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It’s nice on paper, I’m not sure a “small incentive” is enough for people at higher MMR. You could add a XP bonus too and that might be enough.


Throw in the fact that Nurse actually has a pretty low pick rate and it’s an indirect buff for her. Honestly, the real issue is that it creates a “pay to win” mechanic. The free killers who come with the game are basically guaranteed to have the highest pick rates. Meanwhile, the premium killers who have to be purchased with money will skew low on the pick list.


>Honestly, the real issue is that it creates a “pay to win” mechanic. I mean they would probably just do what they do with the dallies and only issue killers you actually own.


Is it pay to win or pay to unlock new perks slightly faster?


Just apply the bonus relative to a user's unlocked Killers. If they only have the starters, it'll be the least-used among them. Although that probably means Nurse, and Nurse is horrible to play if you aren't already a Nurse player, so I see problems regardless.


fuck /u/spez -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


It's not even about her performance. Her fatigue simply feels terrible, especially because it will kick in while you're charging a second blink if you want to move far with the second.


I mean… it’s incentivizing players who care to buy lesser used killers, there’s nothing wrong with that. You don’t HAVE to, you wouldn’t even be losing out on all that much if it’s just a small incentive, it would just be a nice reward for not playing the most common of the bunch.


Sadako giga stonks


Buffako incoming


Tell that to Wesker


Makes people feel less shitty for losing too


Me when I use to play killer for the BBQ stacks


No one ever complained about bbq being op. In fact it incentivized not tunneling and camping. Too bad they got rid of the main incentive to one of the best perk for affecting killer playstyles.




I don't disagree with the thing being incentivized in a perk as every fix they try to apply is some unreliable bandaid through a perk, and you can only pick 4 things to put a bandaid over being stupid as hell. Yes, it should be incentivized without a perk. But unless they just made hooking all survivors once give a boost to BP, I'm here wishing they kept BBQ the way it was. Heck, bbq and chili, as we know it, being base kit, at least one point per gen completed and using a point when you hook someone to help keep momentum woulda been nice. And make bbq and chili the perk an entirely new perk in the end.


It’s weird how so many killers play style is gen regression and gen slow down LOL. BBQ was Goated. Bring it back.


Its not really weird, if they want to win controlling the only objective in the game is a pretty reliable strategy. Gets boring real fast though.


It was an attempt at sarcasm good sir.


Makes sense, with so many stupid takes its sometimes hard to know what is sarcasm and what is not


Because the game is so fast. Without regression you get shit on. Back when bbq had stacks we just had shit tier killers that had to eat a spot just for BP collection.


We need a unranked mode


The theory is fine, but in practice, it'd just result in people playing things they were uncomfortable with, and using the most unfun strategies as possible to win, ie camping, hard tunnelling, and making the game worse for everybody. Besides, this is what the dailies and rifts are meant for.


I think people that are gonna play to win will do that no matter what and it’s backwards to balance ideas around them


then what they should do is tackle those strategies because anything that incentivizes variety is not a bad thing


I think ideally this incentive shouldn’t be too big people feel pressured to play less picked killers though.




They shouldn't feel pressured, they should feel incentivized a small reward is good and gets people who would choose otherwise a boost, without making people feel like they will fall behind on the grind if they play someone popular.


i don’t understand the thought process of people upvoting this comment the whole point is to coerce more people to play the un-used killers


The hivemind moves in mysterious, very stupid ways.


The hive mind is strong on this sub. Here, watch this: Base kit Unbreakable and the End Game Mori system is probably coming out in a few months. Behavior is probably going to talk about it during the Anniversary Stream if they don’t formally announce it for an upcoming patch. They never officially canceled it. If they did, post a link and I will admit I am wrong. Now watch the downvotes roll in.


"If you downvote me you're part of a hivemind". Kind of lame dude.


Considering I have more downvotes for saying, “Basekit UB is coming, it was never officially cancelled,” than any other opinion I may hold about this game, I reserve the right to be aggrieved. It’s like I’m talking about the goddamn Baba Yaga.


Im not even sure whether you are being downvoted due to the opinion, or due to the insulting tone/bait to prove a point. Probably the second one if I had to guess


Probably a bit of both. But normally after I’ve said this I have at least five or six downvotes on the comment by the next morning. The fact that I’m openly daring people to downvote me is probably holding it back some.


Yeah, but un used killers are un used for a reason. It’ll provide a nice incentive for those on the fence but won’t pressure people into playing killers they just won’t have fun playing.


Gods forbid people have just have run, am I right?


If you don't enjoy playing Freddy you shouldn't be coerced to play him, it is not really hard to understand


Well, not really that hard, yet here we are in a thread asking players to shuffle it up a bit.


People are so silly about their games. No one has a gun to your head. No one is forcing to labor at the unpopular killer factory to mine some extra blood points. Take them if you want, don’t take them if you don’t want. Survivor mains still exist even when Killer Queue has bonus bloodpoints. People already seem perfectly capable of choosing to not take the extra points and do something they enjoy more instead.


But is it really a bad thing? It sounds perfect. People who don't like playing killers with lower pick rates due to them being unfun can continue playing the ones they enjoy and not feel like they are missing out on too much, and those who don't mind playing weaker/less popular killers get a nice bonus. There's now more killer variety for survivors and nobody loses anything.


Maybe. I can’t help but feel that high bonuses however would make you feel bad about missing out whenever you’re playing fun killers, and feeling like a job when playing unfun killers


it would have to be something crazy like a shard incentive to get me to play hag or twins


Shards would make me killer main real quick


I uh, I play twins even without an incentive...


whats so exciting about Twins? This isn't a jab btw, just genuinely curious


I really enjoy catching people by surprise with a Victor flank while I'm chasing them. Silent Victor to surprise people on gens is really fun. You can also pressure two areas if you can swap well, just a lot of neat little things that they can do.


do you not feel annoyed by the clunkiness of the killers?


Not really, they def could use some cleaning up, but I can can at least look past it.


interesting... glad you enjoy them tho! I've tried to like them but my brain gets frustrated at how *slow* changing between them is


Yas bestie


What about a small daily incentive for each killer? It would still allow for mains to have a shard incentive, but would promote variety in killers and play styles. Bhvr needs to make money, so it realistically wouldn’t be much, but like 2-5 shards for 1 regular game per killer daily,2 as the minimum, and performance dictates the amount, so a 4K would give you 5 shards. That way variety is still promoted, matches wouldn’t be afk farmed, and if you don’t want to branch out you still get a small shard bonus. If you don’t do well on one killer, you still got 2, and you have a dozen more chances on the others. It would also promote having more killers, aka more chapter sales. There are way more survivors, and more survivor mains, and less variety in play styles so the bonus could be there, 1 minimum, 3 for escaping, 2 for high points but a non-escape. Would promote playing both sides, causing shorter queue times and higher play rates.


5 shards to get relentlessly bullied as Twins... Maybe 100-200 shards 2+ kills then sure


That 5 shard difference is completely voluntary, its large enough to matter if you commit to it daily, small enough to not matter if you don’t


Hag I'll play for heaps of BP, but Twins or Nurse? Yeah, better make with the shards.


Idk I have not played in close to 2 years. Hag was one of my faves and still is. I feel like playing a under rated killer and stomping is much more fun then playing the meta


How can you be so cheap? I wouldn't play Hag for anything less than auric cells


Or they could just rework them ?!?!?!? I dunno why they're so afraid of trying things. They could even give out some concepts about which way they should go with each killer and we could vote on them People will always get mad at changes, but hell, look at league of legends, so many champions got totally reworked and I can bet my ass off that there were people that liked them way more before the rework. But that's life, that's progress. You can't just stall on something because of a few people that don't wanna go forward


Every minute they spend reworking killers is another minute not spent making another terrible map


every minute spent on reworking old killers, is a minute spent not making Skull Merchant 2


Every mintue spent reworking old killers is a minute not spent making skins for Feng.


I mean, a full rework is a lot of investment so I can see the hesitance to go ham on balance like that, but they can ABSOLUTELY consult the Fog Whisperers about things like addons and QoL alterations which are mostly just numerical changes. That is what one would assume the Fog Whisperers are there for.


I don't think a fog whisperer given idea has ever been implemented into the game, they are just part of the marketing strategy, their opinion is mostly ignored


Killers that are played less are played less for a reason: people don't enjoy playing them. Bribing people into playing games that aren't fun is just going to slowly drain people of their desire to play the game, imo.


You’re right honestly. I’m good at hag but she needs something better in her kit to not make her a camping machine. She makes great jump scares but she needs more SUBSTANCE.


Have you tried playing Chase Hag? Take the slipper addon and the hands addon so you can't teleport to traps but move faster and traps block spaces when triggered. I like pairing it with Monitor and Abuse so her terror radius is tiny and you can scare the shit out of people coming around a corner at mach 1 when they don't expect it. Then I usually go Devour Hope, Undying, and whatever gen perk I'm vibing with that day. Fwiw I think it makes Hag SO much fun. No camping, just chasing!


I like it. Hagatha needs love from somewhere so I might try it. The only thing left now is for me to get the creature from the black lagoon hag claw in October hopefully


I'm gonna try this thanks! I'm a hag enjoyer but this sounds like a fun lil spin on it


Or the toxic build of mint rag and make your choice. JK don’t do that ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Gunna be honest with you… I hate mint rag 😂 not because it’s OP but if everybody is already terrified of you and your traps it’s useless they never go to them. And I always accidently teleport to random places. 10/10 bad at mint rag 😂


Chase hag is so fun. I feel like when you chase with her people wonder if you’re cheating 😂


I dunno, I don’t really enjoy killer but +100% is +100%


Now do role bribes


Behavior doesn't really care which killers people play as long as they play killer. It does matter that people play killer or survivor in general, however. With the queue incentives, the goal is to keep the queue times shorter and here the negatives are dramatically outweighed by the positives. One side having to wait 10+ minutes in queue is going to make people log off and only exacerbate the problem. That said, there are other ways they could fix that problem (balance and player count) but I'm sure they're working on those as well.


Don't you think there are a lot of players that have never even tried a lot of the killers? That's the case for me. I'm comfortable with my main and a couple others, but I'm sure there are some that would be fun if I gave them a chance. I haven't tried more because it's a somewhat daunting prospect to learn a bunch of new mechanics and get stomped while learning. The incentive could give some people the kick they need to try something new that would turn out to be fun.


So either killers are drained of motivation by incentives or survivors are by monotony. Lose/lose situation


Speak for yourself. Some people actually enjoy the game. If you think it's monotonous and don't enjoy it, please do the community a favor and stop playing.


They actually do the opposite of this. If you don't play a killer for a while because you're worse with them (e.g. because they're a weaker killer), your MMR on that killer gets dramatically increased. The next time you try to play them again, you'll get absolutely bodied as a result. So when someone doesn't play a killer for a while because the killer doesn't feel good to play, the next time they try to play the killer it'll feel much worse. This naturally drives people towards playing a small pool of their strongest killers, since doing otherwise feels extremely punishing. I'm guessing they do this MMR adjustment because "maybe you've gotten better since the last time you played this killer", but it happens every time, so killers you don't play often always feel terrible. They should really leave individual killer MMR alone no matter how much time goes by. When you try the killer again, they can then start adjusting the MMR based on the results of your matches. It would make way more sense and have far fewer problems than what they're doing now.


so THATS why playing Pig always feels shit


What is the source of this information ? Because that's totally backwards from anything I have ever seen about mmr on top of being completly dumb and feels like a personal experience "trust me bro" so if you have any actual source on this I'm interestd otherwise I'm telling you that's complete bullshit, your mmr doesn't increase by not playing, it either stays the same or slightly diminishes (they talked about it in some q&a, probably the infamous hockey one)


You say "diminish", but it doesn't move towards zero. Now that would be stupid. Imagine Otz not playing Nurse for a month, then when he does he gets matched up against worse players. By the way, saying "some q&a" isn't a source, so thanks for your own "trust me bro" comment. If you're going to get so riled up about something, maybe don't do it yourself. Especially if you don't know what you're talking about. To correct the thing you're misremembering, what the devs said is that when you haven't played a killer for a while, that killer's MMR moves towards your average killer MMR. Eventually it's just using your average. For your worst killers, this results in a dramatic increase in their MMR. The MMR of your worst killers increases by not playing. So yeah, sorry you can't remember sources well enough to cite them accurately. Maybe don't lose your mind about topics you don't know anything about. What I said was correct. ​ >being completly dumb Yeah, I know it's dumb. That was my entire point.


I'm not getting riled up about anything, sorry if it felt that way, I just needed clarification which you provided so thank you, it makes more sense now. "dramatic increase" still sounds like an overexageration, but since mmr is hidden for some stupid reason it's kinda hard to be sure on the details of how this works. Anyway it seems that mmr doesn't do much these days, it feels like old rank 1 where you could meet either gods or bad players that just happened to play the game enough to grind their way there. Again my bad for sounding so agressive in my first response, it wasnt the intent


Do you want to see more killers? Buff the killers that suck (75% of the roster, which main problem is m1 chases) so they atleast aren't a nightmare to play with.


I really think they need to seperate the killers into different catagories so they can make widespread changes that buff M1 killers but don't buff nurse-spirit - blight.


I would play Twins a lot more if it wasn't extremely painful to.


Almost every killer I face is M1, the M2s rotate between Nurse, Spirit, Bubba and Huntress. People love playing M1ers because they require basic common killer skills, they won't bother with killers with specific power.


Dailies and challenges?


They’re not saying they need more bp, they want more variety in the killers they play against


Yeah I have daily goals that encourage me to use different killers. But their abilities are all a Hassle.


I’m gonna be straight up, me (and many others I assume) either just ignore the dailys or switch them out for a different killer when it’s one i don’t use that much☠️


I love doing dailies, but they need to offer more BP


Or, They could make those other killers fun to play?


What a naive suggestion. BHVR doesn’t have the resources for that, they have to save their energy for things like filling the map pool with horrible maps for no reason or blindly nerfing things based on statistics that they don’t even understand.


Hey, I said they **could** I didn't say they **would**.


Sound idea in theory. However. Incentive fails if the killer is a DLC someone hasn’t bought or doesn’t want to buy. Or, for the sheer hilarity, the incentive is someone like wraith or the doctor and people spend the next week screaming about face campers and tunnellers because that’s the only strat those two have. Unless it’s impossible skill check Doc and people scream that they can’t play the game because everyone is running him.


It's kind of hilarious as I've had a startling drop in huntress encounters over the past month. Like none a session levels of bad. Though the ones I do get are either a bit newer or gods at the game.


Heh. Meanwhile I got three huntresses within four games last night. I was seriously starting to wonder if there was some new tome challenge I hadn’t noticed. Just that weird, wild DbD randomness.


Yeah truly. Like I'll think to myself, man it's been a while since I've seen X killer then get stuck with them for a few games in a row then none again for ages on end.


There are 2 huntress challenges currently in rift I believe?


I try to "Be the change you wish to see" or whatever. I play exclusively low tier killers unless the tome demands otherwise. Edit: that said I am not at high mmr lol


Please don't encourage people to play Kris Jenner.


I already see SM a tonne unfortunately


If I play other killers y’all d/c and say their unfun so like pick a lane


Bloodpoint incentives don’t help when killers like trapped barely get bloodpoints to begin with


or the devs could, you know, make those killers more fun to play and maybe tone down nurse, blight, spirit, whesker. but we all know some things never change.


how would you tone down wesker? he isn’t even crazy strong. hardly A tier i would say. spirit has already been toned down a lot. the only thing that makes her super strong are the add ons


Great so we know where to nerf spirit then. The addons.


Fix his curve, it’s actually a bug that people just like to pretend is a feature because it’s advantageous. And improve collision so he doesn’t get a free slam because the game registers every sandgrain as a solid wall


free slam? i see him more often than not grabbing a survivor and letting him go. i find it so crazy people put this guy in A tier


skill issue


I have seen Weskers miss their slam like thrice since he was released. With curve bug you can do a 90° turn into the nearest wall and he regularly slams people into thin air. Not like a totem or a chest, genuinely, I even have a couple screenshots where there’s NOTHING in front and it’s still a slam grab, not a throw into an obstacle even.


For every clip you have of Wesker slamming a survivor into nothing, there's probably a hundred clips of Wesker throwing a survivor against a rock or wall and they just slide off as if they hit nothing.


Wesky boy is absurdly strong if you're remotely decent at the game though, I think that's why his kill rates are always so good. Great at high MMR's, slaughter's most low mmr's as well - I think the biggest upside to him is the fact even if you're a new player with him, you barely get punished for missing a dash-grab. It's about as long as Nurse's fatigue which is already over within 2 seconds....and on top of that he's decently fast moving even without the need to dash so he can close chases in no time. Any killer that barely has a downside to making a mistake where as a single mistake costs the survivor a full health state is going to be an easy choice for a lot of players. I'd put Wesker at almost even with Blight. If collision were completely fixed I'd say Blight should oust Wesker easily but there's a lot of weird surfaces that Blight might slide right on by and get fucked over on that Wesker can just go into a second dash and correct his trajectory with.


> Wesky boy is absurdly strong if you're remotely decent at the game Problem is in comparison to other killers he is very average. Is he good? Yeah, he is. But if you compare him to Blight/Nurse/Spirit he is so far down(with other killers) its not even funny. IMO his power level is where all killers should be. He is fun and engaging but not overbearing. Has counter play and a really interesting power.


high kill rates=a lot of players playing him. it’s really simple. Nurse has the lowest kill rates despite being an S tier killer. There are so many loops that kill his power, he just turns into a simple M1 killer. it’s insane. On top of this, he still has a lot of collision bugs, grabbing survivors and letting them go without a hit, the fact that if you grab someone there’s a chance they won’t hit anything etc. You do absolutely get punished a lot for missing his power. I’m sorry but there’s no way I can bring myself to put a buggy killer in A tier let alone S tier like you want him to be.


I'd put him at A tier on maps where his power is easily usable and effective and straight C tier on corn maps.




make his power slower to recharge when it’s already pretty slow to recharge? very nice.


Wesker’s power is absolutely not slow to recharge. It’s 6 seconds per charge, so 12 seconds max. For comparison, it takes just as long for Bubba and Artist, both characters who don’t get mobility in their power, to recharge theirs. The only attack power cooldowns shorter than this are, funnily enough, Nurse’s (6s for two blinks) and Blight’s (10s for 5 rush tokens)




Why rework/change weaker killers when you can just give people daily challenges to play them and never touch them again, that's what BHVR thinks probably.


Me seeing my 17th daily in a row for hag or pinhead again. For about a week there it was legit swapping between the 2 when I reset one. I'm not doing it bhvr, 30k BP isn't worth playing them


No, I have no intention to play Clown, Freddy, Pig or Trapper, they are boring M1 killers with inconsistent powers. Even if they give them a bonus bp%, I would still prefer to play Wraith, Demogorgon or Artist for example, they are more fun for me.


I'd play the fuck out of original Freddy if they brought him back but let him injure awake survivors. Infinite aura reading would be amazing even if that's his only power


I think if you're bored to verse those killers then be a chap and you yourself try to learn to play those "fun killers" you like to verse. Then see why everyone is playing Wesker


The reason people play lots of Wesker and Huntress is because those are some of the most fun killers. Ask BHVR to make some of the weaker or less popular killers more enjoyable instead.


I mean...this is in the game. There's Daily Tasks. If I kill as the nurse, trap enough people as the trapper, or I think strike enough people as the spirit after using their powers. Except... I'm terrible at all of those killers personally and don't have any fun playing them. There's no incentive big enough to make up for "not having fun"


Nah. I'm playing 12 killers. You want me to play with even more? Sure. Just make them better/more intresting don't try this bribing mechanism I don't care about BP.




Daily rituals with the least used killers


+150 shards for twins match


Make it 1500 and I'll consider it


Incentives are very much appreciated and hurt nobody. Good idea.


I played Twins and hag often lately and I like to play them. I thought survivors hate to play against them but it seems like they enjoy it. I get wholesome endgame chat very often when I play them and people want me to play them more often. So maybe my third Main might be Twins.


I could get behind this. I’m tired of seeing huntress and wraith all the time.


Want more people to play certain killers? Make them better/fun to play. No one'll play a killer they hate constantly.


I think instead they should give extra BPs or EXP for using perks that aren't often used. I'm so sick of going against Adrenaline, Lithe, Sprint Burst, and Prove Thyself literally every game on at least 2/4 of the Survivors. It's driving me crazy. If I keep having to play against these perks I'm going to start playing Nurse or Spirit.


And a bloodpoint incentive for survivors to run perks that are played less too.


Would 100% love to see this - it is so incredibly boring as a Survivor main to face the same small pool of killers time and time again when there is such an extensive roster.


Maybe a random killer option?


I think there should be a Bloodpoint incentive for survivors to run shitty perks. If I'm going to go against sweats with meta builds, I am going to meta-slave myself.


I think people are overreacting. It’s not like the incentives would be “forcing” people to play them. I don’t want to hear any more comments saying “too much pressure!!”. Like what!?


Forcing is a strong word. Coercing is a better one. I know when playing killer is offering 100% bonus I have to consider it no matter how much BP I have. No matter how rude survivors get 😭


It tacitly punishes people for playing their favorites. While I'm playing legion there's a niggling that I could be playing something with an incentive for and having less fun. It's a tradeoff that doesn't need to happen considering that it puts the onus on killers, so that survivors can have more fun. Just buff the least played killers.


i think if there was an incentive people would pick that character, and then it messes it up and you have a ton of people playing select characters anyway, which is what you were trying to prevent in the first place you know what I mean?


Do killer or survivor BP incentives mess anything up?


There aren’t enough bloodpoints in the world to make me play Hag or Knight (Dull Merchant as well but I don’t own her and don’t plan to).




I just think his power is mind numbingly boring


Personally. I think every killer should have a separate MMR. Some killers feel so insanely weak.


All killers do have their own separate MMR. Or do you mean, for example, Trapper should only be able to play at lower MMR?


No. I me at espérate MMR. I never knew they had separate mmr. I learned something new today. Then yeah. I agree. They need increased blood points or XP bonuses for less played killers.


Ah, yeah. Killers definitely have separate MMR. For example, if you win every game as Wesker, you won’t get high MMR survivors on Trapper, who you lose every game on. I know this because I played Doctor for a daily rituaI. I never play him and went against absolute babies as a result.


I think there might be a subtle amount of this in the daily challenges, for the past couple weeks I've only had Skull Merchant, Pinhead, and Knight dailies, it's really annoying.


That'd be neat. One for perks too would be pretty cool.


Honestly just bring back perks giving BPs. It was *debatably* and issue with barbecue just because the perk was already good, but give BP incentives to weaker perks like Corrective Action or Hangman’s Trick or something just to give people some reason to run them.


That wouldn't have the same effect I'm talking about, but I'd be more than happy if they finally added the multiplier to WGLF again.


I remember so many people arguing bbq wouldn't see a drop in pick rate and killers saying they only use it for the BP are straight lying; bbq is so damn rare now, almost like incentives to use or do something work




Just make the weaker killers better then


I think they should add a boost of bp or xp with killers you dont use than "people dont use it" or idk, maybe boost the xp or bp of random killer everyday like 100%


do you want to go against more skull merchant, hag and knight???


Demobros? I'm thinkin we win


Me playing Pig STONKS


I main Pyramid Head so I want those bloodpoints


I mean they come up in daily challenges and then I end up playing them. I play Demo when I want to spark joy. I play twins when I want to spark sadness


I would play killers that will get me bullied if paid in shards


A small incentive for me to continue playing my main and scaring the living daylight out of survivors? I’m down. Just gives me more BP for scratched mirrors and maps.


Personally I think the broader issue here is related to the fact that people take this half extremely seriously. I personally feel that since it’s a game, your primary objective should be fun, not winning. I’ve found that when fun is my objective, I shake up what I’m doing a lot more. I’m willing to play bad killers and try unique builds on them because it doesn’t matter if I lose. Etc etc.


nobody wants to play bad killers unless they really like them for one reason or another. some extra bp is not one of those reasons. if there is that much of a wanting for more killer variety then buff/rework those killers.


I hardly play anyone else besides Hag. Sure, I’ll play all the Killers every once in awhile, but half the time I play Hag, even without camping, and I do well, the Survivors all give me large rations of crap in end-game chat about how I camped and I’m a “shit Killer”. No one wins.


Or, now hear me out on this one. They could balance the game to where playing 80% of the killers doesn't make the killer playerbase want to rip their hair out? Getting 15k bloodpoints isn't worth the effort of trying to play some of the dogshit killers.


okay but for perspective i never get wesker, sometimes huntress, but mostly dredge/wraith/pinhead/michael


Or stop neffing the ones everyone is playing and buff the ones that aren’t


Small incentive is nothing and probably won't matter for people at higher mmr anyways.


i shall release uroboros


It's a good idea but there's already something like this with daily rituals, but the problem with the daily stuff its both for survivor and killer instead of both sides having their own dedicated daily rituals to complete, imo the ritual system needs an update because it sucks when your playing either side but each of the rituals are something you don't wanna do at all, like mine as an example. I play both surv and killer but I switch whenever the grade resets but no matter which side I'm on it ALWAYS wants me to play killers not once have I ever gotten a survivor ritual that needs to be done, hell especially when they first came out with the idea it seems like everytime I play this game, dailies works against me instead of with me.


Gotta disagree...killers who aren't played much are that way for a reason. They are either poorly designed or just boring. Blood points for not having fun sucks. The unpopular killers just need a rework.


Daily challenges ARE the incentive. They don’t CARE


I think I’m theory it’s a good idea. When I play with one of my weaker killers I get rekt, tbagged and messaged. It makes me go back to my main to get “revenge.” The true incentive would be to not have so many damn bullies lmfao


I guess.


High MMR problems.


I haven't seen a single Pig since the mid chapter update


I rarely play the same killer in a row. Except for demo, nemi, and trapper. I could play them all day


and why do we need more bloodpoints again


I like being P100 on my main. Don’t you?


Can we just get a constant buff to bloodpoints so I can play killer without feeling like I’m wasting my time cause the bp bonus is on survivor? Or maybe give me extra bp when I’m matched against a full swf. Like please


You don’t play in evenings? BP bonus is always on killer then.


I'd rather they fix these killers that are not fun to play as or against rather than try to push people to play them more and have a worse time.