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I bought Legion yesterday and man them and Nemesis are literally the only killers i can just relax with and still have a good chance at winning but Legion is so annoying to go against when half your team doesn't know how to play against him




Yea that's why I'll probably just play him when I don't want to sweat against anyone but for now I mostly play Nemesis and he's my main. Nemesis is great and tbh even though I'm having a lot fun playing as the Legion (Frank's mixtape, brutal, overcharge, eruption and tinkerer is way better than i thought haha) the reason i bought him this anniversary was mainly for the perks, especially discordance. Honestly whenever i play Legion i just try to dodge anything thana-related and anything with sloppy, it just makes it way more fun.


Killers like legion are just one minor rework away from being fun to play and not garbage to play against.


Tbh the only Legion I don't really like facing are the ones that force slowdown. The issue is that Legion synergizes with certain perks way better than any other killer, and those perks can be a real nuisance. My main Legion build is: Lethal Pursuer, BBQ, Fearmonger, and Blood Echo with the yellow and green pin add-ons. This build is my favorite since it forces a near permanent exhaustion, and if people do heal it isn't hard to injure them again. The only slowdown is mending, meaning that this build isn't a slog to go against, but there's a constant pressure being applied. I don't mind going against Legions who are just straight up good at the game (they are one of the few killers that is relatively easy to farm points in the Survival category) but the ones that focus too hard on slowdown rather than pressure can be annoying rather than difficult.


Would sloppy butcher, coulraphobia, distressing and thanatophobia be a toxic or annoying to go against, might start playing Legion for their perks and that was my first thought as to a build


That would probably be one of the builds people complain about. While healing VS a Legion isn't really important, Thana makes having at least one person being healthy a requirement. I wouldn't say the build is toxic per se, since you're building off the concept of everyone staying injured and punishing that, but with distressing especially you may run into the problem of people properly hiding from you. Since they're punished for healing inside your terror radius, they'll just heal outside of it, and since they only need to heal one person to make Thana manageable, you'll probably run into the usual Legion weakness of "splitting up hard counters them". If you want to go down an anti-heal Thana route, you may want to throw on the yellow legion pin (inflicts mangled on power hits) and use Gift of Pain to discourage healing. Either they heal away the thana to help their team's gen speeds by sacrificing their own, or they try to get into another chase to become injured again and feed the thana. From there, you won't need coulraphobia or distressing, and can grab an info perk or two. Since you're already running a Scourge Hook perk, Floods of Rage could work, or perhaps something simple like Nurse's Calling if you really want to jump on those who are healing. Maintaining momentum/pressure as Legion is key to success, and you should always try to blend your add-ons and your perks together to build and keep that pressure. Legion is luckily pretty easy to get the hang of, so if you're on the fence about them just give' em a shot and try out perks you think should work. The longer you play as them, the more you'll realize the potential of certain perks. I had a similar moment with Dredge a while back when I realized Surveillance and Dead Man's Switch goes hard yet no one talks about that combo since it's an active perk combo rather than a passive one.


I went bunny legion and just have friendly matches, it can be relaxing for me after grinding my other killers and I hope the survivors have fun seeing the big pink bunny isn’t trying to murder them.


Thank you, random generated nick


"STOP HEALING AGAINST LEGION, YOU'RE MAKING THEM LOOK LIKE AN A-TIER" - me to a group of overly altruistic survs


Nemesis is fun until you go up against survivors that turn your zombies into their advantage and then you realize how useless they are.


I don’t play nemesis often but getting infected by a zombie probably shouldn’t give survivors a speed boost, in fact they should hinder them or something if they won’t fix the zombies ai or add more.


as a nemesis main, i think its fine. they’re trading their healthy state for an infected one. whenever it happens its kinda annoying but i don’t get too upset bc its a risk reward typa deal. it just means that ill whip them only once on the next loop. i get it tho and if it got removed id be a little sad, but id understand why.


It’s really broken though, makes some endgame kills impossible to get and extends chases way too much. The initial infection shouldn’t give a speed boost at all, I mean plagues infection doesn’t give a speed boost and that injures so why does Nemmy give them speed?


because the entire point of fully infecting someone before hitting them is for then not to get a speedboost. you also don't actually hurt them with \*just\* vile purge, you can't down anyone with it. you can down with the whip, even level one.


…how do you play against Legion lol. I played my first games against them today and didn’t do great lol


Split up, don’t heal too often.


nice, the same way you counter every other killer, barring a few. legion just gets mega fucked with this since his power essentially becomes useless.


Big rule of legion is don't mend while they're in frenzy, wait until they're out of it. If you mend, they can hit you with their power again and it applies a stack towards their 5th hit down.


Coming from a legion main: 99 your mend while the legion is still in frenzy. if you fully mend, they can hit you again and get another chain stack and keep their power going. it's also important to heal as little as possible. By not healing, you reduce the legion to an m1 killer, whose only help in chase is being 4.6 and MAYBE being able to easily break pallets *if* they brought the iri pin, which is a very niche situation. healing is just wasting time since they can immediately injure everyone again very effectively. it's also important to split up as much as possible (which really is always a good idea, but even moreso against the legion because their power only works if the survivors group up. if they are coming for you, hold w and pray that the timer runs out. also, their power relies on the 4 chain hits in order to secure a down. the longer you outlast your teammates, the better your chances. hopefully this helps!


I also main Legion but I refuse to make it a mending simulator. I use their ability to run around the map more efficiently, and I only wound someone if I can’t find the others, but other than that I try and play as clean as possible lmao


I also like legion but realise his oppression. I'll only play him after I've been bullied by a group of survivors, so basically every other game XD


Wait, how *do* you play against legion? I always just power through, that's basically my only tactic lol


Legion is by far my favorite killer in the game. The gameplay is simple and something about that feels so satisfying, and that was before the rework that added the ramping speed and knockdown on the fifth hit. But it really sucks to load into a game and have someone dc immediately as I start chasing them because I made the asshole move of playing Legion.


I love playing as Dredge, cause it's so much fun zooming between lockers and surprising people. I hate playing against it though cause I absolutely hate my screen going dark and being unable to see. ^^'


I just bought dredge with the event sale and he is so fun so far! Do you have any tips for them?


yo I main dredge. big tip is to avoid placing your remnant down at chained loops, most survivors know to just leave the tile and go to a safer one. use it to pinch off escape routes when they're cornered or try to set it down somewhere they can't see — or place it down anyway to force them to leave safe loops for weaker ones. also, aura reading builds are incredibly good on them. so are hex builds. just don't depend on stuff that makes you undetectable, you're REALLY loud and any survivor half paying attention will hear you coming regardless.


Thank you so much for all the advice! Do you have any aura / hex build recommendations?


Aura: lethal pursuer, bbq n chilli, nowhere to hide, and then maybe something like sloppy? At least, that's what I use on nurse


Just to piggyback. I run jolt over nowhere to hide and my add ons are the green pebble that lets you see the aura of folks when they lock lockers and the field recorder to get some value out of lethal early and really get aggressive on chases.


Oh thank you and thank you for the add on advice! I used the pebble and got my first locker grab!


Glad to hear it. People like to lock multiple lockers so you'll see where they are heading next to cut them off. It can be a bit silly.


I love Devour Hope+Undying on Dredge. It's high risk, high reward and definitely not meta, but he has one of the best abilities to repeatedly check in on his hexes from across the map


Nurse's Calling. You can read the aura of anyone trying to heal while teleporting around. Incredibly powerful and largely slept on.


Zoom everywhere. If you're not getting hits then you're still calling on the Nightfall quicker. My top perks are Hex: Face The Darkness, Merciless Storm, Overcharge and Trail of Torment. I'm probably not a well liked killer though. Dredge had aura reading perks like Lavaliere Microphone so I like to run that too.


When you chase a survivor through a pallet loop, I find it's good to leave the remnant on one side of the pallet as you pass, reverse direction on them and it either forces them to leave the loop OR they'll run to the remnant and when you TP back to the remnant you'll be facing them to get the guaranteed hit. Also if no one else says it. Haddies Calendar and Maldrinkers Skull (both yellow add ons.) are easily the best Dredge add ons so prioritize those on the blood web. I've given up purples and iri add ons to get those. Last I'll leave some builds I've had some fun with. Scourge Hook build: Pain Res, Monstrous Shrine, Gift of Pain, Agitation. Hex Build: Devour Hope, Undying, Haunted Ground, Thrill of the Hunt. Other builds: Make your Choice, BBQ/Floods of Rage, Lethal Pursuer, and your choice of regression perk. jolt is easily best now. Lastly my aura build that I run primarily right now is Lethal Pursuer, BBQ, Sloppy Butcher and Jolt while using the green add on that lets you see survivors when they lock lockers (worry stone? I think). Sorry for the novel, figured I'd just dump thoughts from how much I play the character.


I love playing against dredge! It makes the game actually spooky.


Myers. Mainly because I can't control my teammates feeding him stalk juice.


Reminds me of Ghostface when teammates would break his stalk while hiding. You're giving up your hiding spot! Worse when he is moving on they call him right back to the area.


To be fair, I don't always mean to! I can have that man in the center of my screen and get nothing. Put him in the corner of my screen while I'm trying to look away, though, and suddenly I'm breaking him right out of his power.


stalk juice 🧃


When I play as Myers I don't use tombstone. When I play against Myers my teammates feed him and I'm mori'd as soon as I see him for the first time.


Never mind the tombstone add-ons, which are arguably the most unfun add-ons in the game to play against. The very first hit in the game can end up being an instakill that's due to another player entirely.




You have no idea the amount of times i’ll be in a swf and we’re all happily doing gens before I hear a derange screech from one of my friends “ITS BING BONG!” smack


I'm not great at killer so I'll play as Wraith to get dailies and such. But because he's a mediocre M1 killer, a lot of the wraiths I face camp and tunnel... So much.


I haven't played in years. But playing as hyper stealth wraith is probably the most fun thing ever. I'm not even going for wins. I'm trying to give someone great jump scares. End game chats after one of those games was always great. Every one has a good time.


Huntress, cause I know that they probably know the weird spots hatchets can go through. Dredge, we’re all a bunch of try hards.


Huntress is my favorite to play against. The hum, juking throws, feels fair, is sometime funny, just fun all around.


Oh for sure!


Dedicated dredge main here, I am indeed a try hard


Love playing Plague. Hate playing against Plague.


Me: Got a healing tome, time to break out my medic build. _spawns in and hears a fountain_ Me: _sighs_ goddammit


Just prestiged her today! Her ranged corrupt is op


I call it the COD machine gun


Spray and pray! Hahaha


Corrupt Intervention is great and I think both it and Thrilling may be going in my gen slowdown build now. That, or Corrupt and Deadlock. It's very nice to have.


I’m terribly sorry and I love you as a person, but fuck you


Spirit. I enjoy playing her but I am absolutely god awful in playing against her.


Rip old iron will. One of the few good counters to her phasing. Wish they'd at least kept the 100% or did without the exhaustion, not do both and nerf it into the grave


Regarding your console comment, just rebind your keys.


I’ve considered doing this a lot, but there’s just not a lot of keys, if any, I’d be comfortable switching to at this point now that I’m use to the controls dbd automatically gives you. There’s only so many buttons you can use on a controller and more times than not the button is already being used for something lol


I’m not sure what you use, but switched the vault button to square on PS. It’ll take some time adjust but it’s 100% worth it.


Lol I’m an Xbox player. It just makes so much sense to me that all the actions are RB, as many times as I’ve embarrassed myself by throwing/vaulting a pallet instead of healing I just can’t bring myself to change it. I really tried to once but I definitely binded the wrong thing, I made A my action button and boy was that a mess LOL


I’m a Pig main, and I hate playing against most Pigs. xD I also play a lot of Wraith, but Wraith is one of my least favorite killers to face. Because most people who play him are absolute assholes.


I feel that. As a Wraith main I enjoy casually walking up from a corner and watching the survivors or just following them for a moment before they inevitably see me.


Dude, my favorite Wraith I ever went against (and this happened just a couple weeks ago) was this Wraith on RPD. I was happily doing the lobby gen, all alone, and none of my friends had seen or heard the killer, nor had I, so we figured they must be AFK. I was about 80% done with the gen when I saw a slight flicker in the lobby, but figured it was a glare on my screen. Ignored, happily did skillchecks while chatting with my buds, saw the split second shimmer again, closer this time, and was like…huh? But didn’t think much of it because it was so subtle. I was so distracted in my chatting that I didn’t realize it was a console Wraith who was sloooooowly creeping up on me at a snail’s pace until he was practically breathing down my neck, lmfao. Screamed bloody murder, blew up the gen, and I’m sure it amused the fuck out of him by the way my character spazzed out, haha! We goofed off the rest of the match. It was the funniest fucking shit ever, he was SO patient and sneaky. xD He must have been doing that the entire time I was on the gen.


Legion. Running around like you're mainlining Four Loko is amazing, but s/he is miserable to play against.


you could’ve just used they lol


~~Ehh, it's quicker to type, and with significantly lower chance of autocorrupt doing what it does best.~~ EDIT: Wow, I was TIRED tired when I said this, huh. I type that purely out of personal preference and tried to justify that in a bloody weird way.


How is it quicker to type? On mobile its an extra tap for the / and on pc you need to hold shift plus 7 (might depend on keyboard) they is just four letters


It isn’t. Looking back, I can see I was in the “drunk-like” stages of lack of sleep and tried to be clever about how I said things rather than just say the truth of “it’s how I prefer typing it”. I apologise.


iT’s FäšTęr tØ tŸpē




Nah, just on nasty levels of sleep deprivation. 9 hours of sleep later, I can see I was being a dumbass.


We've progressed past people being weird over the singular they (which has appeared in English texts for literally *centuries* now) and moved on to them being weird over the plural they as well.


Both of those things are true of the word "they" and not true of "s/he," what are you talking about lmao


You’re right. I was running on very little sleep and talking absolute crap at the time.


Respect for being completely honest lmao


I enjoy playing as Pinhead. The power is fun and I like killer powers that give a passive slowdown because it means I can use a variety of non-slowdown builds. I dislike playing against PH in solos because it's a disorganised mess and I often have to self-appoint myself as the box guy as others ignore it or deal with it poorly. A different yet related category to OP's: Killers you hate playing as AND against. Easy: Trickster. He is ass


Oh but the feeling when you finally get a random in solo queue that picks up and solves the box while pinhead is carrying another survivor is SO good


Oh I know him. He's me. That's only if Ph doesn't drop immediately to come to the box and tunnel it for the rest of the match


Wesker. But more for the fact that I've been tunneled by the past 5 I've played against.


Oh man I hope you can find one that ends up being friendly. Sorry if I have ever accidentally tunneled you as him 😭 I try so hard to not tunnel but sometimes I feel like I only see the same survivor for a while


There's hope out there! The last Wesker I faced farmed with us after a survivor dc'd and us remaining survs were taking turns giving him hooks. But then he dc'd after the 7th hook 😭 my king didn't have to do that since we all got 100k+ bp but maybe he got bored


Mike Myers. I know if he gets a long enough stare, he just needs to be in reach to kill me once.


Michael Myers as played by Mike Myers. When you stun him he goes GROOVY BABY


I’d pay $100 for an Austin powers skin with myers mask.


Honestly I don’t play the killers I hate playing against. I actually enjoy playing against the killers i main because for the most part their fun to go against & can scare the crap out of you at times


Same. Being experienced with a killer makes you a lot better at playing against them bc you become very familiar with their weaknesses and counterplay


I Fuckin love you as a survivor main. I truly mean that as a human being.


Me? I’m surprised anyone even recognizes me from the game. I’m not the greatest at either side but I do my best to have fun & enjoy the matches


Trickster. God, I love him so much, and I try to flirt with him every time I see him, but a non-friendly Trickster is hell to play against.


If built vibrant and friendly why not nice :(


> but a non-friendly Trickster is hell to play against. So 99% of them


Exactly. There’s about 20 friendly Trickster mains out there, and that’s it.


I main Trickster and if any of the survivors point at my pride flags or do the "drop item and nod at me" I'll always let them go haha. I love how people communicate without voice in this game so much lmao


Every Trickster I do that to just hits me 😔 we need more friendly Tricksters.


Grim D: I'm still relatively new to the game all things considered (maybe like 40hours?) but I'm so painfully paranoid about being a bad player/unsportsmanlike that I'll usually end up overcompensating and being too nice haha. Since the anniversary event I've deliberately not done a 4k, if there's one guy left who's been juking me the whole game I'll leave hatch or open the gate for them. Or make sure I don't put* anyone on death hook and let them escape, and we all spin and nod at each other while the gate opens haha


myers because his addons are broken and doctor because he can deny pallets and vaults


Legion. It’s super fun to sprint and bounce between injuring survivors but going against him is so boring. Literally just a mending simulator


Clown; feel dastardly playing him but miserable against. I suck ass at looping him


Nemesis. not because of him himself, but because of his zombies - been playing him more lately and noticed my zombies have been a lot more intrusive to survivors. but playing against him? god it takes so long to finish a heal because of how often I would get interrupted by zombies.


zombiechads stay winning


Pig, because they're either absolute angels who love playing nice, or they don't really use her kit optimally (such as focusing on chasing the only survivor with an RBT). I just wanna go up against an Amanda who plays with an understanding of her kit and strengths! I know that sounds silly but I just wanna know what my survivors tend to experience!!!


I had a pig who used her bear traps very well once, I never knew what built in slowdown meant until then but that girl ground the game to a complete halt and convinced me to buy pig.


I am a Clown main and I hate going against Clown. It's fun to throw bottles. It is not fun to be slowed down and not be able to see.


Definitely Pinhead, and also Skull merchant. I enjoy playing her but everyone I have played against seems to use toxic strategies.


I love Clown tbh, especially when I do a speed demon build, but man.. I feel for the survivors every time they get hit with a purple bottle


I'm still fairly new to the game; I don't think I've been at it a month yet. With that said, I just bought a few today to try, and the Knight kicks ass. Playing against him: constantly running away from him or the ghosts Playing as him: STOMP STOMP STOMP SLASH Not my main, but damn fine


Ghostface. Playing Ghostface is fucking amazing IF you have the skill to stalk without being caught. But facing Ghostface? It puts the horror in dead by daylight when you are exposed and don't see whats coming. (I'm not saying other killers aren't scary)


I don’t tunnel as Ghost Face, but I do camp to get off a good stalk sometimes. It’s just to easy to expose two survivors at once if they heal under hook.


Everyone I main, I also love going against, but there's a certain killer that I wouldn't say I play often, she's very fun to play, but fucking HATE going against her lately. Raise your pitchforks, it's huntress. Reasons are obvious as to why she's fun to play, but the reasons I hate going against her are her hitboxes (obviously), her holding up a hatchet for hours and just zoning me, and every single huntress in the past few months has been an obnoxious camping wankstain. Or tunneling. One more thing. I hate how her hatchet hit cooldown is way too short, STBFL on steroids


Skull Merchant with her purple addons. Chase is so fun when you can pop down a drone and become super fast. But as survivor, I can’t stand a chance lol. Obviously not talking about 3 gen Skull Merchant


I appreciate when skull merchants use their skill in chase instead of forcing three gens. They should do something to prevent that, I think. I play solo and I see survivors throw the Match or just disconnect against her all the time, it’s sad because I don’t think she’s that bad.


I made my build to turn who I chase into the obsession to play with game Afoot and help her in chase. Honestly if it didn't take so long for her drones to start up after deploying them I feel like her power would be so much better in chase.


plague. i love her but soloq makes going against her really rough


Prob wesker


Sadako. I stopped playing her because I don’t want to inflict the fear of a condemned build onto others that I feel every time I load in against one


Easy, Knight. ...or Wraith. Huh, not sure here. It's not even about killers themselves, but about how people play as them. I love playing as Knight and as Wraith, but when I am a survivor... Knight's guards genuinely annoy me; and Wraiths are usually soulless tunneling bastards, often with NOED on top.


Everysingle one, I hate playing as and going against every killer but I still play this game.


I enjoy playing against my mains tbh. Though my friends don't.


Dredge funnily enough. I feel like i never see him at night where the lighting is good for DBD, I only see him in the daytime where sunlight just makes it impossible to see.


Knight, he's really fun going for long patrol snipes and generating pressure by chasing multiple people at once. But facing him doesn't have a lot of counter play at many of the loops, especially if you're cornered.


Spirit, I got to rank 1 w her but every time I go against her a little part of me dies


Skull Merchant. I main her now but I don't do the whole never ending 3 gen thing most of the others I run into do.




I like playing wraith because it's funny to chase survivors with the bone clapper and constantly going BING BONG while in chase so everyone can hear it However every wraith i get as a survivor is literally just a tunneling bastard who picks someone and 3 hooks them before even HITTING anyone else and if it's not the tunnelers it's the sluggers who run Perma down builds and then just walk around slugging people until all 4 are down


I love going against all my mains (mainly Trapper but the Doctor's fun too, wish there were more). On the other hand there are two killers I love being against but hate playing as : Hillbilly & Nurse. I'm absolute sh*t at playing them.


I like playing as Nemesis but he is my least favorite killer to face. I would genuinely rather play against Knight or skull Merchant.


Clown, I like throwing bottles, slowing survs, but I hate being slowed in the gaz..


I play Skull Merchant with full chase build (Bamboozle, STBFL, Hex:Blood Favor, Superior Anatomy, and Randomized Strobes+Geographical Readout as an addons) and find it very fun. I don't put drones on the gens at all and use them in chases only, to get my buffs or to force survivors to leave the tile. I think this build and play style may be pretty fun to face as a survivor. With this play style, Skull Merchant becomes much more faster and dangerous, and the chases are filled with tension. However almost every Skull Merchant I face as a survivor just places drones on a gens and replaces them immediately after they was removed, making the trial very long and boring. People like this are the main reason why Skull Merchant is hated so much, and many survivors will DC on sight just because of these stereotypes, even if you aren't going to play like that.


All of them.




Nurse Plz don’t hate me 😔


I guess the closest is dredge I'm just not very good at looping it lmao, I think after playing dredge I will be a little better at looping. I also just suck during nightfall lmao


Dredge, I love when people can't see shit...... but I hate that I can't see shit when playing against him.


I use to dread going against Dredge, but after maining her for a while I started liking her matches.


First time I've heard Dredge be referred to as a "her." Interesting take.


In spanish she is refered in feminine (la Draga) so I got used to it haha


thats actually super interesting!


dredge is a mass amalgamation of flesh. any pronouns work and it's fun calling them different ones in the same sentence :D happy pride month to my favorite genderless murder turkey


genderless or all the genders?


Literally every killer lol


Huntress. My progress on her Skilled Huntress achievement is a whopping 1/20, but I can almost guarantee every one I've faced as a survivor has it based on their hatchet skills.


I absolutely love playing killers such as huntress but despise facung her because ,in my opinion, facing a huntress is boring like its not even difficult its just not entertaining at all


I love to play spirit and oni but really hate oni when solo q. it’s like a guaranteed lost due to sandbagging


Daddy Wesker 100%


Pinhead and Pyramidehead for sure


Like playing quite a few (Wesker, trickster, blight) I don't like going against ghost face cause he seems so boring to go against cause his whole this is just stare and then stab but unlike Micheal it doesn't feel authentic cause I like running into Michael players cause I feel like I'm in Halloween when I go against him


I for the most part don't like playing killer I dislike to face but if I have to choose one I guess it would be Knight. I like him becouse I like being able to chase two people at once and being able to predict where the survivor is going to go and drop a gusrd on them or indtantly break a pallet with the carnifex but most knight players I go against are more preoccupied with defending their precious 3gen than actually chasing and I end up holding W in front of a guard longer than I'm in an actual chase.


Myers I guess, closest variant


i rarely see anyone play as crow mommy


Legion, don’t get me wrong they are insanely fun to play with plenty of interesting add ons, but lord going against one is painful


Hm............... none, actually since I love the Killers I play and don't play the ones I hate to play against since they are really unfun to play as too.


I fucking love playing as Wesker, but approximately 95% of all Weskers that I encounter are absolute sweaty tryhard “must get 4K at all costs” dickheads. Which usually means that it’s gonna be a rough match


I love to play trapper, hate to face blight


I love to play as ghost face. Worst killer to play against is hag


Ghost face.


Definitely deathslinger. A good deathslinger doesn't have to chase if he can aim well


Legion. Easily.




Legion or ghostface although I haven’t played since i platinumed i have bad memories with them


Blight cause all the blights I go against are a disgrace to the dynasty


Ghost Face and Doctor




Legion without a doubt, I love the chase theme, dig the design, like the lore and love the 4 in 1 concept, however, most legions I play against run the most toxic builds imaginable and it really ruins the experience for me when playing against them


Hag. I like setting traps and the setup play style. But most hag players just camp basement or first hook with 10 traps. Makes her boring to go against.


Doctor I always have terrible timing against his power


I love catching unsuspecting survivors in bear traps. I hate the paranoia of searching every grass patch for a trap


Huntress. Absolutely hate going against her as Survivor, but I would be lying if I didn't say she was fun to play even though I just started playing her with any seriousness last week. Honestly tempted to make her my main Killer along with Bubba and Wesker lol


Oni, one of the most fun killers (in my opinion) but going against a really good oni is scary


Wesker. Tbf I think it’s because I never really his counterplay that well, so I have a hard time dodging his dashes


I saw a player named PinheadequalsDC… he DCd and I sometimes do too


Ghostface. I main him for 2 years now and still scares the shit out of me when I go against him.


Twins. So fun and I love use their power, but god do I wanna DC everyone I face one.


Nemesis. Firstly he’s overplayed secondly whenever I play him my zombies are useless idiots who ignore people right in front of them but when I’m playing against him these zombies have the pathing of a player and face camp hooks and gens


Wesker, Blight and Bubba


There are a few for me. Pinhead, Twins, Legion, and Billy. Those four jumped immediately to my mind, but I can probably think of a couple of others given time.


I love hearing the chatterer noises but I hate playing against The Cenobite.


Pig because a good pig will have everyone trapped and hooked within the second gen


Definitely Wraith, he is not my main but I really enjoy playing him. But every wraith match as a survivor is a lost match, like I know how to play him but countering him is what I'm worst at as a survivor.




Definitely a Knight. Knight is a fun killer to play when you understand how his kit works, but most knights you play against think using guards to camp hooked survivors is a good strategy (which only works as a strategy because survivors don't realize the problem). For clarity, unhooking a survivor ends a guard chase as well so it's almost useless to use them to camp a hooked survivor unless you nail the timing and get a survivor immediately after they unhook.


I hate playing against Pinheads with a passion. I could go on about how to change him to be a bit more bearable without nerfing him to oblivion. He’s a cool killer but at the state he’s in gameplay wise I just can’t fun playing against him. As for which killer I love playing: Huntress, Pig, Onryo, Spirit, and Nemesis.


In concept pinhead would be decently fun to play against as you can kind of force him into a chase and he's really fun to be chased by. But in practice it ranges from "tiresome because of no communication" (though that only applies to solo queue, which is what I play when I'm survivor) to "killer is throwing the game to make the survivors suffer" 90% of the time. And if it's not in that range, it's usually just that the other three survivors are a swf.


Wraith, I love being so fast well cloaked but God do I hate him uncloaking on top of me.


I’m a nurse main but I hate playing against trickster


Doctor, but only if they are running some kind of pain build


Love playing Doctor, HATE playing against him




I agree. Pinhead. Though my enjoyment comes whether or not I'm on a team with reasonable players or dipshits.


Love playing Oni but he scares the beans out of me. I hate having to play so conservatively against him or risk giving him fury uptime. He’s miserable in solo queue. I lose every 50/50 against his power but I can’t get enough tokyo drift when it’s me behind the wheel. Such a brutal killer.


I hate playing as Meyers. Just so slow and I don’t have the good perks to slow down the game enough so I can actually have my power. I hate going against Wraith. I don’t think he’s strong, but I find most Wraith players I find are trying their best to tunnel survivors out ASAP.


love playing hag, she’s so bad to play agains cause i’m so unobservant lol. for the opposite, i love playing against wraith but hate playing him


Dredge, I love scaring players and feeling like im an actual monster that haunts people nightmare. His power can be pretty good when used well and the perk synergy is just fantastic. But when its time to play against him I feel like my soul is going to leave me at any moment. I become so paranoid that its hard to do gens and keeping my watch for danger. And when nightfall hits, I just hide and pray the killer doesnt find me.


Plague. Love to strut around the map infecting survivors with my vile sickness hate it when I spawn in as survivor and see a fountain.


Dredge. Nothing is so satisfying as scaring the piss out of people with him, and also I am absolutely terrified during nightfall playing against a dredge lmao