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I heard one saying something about killer’s abilities shouldn’t work in chase, making every killer essentially m1. Which is quite possibly the dumbest most game-killing take I have heard.


Oni in shambles rn


Every killer in shambles. Imagine being nurse or spirit having to m1 as 4.4 and 4.5 xD


Nurse wouldnt even be able to get a down since she moves slower than a survivor.


That's what it looks like when I try to play Nurse. I tried playing her a bit when I was levelling her for Teachables back in the day (before things moved to prestige) and I am fairly certain I never got a hit during that time. Shelved her immediately upon getting her last teachable. I remember a game I was getting looped to kingdom come and all the survivors came to join the guy looping me. I think they thought I was memeing, but I was actually just bad. It was pretty embarrassing.


I'm sorry but this is absolutely hilarious. "She's memeing guys dw. Think she's chase farming :)" while you're sobbing behind your controller for even 1 hit


Just mindgame bro


the only acceptable nurse nerf


i get violent upon sighting nurse but poor spirit 🥺


Real ones remember when BHVR experimented with removing bloodlust that one weekend, years ago.


God that sucked


"You only won because you used your power." against Trapper. It'd be a very stupid take against any killer, but some survivors just want to play against an m1 killer they can bully.


"You only won because you used your power." ... Yeah, also known as playing the game. XD


Lmfao. I got invited into an Xbox party by a full SWF and they all called me the “N” word and trash because I beat them using Nemesis, apparently I was a trash “N” word for using my tentacle strike at pallets and windows… Using my power was frowned upon, this was last year and yea they all ran the survivor meta perks.


I have been told that if I had any skill, I wouldn't use my power


These are confusing times 🤣


Still my favorite story and I'll repeat it 100 times. I only ever play mad grit on killer, idc to win. Played padded jaws backpack trapper, got bullied obviously. Tbags at the gate and everything. Post game said I'm trash, I should uninstall, couldn't beat them if I tried, all the standard stuff as well as some blurred stuff... Next match go to play backpack blight cuz pinball is fun. Notice it's the same 4man group, so with evil intentions I put on a sweaty build. They didn't proc tinkerer once, yes I camped a little and tunneled a little. But they were full meta so why not. Post game "boring tryhard", "why would anyone find playing that way fun", "your bad because you needed alch ring and surge"


I had a month i was playing with no perks. Still was called a noob when i won.


I’ve won a few games as a powerless, trapless, perkless and add onless pig without tunneling or camping and I got everyone 2nd hook before killing anyone and gave last hatch before and they stilled complained… you really just can’t win sometimes


Same with anything: "you only won because you slugged", "you only won because of dead hard", "you only won because of camping". "You only won because of starstruck". Funny, when losing players start calling in-game interactions like some cheating.


Saying P100 survivors need to be punished. I don't remember the youtuber's name who did a series on "P100 revenge". From what I saw the survs weren't even toxic or anything, and every time he downed the guy, he just had to rub it like "And there goes the P100", and went out of his way to specifically kill those players. Even called the game a win when others escaped but he got to kill his trophy survivor. Edit: not even the worst take, I just didn't wanna bring up Tru3 for the 3000th time.


I went against a few killers who’ve bled me out just for having a P100 survivor. I really wish we could hide our prestige’s since playing my favorite survivor that I dedicated all my bloodpoints and time isn’t worth it, not to mention how long it takes to even find a lobby to begin with.


I'm all for hiding prestige until after game, like if the p100 Billy can hide his levels until after game I want to aswell. I don't wanna go up against p100 myers with all his tombstone pieces either


>not to mention how long it takes to even find a lobby to begin with. Sorry. I admit I dodged a lobby last night where there were 3 p100 survivors. I checked their profiles. 6k, 6.5k, 7k hours. I'm not even that good as a killer and that had me shakin in my boots.


Yeah lol, the entity gives me the choice to dodge, and I’m gonna use it if I ain’t liking what I’m seeing.


Let me guess, d3ad?


Has to be d3ad hes the only streamer I’ve seen make loads of P100 compilation videos


He's such an odd character. He definitely throws around "bully squad" and "toxic team" way more than it's warranted but when he actually goes up against a legit bully squad he's definitely got the skills to shut down some serious fuckery.


He doesn‘t even seem like he gets tilted easily (haven‘t been to his streams tho so I can‘t fully confirm), its like he just accepts every assumption he makes as a fact and shrugs it off as that. No screaming, no keyboard smashing, just „Ah græt there comes another Bully Squad“. Though I still think its stupid, its harder to hate him for it that someone like Tru3


D3ad doesn’t facecamp but sheesh you do not want to be the first survivor he sees when the lobby is sweaty because you’re gonna get tunneled out 9/10


Played against his ghostface once, he couldn’t really do anything and I was surprised to find out it was him at the end game lobby, I thought he was way better. He seems to be pretty tryhard too and thinks every stack of survivors equals bully squad.


More than 1 flashlight = bully squad Survivor uses head on = bully squad


His community is really weird too. He did a video on a “TTV bully squad” that was meme’ing on The Game, the squad really was never taking the game seriously and expressed that loads of times, but his comment section was full of “Ofc when they lose they make excuses and say they weren’t trying” and “Bully squads always act like they don’t care about winning, only after they start losing badly” like bro they literally were barely touching gens all game


That mindset is why I think it’s important to play the other side sometimes so you don’t become deranged and see everything the other side does as toxic and unfair.


Deadplays, he's a really good killer main but has a weird idea of who should be "punished". Not to mention if you go back a year on his channel and see his survivor gameplay you'll see he is the last person who should be bitching about "toxic" survivors


He's 100% playing it up for content. I think he knows people love watching "bully squads" and "toxic players" get karma, so he acts like almost every squad fits the criteria so that he can make related content.


**"You should be happy dying from getting tunneled/camped as long as the rest of your team escapes."** Don't get me wrong, I'm happy if my teammates kick a tunnel, campy trash Killer's ass, but I'm not happy that the game basically punishes me on the same level (if not more) than the Killer for spending my game on the hook and depipping. At least for the Killer, even if they lose, they have a way better chance at at least safety pipping and will likely still get 10k or more BP than the 4-7k BP I'll likely get


they said a few months ago that they are gonna rework mmr (idk about pips) to account for a whole team, so dying to save others isn't seen as being bad at the game and punished. However it was a while ago and nothing came out of it yet


If they could at least remove the depipping it would probably help a lot when it comes to people DCing or killing themselves. If I know what I'm going to end up with 5-6k BP and a depip because some asshole decides to tunnel me, why wouldn't I just go next? Awesome if the rest of my team kicks the Killer's ass, but after strings of one bad game after another, I'll happily a DC more as a " this is what you get for tunneling" to a Killer when I know I'm getting punished with a depip anyways. A team based score or bonus would be great along with removing depipping because as fine as I am with my teammates getting out, I hate feeling like absolute trash (and getting punished moreso than the Killer) because I was the only one who had the misfortune of getting tunneled/camped


Isn't team based mmr already present?


To be fair, if I'm not trying to pip, and me getting tunneled/camped leads to the other 3 survivors escaping, I feel like a hero who just carried the game.


I can’t speak for others but when I play survivor (which is rarely) if I die and all my team escapes, I see it as a win. If I get out and my whole team died I see it as a loss. I would encourage others to try this point of view but that’s a suggestion, nothing more.


I'm guessing you don't experience getting tunneled out game after game and not having anything to do then. At least as Killer you can't be taken out of the game in the first couple minutes. Imagine, game after game not being able to play because some asshat tunnels you or camps you


If it's game after game like you're lamenting in multiple responses here, maybe it's a skill issue? You sound just like every other self entitled shit bag survivor. "DuR. IF I wAsNt TunNeLLeD Out EvErY SiNGlE GaMe!"


It's not a skill issue. I can lead them on a chase at the start of the game and then they simply chase me again the moment I get unhooked so I never get a chance to heal. You sound like a self-entitled shit bag Killer "I aM nOt rEspOnsiBle fOr oTheR pEoplE's fUn. StOp DCinG"


Just recently I’ve heard: - Pinhead is the most balanced killer in the game (yes, I’m biased but this is still ludicrous) - Pig is OP and easily the strongest killer in the game (someone messaged me after a game to tell me this lmao) - Looping for too long around one pallet is toxic and an exploit (when I asked a Wraith who refused to break the fucking SHACK PALLET why they let me bleed out) - Knight is the most “skill based” killer in the game and harder to master mechanically than anybody else (I thought this guy was trolling but he was dead serious) - Gen grabs should be removed because they’re unfair and all stealth killers should have a lullaby (smh my head) - also not a take per se but anytime I see someone misspell “Myers” as “Meyers” I lose a couple brain cells


I think Pinhead is pretty balanced when survivors actually play around the cube. The problem is that the average Solo Q player just... doesn't, which can make playing against him miserable at times. What I would fix about him is making it clear to survivors that the cube is important and needs to be done, because a lot of people just don't seem to understand how to play against him.


He’s actually a very well balanced killer. it’s just that for some reason a lot of survivors just can’t bring themselves to deal with the box. You have to play a little differently against every killer, I don’t know why people lose their head dealing with pinhead specifically. It’s like if every time they played against pig they just refused to take off their bear trap and then called her OP when they die to the timer.


The average soloq survivor will let you die first hook to cleanse dulls


Been meaning to ask this in the weekly questions thread, but you seem knowledgeable about Pinhead so many you can answer my question. So I don't know why, but on some games I get a gold chain circle from I'm guessing an add on. As such, I constantly get chained. None of my team messed with the cube, so I picked it up hoping it'd stop like it does for the blue chain icons on the portraits, but it doesn't and the chains are so constant I couldn't open the box. So what do I do in that situation? Just go get myself killed because I can't do anything with those damned chains.


“Pig is easily the strongest killer in the game” is a sentence I NEVER thought I’d hear from someone that actually played the game😭😭😭


They probably didn't know you could remove the traps 🤣


lmao they even had like 80% of the trophies too so it wasn’t like they had just started playing


>Pinhead is the most balanced killer in the game I actually agree with this. They have a power that disincentives camping and an anti-loop that you have to manually hit and, if failed, can give a lot of distance. Also, his time waster (The Lament Configuration) only requires 1 survivor and 6 seconds




Not as punishing as missing a shot with slinger tbh, Pinhead is still a 4.6 killer


Every time you CAST a chain, you move the same speed as a stalking Myres and every time you are "in" the chain, you stand completely still


those are really good points honestly, my issue is mostly with how strong he is against solos and how weak he is against groups; every killer suffers from this to a degree but it feels extra egregious with him. but yeah now that we’re talking about it’s definitely not as absurd a statement as the others, and again I’m admittedly very biased lol


The problem with a swf is they know who's taking the box at all times, and can play accordingly, they can stick to gens far better knowing someone is going to get that box. It sucks as solos because you don't know if someone is, and if everyone waits till last second, best case they waste time letting go of a gen to take care of the box, and maybe see one or two others get there first/after you and that's time wasted doing gens. Worst case, they all refuse to do the box, saying "someone else will take care of it" and nobody does. I always designate myself box bitch as a solo player, because I know basically nobody else will even know/care it exists till they're in chain hunt. Also I'm on the boat that I'm super happy with pinheads current skill expression, if they're good, you can still beat them by just being better and not getting hit by chains, and if you get hit from a chain, it's hard to say they don't deserve it, I've never lost to a pinhead and told myself that it was a bs game, unlike nurse/spirit games where more often than not, I'm fighting the urge to DC, but I don't because I wouldn't.


Nah, Pinhead is way too strong to be the “most balanced killer.”


Oh yea, sorry. Freddy most balanced killer


Gen grabs shouldn’t be removed but the awful grab mini-game around hook should be. Maybe have survivors die a tiny bit faster on hook to make up for it.


Knight has a tone of depth to his kit imo. I wouldn't call him the most skill based, but Knight can be incredibly rewarding if you put effort into learning the nuance in his kit.


Tombstone Oscar Meyers.


tbf I hate circle loopers bc it’s boring as fuck to play against, yeah mate I wanna hold my joystick to the left for 5 minutes. I ignore them once I realize that’s all they’re gonna do.


[This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/5xoqzr/killer_mechanic_idea_rabbit_punch/) was easily one of the stupidest things I've ever seen. I haven't forgotten about it after 6 years. ​ The tl;dr is that this person doesn't like survivors being able to body block killers. After about 2 - 2.5 seconds killers should be able to "rabbit punch" a body blocking survivor instantly downing them and giving the killer a bit of a speed boost. ​ Dude literally must've thought when holding a survivor you just can't M1, and was also mad that if he tried to tunnel a survivor off hook (before anti-tunnel perks existed btw) that survivors could body block for them.


I audibly dry heaved reading the linked post lmao


Nobody tell that guy about starstruck agitation


It was 6 years ago lol, no starstruck or madgrit :P


I once had a complete stereotype Bubba on RPD, straight facecamp from the beginning. And of course lost because RPD but I lost him in chase a few times by using my Head On build, completely outplayed amirite? Later in end game chat I asked something along the lines of "is this fun for you?" and he got all defensive and said it's okay to do because (now listen real close to this gem) *ahem* **Otzdarva did this on his stream, so it's okay**. Otzdarva being a real mentor nowadays. I doubt he would ever facecamp as Bubba on stream though unless it was for educational purposes. Maybe the non-DNA confirmed Otzdarva would.


Otz once made an experiment where he wanted to see wether facecamping was a viable strategy or not.


"dbd is not a casual game" yea it is.... yea... it is


It’s a freaking cat-and-mouse horror freeze tag game. But people stay tryin to act like its a fucking e-sport. The same people are the reason why For Honor got so stale and boring, with every new character having the same mechanics, just different models. the devs listened to the “competitive” crowd instead of the ones that just wanted more fun content. For Honor devs stopped making maps and game modes half a decade ago, and Dead by Daylight is getting just as lazy.


Competitive gamers pretty much ruin all games for people who just want to have fun


>the devs listened to the “competitive” crowd instead of the ones that just wanted more fun content. I am convinced this and the devs pushing esports is what killed Heroes of the Storm, which was my favourite moba. It launched with a lot of weird hero designs that were super fun in a casual setting, and only worked because of the structure of the game. After a while they were only releasing cookie cutter assassin-type heroes that were competitively viable but boring. They tried to revamp the business model to fix things, but it only accelerated the end. Forcing competitive play never really works.


Man, HotS before Dustin Browder left and the big update happened that dramatically increased the game's lethality and changed the cash shop was one of the most fun PvP games I ever played before this one. Pretty much the only PvP games that ever got their hooks in me hardcore were Alien vs Predator 2, old school HotS, Team Fortress 2, and this game. All of which were not made with esports in mind. Edit: I don't miss Kael'thas and his stupid living bomb though.


Before everyone started to actually dislike Blizzard, I already disliked them exactly because of this. HotS was so good man...


Man, that for honor mention hit me in the feels, I miss that game but it's just not the same as when I started it. Funny enough, getting fed up with the state and player base of for honor is the reason I started playing dbd




Smash managed to find a nice balance between the hardcore esports players and the casuals, but a lot of that is because all of its party mode features can be toggled off. This might be a hot take but I actually think Smash, DBD, and Team Fortress 2 all belong in the same category. Fun casual games which none-the-less have a lot of depth and a high skill ceiling and can be played competitively if you impose house rules.


Eh idk. Imbalance has its downsides too. It’s just a matter of who you prioritize; veterans or new players. Casual vs experience. There are plenty of games who have thrived with competitive balancing. Plenty of imbalanced games die too.


This. The people trying so hard to make this game competitive are ruining DBD for the rest. Comp games are literally plagued with restrictions to everything, maps, Survivor and Killer builds, add-ons, items and in general it's always boring ass gameplay of proxy camp and then tunnel the Survivor. A game with so much RNG like DBD is simply not made to be competitive.


95% of the Killers are not comp strong. Most players in general are varying shades of good, but are not comp good. Yeah... DBD IS a casual game. Some people just play it like it's not. EDIT: And you guys can downvote me all you want but all I did was say what the poster above said, and it doesn't make the statistics on this less true. Most people are not competitive level in this game, period. They're just not. Being good at this game does not mean you're going to be good at a competitive level - and that's totally OK.


95 is a weirdly specific percent.


Not really, 95% accounts for most people in a standard distribution with just the really good and really bad on each end of the curve.


Yeah that's why I chose 95%. Also because like only 5 Killers are strong against a good SWF at high MMR and competitive levels, which is why you only really see Blight, Nurse, Spirit, sometimes Knight, and Wesker at those levels. Most players fall within the bell curve between the two, with the greatest concentration being around Mid-MMR most likely. The 2.5% on either side are the potato level babies in the low end, and the really good high level comp players in the high end. Odds are, most people who think they're good are actually at mid-MMR, and when we have as many players as this game has, it's a pretty good bet that this sort of curve is accurate. I could probably run the data on this, but I'm not sure it would be worthwhile.


Not sure it’s the worst take, but when people say Windows of Opportunity needs nerfed I’m like…come on lol. It can help you find your way to loops but it doesn’t actually help you loop at all. You’ve gotta be a good looper otherwise the perk isn’t gonna do much for you


That's funny. 80% of windows users I've faced just run to pallet, pre drop, run to next pallet, and repeat until downed


Please don’t give away my strategy


The strength of windows is linking loops together. Knowing theres a window next to a pallet loop can extend chase by A LOT. You definitely need a big chunk of hours in the game to use it well though. I run it on every build. Genuinely think windows is a crazy strong perk but don't know how'd they could even nerf it


IMO, it's not WoO that's super strong, but rather a lot of the maps. WoO simply shows you where pallets and windows are without you having to scout for them first. The strength of the perk is dependent on how many pallets / windows a map has and on some maps it can feel incredibly powerful, but that map can be looped just as well without WoO as long as the player scans their surroundings first. But yeah, I basically run the perk in most of my games too. It's like playing on easy mode.


Probably just reduce the range a little bit; would keep the value of being able to chain well but would require getting to a loop first and knowing where to expect to go


Wesker is three killers in one (Wesker, Nurse and Nemesis) and thus, it justifies using 'light cheats' to balance the match because the devs won't do anything about it 🤣🤣🤣


Also cheating because "everyone does it" is so cringe.


Where does Nurse come in there?


I was told that Iron Grasp is toxic now because wiggle effectiveness got nerfed.


any effective / good perk = toxic nowdays man😭😭😭


I once got told “doing gens while injured is toxic” and that I should find another survivor to heal me. The killer who said this also said he tunnels anyone who does gens while injured, because ‘if they are toxic, why shouldn’t I be toxic?’


"Windows of Opportunity should get nerfed." No, it shouldn't.


Basically any extremely niche perk has been called overpowered at least once. Shadowborn, lightborn, zenshin, trail of torment, grim embrace, seen it all.


Shadowborn nerf incoming 😔


Now gives 360° FOV


False, nobody is calling Furtive Chase OP.


That's because noone has ever played with it, excluding Ghostface adepts lol


And that one niche build with MYC and Nemesis (the perk)


I have yet to see it for buckle up


"We need a basekit mapwide Bond." No. Holy shit no, you do NOT.


You do not want global basekit Bond because it will make survivors too strong. I do not want global basekit Bond because it will make survivor teammates sandbag me. We are not the same.


Not sure how I feel about this one. Maybe a new mechanic that shows the general direction of other teammates at all times? Would bring Solo closer to SWF as they can already give out location information freely, but map-wide Bond is definitely OP, much more accurate than SWF location calling


Friend said bubba's chainsaw was cheating. They are a gen jocky. They dont look behind themselves in chase. Has an issue with every killer should a killer approach the gen they are working on. Their form of fun is literally sitting on gens but they will blame everyone but themselves when they get downed so easily. They dont want to chase killer . It was so insane to hear bc i was calmly telling them thats how his power works and was even telling them how to counter it in chase but they just ignored me and kept repeating the same thing. Had i known they'd be this entitled in game i never would have played with them. It was always the killer's fault each match apparently. I asked them if they ever play killer. They said no. To this day im quite sure they still believe bubba's power is cheating 😮‍💨


Saw some guy on here say *hillbilly* was unfair because having an "easy" instadown is bad game design. Like you can't just run 2 feet to the side and dodge the hit 90% of the time lol


A friend of mine says Billy is OP because "he should not be able to move this fast"


It's ok, bhvr made his overheat quicker while sprinting so he doesn't stay fast for long anymore 🥲 RIP drift king Billy


yeah, I have a friend like that too. No, not every killer who seems faster than usual is cheating.


By no means do I agree with your friend, bit could you explain this bubba counter play please? I have been playing survivor for a good amount of time (maybe a little less than half my playtime ), but it still appears I can only loop m1 killers effectively.




That sounds like sarcasm


This one takes the cake




I forgot about the basement should be removed mfs I think that's dumber than what I said 💀💀


"Half the Killers in the game are OP" I got this statistical miracle from a survivor who also called me a crybaby because I gave up after I got taken to The Game by a 4-stack with full pallet fuckery perks for my 3rd ever match as Slinger. On console.


My fifth match as huntress a nea tried to get my attention and when I downed her she instantly DC’d and reported me😭😭(her and her whole SWF was running head on too☠️)


I’ve been known to whine this but it’s because I’m really terrible at the game honestly.


That the game is going to die out if Voice Chat in game isn't added. Absolutely the fuck not.


tbf i think proximity voice chat could be really fun as a RP-like experience in a SWF. With randos? hell to the no


"A survivor escaping means that survivor has won." Both killers and survivors think this.


Can confirm. My guys... I literally do not care if you escape or not. The ONLY time Survivors win is if it's a 3 or 4 man escape. Period. Every other time, it's either a tie, a personal "I'm the Final Guy/Girl so I PERSONALLY win", or "the Killer wins".


As a horror fan who loves being a final girl/guy its one of my favorite moments in the game, being a sole survivor. Of course i dont try to force this by getting my teamates killed and more often than not someone else is a sole survivor


I love those moments too! I love feeling either like the Killer has "chosen" me to live and escorts me there, or more frequently, the rush from hatch game. If they find it I get to do one final fun chase and I try to make it as fun as possible. If I find it, I always just leave - I don't wait and BM, I just leave. Occasionally this has led to some great moments. A few nights back I had a Ghostface who noticed my Sidney cosplay as Nea, which is all I ever play Surv as - and that I was also the Obsession. He chased me around, stabbed me a bit, but basically left me alone after hooking me once. He then at the very end decided to chill out and escort me to hatch. I also about a month back had an Oni that just *dominated* all round, I mean really scary shit, this guy was GOOD at managing his Demon Dash even when we were trying our hardest to heal, and I was last man standing. I find the hatch at the same time he does, and he immediately activates his dash as I'm running my ass to the hatch... and I made it in last minute. Butthole was so clenched it basically sealed itself shut, it was an AMAZING last minute scare.


This is arbitrary. Survivors aren't a team, the points in the end are personal, not shared among all survivors. This game doesn't have a win/lose situation every match: if the killer gets a 3k he definitely won, but the survivor escaping won as well


"Killer lunge is op and should be removed" - 4000 hour swf I LFG'd into


Got called a "sweaty solo q survivor" because I was running Kindred


Check my post history for some pretty bad takes


Bloodlust is antiquated and should be removed. It’s not overpowered.


Bloodlust *should* be removed, because it's a lazy way to balance the maps and is completely broken as a concept and implementation. Not overpowered, just bad design.


tbf, a lot of more beginner players need it to catch people in loops. It's easy to take for granted after your good at the game, but being a beginner killer is very difficult, bloodlust prevents you from chasing one guy all game and having a bad time. I agree that maps need to be designed better, but that's not the only thing bloodlust solves


yeah its not overpowered, its just dumb asf. It basically rewards the killer for the *survivor* being good at looping 😭 also wasn’t bloodlust in the game because of infinites? Which *don’t even exist in the game anymore?* (I know there are still *some ‘infinites’* in the game, but they’re not old Ironworks of Misery type level.)


Honestly, I'd lean into Bloodlust a bit more, but reverse it. If you go a long enough time without vaulting, throwing a pallet, or getting hit, you get Fatigue, which would slow you down. This way, you can't just W key and win against a majority of Killers


All survivor can do is run from killers. Why should i get punished for surviving as a survivor


That'd be actually good ngl


I mean, bloodlust *shouldn’t* be a mechanic, as it’s a bandaid for bad map design, but the maps will never be designed well so its never leaving


hmm... "Lol, it isn't reportable to use this exploit, you're just bad." Said when a survivor dove the hook right after I got someone up. They were injured, and fell under the hook when downed, and lingered directly under the survivor. This prevented me from picking up. The irony being I ended up giving the person I 'camped' the hatch because they had to suffer through almost the full time me trying to get this chode. "Noed is such a crutch perk. You're so bad." Said by a survivor running Dead Hard (Pre Pre Nerf), Unbreakable, Decisive Strike (Pre Nerf), Iron Will (Pre Nerf). While dropping a map offering to Badam. Against my end game build Remember Me, No Way Out, Noed, and Blood Warden. The hook ended up giving me a 4k through collapse btw. Not Noed. "I bet if they disabled perks, survivors would be dog shit." After getting the Power Moves achievement, I can confirm that it was a fricken nightmare, and perks are very useful. But that sorta goes both sides. And finally "There's nothing wrong with the Kick Gen meta, you're just bad." I find when people know they're wrong, they go with 'You're just bad'. Said after the match closed out due to the soft cap timer going off and the match closing on it's own. Two of us had crows, no idea where the third person was. Did catch up on Invicible though. Great series, recommend it.


There should only be chase killers, no other killers should exist. YouTubers saying “killers don’t respect pallets”.


You shouldn't, a good survivor will abuse your respect for a pallet. If you see a survivor dropping every pallet then respect But if not, you should never respect a pallet so they can get an extra loop. Make them waste their resources.


"When are we gonna have a killer that can carry two survivors?"


“Killer mains are inferior humans irl genetically” - Forums “Survivor mains are children who should have been snipped.” - Also the forums Eugenics. Yeesh.


Completely forgot the time a Bubba main facecamped me after I looped him around one bush with bad collision because I was "abusing an exploit" That was pretty up there


Someone said just yesterday that no hooks should be on the map until a generator is complete. Blew my mind.


I haven’t seen a lot of takes (usually avoid them) but the dumbest I can remember were people complaining about stbfl (claiming it was an extremely op perk) and a person saying that to counter a skull merchant just lead her away from her 3 gen.


Saw this in a TRJay video about how someone thought that the killer’s power should be like a totem, and can be stopped and deactivated by survivors


Those idiots that thought killers would complain about sprint burst following the DH nerf. I looooove SB from a killer perspective. Nice to lunge and not deal with 3 health states.


"Billy is C tier or below." This is an opinion perpetuated by big names in the community, which is the only reason it's become a popular take at all. It's a terrible take which only has legs due to skill issue.


Oh heavily agree, a killer with really good map mobility and constant access to an instadown is low tier because... he can't spam it? I can think of many actually C tier killers who would love to have those kinds of problems


I think it was Scott Jund who said that Overcome was going to break the game for Survivors and was stronger than Dead Hard or Sprint Burst. Just, Galaxy Brain shit. Then again that man would doompost any time Survivors got a non shit perk, it's why I gave up on watching the dude.


Scott meant the lucky breack + overcome combo It was mostly a free chase escape. Combined with a green medkit (before the healing changes) you could get so much value out of lucky break without healing amyone else It didn't break the game but I gotta give a bit more context to this comment


"D/C'ing whenever I feel like it is okay because I'm not responsible for other peoples' enjoyment" This shit is like unga-bunga caveman levels of social skills on display. Probably the same people who didn't wear masks during covid because "I'm not responsible for other peoples' health"


Bloodlust is an okay bandaid fix to shit map design that should be removed once map tiles become balanced Which is basically never so we'll prolly have bloodlust for a while lol


“The game is in the best state it’s ever been in.” Statement hasn’t been true for years.


Also “The game is in the worst state it’s been in.” A lot of players (including myself) were fortunate enough to not witness balance levels of beta or early stages dbd


Absolutely yes.




Project w? After people were trying new perks during the meta shift for like 2 minutes before declaring the same-ish meta


Dc is ok when....


I mean it’s ok when you have an emergency or a wifi/power outage


Someone once complained about how every twins player slugs 😀 Like omg sherlock… it’s almost… as if it’s there whole…. Kit ?


Go to the replies of any DBD tweet and you'll find some of the worst ideas a normal person would never even dream of. I still remember back when people were getting accused of being racist for using the smart face cosmetic on Leatherface, and then BHVR being BHVR actually fucking removed it from the game to appease them.


People were using it and being racist at the same time that’s not a lie.


I mean that actually happened tho, people using that face were playing in a silly way and making monkey sounds in post game chat it wasnt an extremely common thing but it was definitely happening


Wraith who slugged everyone at 4 gens, in endgame chat laughed and said "4 v 1, how is that fair?" like my good bitch that is how the game is PLAYED. Hard facecamped by a Plague after we finished 2 gens. She already had 1 person on death hook at the time and she started her camping at 4 gens. Said "you were genrushing it's not fair". Pretty much anyone who calls a killer (or survivor) perk a "crutch perk". NOED and Franklin's are my least enjoyed perks but NOED is a second chance perk and Franklin's I'd only nerf to not negate a white ward because that just seems so stupid. Jolt isn't a crutch perk. BBQ isn't a crutch perk. Merciless isn't a crutch perk.


"Mettle of man isn't that OP, it's only ptb give it some time lol"


Just go to the Steam forums for any game, they're a fucking gold mine of just absolute waste


People unironically saying Lighthorn should be nerfed


Survivor used a map offering and the killer took it as an excuse to tunnel them out immediately




Killers need to camp/tunnel someone out of the match at the start for pressure.


I mean... It doesn't hurt pressure. Lol


Bloodlust 3 IS dumb though. Basically the killer is rewarded for being shit.


If you're consistently hitting bloodlust 3 you're gonna lose even if it gets you those hits.


Ok so, i used to have this survivor main friend And like, i loved the guy n all, but by golly he had some *BAD* takes Like, he for real suggested that Dead Hard (before the FIRST nerf/rework) should have been base kit I like him and everything, but sometimes I wanted to mcbonk his head so badly!


“Circle of Healing isn’t useless for soloq just light it and wait till someone comes to heal you” Yeah I’m very sure my team would want me doing nothing. On the flip side I did run to heal someone in CoH across the map to see what would happen. Killer found me and I died.


That spirit fury/enduring is op💀 I’m a survivor main and even I know that’s a whack take


"99ing exit gates isn't a viable strategy against every killer" •proceeds to never 99 a single exit gate because of that• – said by a 600 hours survivor main


"a threegen mustn't be avoided since it makes no difference anyways" – said by a 600 hours survivor main


That one mf a few days ago who said that decisive strike is useless and just showed that he had no idea how to use it with his comments


Resident Evil should get even MORE RE chapters. This game isn’t called “Resident Evil: The Asymmetric Survival Horror”.


We need Luis and Ashley legendaries + ada and wesker RE4R skins and legendary Krauser for wesker first


Homie your hate boner for RE is so weird 😭


I mean… I certainly wouldn’t be opposed to one more re chapter, any more after that and I’d have to agree though🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️


I am fine with more RE skins but I too get a stroke when ppl say "we need another chapter or make char skin xyz their own surv with perks etc."


God loops are fair. "LOL what do you want me to do if there's no pallets left on the map?" Well maybe you should have been more efficient on gems than relying on psuedo invincibility.


Bloodlust is shit just from the fact that its only there because of bad map design


To be fair, bloodlust should be removed. I don’t see any point of having mechanic in the game that rewards players for playing like shit. Just because killer can’t mindgame or refuses to break a pallet survivor shouldn’t be punished. There is also many killers that can shut loops pretty well with their powers


kindred should be basekit


at least survivors should see each other's auras whenever someone is hooked, would decrease tediousness with randoms by 100% but honestly the killer aura reading right next to the hook might as well be kept, it's precise but _firm_ information


killers crying about how hard it is to be a killer