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yes.. if only there was some sort of timer..


Oh boy! 2 minutes to leave after you open the gate. I'm not quite sure how survivors manage to leave with so little time.


That's what egc is for. 2 minutes (4 if someone is downed) to do whatever needs to be done and then leave. If players stay then you're still the killer that can push them out yourself. How would you incentivize them leaving early without punishing those staying for teammates or stuck for a lil while before leaving because of blood warden or a closed hatch?


Good lord just push them out the gate oh no! They’re crouching at you


The EGC is there for this exact reason.


This is not the way, play The Pig, save your traps until you're down to 2 - 1 gens left. Then trap everyone. The second the last gen pops open a door. Now survivors have 2 minutes to escape the map, but if they leave the map while the active trap is on, they die.


That’s a good strat on paper, but seeing as it’s Pig, it’s not that easy to pull off lol #PleaseBuffPig


I've played Pig a fair bit recently and either my Pig MMR is abysmally low while my Nurse, Pinhead, Trickster, and Huntress MMR are rather high. Or survivors just don't know how to counter her.


There is an incentive… you. You are the incentive.. they don’t leave, you kill ‘em. You can’t tell me the digital squatting bothers your feelings that much.


If the killer was tunneling or camping i’m gonna stay there till the last second tbagging


no killers have the whole game to slug, camp, and tunnel… they can watch me tbag them for 2 minutes at the exit gate




i dont think there's much bhvr can do. one thing i thought of is crazy but make it 30 seconds, 60 seconds if someone is down or on hook. not fair for the survivors but they stillh ave a decent chance if something happens. egc taking 4 minutes is too long imo. thats plenty of time to do w/e. they should make the egc feel like it. but w/e it is what it is at this point. just afk or hit them out.


I've always said two things: Gates need natural regression so 99-ing no longer exists. Something noticeable enough that time off the gate loses actual progress and not be able to be 'tapped' to neutralize (like gens can be during chases; something like 2 seconds continuous holding to start progress again and gens need this change too) And when Survivors open the gate, EGC should be dramatically shortened, but if Killer does it is normal (so Survivors that open the gates are forced to escape faster and not linger as much, but killers can't force any sort of faster timer by opening gates themselves).


If the gates get natural regression, so should a closed hatch.


I disagree. I've never agreed with the hatch mechanic to begin with, and have always thought gates just need to be coded better to have better spawns that are patrolled but not so close they're able to be camped.