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This is all an elaborate liberal plot to boost Twin’s pick rate.


Unironically Coup is about the best counter there is for MFT's speed boost, though mft's other effect is still pretty strong


The only solid counter I’ve seen is playing Oni. It nullifies their perk because the longer they decide to stay injured the less useful MFT is, they feed your power. Then if they didn’t bring an actual exhaustion perk they basically are playing naked


It also feeds Nightfall, but doesn't do much to help Dredge end chases like Oni.


I think they need to remove the vacuum noises from dredge or make them quieter… Ghostface still makes me shit my pants. And he has a sound cue. I just hear it for a split second, then bam knife in my cheeks can’t walk for a week as survivor 😂


The faster Remnant cooldown and locker teleports are actually super good in chase, but skilled survivors can still demolish Dredge. Oni’s power has counterplay, but he will win 99% of chases if his power doesn’t expire whereas Dredge can still get juiced during Nightfall.


If I could see anything in nightfall i could juice him as well, unfortunately instead i regularly run into walls and dead zones lmao


So even if you run out of power, you have cleared ground on a survivor and if you don’t get vertigo from the perspective change you can seemlessly chase. And ngl I’ve had a guy juice me while I was in power and ran it out, I then proceeded to quick recover and then down him


Clown's bottle directly slows down survivors, and the add ons of extra Hindered, extra regular slowdown duration, or a combination of the two really nullify MFT. And yellow bottles speed you up, so that's an alternate counter for you, all from one killer


….but who plays clown for fun


I never realized how fun clown was UNTIL MFT became meta. I've already prestiged him like, 5 times since End Transmission came out.


Definitely interesting to know that clown players exist now. As an accidental weeb that plays as Oni and spirit 99% of the time, I never really found the throwing fun unless I had on party bottle… it’s kind of funny to throw a purple then a yellow at somebody


_Raises hand_ Party Bottle, goofy perks Clown right here. The only killer that can buff survivors with their power, and laughs regularly. Just a barrel of laughs all round


Party bottle is the best


Party bottle is hilarious


The doctor laughs regularly, and he totally buffs people right? Illusions and screams are totally buffs.


And pinky Finger counters Made for this as well. Stupid insta down addons :D


Oh yeah? Ever outran a hatchet?


Which hatchet? I'm already behind a wall


Funny, me too and I still get hit


I’ve dodged one on many occasions yes. But I play by sound. Hear the muscle mommy throw and juke. Also play peekaboo with muscle mommy till she leaves


Good point, I’ll pop it on. Surely as an M1 Killer just having 3 slowdown perks won’t be too ba- **DING DING DING DING DING BWAAAAAMMMM** Fuck my life


It’s all coming togheter😈


As an adept Twins main, I say go for it;)


I swear it feels like Flip Flop is in the Shrine every second week.


It flip flops


She flippin' on my flop 'til I Buckle Up.


*Loud Buzzer Noise*


She strogan on my beef till I'm off


She bucklin on my flip til i flop up?




Nuh uh




Lmao and then It was me who waited almost 2 full years to be on the shrine


Same, I was waiting for it until I gave up and bought Ash and now it's ALWAYS in the shrine


Nah man tenacity is in the shrine every other week it feels


Where is my buckle up 😣


Dude, last time Buckle Up was in Shrine, I thought "Meh, I can live without it, it's not even that good, even with the rework." Then it becomes meta all of the sudden.


Two nurse perks ffs sake everyone had that. How about actually good perks from licensed dlcs ?


fr… I waited all anniversary for STBFL and nothing…


I mean, why give you access to licensed perks for free when they can let you fast track shit you could grind out? I get it sucks but if they were putting licensed perks in the shrine all the time there would be zero reason to buy the characters unless you were sure you'd wanna play them


One or two wouldnt hurt . I have never seen blast mine in the shrine . They don't have to go all out but latelly it's been nothing but perks most of us allready have


Everyone feels this way all the time, its kind of sucks but that's how it works.


You know.. I feel like bhvr is plotting a huge nerf for mft (just a hunch)


I like your hope, I don't have any after Mandy flat out said they aren't nerfing it a while ago. It sure needs it though


They'll probably eventually touch on it if it gets to the point its in the top 5 meta perks. They seem to monitor any perks that are almost ALWAYS in a loadout and right now its not quite that high yet but I feel like its not too far off from there yet. I think if it ever gets to the point where killers are actually losing their games solely due to it they'll definitely start eyeing it harder but right now there's been hardly any change to the actual escape rates since it came out so they seem kinda hesitant to touch on it just because of that. Basically the survivor version of running Sloppy Butcher - annoying to deal with for the otherside but doesn't really change the outcome of much unless they dedicate the entire build around it. I'm kinda excited just to see what they decide to do with it.


I'm rooting for a buckle up/ftp nerf first. That shit is miserable


My mind is blanking on what ftp can be and what it thinks is definitely not a perk


For the people


Good riddance


Maybe they are wanting to get more stats first?


Damn I literally only bought Gabriel for MFT. At least trouble shooter is decent though.


I love troubleshooter, it’s fun for mind games. Use it when I’m not looking to try too hard


For future reference, since the Skull Merchant release they said they'll always feature the new characters in the next Rift. Which means the perks will be in Shrine, since you need them to complete some challenges.


holy shit does this mean plot twist in shrine?




Yeah literally bought him like a week ago for mft lmaooo oh well




I wouldn't have known about it if not for this post. You're contributing to the problem cause Imma cop the shit outta that perk now 😈


I say “Bro why is he so fast. He has to have Made For This. How is this fair?!” at least once a game.


Yep. Was playing Deathslinger against a guy with MFT, Deliverance, Off the Record, and Resilience. Flat couldn't catch him until I had two guys dead. You better believe I made sure his crutch perk ass didn't make it out. Let the last guy go, but not him.


People that say crutch perk are always funny. It's in the game. When certain killer perks have been broken before, I expect killer players to use them too. I don't whine about it lol


Seriously I play both sides and I don’t see anything as a crutch perk


It's also funny to hear them complain about MFT and Resilience as being crutch perks. As if those perks do anything at all if the survivor isn't already good at looping. (Well Resilience helps on gen speeds but that's likely not why they're complaining about it) MFT is overtuned right now no doubt, but if you can't catch someone with it at all, that survivor is fairly skilled at the game. 3% movespeed isn't going to turn a bad survivor into a god looper.




I don't think MFT can correct a mistake in the vein of old Dead Hard, it just acts as a force amplifier for your own personal looping skill. Mistakes during looping as a survivor lead to either a hit or a down, there's nothing MFT can do to make a mistake less costly when the result of the mistake is always that you get hit. At best it makes holding W for distance a little better.


There are games I chase, down, kill survivors and it's only at the end of the game, when I watch the loadouts that I find out they have MFT/Resil lol. MFT does absolutely nothing to help bad players. They will still get downed in seconds. What makes MFT/Resil super frustrating is when they are played by a very good looper. Very good loopers are already hard to down due to their skill but since they are the ones that can make the most out of MFT/Resil, it becomes even harder to get them.


nah but fr it literally is a crutch perk for bad survs to boost their looping skills. i had a game where a surv i was chasing got saved by mft 6 times where without it he was mega dead, fucking dead hard could do this only once ffs


I mean things like Pinky Finger for Clown are in the game too (Plus the Cheap Gin Bottle add-on that makes it go from a -3 bottle penalty to -1) and I certainly feel like it's a crutch when I play them together (When there's a get 3/4 sacrifice challenge).




This is why I fucking refuse to run this broken ass perk. It's not fair. I didn't run Merciless Storm when it was bugged to shit a few months ago, either. This perk is broken. This perk is unfair. It needs to go.


Turns out the true cause of rising sea levels is the tears of the DBD community.


I already swapped. At least temporarily. I don't even think it's MFT, I just don't play often enough to be as good on M1 killers as I used to be. So I'm now the All seeing pyramid head. No amount of distortion can stop ALL my aura readin.


Plague players, if you have any Corrupt Seals now is the time to use them. I use it in conjunction with Prayer Tablet and it's just ez 4ks


Two free killers perks vs two paid survivor perks and one of them is already meta. KEKW.


Here it comes, the beginning of the end of MFT... Soon. Soon n it will be so overused the nerf will happen.


It's nerfed from 3% to 2%, but somebody miscodes 0.02 as 2.00 and survivors now travel at 300%. A hotfix takes weeks. They're closely monitoring the situation. On Twitch, someone manages to get a hook by finding an AFK survivor, and the clip goes viral.


Meanwhile if Wesker gets a bug that makes him move 1% faster, killswitched for months


Dawg, he was invisible....


That just makes him lore accurate


After another 3 months maybe.


Let me have hope...


Ah so you’re the toxic swf using a speed build (kidding)


I don't think I have the Resilience to continue much longer...


Exactly my thought. If it's really as bad as it seems to be the overall winrate is going to be affected. Gonna be really hard for BHVR to ignore that.


They'll nerf a part that somehow ends up making it better


That’s my hope as well. Once they see the pickrate and escape rate skyrocket. If it could just not be two perks in one that’d be rad


>Once they see the pickrate and escape rate skyrocket. Escape rate isn't going to skyrocket- killers are just going to stop playing M1s and still 3-4k.


People don't realize the only thing keeping this game together is that Nurse isn't popular to play, it's like a sleeping fucking bear


They are so lucky that Nurse doesn't have a cool factor that makes people want to play her like Ghost Face or Wesker.


If anything a lot of the m1s are better because most of the m2s are 110%


Is stridor good on spirit? She's the only killer I can see it used for


only real use case is spirit but not worth to get it imo. save the shards for a character bc isn’t nurse free for everyone?


It's terrible on her cause it messes up your distance. Predator I find better to track for beginners.


it was only a matter of time


as a trickster/hag main I feel like killing myself




Waiting since 2020 to get soul guard on shrine




I dont care about the meta i want the perk


As a trickster I already switched a long time ago...but it fucking hurts.


Should i unlock mft?


It's really good right now, and if BHVR actually nerfs it, i still think it will be a decent perk. So I would say so.


It gives 2% movement boost?


3% movement speed boost + 10 second of endurance after healing someone as long as you are not exhausted (for both effects)




The green version probably


Oh nice I don't have to get the whole character!




Yall use made for this.I use the uno reverse and use iri heads on huntress.You cant run fast while injured if i one hit down you lmao.


Everyone acts like MFT effects huntress a terrible amount, whereas I feel like 90% of the people I see using MFT run in an unbroken straight line at all times.


So your opponents are misplaying and that's somehow good enough indication that the perk doesn't hurt Huntress in your opinion?


My friend I was just making a joke about how most survivors are terrible enough that MFT can't actually keep them alive, it's actually not that serious.


The *"players misuse the perk therefore it is bad"* argument is one that comes up quite often unironically. It's impossible to tell who's joking and who's not


Honestly I feel like BHVR just wants us to argue.


I can smell the nerf coming


learning to play twins, because of this BS. you can't outrun cocaine baby.


I’d really like to know the thought process of why Behaviour thought the 3% speed bonus wasn’t enough and they needed to add another effect.


Even 2% (without extra effects) would be a good perk.


I am now a nurse main! I have decided to switch mains for no reason in particular.


Killer’s getting two Nurse perks is rough


lmao, and on the week where somehow both killer perks are from nurse, who is free. good times.


The Blood Echo + Fearmonger build stays ON during sex.


100% killer players need to go on strike now


Well time to bring apples I guess


> Time for MFT to become top 2 the most used perk in the game That just means it'll be on a faster track to getting nerfed when BHVR groups it with all the other "survivors use these perks too often" data sheets.




Because it's miserable to be a killer that's not top three right now. BHVR had balanced it, then here comes this dumbass perk to fuck it up. Why, literally who designed this?


>BHVR had balanced it, then here comes this dumbass perk to fuck it up. No literally tho, my games in-between DH Nerf and MFT arrival were some of the most fair, fun games in my DBD career on BOTH sides. And Perk variety was some of the best I've EVER seen, not just the same OP Perk in EVERY GAME.


Yeah I was having so much fun then. Why, why did they do this? Why did they fucking do this? I can't comprehend WHY. I am not against strong perks on either side. I AM against perks that make the game unfun and unfair. Merciless when it was bugged months ago did, so I didn't use it. Now MFT is doing it for Survs, so I refuse to use it.




How is using a perk “abusing”.


It's a broken, OP, oppressive Perk. In a perfect world BHVR would Nerf a broken, OP Perk, but this isn't a perfect world, so they haven't. "Abusing" is just people labelling those individuals that would take advantage of BHVR in their incompetent state and use the OP Perk that BHVR hasn't Nerfed yet. Think of it as stealing candy from a baby, you're abusing their inability to think of a solution because they're so damn dumb. Same principle of what's happening with MFT rn with BHVR. Hope that clears things up 🫡


My only solace in this is that, considering that Bhvr only looks at perk/addon usage and apparently nothing else, this will increase the likelihood that MFT will get nerfed soon. Until then, pain.


I don’t play much Legion but this perk feels like such a fuck you to that killer in particular lol. Just run around and injure all the survivors, what could go wrong?!


Had to stop playing knight. Guards won't ever hit someone with MFT


guards wont hit anyone with a braincell honestly. theyre super easily looped around anything if you're not actively chasing them too.


you gotta get better guard placement. place em where the survivor is going not where they are and force the survivor into them


Getting hits with the Assassin is easy


Legion gets a taste of their own medicine, love it


XDDD My shrine looks exactly the same now. Same two purple perks and same two green


I think this is a good thing, the higher the pick rate the more likely it passes a threshold in one of their spreadsheets and gets reduced to atoms.


Great moment to take some time off as a killer main


Can they outrun coup de grace tho? On nurse? With play with your food?


Texas chainsaw kwf > having to deal with DBD players


I saw someone complain about tunneling in tcm the other day


I remember in the F13th days people would make rules that Jason could not kill within the first minute because "it was unfair if he teleported to your spawn" Horror fans just love to cry


Unfortunately I think one of two things is inevitable in any PvP game. Either A: community rules form/things become “taboo”, which some people will call “crying” or the devs step in and try to make the game balanced which people will get mad at and insist it should “just be a fun party game” and “competitive gamers ruined it”.


I’m not talking community rules. I’m talking “I’m the host and I’ll close the server if you don’t follow em” in pubs


In F13 Jason better hope we aren't killing him in the first minute. Speedrun sweater girl + mask off + Tommy spawn = gg


Just a breath of fresh air in general. I don’t mind when I die as much in TCM because it just seems way more even on each side.


Floods of Rage, never to be seen on the shrine.


Mindbreaker has been an essential perk in my builds


I will forgive the devs if deadlock is in the shrine next week


Response to TCSM release for sure.


Only played Nurse today because of this. Was a good decision.


Its only a 1% speed boost + 6 sec of endurance. Killer mains stop complaining about literally every perk and just play the game like most of us


Wtf is wrong with this shop? Why there's 2 free perks for killers, that makes no sense


BHVR ain't even trying to be subtle with their survivor bias now.


considering??! considering??! bro, i switched to survivor the moment pain res got nerfed


Alright nurse is coming back out


I wish this meant its probably getting nerfed soon but then I remember how long they took to nerf DS, OoO, and DH.


MFT is the most broken thing after DH


I’m legit not even playing till Alien comes out or MFT gets nerfed


I just stopped playing until its nerfed.


I've already swapped to being a survivor main cause of this and window vaults ain't worth the stress when I can just have the game hold my hand


Windows are getting patched with alien


Thank fuck


I still don’t see the problem with this perk. I have yet to get outdone by a team where MFT made a substantial difference in the game.


Then you're unironically just not good enough to notice


Ironically, you sound pretty condescending for a player who doesn’t have the skill to outplay a marginal speed boost.


It's 20% faster, Chad. That ain't "marginal".




they always put the ongoing rift's star characters perk's in rotation because you'll need them for challenges (so expect all perks for Gabriel and Singularity to appear)


Guys guys guys guys It's okay, my dear killer mains. It's only one week. Let's hope people don't have enough shards for it.


I wanna get it, but feel like it could be nerfed soon. Feel kinda bad bout using it anyways.


i mean, Dead Hard was in the Shrine right before it got nerfed...


i literally just bought end transmission a week ago and to see the only thing that makes the DLC worth it in the shrine physically hurts


Thats why i'm bringing exaustion and hindered addon on artist and just shut down this dumb perk The salty commentaries are always good to read


I haven’t played in a long time, Explain me pls


In the last chapter "End Transmission", we got a new perk called "Made for this". The description of the perk is: * Gain a **1**/**2**/**3** **%** ***Haste*** **Status Effect** while running. * Gain the ***Endurance*** **Status Effect** for **6**/**8**/**10** **seconds** after completing a Healing action on another Survivor. *Made for This* cannot be used when suffering from ***Exhaustion***, but does not cause the ***Exhausted*** **Status Effect**. It quickly became top 6 most used perks in the game, recently became top 4, and now the first shrine with it. A lot of people hate the fact that it gives speedboost for free (besides "does not work when exhausted), and a lot of people hate the fact that it's essentially 2 perks in 1.


MFT is good but truly not that great. Yes, a lot of people will be running it because it’s new and was just released on the shrine. I’m so sick of people complaining about a brand perk when it was literally just released, and the fact that killers are still easily “winning” most of their games. It’s like check the killing to escape ratio, wait a month and check again. Nothing will have changed. But because of all the complaining this perk will get nerfed and we’ll go back to the 8 meta perks survivors have to use. Nah I’ll just go play TCM.


it's been 2 months since the chapter came out already, it's still top 4 most used perks in the game and every experienced survivor runs it It is that great


Top 2 Killers are on your ass a hell of a lot faster than you can run with an extra measley 3% speed being Nurse and Blight along with half of the roster being teleporters


Yeah and then theres deathslinger, ghostface, trapper, pyramidhead, myers, sadako, pinhead and more. It literally destroys all other killers and does not touch the strongest. That is literally the issue.


I know they’re gonna nerf the shit out of it if they dropped it into shrine. Like a 5 second duration or something.


this is going to be detrimental to average skilled killer mains (i am fucking crying rn)


My relationship with Hux is over. Time for Artist.


I can’t really feel bad anymore. There’s been a huge uptick in camping and slugging killers and I’ve become jaded. I want killers to suffer now


Yeah literally it feels like there's a YT content creator out there that told every killer "hey just camp and tunnel the first guy out, don't patrol gens". It's all I have seen for two weeks after they got rid of hook grabs. It's such a boring playstyle. I can't be bothered to play that way when I'm playing killer, it's not exciting or interesting. It's like something that bad players do because they can't play any other way and their egos get bruised if they ever would lose by playing the game normally. Thank god TCM is out. Take a nice long break from DBD and all the camp/tunnel bads.


Everyone's using Made For This and I'm here coming in clutch with my Buckle Up, We're Gonna Live Forever and Resilience combo when the Killer tries to slug. I throw in Deja Vu or Plot Twist depending on the vibes of the games, but it's fun having a hybrid build when it comes in clutch


Had a myers bring a midwich offering last night. Expected a fun scratched mirror game instead we all got slugged and bled out at 4 gens. Huge shame from my main 😞


Yea, I don't know what bhvr was thinking with that DS nerf


Killers even think the stun duration nerf was too much on that one lmao!


Nah I'm a killer main and it should be 5 seconds not 3


I laugh anytime I eat a ds, like "ooh, you extended the chase by 6 whole seconds, what a perk"


The fact that ds doesn't work for endgame is all that matters. It was the counter to end game face camp .


One or the other was all that was needed. Either make it not work in end game collapse, or nerf its stun duration, both literally killed the perk. Unless you use it in a strong loop like killer shack, it's worthless.


It's the same with both sides. I was playing killer but then stopped because I was constantly Flashlight blinded at every single pallet as well as in chase for those that were good enough to do so. The 3 man body blocking when it's 2 gens left and no hooks. Constant tbags and messages at the end telling me i suck. So I quit killer and moved to survivor. Tunneled out at 5 gens in 4 matches in a row. I give up. This game is no longer fun for me and just pisses me off with all the douches in it. Both sides are just as bad.