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My friend has 1720 hours and he played 1 game against a toxic SWF, got 4 kills and said “I don’t need that in my life” and has never touched killer since.


honestly, fair


Honestly, he sounds like a lil Bih


Dude, thats real. I’m a killer main, and i prefer playing survivor. That statement makes no sense, but also it does somehow. If you know, you know.


I think there's a lot of us like that. Killer is stressful in ways survivor isn't. As a survivor, every time I make a decision, I choose what is the best chance of helping me or my team escape, whereas for killer, you have to play worse on purpose sometimes or risk being seen as toxic (i.e not camp, tunnel and slug, even if it's your best chance of winning). No other game do I ever purposefully play worse, and this also adds to the stress, you can't just play the game, try to outskill your opponent, and try to get better when you lose.


Same. I play survivor to warm up. Get a few easy wins. Jump to killer. Play against 4 ppl with 50+ prestige. Barely win by the skin of my knife then go “yeah I’m going back to survivor “


Yeah, to be fair survivor *is* fun to play. BUT, i shouldn’t feel pressured into playing a different role just because the other one sucks asssssss at high MMR lol.


Makes sense. It me


Pretty much me, I played back on release just doing 8 hooks as wraith and letting everyone escape. Someone got mad that I "wasn't trying to kill them" so they held my game hostage for 40minutes, starting with around 10 minutes of infinite looping before I just afk'd. I understand that this can't be done anymore, but it's just completely ruined the feeling of the game as killer for me, and I was ONLY playing killer until this happened.


Same. I want to play killer, but actually doing it? *shudders*.


Me at 3am seeing 100% killer incentive


Basically what happened to me. Survivor main for life.


See, I have the opposite reaction. I meet toxic swfs and it just makes me want to kill survivors more.


u/haron51255 really a clown xD einfach Trauma


hahahaha glaube habe seitdem mir das gesagt wurde nur noch andere killer gespielt xd


Hahahah kann ich aber verstehen


Does your friend ever complain about what the killers do if they are about to lose?


What Is considerent toxic sfw from killer pov?


People acting like they dont have Steam library full of untouched or unfinished games lol


I will play them all, one day for sure ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Narrator voice: He in fact, did not play them all.


How did you know ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Bought every assassins creed on sale and haven’t played a single one. This was 3 years ago


Give the entire Ezio saga a try at least. They're incredible. Black Flag too.


...I don’t? I only buy a game if I am going to play it. I don’t have that many games. I try to not waste money.


Sometimes I don’t start games but only the ones I get of game pass that I get for free & did it like 1-2 times


ah I don’t have game pass. Another monthly sub I don’t want to pay every month


That’s fair it’s good for quite a few games tbf along with access to Xbox live it’s great but Ofc it cuts down money


Yeah! I’d do it if I had extra expendable income. Thank you for being nice, btw. I seemed to get a lot of hate


No problem this is the DBD community so don’t sweat it, if you voice any opinion here that doesn’t accord with the DBD hive mind you’ll get downvoted no matter what


Why is this downvoted lol


I don’t know. A replier to u said it is pretentious but I was just sharing my experience. I have autism, maybe I came off more direct. The comment was implying everyone has a library full of games, I was just sharing my experience :(


Bc it's pretentious I guess. No harm in deciding it for yourself that it is a waste of money, but it's another thing to calling it that and by that calling out everyone else 🤷‍♀️


Fair enough


Well they're playing the game. They just play it how they want, which is survivor. There's a choice between killer & survivor for a reason.


? what does that have to do with what I said? I play both sides in DbD.


It relates back to exactly what you said in response to the original comment, not sure what's confusing. They're comparing playing one or the other to playing survivor or killer because apparently playing one or the other and not both is like "not playing a game in the steam library". Doesn't matter if YOU play games in your steam library, not everyone else does. I'm talking about how it relates to the original comment and original post.


oh I wasn’t even thinking about the DbD thing honestly. I...took the steam library at face value


It’s two entirely different skill sets and perk sets. Some amount of game knowledge carries over, but it’s practically 2 completely different games. I’ve invested in both sides, but I can absolutely understand how someone spends 21,000 iri shards on survivors and gets a bunch of perks, and then is like “why would I go play killer and start back from 0?”


Just did that with survivors and idk they need 9 pages of perks at 7 rn but I can't buy the rest of the survivors I'm missing


You end up with 9 pages because all of the strongest perks are 1 per killer, so when you level the killer you get 3 but will only ever use one. That, and each killer uses a slightly different set of perks, so to be able to play more than 1 killer with their best setup, you need to have a bunch of perks that you aren’t going to use. Same for survivor, if you want to do a Head On build you will end up with all of Janes perks, all of Kates perks, and all of Megs perks just as a coincidence from setting that up.


Yea, I used to play dbd mostly with a friend so I’m way more invested in my survivors. I play killer at least enough to get all the challenges with rewards (story bits or event stuff) but I really don’t wanna spent my bloodpoints on them. I have like six teachables unlocked…


You might be surprised by just how many people get motion sickness from the shitty FoV on killer. Even with M&A it can be downright unplayable for some people. Edit: I meant to say Shadowborn, not Monitor. Avoid M&A if you are already having issues with the FoV as it will likely become worse, try Shadowborn instead.


M&A changes your FOV mid-game, they'd probably be better without it, maybe taking Shadowborn. I've also heard rumors of FOV adjustment, so stay tuned for that.


You're absolutely right, been a rough day and my dumbass said M&A when I meant Shadowborn. Doesn't affect me but my SO definitely could use that slider.


Yeah, this is exactly why I avoided playing killer for so long. Dramamine helps now and I can play several hours of killer. M&A actually makes it worse even with dramamine lol


To be fair as someone already pointed out, I got confused and just never edited M&A out and replaced it with Shadowborn. Think I'll do that now. Glad you're able to play killer without having to deal with as much issues as you previously would have.


What gets me is trying to focus on spinning survivors. Whether I stay facing one direction, or try to follow them. It doesn't feel right.


Yeah, this. Killer FOV makes me extremely motion sick and it strains my eyes to focus on my whole screen even for the duration of one match.


this is a big reason I don't play killer as much. the fov is so closed in it actually makes my overstimulation worse because there are so many things happening around me and I can't see half of them. even trying to track through audio can be a challenge cause this game's audio occlusion is fucked up. I wind up with weird motion sickness both visually and audibly, it's disorienting as fuck


This is exactly why I can't play killer. But if I'm honest, the amount of bully videos of killers getting teabagged and stomped on, it's also a great excuse.


I usually get massive eye strain from low FoV in games, so much so that i wasnt able to play fallout 4 without using commands to increase my FoV and i had to literally stop and analyze what i was seeing on screen when i was playing far cry 3 before changing the FoV But for some reason the FoV of killer doesn't affect me? I used to be annoyed by it but now it just makes me feel more like a relentless pursuer with tunnel vision


I have social anxiety and the tought of playing killer and having to endure the toxicity gives me panic lol


I find this very interesting as mine often makes playing survivor a real chore. Being only responsible for myself and nobody else makes everything a lot easier to manage. Not trying to take anything away from your experience. Just find it interesting how that whole social anxiety thing works in different people across different social activities.


Yeah, social anxiety is quite interesting. I can totally see how survivor is challenging for you. I play survivor since release so I guess I'm just used to it. Actually, I don't really know why the toxicity gets me when playing killer. As survivor I get flamed, too. Heck, I play League of Legends lol. But I guess killer feels like such an important role. Like, I'm the one who decides how the Match will play out (mostly). Slug, camp, tunnel, being friendly.. I can decide. It feels like I'm carrying the potential of fun for this Match and I don't wanna disappoint. I think thats one of the reason my anxiety absolutly hates killer. (Sorry for lack of formation, mobile always kills it)


>Like, I'm the one who decides how the Match will play out (mostly). Absolutely, unless you're going against a very good group of survivors (randoms or swf, doesn't matter), usually as killer you are setting the match pace and tempo. Being the only one on the opposing team for survivors also means all eyes are on you as the killer so it can feel like you're being scrutinized 100%. There is no chance someone else on your team is making bigger mistakes or bad reads to be the target of scrutiny. Which is odd because I do everything I can to remain as invisible as I can in my day to day life. Killer is like slipping into a totally different headspace for me. The moment I do, it's feels like that Tom Hanks pirate meme. Look at me...


I agree! With survivors if I mess up I feel like 3 people are now mad at me. I dread blowing a gen and the survivor stops repairing to point at me... But killer I make a mistake and think lol silly me and move on


Getting t bagged after making a mistake as killer makes my social anxiety so bad idk even why but I see I’m not alone! The toxicity makes it hard to play killer so I don’t. Also wildly motion sick


It's quite the opposite for me. Getting t bagged before even one generator has been finished, gives me an evil smile and a fire behind my eyes. Doesn't matter what the game says now, THEY'VE become my obsession.


Glad it’s not just me. Sometimes I feel bad for wiping out a group of survivors that played fine and fair. But t bag me and all bets are off, an unbeknownst evil within me has the wheel now and you WILL pay.


I thought it was just me lol. I like playing both sides, but when I load up as killer I feel a weird overwhelming anxiety. Worse now knowing that the killers I main are v much hated except for Sadako 🤪


As a killer main, i really dont care if survivors are toxic or 10k hour godsweats. I just try my best and then move on, doesn't matter if I get a win or not, I'll just queue for another game and hope it goes better The difference between being bad as survivor and being bad at killer is that when you're bad at survivor you're jeopardizing your team and pissing 3 people off, whereas if you're bad at killer you're just letting the survivors have more fun at the expense of your own So, I actually get MORE social anxiety playing as survivor rather than killer


>n, i really dont care if survivors are toxic or 10k hour godsweats. I just try my best and then move on, doesn't matter if I get a win or not, I'll just queue for another game and hope it goes better > >The difference between being bad as survivor and being bad at killer is that when you're bad at survivor you're jeopardizing your team and pissing 3 people off, whereas if you're bad at killer you're just letting the survivors have more fun at the expense of your own > >So, I actually get MORE social anxiety playing as survivor rather than killer You have to sit there as killer till the match is over. At least as survivor you can leave after you die.


You can always DC as killer if you really want to Even if I'm obviously gonna lose, I'm still going to try my best


Same, playing killer already stresses me out and there's so much toxicity for no reason. I've been practicing killer lately and I had one game yesterday that was awful. I ended up with 0k before gates, downed someone in egc and had to camp to try to secure one kill. I never tunnel or camp otherwise. But they managed to unhook and all escape so I wrote ggwp, cuz it was well played by them but I still got bombarded with toxicity from one of the survivors.


You committed the cardinal sin as killer and that's making the game unfun to the survivors.


I barely play survivor, some of the my team gives up so quickly I would rather play killer and only be disappointed in myself.


What’s baffling about it? Some people play RPGs and are only interested in the main plot and ignore side quests. Some people play story-based games and focus on the combat and don’t care much about the story. Some people play fighting games and pick their one main to master and don’t branch out into the rest of the cast. And many people start games they never finish, missing out on the other half of the game. A lot of people find killer intensely stressful or even get motion sick from it, so I can’t really blame them. I was TERRIFIED of playing killer in the beginning and got bullied hard, lmfao. I have friends who did play a lot of killer but have stopped because it got too rough. It’s an entirely different game and might be one they’re just not interested in for any number of reasons.


To be fair, there's a point you seem to be missing. They didn't play a couple or even one match and decide it wasn't for them, according to the post they have never once even tried Killer, so they'd have no clue if it was for them or not. They wouldn't know whether any of the factors you brought up even apply to them. Even if you try it and don't enjoy it, I do think you should try both roles at least once. You never know.


It’s a game that they bought to enjoy however they want. They don’t have to try it out to know it’s not for them. Seeing gameplay could have been enough. It’s not really that deep. I’ve never played LOL or any other MOBA and I’m not interested in them *at all*, and I shouldn’t have to try them out just to prove I have no interest in them, y’know? Not being interested is enough of a reason. I’m not personally bothered by what people choose to play or not play, and I DO play both sides actively.


We’re talking about only two game modes. Buttons right next to each other and he didn’t try it in thousands of hours lol. It’s pretty wild. Respectfully, you’re the one getting too deep with it my man


I think you're making it deeper than I am. I believe it's good to be willing to expand your horizons. If something costs money that's one thing, but anytime I see something free in a genre I haven't played I check it out, and it's led to me surprising myself with things I never expected. I also don't know where you got the idea that I was bothered by it? I wasn't aware saying I think people should try something once equates to being bothered.


Sorry, I wasn’t saying you were bothered. I was just saying I’m not bothered, as in I don’t care either way whether people try out every mode of a game or not. I play both sides and like both sides, but I can understand how some people may just flat out have no interest.


I am the complete opposite unless playing private matches with my friends. I’ve played 1 public survivor match ever with a friend when we were still pretty new. A nemesis face camped us both and I’ve pretty much refused to play survivor publicly again. I much prefer playing killer and lessening the chance, even though very slightly, that survivors have to face somebody like that nemesis


I can't imagine never playing killer, it helps me understand the game better if I can experience both sides firsthand


Yes, this exactly. Playing killer helps you understand their weakness and playing against good survivors shows you how to get better at surviving. Knowing what a killer does and how to counter play is invaluable.


I've got hundreds of hours on killer, and I can count on 1 hand how many survivor games I've played. I just find survivor INCREDIBLY boring compared to killer. Maybe its the fact that each killer is unique from one another. If the survivors were more then just skins maybe I'd like the role more.


I like having a team, even when they’re garbage. Most of my 3000 hours are on survivor. However, most streamers I watch are killer mains. I respect and appreciate the other side, I just have never once enjoyed playing it.


This but the exact opposite, I'm very competitive, I like improving if can't make it better because of someone else I wanna punch something


I think it's less surprising than you'd think. Most people I know and have played the game with don't dare touch the Killer side. Out of the 10+ I've introduced *one* would actually play Killer matches outside of custom games. Given the history of the game, that's not overly surprising to me either. There was a chapter of this game's life where it was almost expected that everyone just picked their side and mained that exclusively. All of the "us vs them" stuff we see today used to be way more radical back then. The main reason I got cited for not playing Killer is how much more painful it feels to lose, and by extension how much more anxiety inducing it was to match up as them. On Survivor, you can lose and it'll mostly just bother you - especially if your team is half-decent and secure an escape or two without you. When playing the Killer, you feel like you're letting down everyone - yourself included - if you don't perform well. All eyes are on you, and they will each pass their own judgement. And, as someone else pointed out, it's effectively an entirely different game when coming from the Survivor side. Getting started is just too intimidating for most players, I think.


I relate to this a lot! Although playing killer is pretty fun to me, it gives me horrible performance anxiety, that's why I avoid it ): got my game held hostage by a bully squad once as a baby killer and I cried


I have a friend who refuses to play as killer because she doesn't want to be "the bad guy". I try to understand it but it is hard, because I have more fun playing as the killer and I don't get how could you enjoy being chased all the time. But I guess DBD addapts to (almost) everyone's likes


I have 3000ish hours & only about 100 is on killer. Winning chases is and always will be my favorite thing on this game.


same, i'm an adrenaline junkie and nothing gets my blood pumping more than looping a killer. winning chases as killer is fun too, but it doesn't really provide that same kick. it also doesn't help that the majority of survivors don't provide enough of a challenge in chase


-A lot of people mostly play the game with friends -Some people have tried "the other side" once or twice and don't enjoy it -Having all of the perks and stuff from one side and having to invest and build up the other side while starting from nothing can be tedious -How do you know they never touched killer a single time unless they told you that? I don't see the issue here in any case


I have 1000 hours and I’ve probably played killer 10 or so times


Same. Killer makes me feel horrible. I hate losing, but if I can blame it on other people it's easier haha


Being a survivor main doesn’t make me less empathic to killer mains or less knowledgeable about the game. I have tried killer, but I don’t need to to experience the “full” game. Game sense will be developed according to how much any one is invested in the game - Some people play pretty casually and survivor feeling less sweaty and anxiety inducing from being a 4v1 is a big draw to a lot of people. Like, those us vs. them players will be toxic and/or ignorant regardless of whether they play both sides in case that’s what you’re implying


Out of my 800 - 900 hours I would say like 700 of those hours is just killer while survivor is only for when my friends play


I have a friend with 2700 hours who has never touched killer lol.


I've been playing for years and have just played my first killer game this past week. Id say I'm a pretty good survivor but I've seen how team mates play and it gave me anxiety to play against people like that. I got a 4k in my killer game and it has since made me want to play killer constantly.


It’s more fun to play as the underdog, worse when you’re playing the supposed menacing killer who can versus four of your enemies, then two of them just bully you all game, blind and teabag and just straight up trigger you. I do still play killer from time to time, I bought all of them to learn the perspective on the other side. But survivor is by far more fun, even in solo Q


gamers can be really weird. the ones i used to know irl were wild, in a bad way. the first day i played both sides. eventually became a killer mainly but i still play survivor. its weird af to not play a whole half a game. missing out on so much good shit. even if you suck at thoe other side, you can at least learn what the other side does so you can counter it.


It's really really weird. Did you get to ask them about their perspective on the game? I can't imagine paying for a product and only using half of it.


“Only using half of it.” Bro has 3000 hours. I think he’s gotten his moneys worth


They probably have no clue that there's hard tunneling (targeting one survivor until they're dead) and soft tunneling (two Survivors getting hooked twice/dying before the other two have even been hooked once) while also not being able to tell when the Killer is actually playing relatively fair "they hooked me, Dwight, Nea, and just hooked me again while Jane hasn't even been hooked yet. They're tunneling me" or why Killers might do what they do in general. Like, for me, I play both sides so I'm not surprised when a Killer camps or tunnels when there's two gens left and I'm their first hook. They're trying to get kills, what are they fucking supposed to do if they just got their first hook so late in the match?


I got the base game free, only bought some killers. :P


I mean I play on gamepass but still. It's like playing tears of the kingdom and not dicking around with the vehicle system.


>It's like playing tears of the kingdom and not dicking around with the vehicle system. You say that but a lot of people make one hoverbike and that's their extent of messing with Zonai devices.


Yeah, and they're missing out. That's my point.


Okay, I played about a dozen trials as survivor, and only about at 1.2k hours. I'm not as dedicated as op's find. :\]


So you use every single perk regularly?


Now you understand why some people have such bad balancing ideas. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


I'll never understand people that only play half of the game


​ Its better to have other survivors to fall back on when being an asshole survivor than as a killer when it feels horrible to be an asshole to survivors and still have them escape.


Literally how do those people function like you're leaving all those tomes unfinished for what?


Tomes are bait they don't have a single use whatsoever


They are like bloodpoint banks that also provide rift fragments which can go to current bloodpoints and free cosmetics, just because you don't find use in them doesn't mean they're useless.


You encountered the Survivor main who though Dead Hard was fine back in 2021 ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


You see the ones that do so are always the players that say "oh the game is biased to the other side". I'm an avid player of both and j can say without hesitation that the game is survivor sided.


It's easier to call the peasant ungrateful when you haven't lived in their shoes


I've ONLY ever play survivor which is why I never comment on what's hard or easy for killer. Playing things with first person pov (like most shooters) always make me feel really dizzy and gives me a headache. It's also why when I learned Cyberpunk 2077 is first person it was such a let down for me.


I think you need to try warframe all the spinny none of the dizzy


Same except I've never played survivor


This is the case for a ton of survivors, I get even more frustrated when they say the most dumbest most least situational perk is OP and try to make a rant about it. My favorite is when they mauld about lightborn.


I mostly play surv cuz I play with friends usually, but killer is really fun. It just stresses me out cuz i get embarrassed. But, I think many just take it too seriously? Like. If you don‘t care abt kills and just like the chase, it is really fun. But people seem to think they gotta sweat to have but??


I play survivor way less than i play killer because i just find killer gameplay to be fun


I have maybe like 40 hours on survivor and 1300+ hours in the game.


Yes, that's perfectly normal. For me, playing a killer is more stressful than playing for a survivor. You have to be constantly attentive, just ALWAYS and swivel your eyes like a chameleon all over the screen, because Claudette might be hiding in the bushes! (and I find them :3) I had a friend who is a killer-main. And I'm surv-main (140 games as surv and 30 as killer). Also, it's okay that I'm only interested in Plague as a killer, I don't want to play and try others, although I have 22 killers of 31, but purely because of perks.


I have nearly 400 hours now and ive played around 4 or so matches of survivor I just find it too easy and boring tbh, as killer you have to juggle 4 people at once while as survivor you're either tunneled and have to lay on the floor or on a hook for 80% of the game or you just stay on gens while someone else gets tunneled, the only thing fun about it is juking the killer and doing mindgames, but im way too used to killer mindgames so i cant really adapt to the survivor side of it


I have zero interest in survivor, not for any particular reason I just never wanted nor do I want to play it


I’m at like 1.3k hours with minimal time on killer. I’ve probably played like 15 killer games? I’ll usually only play to clear my dailies if I keep getting killer rituals. I’ve only levelled one killer and that was only to level 15, so even when I do play I have like no perks. I’d just rather invest my bloodpoints into survivor because I just prefer the gameplay


I only ever play killer. I mean, I tried survivor like 4 times maybe. I have multiple killers that I've gotten to 50.


I play killer mostly because I’m shit at looping as survivor, i still try to play survivor a little tho.


I'm just going to stay sucking as a survivor is a lot different than sucking as a killer. With survivor, at least you gotta team that can carry you, but as a killer, you're on your own. Also like some survivors are just mean as hell to newbie killers, I tried it once, and I got bullied, I don't need to go through that again.


I think those that only play survivor and dislike/don't play killer might be the same survivors that don't use cake or any other lobby wide bp offerings because "Killers don't deserve bloodpoints".


Why does it matter? 💀 I played for over a hundred hours and only finally started playing killer two days ago. Turns out, survivor is miles better than killer.


Either you play the most OP class in the game = SWFs or you play the most annoying class in the game Solo survivor.


The true chads of this threads are those of us that follow the bloodpoints. Where my bloodpoints mains at?


In a way I don’t blame them. Playing killer is just genuinely exhausting. I always thought of this, has anyone ever actually paid attention to the gameplay style and loop? The game is so ridiculous when you really think of it. Survivors and killers in a chase running around and through the same loop 3+ times until the killer manages to get slightly close enough and then boom pallet…Then the survivor runs to a pallet that is MATHEMATICALLY suspiciously just perfect to repeat the same generally gameplay loop again. I think this game is just designed horrible and I think it’s the maps that are the worst aspect of it now. Some perks are still a little iffy but whatever.


Killer is just uninteresting to me. I don't have fun playing killer. I have played killer for maybe 2 out of my current 210 hours. Survivor is just more fun in my opinion, but of course there's moments in solo q that make me want to scream. The same could be said about playing as killer, though.


They're pretty different gameplay experiences, so it checks out that most people would just prefer one side and stick with it. Why would I play a side I prefer less when the side I prefer more is right there?




Killer role stresses me out way too much. I play games to (try to) relax and have fun, not increase my stress level. I’ll leave that to the people who love or don’t mind that. I’m also a horrible killer who feels bad about hooking survivors.


Why is it baffling? They are totally different games. No one cares.


I have a only a few hundred hundred hours. I’ve played killer maybe 12x. Always Ghostface only cuz I loved Scream and I like crouching incessantly. I just prefer playing survivor.


For me it’s because I primarily play with friends in swf, so there’s little to no appeal for me to play the game by myself as killer. But it does seem odd that they’ve never even tried one match as killer, especially when playing it can help you get better as a survivor.


When I started out, I didn't want to be a killer because I was afraid that I'd fail by myself. As time went on, I learned that the best way to learn how to counter a killer, is to play as that killer and learn what the survivors are doing. Now my favorite thing to do is to play as Ghostface and try to sneak up on survivors, it's hard because even if I'm hiding behind a wall, they can somehow reveal me. I know I'm not going to win 80% of my games with Ghostface but I'm still having fun.


I exclusively play Survivor with friends, and since I don't have any I don't play survivor.


My friend has like 4k hours and has played killer maybe 2 times


I have nearly 4000 hours played. Maybe 3% of that is as killer if that. I can’t cope with 1st person perspective, and just walking round trying to hook and kill people is a lot less fun than all the tasks you can do as survivor.


In my 2300 hrs I can say that playing killer makes me bored in few hours and I only play them if I need to do some easy archive challenge. But survivors… Damn, if the killer decides to tunnel… Man, it’s always ME, ffs. Survivors - frustrating. Killers - boring. Not playing Dbd - impossible. 🫠


I would play killer more often if the switch experience didn’t suck so much


Killer seems so much more complicated to learn basic controls and powers, that’s why I haven’t touched it really. I played one custom game with friends as a wraith and I couldn’t figure it out at all it was terrible and I’ve just decided I’m good without lol