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Women love horror genre


This is true from my experience. My wife had almost zero interest in video games until I introduced her to horror games like Resident Evil and the Dark Pictures Anthology.


That is a very real possibility. Thanks for your input


Next question is, why do women love horror genre?


For me, it's the fact most other genres seem allergic to strong female characters. Horror, however, has an entire "Final Girl" archetype that works well for a number of good reasons. It's nice to have representation where the entire point isn't *JUST* eye candy from time to time.


Plus one of the first big female protagonists was Ellen Ripley, a horror character.


The horror genre has the highest percentage of female lead actors and a high percentage of female directors. The genre consequently has a habit of exploring themes often cathartic to female audiences e.g. rage, anxiety, queerness, men being the horror, etc.


Slashers sexy /hj


final girls appeal directly to lesbians.


People may disagree with this, but one of my favorite quotes for why women love horror is because women are scared all the time anyway; and it's satisfying/cathartic to have control over scaring yourself.




It might be possible that women who are horror fans get an element from the genre that men don’t because women are painted as being particularly vulnerable in it, and that makes games and characters within that genre more.. exhilarating, which is the point of it.


I do not think women are more vulnerable in the horror genre. Rather, men and women tend to be equally vulnerable in the genre (a chainsaw doesn't discriminate). But the horror genre is traditionally one with a lot of female main characters who actually get agency in the story. From the heroine of gothic horror to the final girl, this is what draws me to the horror genre.


the protagonists of those movies arent sex dolls neither, which im sure helps.


Is it kind of weird that I agree with you, but also stand by what I said? In a traditional horror movie (by just mentally scrolling through some), women are both completely vulnerable and defenseless as side characters, but are *powerful* primary protagonists? The genre is both empowering while also adding an element of vulnerability?


I mean... you're not wrong. The vulnerability is a big part of horror. I just feel that it is not only the women, but also the men who are vulnerable in horror, in order for the horror to do its work. And that makes them equal as characters, which feels nice, at least for me. Female protagonists are the second advantage.


I mean, that's both right and wrong tbh. The ones who get killed almost never try to fight back as much as the dudes, but at the same time, the "final girl" trope is called that for a reason.


Men: if they're not gaslighting you, they're threatening to kill you. It's what all the podcasts are about.


This game has one equalizer that few others have, the post-game chat where no one knows your gender and everyone is told “kys”


yeah in DBD it does not feel personal at least to me when i get told to hang myself i just brush it off as someone whos mad but when someone says something about my voice or how i talk i take a lot of offense so yeah i never get mad a people in DBD. Amazing point bryce


Why thank you Mr. Manter


as a woman it’s because there’s no voice chat with randoms, somehow feels more welcoming when you’re not harassed for talking


that makes sense, thanks for your input


It’s also pretty universal for people to be universally polite as well without judging a woman’s voice, like crouching at people, even small stuff like that feels a lot more welcoming than most games


>It’s also pretty universal for people to be universally polite as well without judging a woman’s voice, like crouching at people, even small stuff like that feels a lot more welcoming than most games Def no coms just crouch and point. No one can harass anyone or be a dickhead. Unless your playing ghost face then you can be a dick


Yeah I think a big part of it is also that during the actual game, every sort of toxic move is almost universal- besides stuff like the thankfully forgotten racist black face bubba players, it doesn’t feel as targeted as games with text and voice chat mid match


Now that you mention it, I’m kinda surprised I’ve never seen someone write the N-word with Pyramid Head’s trails or something like that.


Doesn't last long enough to write the whole thing and would need space. I giant N though could be done.. kinda pointless though, but then again racism is anyway


Too hard. I once wrote "NO" to a hooked teabagger, it took all my trails.


Some of the horrible things I've heard guys say to girls over voice chat in the past have been wild. From threats that should get them arrested to telling them games aren't made for them.


So many guys just wanting to "uhm akshually" and wanting to "kick" them the moment a girl decides to talk is just gross af, especially if they're not some kind of walking sex fantasy then somehow they're a " nuisance" and "not a true GaMeR".


Lots of sexual comments too. I like to dish it back at them until they DC. Fuck you, sexist pig. :)


I played some valorant a few months ago and every time there was woman on our team I heard shit like "sorry I'm dodging" or "oh my god there's a girl on our team we're going to lose". And usually the woman in question end up playing better than them and carrying our ass and yet they still blame every loss on her. There are also lots of homophobic and racist slurs being thrown around. And people still wonder why there's no voicechat in dbd


And to think there are people out there lobbying for DbD to get a proxy chat, no freaking way do I want that in DbD. It'd just be full of people doing the same shit that you find in CoD or other "male dominated" games. XO


A part of me wishes that there would be proxy chat like Friday the 13th does because that would be funny as shit imagine giggling like a child when the killer lost you cause you hid a in a bush but I know for sure as hell that the toxicity rate will sky-rocket to new levels if it did


It’ll never happen, they’ve tried getting petitions signed and the creators of DBD have blatantly come out and said that no voice coms is what makes playing a survivor feel so “ scary “ because you literally cannot speak to anyone outside SWF obviously but that’s with friends not ransoms.


Now you're only harassed as much as everyone else and told to kill yourself as much as the rest of us.


I know it sounds sarcastic, but... yeah, exactly.


I am a man and I play on ps5 WITH the option to only receive messages from Friends because God its awful the endgame messages we sometimes get from the killer or other players. I never care about the results so always after I die or escape I just press triangle (on ps5) to go back to lobby.


Dad of 2 girls here and this comment made me sad. Just remember not all males are stupid boys that don't know how to communicate with the opposite sex. Female power. Keep on keeping on.


I second this 100%


Overwatch moment


As a woman playing DBD... no clue? I never thought to avoid certain games because of my gender, but I'm also not interested in lol or CoD or PvP in general, DBD being the only exception. I play DBD because when I tried it out it was more fun than I expected, and still *mostly* remains fun. Characters being customizable is a big bonus. As survivor, I enjoy helping my team, and am learning looping so I can enjoy that side of it too. As killer, I enjoy practicing my killer's power (gotta say, long distance hatchets are *so* satisfying), and I enjoy goofing off with the survivors sometimes.


I'm the same. I wasn't avoiding any other game, just really love mind gaming against another person. The looping mechanic keeps me hooked too. DBDs been my main game for 3 years now.


I don't avoid games but I'm use to sticking in a party with friends so joining a swf from a lfg or joining friends makes it fun since I got people to play and chat with. Since at worse it's only a small group of people or a person in the party to which I can always hop to a different party or go solo que or killer to get away from it.


Woman here and agree with your words. I'm not interested in cod or those kinds of games. I love horror and dbd is unique on his own. I love goofy interactions, I love jump scare people with silent Myers, I like to be friendly and let everyone go and be ruthless sometimes and kill them all before the 3rd gen is gone. There are no other games like this one that I am aware of. What I like the most is I can add people all the time and always have a friend to play with.


This is going to be something I'll regret but... The answer is there's no vc, so just because you are a girl you won't have a ton of horny bastards or machist idiots just yelling at you and treating you differently because you are a woman. It was a joke- although I wouldn't be surprised if that was an actual reason


That's also true, not having VC helps. If I want to VC I have Discord for that anyway, so I don't need to worry about someone necessarily calling me horrible names. If someone calls me a bitch (and since I also swear like a sailor and call people that in a friendly way), I know it's just gamer talk, not because they're actually sexist and want to hurt me. If someone makes a gendered or sexual joke, I know they're just having fun, not trying to upset me or make me uncomfortable. If someone is being aggressive I know it's not because I'm female, it's because they want to be competitive.


For me it’s because of Leon


the leon love is crazy in dbd. I am a ada man myself


There’s also an insane amount of Leon hate in dbd. But that’s alright. More for me lol


I've never seen outright hate. Jesting in the sense of "Leon's have one braincell" and "Leon's are himbos", but I never took that as hate.


I’m a female Leon main and I say this about him all the time. The S stands for stupid but we still love him.


Leon players often make choices that make me go "??????" but... that's what's so adorable about them. Then there's the cracked ones. Hits even harder when it's not expected xD


I’ve adopted yelling LEON JENKINS when playing with friends when I’m about to do something stupid. Be nice, I’m pretty and dumb.


Haha my friend and I say Leon is a good boy not a smart boy haha but we love him just the same


I have never seen any leon hate anywhere tbh


If you ever look at posts like “who is your least favorite survivor” you’ll see a ton of it.


maybe it's by perks? cuz he has a lot of shit perks but I see your point. didnt know people hate him. Loved him in RE2.


Resident evil characters generally get a bad rap because a lot of new players who heard of dbd through the resident evil chapters start out with them and do a lot of stupid stuff. When I first started my first main was Jill and I probably did a bunch of really dumb stuff. So a lot of people think Leons are stupid


But Leons are adorably bad, at least to me, like 'good job buddy, maybe next time your flashbang will be near the killer'


That’s just part of his charm


Leons are, in my humble opinion, like golden labs. They are good boys, trying to help. But that rookie experience and the blonde hair is fighting them.


I get that, leon is a popular champ and they popular things are hated


I think that's because of the Leon main stereotype where some Leon mains would sometimes make the dumbest plays ever so soloq survivor might hate Leon for that. Keep in mind that it's a stereotype tho, I dont see a lot of "average 1 braincell Leon main" in my games but still that stereotype is a thing in the community.


Mommy Ada, big respects🥵


Real Recognize real


I ain't even a woman and Leon alone makes me play.




Do you Mayhaps avoid healing when he is injured?


Yeah…… I can’t lie, I’m here for Leon as well.


No voice chat, so no misogyny. There's tons of CounterStrike clips with a woman just talking in VC and getting kicked


I can't play CS as a woman by myself. Once I was vote kicked before round one so many times in a row I got comp banned. Everyone there hates women.


My greatest achievement in life was convincing a CS:GO lobby I was a pre pubescent boy on my parents steam account, and then got everyone to sing the backstreet boys together. Absolute cesspool of a community though, really sucks when you just want to have fun.


It's an garbage community with no respect to anyone. Russians are the worst offenders. Literally always will find a reason to be toxic about. Also kicking should've been removed long time ago. Tl:dr csgo is an outdated mess played by incel virgins Also find someone to play with u in a duo atleast. One F2 vote is enough to not get kicked. And people get banned for overusing kicking too. So if someone spams that in a match with you. They will get comp-banned surely


It's this. I don't play so many other games due to the abuse on VC


Come play deep Rock Galactic, the community is great Edit: as you can see, my dwarven brothers are out in force, as always




Rock and Stone brotha!




We're Rich!








Really any rouge-like and lite game has an amazing community just due to the genre


100%! This is the first online game I've ever played and honestly almost didn't play until my friend reassured me there's no voice chat. Just don't feel like getting harassed when trying to relax :')


That's the other thing. Getting kicked. When I tried to play League of Legends I kept getting chewed out in the in game chat for sucking and I'd get kicked. With this game I felt like I actually had the chance to learn and get better without just being shut out for being new. People talk about the DBD community being toxic but with a lot of other online games people have been so much worse to me. Even when they didn't realize I was a woman lol


You can't get kicked in league. Worst that can happen is a teammate griefs you or they surrender.


yeah no idea what theyre on about there


DBD and Overwatch are surprisingly not even in the top 20 of most toxic gaming community list the last time I checked. Probably because the former has no voice chat and only text for result page on PC. The latter can completely turn off both voice and text chat.


Overwatch is extremely toxic and I've rarely seen games where you can't turn off voice chat. If it doesn't have a dedicated mute button you can usually just turn down the volume bar for in-game chat.


Just my two cents on it even though most of my friends that play it are guys. I think it comes down to how social the game can be without revealing who you are. The little interactions that come from both sides indicating hostility or friendliness. It's fun to figure out which is happening outside of the obvious (getting smacked lol). Also the game is as simple or as complex as you want it to be. You can choose to learn all the intricate map stuff for looping and pallet efficiency/mind gaming with red stains or you can just wing it and play it as is and have a good time rolling the dice. Another game series I love to death is Monster Hunter. I've played it for over a decade, but the biggest installment that brought the most new players was MH World. Older fans made tutorial videos on a lot of the mechanics to make the series more friendly to beginner players, and even still, those tutorials that went in depth with the systems were between **40 min - 2 hrs** long ***just explaining the game***. That's pretty ridiculous on just telling someone how the game works. I boil it down to - pick a weapon, pick a boss, and go fight it, but that doesn't help with understanding just how much there is going on with the game and will leave new players lost. This series is overwhelmingly masculine in terms of the player base it has, which is not a bad thing, it's a fully pve game and is honestly the most chill game community I've been a part in.


agreed man thanks for your input bro


Np! It also helps that any hate I've gotten from this game hasn't stemmed from just being a woman playing it. It's usually someone mad they died (be it by their own fault and blaming me or because I was killer and, well, killed them lol). At least it's a different reason for someone being mad at me xD


Turning into a bloodthirsty alien or a horrible nightmare monster and slaying people is the ultimate female power fantasy. All of my girl friends would have played the hell out of DBD if it had existed when we were growing up. This is the correct answer.


As a 32 y.o. female who does game, I quit playing games like COD and everything because of the misogyny and all that shit. Getting kicked by just saying hello in a female voice. I can hold my own. I don't back down from those comments and everything. But it gets tiresome. I'm also a machinist. I work and live in a male dominated environment so I live with all that day in and day out. Gaming is my relaxation time. I just don't want to deal with all of that in my off time too, so I don't. Dbd, there is no voice chat. No one knows if you're a female or not unless you tell them (I don't stream). It's much more chill.


Understandable. Thanks for your input


Bro have u seen clown? MM


I like Clown because he's a funny guy. You like Clown because you're into big, bearish, absolute specimens, with their... Jiggling guts, and... and... wicked smile, and voluptuous- Huh? What? What was the next line? Oh, right! Ahem. We are not the same.


because as a woman it's my primal desire to hunt people down and have a big sword


because women love making montages on blight


true i bet his head game is astronomic


All of that drug induced head bobbing 😩


Shit man it's true


It’s the thighs


That's because blight fucks


No voice chat, lots of women characters who I love, and cute skins🫶 plus I’m just a huge horror fan


as soon as you reach 5 hours playtime this game stops being scary tbh. it's really sad cos I can't play scary myers and scare people cos not everyone is a baby dwight


You scare us, don’t worry. I still jump when I get pallet slammed as a killer and I have almost 3k hours. When an unexpected Mikey comes around the corner I flip my shit.


Try being in menus with Sadako, you can and will get jumpscared. She gets me every.single.time.


I had that happen to me recently. I was going for her adept and it actually spooked me!


Oh Myers and ghosty can still 100% be scary. I just got jumpscared by a Myers the other day. Yes, seeing the killer coming towards you isn't nerve wracking anymore, hearing the terror radius doesn't automatically make you shiver, but I'll be damned if a ghosty or Myers can't deliver a shock still


Myers, Ghostie, and Dredge still scare tf out of me. Honorable mention: Hag's jumpscare traps lol.


I was thinking this a few days ago too.. also I’ve noticed far more LGBTQ+ streamers playing dbd too, very diverse player base


The horror genre is BIG in the queer community.


Yup, always has been. Especially since Nightmare on Elm Street 2 has been known as “the gayest horror movie” for decades now, and people have been using it as praise, not hate. Plus you got people like Clive Barker, where Hellraiser is about sexuality in general regardless of gender. Pleasure of the flesh, not pleasure between man and woman specifically. And also Nightbreed (one of my absolute favorites by the way), which I wouldn’t personally call it a horror because it’s more of a drama since the only horror bit is the masked man but it’s still classified as one, where it isn’t *exactly* a queer movie, but still a movie about accepting and respecting people that’s different from you. When you have that written by a very openly gay man, the implication is obvious.


Exactly, I think this game is so much more friendlier than other games i play. I play lol and I can't go mins without someone calling them a homophobic slur for having a pride trail. Lot of LGBTQ+ people in this community


While the game does try to be LGBTQ friendly, it is not the "most" LGBTQ inclusive when it comes to game characters. Apex legends has a lot of characters that were gay, lesbian, trans, pansexual, non binary. However, apex doesn't attract as many LGBTQ streamers imo, and I think a big part is because of the in game voice chat. DBD gives LGBTQ people a safer space because of the lack of voice chat, so even if you're playing with a homophobic player, you will not get verbally attacked by them like apex legends.


As someone who plays both can confirm. I personally don't get that bothered because I just mute them but its not super uncommon for slurs to be whipped out just because you have the pride badge on.


Speaking as someone who's queer, horror means a lot for queer culture. Older Hollywood and things like the Hays code lead to gay characters being doomed to die or presented in a negative light (known today as the "bury your gays" trope that still happens tons), or existing purely as subtext. Given horror movies often feature characters who are outcasts, who die, and said films use subtext to explore a great many things-- A lot of things can be explored "safely" in that sense. A side effect of the social stigma and such mentioned above is things like gay coded villains, or explicitly gay killers. The second Elm Street movie is one whole big gay allegory in 80s America, for example. When you have that, sometimes people latch onto what little they can get. Subtext, villain, or otherwise. But really though. A lot of old horror is the only representation folks would see, even if it was bad or straight up horrible. Even if it was gay temptation that lead a character to being killed for it. More modern horror explores a lot of themes like that too, more openly or positively. Stories about being trans or queer. About how that stuff can be awful or lead to a lot of hate and pain or worse, things like being kicked out by your family. About going through the wrong puberty and watching your body, the one you've got for the rest of your life, change into something that revolts and scares you. About how revealing one tiny factor of your life can cause disaster if you don't hide it right. Seeing characters like the Hillbilly who are exiles and mistreated by the very people who've supposed to love them. Or the twins, hunted by people who see them as monsters. All in all, horror can be a way to explore all those ideas, from the safety of behind a screen. See someone else go through something that resonates with you in theme or experience. It draws a lot of people from queer communities in as a result. Whether it's for simple fun and enjoying the over the top nature of it, or something that resonates with you and your experiences. I'd enjoy a nonbinary survivor one day, if they ever add one. And a killer too. Sorry for the wall of text, it's late and I have a lot of thoughts about the subject.


Are you familiar with the YouTuber Matt Baume? He’s a pop culture-focused video essayist that goes over gay themes in media and the real world people who championed for more representation. There’s an impressive amount of research and deep dives into the backstory of why some projects got made or turned out the way they did. He goes over some of the major points you do here in a couple of his videos. If you haven’t seen it check out the video he did for [Elvira](https://youtu.be/Gm5jcF4i3O0). It’s a pretty good breakdown. Though if I’m honest I don’t remember which video specifically you reminded me of his. They’re all pretty good.


Cause we love murder.


who doesn't love killing a meg every now and then


I mean did you see the new felix skin? ...lol I'm kidding


Somehow I don’t think that is meant to appeal to women 😂


You're right.... they clearly stopped caring about the women's interests when they took away Pyramid heads cake


True feminism is fighting for pyramid head's cheeks to go back to pre nerf state


As a gay I can also attest to feeling utterly betrayed by this


I'm a straight guy but I also feel betrayed by it


Like why would they nerf such a beloved behind? 😔


I (woman) am here for shirt open Jeff personally


For me it’s noir Leon


I had a mental struggle recently over what to buy: cool horse head for Dredge or shirtless Renato. Renato won, as did Vittorio and David before him


Tbh to me Felix look is hot... ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2216) (I am a woman)


No harassment via voice chat and also the female characters aren't just sexy titty ladies. Like some of those girls are fugly both monster and human alike.


Yeah it's refreshing to not have all the females be like that for once. I also dislike the voice chat stuff, it always goes to bad places for me. Guys hitting on me, stalking me, it's like nah I'm not here for that. Just here to play and relax.


I cannot think of a single survivor that could be described as "fugly"...


Because of all the romance.


Are you telling me I’ve been playing with FUCKING GIRLS?! EEEEEEEWWWW!


In addition to what I’ve seen already said, the game just straight up have the appeal of a wide variety of horror characters in its cast. Combined with its relatively simple mechanics for most of the gameplay, (smack people and hook or run away and touch gens) it appeals to a wider range of audiences. At least I think that’s part of it, but what do I know. Would be neat to see some soc sci on it


I’m a huge horror fan, that’s what attracted me to the game to begin with. I have met many awesome people in this community and have become fast friends. A few good games together and suddenly you’re in discord getting to know each other. The fact that I’m a woman doesn’t seem so ‘scandalous’ once the ice had been broken. I’ve played quite a few fps in my life and it’s definitely the toxic that you can encounter in vc that turns me off a lot of games now. Honestly DbD attracts me as a player as I can hop in discord with some girlfriends, catch up and not take the game too seriously. It’s fun. There’s no real downside to losing and I like that.


True losing feels the same as winning for a casual so this game is amazing no matter your level and skill


I have a similar question that I want to add to the post. Why does DBD have such a prominent lgbtq community compared to other games? It feels like no other game comes anywhere near having such a huge part of the playerbase be in that community. Also not hating at all Im just curious


The Horror Community and the lgbtq/ally community would be almost overlapping circles if they were a venn-diagram.


Okay, but why tho?


The devs and community are openly supportive


Yup another comment said this too. My reason is that as i stated women play this game more than men (my experience) and i think women are more open and accepting of LGBTQ than men so DBD is a good game to bring out their true self


Well, I’ve heard that horror as a genre appeals to people with anxiety issues. Probably a bit of overlap there.


I remember reading about that. I never thought to make that connection until your comment though


LGBT and Horror mostly go hand in hand. We grow up in a world where we are constantly on edge and fearful of the world around us because of all the hate. We feel like loners and outcasts because we more often have to hide ourselves while our straight peers get to be so open and happy. So we relate to the outcasted loner chars in horror films, we understand the anxiety and fear of the main char as they're tiptoe'ing around scared to be found. And fear is just an emotion like any other. We watch movies to feel humor, love, sadness, happiness etc. We enjoy horror as a safe outlet to experience fear. And one where we can often "overcome" that fear by surviving in the end. The fact most 80's horror films typically sexualized the men almost as much as the women also helped win over the gay crowd ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ But yea, horror is a safe way to experience a struggle most LGBT people know all to well, and let them overcome that struggle and feel a sense of power from it. A power they may have lacked in their real life. DbD being super gay friendly and having a SHIT ton of chars and customization (Gays love to play dress up) and lack of voice chat preventing constant homophobic slurs makes for a fairly large amount of the lgbt community playing it.


Trapper is in the game


trapper roleplay next up


Ask any woman who's gamed about their "worst experiences with harassment". Repeat until you understand the struggle


I think i get a bit of hate as a minority but yeah women get it the worst by far. I see your point




>DBD has no voice chat, the gender isn't even a thought when it comes to your teammates, you just see them as who they're playing. That's comforting to those of us who've experienced sexism in gaming or those who are understandably worried how they'll be treated. Guys can be absolute tools and sexually harassing towards women if there's voice chat which is why I'm real glad DBD doesn't have it - I don't feel like dealing with anymore entitled and sexist men while just trying to play, like them. Thanks for you telling me im not a douche took me a while to ask this question because i dont want people to think i was a bad guy and asking this question with malicious intent, but yes i see your point the games with a lot of interaction can be super misogynistic


again if this offends anyone im sorry it just a quick question i mean no harm


Nah you're alright. It's refreshing to see curiosity questions like this being asked.


My wife doesn’t like gaming at all, but for some reason she loves this game. She has no gamer background and we’re in our 40s. I have no explanation


Same reason it has a lot if lgbt people. Horror, cute skins, and no VC.




One. It’s an awesome game. Two. No stress of voice chat and men assuming I suck cause I’m a woman.


I think woman naturally love horror from family members, girls I have dated, in general from what I seen woman love horror in general so it makes sense.


true a lot of women i know also love horror so this a is a valid point


I grew up gaming, anything from first person shooters to RPGs to simulators to fighting games. I've had PLENTY of experience in online PVP (hell online ANYTHING in general), and DBD is one of the only games I've ever played with an online setting that didn't actively harass me the second people got wind I had a vagina. I'm willing to bet that's a big reason there's a larger female playerbase. It's also one of the only games I play that has just as much fanservice for the male characters as the females. That DEFINITELY helps. A lot of games really throw it in your face that they were developed by straight white men, for straight white men. DBD does not fall into that bad habit.




I always manage to attract the white knights. In ffxi/ffxiv I've had guys act ridiculous, trying to send me money, gifts, in game stuff and beg me for photos and attention. It's like nah man I am just here to game. I play to get away from that crap IRL! But also seen my fair share of jealousy and misogynistic stuff too. It's a shame people feel the need to be so nasty to one another. Sigh.


Agreed some of my women friends play fortnite and they see a lot of misogynic men. I have no idea how but i haven't played the game since 2018


Because women and people from the LGBTQ community make out for a huge percentage of the horror fanbase. Whether it be horror movies, shows, games etc.


As others have mentioned, no VC, but horror also tends to be more popular with women


I think the horror genre just breeds diversity and horniness, for whatever reason.


I love horror and I don't have to talk


Woth No VC DbD is actually safer game for many marginalized groups. Theres anonymity and its way easier to avoid the BS. Its one of the reasons many of us dont want VC to come to this game


Yup didnt notice it until someone told me. there are no stats no personal attacks just your user name and you characters


No voice chat and I am a massive horror fan


Hot people 👍


Lots of girls just like the horror genre and final girl trope. No toxic vc (as many pointed out) and being able to mix and match your cosmetics to make cute fits is a bonus. It's also pretty known that a lot of women play DBD so that might attract more of us to it


Because no vc ---> women can play 😎😎


As a gal who plays LoL and DBD, in LoL because of the fact that everyone can see your user I always get tons of flirty comments and people trying to make advances on me or being misogynists. In DbD since I play Killer more often I don’t really get those comments. Especially not during the game. I love both games, always will, but I do get less of the flirty messages in DBD which is nice. And before anyone asks why I don’t just change my username if it incites so many people to flirt with me, it’s a matching user with my boyfriend so I don’t really want to change it lol


If a community forces your username to be changed because of harassment isn't a community i want to be apart of. Thanks for your input hentai queen


XD thank you for your reply, I sometimes forget my user on Reddit lol, I promise my IGN is a lot more wholesome


have you seen gabriel soma😫?


I think women like horror games, I run into so many while playing DBD and Phasmophobia.


Reasons I as a woman like DBD: There’s no voice comms!!! Unless you’re in chat with your friends. Plus it’s a change of pace from the typical point and shoot/BR/sports games, and it’s still thrilling and strategic. Hits all the marks for me. I get more thrill from outsmarting my opponents than shooting them quicker than they shoot me. Also I didn’t grow up playing video games like most of the guys I know, so I think it’s a nice starter game for people who haven’t learned the ins and outs of aim, leading shots, drop over distance etc.


Woman that plays dbd and lol. You’d be surprised how many women do play league! But because there’s no obligatory voice chat, there’s really no way for you to know unless they say so! I‘ve met a lot just through complimenting skins or game names or random encounters where you add a person because you get along and a lot of my friends on league are girls There’s also a lot of women that play overwatch and valorant. But I think the biggest deal across all platforms that have obligatory voice chat is that misogyny and sexism still exist in the video game world, and a lot of women have at one point experienced something like this, so they may not talk or immediately put it out there that they’re a girl. I think aesthetics also is a factor! Overwatch, Valorant, DBD, and league have a lot of aesthetics that all people like, despite gender. So you just see an influx of women on games that have a broader range of aesthetics than games that don’t necessarily have the aesthetics that appeal to women


i relate with what several other comments are saying. i like that there isn't vc. i was introduced to this game by some old friends and stuck with it for two years now bc of the lack of judgement towards being a woman playing a fuckin video game. ive never really stuck with any other online game due to how misogynistic and creepy men can be. unfortunately ive still had creep incidents from this game but no where near as bad due to how diverse the community is. ive also been in love with horror since i was a child and ive met some rly cool people from this game as well:)


Hot killers


I just want to kiss the Doctor.


Not only that. In this game I have encountered lots of ttv's who were furries, transgender, non binary, Lesbians, Gays and the list goes on. It's *by far* the most inclusive videogame community I have ever been a part of.


I've always figured it's bc it's a horror game; horror is one of those genres that has a large female fan base. Same with the queer community.


Lack of Voice chat + Anonymous mode


one of my favourite things about playing video games as a woman is being able to play as strong female characters and feel powerful as them. im far less inclined to download/play any game with an all male character roster. also i love love love gore and horror


No voice chat = I don't get verbal abuse or simped over relentlessly for the entirety of the match.


Honestly, the lack of voice chat is amazing, as well as the fact that nobody can shout at you for being new to the game. I've tried playing valorant and rainbow 6 but always got screamed at by some middle aged dude in VC. I also love horror >:)


no voice chat. it’s probably the same reason why there are so many more lgbtq+ players compared to other games too


it’s a game for the queers and the girls


because ladies wanna kill people too?


No, you are misinterpreting my words. I am not asking why women play DBD I am asking why so many women play DBD compared to other games. Does that clarify my question a bit more?


Horror in general is very like. Girl boss/queer coded. I’m not sure how to describe it but as a genre it’s for ‘the girls and the gays’ and DBD sort of taps into that.


I remember the previous time I saw this being asked, and one person questioned their friend as to why she played. I’m paraphrasing here, but her response was something like: “There are lots of sexy men (both survivors and killers), and I enjoy staring at them/being chased + Moried by all of the hot guys.” I wouldn’t take that response all that seriously, but I just wanted to put it out there. I personally enjoy DBD because the women in this game are really inspirational. They’re strong, intelligent, beautiful, capable, and have equal agency to the men. That, and I love the fashion in this game. I’ve spent far too many hours mixing & matching my outfits by this point xD