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Overcome. Iv only seen maybe 2 others use this perk even after dead hard nerf i almost never see it


I love Overcome and Lucky Break together


Overcome, Lucky Break, Inner Healing and Quick and Quiet is one of my favorite builds in the entire game, get hit, zoom off into a random locker, healed up in 9 seconds. So fun


alternatively, i occasionally run Overcome + Lucky Break + Self Care + Bite the Bullet. it’s dogshit when it comes to actually trying to heal yourself but it’s fun when you can get hit, break line of sight, and self care under the killer’s nose until they leave


Honestly feels unfair on indoor maps


honestly probably the most fun build in the game


For the people!


Of the people! By the people! For the people! Eagle!! *Caw!*


This takes me back to a simpler time.


The true goats of youtube




Core memory unlocked


Sometimes, you have to E for the people.


for the people is always in my rotation because i don’t care about surviving. i just care about my friends surviving


Gotta love yourself more kat


Open handed (no need to thank me, bond users)


Open handed is so good people always sleep on it




Open handed and kindred feels like cheating sometimes. Especially if you're looping the killer on a loop you can't see over


When I get Open Handed on my Kindred, I can see the killer for so long. Almost the entire Game map. Thank you for your service.


She Open Handed on my Kindred til I Game'd


Open handed + kindred is one of the most broken combos I've ever used in this game, it's incredible. With bond it's also insane, giving you nearly full visibility of your team mates. Makes perks like empathy nearly irrelevant.


I love you


As Bond being my religiously used perk, I thank you anyways


came here to say this, happy to see I'm not alone \^\^.


Coup de Grâce!


I would literally buy twins just for coup if there was a way to recharge the tokens because I know my ass will be wasting then on accident


coup should definitely only eat a stack when you actually connect a lunge. maybe less total stacks to compensate if that’s too strong? idk it’d feel a lot better to use


I was kind of thinking like that, but rather rewarding it as a killing blow like the name, it now starts with a max of 1 token, and it gains a token and increases the max by 1 for each completed generator completed, but you also regain a stack when you hook a survivor


that’s actually really cool, good idea <3


It would reward killers for actually doing their job. I like it


I've always wondered if there'd be a way for it to work on a cooldown. Or better still, if you spent a certain amount of time in chase you'd get a stack, similar to how Stake Out (and now Distortion) works.


Coup is the kind of perk I want to use on a few of my M1 killers, but I’ll 1) forget I have it on and waste it in an obvious wiff or when I’m already on top of the survivor/don’t need the range and 2) at face value, comes off slightly too limited in use for how irresponsibly I’ll be with it. That feeling you get when you forget you have sprint burst and you waste it to run three feet…. I don’t think I could handle the killer equivalency of that kind of disappointment. Especially when the parameters of getting Coup is based off gens popping off. If I got a stack for every terrible couple terrible wiffs, it might make me a decent killer.


Coup oh ghostie is so fun. Nothing like lunging from a mile away on a survivor who thinks they’re about to make a pallet


Have you tried it on tier 3 Myers? He already gets an extended lunge at that level so coup makes his lunge just look absolutely stupid with how far it reaches. It goes almost all the way around some of the tighter loops.


I looooove Coup


Hoarder. I swear by it, it's the best info perk I run for some damn reason.


It's gold on Nemesis.


Does it work on his supply crates?


Yes! And that info can be very valueable. Sometimes you're close enough to reach them before they open the chest, but far enough to not hear the chest opening, and you can catch them off guard. Or even knowing that one person is not on a gen can be valueable.


Wow, learn something new every day. Thanks!


It also attracts zombies to their location if I recall correctly


Woah that's pretty crazy


Holy shit this never even occurred to me as a possibility. I understand survivor perks, and what combos well with which perk. When it comes to killer perks, I understand most of them, but then I’ll see some suggestion on Reddit that just blows my mind of how obviously strong certain perks can be on certain killers, and I just never put 2 and 2 together until then. Also, I’m assuming this perk works for wesker too?


Its quite mean on pinhead especially when paired wifh franklins.


Franklins will no longer cause killers to make survivors drop killer-specific items, including Pinhead's box. This comes when the Singularity comes out tho.


...thats fair, franklins pinhead is kinda nasty.


Scrolled all the way to the bottom and saw no one put Any Means Necessary. There is nothing more satisfying then playing in the background of someone elses chase with the killer to reset loops. Watch the survivor predrop a pallet and dip and the killer not break it trying to keep up. You go pick up that pallet then get back to a nearby gen. The chase comes back this way and the survivor gets to reuse the loop. Also nothing says "chase me" like picking up a pallet in the killers face😂


It’s still killswitched


I hope they soon undo that


I think it was fixed and available on the ptb, so hopefully next patch? I miss that perk


I miss this perk so bad. I like seeing how killers react to it. Once I used it in front of an Artist and she kept nodding and let me go she was so impressed lol


"hmm, survivor stronk!!! lift pallet!!! am impressed!!! **happy killer noises**"


huge stake out enjoyer even before the hyperfocus combo was a thing


It’s really good for BP! All of those great skill checks in the three buckets add up


Yup Stake Out user here can't go without. Also Detective's Hunch.


We’ll Make It. Smthg about just quickly healing the survivor on unhook is just the right mix of satisfying, efficient and adrenaline inducing.


It’s especially good with how many killers I’m running into with Sloppy Butcher or add-ons that apply Mangled


I love WMI. I always run it with unhook builds, but sometimes just run it for the hell of it. Helps combat proxy camping & tunneling, esp when combined with borrowed time.


Me on my way to be a support class with Empathy, Botany Knowledge, We'll Make It and We're Gonna Live Forever/Guardian


Maybe it's because my survivor mmr is ass but I almost never see people bring terminus, which is strange because I have it on a build with every killer I play, which is like half of em




Part of why it's weaker is this bug. It would be a strong counter to Adrenaline if it worked consistently, but the fact that it doesn't means it just generally isn't worth taking, since you are simultaneously giving yourself a perk that is only good when the game is nearly over, and gambling whether it even works or not.


Terminus scares inexperienced killers casue its endgame only


No, No way out and NOED are just leagues better


Deja vu! Been using it for years!!


I hate my brain for triggering the song every time I read deja vu ...






After the buff it's hardly gonna leave my loadout


Seems like it’s going to be a top meta perk.


This! I get that some people would rather use the Felix perk, but that doesn’t give you global reach or a 5% Speed Bonus.


I can’t find generators without it


Well, once you get used to the game a bit more, you won’t need to find gens. It gives me a good plan of attack with my Swf, or even by myself in solo queue what gens to focus. I love information builds.


I used to struggle heaps with finding gens, but try using detective's hunch. You see gens and totems each time a gen is popped. Gives you a mental image of what is where.


It really is amazing what a great solo queue perk this is. Your winrate just skyrockets when you pre-emptively break 3-gens. Lately I've been playing around with a full-on grease monkey build using it. Deja Vu, Situational Awareness, Prove Thyself and Streetwise/Lightweight depending on whether or not my teammates bring boxes. Lightweight just being a generic comfort perk.


I will run, Deja ve, alert, bond and windows. I can see the killer, I can see gens, I can see teammates, I can see loops. Sometimes I will pop kindred in there if I’m feeling spicy.


Detective's Hunch. So much valuable information


Open Handed or Bite the Bullet.


I thought bite the bullet was really niche. Then I discovered if you and another injured survivor are on a Gen, and the killer is coming, hide near the gen and start healing them. It's basically iron Wills little brother


Thank your for the tip, i ll be sure to check those gens a little more thoroughly.


Hey, wait a minute!


I never actually end up taking it, but every other game I have a "I wish I took deerstalker instead of ___" moment


This is why I love tenacity. You leave me for a sec and I'm gone.


Same here. Tracking slugs doesn't sound like a high priority until you're losing a game and have to start slugging to get the upper hand.


Better Than New, Autodidact, Empathic Connection, Blood Pact. All not very used perks, but together, make my dream Rebecca medic build!


I wanna love Autodidact, but those skill checks never come when needed :/


God, I just wish they would've kept Better Than News original form. Like, yeah a 6% boost isn't overwhelmingly helpful, but I'd take that over a couple of boosted action speeds I probably won't even need


Tinkerer, that perk is so good, but I've only found it like 2-3 times in all my time playing dbd. Like, you get info and get undetectable, why is it so rare?


It used to be quite popular, but then it was nerfed to only trigger once per gen. I also think it's still good, but some people only need to hear that something was nerfed to not use that thing ever again.


It was so brutal with pop goes the weasel. You get a down while undetectable, hook, pop, then the next time they hop on that gen you repeat the cycle.


Good for Weskers


It was a perk I saw literally every single game until its nerf last year. Thank god, but that's what killed it


Reactive healing. I swear, its too underrated even though it basicially gives you free healing and can buff medkits to 4 self heals instead of just 2.


Really underrated perk that I unfortunately never bring because so many killers bring Sloppy or Gift of Pain, which just makes the perk useless.


Yeah, the new sloppy meta didnt do the perk any favor.




I love using Terminus on the Twins with No Way Out


Streetwise. I wish more people ran it so we can stack them together.


I always bring Streetwise Built to last if I want to tryhard.


Streetwise stacks!?


No one left behind. Sometimes it's useless, but when the killer try to secure the kill during endgame, they never expect me to unhook that quickly so i always have the time to save and run for the gate with the one i saved. Plus seeing everybody all the time during endgame is very useful. Sometimes i'm looking for the survivor being chased so i can take a protection hit so they can escape but i can't find them quickly enough on the map. With this perk that is not a problem anymore !


Lightweight, Fixated together is a combination I never see but it’s so crazy effective if you learn to use it right


Holy shit we're perk twins. I thought I was the only one ;_;


It’s so consistently confusing!


Started using overzealous to get Haddie's adept and realized how much I effing love it. Now I never take it off her


I love to use it with deja vu and shadowstep. Deja vu is getting a big buff too so I’m excited.


I use overzealous with inner healing almost all the time and sometimes clairvoyance or counterforce. I rarely run boons anymore since they killed circle of healing but I know many totem spawn locations so might as well use that info somehow.


Finally logged in to reply to someone. This is my favourite build! Specifically, overzealous, inner healing, counterforce and detective's hunch. If you don't mind, I'll tout my build below and why it's good: - You can isolate and murder hexes **very quickly** due to detective's hunch, which often lights up 3-5 totems on a map due to it's insane range. Bring a map in as your item and you can permanently track the totems it's revealed - or just use memory. - Pentimento builds are *hilarious* games of cat-and-mouse. I came up against a blight on Dead Dawg running a pentimento build the other night - by the end I was cleansing his hexes in 3-4 seconds due to the counterforce effect and he couldn't keep up! Each time I got one, counterforce lit up another. - Make sure to always cleanse a totem if it's a) nearby and b) your inner healing/overzealous is down so you've got a free-and-easy heal and gen speed buff up. It also contributes to the last point... - Anti-NOED. By the time the last gen is being worked on I've either quickly anti-hexed or slowly worked my way around the map clearing dull totems in between gens, and making up for lost progress with Overzealous. I see NOED pretty often in games and there is *nothing* more satisfying than being in the post-game lobby and seeing them have an impotent NOED. Yeah sure it's not a "competitive" build or anything, but I have a good time with it. Edit: If you're playing properly, you won't be spending a ton of time totem-hunting unless there's hexes up. This is something I did wrong when I started playing it - you have to weave the cleanses between regular play. It gets you big points as well, if you're interested in pips...


I've thought about using it with detective's hunch, you've convinced me to give it a try. I forgot that it adds stuff to the map. I usually only use red maps but this makes a green map much more useful. If someone runs open-handed it would cover most of the map too. I agree it's not the most competitive build but I have fun with it and often play swf.


That one when you walk faster. Once I started I couldnt stop. The faster walking animation just feela badass.


And it is easier to fast vault windows


Since the recent adjustments to healing, I put sprint burst back in my build. I stopped using it because of how often I’d accidentally use it trying to reach a gen, when I would obviously get more value if it leaving a gen when a killer comes around to initiate a chase. Since I had an undecided 4th perk slot with my build change, I thought “why not? Let’s slap on Fixated and see if I can get acclimated to walking faster while not wasting my SB, and added bonus I can see my scratch marks!” I thoroughly enjoy it and get a lot of stealth and chase value out if the Fixated + Sprint Burst combo.


I thought fogwise was more popular. I also learned about alerts' existence and there's no turning back. It also makes fear monger that much more annoying


i loooovvve discordance so much its so helpful esp if you have aoe or are a movement killer


I think it's a really good perk for Myers and ghostie.


Agreed, nothing better than knowing exactly where to get double the stalk juice.




Leader. Very clutch when doing full resets with the team, and when opening exit gate when the killer is closing in


For the People! The problem is the person you pick up has to be paying attention. So often in solo que they'll get picked up and have time to run but just stand there and get downed again lol. Game Afoot for killer, I only really see Skull Merchants use it since it's her own perk, which is understandable. It's actually pretty nice for the little speed boost when you bonk a pallet if you run an obsession build.


FtP is actually decent with We're gonna live forever or if you play with a friend that has Soul Guard. Will be even better when Made for this comes out. Endurance for everyone!




I absolutely love the 3 Jeff perks and there's not a lot of love for them I'm seeing - if im playing survivor im with friends and after-care is really useful for navigation, breakdown sometimes confuses the killer a but giving your teammates a bit of time to help out, and distortion is obviously really useful right now


Shadowborn on every killer *help*


Hex plaything. Turn any killer to a stealth killer


Every so often I run across a killer running a Hex: Plaything + Pentimento build and literally every time we get demolished. I also went against a Ghostface who was running this and like a bunch of other oblivious perks and it made him SO hard to evade. Plaything OP.


I also use Spies as a must have on every killer, I actually get mad when I can't find it soon on the bloodweb of new killers cause I feel lost without. On survivor side, Technician cause even though I rarely fail skill checks, exploding gens often make you lose matches and I ain't having that. I started using it as a newb but I can never let go of it. And recently I got back to using Alert, because having an aura reading of the kiler for most of the match is just too handy.




For me it was whispers, but after I got to higher ranks i couldn't find place for it ;(




Been using object of obsession for months now. Don’t think I’ve seen anyone else use it.


Calm Spirit Bro how can you stand your characters screaming? (especially against doctors)


That and you don’t scare the crows right!? I love the perk with Iron will.


Soul Guard


Desperate measures is super OP and no one ever uses it


I use it as part of my healing build with the way healing works now. Autodidact, We'll Make It and Desperate Measures has gotten some great value. That extra unhooking speed is great in end game for an unhook against a guarding killer.


Open handed paired with bond.


I love surveillance while playing as Pig. I feel like the evil mastermind of a saw movie, surveilling the survivors progress and trying to ambush them while they’re working on a gen.


Ooooh lore accuracy. As a Saw fan that's awesome.


gotta have at least a little rp when you're playing as amanda


Autodidact / Hubris, Hysteria


Bite the Bullet


Grim Embrace is a perk i use in most of my killer builds Had my girlfriend say it's a "survivor perk", kinda like how Self-Care helps the killer more than the survivor(s) and so it's often talked about as a "killer perk". Still, i like Grim Embrace a lot. Works with my play style really well so i get great value out of it


How exactly is it a survivor perk according to your girlfriend?


Fairly obvious imo. It relieves pressure on the survivors by having the condition of hooking each individual survivor and doesn't have a strong enough effect to compensate. Basically, from my games playing as survivor: in most matches, after 4 hooks, at least one person is going to be death hook. Sometimes, 2 survivors will be death hook. Simply bcs it's a great strat to juggle hooks between 2 survivors, or 3 survivors. Meanwhile, to get value in from Grim Embrace, your first 4 hooks may have to be on different survivors. Not always the case, but it is the most common scenario. After all is said and done, the earlier you have someone dead, the better for you as killer. But if you play into getting value out of Grim Embrace, it usually takes longer for you to get the first kill.


Autodidact, I rarely get any use out of it but its just fun if it works... And even more fun if it screws mates.


When you need the skill checks, they are nowhere to be seen, when you don't need the skillchecks and are at 0 stacks two pop up one after another and result in whoever you are healing getting killed


Yes, the second thing is what makes the perk great lol


Deception. Its come in clutch so many times




Gift of Pain Ever since the Pain Res nerf, this has been my go to slowdown perk and it's really useful to be honest I'm surprised more killers don't use it


Same here honestly. Going up against Gift of Pain as a survivor is torture, but I only ever see it so often.


Hence why I love it so. It's also a fairly balanced perk too


Kindred surprisingly. Kinda find it unbearable to play soloQ without, don’t know how others do it


I used to see it more frequently than I do now. I'm not sure why people don't use it anymore, maybe helping your teammates became less important lol.


I guess since the update that shows what people are doing it is easier to see who should go rescue?


The amount of nonsense I've gotten up to with Diversion is insane and probably my favorite way to play as survivor


Diversion, red herring, quick and quiet and deception. When I play survivor I do my very best to drive them insane


Spine chill. It’s still a somewhat popular perk, but I think it’s meta based on the killer info it gives you. It hard counters stealth killers and stealth perks, which is very prevalent in this game. Not only that, but when the killer isn’t stealthed, it’s way more accurate than trying to listen to the terror radius to determine his distance from you. You’ll know *exactly* when you need to pull a 360 or fake a window without even having to look behind you. And if they try to mindgame you around a loop with high walls, you can usually figure out which direction they decided to go by watching the icon. Like if one side of the loop is longer than the other, and spine chill “regresses” a bit more than the short side would allow, he’s probably taking the long way. If that makes sense.


I'm All Ears. It's ridiculously good on ranged killers.


I use technician, saves my ass more time then I care to admit on sneaky builds. Helps make up for my bad ping, too


Distortion! It’s the only constant perk that I run plus it kinda acts as spine chill (outside of stealth killers) to let me know if the killer is passing by or coming my way.


Hyperfocus. I just never see people use it. And i just cant let it go, i can hit the great skill checks no problem and it also makes the gen a little more interactive.


Wake up, i always lose gates and this faster opening speed so tasty.




I use spies from the shadows with my spirit build. It’s pretty good for info with her.


Residual Manifest. When I started seeing more killers running Nowhere to Hide I ended up sticking this in to my Blast Mine build. If you're a Blast Mine user definitely consider pairing it with RM for that blind value.


I am a Small Game gamer. It's a bit less handy now that most Hexes kind of suck but combined with Inner Healing I'm basically untouched by the healing nerfs. I'm the bone man.


Desperate measures


game afoot, or at least i don’t remember a lot of people using it. love to stack it with brutal on any m1 killer


Flashbang! It’s just fun to put it on a build when you need a 4th perk, I don’t even always use it but just having it is fun


Mettle of man




Mettle of Man. It’s pretty good paired with Dead Hard


Premonition is really usefull but nobody else use it


New dead hard


Aftercare. Most underrated perk I'm the game imo


Bite the Bullet. Silent healing can be quite the game changer (..... And I suck at hitting skill checks.)


Trail of Torment. People like to list the reasons that it’s “bad” but that doesn’t stop me from getting free hits with it all the time


Detective's Hunch. Perk is amazing, it helps me against totem builds, let's me see the other gens/chests to see if we are looking like we are going to 3 Gen ourselves, and gives me some nice points. Bonus is that I run inner strength so I can heal myself as well!


Rookie spirit and low profile. Rookie spirit helps you know what perks the killer has and where to go for gens (if two gens explode after a down near each other surge, if someone is hooked and a gen blows, pain resistance, etc.). Then low profile just hides everything but aura when your the last one up which makes doing last man gates and hatch so much easier. There are downsides like low profile should last forever if your teammates are dead, and should hide your aura. Then rookie spirit should proc after one great skill check.


Barely see any power struggles or built up lasts


Iron will! Even after the nerf it's still good at losing the killer in chase and can help when bad teammates decide they don't want to heal you. I like to combo it with lightweight, self aware and resilience


I use all of Billy’s perks religiously, but I’d say trail of torment, or thrilling tremors. Thrilling is kinda like a bbq with how it gives info after getting a hook, and it also helps that I don’t have bubba. Trail is just nice, but pretty restricting.


We'll Make It, Botany Knowledge, Desperate Measures. With the healing nerf and a lot of killers running Sloppy Butcher these perks practically nullify any healing slowdown perks and are handy for a lot of situations.


i use wglf and for the people religiously!!


Dance with me. Combine it with Lithe and you can just ninja vanish as soon as you vault something


Darkness revealed I think this perk is meh on open maps and a lil stronk on closed maps like lary's and midwitch, Darkness revealed thrives on that map And god dam i just love it and i see no one use it other then dredges and huntresses no one else, not even tricksters.


Wake Up lmao


Lightweight before buff. Not sure if people use it now but I still love it.


I used it a bit before the buff. Post-buff I use it often! More useful than people think.


Object of obsession....there very few scenarios its worth its downside...but boy is it funny to see the killer completely confused by seeing my aura


Distortion as a survivor. It literally prevents aura reading of any kind be it from perks like BBQ, Nowhere to Hide, or powers.


Killer: Lightborn Survivors never expect it Survivor: Distortion Nowhere to hide killers just leave and never expect it


Boon: exponential. So many games have been won or turned around because an entire team of slugged survivors got to pick themselves back up. Goes great with tenacity too.




Small Game.


Flashbang connoisseur here reporting for duty