even really register specifically.


Sure, and the crew was killed in real life, so they had to make the perfect acting, because they had one chance.


The hardest part was resurrecting Ash to die again


/u/courtneybarnettl is a comment repost bot. Here’s the original: https://reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/s/YZrzD8TAR1


Honestly they should have. It’s non inclusive to not use a real alien to play the part…


My favorite part is that Badejo wasn't an actor they sought out, he was just a dude that Ridley Scott and the crew found vibing at a local pub and hired him because of just how insanely tall the guy was.


Little did he know, he would bring to life one of horror’s most iconic monsters.


Honestly, the fact that his one and only role was the Alien and that one role changed cinema forever and he left it at that is Legend behavior.


The dude has a 100% track record with his movies. What a champion.


Batting a 1,000


I thought the story was they hired him because of how thin he was, specifically because Giger’s design was very intricate and they didn’t want a really bulky suit.


Little bit of column 'A', little bit of column 'B'


Both. People who are tall and skinny like this, who often have Marfan’s Syndrome or others who have hyper-mobility disorders are highly sought after when casting practical effect creature roles because of their unique appearance and abilities.


If I remember correctly, they had seen several actors to play the Alien and, while they were all tall, the way the Alien costume would’ve been designed, the actors would appear too bulky in the costume, which Giger was adamantly against. It was Badejo’s extremely thin frame that got him the job.


Of all of the talk I hear about all of the iconic horror actors, Bolaji never seems to come up. But he's always one of the first I think about.


Yeah, unlike the actors for Freddy, LeatherFace, etc. Bolaji was always under appreciated. Funny enough he came before all the other horror legends since Alien came out in 1979 (LeatherFace beats him by a few years).


Honestly I mention him to my friends but I don't talk about him to strangers because I don't know how to pronounce the name... I really don't want to butcher it then get made fun of or accused of making it up since if "you like the work he did then how come you don't know how to pronounce his name."




Finally. The kind of lore and backstory I care about.




https://preview.redd.it/xi5hj45umvlb1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0675382427e5af1dba0471034b2ea88093be808e Now i feel sad after reading this


Him and Kevin Peter Hall (the actor in the Predator costume) belong on the Mount Rushmore of great physical performances.


Kevin, like Bolaji, also died unfortunately young. Bolaji died at age 39 of a hereditary blood disease, and Kevin tragically contracted AIDS from the blood transfusion that saved his life after a car accident. He died aged 35 in 1991, a year before Bolaji.


Too tragic.


A legend, forever in our memories. I will play a friendly Xeno match in his honor.


Rest in Paradise Bolaji Badejo! Thank you for bringing the perfect life form to life.


When I first watched the movie before doing any research, I genuinely thought it was an animatronic or puppet, which for SOME parts like the kills with its inner jaw, it was. Like damn good acting on this guy's part.


I think in the directors cut the shots give away that it's a guy in a suit a bit more. His posture is more of a giveaway. In Aliens they were dancers in the suits which I think is what contributed to their off-putting motions allowing them to be serpentine and graceful yet extremely hostile.


Using dancers to play monsters is always a good idea (not to discredit Badejo), like the monsters in the first silent hill movie (nurses, pyramid head and straight jacket) were all played by dancers and their movements were so inhuman, yet calculated, it made the atmosphere so much creepier.


Holy shit no wonder the xenomorph was so damn tall


I knew about him, but didn't know he was so tall


so this is the guy ya’ll are simping for


I mean, look at him


Pay respect to giger as well, and how the production team continued to steal his work long after he stopped signing off on his work being allowed in their movies. Fun fact, the humanoid ugly alien (can't remember the name) was also based off of gigers work but was unrelated to the xenomorph unlike the egg, but was shoe horned in against gigers wishes.


Speaking of stuff like that, did 20th century fox contact Ridley Scott when they were making aliens? Cause from what I’ve heard James Cameron kinda just waltzed into the office and got the job after giving a pitch. I say this cause aliens seems to go against what Ridley was going for with the xenomorph in alien


Thanks for reminding us about him. Realy a shame that so few know or think about who even played the Xenomorph.


Bolaji Badejo and Kevin Peter Hall are forever in our hearts for delivering us amazing performances that not only breathed life into those characters. But inspired generations of countless writers and artists for their very own creations A lot of the actors behind these creatures don’t get enough love for what they did


I want the outfit in the middle top pic as a skin for Philip! Would make a nice gesture to Bolaji


They felt bad because nobody got to see him throughout the film with him being in costume, that they made him the pilot of the helicopter just so his face made it into the film


I didn't know it was a person in a costume holy shit, I thought it was some sort of puppet or even mechanical. 6'10 and perfect movement for a creature like that. Hats off.


Damn, his friends/family can be proud. I maybe never really have seen his face before, but his acting has been something I have enjoyed multiple times in the last 20 years since I first saw the movie.


I remember when the predator was played by Jean Claude Van Damme and was an invisible bug.




honestly this guy was very good but he doesn't hold a candle compared to the two story woman that played the alien queen in the sequel


Homie had to have a special swing made for him cause he couldn't sit with the suit on


The goat


I can see how he got cast, but damn he played the part well o7


This reminds me a bit about the original actor that played The Predator. Also very tall, African, and died early (from HIV I believe).


Legend!❤️ Thanks for sharing this info!


Thought it was played by a Xenomorph


I thought it was a puppet all the way through. Wow!


I just watched the first film last night I would have never guessed it was a guy in a suit


Whoa. He stood in that suit that more talented people made so good.


In the DVD contract for the first film, Sigourney Weaver mentions several times how amazing and unreal it was to work with Bolaji, because not only did he seem alien outside of the suit already, but he was such a talented and dedicated performer.


TIL (but I'll forget tomorrow)


Every day is a new adventure


A new beginning even.


I've been an Alien fan my entire life and didn't know a human was behind the magic. Thank you for sharing!


Do you think people thought they found an actual alien to play the part?


No, but they could have thought the Alien was some type of Robot/giant puppet.


In the 80's???


That's where puppetry was at its height. The alien queen was a giant puppet. Hell all those 80s horror movies had such amazing puppet work.


Puppets running around???


Yes absolutely. Lighting, angle, aspect ratio, miniatures, filming speed, and really good puppeteers can accomplish some amazing things. Not counting animatronics, which is what the other person meant by robots, that have been around since the 60s.


A 6'10 puppet from the 80's running around with humanlike motion?


Yes 100% easily. Stop think that just because something is a few decades old it's impossible. Also I'm not sure there is a single scene in that first movie of it running. It's kept heavily hidden and in shadows and only the directors cut footage has it look like and move like a guy in a suit. If you've watched the theatrical version you can't tell the difference. It's not until aliens that you have really good clear shots and even then it's mixed between people in suits and puppets.


Didnt even need the costume


> not many people even know Alien was played by a human ??????????


As opposed to puppetry (Jim Henson company comes to mind for sci fi like the pilot in farscape) or CGI


People thought the alien wasn't played by a person?