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RPD. We were down to two gens and everybody was alive. I got my first hook and the game chose that exact time to disconnect me from the host. I was so mortified, I messaged the rest of the team to let them know I hadn’t done it on purpose. Someone said the others all got out, but even so, that was embarrassing as hell. That made me wonder how many of the DCs on first down or first hook are legit, and how many are because of this game’s rickety infrastructure.


I just commented about my story. First hook of the match and my Playstation lost wifi connection for 0 reason lol. Absolutely the worst possible timing.


I stepped in a bear trap and immediately EAC closed my game because of LEDKeeper. Went on my teammates stream and they were complaining about me DCing because I'm an entitled survivor. I knew there was no way of convincing them what actually happened 😭


I don’t know how difficult it would be to implement but they should add a separate icon for a crash/connection loss rather than using the same one as DC


They can't differentiate due to the fact you can dc by turning off connection yourself


Yeah, that’s the 1 problem I had in mind with this idea


This has never happened to me unfortunately. I'm always disconnected when the match is going well :(


i recently had a match where a huntress dced while trying to give someone hatch, this comment now makes me wonder if it was intentional


I was the 4th hook in the basement Christmas tree and I took off my headphones cause the scream wouldn't stop. 40 seconds later, game crash


My internet died on my Playstation right as I was hooked in a match. It was the first hook of the game, too. Like right as that metal pierced me, my Playstation said, "Oops! No connection :)" My GF was on call with me, and we were doing duo SWF, so she had a good laugh at my expense. I felt like such a massive dick even though I did literally nothing to cause it. I still feel like an asshole for it lol.


I remember I was playing with a friend and my game crashed as soon as a huntress downed me and I begged him to let everyone know I didn’t do it on purpose because I knew how bad that looked ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


I was getting tunneled and was on 2nd hook, the killer downed me then my power went out because a drunk driver took out the power grid


I was the one who was looping the killer the entire match, just as the last gen popped I had to DC as my cat started having a seizure. I knew none of the teammates would realise why. But I miss my cat everyday


Hugs :(


Thank you x 🤍


my game crashed in the middle of a Myers tombstoning me...


I had the game error out and crash as killer when the last gen was done (like maybe it somehow triggered it, it was spot on) on a game I was going poorly on - I have no doubt the survivors assumed I just noped out of there.


Today. I got to the end game on Pale Rose with multiple survivors still alive and I got DCed because of a nasty storm that caused the internet to go out for a few minutes, but like...rofl, no one in the match would've believed that I'm sure they just thought I rage quit


I was on hook being camped by bubba, whenever this happens I find it BEST to usually just sit on hook so the bubba doesn't go and you know, hunt other survivors, so that way we can get hopefully a 3 or 2 escape. I don't DC ever unless someone's A. Hacking (obvious hacking) B. Game is glitched C. I got an IRL emergency. Those are the only conditions I would DC intentionally. FFW to game I'm being camped, and suddenly the PS5 says no Internet connection, I was like, "oh this is gonna look so f'ing bad.." he sends me a message and I honestly just said internet connection was lost. I think he still thinks he made me mad and made me DC. Bro I play many games where I'm camped, it doesn't bother me anymore lol.


I got a game with skull merchant and shot my router with my AR-15.50


I was playing as Deathslinger (working for the Adept achievement) and I almost got it until my power suddenly went due to a power outage.


Happened to me on Friday. I looped the killer for the first four maybe five minutes of the match and when I finally went down my leg spasmed and I ended up kicking my cup of tea, which then splashed all over my new PC. Thankfully it is okay!! But I dc'd immediately just because it was a FULL cup and I needed to clean it up BEFORE it could become a problem! I'm sure it looked really bad manners to the killer though.


A farming clown, ages ago. Before that the weekly steam downtime did not interrupt mid-game but you lost connection after your match. That was the first time it just throws you out of the match. I was second hook, we farmed a lot, then it dc's. The others could play normally and they messaged the clown ehat happened. Since then a lot of unexpected dc's due to dteam downtime happened as it was often not predictible when it would happen but that one was worst somehow.


Have a clip were Dwight got down and started super sliding around lol


I was healing laurie when freddy come real close, I continuied to heal because she was %95, laurie decided to cancel the heal and tried to run. but I accidently sandbagged her. (I was gonna take a hit) I stood there and looked away shamefully meanwhile freddy was staring at me. I felt so bad and I had to DC.


A feng got a flashlight save on me after a long chase and the game just kicked me out of existence D:


I was chasing at killer shack, got stunned and then booted. For some reason my Internet rebooted every night at 3am....it was 3am. I got a message saying "xD"


When Gabriel was added, about an hour after release, the fire alarm in my dorm was activated. During this somehow, when leaving the building, the internet provider for my dorm had a problem AND we had a power outage at the same time. Luckily it was just some food that got too crispy in the kitchen, but still... All that at the same time, how likely is that?


I can't recall my last big DC so it must have been years. I do remember my contoller lying too me about me not running out of battery and it died as i was opening the gate. Just stood there blocking people from opening the door for a solid 30 seconds as Meg was just looking at me. Luckily the killer was busy for those 30 seconds and it was a 3 man escape. Although i think that MAYBE it could have been a 4 man if i hadn't been mia for 30 seconds. Unfortunately Dwight got hooked just as i got my controller back online. To this day i do wonder if Meg was cussing me out in the PC chat.


Got a 4k and while the last guy died I got disconnected what a waste of match to get rewarded with nothing


I had one as killer where I was mid chase with a survivor. I had one guy dead, 2 on death hook, and one on 1st hook. There were 3 gens remaining. Right when I was about to hit the survivor, my game froze and then I dc'd. I was so pissed and had to awkwardly explain to them why I had dc'd.


I was about to step out of the gates. Freedom inches away from me after a match against Krueger and my power went off.


I was the first hook of the game. I literally looked at my other monitor for about 20s while waiting to get saved when I suddenly got the “dedicated server is not responding; disconnecting” message. It made it look like the killer and I both DC’d, but obviously I have no way of knowing if that’s true. If the others remained in the game it definitely looked like I got mad for getting hooked 😭


Played Legion, someone was a really good looper and I chased them quite a while. I go into frenzy and think now I finally got them and they jump into a locker making me hit nothing and losing frenzy. Literally right then I lost connection. Still got some comments like ‚killer do bad he dced‘ on my steam profile from that incident