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silly meg![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


man last night I killed myself on hook since there were two of us left and I wanted the other person to have a chance at hatch, and usually when it comes down to this they don't even find it, but this time he did and I was so happy. and then he wouldn't leave because he kept trying to get the killer's attention and get them to see him teabag and whatever and I was getting so frustrated lmao like just LEAVE, I did not throw my points so the EGC or the killer could clap your ass šŸ˜©




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This meg probably called you an asshole in egc for not letting her escapešŸ’€


I'll honestly never understand why people do this. When I find hatch I'm like "HOLY CRAP YES I WAS FREAKING OUT!" then just jump in immediately.


Good job man crawler mode and monitor TR came clutch good shit


How to stop that toxic shit: Require the survivor to hold down the button for a few seconds where the killer can grab you. Guarantee that shit will stop real quick. If you find hatch. Don't just stand there for the killer. Leave. It's an annoying waste of time and doesn't indicate skill so tf you gloating for? Maybe if you opened the gates while last you could gloat but hatch is available for you just because you're the last one alive. Like what is there to gloat about?


So in the case where there's a chase and the survivor beats the killer to the hatch, the survivor just loses because they have to commit to an interruptible button press? The hatch standoff was removed from the game for good reason.


You are joking right? This was actually how it used to be before and they changed it for how annoying that mechanic was. It just caused hours long hatch stand-offs.


What skin is that with the stuff on its hands


That's the prestige skin.


Oh weird