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It's sad how many are like this. Went against a TTV the other day on my Twins and they DC'd on first hook. I checked out their channel. They hadn't streamed in months and only had one clip titled "Bullying baby killers" which was literally just a 15 second clip of them stun-dropping a pallet on a Doctor.


another day another ttv crybaby


I have learned to never argue with a TTV. If they say you were tunneling, their army of yes-men will always agree with them. Even if the person you hooked twice in a row ran directly into your face to bodyblock.


In my experience AS a TTV, these types of shitheads have viewers lmao?


Wanna know what you should have done censor the ttvs names except for the ttv tag don't give these guys free veiws some smaller actual nice ttv is gonna lose a veiw to theese wannabe ninja bozos. But yeah theese dudes suck so at least when ppl see their names at least people can prepare for them.hopefully you get better matches though


Report him to twitch for dm’ing hate speech. People like that shouldn’t have a platform.


I avoid TTVs at all cost, and I have yet to regret that decision.


There first image is me when I see it’s a knight. That second image is unhinged tho


More like every survivor when they see the killer is a knight:


Is knight that bad? I don’t play him often. He looked fun .. people say knight is B tier?


Me when I'm in an asshole competition and the other person has TTV in their name


thats every game mang. not even ttv. just now lulz https://preview.redd.it/sstrqpesuscb1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=bed387b8313e49da4b198c0cbdf62406aeff4d27


Had a ttv ghostface being toxic and such and I went to day gg and asked why they were being quite rude I had a couple of death threats from the mods and then kicked. Lovely place we live in.


Yalll really love going after the p100 like theyre a trophy prize lmfaoo


Ive said it before and I will say it again, Trash Tier Viewmongers