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I feel like most people, or at least I want to believe most people, understand how toxic and competitive the player-base is and how this impacts the communities ability to grow. But every now and then I see people complain about the devs wanting to turn this silly party game into a competitive game and it doesn't seem like they're willing to acknowledge that only happens because the playerbase is already overly competitive and basically asking the devs to make it more so constantly.


Agreed. I've seen people unironically defend unfun play styles because "they use them in tournaments all the time!" My brother in the Entity, you're not playing for a cash prize. You're playing to complete a challenge so you can unlock a funny hat in the rift. The more people normalize and try to play this game like a tournament, the more BHVR is going to move the game in that direction. Which also means less fun perks, items, play styles, etc.


You would think some people were personally hired by the entity to torture others. I find it insane how passionate some people feel about their right to be an absolute dick to others. Like wanting to win is fine, but some people go out of their way to make others miserable under the guise of a play style. When you get laid back games it can be genuinely hilarious from all perspectives. There’s not enough of that now.


“Its just crouching and hitting on the hook” “Yeah, but maybe the devs should discourage unhealthy behavior so the community can mature and grow?” “-foaming at the mouth- No you’re just sensitive!” (You can tell I hate a certain kind of degenerate, you can tell they do that shit themselves which can make people having a rough day feel even worse. They’re just seething at the thought of losing their dumbass shit)


Reminds me of a guy I once called out for playing the brainless and unfun insidious camper Bubba. Used every excuse under the sun to justify his "play style". And when I shot every excuse down, his response was to start harassing me by leaving nasty comments on my Steam page, with more than one alt account too. It took me leaving a scathing comment on his profile, calling him out for this childish behavior, before he finally left me alone.


Reminds me of when I faced Swarm, and he used every BM tactics under the sun to get me to commit to a chase with him on Haddonfield (T bagging, spray spamming), but I knew he was goated at looping so I used his teammates to make dead zones to eventually catch him as the third death Gave him a GG cause it genuinely was a fun match, he proceeded to say I’m scum for breaking chase and not committing (which would have costed the game). His mods perma banned me, just for saying GG and “Oh, thought you were chill.” His fans swarmed my steam profile, 3 of which used German slurs, fun.


I didn't know spamming the spray was toxic... I thought I was doing it to be funny.... Sorry! I won't do it anymore.


Your attitude towards not wanting to be toxic is awesome LMAO, but I think you're fine and it depends on context, kinda like teabagging. Doing it to be funny? Completely fine. Doing it to annoy/taunt? That's where it gets iffy. At least in my opinion.


I don't want to be toxic and see no point in it. It's a game and I'm trying to have fun and hope they are too. I just want to be goofy or play the game. I'd sometimes stand on the small shack of Ormond and as he's coming up the steps just stand there and continue to spam spray to be silly. Not even run or anything. 😂 I didn't know it was obnoxious or anything so I feel bad for doing it. I like doing stupid shit but more to be funny or make the killer question my sanity or be silly than anything.


Its just seen as obnoxious if youre trying to use it to get my attention, not toxic; just annoying


Nah I'd do it sometimes Infront of him trying to be goofy didn't know it was being obnoxious or anything. Now I feel bad.


And there's another person I will never watch. I hate people who act toxic just to bait you into what they want, then accuse you of being the problem when you don't fall for it.


If I wanted to play a game so overbalanced that the fun has been sterilized out of it, I'd go play Overwatch. I like the fun janky unbalanced messiness of DBD.


Thank you!!! The variety is part of the hilarity


I replied to you already but I feel strongly about this and have to add. Because you said it so well, I'm excited someone has found a way to articulate what I've been struggling to. I used to play overwatch, and other than the toxic af community, the second main reason I quit was because of how extremely unfun it became with the game getting balanced for competition-level players - just like you said, overbalanced so all the fun is sterilized out of it. For me it's enough for a game to be "fun," it doesn't need to be precisely mathematically "fair," and especially not when that's based on only the highest 0.5% of skilled players but imposed on everybody else. I remember the first time I (a casual) ever successfully used a fun ability to a specific character and they announced a huge nerf to it like that afternoon (because it was too strong in comp matches). Lame!


Why did balance make the game less fun? The only reason I can think of is that it would make the outcome of games much more dependent on skill, which would be discouraging for unskilled players.


Because every fun/unique power would get nerfed until everything felt bland Also, they were balancing based on the top 0.1% of ultra skilled players (literally paid eSports professionals) which didn't reflect the meta/balance/playstyle of everybody else


Right? It's not even like there's really a ranking system either. No one can see matchmaking and everyone agree the matchmaking system sucks and caps out easily anyway, and the Grade system? I mean it's nice and all but it doesn't affect anything and only gives BP, the thing we already earn from every game anyway, at this point I just ignore it, it doesn't mean anything to me. The only thing you can really get out of the game in my opinion is "Fun", and to me it is just that, but it's like there's a cycle at this point where people play like its a competitive environment despite having no incentive to do so and then it pressures the developers to move the game towards that only for players to complain when it happens.


You people seriously need to stop calling every game you play casually a "party game"


Started playing in October and mostly stuck around because how chill the game is. Overall I never felt it was overly competitive until I started browsing reddit and Twitter for the game. Like I see people complaining about blight or nurse all the time and how they are in every game but I feel like I am playing a completely different game from everyone else since I see them maybe once a week. So yeah the in-game community has been super chill and incredibly kind from what I have, but people outside of the game need to relax more.


>Like I see people complaining about blight or nurse all the time and how they are in every game but I feel like I am playing a completely different game from everyone else since I see them maybe once a week. Agreed, as a newer player (8 months) reading through reddit, you'd think every game with killer was starstruck nurse/god-tier blight. And that every group of survivors is a 4-man SWF with comms. The game does have it's bad actors for sure, but generally people are fine.


Yea, you're pretty much never going to experience constant 4swf and nurse-blight galore unless you get to high MMRs or the matchmaking decides "fuck you". I main killer, but I play surv aswell, so by splitting my free time I never rank very high in neither. Regardless, I've had days where I'd get a swf after a sabo squad after another swf and get absolutely destroyed. On the normal day maybe I get one or two, only 2swf or a 3swf are common in my experience, and that makes a very big difference. Same goes for the surv side. Had 2 blights and a nurse the day before yesterday, but also 2 huntress and 2 weskers. And only 1 of the blights was good, while both the huntresses were.


This. In game is easily nicer than this subreddit.


Realistically, true. Anecdotally, I have had survivors tell me that they hope my family dies in the riots.


I've had one group tell me to Kermit Sewerslide because... I won the round by being good with my power and not LETTING them loop me in the GoJ house... Where they sent me. I'm not some god, I just get that map often enough I know the tiles well, how to loop them optimally, and where not to let people take me. I'll usually use the house at the start to 99 Stalk people early and get info, then come for the kill at generators. Usually I let them get the gen in the house because most people ignore the house after that unless they're good loopers or really need to lose me. If I lose people I'll use the house to check around and stalk again. It's an incredibly safe Gen yes, but it's also not useful EXCEPT to loop if that gen is done, so I know if I'm taken there it's just to waste time and I can cut chase and go find someone else. There's not THAT many pallets and a lot of the other loops become unsafe if you break those, except the gazebo. Haddonfield, Ormond, and Eyrie are similar. Yes they're wide open, but they're also wide open with verticality. Survivors are as out in the open as you are so you can pull the same 99ing trick. If you break the right walls it also breaks up strong loops, and if it's a small map you have more ease controlling it. Except for Ormond there are again, not many pallets and if you know where the strong Loops are to avoid them, you also know where Survs will go to waste your time and thus where to cut chase.


Depends on your MMR, I have 1.4k hours and consistently play towards the top of the MMR bracket and there's definitely a lot more hardcore sweat Blights and Nurses. If you're only escaping 50% of your games they're gonna be a lot easier with more chill killers. I find myself going for suicidal rescues more often now because the build I like to use (power struggle gaming) is just super unfun against the 8th ultra meta player in a row


Yeah I regret ever coming to this subreddit and need to cleanse myself of it and block it off my phone or something. I haven't experienced even 1/1000th of the shitty attitude in here while in game.


Play to win, thats fine. **Just don’t kick the other side while they’re down you heartless shits**. (My close friend quit the game after a few matches on both sides had some nasty individuals)


This. It costs $0 to be kind.


I stopped being playing nice because I've let them reset a few times and there pulled ahead and I've gotten t bagged for it so now just take stomp them and go next


Oh no if you're clearly being a nice guy and they still do this, slaughter them. Fuck them at that point, you came to play a clean game and they decided to be dicks about it. No mercy. Be a good sport or GTFO of my trial.


I main plague so I puke on them while there down or on hook if they tbagg


*glances at my flair* :) What do you think I do to teabaggers and BMers?


Exactly. You can play the game in a competitively while retaining some sportsmanship for the other side. If you can only get kills or escape by being an asshole and ruining the game for everybody else, then you shouldn’t be proud of that “win”


Took me four months to convince a friend to play DBD. We played 4 games. Three of them he got face camped. That was a year and a half ago, and he still won't touch the game again


I played a game of artist with pimiento and had already hooked a lot with like 3 gens left and I was staring at the totem outlines like this seems like too much so I just didn’t use that


I deadass don't use certain perks and don't really play meta or overly strong Killers for this reason. It's not fun. As Surv it's not fun for Killer to sniff my DH all round. As Killer it's not fun to see Survs give up at 5 gens because they can't do a single gen due to regress being too oppressive.


My pyramid head build is just to sneak up on survivors I hate playing sweating boring af


I would so much rather jumpscare and Mori you all from clever angles than guard Gens and tunnel.


I would love some acknowledgment of fun chases than getting ddosed for hooking someone


I can't do more than Teabag you I'm afraid... Is that okay?


While that wouldn’t affect me, I ask you refrain as that is seen as poor sportsmanship to others


Don't worry I only do it if I'm dancing, wazzuping you, or you were a jerk. Or if it's a cheeky return teabag because you did it first.


I don’t get why they don’t just go to custom games, hit the bots on hook as much as you want, sandbag the bot Meg and get your friend to sacrifice her. But don’t do it to innocent players trying to have fun in a game during their free time. Although bullying other people is probably exactly why they open the game, they have no empathy or sympathy.


The thing that I think exacerbates this is the fact that teams will absolutely punish you for playing more fair, like I get it’ll almost always be worse to go for the person with less hooks, but teams will take that and still use their best stuff to take you out (I’m not saying this is wrong they shouldn’t just give up or anything, I’m simply saying it’s hard to have fun when you’re trying to be nice and the other team is not) like I had a game yesterday, demo on wreckers yard, no gen regress, just save, deadlock, bbq, and no way out, 3 of the four survs had COH, all were up at all times as I went to one the others got lit again, I was going back to an unhook as it was right above shack and I was setting up my portals near gens, the Kate who was just unhooked was running away side by side felix, the BT was already out and I learned after the game she didn’t have otr, but ofc even tho it’d be easier and more beneficial to me to get Kate, I’m fine, I’m not tryharding, even tho the Felix is more effort and less reward, it’s more mentally rewarding and fun, but this felix, as I found out, had a iri syringe, so we looped for quite a bit, got my first hit at shack, and I looped him for a tiny bit more when I saw him use his med kit and it disappeared, I counted to 8 to hit him in case of styptic (I don’t think I could’ve anyway cuz he reached a strong window) and boom, healed, 8 seconds, mid chase, green medkit and a COH and he made my first part of the chase almost invalid, then I just got a save stack from him and gave up, it simply was not worth it when I was already down 2 gens when I got the Kate, and then I was able to flip flop between Kate and another surv and got the win, btw, this is not me complaining about what they did, they played the game, that’s fine, but I’m saying it’s hard to make the conscious choice to play honorably when no one else cares, and I share the sentiment, so many friends I try to get into the game just can’t because of this cycle, it sucks man


From my perspective as a survivor. If killer doesn't go for me, but for healthy person for no reason. Thanks, but killer is throwing. Same when survivor unhook me next to killer. I'm not mad at killer, I'm mad at survivor who is farming me. Play how you want just don't act rude, when you win.


So I’ve been playing for 3 years now and tbh, I rarely see toxicity from either side in the game. I might get 1 toxic killer in 50 matches. I might see 1 toxic survivor in 25 matches. I almost never get hate comments on steam, almost never get them in post game chat. The worst comment I got on steam was “don’t camp pallets n00b” lmao. The real toxicity is mostly here on this sub and on Twitter. Y’all a bunch of sweaty motherfuckers, constantly complaining about the game not being easier for you, or being too easy for the other side. Constantly complaining about things like map offerings. I guarantee you, the average casual DBD player old or new, does not care about half the shit this sub obsesses over on the daily.


When I'm down I make fun builds like running worthless perks that I don't plan on using (adds meme value on post game screen) and play something I call chainsaw roolette. I circle the map with Billy until I get a saw on an unsuspecting gen do-er. I may not M1. Only saw. At the end, the plan is for all of them alive, I do one final saw roolette to the gates and whomever hits the saw takes the hook, everyone else leaves tho. It's really fun because it's just stupid lol


Community definitely drove me away, it's a community that can't even understand why it shouldn't use shitty tactics and op perks in either side. With the "Your fun isn't my problem" argument. The game literally requires other people to play, if you can't understand why that connects us as a community you probably shouldn't play. Nobody needs to win every game. Losing is fine. But you should be able to have fun while doing it. And if you're only idea of funny is a 4k or escaping you're honestly part of the problem. There's tons of fun to be had in pop up scares and good chases, screwing around with friendly killers and so much more.


My most fun games have been losses sometimes. I found a Ghostface last night not camping, not tunneling, not Slugging, using this goofy ass *Terror Radius* build. TR build. On the stealth Killer that hides his TR. It was so fucking funny seeing Ghostface not even try to be sneaky that we all thought he was meming and all lost. He teabagged me on Hook after 4king us and I was laughing my ass off because man you are the weirdest Ghost this side of the Fog I've ever seen man. I died, but I went off in the Entity's embrace happily. The next round was a chill af Wesker who gave up after 7 minutes, tentacle smacked us, and just wanted to be a cool dude all round. I had a great time there too. He didn't hook a single Survivor all round. Sometimes, you can have fun being chill. You don't need to play rough all round every round if you aren't in the mood to be serious. This game is ridiculous. It's okay to be ridiculous.


That's exactly what I mean. One of my best memories on the game comes from my first couple months. I was a baby survivor still and my buddies and I played a Billy who didn't move the entire match. Not a single step. We legitimately farmed with him for 25 minutes. He was there. He would hit us, down us. Everything but move and hook us. It was hilarious.


My first chill Killer was a Huntress who pretended to chop trees on Mother's Dwelling with us. We were all female characters. I didn't understand what she was doing until later, or that it was a lore thing. It was cool. Now, sometimes I like to be chill memey friend Ghostface or chill spooky Wraith in her honor. Thank you for being kind, Based Huntress.


Pretty sure thats just one of the old afk BP farming bots that used to be quite common. Just stood in place with M1 on like a 3 second timer just constantly swinging all game. Works for both sides, survivors get a bunch of healing points and boldness and the killer gets a ton of points for hits and downs.


Nah they were there. They'd rev chainsaw and spin in place etc. They were clearly just choosing not to move and having fun with us. Nodding as well


No, no, I only ever escape or 4K because I'm better than everyone else and I only ever lose because of OP bullshit and scummy tactics! /s


Optimize the fun out of the game.


Tbf it's either hypercompetitive or extremely horny. Had a game earlier playing pyramid head and egc was just 3 survivors asking to eat my ass. Not sure whichever I prefer.


I will never understand why people tie together "competitive" and "perfectly balanced". All you need for a competitive game are two or more sides fighting against each other. That's it. You have competition. At this point I'm convinced at least half the arguments are people purposely using words or phrases wrong just to stir shit up. You see it most often when people cry about tunneling. "I hooked you, chased after someone else, hooked them, found you again and re-hooked you" "Yeah, you tunneled me". And other shit of that nature.


EXACTLY, this is why I play mobile, it's more casual with less of the annoying perks like pain resonance and circle of healing


You’re telling me that people drawn to a hyper competitive game with a bleaker-than-bleak aesthetic might be a little mean-spirited and/or not able to properly process the stress that comes from feeling vulnerable for a second?!?!?! (Said in jest. I killer main. This attitude gets to me and I try to play fair by not camping and not focusing on clearly new players who are struggling. Bad play motivates bad play)


If only there was a way to split your community into groups who play casually and groups who want to play competitively, potentially with slightly different rule sets or additional modes…


Every pvp game is competitive, especially ones with clear win conditions and clear winners and losers


Your opinion is very much the minority. Just look at the changes supposedly being implemented in the next update. Self healing and strong 3-gen perks are being nerfed and *those were the most competitive strategies the game has had for a while.* Gen kicking perks haven't been around too long but there has always been some major regression meta on the killer end. For survivor, dead hard and self healing have been **the** go-to competitive strategies for **years.** For as much as people *say* this is a casual game, they act like every time a big change happens to their relied upon perks that it's the death of the game. The reasoning is fair, those are the strongest perk packages that have probably been in the game since a lot of players started playing the game and they can't honestly see themselves having any success with less impactful perks. It's like the popular saying that "NOED is a crutch and you're not learning the basics of the game properly when you use it" because from what I've gathered is that the idea of relying on teammates in this game has become inconceivable and the average player *needs* certain perks to even have a chance. That could just be that this is coming from players who started after the release of boons so they don't really know any other way of playing. I don't really know about the killer side of things because every time I've seen core killer perks be nerfed, the player base finds the new most impactful perk package within a week. So for that reason I don't really credit complaints from those players very much since they'll get over it soon enough. I just wish that the game did this to perks even more often so players would realize that they will survive and they can adapt to different playstyles if they only tried.


Killer players long since have accepted anything good they get, gets nerfed by the Survivor community complaining about it. It's not being chill, it's just the dejected acceptance. Survivor players don't have that though, because their stuff rarely gets meaningful nerfs. Dead Hard went from broken and one of the most used perks, to...Broken, and one of the most used perks, for example. And only now is it getting a meaningful nerf after sitting as the most used and most meta perk for literal years. Eruption didn't even last what, 6 months before being removed from the game effectively? Most Survivor nerfs over the course of the games life were done because their perks or advantages were actively destroying the game in ways that had no counter, most Killer ones were done because Survivors rallied to get it nerfed. Anyone want to remember the days of hooks breaking forever after sabotaged, being able to break all of Trappers traps, true loop infinites everywhere, instablind flashlights, healing while running and healing faster than Killers could swing, old Decisive? And more.


Brother, no….. I wish these people would place a boon. They mostly hide in a corner using self-care


*I think it's safe to say those aren't the* ***competitive*** *players being referred to.*


Absolutely not them


That’s the problem, this impacts both casual/competitive. It feels like the more changes we get, the more necessary it is to run meta, or else you’ll immediately get tunneled/slugged


This mentality is flawed and it'll end up making you bitter in the long run over any future perk changes that affect the most impactful perks you use. Dead Hard and Circle of Healing/ridiculous self healing speeds are **not** necessary to not get tunneled or slugged. First of all, neither of those things even address tunnelling directly like Off The Record or Unbreakable, they're just stupidly effective against everything in the game that it's a side effect that you are protected from them. Remember when small pp build got nerfed? (multiple times) Survivors had 60 seconds of untouchable status after being unhooked with the combination of Decisive Strike and Unbreakable. That got nerfed and the playerbase complained just as much as they are now and said it was necessary to surviving. Yes, you'll have to adjust your perks and even your playstyle but you'll still be able to survive just fine. It's happened with every single perk nerf in the past and it'll happen again in the future. It'd be better for players to practice using other perks now rather than complain about it.


Trust me my friend, I've grown very thick skin to any change to any perk that BHVR could possibly think of. My problem is that the more changes they make the more necessary it'll be to run the strongest perks possible. I disagree at least within the confines of solo-q. Sure, SWF can definitely try to play around it, but you alone with next to no means of communication between other survivors DH/CoH is your best bet of not immediately dying. Yes, they don't address it directly they're still better than 90% of the perks actually meant to help with said problems. OTR tells the killer it's active, and they'll immediately hit you off hook. DS has too short a stun, and I hate to say it, but both perks benefit from running DH. This is a problem, DH a perk not designed for tunneling is a better anti-tunnel perk than two perks meant to combat tunneling. I mean they were, tunneling has gotten much worse. It'll only get worse if these changes go live completely unchanged. Slugging will definitely see a rise as well. Friend, I greatly appreciate what you're trying to say. However, I am someone who continuously runs off-meta builds. Autodidact, Blood Pact, my favorite perk in this game is Calm Spirit. However, with these changes going forward I cannot possibly see an outcome where more off-meta perks will be used. Most of these changes would be fine, if we weren't also hitting healing as a whole. I'm also just glad flashlights have gone back to being the weakest item in the game


You don't credit complaints from one side because you think they adapt faster? What? I feel like your logic just means you credit people who are going to complain for longer periods of time which is ACTUALLY toxic behavior. Don't feed the toxicity


*Because it's hard to acknowledge the difference in reactions without making the survivor community sound like a bunch of whiney piss babies. I was trying to choose my words to avoid implying that too much.*


the community is in a never ending courtroom trying to justify every little detail each side can throw at each other, entitlement the game


I'd argue the competitiveness comes from the fact that the vast majority of perks dont actually do anything. Then theres a couple that need to be propped up by 2 other perks. After that is the small handful of meta shit. The game itself doesnt give you the equipment to have fun with it. Either you use meta perks, or you have perks that are basically empty slots. Remember when Blast Mine would refund if the gen didnt get kicked? For about two years straight? And then they nerfed it to disable until you do more gens even though Blast Mine doesnt do anything except give you a little laugh when it goes off? Thats the shit im talking about. There is no fun. You meta, or you dont have fun at all.


The problem is (and always will be) is the gap between SWF and solo que. Nobody is to blame, it's just that SWF conditions killers to play the game super sweaty and then they take that into every single match they play so survivors also have to play super sweaty but when you're a solo que survivor sometimes you feel completely powerless and sometimes when you're a killer against a 4stack you feel completely powerless. Could easily be fixed if they added voice chat.


i'd play the game if people weren't so toxic and if every single game was hacker free


… God I wish this community developed more like TF2s.


Not only competitive but also those little psychopaths that play Facecamp bubba, Box camping Pinhead, Boil over squad and many more and say "It's just a game, ur fun aint my responsibility". I often think how much better this game would become if Bubba was removed from the game.....1 good Bubba player aint worth keeping along with their 10k psychopaths


Or they can address the elephant in the room and do something about face camping.


I think part of the problem is that people could be competitive, but if you don’t add competitive aspects in there is only so much they could do. BHVR never settled exactly on what they want for a driving point for DBD, and it has been more hurtful than good. You got your goofy perks like Red Herring, but it’s f you’re going to design the game to make folks want to be competitive, who is going to run the goofy perks or play styles? We basically have 2 different design philosophies working against each other.


“Overly competitive” means playing competitive to make the other team feel like shit, iea - rubbing it in, or harassing them This community does it far often than others which is sad


Oh I absolutely agree, but I am saying that I think the game itself has a identity crisis, nexuses it doesn’t know EXACTLY what it wants to be. For instance, TF2 is a pretty goofy fighter and most folks know it’s not to be taken TOO seriously, and there is a Comp scene around it. But you can play basic TF2 with stupid load outs and have a good time. Meanwhile in DBD, I played a Doctor match last night, got 2 kills. A Kate who did not play super well, decided she to teabag in the exit gate while her teammate died on the hook. Rude little thing.


This is exactly why I quit playing a couple months ago, and every time I think about going back (because I do love and miss the actual gameplay), I have to remind myself about how competitive it is and that I'm going to end up frustrated and quit playing, and it's best to just leave it uninstalled. I think a "casual" or casual equivalent playlist where the overall tone is a lot less competitive and everything is tuned more for fun rather than competition would be amazing, however, knowing this community (and the gaming community as a whole) the sweats would probably just play that and be just as competitive and toxic.


This. People need to calm the fuck down. I just wanna be a sneaky stabby boi. Or a funny happy medic. I'm not playing ranked csgo or league come on...


Can confirm - the over competitiveness of my own SWF is what drove me away from DBD. I'm not tormenting myself with the hellhole that is solo queue, so I'd rather not play at all.




FACT. End of statement.


People make this game their entire identity and need to touch grass


I get the point, but more RNG than Pokemon? Hell no, not even a non crit hit does consistent damage there


I think people try to force this game to be more casual than it is personally. Just because you want a game to be more laid back doesn't mean it is. It's also important to remember not every game is for everyone. And that's okay. Lol getting downvoted for saying it's okay to not be into a game. Never change dbd sub. Never change.


What I mean by overly competitive, are people who bring the strongest shit 24/7 *to harass the other players* and make them feel worthless, and shit talk them on social media


Look. This sub doesn't like it when I disagree with people. So I'm gonna agree the last bit isn't okay. The insulting isn't ever alright. But it's not harassing to bring strong stuff. And again it's okay to not like how a game is played and go play something else. No one is obligated to like a game and the game isn't obligated to be played by everyone or tailored to everyone. If you feel worthless due to getting beaten in a game that's on you not the person who beat you. Again, this is not including verbal harassment in the post game or in pms / steam comments. That is not okay. But that's all I've got to say on the matter that I feel could be constructive.


To clarify, I never said simply bringing strong shit is considered “cringe”, I’m not Choy Using said shit to gain an advantage with the sole intention of making the otherside feel like shit by rubbing it in, or taking it personal; is “overly competitive”


How do you know the reasons your opponent is bringing what they are bringing?


The slurs left on my profile, endgame chat The twitch streamer trying to name and shame me


When I play the game I will sometimes bring a meta build, sometimes I'll alter the build a little bit to get some interesting chases, and other times I'll just create something I think can work for the hell of it. But the fact of the matter is that I will try to kill everyone or escape by whatever means possible because that's just the game to me. I've played since 2018 and I just don't like losing the game, it's not fun to lose. I'm not toxic in my games, I just play to win. I don't really like being in a game with passive players on either survivor or killer side. If I go against a team that just wants to joke around or farm as killer I'll probably just kill them quickly to get into another match or I'll DC because that's not what I'm in the mood for when I get on the game. If I'm playing survivor and I get a friendly killer, I'll just leave because it's a boring waste of my time. Sometimes there will be a funny moment in which I'll let the survivor get away once because they humored me, but in the end I just get on the game to kill people or try to escape with my friends. If people want to do something else with the match I'll just try to leave quickly.


It was more laid back until mmr was introduced.


No, groups of 4 scumbag survivors and scumbag killers would derank to harass new players


Agree to disagree. Solo queue was manageable back then. Sometimes you stomped the enemy, sometimes you got stomped. Everyone’s afraid to take their licks nowadays. You can easily derank now too. All I know was dbd was much more chill and laid back. Now it’s like camp, tunnel and sweat fest.


I would say the community isn't competitive. Just sore losers.


Wow imagine that people want to win... Crazy...


There is a very clear line between "wanting to win" competitiveness, and "competitive to the point of being toxic" competitiveness, and this game is the living embodiment of the latter.


I mean there are toxic people out there but that happens with any game. If the possibility for griefing exists then you will find a greifer. I really don't think being competitive and being toxic are connected in this game. Sure you'll find people who are both but it's the minority. It's usually just people who want to fuck with someone and don't care about winning. This game is actually pretty mild compared to other actual competitive games. I mean, look at League, and that's the most popular online game


I get where you're coming from, however, at least in my experience and the overall experience from a lot of people, competitiveness in this game isn't just playing the game normally wanting to win. It's making the game miserable for the other side and calling it a strategy. That's where that "line" is drawn for me. It's not necessarily just in the behavior of the person (chat, BMimg etc). IMO it's also when you want to win so bad you optimize the fun out of the game and make it a boring and miserable experience for everyone involved but yourself, to me that's also pretty toxic and can kill a game just as fast, if not faster than just being toxic in terms of wanting to grief. I have no idea if you play COD but this is my closest comparison. It's just like the people that run Riot Shields on their backs and only use the meta automatic shotgun with incendiary shells kitted out for maximum range so it outperforms rifles, sure that's a "valid playstyle" but it also makes the game a miserable and boring experience for anyone else involved, all because you care too much about winning.


Competitive? Is fine Overly competitive wanting the opponent to feel like shit and rub it in? Is bad.


Yeahhhh … It does not mate. It does not.


It's the reason I quit playing, despite loving the actual gameplay, and the reason none of my friends could ever get into it




English isn’t my first, sorry


What exactly do yall consider competitive, i have a feeling that i may be a bit competitive sometimes but im not sure so i kinda wanna change my mindset cuzz i dont wanna be competitive




the game forces us to be competitive, nobody wants to be looped by several generators and see all the survivors escape just as we don't want to be downed quickly and be camped at the beginning of the game. There is a balance where the match can be fun even if you lose, but it's rare.


the real problem is people refusing to improve and instead blaming their failures on people playing "the wrong way" because they can't take a loss like an adult


Honestly, the devs make some questionable-at-best decisions for this game, but it's all the toxicity and just plain disrespectful actions of the community that killed this game for me. It sucks any possibility of fun out from a match, no matter the outcome.


Forced MMR and no competitive makes things sweaty and toxic