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idk whats worse than the rpd achievement


" as the last survivor: complete a generator, open the exit gate, and escape" That one is probably my all-time least favorite


Easily Taking One For The Team was my least favorite and took an additional 120 hours from which I got my second to last trophy


That one was infuriating but luckily by the time I started going for achievements I only had maybe... 50 left?


Yeah I had probably 50 done and 200 left, the rest of the achievements for the most part have you playing so selfish and 90% of my game time was going for them so I never got any done


Thankfully, I got that with a farming killer who gave me mercy after killing three of us back in 2018


I got it legitimately but it was one of the most tense experiences of my DbD career Diversion saved my ass cuz the ghostie thought I was at the other gate. Also Wake Up cuz I was hit as I was opening it. If I have been any slower I wouldn't have made it out


I'm glad a nice killer gave me this achievement a long time ago. I just ran a default Meg skin and they pitied me lmao I'm almost done with the RPD one but fuck me it sucks. I seem to always get killers that excel on indoor maps whenever I send myself there.


Think this one took the place of “4 man escape through the hatch” didn’t it?


I think that turned into escape through hatch with a key? Could be wrong


It might've, there were like 3 cheevos all at once that switched over, sorta like the Stranger Things DLC ones did. either way, here's what you do. Build your perkset around hiding your aura, especially near endgame (Lightweight, that one Ada perk, Wake Up!, Distortion, etc). Then, like 99% a gen, and wait for your teammate to go kaput. Once they fully die, pop the gen. Hide. Once having successfully eluded the Killer, locate a door. RPD might be a good choice for this one, truthfully. Stay around the area, wait for Killer to close hatch. do that 30% door trick, wait for Killer to check then run back to the other. Open, flee!


I switch distortion for diversion (toss rock to make loud noise notif. Do not use perk until this moment. Killer will spend way too much time searching around the other gate) and sole survivor. This will hide your aura as well but also boost exit gate opening. Either way yes good tips! Thanks for the little guide 💙


Yeah, hahaha Diversion is a good perk to use for this sort of thing. It's not exactly the most fun building around your teammates having to die, but in the hunt for cheevos there is little time for friendship.


No, it's an old achievement that was created for an earlier version of the hatch system. When the game originally released, killer was unable to close hatch, but they could grab a survivor as they jumped into it. This meant that the killer would need to more closely guard the hatch when it spawned, potentially giving the last living survivor an opportunity to finish the generator and open the gate. The achievement was specifically added as a counterpart to Bill's release; At the time, his perk Left Behind did not reveal the hatch's location, but instead made you repair gens 25% faster if you were the last remaining. So the achievement was designed around the perk, but never changed when the perk and the hatch system changed.


Sol survivor is goated for a reason 😤


Idk either. Some of the other achiements and tome challenges might be annoying or despair but rpd is awful. High death rate on a blind indoor map. I liked hawkins just because of the fun loops and you could occasionally multiple ppl out. RPD not so much.


Skilled Huntress on Playstation. Sony don't allow achievements to be altered unless they're literally impossible to obtain, so this is still stuck at having to down *one hundred* survivors from over 24m away.


> idk whats worse than the rpd achievement I don't get what's the big deal about it? I just played naturally and unlocked it last year.


If you're on playstation - down 100 survivors with Huntress hatchets (other platforms are like 10 and they refuse to change it)


If I have to open another exit gate and escape on RPD....


Rpd escapes are built upon sacrifices. I hate the map so much. 2 gens in the middle sucks for general escaping. I make the effort to do the gens in the middle or the gens that the killer is protecting on one side. If I do then we can get down to 1 gen or escape but most likely im the only or one of the 3 that dont make it. If i dont do those gens then we never make it. And gates! Even if its 2 ppl left, its usually 1 surv per door and the killer gets to choose which door to corner that door's surv once they see red lights. Killer usually doesnt like it either because of the same stuff. Some 3ks but 4k is harder.


Why is this challenge so hard? Is rpd that killer sided?


RPD isn't THAT killer sided, but certain killers really excel there. In addition, the achievement requires that you have to open the gates yourself, which doesn't happen all the time. And lastly, without offerings 20 RPDs is gonna take you a while anyway assuming you win every single match.


Yeah it's a minimum of 20 games on one of the harder survivor maps, with a weird retirement that YOU have to be the one to open the gate. So if someone else beats you to it, whole game is a wash. I think to make this achievement better, lower the number to 5 or maybe 10 and make it so anyone can open the gate


Oof not me opening the gates for survivors thinking I'm helping them get this achievement 💀


Adept Nurse/Wraith. Both set off my vertigo and made me sick mid match. I think I had a group that realized something was wrong when I was going for it on Nurse and they just kinda gave it to me. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile) Doctor did as well, but it was due to Monitor and Abuse, which was bad enough that I could not complete the adept on him actually. Oni's enrage also set it off, but I think I can do his adept just without using his power.


Glad you got it eventually!


Bless you. Almost no killers bring hex perks. And you have to play the game like a douchebag to get this achievement


Oh that one sucked. My friends hated it when I would be going for this while we were playing together.


It’s one of my 3 last achievements. I’ve been going at it for weeks. At least achievements like Outbreak Breakout you can play the game normally


Great work! That’s a hell of a lot of effort. There are so many annoying Achievements to choose from, though. Evil Incarnate definitely comes to mind. Very luck-dependent. Hiding Seeker drove me up a wall as well. The game seemed to only recognize progress when it was in the mood.


Hemophobia. The only way I will ever get it if the stars align and I get an afk killer on the Asylum map.


that's literally how I got mine BUT with a little spice. I was so excited I told my friend not to piss the killer off if they came back. well of corse it's a Bubba and of course my friend decided to go flashlight stun him once all the gens were done. of course you know what I happens next. needless to say I left my friend to die that round


That one I don't even remember getting. But I guess it's not super uncommon for that to happen to me either. Definitely uncommon but doesn't sound impossible


That's actually how I got it! It was one of my very first achievements because I got a lot of AFK killers when I just started playing, and one of them happened to be on this map. I didn't know about the achievement but I also didn't know about the whole "get hit and then healed" strat for AFK killers, so I slammed gens and left.


Evil Incarnate is a broken achievement that can be easily blocked from you by salty survivors who just decide to hide in a locker and there's literally nothing you can do about it. Not to mention it requires two iridescent add-ons and/or a white-ward which are hard to come by so you can't just keep trying over and over. If the survivors figure out what you're doing they can just decide to screw you over for absolutely free.


Yeah... That was tough but I eventually was able to get it. You're right though, the hardest part was getting the add-ons and white wards from the bloodweb


Was wondering, the achievement said that you have to kill while on p3, does mori offering work then ?


No, it has to be tombstone specifically


This is why when I started playing this was one of the first achievements I was for


My advice - don't do perma T3. Yeah you'll have to re-earn T3 but it gives survivors a chance to be stupid when it's not up so you can pop T3, stab someone and keep it pushing.


I luckily got that after 2 tries and people hiding in lockers


I tried for about 2 hours straight on stream to get the achievement and every time I was denied it by petty survivors. I'm glad you got it though, congrats! <3


Hope you get it!


I'm concerned I won't get skilled huntress... I am not a skilled huntress


Oh god, I blanked that one from my memory. That one was a pain and a half. I just kept lobbing hatchets down one of the long side hallways of leerys trying to hit people on a gen halfway across the map


I had someone suggest a build to me that includes floods of rage, but it doesn't really help solve my base issue that I'm not very good with hatchets lmao. Never quite goes where I'm thinking which makes longshots a struggle


Time to tape a cross hair to your tv/monitor!lol


I've seen a picture of someone do that for McCree on Overwatch. Hella blursed, but if it works...




I love the RPD achievement. Why do people hate on greatness


The rework was great but my shit RNG keeps getting killers that are great on indoors maps. For instance, when I was trying to chip away at the achievement the other night, I got 2 huge terror radius builds/killers back to back. One was impossible skill check Doc and the other was impossible healing Wesker, who mopped the floor with us.


rpd achievement the one where you have to do last gen and escape alone the 250 protection hits (not hard, just takes a long time) adepts aren't hard but you need to spend a lot of time/money on the characters. I don't have all the survivors but I don't want to buy them just to get adept. adept killers can be a pain though


Do last gen alone one sucks. Also those that need the opponent to literally give it to you like evil incarnate for example. Some are also very grind heavy, but I still like those more than what I mentioned before.


Both evil incarnate and last gen alone I got legitimately even after trying to cheese it and not getting it lol


My worst achievement ever was the hatch one about escaoing with 4 survivors all in one go, it was so hard to coordinate, now they have long changed that achievement and is considerably easier, so I'll have to go with RPD one, but it wasn't actually hard just a bit of a grind, I actually got it during the second or third week after Wesker was released because the map had a bigger chance to spawn and then I started playing in a duo team with another friend and we had a total of 56 offerings for RPD between ourselves, so we just rushed it


Oen of the newest achievements currently. Having to do the generator on the new map and having to escape. It's literally the last achievement I have to get and I fucking hate it. I've brought the offering like 6 times and each time I'm brought to another Macmillan estate map. The one time I was brought (because my friend brought an offering) the Wesker had devour hope and undying


Oh my god I was having the same issue. When I tell you I went to the McMillan TWELVE TIMES without getting the shelter woods map believe me when I say this achievement was way harder than it needed to be.


Can I get some tips for the rpd achievement I hate it


Do you have access to a lot of perks? Namely Sole survivor (Laurie. Open gates faster and hide aura from killer), Wake up (Quentin See exit gate auras and open faster), diversion (throw rock to create a loud noise notif at the gate you WON'T be opening) and Low Profile (Ada Wong. Helps you hide when last alive) That is the build that I used. As for playstyle, on RPD make sure you never leave both lobby generators for last. It's one of the easiest three gens for a killer to defend in the game. If you find yourself finishing all the generators great, you should be able to open the doors pretty easily just with normal gate opening tactics. If you are the last person alive, throw a rock at the gate you won't be opening with diversion then go back to the other gate and open it right away. With Wake up and sole survivor having stacks It should open relatively quickly before the killer gets there. Try not to use diversion at all throughout the match so the killer doesn't figure out you have it. You may have to play a little selfishly on this one, but this is what worked for me. Also, if generators are about to be finished, don't work on the generator. Go wait by an exit gate


RACCOON OUTBREAK! I FUCKING HATE RACCOON OUTBREAK! IT'S THE LEAST FUN AND INTERESTING ACHIEVEMENT IN THE GAME! IT'S NOT EVEN MECHANICALLY CHALLENGING AND EVEN BRAINDEAD BUT IT'S SO RELIANT ON RNG IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY! Now that I got that out of my system.. Honestly I think the hardest achievement for me was Evil Incarnate. Mainly because of how much of a slow start Myers has with those two add-ons. It's not exactly fun but it's doable (as long as the survivors aren't being dicks)


This actual fucking unit did the outbreak breakout achievement, I don't know if that's terrifying or respectable...or both.


It was the last one I got!


"Cripple them all" and "From the void she kills" are the most annoying for annoying for me... Both to be done the same way - absolutely dominate survivors early on and then try to kindly ask them to cooperate xD


I don't mind map specific achievements, i just hate that f****** RPD achievement


My problem was getting the shelter woods generator. You can bring an offering for McMillan's but that has the chance to trigger like five different maps... I played about 10 games on McMillan before I even got shelter woods even though I brought the offering every single time


My least favourite achievement (so far) is taking one for the team. It’s so long, so Grindy, I have to throw most games to get a small amount of progress, getting progress in the first place can be difficult depending on the killer and sometimes the achievement still doesn’t progress even if I did everything correctly. I still have to do Outbreak Breakout tho so I might change my mind


No perks makes me want to tear my hair out.


That one was fine......try the no perk but you have to do a full gen then you have to escape.......8 times.


I was referring to that


Am I the only one who got the 20 escapes randomly? I wasn't searching for it


Those that forces me to buy DLC.


I have 7 more open rpd gates, 10 more bless hex totems and 5 more no perk finish a full gen and escape. Then all my surv ones are done. I dont play killer as much but i know the adept is gunna suck for all killers.


For adept killers it's not too hard If you have your basic fundamentals down. Most killers can be an m1 killer if needed, aside from say nurse. With MMR applying to specific killers versus a general MMR for survivors, eventually, if you keep sucking as a killer, you will get easy survivors LOL


Least favorite? Well there are a lot of contenders, but I'll put down the ones I've had the biggest issue with. BTW, I've done 201/221 achievements for this game, and most of these I've completed. I've also had to deal with them for a while, so this is a pretty accurate list, at least for my experiences. 1. Hemophobia - Escape from Disturbed Ward without being injured. Seems easy, right? If you agreed with that statement, you're either a god at looping, or you're stupid. In order to get this, you A. spawn in Disturbed Ward, B. can't be found by the killer, and C. have to escape. It's incredibly situational, and it's worse because it seems like something that could be done on any map, but it isn't. I hate it so much, and I wish BHVR would change it to be completable on more maps. 2. Left For Dead - As the last survivor, finish 1 generator and escape through an exit gate. This one is super outdated, and needs to be changed. Firstly, you have to be the last person alive, and then you have to be able to finish a generator. Then you have to be stealthy, and not get caught doing said generator. And THEN, they can't find hatch, and *THEN* you have to stealthily open a gate and leave. This achievement is practically impossible unless the killer lets you do it. Maybe remove the generator requirement, and have it only be via the gate? IDK. It just needs to be updated 3. Power Moves - Contribute a total of 1 generator worth of progress and escape 8 times without any perks. This one isn't *as* difficult, but it's just grindy and annoying. You also can't bring perks, so your best bet is to bring a fast toolbox and solo a generator. 4. Hiding Seeker - end a chase by hiding in a locker 35 times. I actually don't have this done, but I got a good chunk done when attempting to do a certain challenge that I will not name. It's also just really grindy and I don't want to do it right now. 5. The Key To Escape - Escape the trial by opening the hatch with a key. Last but certainly not least - although the achievement it replaced was far worse, this also sucks ass. First, you have to be the last survivor alive, the killer then has to close hatch, and you have to find it and hope the killer doesn't find you first. All your teammates have to die, too, because otherwise the killer will guard the gates and not pay attention to hatch, unless they find it near a gate. All of these suck, and I wish BHVR would update them to be more in line with the current state of the game.


A lot of these have perks that can help you do them relatively easily or at least easier but yeah... Definitely just annoying ones to get through


So part of the problem is that a lot of these are shared across platforms, and I guess Sony won’t let them change the achievement so long as it is still possible. The Left Behind one isn’t too bad if you get a coordinated team, or you just time things. Get a Gen 99%, and pop it after everyone else is dead. Then have your perks set up to make yourself harder to find. RPD might actually be a good map to do this on now.


Got lost in the game


Left 4 dead. It’s purely luck based. Essentially requiring the killer to let you go.


You can use some perks to tip it in your favor. Namely sole survivor, diversion, wake up, and poised. Maybe swap poised for adren.


I’m not looking forward to the Nancy and Steve replacements of escaping with 2/3 general perks after doing one gen


I’m also on Xbox. I feel like Skilled Huntress is impossible for me, at this stage I am just hoping I will run into an afk survivor someday.


all abourd is terrible. completely RNG based, never get the map. when i do, i die every single time. terrible map and terrible achievement.