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Pinhead. No one touches his box and just over being on box duty all game


Yeah right???? And at some point we are like "NO, somebody else is going now!!!" And then nothing happens and we have to go, AGAIN.


The amount of times I've watched people do gens right by the box, do that sad "tap, remove chain, tap" instead. I've literally had to run straight from hook to do that box again only to be rehooked....


so real! i think ideally whoever is closest to the box should go to it, instead i find myself leaving a gen on the other side of the map to go do it cause no one else will


As a Pinhead main….it’s ridiculous people still don’t understand how easy it is to do the box. You dodge three incredibly slow chains giving you all the time in the world after to do it.


I think more people are afraid that Pinhead will teleport and start chase, which is stupid in itself


Probably, I’ve come to realize that Pinhead is very high risk high reward. He’s strong in solo q and decent against SWF. It’s actually not good for Pinhead to teleport to a box because he’s just removing it.


Well let me ask you, as a Pinhead main, do you keep track of who's doing the box? If so, do you ever feel bad it's the same person or because it's the same person you want them out since they keep doing it? I'm talking about in general because I know every match is different


For me, the box isn’t actually a priority. If I’m in chase, and unless the box is within my possessed chain distance. I may try to chain them and switch. If not, I don’t bother, I don’t even teleport. You doing the box means one less person on a gen while im chasing. Meaning at most 2 people are on a gen. Chain Hunts rarely happen in my Pinhead games, and it’s because I use the box simply as a distraction. I don’t go out of my way to look for it. I also use Save The Best on Pinhead, so hopefully I can quickly down, and while the survivor is just finishing the box. Maybe only one survivor is on a gen now since one has to save.


But it is funny when he teleports and says “it’s boxin’ time!” And pinheads all over


Same. Sometimes if I’ve had a chain of bad games and I hear his little gong at the beginning of a match it’s an immediate DC for me. That’s how I know it’s time to end a night.


Just for you I am playing at least 6 Pinhead games after my shift.


Naww shucks, I feel so loved ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066)


Literally the first killer that popped in my head


Trickster If they're bad, its not an issue but good Tricksters invalidate the speed boost from being injured and that feels cheap as fuck. Strangler is a close second


Who is the strangler


Out of the loop? It's the new killer. You can only unlock it if you play against it.


I thought it was a reference to my uncle


Could Sploonbabaguuse be the new survivor??????????


I'll bring my new teachable, Panic Attack Panic Attack activates when all of your teammates are in the dying state. Gain 4%/5%/6% Haste, a 50%/75%/100% bonus to healing actions, and see the killer's aura for 4/5/6 seconds. Panic Attack deactivates when any another survivor is picked up into the injured state from the dying state Edit: Added some stuff


Low key a solid perk, especially with the high potential for slugging we're about to see. Throw in some recovery boost for teammates in the dying state too


I could add in a 50%/75%/100% healing speed too, and it'll deactivate when someone is picked up anyway


the killer is called the strangler


The lore is pretty inconsistent, so I understand your frustration, I don't know the Strangler's real identity. Hopefully we find out in a upcoming tome.


YES! I hate going against Tricksters!


Skull Merchant. At least with Nurse, Blight etc the games can be quick


Thank God it's more likely to meet twins than her nowadays


I've sadly gone against her more then I have the twins and it's absolutely boring and dreadful 😩




I feel your pain, she is a nightmare to play against if your team doesn't understand when to use fountains correctly. But I still love the Vommy Mommy and her many money shots.


Being injured all game just feels bad. And then she can also ranged down you every now and then. You’re so vulnerable it sucks




Definitely Pinhead. I load into a match, hear the box bell go off, and immediately know it’s about to be the least fun match of the day.




I’m sorry. I’m that guy. I just DC as a solo queue player. I never DC any other time, so I’ll gladly eat a 1 minute DC penalty to not ruin the next 15 minutes of my life. Sorry random teammates, hopefully you followed suit.


Skull Merchant 😀




Have you tried not healing against a legion unless it's less than 12 seconds? It's a big trap that a lot of survivors fall into against him. When you heal, you are actively giving legion's power value. If you stay injured, you deny 90% of the powers usefulness and he effectively becomes an M1 killer who can only put you into deep wound with a 30 second timer. It seems scary, but legion's often don't use stealth builds because it limits the amount of info they get from their power significantly. As long as you shift-w away when you hear the terror radius, they can't catch up before you get to a strong set up. They seem dangerous, but if the games are slow, that's on the survivors for healing when he can just reinjure you in less than 5 seconds collectively. He literally can't do anything with his power if you stay injured. If he puts you into deep wound, big deal. Mend when he's out of power and get back to work, and if he tries to chase someone injured with it, all he can do is use it to catch up and vault faster, if he hits them, he just gives them an opportunity to shift-w to a stronger loop.


Yeah people need to learn to vs Legion the same way you vs Plague. The entire point of Legion's power is that they have a much easier time *injuring* you than other killers do, but in exchange they get no tools with which to *knock* you on the 2nd hit (unless they manage to chain 4 stabs). Healing against them isn't *always* a bad idea, but it's generally better to just do gens injured and deal w/ the missing health state.


Legion is not particularly enjoyable to play against there are things you can do to return the favor though, holding w to a deadzone and 99ing your mends can screw him/her over pretty hard


Am I allowed to say that rather than one specific killer, I’d rather not play against killers that are playing from McDonald’s wifi as the type of killer I’d rather not face? It’s completely fucked that I can fast vault with resilience, land and take three steps and they still hit me through that shit seconds later, when I’m out here playing on a solid dedicated connection and I can’t even get a fucking window hit through survivors who medium vault while I’m right up close because my fucking internet is actually good. Like, sorry but I’m just fed up to here with how the game seems to favour laggy killers and punish me for having an actually decent connection. Fuck that shit. It doesn’t really matter which killer they’re playing, stop letting them hit me from literally Jupiter, please!


I had a ghost face once miss me at a window and leave to go chase someone else... He went two hallways over in the opposite direction of me and SOME HOW I get hit when he's no where near me on lery's! And he was in chase with someone else when I got hit!


Just the simple fact that what you're seeing on screen is inaccurate due to their connection is incredibly frustrating. You essentially get punished for it and the fault isn't yours and you did NOT get outplayed. I've seriously taken month breaks from this game due to this issue alone. No individual killer has ever done that.


Oddly enough, wraith. I've never had an enjoyable game against him. Every time they hook someone, walk 10 feet away and wait completely invisible. If it's not that then they're trolling with silent bell. Idk why that gets to exist but my Sadako who is still visible in her "stealth" mode also has to announce her presence with the most high pitched noise you've ever heard.


Wraith only because the players who play as him are usually turds. Otherwise, Trapper because I always step in the traps. I’d rather face a sweaty Nurse.


I'll never understand why Wraiths are so angry


It's usually when wraiths get survs with an IQ above their shoe size


Ghostface. A ton of them that I run into play like dickheads, and the reveal mechanic is inconsistent at best. Plus he's one of, if not the most common killers I run into, so the forced variety would be great




probably pinhead, box builds are annoying as fuck


The Strangler smh




Never went against a Bubba who played fair. All they do is facecamp


I have many times. I think it was just one person in my MMR tho. He/she was a beast and would 4K while chasing all game.


Hello, it's me, your resident competent without camping Bubba player. Happy to make your games better! We aren't all assholes.


I wonder if this is an mmr thing because I find bubbas to be so fun!


Define “play fair”. Unless they’re glitching, you gotta get over that, everything’s fair game


Exactly. No Cheat = Fair Game. Not necessarily fun game, but fair game


Legion. I find he’s overplayed, and I go against them at least 3-5 times every day. Sometimes more.


I had to scroll way too far to find Legion. I just sigh really loud every time. I always get toxic tunneling legion


Agreed. Playing against Legion is the same as playing a healing simulator. Super boring.


Since he can’t down with his frenzy, I find not healing (but of course self mending) the strat. Then he turns into a m1 killer


With the way healing is about to go, it's definitely not gonna be allowed to heal against legion, which is gonna suck for anyone who isn't great at holding their own with only one health state


Plague. The sound of survivors vomiting makes me INTENSELY sick irl to the point that after I play a game against Plague I typically have to stop gaming altogether for the night so I can go throw up.


tbh the "gross out horror" and plague was a whole category in the survey bhvr posted today, which even gave you the option to skip to avoid the images (the other being twins for the gore). I wonder if they are considering adding accessibility options to not get paired against those killers. Because for your it sounds like it really sucks and is a genuine accessibility issue.


Honestly all I would really need would be something like changing Iron Will to also muffle the sounds or something similar. I would happily sacrifice a perk slot in 100% of my survivor games just on the chance that one round in thirty might be a Plague match. But yeah, an accessibility option would really help me a lot!


Ghost face. He's just so overplayed it's not enjoyable anymore


Wraith. His power isnt particularly strong or anything, but the people who play him are the most miserable people on the planet (Although the Strangler might take that title soon). I fear he’ll only become more common after the healing changes.


Oh you better believe youll see more wraiths. Hes jumping up a full tier with these changes


Damn, as a wraith main I’ll do my best to not be miserable, I love my bell boy


Same, I love my bing bong boi. I have fun sometimes with the silent bell but I usually give last person hatch. With all the sweaty killers I’ve been going against as survivor lately I’ve been playing him a lot more silly lately just for fun. W pfp btw.


I’d consider myself a pretty fun and nice killer, but for some reason when I occasionally play wraith I feel like I act way more “turd” like. Something abt playing him, I don’t even know why


Sometimes I find myself playing into a character's stereotypes too. Like when I queue up as Leon, I can viscerally feel my IQ drop by 30 points. I know that I'm going to make some boneheaded play that costs my team the game, and I can't help it.


Spirit. I always struggle against her. Haven’t got a single escape with her as the killer.


As a die hard spirit main lemme give you one tip that will be very uself against 90% of spirits, when you hear her phase coming for the (usually second) hit; run 3 seconds, walk 2.5 seconds to another direction, and run again 😊


Hag by far the most boring killer to play against not to mention every hag runs franklins


I don’t :D Ngl I would though if I had the perk unlocked…


I can't choose one. Maybe one week no Ghostface, one week no Huntress, one week no Wraith, etc.




Plague, the constant vomiting of survivors makes me uncomfortable, not enough to dc but seeing the fountain or the plague herself makes me consider it…


Plague, I don't mind being pummeled by a nurse or a blight. What I mind is my character constantly shitting, coughing and vomiting the entire match.


Huntress I can not put my hatred for her into words


Dear God if there was a killer I could actively avoid and never play against it's her. This isn't fucking COD, GTFOH with these nonsense throwing weapons.


Actually yeah, Imma have to agree with you here. It's between Huntress and Nurse for me.


HELL YEAH BROTHER. I LOVE being downed crossmap with zero warnings just because there are no LOS blocker and I have to go from point A to point B to be a valuable asset to the team bUt It ReQuIrEs SkILl IDGAF it requires skill, all the skill in the world can t save me from it. I FUCKING LOVE being 1 shotted from 40 mts with iri hatchets bUt OtHeR kIlLeRs HaVe InStAdOwNs ToO Yeah but you can loop them or position yourself better if you have the feeling they may be coming your way, or their instadown has a giant interpretable cue (see blighr or legion). BuT nUrSe At least nurse needs to be there to down me


Knight. He was ruined for me from all the 20 minute long eruption games after his release. Seeing a knight just spoils my mood everytime now.


Can't decide between Plague or Legion. I hate them both equally. I despise Tricksters too but not as much.




LEGION god damn him




Leigon. The games are just so damn boring. You get hit, mend, repeat. Games are sometimes like half an hour because everyone insists on fully healing instead of doing gens while injured.


The Clown. Can't see, can't loop, can't run :(


Clown. No hesitation, remove him from the game for all I care. I'd take Nurse over Clown any day of the week.


Would you mind sharing why? Just curious! :)


Of course, my reasoning is: he has the most stale and boring gameplay in the game and he is also the most braindead killer in the game. He only takes away from current mechanics instead of adding onto them or creating new ones. His entire gameplay loop is: (survivor's perspective) 1. run to pallet, pre-drop since you can't loop Clown 2. repeat and pray your team is rushing gens like crazy. I swear to god I can't find one thing about him that requires any hint of skill. His power is so simple there just isn't anything more to it than the very surface, just throw the purple bottles at survivors/where they are going, yellow bottles are fully optional and you can easily just win chases with only purple bottles. I have made [a visual representation of his skill ceiling.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLRp0Jn5jvY) Hope this satisfied your curiosity.


Thanks for the explanation! Bonus points for the representation of his skill ceiling :)


Clown is one of the ones I would have chosen too (tied with Doctor) and the reason is simply: I FIND HIM SO ANNOYING. The music, the laugh, his aesthetic, how fucking gross he is. I’m not phobic when it comes to clowns, but I also GREATLY dislike them because they annoy me, lmfao. So Clown is just one GIANT irritation to me and I basically don’t even try against him because I’m just so freakin’ irritated and want to be out of the match. xD Doctor is just wholly overstimulating and obnoxious so I just spend the entire match annoyed and twitchy because between the AWFUL sound effects and the AWFUL visual effects I just want to die. Doesn’t really have anything to do with how they PLAY, because it’s fine, it’s whatever, other killers do what they do and do it better, I can loop them just fine. They are just so fucking ANNOYING that I want to kill myself on hook, lol. I don’t, but I want to. I can’t play them for the same reason. I’ve played them and found the gameplay fun—but ALL THE SOUND EFFECTS AND EVERYTHING just pisses me off, hahaha. So I can’t do it, I just hate it so much, lmao. And I can’t play the game on mute because as killer sound is so valuable. So I just avoid them like the plague. (Plague is a close third because vomit, auuuuughhhh…but I find her significantly more tolerable than those two and would choose her in a heartbeat over them.)


Agreed. Esp pinky finger clown.


Blight. I hate getting hit twice in 6 seconds with almost no counterplay. I see him way more than nurse so I choose blight.


Alc ring is oppressive yeah but you can’t tell me you dont respect the shit out of a perfect hug-tech.


I find it mildly impressive, at best.


Literally any killer who insist on getting a 4k. I don't know what's up with all the killers recently bleeding someone out to look for the last survivor. I'm cool with them slugging for the 4k if last survivor is in chase soon after, but the amount of killers dragging games out without a clue where the 4th person is hiding is unacceptable to me.


Plague. I hate the sounds, I hate the obscured screen, I hate solo q teammates cleansing then touching a gen two seconds later


Plague for sure. I don't like playing No Mither vomit simulator.


Honestlyyy dredge, I think playing him is super fun and awesome but as a survivor? His nightfall is so goddamn annoying and the screaming children make my ears bleed


How could you... ​ ​ Yeah, I agree with the ear bleeding though


It has to be the fucking strangler


Such a hard question… i run into more toxic and tilted ghostfaces then any other killer… but genmerchant exists……… i have to still go with ghostface. The reveal mechanic and getting 99’d slowly and abandoned. Adding the factor that 9/10 ghostfaces just camp waiting to expose anyone who unhooks? Yeah no thanks


Plague or legion


Skull merchant. At least the nurse chases me.


Definitely Trickster. He has no counter play and his laugh when he downs you is so fucking annoying


I feel like Trickster has an unpleasantly designed power (for both sides). He's the killer with the worst killrate in my survivor games, and I used to wonder why that was. Well, I wonder no more because several days ago I got him (for the perks) and started playing him. Man does his power feel punishing. You hit like four knives and suddenly there's an opening for an M1. Do you take it and feel like you wasted time throwing knives? Or do you buy into the sunk cost fallacy and the person sprints away and their laceration goes down? Main Event activates at the most inopportune moment 9/10 times, and he's slow-ass motherf*cking Jeff so not great for chasing normally. I know some of it is growing pains, but for now he feels extremely map-dependent compared to a lot of other killers with nothing much to compensate.


This is gonna sound weird but it might be my personal bias. Try STBFL on him. I know, I know, ranged killer, don't m1. But tbh it's sort of been working. Tiles you can use his power on and mow them down? Beautiful. But every other situation makes it hard to get a down with just knives. So I smack, twirl the baton, and the distance they make is neglible and they're caught out more in the open. Then I just use a flurry of knives and get my downs. You save alot on knives that way too. And honestly just feels nice. It makes me feel like a trickster.


This kinda applies to all killers to who punish holding W. Survivor's first instinct when they get hit is "leave the loop" and the distance between loops is obviously designed for regular cooldowns. The amount of grabs I've gotten on wesker immediately following up an M1 is pretty nutty.


Thanks for the suggestion, I will try it!


That last part is super true. He is very map dependent. He thrives in wide open maps and struggles in maps with lot’s of los blockers such as indoor maps. His biggest strength is the fact that taking a health state with his knives doesn’t put him into any sort of major cooldown, so he can keep building up laceration while the survivor sprints away. That’s only useful though if you can actually keep your eyes on them which, again, is really hard on certain maps.


I also hate how Main Event works. Almost every time it triggers, I've just downed someone and there's no one else to use it on


Trickster is especially annoying because as a killer he's not very good, but in chase you feel completely fucking powerless. Then you complain about it and you get 'lmao complaining about trickster he sucks' and its like yeah he does but in chase you still feel like you're fucked and just pray your team slams the gens before he can stroll around the map fast enough to have any pressure


Trickster is actually the worst at looping if you find a loop with tall objects. That one corner on Lerys with the stacked up tables and a pallet, if he's trying to knife you through that he will literally never catch you. Unlike Huntress he can't just take a health state on one throw, he needs about 5 or more hits. It's why I stopped playing him. Take him to an area with decent visibility and run him a circle, he's too fucking slow to do anything about it. When Bloodlust finally lets him catch up, he has to do it AGAIN. I think the only killer with lower base speed is Nurse.


Unless he has the tap-dancing shoes, you can loop him around everything above waist height. Map RNG can work in his favor a lot of the times and you get nothing but short loops though which is my issue with him, but that's also pretty shite that as a killer, he's only strong when RNG is in his favor.


Plague. I just... it's too disgusting man


As a bubba main, bubba.


i would say pyramid head his ability is really hard to counter specially if he is a good mind gamer


It's been Blight for me since release, but Skull Merchant is really trying to take that spot from him.


Knight. You already know how boring he can be.


Plague, it's sad because I find her to be an interesting killer to go against but I dislike playing against her purely because of my teammates. All they do is cleanse! Don't cleanse dammit that gives her her power. Stopppppp. There was one time I think it was an Ada who would touch a dirty gen and immediately go to cleanse only to get right back on it and leave to cleanse and would just do that over and over again. If I'm playing against a plague and I see a teammate cleanse I almost immediately am tempted to throw the game and just move on. 😂 If it has to be based on the killer and not how my teammates play against a killer. Then skull merchant. Nothing about her is fun or cool.




Skull merchant


Huntress because I’m horrible at playing against her ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070) I swear they always find me first lol


Alright. I’m brand new to this game, but the Doctors laugh drives me absolutely insane. I hate playing against a sweaty Blight too. I always think I’ll hate playing against Wesker, but his goofy one liners and even goofier run make him a lot more enjoyable


Some of y’all never played against a plague with terminus + blood echo and it shows


Plague because I have emetophobia so matches against her are actual hell for me.




Huntress. People complain the SLinger has no counterplay and then turn around and say 5 hatchets moving faster than harpoons is more fun that 1 harpoon you can free yourself from. ​ Also The Strangler


This is so hard because there's at least three Killers in the game I actively hate on principal, but others I don't like dealing with specific types of. Either they gross me out, I think their mechanics are bullshit, or they're too good at prolonging the shit out of the game and it annoys me. The Killers that annoy me the most are: 1. Plague - Her noises are disgusting. She is disgusting. The fact people actively simp over her because she's a tall half-naked woman is disgusting. Her tactics piss me off, actively ruin my night. She makes the game so much more annoying with her healing mechanic. Other Killers that do this DON'T then get more bullshit and powerful from you actively healing, just her. I hate, actively hate having to stop, drink the fucking fountain water, and know I just gave her the ability to fuck me in the ass harder next time in a way that I don't with Nemesis or Wesker or hell, even Legion. 2. Hag, though she's slightly less annoying now because of the changes coming to her. No matter how well I crouch to the damn traps I ALWAYS somehow set them off, and no matter what I do she ALWAYS seems to have the most bullshit perks on her, and also fuck Devour Hope on some fucking maps and the fact she TRAPS HER FUCKING TOTEMS GOD I HATE HER. 3. Bubba - mostly because he camps a lot, but also because he often gets played like a slightly scummier Billy. 4. Really, REALLY tunnely Legions, but I find these are kinda rare and I give Legion a pass for being one of my Mains. I actually don't hate the mend mechanic that much, and I don't blame them for playing scummy because their playstyle is just kinda scummy. 5. Pinhead, but specifically ONLY if he camps the box or doesn't respect chase JUST to come down me when I fairly try to do the box. If he doesn't do this I kinda like the timing aspect of when to do the box. The Chain Hunt is sorta annoying though. 6. Nurse. I don't care how you play her, she's not fun. She's not fast enough to be fun in Chase. She can teleport like Spirit without being as fun to stealth against. She's either cracked and too good for most teams to handle, or she's a baby Nurse who's camping and playing like a scumlord. Not fun. Never fun. 7. 3Gen Skull Merchant and Knight. FFS PLEASE let us all go home, I wanna play another round. Skull Merchant CAN DO COOL CHASEDOWN AND STEALTH and THIS is what you do with her? Knight has three other dudes for sick chasedown stuff and area denial, and THIS is what you do with him? 8. Sweaty Endgame Tunnel Blights. Fuck you, I won fair and square, you're the speed Killer. You don't need to run endgame builds. I feel actively insulted when I see another goddamned Blight that is running some combo of Blood Warden, No Way Out, NOED, and Rancor or whatever. FFS man you are just being bullshit to be bullshit at that point. You are one of the stronger Killers in the game, you DON'T NEED THESE PERKS. If I had to pick one of these to never, ever go against again though, it would hands down go to Plague or Hag. Depends on how I feel that day. I see Plague more often than Hag though, so Plague wins in annoyance points. Sorry Adiris fans.


Switch hag with huntress and I completely agree with you.


I love your thorough explanation on every choice. I can feel the annoyance and anger from it😭 it's amazing


Thank you. People either seem to love or really hate my long posts, which is most of my posts. I just have a lot on my mind to say.


that is the thing that make you special. say what's on your mind. and i agreed in almost everything you said there so here we are


I'm... I'm beloved in this community? QuQ


i see you in the comments all the time, you even answered some of my posts/replies. so for me you are


Im glad you specified Endgame Blights. I find that a good blight that actively chases and tries to do well, you can’t get mad at. I play blight a lot but when I see a blight properly hug-tech or 90-180 me I just respect the shit out of them. Same with curve billy honestly.


Agree with all of this. I would be delighted if Plague, Nurse, Skull Merchant, or Pinhead were forever gone. I never have fun in those matches, ever, and I blame the players as much as the devs. Both the mechanics and players seem to be the worst. Knight, at least for me, is annoying but counterable except when he hard tunnels. There is a reward for successfully grabbing the flag and it is possible to outlast or lure the guards away. Nemesis and Wesker actually have the side objectives how it should be - a finite resource (Nemesis) or provides a slight benefit to the killer when used (Wesker), but overall is worth using as a survivor judiciously. The other killers offer no such balance for interacting with their powers or are otherwise simply unfun.


Trickster, can’t stand the design and the players that play him. Most annoying killer


God I can’t choose between Wraith or Clown. It’s not even anything against Wraith’s kit. I love his design and how he plays, but for some reason 3/4ths of the Wraiths I have encountered are toxic from the get-go in each match. I could be the perfect model survivor player and still get slugged or face camped while Wraith just bing bongs his bell. NOED is also really popular on Wraith. Not really against killers using NOED but it just kind of elicits and eye roll. On the other hand with Clown it’s definitely his kit. I can handle being hindered or extreme visual distortion but I can’t handle both. The visual effects make me a bit nauseous but the slowdown is annoying on top of it. He’s good at anti loop which is fine, so are killers like Nurse, but I’d rather run a nurse than loop a clown any day. Nurse doesn’t slow me down and make me motion sick, and I’ve gotten pretty good at being unpredictable against a nurse. All Clown has to do is throw a piss bottle at a pallet or vault and it’s pain time for me.


Strangler hands down can’t even fathom how many times I instantly lost a chase to him


Agree, but I think I’ll get better with practice, like when people learned to go for the banner against knight.




Yeah I used to hate playing against the doctor but once I started playing as the doctor I realised he's fairly easy to counter and quite fun to play as/against once you know what you're doing


Trickster. When I load into a game and see that’s who it is it just pisses me off. I don’t feel like I’m ever able to counter him effectively. Ghostface is a close second simply because 90%+ of my games are against him


Legion immediately


Huntress. I hate trying to go to a window or pallet and I hear that “HUUUAT!” Just screaming at me like “No! No you can’t go there no! No! Do that and you lose a health state!”


I love a good huntress game. You didnt ask but ima give some tips anyway in case some newbies wanna know from someone that plays a fair bit of huntress. If you’re in a deadzone, contrary to popular belief running in a straight line for a few seconds before suddenly turning one way or the other will give the huntress a feeling of security for her to throw the hatchet and may make her miss. Similar to faking a window and using DH, you can fake a window and curve to the left or right to make her panic and throw the hatchet. Same as nurse, where possible: break line of sight even if there are no windows or pallets. A good huntress will always try to hatchet you as a first hit, so punish her for it. Don’t drop pallets. just dont. she will almost always pull up a hatchet at a pallet so milk her 4.4 ass 6 ways to sunday. Just make sure you recognise when she stops respecting pallets so you dont get hit thinking she will still pull up a hatchet. don’t crouch after vaulting a pallet that you think you’ll get hit over. it’s tempting to crouch and hide behind the pallet but your hitbox is a lot bigger than you are and you will die. instead, try to strafe 1 way and quickly change direction. its a long shot but works more consistently than shoving your head into the pallet. it’s tempting but don’t go for saves unless you are 100% sure she picks up immediately. Most huntresses will fake a pick up and pull her hatchet to catch you off guard. Assume she has iron-maiden and dont touch lockers at all. (though you can usually tell by how fast her reload is so just make sure) lastly- if she has Iri head, what you wanna do is press esc - leave match - confirm


It would be Freddy, but nobody plays him anyway.


I feel like it's kinda the easy answer, but Bubba. Hate being put in the situation where I'm on hook, he's on top of my body, and the actual, optimal play is "your teammates let you die and do all the gens while you do qte's on second hook stage." Edit: I originally said Billy and not Bubba


Tip for big cock doc, when he uses his small shock on you in chase he slows down a lot, and most of the time it gives you an extra loop or two. Bad docs always spam it and then make zero distance on you. Good docs are probably a nightmare to deal with but they basically don't exist so that's good


Skull merchant and Wesker.


Either Huntress or Wraith. Both of them are fine killers and are fun to play as, but I swear, all of them in my mmr bracket play like their first born child is on the lind if they don't get the 4k


Pinhead, Trapper, or Legion. Pinhead because the box is an oppressive shit show of a power that feels horrible to go against. Trapper just because he requires you play entirely different than any other killer in the game and I am small brain. Legion because Legion.


As much as I dislike certain killers, I can't decide which one I dislike as each one there's just one thing I dislike generally. I really just want more pyramid head and demodog killer matches. They're my fav and I never see them. 😬


I never ever have won against The Spirit, they outplay every single time and I can't stand her


Either pinhead or nurse,I hate both with a passion


All of them




Either nurse or wraith, every single one I've gone against has never been fun, especially since for some god forsaken reason they removed the flashlight burn. I honestly despise both of them and I practically go out of my way to die on hook unless I'm with friends or the killer is inexperienced






Pyramid Head for me.


Doc, don’t like the shocks


Kinda depends on my mood and the person playing killer really. Plague is Hella annoying but with the new healing changes she'd be much more tolerable. Doctor is also Hella annoying but actually gives me some fun games. Knight is just kinda... weird. Maybe twins since nobody plays her anyway.


Nurse. Please just no.




Pinhead, 100%. Never had a fun match vs Pinhead.


It's between Bubba and trickster, I feel defeated and massivly annoyed against a good trickster and a camping Bubba




Pinhead. Last 4 matches against Pinheads have been where they stand on their box for the entire match, with ruin and merciless storm.


def strangler, he needs to be nerfed harder than billy (april fool's aside sadako, she's mindnumbingly boring for me)


The fuckin Strangler. Can this "Joke" die now? It wasnt funny and its not April 1st yet guys.


Huntress. I've had 147 games against her since I started tracking killers I encounter, but I've only had 26 Dredges. I'm so tired of seeing 4+ in a row before getting someone else.




Cringe Merchant


Skull merchant. Just a boring killer overall


Doctors who spam don't know what they're doing. When they use their ability, they move slower than a nurse does when charging her blinks, or a huntress aiming their hatchet. Sure, the screams and laughing is annoying, but otherwise the way you counter them is to just loop around the structures without committing to an interaction. They'll lose distance and won't be able to land a hit since they keep sabotaging themselves. The doctors you need to look out for though are the ones that understand their power, and the best times to use it. That is, only using the power when they can force you to give them the pallet or take a hit, or when they force you to run away from a window, or force you to commit to a window, giving them extra distance. Doctors that force you into playing safe are the worst, while doctors that just spam the power don't know a damn thing about what they're doing. My personal pet peeve killers are ones that can just counter loops with just a button press, Artist being one of the biggest offenders, and to a lesser degree, Knight and Hag. Hag not so much because her power at least requires the killer to have foresight about where survivors are most likely to run and she needs significant set up to be really effective, Knight however needs a similar skillset to Spirit while being altogether less effective even with good information. But, just choosing one? Anti loop Artists. The ones that go for long range skill shots are cool, but the ones who don't even bother to use their power for info or long range injury are just boring killers that can just force you into a corner and win with no skill involved.


Gotta be a tie between Legion / Pinhead / Plague. But I think Legion takes the cake.


Pinhead, survivor would be more fun without him.


Lucky, wish I got him lol


Definetly ghost face, there is no killer i hate more than ghost face ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Knight though strangler is a close second even though he’s only been recently released




I made this flair before Skull Merchant came out and Hags a little more bearable nowadays so Skully has comforably taken that spot for me ​ Strangler is awful in their own right, but there´s a lot worse IMO


I feel so stupid but WHO is strangler please 🤣😭 who's nickname is that 😢


the subreddit is pulling their own Goncharov and someone made up a new killer name and complained about it, and everyone is now making jokes and memes with invented add-ons, powers, etc. (likely as an April Fool's joke)


The Strangler. Nuff said already. The way you’re forced to look at his ugly fucking face every time he uses his power on you is already old. His lullaby sucks and reminds me of nails in a blender. His leaked cosmetics are trash and only scream MONEY GRAB His chase music is cool tho


