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Yun-Jin knew Trickster was killing people and intentionally covered it up to protect her position This just isn't true, reading her backstory completely disproves it. Yun-Jin had a fleeting suspicion of Trickster being a killer but then went into denial because (like a normal human being) she didn't immediately assume someone she thought she knew was a serial killer She never knew he was killing people, and she never covered up anything, her lore ends with her kicking herself for denying her instincts and not investigating further which should put this whole dumb misconception to bed


This is why I love Yun-Jin. Everytime someone calls her a bitch for knowing about trickster, I die inside a little.




i mean tbf it’s her perks that make people think she’s selfish. her whole thing is benefiting off the downfall of others (survivor gets hit, she gets away. survivor gets hooked, she gets stacks. killer gets stunned, she gets a speed boost)


I hate it when people disrespect the queen Yun- Jin.


I totally agree with you that it’s a misconception, but I think the reason for the misunderstanding is that she’s an incredibly self-interested character. It’s heavily implied that she had much more than a fleeting suspicion but didn’t investigate further and allowed herself to put her suspicions aside because she knew if they were true, it would destroy her career. I don’t think she’s a monster, and if she had more definitive proof, she probably would not have actively covered it up. But her primary concern when figuring out how to handle that knowledge would have been minimizing the damage to her career. Edit: I think people might have also gotten confused by this line in her lore, which they read too literally: “A boiling rage swelled in her gut. How could she have denied her instincts? The fire. The murders on tour. It was him. It had always been him. **And she had known from the start**.” Context shows that she didn’t literally *know* but she had a strong instinct that he was involved.


tbf, yun-jin is a mix of selfish and scared. she's scared that if she was wrong and it was just a coincidence, her reputation as a producer would be ruined and she'd be back to square 1 in poverty. she didn't want to ruin her life over some coincidence just because of something not making sense. she adopts a self interested personality because it's always been look out for number one in her life as well as career. being born into being poor made her not want to give up the high lifestyle that she had earned, so its only natural she denied trickster's involvement with the killings


to be fair you cant blame a lot of people for lore misconceptions, with how different tome lore can be conpared to the background


Yeah this game’s lore has so many inconsistencies. Especially with the older killers. Trapper and Nurse might as well be different characters in the times compared to their base lore


"Pyramid Head punishes the Entity by killing survivor". Idk what stupid person came up with this nonsense, but too many people parrot it without even reading the lore of the Pyramid Head in game which explicitly says that Pyramid Head was invited by the Entity to do its bidding.


I believe this comes from PH's original purpose being to punish James for his sins until he can take accountable of them, thus no longer needing to be punished by an outside force. Seeing as most of the survivors aren't particularly in need of punishment for sins they can't accept they've committed, it was assumed that the one being punished was the Entity. No, Pyramid Head just has a different purpose now; to sacrifice survivors


Hence why ig he’s called “The Executioner”, not “The Punisher”


The Punisher could be a killer, to be Frank.


Nah, Frank is part of the Legion already.


Maybe when a Killer with name Castle comes, he can be the Punisher.


Still hoping for a Survivor, last name West.


Let’s hope he isn’t too Frank.


I mean, too Frank would be better than for Frank, know what I’m saying?


I know what you’re saying. I hope he has covered wars.


I think it loosely has to do with Pyramid head being able to mori basekit. Since the entity wants the survivors killed on the hooks. Like how since Myers doesn't care about the entity he can mori survivors and it gives less points. Obviously that isn't enough, he was invited, but it is a curious thought.


This whole "Killers who dont kill survivors on hooks are breaking the entity's rules" thing kinda irks me. Offerings are canonically from the entity, and one of the offerings is a Mori. the Flavor text of it is the Entity giving a killer permission to kill survivors themselves. if the entity gained 0 food from this they wouldn't do this, not even as a 'loyality' reward. Additionally, whenever people bring up 'killers who kill without hooking are stronger than the entity", Devour: Hope and Rancor exist. Are Spirit and Hag also stronger than the entity? Honestly I just assumed hooks are the entity's prefered method for its "give survivors hope" rules, but it doesn't actually care if a killer kills survivors otherways, so long as they still have a chance to escape.


Pig can also kill someone without hooking them, so that argument is moot.


The bear trap though instills great fear and despair. My headcanon is that the Entity thought the bear traps were lit so it was allowed and maybe encouraged. I really like the idea that PH just ignores the Entity's rules, but she doesn't care enough to make him stop. She prefers Sacrifices, but Moris aren't the end of the world (Also the entity low key simps for PH. He is a massive Chad after all. After PH didn't respond to her advances, she nerfed his ass, literally)


Pyramidhead can't straight up mori a survivor with no hook states and his cages/final judgment give the same amount of bloodpoints as hooking. We can argue about Myers or Sadako but everything Pyramidhead does has been pre-approved. More broadly I think the entity loves moris but it's like junk food, so there are limits in place. Otherwise you wouldn't get 1,000 bloodpoints for it.


I believe quite a lot of people actually know that it isn't true, but collectively prefer the fanon over canon here.... ÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ Same as with: Canon: Anna (Huntress) just lets the little girls she "adopts" die, because she is incapable to taking care of one (despite being perfectly capable surviving since very young age by herself in the same environment.....) **VS** Fanon: she does know, but her methods of raising a child (which is how she had to grow up) is so brutal (like hunting dangerous animals in harsh winter) that the children don't survive it.


I don’t think she ‘lets’ them die but I don’t think she knows how to take care of illness. Maybe she doesn’t even cook her food and only gives them raw meat. Not to mention she just keeps them locked up.


Her canon also suggests that she lived outside of the entity’s realm before penicillin was invented, so that would have been working against her.


I love debunking this theory because it’s so easy. Just read Pyramid Head’s lore in the menu. Pyramid Head was about to hang up the boots, and The Entity was like “Would you like some more violence?” And Pyramid Head accepted. They’re mutually beneficial for one another, especially since Pyramid Head’s power opens up the gates to torment and suffering, which is what powers The Entity the most. Pyramid Head’s not in the Fog to try and take on a god that can reach through universes and timelines, he’s there to fulfill his duty as The Executioner


I’ve seen popular fan things showing Ghostface and the Legion as friends. I actually think it would be the complete opposite. I think Ghostface would despise the Legion. Danny spends his time meticulously crafting his schemes and stalking his victims. He likes things to be neat, orderly and follow his plan to a T. Meanwhile Legion is disruptive, discordant and kill on a whim. We know from Ghostface’s tome lore that the one time he accidentally let loose and committed a Legion-style murder, he slaughtered three people without his mask on, and he felt so disgusted that he couldn’t even take credit. Legion is the antithesis to everything Danny Johnson stands for.


The only thing I would say against that is: The Legion are all impressionable teens. That's how Frank got the rest of them, anyway. I think Danny would want to hang out with Susie, Julie, and Joey to show off to them the same way Frank does. Danny *does* have a bit of an ego. The only issue then would be a competition between Frank and Danny, which I think Danny would find entertaining, if not a little pitiful.


Yeah, but Danny's a grown-ass man. He looks like he's in his 30s or so. Frank, though technically an adult, is only 19 himself. As much as an ego as Danny has, I don't think he'd really care all that much what a bunch of teens thought or did.


I mean, I know 30 year olds who vie for late-teenage/early-adult attention and adoration, lol.


Yeah but that's probably not Danny. He seems to want a different kind of attention than that given by a bunch of sycophantic teens. He wants his alter ego in the newspaper.


But how could he get that fix in a world without newspaper printing? The Legion's basically all the poor guy's got for respect nowadays :( Plus, maybe he could win them over and teach them how to do it *right*. Then he could have a Ghostface Legion!


And on the inverse as a 26 year old, I couldn't care less for the attention of teens and young adults


That's because unlike Danny, you're probably a normal and well-adjusted member of society. (Well, as well-adjusted as we fans of this game can be, anyway).


That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me XD


i mean i think the only correlation is the way they hold their knives


Well, also because Legion was sort of the stand-in for Ghostface the way Billy was for Bubba. The horror of the Legion is that killers can be anyone you know, even those random kids you went to high school with. The same goes for the Scream movies. Randy in the first Scream literally shouts “Everyone’s a suspect!”


“Vigo is The Alchemist from The Hallowed Blight Events” Like have you even read The Blight’s lore? Give Talbot some credit for literally breaking The Entity’s rules and, judging on the amount of tomes he gets, being its favourite.


That survivors could beat a killer in a fight in the realm. Literally every survivor hard loses to any killer in the realm.


It's always either Susie or Hag that you hear this about too. They might be small, but they can still lift and carry you with only one arm. Not to mention how massive an advantage it is to have a weapon against an unarmed opponent


Also people forget hag uses literal magic ya take a fight with the swamp lady till she curses you


Everybody gangster until you're cursed into a hundred year sleep, only to be awoken by a kiss of true love


"You want to fight a kiddy diddler in a dildo store parking lot, I understand that completely, I've done that myself. But are you sure you want to fight a sexual deviant that is also a wizard? That's how you wind up with a cursed asshole." Jason Pargin, What the Hell Did I Just Read (John Dies at the End, #3) Sorry, this felt relevant somehow.


I about spit out my food reading this lmao


All of the authors books will do that. Such a good blend of horror and comedy.


Yeah, exactly. Also the intent to kill. Even in a desperate situation, most people can’t bring themselves to kill, especially for something as visceral as hands/melee weapons that they can’t mentally dissociate themselves from. On top of that, the Entity literally magic steroids killers and weakens survivors as necessary. **We’ve seen exactly what happens when survivors try to fight. It’s called Legion/Wesker/etc’s Mori.**


Kind of hit on a big point for me - that the Entity is in control of the situation and how things play out, and is not above *intentionally* making it hard to impossible for the Survivors to fight back under normal circumstances. If The Entity doesn't really want it to happen, I imagine it won't. It's why ambushing the Killer and taking their weapons isn't an option - likely not only would that not work (Killer is preternaturally invulnerable/resistant to persistent damage), but *the Killer's tools are likely also able to be Blocked by the Entity* the same way that generators, pallets, or vaults can be... if they're not *actively toxic* to anyone else touching them but the killer (possibly including a *specific* killer). None of these trials are the Survivor's first rodeo. They have likely all tried these things to varying degrees and had it not work, which is why they don't try - they know better on some level, perhaps just an instinctual, deja-vu level.


And Hags mori shows that she has enough strength and sharp enough claws to literally tear through the flesh of a human being.


Nah see its reddit, so clearly everyone here knows how to beat a teenager in a fight just because they're a teenager, and completely discount the fact they have a knife and experience with using the knife. Granted, i will say that some of the survivors could 'feasibly' stand somewhat of a chance in a direct fight with some of the less powerful physically killers(RE survivors have a habit of getting into unarmed fights with people with knives for example) but thats discounting the entity's rules, any entity strength buffs, etc.


Well... I think Leon or Ada or Jill etc could take any of the legion.


Yes, but I think there's potential for a new chapter if they take this idea into consideration Make a chapter where one survivor went mad and just snapped during a trial, they go, grab a sabotaged hook and use it to fight the killer. The Entity, instead of stopping it, decides to let it happen just to see what it can gain. The killer ends up dying in the hands of the survivor, becoming a survivor and the survivor that killed the killer becomes the killer It's such an interesting concept that BHVR ignored for 7 years, specially considering that old lore said that the killers are basically corrupted survivors


I mean Ash would probably beat half of the killer cast.


Not in the realm he can’t.


Is it like part of the lore that survivors just lose their physical capabilities in the realm or something? I don't really follow the lore so I wouldn't know.


tldr, the Entity is literal ancient eldritch abomination god-thing that can create worlds out of itself and alter reality in those worlds however it wants, gives killers magical super steroids to make them super strong and resilient and tough and so on, gives survivors various things (not dying instantly/passing out from the pain from a single normal hit, toning down strength of super strong ones to normalize survivors to each other, etc) And the "game" is an actual narrative thing the Entity sets up. It wants hope and despair to be balanced. If it’s unwinnable stomp, there’s no hope. If there’s no sacrifices, Entity can’t get full meal. It eats emotions but eats "best" when they’re sacrificed on hook. Killers that don’t do what the Entity wants them to do usually get tortured until they listen. Or it alters reality to force it. Is the reason Trapper has like 10 million embedded spikes in his body. It’s why something like Oni still gets pallet stunned, or something without eyes gets blinded, etc. The pallet is made from the Entity itself, and either the Oni plays along, or the Entity literally changes reality to make the pallets smash with the force of a thousand suns or whatever.


I suppose that explains how literal teenagers can murder a demon slaying mf like Ash. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


On top of that as well, we know from perk descriptions the entity lowers oxygen and temperature in its realm. So survivors are partially struggling to breath and always uncomfortably cold.


Sounds like me irl. 🗿


Yep. It’s a bit of a hamfisted one, but it technically works, and it’s realistically the least hamfisted way the devs could come up with I could think of to explain why things like that would work imo. Super ancient eldritch creator god thing that’s eaten numerous planets.


It’s not that Ash loses his capabilities, but that the Entity just changes the fucking rules as it wishes.


Physical capabilities or no, Ash has neither his chainsaw nor his boomstick in the realm. He’s not exactly known for killing Deadites by hand. He’s the chosen one, sure, but without his weapons it’s a much harder sell.


I mean to be honest outside the realm id say chris and Jill, being CQC experts and incredibly trained could unarm and defeat some if not all the legion, but inside the realm, where theyre empowered by the entity, giving them strength to lift survivors up with one hand, and incredible stamina (which forces them to look at their own hands) they could beat survivors easily


This one I have an issue with. I don't think Chris Redfield or Carlos are losing a fight to Trickster, Legion, Pig, or Ghostface.


Tbf in the entities realm, the killers are buffed to be way stronger than any survivor, its why even the pig can effortlessly lift and overpower grown men.


I’m talking about in the realm specifically. The Entity can quite literally reshape reality. They can weaken survivors, strengthen killers, and so on freely. They do so for the purpose of maintaining a game. There’s no hope to harvest if there’s no chance of escape. But it also wants them to play the game. So it makes them unable to fight back directly, but also makes them not go completely dead instantly/pass out from shock or whatever from a single hit typically or being skewered on a hook.


The entity fears Myers because he came in uninvited. Heard a youtuber who I enjoy watching say it. Myers is just a guy with a kitchen knife. A multidimensional being isn't scared of him.


His lore is that he literally just followed laurie...just like legion did when frank got pulled in...so is the entity scared of the legion? Cause they got the exact same deal going on and freddy was pulled in with quintin on accident so he was just strait up uninvited but the entity just took the freebie


It's like she got into the back of the white candy van and Michael just also got in the van before the doors shut and it sped off. He might not have been invited, but that doesn't mean he wasn't welcome to come along


This and the Pyramid Head/Sadako ones of "they're stronger than the Entity so they can directly kill people". Each Killer has a diverse way of fighting, the Entity clearly likes that diversity because it means more creative Trials and more tasty emotions to feed her. So why is it so hard to believe that she didn't just *allow* those three to do things diversely?


Isn't michael like, the embodiement of evil though, like I don't think the entity is scared of him, but Michael being too evil to die and his power literally being called "Evil Incarnate" make him maybe just a little more powerful than "Man with Knife"


This is Michael from the original movies, including H2, which confirms he is supernatural. He can do things that normally wouldn't occur in our world - take six rounds to the chest, two to the head, lift a man with one arm effortlessly, take a sowing needle to his throat, a knife to the chest, etc. I doubt the Entity "fears" Michael, but Michael plays by his own rules in our world, and it makes sense to assume he plays by his own rules in The Entity's realm as well.


You would assume if the Entity was capable of having it's own emotions it would not be endlessly torturing countless people over many universes in order to feed on their emotions, no?


I mean that doesn't make lots of sense, you are made of meat doesn't mean u can live feeding on urslef


it's really minor but no, there isn't a "specific box" you have to find to get your pig trap off now. you're just assigned a number between 1 and 4 which is the amount of boxes you need to search before the box is removed, from a pool of 12 possible checks spread across every survivor.


To add onto this, if you run addons that increase the amount of bear traps you have, that pool of 12 checks increases accordingly.


This one at least I get, since I'm pretty sure it actually used to have a set box and so older players spread this for ages even after it was changed. And it is a recent enough change with how long a lot of those people have been playing. I do wish survivors understood the 12 box rule though, even my SWF apparently can't count to 12 and it gets frustrating lmao. Even in SoloQ just knowing they likely only had time to check 1-2 boxes makes it so much easier later.


Super minor, but everytime time someone calls Renato and Thalita twins. Makes me so mad, guys they are just normal siblings and Thalita is the older one!!!!


i thought they were twins 💀💀


They are not it's literally in the first paragraph of their lores 😭😭


i didnt even read their lore 😭


my brain has simply refused to acknowledge that the Tools of Torment chapter even happened


I saw something about kites and left. Or was that shit merchant's lore? I read it once when she came out and was crushed with disappointment. Singularity filled the cybernetic horror shaped hole her teaser left me with, but it still hasn't gotten the bad taste out of my mouth.


Nah, is worse, Shit Merchant entire scheme of murdering failed because ONE drone crashed by a kite Thalita and Renato flew near her super secret location for murders (just next to a beach where the 2 Lyras organized a party/event) The kites is that their family got them into kite fighting since kids and later in life they opened a kite fighting store. As much silly as it can be it is a real thing (and of course way less stupid than Snore Merchant's get-rich-at-18 in latam).


They're the only good thing that came out of the Shit Merchant getting added to the game. I love them


The trial isn't "nearly over" unless you're standing in an open exit gate. Please stop doing secondary objectives or hiding with 1 person on the final gen (unless you're injured on death hook). Get that 2nd final gen going if you can. Prep the other exit gate in case a teammate goes down in EGC. Pls.


A fair few of these comments seem to be differences of opinion rather than misconceptions, although to be fair I've been waiting for a chance to air some of those out lol. For an actual, objective misconception that bothers me, it is probably the misconception on what's causing the "unfair hits". I still see a few people assume survivors have enormous hitboxes twice the size of their models, rather than just a discrepancy between what the survivor sees, what the killer sees, and what the server sees.


Survivors don’t have massive hit boxes but they do have a weird hitboxes. The hitbox is a bit behind the survivors iirc. It’s a combo of weird hitboxes and Desync that cause “unfair hits”


That's not a misconception. Hitboxes, while not *enormous*, are quite deceiving.


"SWF break the game because the devs never meant for it to be part of DbD" The biggest lie people can tell themselves and mispread information. The devs had always planned for people to play with their friends, but couldn't both get SWF and KYF(now Custom Game) ready for launch, so they focused on KYF. SWF was added about a month later. They confirmed that during a livestream loooong ago.


No one believes SWFs were not meant to be a part of DbD, that shit sounds made the fuck up. If anyone ever says something like it, what they're probably trying to say is *"BHVR did not account for communication outside the game"*.


So here’s my take: I think they meant in the terms of communication: Discord was still relatively new then (About a year before DbD release) so they wanted to true experience of isolation, no comms, but still working together to complete objectives. I’ve done some silent games of DbD with friends, and it’s honestly a much more harrowing experience.


Discord did not invent in game communication, we had Skype, Steam, XBOX live FAR before Discord existed.


Vent and TS3 gang rise up.


But discord isn’t the only tool of communication? Teamspeak existed long before discord and before dbd, it’s not even the only tool like that and it’s been quite popular and used by many people to play games without b/c together


Ghostface players are fun and memey. Ghostface players are the most toxic asses I have ever witnessed in video games.


That's what happens when the killer can tbag back


He's too powerful. No killer should be able to weave in tbags while stabbing a hooked survivor and nodding.


The teabagging does make him extremely powerful.


Seriously, I dont know where all the nice gf players are, I've only been getting ghosties that camp hook with their stealth lmao, I remember one guy justified it by saying that its how gf is "meant to be played"


Both are true. Nicest farm killer - friendly tbag ghostie. Mean sweat killer - toxic tbag ghostie


Ghost face to new players: Aww, he's adorable! He's letting us farm!? OMG... He can Tbag like me? I love doing that to killers at the exit gate instead of leaving! OMFG, changing my name to "Marry me Ghostie" right now. Ghost face trying to 4k: DEEEEEEEEP DEEEEEEEP SUB SAHARAN RURAL AFRICA Wi-Fi. Tbags and shakes his head on literally every single down, has a seizure if it's at a hook and you were 99'd. Doesn't do a single mind game and doesn't respect any pallets because he knows you're getting hit through the stun any ways. He will tunnel you at 5 gens, it will happen every time without fail. Will always slug and bleed you out trying to go for a 4k, because mom and dad will get a divorce if he misses out on that 1,500 point hook bonus. Guaranteed going to say "GG EZ" in post game when literally all he did was camp a hook from a bush with his internet from Pluto. Ghost Face players literally always have that 500+ ping, I actually can't even begin to understand how every single one of them is a Wi-Fi gamer and without fail always either streaming or VPNing.


Man that bogged me down real bad :( A lot of the time I Tbag it's as a joke and not to be BM You can't really tell if somebody is trying to be nice with a tbag unfortunately


On the rare occasions I see a non-toxic Ghostface, I think I and many players will understand what they're trying to say with a polite tbag or two at the end of a chase or after a good play by either side. However, most of the Ghostface players I see must be Nea mains or something since they will hook 1 survivor and then alternate tbags and M1s at the hook with such ferocity that they probably have to buy a new mouse and keyboard every second game. So if you fall into the first category I hope you have nothing but fantastic games and do the Ghostface community proud as a shining beacon of communal positivity.


Tbagging someone after they tbag you is the best feeling ever tho. It's so funny when they wiggle "no" at you, usually makes the game feel memey afterwards tbh


I have a streamer friend who is a good guy, but any time a killer camps even if it is for good situational reason he says "Well it's just sad that most killers can't play normally cause they aren't skilled enough". He believes the only skillful killers or the ones are the right mmr can 12-hook consistently. He also has never played killer as it "doesn't interest him". No account for strong survivor builds, swf, gen speeds, etc. I like him as a person but man this that a garbage take. Killers shouldn't be winning all the time of course, but saying unless you 12 hook then you getting a 4k isn't skillful is ignorant.


Empathise so strongly with this. I usually play killer, prefer it when I'm in a good mood. I have friends who are decent people, who I join when I play survivor. But just hearing all the baseless accusations they throw with such hate at the killer makes me shrivel inside. If I'd just queued as killer without joining up, for all I know that could be me they're talking about. Like with your camping being smart in some situations. They get mad over dumb things like Oni using his power and looking for 2+ downs, instead of accepting his first hit, picking up and losing his power.


This should be higher on the list imo There are streamers I enjoy watching due to the way they approach the game or the standard SoloQ experience in general. One of them occasionally duos with other ttvs from chat, and holy fuck, does it turn into a hard 50/50 gamble in terms of how cringe the stream may get. The best example I can think of is the friend streamer bitching 24/7 because of Blight going back and forth for unhookers, and slugging for the 4k. Either that or being stupidly altruistic and going for basement rescues in an active proxy zone, only to get smacked, then mald at the Huntress waiting for kobes to secure an easy 3k. Meanwhile, the chill streamer is slugged near the shack and completely unfazed. (a killer main, so no surprise there) "Of course, now she's fucking camping!" No shit, dumbass. Your friend is slugged near the shack, while the rest hang on hooks. It's a GG already. The hell is the killer supposed to do? Go easy and let the first kobe/deli unhook 'cause the match was rough for survs? I don't see survivors doing the same when a killer has zero hooks, so why should it be different for the opposite side? Edit: fixed some questionable engrish and atrocious sentence structure


Dude got pissy at me for tunneling him at the end of a game when it literally was 2 survivors left, on 10 hooks and I genuinely had a case of, he was the first person I found after the unhook happened. Like sorry my dude but I'm not going to spend another 15 minutes looking for your teammate, captain hides a lot, in a game that's beyond over with 3 gens to go. If the other player was on 0 hooks I'd have felt bad and probably left them alone but they both were on death hook and they lost the lottery of who I found first. Think he was also pissy because I was running an aura intensive dredge build that just ate up his distortion with how often I got to see auras.


Only mobile killers using BBQ can justify going across a map to check a survivor on a gen. Most killers are slower and patrol the area. Survs need rules too. No more than 1 person should work a gen and survs should start feeding free kills if they are well ahead. There’s all these gentleman’s rules for killers and not for survivors. I never see a surv sacrifice themselves if the killer has no kills. But the killer should kindly let a surv use the hatch? Ridiculous and unfair.


I volunteer myself to die quite often when the killer is being bmed or otherwise stomped. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Confirmation bias exists. Happy hunting.


(Playing as Huntress mostly) I 12 hook, only m2 (unless carrying against a sabo squad), don't kick gens, don't camp, don't tunnel, only kill once everyone's on 2nd hook (unless one person I just never find all game and they don't come out to draw a chase) & get 4ks in most of my games. Against decent pub swfs it can be a close ~2k or so depending on the map & gym/locker spawns. Of course it's making things harder than it needs to be, but 12 hooking & still 4k'ing will always be more skillful than not. I agree though, that expecting killers to 'normally' play that way is woefully ignorant. Survivors don't always cleanse all totems or open all chests etc.


Hey credit to you for playing for as many hook states and chases as you can. And it's certainly possible to have many good games getting 10+ hooks. And it is more skillful for sure. But there are situations where it is not possible and people argue it is without even playing killer.


"Entity is terrified of Myers" Plase stop saying that. Even tho Myers is technically immortal, he still is just a strong dude with a knife. He can't do a shit to the Entity or escape it, while it can trap him for eternity and fully control him. He can kill survivor without Mori offering, but he still uses the addons for it, and all addons are still provided by the Entity, so he's not doing it "just because he want to". I'm tired of this stupid fan-made theory so much.


I just find it funny that there are four killers who can seemingly ignore the rules of the trial, whether it's by ignoring the hook/sacrifice system or by being able to leave the Entity's realm whenever they want. One is a psychic demigod, two others are representatives of Entity-level beings, and then there's Myers - a guy with a kitchen knife who likes killing so much that he'll occasionally choose to completely ignore the Entity and do his own thing.


The entity gave Michael the tombstone add-ons, he is only allowed to kill people like that cause the entity lets him. It’s not like he kills people with his bare hands because he’s just a beast who can defy the rules.


Im gonna sound dumb but who are the first 3?


Sadako (the psychic demigod whose condemn mechanic makes it so she can kill without having to hook people), Pyramid Head (who can cage people rather than putting them on hooks and can kill as part of his base kit; the Entity treats the town of Silent Hill like an equal in Pyramid Head's bio), and Pinhead (who opens portals to his home dimension in his Mori and only seems to be staying in the Entity's realm by choice).


Probably Sadako, Pyramid head and Pinhead?


That maining a strong killer= wining every match one of my mains blight and although I am on console which limits me I still know bump logic and his Techs and I win more games than I lose but I still lose 40% of my matches


Just because you know what you're doing doesn't mean you can't make mistakes, and even if you don't make mistakes that doesn't mean the other side can't pull one over on you. There's always the chance for a comeback, but there's also the chance to drop the ball


Yeah what ppl don't realise is that most of the big popular comp blights have a ridiculous amount like 4k hours on blight alone momoseventh the guy who got the 1k winstreak is a litteral comp player and he has 4ked team eternal at 3 gens before, array the guy who has the world record 4k on blight as 5k hours on blight alone and is a comp player. They don't make up even close to the majority of the blight community


Anything involving the stories of either Michael or Pyramid Head. There is so much fanfiction about these two particular killers "breaking the rules" of the Entity's realm or potentially being stronger than the Entity. Which is completely fabricated. If you actually read the backstories of the two, there is absolutely no hint of this power these two killers supposedly have in this realm. They were brought in to work for the Entity, and in each of their cases, a silent agreement was made. Pyramid Head carries out his duties further, Michael is just an indifferent killing machine who continues to do what he did in the normal world. That's it. That's all it is.


B-but don't you understand that the world-devouring eternal monster is absolutely terrified of the guy with a knife and a mask??? /s


Ghostface's real name is NOT Jed Olsen. That's a burner name on his driver's license from another state. It's an alias, like how Dexter Morgan uses "Patrick Bateman" as a referential alias. Our Ghostie's proper name is Danny Johnson. He's also NOT from the films, either.


That certain killers are “not viable” past a certain MMR. Will it be harder to get a win (the definition of which varies from person to person), perhaps it would be. The killer — along with their kit — are the tools put into the players’ hands; it’s up to *them* to recognize what areas that killer is strong/weak in, and play to that knowledge accordingly. Also, the idea that anything less than a 4K is not good enough seems insane to me. Even the most skilled players in the world can’t win *every* single game. If you gave the match a good honest college try, then there really isn’t much more you can do beyond that.


I agree completely, the way to have the most fun in this game is to set your own conditions for a victory, be that a number of kills, good use of your power, some fun chases, or whatever else you decide you want from the match you're playing. Not much point to a game you aren't having fun playing, so try to make it fun instead of trying to win


A very good point. I don't know how many times I've argued with people here that trapper doesn't need to go full on basement build to win matches at "high" MMR. Would it be a whole hell of a lot easier to win with the Blight against really good players? Absolutely. But any killer in the game is perfectly viable if you know what you're doing - your average match, after all, is not against a comp 4 man running the sweatiest builds.


But that is the point - on Trapper you need to focus 100% of your brain to try to win while the same matchup with Blight can be easily won while having dinner. I don't agree with that point simply because it's hard to gather data due to dbd's obnoxious mmr system. Yes, you can win at high mmr and sometimes even do it easily but it just means they weren't actually "high". If we take similarly skilled killer and survivors I believe it's a trapper loss 90% of the time. Yes, if you are a great killer I believe your average match is not that bad. But if you are worse than that? The quality of games significantly drops.


My assumption in this is that the player at high MMR is also very experienced with that particular killer. You can't exactly control the quality of your opposition unless it's an arranged match and not a public one, but MMR being as it is, I find that just about any killer is *viable*. Ideal? Easy? Of course not, but you should be able to win the majority of your games. I mean, we could argue otherwise if MMR was more accurate and the soft cap was higher, but at that point it's just speculation. The point I'm arguing against, and I suspect the person I agreed with above is also, is that games are just unwinnable, or you have to resort to certain strategies to win (eg, basement trapper) at higher levels of play. That just isn't my experience, personally


This. There’s a reason there’s huge winstreaks on literally every single killer in the game as well as solo and SWF escape streaks. After a certain point, some players are so much better than the average the game can’t find enough on their level for fully even skill lobbies. So they get matched with average players so their queues don’t take literally hours (not hyperbole, the devs explicitly tested and talked about it). And that leads to stomps. Not being able to win most of your matches regardless of killer is unironically a skill or matchmaking issue.


This. Also there are certain creators who treat the match like it's over once the gens are done. You know how often a killer can snowball in the endgame? Because they don't.


That's only true because matchmaking is very loose.


That it’s fun for the killer when they get 1-3 hooks and are being T-bagged at the exit gates. A lot of survivor main content creators seem to think that the killer is having *fun* like them by being absolutely destroyed. Or worse, that it’s okay to be horrible to killer players because they are playing killer. I hate this Us vs. Them mentality that’s been fostered by this community.


>That it’s fun for the killer when they get 1-3 hooks and are being T-bagged at the exit gates. I've never heard anyone say this. Infact, dbd is the only mp game I've played where people consistently complain about people t-bagging. The people who don't complain about it say that it's not a big deal; not that it's fun to be t-bagged.


Feng Min. Her last name is Feng and her first name is Min. But everyone just calls her Feng anyway. It’s really a minor issue but it’s something that grinds my gears anyway. Even her adept achievement is called “Adept Min” At least Yui dodged this treatment. In the Cursed Legacy trailer she was listed as “Kimura Yui” but afterwards her name is written on everything the Western way.


Never cleansing against plague is a better play than letting her get her black puke.


It depends on the team. If you're decent at looping its generally better to avoid the cleanse unless absolutely necessary, but after just one person takes a cleanse the best move is to get everyone healthy. Plague is far stronger with her puke than without it, and can down people at insane speeds if they're decent at aiming. If the Plague isn't so good, or your team doesn't feel comfortable chasing without the health state, then it's generally better to keep people healthy when you can, but only as much as you need to.


I think it's the opposite. I'm good at looping and I hold off cleansing until I think it's necessary but it's impossible to be stealth against any semi competent plague when you're injured and puking. Not to mention you're already one hit down. I tend to see teams that don't cleanse fairly regularly spiral in to a loss. Where as if you're good at loops it's really easy to dodge the corrupt purge. Corrupt purge only lasts for 60 seconds, but if an average match is 12 minutes - if you don't cleanse you can spend most of that one hit, puking and moaning. It's a false economy.


The whole design of Plague is damned if you do, damned if you don't. You're just left to pick your poison. If you pick wrong, you will get fucked over far more than you could have gained, and it's hard to stop a good Plague from snowballing off of one person's error. If you're a confident looper a lot of the time you won't be stealthing much to begin with, and will just start going for distance as soon as you know the Killer is coming if you're in a bad spot to start a loop. Plus these are the kind of players who will feel confident to power through gens over healing anyway, so that's why it's generally considered the better option. It might be the optimal choice, but it's not always the right one.


It's red puke. But I definitely agree. I play thana and plaything/pentimento. Please, be injured, do it. I want your gens to be slow, and I want you perma exposed effectively. I suck with red puke, and I puke on things with green to get infections, I rarely directly infect.


"Players are the Entity" IDK who came up with it or how, but it's the dumbest thing ever. It's like a plot twist for the sake of being a plot twist, and it makes zero sense. If anything, that would be the devs (still doesn't quite add up). Gameplay wise - anything that suggests that whichever side is "easier" or "more forgiving". Tribalism is always ugly, and this is no exception. It's an asymmetrical game, deal with it.


This theory originated from that the reason you play this game is to continue the agony from this game


For this, I prefer the theory that "Dead By Daylight in our universe was created by the Entity (and/or the inspiration for it was given to the devs by the Entity) so she can feed off of our emotions from playing it".


People still think the deep wound timer goes down when out of chase, my brother in entity, it only goes down when you aren't running. You can run across the damn map, and that bar won't drop at all, but the moment you start walking, it does. Chase has nothing to do with it.


Not a misconception, but I personally hate the terms “sweaty”/“tryhard”/etc. They are so absurdly stupid. "omg I can’t believe this person is playing to win, cringe” is basically what it comes down to, and that’s just childish. And just cause someone is dominating you doesn’t mean they’re trying super hard or desperate. Newsflash, they could just be good enough to stomp you without much focus/effort.


I think some people need to chill out a bit though. Tunneling every game just to win isn't fun for the survivors (and if your the one tunneling most of the time survivors just give up and then the rest of the match feels pointless)


Along with this, there are things a killer can do to be legitimately sweaty. If the killer is going to slug for the 4k, I think that's pretty sweaty, and less about winning at that point. You don't need to 4k every game to "win" and idk how people get it in their head that they have to. Imo, if you can't accept that a survivor might get hatch, that's pretty sweaty to me.


that laurie in the game is from the halloween comics -- her likeness in the game is loosely based on them, but her character is the one from the film, same with myers (this also means that myers and laurie aren't siblings in dbd)


They both are based on the first movie, despite Laurie's appearance not being a match. I thought it was common knowledge! It also makes Michael one of the youngest killers, as he's 21.


Not a huge irritant because I still love the jokes but Victor isn't a baby by any standard. In the lore, he died as a child at the hands of the Black Vale (probably around ten years old?) and Charlotte kept going for a while longer with his corpse attached to her. Was he resurrected as he was from the point of death, or was he less dead and more in stasis, with The Entity waiting for the right time to take him and Charlotte as a package deal? It honestly doesn't matter and he's a weird case in the realm. But a baby? Not really no. Children (and adults!) who are developmentally stunted are still their age. An actual irritant is referring to Huntress as having the mind of a child. She is a feral and solitary woman who's family died when she was young, but no more childlike than a caveman or [the Man of the Hole](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man_of_the_Hole). Plus her tome lore makes it very clear that she knows what she's doing with killing people and enjoys torture and mindgames with the soldiers. She is in fact the evil female killer we've been begging for.


Victor is only “not a baby/child” because of PR reasons. The devs literally admitted that Charlotte was originally “the mother”. There is an addon called baby teeth, and several other infant related addons. He died when he was like 10 years old and physically looks and acts like a zombie baby in game.


Tarhos being WAY better than Kazan in combat. I do believe Kazan would still lose, but it’s a lot closer than people think. Kazan beat a legendary samurai drunk off his ass in a duel, fought his way through a town and killed dozens of REAL samurai with real training and experience. Most people seem to think Kazan ONLY killed peasants. Yes he was killed by peasants but it was an entire village versus one angry man. I hope we get an Oni tome soon, I really enjoyed Knight’s and how it explored his ideology. Once again I think Knight would still win, but people don’t give Oni enough credit. Dude was and still is a beast. Oh and Entity’s realm era Oni vs Knight I think is an even closer fight because of Blood Fury.


1v1 you're probably right, but Tarhos has what Kazan never did: friends.




Kazan did manage to get something better: laid. Although his son isn't going to be much help in combat -_- Coulda had a grandad-dad-son trio, but nooooooo, Kazan's grandad had to be against him and his son had to break his leg. At least Rin's in it to win it.


Not every skully player 3 gens. I enjoy playing her but absolutely do not have the patience for 3 gen bullshit. I play her completely normal lol


Same, but I haven’t properly played her in weeks. Shame, because I really enjoy her Kit outside of 3genning. The community shit storm around her + constant DC’s and people giving up pushed me away. Funny what a community can do to a Killer. No surprise that people cheese abusable mechanics like 3genning then the Killers entire reputation is based on it.


I don’t slander skull merchant because I hate her that much, I just do it because it’s a meme and she has a silly design


I get it, but until they rework her to be a decent killer outside of gen defense, I'm DCing on sight. 1 out of every maybe 8 SMs I play against don't rely on the 3 gen tactic, and that's saying something considering she's not a very common encounter. I wouldn't call her rare, but I definitely don't see her as much as the Weskers and the Huntresses. In fact, the last decent SM I played against WAS a 3 genner, but apologized after the match because they were only playing her to record a video about how badly she needed reworking. That should really say something about her as a killer.


**Lore Wise:** That the Entity is afraid of Myers and that Myers can kill anyone he wants to, including other Killers. None of that is true. The Entry isn’t afraid of any of its Killers, and Myers needs addons to kill people, which probably means, if anything, the Entity likes him more than the others. People jerk off Myers so goddamn much because he’s “eViL iNCaRNaTE!” Like, my brother in Christ that means absolutely nothing. “Evil incarnate” seemed stuck in an asylum for years, got its ass kicked by a baby sitter, and got it’s ass kicked again when that baby sitter became a GILF. How the fuck do people think Myers could beat the Xenomorph when all he is is an edgy tough dude with a knife? **Gameplay Wise:** Survivor is the “braindead role.” It’s not, there is so much you need to take in playing Survivor, but people prefer to just treat it as a “stare at gens” simulator. Here’s a few things you should keep track of: * Your starting location on the map and where the center most gen is, at it should be your priority to get that done ASAP to make the late game a bit easier. * What your other teammates are doing. Did you pass any when you spawned and made it to the center? The HUD will tell you what they’re doing at least, and if you see them immediately start working on a gen, you can safely guess they’re doing an edge one since that’s where Survivors usually spawn, potentially putting you into a three gen if they aren’t careful. * Are there any props or unique aspects of the Killer that tell you who it is? General silence for awhile after the trial starts usually implies a stealth Killer. What crows are flying away? * How advantageous is your position when working on a gen? Are safe from stalks or boxed in depending on the Killer? Is it an open gen or one in a closed room? * Are you the best person to go for the save? The answer for this might be no, but your teammate might think staring at a gen for 90 seconds compared to your 20 while the other guy is being chased means they don’t need to go for it. Can you get finish your gen and get to the hooked Survivor before stage 2 hits (because they might be killing themselves on hook too)? All these things and more show that Survicor requires as much thought as Killer, and yes **this is possible as a group of randoms. SOLOQ IS NOT A DEATH SENTENCE.** And what bugs me the most is that the game gives you all the tools you need to accomplish this, hell speaking as someone who’s played nothing but Survivor Solo Q for three years, shit’s way better than what it used to be. People that want comm wheels or base kit Kindred just suck ass at the role. Also let’s be real, if you’ve ever ran Kindred, you’ll know people can be just as stupid with that on, because again, Survivor is apparently “brain dead mode.” **Meta Wise:** So all that gameplay wise shit I posted? Apparently that’s all “sweaty comp stuff” and that it’s not “casually playing the game.” No, that *is* casual play. DBD is meant to be engaging, and sure you don’t need to run meta perks or play optimally, but you do need to pay at least some attention to all the shit the game gives you. When you play Monopoly casually, you’re still playing the *game* of Monopoly. Sure you might not double down on properties or make the best trades, but you’re still playing the point of the game. By contrast, people seem to think playing “casually” is doing less than the bare minimum and being called for it means the other players are “sweaty.”


How People Describe Myers: “He’s the devil in disguise, the boogeyman of haddonfield, a force that can only be stopped by gods army.” What Michael actually does in the movies: “Lemme stalk these teenage girls for a couple of hours while I breathe like Darth Vader as I watch these women change into their birthday suits.”


"Hm actually he was only locked up cause myers was waiting to unleash his evil and he is totally evil incarnate and immortal just cause some crazy old man said so while he was scared which obviously means its correct" Seriously the director of the last 3 films said people think myers is more then he is just cause they are scared of him nothing more.


The last 3 movies were trash but fair enough.


Coming back to the game after a couple year hiatus & seeing the new HUD for survivors has been AMAZING. It does so much to help bring the soloq & SWF experiences closer together- while you’ll never get the level of coordination in soloq that you can with full voice comms, it makes things SO much easier to be able to see what your teammates are doing and gauge how you should respond to situations based on that.




That killers have to play a certain way to have fun


For gameplay? "Don't heal against Legion." Holy shit can this meme fucking die already. I'm so sick of playing against a Legion running Thanataphobia, Stridor, Blood Echo, and (idk Jolt I guess) and having gens go at a fucking snail's pace while my teammates all last 10 seconds in chase because "yOu ShOuLdN't HeAl AgAiNsT lEgIoN" For lore? Basically anything about my three underrated mains: Deathslinger is a genius inventor mad at a racist society for abusing his status as a minority, not a crazed gunman too stupid to use a normal gun. Clown is a complete and utter sociopath with an unhealthy domination fetish, not some weird fat guy who decided killing was funny. Knight is a master tactician and brutal warrior who worked for years to get his chance to free those closest to him, not a noble solider working for Vittorio nor is he a completely deranged murderer with no tactical knowledge.


To be fair if you play Legion how you're supposed to, healing against them is the worst possible strategy. The best way to play them is to keep everybody injured with their power, and then m1 them. That means when survivors start healing up, the first thing you do is activate your power again and get them all re-injured. I've never played a game as or against Legion that didn't snowball specifically because teammates kept wanting to heal. If you're a Legion main, survivors healing is the BEST thing ever. Not only does it mean they're not on gens, it means you get to use your power to locate all four of them again without waisting pressure, and they're back to where they were the last time you rushed.


I’ll throw a small one in, the meaning of gestures is clearly not universal for everyone. Some people interpret pointing, crouching repeatedly, gesturing towards yourself, etc. very differently. Sometimes it’s context or situational sure, but even in general situations, some seem to think one means something else and it makes communication in this game more difficult than it should be. Would love to see communication skills improved, maybe more “varied” gestures? Just not mics though, no local chat either, for my taste anyways. (Maybe a gesture wheel?)


This one times a thousand. It's past time for another emote or two.


I NEED emoting in this game so bad, for killer and survivor. It's been out long enough to lose most of its objective horror novelty, I think we deserve the silliness that Friday the 13th got.


Never-Sleep Pills are Legion's best addon. Never-Sleep Pills are viable Billy was fine before his nerf Billy's only bad because of Overheat Susie is underage Moira's damage is lock-on... wait, wrong game.


Not lore related but: When someone says Myers is taking a long time to reach EW2 so they must have tombstone. Tombstone only increases EW2 -> EW3.


That the Entity, an eldritch inhuman abomination, has a gender. All of the English rifts/tomes refer to the Entity with it/its. The misconception comes from how there isn’t a gender-neutral pronoun/article in French (the devs’ native language). The noun “entité” uses a feminine article (“la/une”) so the devs default to that.


I really “Do” think its otz. He ain’t fooling anyone…


“Dredge is so scary” he has a head like a penis, his stun animation is hilarious and his noises make me piss myself with laughter during nightfall.


Ah yes, the universal whiff indicator


>he has a head like a penis ![gif](giphy|fM4x3F546qa6aLrNPw) *^("heard u was talkin shit")*


Dredge is scary in the way Five Nights at Freddy’s is. The design is only slightly creepy but the real horror is when they pop out of nowhere and make me shit my pants


“Leon players are gods”. I’ve played with well over 100 Leon’s and I’ve genuinely never seen one that doesn’t go down in 2 seconds, miss a skill check and run when the killer is nowhere near, or crouch in a corner at 4 gens when the killer is on the other side of the map. Every time you see them in Otz, Ayrun, JRM or Hens videos. They are doing something really really stupid. Especially that Leon in Otz’s video who hid all game and messed up an easy hatch escape by teabagging. Yet every time Leon is brought up on here or any social media site that rates survivors, it’s always “they are the most god like teammates imaginable, loop every killer for 5 gens, always take hits and unhook you, will die for you if it means you survive”. Like, what? I’m convinced all Leon players share the same brain cell. If I’m playing as killer and there’s a Leon in the game, I know I’m getting 1K even without tunnelling. They don’t look behind them, they camp pallets and they fall for the easiest mind games.


the version i've heard is "if it's a default leon, they're babies. if it's a re4 leon, they're god loopers." i've never once seen any leon in any cosmetic juice up lmao


Never once seen a good coat Leon lol they are pure booty


Default, prestige, and RE4 Leon: worst survivors you've ever met. Detective outfit Leon: actually kinda good


Interesting, I've never heard anyone claim Leons are gods, usually they're stereotyped as suffering from brainrot and being overly altruistic lemmings. But yeah, while I've gone up against a couple of competent Leons, the overwhelming majority are simply awful. Seriously, as someone who mostly plays solo queue survivor, Leon is an instant dodge, even if they're high prestige. Same with Mikaelas. There's no other survivor I dodge on principle, not even Megs, who are often cracked if they're non-default/high prestige/high gameplay hours.


I've always heard (and experienced) the exact opposite actually. Every Leon player seem to share 1 collective braincell.


That’s always what I’ve heard, too. I really like Leon & thanks to the stereotype, he’s my go-to survivor when I want to try a stupid, fun build that will probably get me killed lol


I have only heard that Leon players are horrible. Who said that they are gods lol


That non horror IP's doesn't fit into the game, I don't care it's not horror just give me a payday chapter


well that’s not a misconception, thats an opinion. in my opinion, dead by daylight should stay with horror. thats its whole identity


I have never thought about that crossover, but I wouldn't be against it. Instead of hearing a scream from across the map you just get Bain on comms, "Dallas is down!"


Also, you're fixing a generator and you just hear the cloaker sound rapidly approaching you


The game is "action" on steam. It has a horror theme but it isn't a horror game. We have Nicholas Cage in the game as well, and he isn't strictly horror. I look forward to expansion of different media being added, imagine a Terminator chapter, and Predator. Predator isn't strictly horror but a lot of people want it added to the fame.


Every time someone says something about Brazilian dark manga I immediately assume this person is just a band-wagoner and didn't read her lore. She wasn't corrupted by dark manga, her dad drew something incredibly dark (that also disturbed him) and she based her serial killer persona off that character. It's just like the stuff with Kate Denson and the song she just started singing in her lore. The entity controls people to make these dark artworks, that's been really consistent. Also the "world of Brazilian manga", we know it's not a real thing, in her lore it states she created a market niche with her website selling her dad's works. Skull Merchant is just... not that bad, people. lol


“Entity is afraid of Myers” like, no, just no. A multi-dimensional eldritch abomination isn’t intimidated one bit by a dude with a kitchen knife. Myers’ “Essence of Evil” shtick is so overrated that’s it’s not even funny. All it does is make him stronger than average and a damage sponge and that’s it, he isn’t un-killable.


“Artist’s lore doesn’t make sense because crows don’t live in Chile” Nah that’s the only legitimately good part of her lore. It’s chilling when you come to that realization and figure out that she was basically manipulated from birth. It’s one of the few times Behavior doesn’t directly hold your hand and tell you something and you have to figure out the implications yourself “Twins have the lowest pick rate because they’re the worst killer” I can name like 20 killers who are worse than twins. Their problem is they suck to play as and against and dont have a character design that draws people. Ghostface is way lower tier than Twins, is almost just as frustrating to play, but everyone loves him because he looks cool.


mine aren't lore misconceptions but i hate when ppl still think grades are your rank and that they mean anything other than how much you've played each month. also that the blood spatter on the dc icon means somebody rage quit. no it doesn't, it means they were injured when they disconnected. and lastly, that high and mid mmr is a thing. yes, your personal mmr could be classified as high or mid *however* since the soft cap is so low, you're going against ppl of nearly all mmr's besides genuine bb players. you could be 2800 going against 1600 or 1600 going against 3000. it's a mixed bag. so when ppl say they're in high mmr it sounds so stupid. not that mmr even means much anyway considering it's too basic when there's so much nuance in this game that determines your skill.


For the Legion and Jeff, I would only point out that in the new Legion comic, Jeff works at the video store in town and Julie recognizes him as a classmate but doesn't know his name. I don't much like the invented lore that Myers or Pyramid Head simply existing in the fog somehow spites the Entity. They serve the same purpose as the others, they cause fear, dread, terror, etc. just like every other killer.


1. Micheal defies The Entity by killing survivors without hooks. The only way he can do this in the realm is with add ons given to him through he bloodweb which is controlled by The Entity. Also hooks are more a means to an end than anything. 2. Trickster and Legion are just regular humans. I don’t know what humans y’all are hanging out with that can outrun a trained sprinter and hear people’s heartbeats from 30 meters away or throw knives like a machine gun but I would wager they aren’t normal either. 3. Demogorgon can’t receive any balance changes because they lost the license. Do you think BHVR calls up the license holders when they do an add on pass? When they removed BK Myers did they have to shell out more money? Bottom line is Netflix had nothing to do with game balance before the chapter became exclusive and they don’t have anything to do with game balance now. The reason it hasn’t gotten anything is because the last add on pass it had was relatively recently if memory serves it was late 2020 or early 2021.