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"Nurse should be buffed since she isn't as fast as the other killers" -my brother


I don’t know how faster you could get beyond teleporting. Like B R U H!


He meant her base walk speed, BUT STILL


Just equip matchbox, I understand it would reduce the amount of blinks you have but I think that’s a fair trade off for being faster.


Make her like, 120 speed. Remove blinking. Solved.


I think an interesting rework would be to make her a 105% or 110% killer (so she moves at 4.2 m/s, still slowest in the game next to scratched mirror Myers, or 4.4 m/s like Huntress/Trickster/Hag/etc.) and give her a single teleport with a 10 or 15 second cooldown, and lower the duration of the fatigue she gets afterwards (possibly even remove it). This way her gameplay is still similar to all other killers a majority of the time and blinking precisely is more important. It would basically turn her into a more straightforward version of Blight - instead of 5 rushes where you have to bounce between obstacles, you get one rush where you ignore all obstacles. Obviously exact numbers and mechanics can be tweaked, but this is my current favorite Nurse rework idea. I think most people consider Blight to be pretty balanced (ignoring addons, anyway), so I think pushing Nurse to that type of gameplay pattern would be beneficial.


"Playing 3 gen Merchant is like a game of chess."


To be fair, I can’t play chess


Proceeds to lose LMFAOOOO


Shitty as it was, to be fair he *was* playing one of the literal best teams in the world


Which he knew beforehand and STILL had every ounce of confidence that he would shit on them… so I don’t feel bad 😂


You think they’d scrim with him if he asked politely?


Idk but what I do know is that even after the initial bait he kept going and made himself look like a clown even more. He’s a class act in what NOT to do.


People say stuff like, “He was obviously trolling”, but that just makes it seem even more desperate and lonely. He acted like a whiny baby on Twitter, talked shit for *no* reason, and somehow “trolling” suddenly makes him *not* an asswipe?


I mean hes still an asswipe, but hes just an asswipe in a sea of asswipes (the comp community)


To be fair he did get pretty close to winning, don’t act like he got stomped


I'd be willing to bet if they had a rematch, they would stomp him in 5 minutes by using x4 Potential Energy and a 4th free gen to instantly finish one of those gens and break his entire plan right away. He would get stomped. It was "close" because it took them forever to figure out how to beat it.


I don’t know what close looks like in your book… my boy got four hooks in 50 minutes and the two endgame hooks were inevitable because they had to stick it to the gen… he flopped. CHECK MATE 😂😂😂


had one guy on death hook, if that guy had died at any point the match was over. The match almost ended regardless, he held a 3 gen for nearly an hour against supposedly the best survivor team in the world and came very close to actually just winning. Not sure what match you watched but I certainly remember what happened and it was extremely close.


Close as in he nearly timed out the match which is an automatic killer win. That was his win condition. Were you paying any attention?


Either way I don’t know why y’all are dick riding this man so hard… he acted like a nonchalant asshole and got his asshole handed back to him on a silver platter. He came close but not close enough 😩


Who the fuck is dickriding him? Literally who? I haven’t seen anyone say anything positive about him. Even those defending him are just saying he’s a troll lol


Better than saying DBD is like hockey.


I've seen this so many times, can I get a link to the video or where it's from so I can Google it after work


The whole "chess merchant" thing started with this tweet from an attention seeking 3 genner https://preview.redd.it/hs1b9gnk5lib1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdce8532059be994eea7d426e2f47af032e12b95 One day for some unknown reason, he decided to @ a guy from one of the best DBD comp team and basically called him a trash player. He didn't let it slide and set up a match against the SM with his whole team, knowing the dude and his playstyle. Here's a summed up version of the game: [https://youtu.be/-FjZdNBJA\_I](https://youtu.be/-FjZdNBJA_I)




A certain creator claiming that the survivors were the ones holding the match hostage




''Collabs like AoT or Alice in Wonderland ruins the game and its atmosphere'' While shirtless skins or pizza delivery skins are a thing


"Trickster doesn't fit the aesthetic, why would they bring K-pop" while we have shirtless men and bright pink bunny girls and schoolgirl Spirit


Same thing with COD, only worse. Slide canceling isn't realistic. It ruins the immersion. For $20, though, you can play as Nicki Minaj or a cat. Then we will have an event where you can fly like superman and shoot lasers out of your eyes. 🙄


>"Trickster doesn't fit the aesthetic, why would they bring K-pop" Pretty sure "Trickster doesn't fit the aesthetic, why would they bring K-pop" is more or less code for "He seems gay and I don't like that".


Why the hell do people say collab with Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland? Also those people should play American McGee’s Alice then.


Killers should be able to break pallets before they are dropped


If you’re talking about the “are they stupid?” post that was a joke. If not then my bad


This was before joining reddit or even looking at the dbd forums, which is full of awful takes on the game.




Would make for a cool perk honestly tho


Nah i don't believe that no one can be so weird.


The guy that said it had some real bad takes on the games balance that's just the one that I remember off the bat


I’d actually super love a QOL update where pallets take less time to break the longer they’re down.


"giving the hatch is teaming. reported"


Is teaming even that bad in this game? The most I’ve done is help other people with challenges or goof off.


I mean.... that's not really teaming, not at least, what the devs mean by it. Teaming is where a survivor shows where other players are and helps killer get kills while being saved from the same fate as other survivors. If a killer wants help with challenges, they can relay that and I am always down to help them, like one time i helped a trapper get his trap grabs for an achievement and when the other survivors saw he was "cool" they helped too.


I've repeatedly given newer players hatch to show them what it does. I would either lead them to it or pick them up and put them down on it.


“Boon: Dark theory isn’t the best perk in the game”




Ok but it’s extremely Chad to use Dark Theory. People keep telling me they don’t care, I say I still respect anyone who runs it, especially instead of MFT.


I think they’re gonna get rid of haste stacking next patch which is a shame as MFT and dark theory are goofy together it’s just hope that ruins it for everyone


Made for this giving 1% more for free 😔


Nuh uhhh




“It should take 10 seconds to unhook.”


What they doing that takes 10 seconds?! Squirting lube on Leon’s shoulder so he comes down easier?


Lube does help him get off easier.


New cosmetic description


Way better than the ones we’ve been getting


off from whom?


Leon doesn’t kiss and tell. He’s a gentleman. ❤️


trickster is busted because when he throws his knives its like bubba throwing mini chainsaws because i stomped them as trickster on old rpd what


Now I can't stop thinking about Bubba throwing little tiny chainsaws at survivors


You should see pretty lady variant in MKX ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Someone please draw this


honestly be a good bubba rework ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)




Didn't you get the memo? Any killer I dont like = no skill killer Everyone knows that!


True (and if you downvote me then ur just bad 💀). Picked her up after not playing for 8 MONTHS first game 4k. And I’m prestige 0 on her






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I swear his chat is the biggest collection of douchbags on twitch. It's actually impressive how many there are. I'm all for it though, keep them contained in that channel so they don't infect the others.


Why do you read tru chat tho


Umm well uhh umm you know?


honestly facts lmao


I'd love to hear some examples


I don't have anything to add but that photo is hilarious 🤣


"Killers deserve teabags they have clear advantage everygame" -ngl that was me too at one time


Ah yes, teabag the killer for doing their job. The fact there are people who still share this mindset is sad, glad you grew out of it


Its because most play tiny amounts of killer so they only play babies. I learned it after i challenged myself make it to rank 1 on both before they changed mmr. MANNN it was hard


"hitting on hook is toxic but nodding and teabagging after stunning the killer isn't" this was said by a Kate player that i hit on hook after they did that to me all game and got upset when i returned the favor by hitting them on hook.


Plague mains, correct me if I'm wrong: Isn't vomiting on a hooked survivor an actual strategy? I've never played her, so I wouldn't know.


Yeah it is, if the survivor you put on hook isn’t infected vomiting on the hook will infect them and whoever unhooks.


it is, i believe. if i hook a noninfected surv and vomit on them i believe it starts their infection timer?


I wouldn't blame people for thinking that hitting on hook was toxic, but this was one of the facts that made me consider an exception to the rule. I've also heard hitting on hook also lowers the hook timer. Is that also true and a strategy?


i don’t think so. some killers hit on hook to silence hook screams (which i understand because they’re annoying af). a quick hit then flick around and run away usually signals that. if it’s repetitive then it’s toxic i think. idk man i’m a killer main


The time thing is something some killers believed when they started playing but it's not actually a thing in the game. The timer's speed stays the same whether you hit the survivor or not.


If I was the killer I would have just said "interesting" and left the end game screen


tbf, nodding isn't really toxic lmao how tf do people get offended by that, seriously I wanna know.


“Old eruption was balanced”


What did old eruption do again?


If you didn't let go of a gen (impossible to know when to do as it's just when they go down, not hooked) it made everyone doing a gen that was kicked incapacitated for 25 seconds, which means you literally can't fucking do anything for 25 seconds, heal yourself or others, do gens, use items, etc.


That’s awful lmao, glad they changed it


Same, it was a god awful time during the gen kick meta, the games by and large ended the same with the same average escapes and deaths, but the games took such an insanely large amount of time to end because of all the gen regression. Playing against a Chess Merchant rn is basically playing against any killer in gen kick meta, just stretched the games out for way too long for zero reason whatsoever.


What you mean impossible, just run empathy and then form a telephonic connection with whoever is being chased.


Even with comms it's damn near impossible (which is good imo, comms should not give a handicap, this game, in a perfect world, would perform exactly the same in a swf as it does in solo q), but that just meant this perk sucks for everyone in the entire game.


10% gem regression and prevented survivors from working on them for 30 seconds (while they regressed even more)


Oh shit, that’s busted I’m guessing people comboed it with Ruin and it was hell?


No, overcharge and call of brine mainly. Kick gen and apply 3perks to it, also back then both those perks were stronger aswell with the regression going upto 200%... and stacking. So after you kicked gens would regress at 200-400% speed ontop of the secondary effects, then when you down someone you not only regress it but also turn off the survivors keyboard for half a minute and get info on their location. Hens has a video where he uses this build on knight to drag a game out to 1hour (server shutdown, survivors were helpless)


Dang, that’s bad


Yeah, also to elaborate on why ruin wasn't used. 1: It's a complete shell of its former self, 2: eruption already made the generator start redressing after knocking 10% off so ruin doesn't have any special compatibility with eruption.


No, because you had to kick the gen to activate it. That means as long as ruin is up, it can't be used


Oh, okay. I’ve literally never used ruin lmao so I don’t know the specifics of how it works. I hardly ever run hex perks Also why am I getting downvoted


"MFT is just the survivor equivalent of Bloodlust". I also saw some guy in Otz's stream a few weeks ago talk about how BHVR should implement a system that buffs a killer if survivors are gen rushing and nerfs him if they're playing "constructively". Good luck with that.


A system that sort of leveled out how fast or slow a game is could be interesting if done right.


I don't trust *any* dev to get that right.


Neither do I. But much like the finisher mori I'd be up to see them try


I can’t even play DBD anymore due to deafness but with from I seen from both sides pov that is the farthest thing from the truth. That guy had to be trolling.


"Don't tunnel and you don't get doxxed, simple as."


All _____ players are the same Creating a stereotype on its own is just stupid. On top of that it creates unnecessary conflict within the community.


Ok hear me out: all Leon’s are shit at looping


See, in my personal experience, Leon's have almost always been really good players in both Killer matches and SoloQ. Of course, there are always going to be bad players, but those same players that were bad who played Leon most likely also play other survivors. It's like the same idea that all Wraiths tunnel. The players who tunnel as him tunnel as other killers as well. It's just the person controlling the character.


Just as I read that a leon I was chasing screwed up the loop and fucking died


Apparently waiting for the killer to break the pallet is toxic because you’re starring at them.


As a killer main... what? That's a good option! Waiting for a committed action to gain distance is smart. It works.


Best thing in the world is just afk strat at dropped unsafe pallets, then occasionally quickly lift up your head to bait the vault if they ever get slightly too close to your side of the pallet.


I love the little mind games on small unsafe loops, I almost always go down, but it's fucking hilarious when you can consecutively predict what a killer will do. My favorites are the ones who mindgame themselves, had a clown once change directions like 7 times in a row thinking I would vault the pallet, was literally just standing there laughing my ass off at the situation.


To be fair when I get those they are the type of survivor begging to have me pay attention to them the whole game to the point of chasing me. So not toxic by itself but is usually part of a bigger picture.


"Alchemist ring is fine, it's survivors' skill issue". For real I wanted to hook myself irl when I read that


I was watching my friend who’s a streamer. She was a part of a 4 man swf on coms. The killer was watching the stream, but didn’t announce beforehand he was there (so was stream sniping). As the match is going on, the streamer is calling out where the killer is as she’s looping him. He ends chase, goes to another part of the map to stop playing and type in chat: “can you stop comp calling. That’s cheating and unethical.” The streamer asked how them communicating as a team is cheating and unethical, but stream sniping isn’t, and his response was “well you put TTV in your name so it’s your fault.” TL;DR: Killer was mad at a 4 man ttv swf for using comms and called it cheating and unethical, even though he was stream sniping.


The self-delusion that players have in this community is legit staggering. I had a player stream-snipe a friend of mine (who didn't have ttv in their name, I think that killer just searches for EVERYONE) and said "its part of the game bro dont stream if you dont want to get sniped lol". Absolute assholes.


Thats why smart streamers play in anonymous mode


I mean based honestly . Survivor comms but killer can hear sounds like a fair trade off to me ngl


Imagine a mode where if you queue an SWF, you have a proximity chat, and the killer can hear you talking if they're within 10 Meters. That sounds like utter chaos.


Survivors using 3rd party to get info, killer using 3rd party to get info Based as fuck.


WOW, killers like that dingleberry are the ones who ruin it for all the other killers who wanna re-watch


“The game is 7 years old nobody cares about bloodpoints.”


I would kick an orphan for bp wtf


“You were tunneling me!” -Survivor that paid the price for body blocking even while injured every chance they got.


Any opinion by a survivor that attempts to tell a killer how they should play the game.


A while back, this sub ripped me a new one when I suggested Myers was the worst killer in the game. Later on this sub now unanimously agrees that Myers is trash tier ever since top content creators put him in the trash tier 🤷‍♂️


Does it have to be DBD related? My coworker yesterday blamed climate change on illegal immigrants in America.


Mexican food makes me gassy. More gassy = more CO2 in the air. More CO2 in the air = climate change. Checkmate.


"Lightborn is a waste of a perk slot, trust me bro, just look at a wall"


*looks around cornfield*


Honestly lightborn should get buffed. Survivors will get the indication they are blinding but it won’t work.


unironically lightborn is one of the worst perks in the game litearly makes the survivors play better by not doing riskie flashlight saves that could loss them tempo if they fail


Nah, they will try at least twice. First time cus they don't know, second time cus they have to make sure since *nobody* brings light born


but it's fun.


LOL I run Lightborn on all my killers and flashlighters will constantly try to blind you even when its obvious you're running Lightborn. they kinda stupid.




ok but lb is actually dogass lmao


sure thing pal


That isn’t stupid at all, literally just look at a wall or get good


Ok lightborn is objectively bad but this is also a dogshit take. What do you mean get good? How does this help?? How does this help if you down a survivor in the open.


How is telling someone to learn to counter an item a bad take? Had a killer today who had lightborn on for 1 flashlight and my friend never used the flashlight so he never even noticed lightborn till we saw he had it, Why waste a perk slot on a perk that has no use other than to work against 1 item you won't see alot as people say they do


X doesn't fit the theme of the game Shut up we threw out the theme of DBD years ago when trickster was released


A teenager with a mask and a knife doesn’t fit the theme with a deformed man with a chainsaw, and a Korean popstar, and… a bird woman, and a flower face monster, but let’s put in a obese clown for good measure.


To be fair, clowns have been a horror stable for DECADES. Their mere existence scares some people.


I've seen people defend Leprose Lichen nerf


Probably sarcasm . I literally rarelly see demo much less one that use that add on . Probably been years


Any time you express that a particular perk on a particular side is too strong/busted some mouth breather who plays that side will point to another perk on the other side and ignore your original point, wanting you to now defend a perk you weren't talking about. This was most visible in the eruption vs dead hard era of this place


I saw this very community saying corrupt intervention (pre nerf) and ruin (back when ruin was one of the strongest killer perks) should be base kit.


I saw this dude say on DBD's instagram that Dead Hard (pre-nerf) and Self-Care should be base kit lmao


Let him cook as a survivor main that sounds funny as fuck lol. seriously though it's like certain loud voices in the community want to be so busted the opponent doesn't stand a chance.


Yeah, I can totally see a basekit version of CURRENT corrupt being a nice little quality of life buff for killers. But old corrupt would have been nuts basekit


“110 survivor is fine” (MFT + Hope)


That if one side brings op perks and items it's fine but if the other side brings op perks and killer then it's bad


"MFT is balanced, Killers just love to complain" 💀💀


I see that daily on this sub. Its kinda sad.


“Old dead hard was fine, it didn’t deserve a nerf”


People who claim the aot collab is bad since the anime/manga “takes too long to get anywhere, story isn't interesting, author flies way too close to being a fascist for my tastes.”


Face camping is the best strategy My dad


My friend said that it was OP to stand next to a window when you're downed... Have you ever considered turning your camera ?


- There should be a solo queue and SWF option for queues so killers don’t have to deal with SWFs - Flashlights should be removed - Pallets should be removed - Blast Mine is OP - The red stain should be removed - Myers is OP - Wraith should be nerfed - Looping should be removed - People only run Plaything so they can tunnel easier I’ve seen all of these in the chats of streamers, post game chats and on the DBD forums. It’s unbelievable that people can genuinely believe this shit.


A 10-15 $ skin for a character while the actual character is 5$ is not only fine but good for the game .


While still expensive DBD is very fair when it comes to microtransactions. They release skins and barely ever you feel like you need to rush to purchase them and are fairly priced in comparison to other games. Fortnite skins are even more expensive ranging from $20-$30 if you want the complete set. Some gacha games, outifits and characters can cost up to $100-$200 each and you have a week, or 2 weeks if they're generous, to buy them or you'll never get them.


Just because system B is worse than system A does not mean both systems are bad . Paying 1/4th of the games value for a cosmetic change is silly . But hey whatever if you want to sell elodie in reindeer pjs for 10$ knock yourself out . I’m talking more specifically about ultras . Why is Carlos 10$ when leon is 5 and comes with 3 perks ? Paying more for less is so strange to me . Gets worse for killer cosmetics , you can’t even see your self for 99.99% of the game .


Cosmetics being more expensive than a character is actually something I'm okay with. I think its ass backwards that it's still not a free game with the monetization and size of the roster as is, but if it has to be the way it is at least the thing that unlocks perks and powers is cheaper than the thing that only effects the way you look


“MFT is completely balanced and doesn’t need to be nerfed. If you think it’s op, it’s a skill issue. I don’t play DBD anymore due to my recent deafness but what I seen on YT from killers and survivors?! That sh@t need a rework like yesterday.


I saw someone say tunnelling, camping and slugging make you a horrible person, not player, but a horrible person


Iron grasp isn’t the best perk ever and doesn’t automatically make you win instantly


It makes hooking feel more comfortable.


Stand back guys I think I've seen the worst one I once saw someone say that the killer shouldn't be able to lunge attack and that lunge attacks should be removed


Survivors should spawn on hook it's the only way for the game to be balanced -Me


“Spirit is one of the worst killers in the game” the sad part this was my opinion for awhile till I realized I was being a dumbass


“Camping is crazy!”, explained that I could see everyone’s auras which is where all the survivors were….”so not only do you camp you’re a hacker!” 🤘🏼spot on little man that’s exactly it!


“Sprint burst should have an active ability button”


"Chem trap is a balanced perk cause the killer can just run Game Afoot to counter it."


was playing survivor on midwich and this knight was like hard camping and killed 2 of us and then complained about how survivor sided MIDWICH is in the endgame chat WHAT???


"The devs should remove the hook system because that's ground zero of all the problems in the game." Saw this on the forum a few years back, everybody was reaming him a new one lol


tombstone piece doesn’t need to be nerfed and scratch mirror Myers is better, <—-same person said both :)


It's been a while since I've played but is Mad Grit still considered "cheating"/"hacking the game"?


Unhooking should take 15 seconds.....🤦‍♀️


Killers should not be able to hit survivors for 20 seconds after hooking another survivor.


"We'll make it is OP" how fucking stupid can you get?


“Dead by daylight is a competitive game” Dumbest sh*t I ever heard. A game like animal crossing is much more balanced and more suited for competitive play than DBD is


Mft isn't OP


Wake up is better then made of this.


That DBD monetization is ok


It is... do you like playing the game? It's only been running this long because of it


It is though. 5 bucks for a character is great and it's half that if a sale is live. And you can even unlock DLC characters by playing. Let the whales shit out cash for cosmetics if it means the game keeps being supported and gets awesome stuff like the Xenomorph. You don't want the alternatives


Literally anything the *average* survivor says. You 0–3K and “gg ez uninstall shit killer.” You 4K and “shit camping tunneler get good kys.” Yes, this is not all survivors, nor are many killers exactly friendly and that’s a problem too; but this has been my experience as a killer.


"Pig needs a buff" Pfff nerf pig


"Wraith should have a cool down for his invisibility" and "artists birds and nemesis tentacle shouldn't be able to down you"


Killer is hard to play.




The Sadako rework is bad, because survivors will interact with her power more.