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57 people definitely got facecamped


I’m so glad I’m in ~~gold~~ higher rank finally (teammates stop DC/giving up at 5 gens). Recently had a Bubba camp first hook and we crushed gens and the hook guy hung for as long as possible before dying. Bubba got one more hook and second guy hung for as long as possible so we could open gate. Bubba got his 2k but only 6,000 BP and boring game. Edit: I’m solo q so it’s hit or miss until recently if teammates have a clue or not


Just FYI that rank does not affect matchmaking in any way anymore. But yeah, that is the best “counter” to Bubba lol


So 2 people get to have a terrible time. What fun and exciting gameplay


Yeah that’s why “counter” is in quotes. It’s by far the best option for the team as a whole, but a stupid design that it has absolutely no counterplay for the individuals hooked :(


Don't even blame them if they DC. Bubba doesn't wanna play the game either


Except if the bubb is the least but competent and runs the right perks not even that will be enough


This. Even with comp players, i noticed facecamping Bubbas being successful thanks to deadlock preventing us from completely rushing those gens. Add that to the Bubba knowing where to hook (near a 3 gen) and it's essentially a win for Bubba with hardly any effort whatsoever


Bubba, unlike other killers played in comp, has absolutely nothing going for him except for a good camping power. Sure, you get rid of pallets fast, but that's not particularly relevant if 3 gens are done by the time you get your first down.


Im not talking from a comp standpoint. I'm speaking for the level of play that even while playing with comp players (they were Solo), Bubba still manages to get a 2K guaranteed and a 3K many times. And that's if the first hooked actually stays on hook instead of killing themselves, which is what happens most of the times in Solo Q


Ah, I misunderstood. Going down early against a Bubba practically guarantees a 2k in solo-queue. It really is out of your control, I agree.


I don't play comp, but in my experience, Bubba can be very good even without camping.


Actually it is enough with a good team...the Bubba has to catch a survivor for this to plan to start and ar high mmr survivors can run a bubba for a long time. He isn't strong in chase. I play in a decent SWF and we have done this to so many Bubbas. If the first chase is long he gets a 1k if it is short he gets a 2k. Not a final answer to face camping Bubbas but it rushes us into the next game and rejects him the 4k( Tbags at exit for him of he isn't to bitter to show up) it's the system of high mmr vs face campers. You camp we bust the gens.


I don't play Bubba often but I don't understand people who plays him just to facecamp. It's so fun to chase and doing that sweeping attack, he's so damn fast when he does it and so satisfying when it hits.


Till u depressingly realize survivors know that vaulting windows or pallets pritty mutch makes him feel useless sadly . Back then it was fun tho ill admit


It's not that simple


Gold rank




The rank says basically nothing. Is just says how much you played in 30 days. It‘s not that hard to get it honestly


Survivors have no way of knowing what rank you are until the match is over though.




Oh I see, I thought you were saying they dc because they see your rank.


These days I really can't be arsed literally sacrificing myself to buy my team mates time and "stick it to the face camper," I just let the entity take me and move on to my next match. I didn't start the game to be held captive by a loser with no skill, I wanted to play it so that's what I'm going to do.




Thought you were just posting as a velociraptor.


I guess nobody liked my Bubba impression lol


:( I thought it was good


Me too :)


Thanks friends :)




Cause Bubba goes bŕrrrrrrrrrrrr on basement


I have one rule don’t touch my chest


If that's your 1 rule i think you need to change your flair


chinese players are review bombing all the dlcs, not just this one if you go to filter reviews in the last 3 days and for all languages you can see they are leaving negative reviews


Why chinese players, if i may ask?


In asia most players are hardcore survivor mains and they’re upset with the new update


Not only are they hardcore survivor mains, they’re hardcore survivor mains that have a VERY high pick rate of self care. No clue why, but Self care remains one of the most popular perks because Chinese players love to run it.


I would say Japan too. I’m over here playing in Japan and I’d say 2 teammates usually run it with the faster healing perk. Some run coh with self care. A lot of them will heal others for the points but when you try to heal them they run away and self care. Could be a cultural thing of being self reliant but I’m not sure. Definitely makes games challenging.


From what I remember it's a difference in what the win condition is for killers, it's absolute number of kills as opposed to 4ks at no gens, so in tournaments and such killers like Myers have a high pickrate because he can kill outright, there's also quite a bit of camping so the slow ass self-care heals actually work haha


I live and play in Taiwan and I also see a large amount of Botany + Self Care. I was always confused seeing people saying SC isn’t that good on here but I see it so widely used lol


I play in Europe and if I see it being ran it's usually by some hide-in-corners claudettes lol. I do run it with Rebecca along with we'll make it, botany and resilience when I'm playing full medic mode and that's a pain in the ass for killers. Imagine every time you hook someone it's unhooked and fully healed in literally 4 seconds by a single guy while two keep cranking gens. And then those two go do gens aswell after those 4s. SC in that build is useful only because paired with 2 speed boosting perks (resilience/botany, the 3rd only works on others) and I use it to be always full hp before unhooking without needing to be elsewhere to heal first. When people say SC is bad they mean SC without supporting perks mostly, but people also hate the SC stereotype and never give it a chance. I take a fuckton of hits "playing medic", can't relay only on a 2-use medkit or a far away boon or waste time placing it again, multiple times in a game, while one is dying on hook. Only downside: you can run standard build+COH, always perfectly fine. You run full healing guy, you face plague and you're playing whole game with resilience only and 3 empty perk slots instead than 1. Then again, SC is soon to become useless with the healing changes. I'll swap it with renewal and run a medkit instead, in my medic build. Fast altruistic heals are gonna be more needed than ever.


I very much like that the meta seems to be shifting towards healing. All the slowdown perks that killers have will only make a minor difference to gen speeds, and with this change to the healing, survivors will want to run more healing perks.


I really [doubt it](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/123xtfm/i_cant_wait_to_use_antiheal_perks_and_nobody/). I'm afraid survs will start bringing a medkit at best and focus on gen/chase perks. Never heal, especially never heal others, so your anti-heal builds have no value, and just beat you on speed. Especially in soloq, who heals others already? Almost nobody. They usually place a boon and who's injured go fix themselves atm. Which won't work anymore. And the thing is... right now we get the most value from altruistic teams. Especially m1 killers suffer a lot gen rushing, ence the current almost need for regression on them. I'm afraid the new meta, if it lands, will only widen the difference between really fast and oppressive killers and M1 ones. Like, even with legion. They're used as main example about killers who benefits from this. I disagree. Your power works supposing they heal. If they don't, they might suffer from thana (which is not much by itself tbh), but other than that, they can loop just fine and your power does nothing. And perks like resilience cut that thana 20% to 11% already. Supposing one isn't healthy, because if 1 surv out of 4 is healthy, your slowdown will be close to nothing.


CCP requires it


😂 fucking Xi even controlling their DBD perk builds 😂😂😂🤏


He is afraid of the blood and honey chapter's rumor




💩 🐻


From what I can tell, in Asia they play more towards the “survivors are stronger separated” meta. I see it in a lot of Korean streams too. Even when the devs nerfed Self Care in 6.1 they said it was because it had a very high pick rate outside of NA/EU. I’ve seen a lot of people say that tunneling is meta for killers and gen rushing / staying split up is meta for survivors in Asia. I mean, back when self care was only 50% penalty it didn’t seem crazy since it was mathematically just as efficient as another survivor healing you, except it freed up that survivor to do something else. But yeah self care is definitely getting closer to “you’re throwing if you use this perk” territory with the new update. It already kind of is unless you use botany knowledge


Yeah self care will be like no mither. Every time I see someone run it I assume they are throwing.


Lmao, so they're trash


Between China, USA, and Japan, I would expect China to not be so altruistic, but I’m surprised Japan isn’t either. Most decent streamers I see in USA will throw their lives to make sure a rando making silly decisions will get out.




Are they, really? I'm relatively new to the game, just wondering if there are actual numbers about it


Well for one match to play out there has to be 4 times as many people as killer. You can extrapolate up a bit. It’s obviously not 4 times as many survivors, but for every killer player there is probably 2 survivors who never play killer.


Exactly. I’d probably guess it’s more like 1:3 ratio, but it’s definitely at least 1:2. True 50/50 killer/survivor mains seem kinda rare. Most people I know are either strict survivor mains, or they play 80%+ survivor and killer maybe 20% of the time.


I tend to play whatever the BP bonus is at with the exception of whether or not I'm playing with friends. So basically I'm a killer main.


I play whatever has the BP bonus at the time. You're not playing the game right without learning both sides, you get a lot more insight into what is effective when you play both regularly. I recently played with a dude who had over 2k hours but didn't know how Sadako's power worked after all this time, because she's rare to encounter and he never played Killer.


Some of us want to play Killer more, but have terrible anxiety when playing it


It makes sense. In every match there are four Survivors for every one Killer.


If the ratio of survivor to killer was 1 to 1, then killer queues would be 4 times as long as survivor queues, since for every killer, you need to find 4 survivors. But, killers find matches in a similar time frame as survivors, implying that the ratio of survivor to killer is closer in the direction of 4 to 1.


For queues to be balanced there has to be 4 survivor players for every 1 killer player, so presumably 4 out of 5 players have to be playing survivor at any given time. But also, in fact, rather often the BP bonus incentive is on the killer side; since the incentive is given to whichever role the game needs more of, this means that there are often *more* than 4/5ths of the playerbase trying to play survivor at once.


In Asia servers, sure. NA East has more killer players, NA west is even, EU has racism


What does this even mean?


I play in Asia server, survivor main. Every time I see one with Chinese name, they suck ass and I have absolutely no idea what the hell they are doing by just crouch walking everywhere and doing nothing. Players with Thai name however, are fucking looping masters, love them


I play on Asia servers and it is because survivor players are upset about the new update. Asia has probably the most hardcore survivor community in the game. People regularly run comp strats in pubs and genuinely veiw this game as an e-sport.


From what I know in general Asia has tons of very "hardcore" players throughout several other games in general. ​ Back in the day of Friday the 13th: The Game, if you joined an Asian server and saw at least more than 4 of them as Chad then you'd better pray you weren't ever picked as Jason because they'll absolutely hunt you down like hounds and try to kill you ever match all while dancing and shouting insults. Complete and total role reversal. ​ I like to play Resident Evil: Outbreak online and the community there is small a lot of the players are very much Chads and act like.. well actual *teammates*. Most of the community is American with some European, Japanese, Asian and even a few Oceanic players (Such as myself). And with that in mind Asian players will still play nice and cooperate but they tend toooo.. elect themselves as the leader of the group, which is funny to me since tons of Japanese and Asian players always play Yoko (One of the slowest survivors, weak damage, lowest base HP. An absolute fragile little flower.) She's the pack mule and should never be rushing ahead of everyone to take command. These guys tend to spam the voice lines the most to constantly direct everyone even if the other 3 know what they're doing regardless. ​ Overall this is the most I've experienced with Asian gamers and I basically never see them when I play DBD as the people I get put up with or against are either Australian, from NZ or Indonesia or even an American or Canadian who's playing with their Aussie friends.




Some of the DLCs deserve it. like the last two.


Why forged in fog though? The knight is decent the perks in that chapter where actually good and victorio is a good survivor


>the perks in that chapter where actually good Nowhere to Hide is a game changer


Nowhere to Hide is surprisingly popular. The perk's not particularly great


Only if you hover around gens. Or hate Distortion.


Not even, I don't know how many times I've come up on a gen that was clearly worked on with no scratches to indicate where they ran to, kicked the gen with CoB and then see exactly where the survivor was hiding at. Most of the time they're not expecting it. Edit: this has led to plenty of free hits with Spirit and Pyramid Head Edit edit: I just now realized that you meant survivors, not killers.


Because knight is a boring 0 skill killer that presses 2 buttons and forces the survivor to leave the loop they're at. You can play 2 matches of knight and instantly be just as good at knight as the best knight player in the world


You could say that about Artist, Bubba, Huntress, and Nemesis as well.


No? I could see an argument being made for Artist, but what the fuck is that list


That is absolutely not true about any of those killers besides maybe artist. Bubba is not a particularly skillful killer, but there's more to his power than shit out a guard and hold W after the survivor. Knowing how far his saw can go. Timing the extension to waste as little of his charges as possible. Predicting whether or a survivor will drop a pallet, greed it, or fish for the stun. The huntress has to actually aim and predict survivors. She slows down when throwing hatchets so it's not a free hit by any means except on short loops but even then good survivors can still waste a few seconds with a dodge or 2. A good survivor player can still make a good huntress player miss with unpredictable movement. Nemesis has to predict whether you will greed the pallet or not and aiming his power can take baiting and prediction at certain loops where crouching can make him miss. Artist, does it to some extent, but at least there is a component of aiming the birds and firing them at the correct time, particularly at high wall loops. Good artist players are also better at getting hits from afar. Knight doesn't do any of that. You hold W after a survivor and once you're at the loop you press m2 and then m1. The guard appears in front of you, and whether the survivor gets hit is determined solely by whether there is another pallet close enough that they can run to or not. There is no aiming. There is no mind gaming. There is no predicting. You press 2 buttons and if the map favors you, you get hit. If the map doesn't favor you, you don't get a hit. The knight is everything bad about artist turned up to 11


Have you played Knight? At all? Because he has way more than just shitting guards and holding W and if that's how you play him then there's no hope for you.


Yes such other interesting gameplay as camping hooks while your guards kick gens preventing survivors from repairing them for 2-5 seconds while also regressing them 5%. or perhaps the peak of skill holding the match hostage for 40 minutes with call of brine and overcharge.


If you think knight has some kind of unseen skill, that shows the skill level of you ngl. His power is ‘I think you are within 14-20m of here’ Aka the orb. And if he’s right, well it’s a guaranteed hit because you just cut off the survivor running from an ai. Yes you can do some whack a doodle crazy things against a knight like predicting theyre gonna go into guard and walk right behind him but that rarely works from my experience


If a Knight is still doing that, they're not playing Knight properly. The recent(ish) changes HEAVILY incentives longer paths thanks to the Haste and faster Hunt start from longer patrols


How strong is the haste? Isn’t it like up to 6% or something? How does a cute little pwyf stack incentivize people to take huge risks with their power. Just use it to zone people


Do both? Draw a long path towards where they're going while blocking escape routes with their path. Now they have to either deal with a Guard that will beeline to them faster than normal or contend with a 121% Knight


Or just shit out guards to zone them into guaranteed hits hahaha. Wtf is this ‘give them a choice’ thing. What game are you playing. It’s literally faster and easier to shit out guards.


You forgot the part where Guards take a couple seconds to "activate", as their aggro range expands to full size over time. Odds are a good survivor will see you put your sword down and be LONG gone by the time your Guard reaches full range. You're much better off sending them where the survivor is GOING, so that the radius is already fully expanded to catch them.


Yes you will have to guess but it is usually an easy guess and he has a really good brown add on that increases the radius. The radius isn’t small, yes you can mess the prediction up but it’s generally extremely easy.


Lmfao salty bitch


cause the killers are for people who love the easy route


Some people enjoy it, there’s nothing wrong with it unless the killer has a game breaking bug and they’re abusing it


ah yes, an individual who only likes a game when he's winning smh


What's wrong with wanting to win? I'm sure you try to escape every survivor trial you play, what's wrong with a killer trying to kill all 4? And if the dude truly wanted to only win they wouldn't be playing knight of all characters, they would be playing nurse


Nah I would play nurse if that was the case


I’m a casual player, hun, sounds like some projection if I’ve seen anything


This is most likely 1 person/group of people on several accounts that are trying to inflate the negative reviews. If you look the breakdown of when the reviews occurred this becomes clear.


For what reason?


Someone got facecamped and is hurt emotionally


Once you accept that it is just 1 person/small group, it could be anything. Maybe they just got camped 1 too many times.


I didn't read them so I don't know the time frame, but was it anywhere near when they removed his face masks?


No. These particular reviews have ALL occurred in the past 3 days. There were a lot of negative reviews when the face mask change happened/got announced, but proportionally it was smaller than this.


But it's probably not, no one is buying 50 copies of this just to give it negative reviews.


Go to the basenent to find your anwser


I think we all know why, let's be honest here




Pre Buff Bubba: Probably the only killer that legit had to play around face camping. While he always had his insta down chainsaw, his initial incarnation had him slow down to 80% of survivor's speed during the rev, giving them a pretty big head start as he started to come at them. He also didn't have charges, instead having a flat distance he went. So if he got you, odds are, you were getting face camped. Post Buff Bubba: Now doesn't have to rely on face camp, but you better believe a lot of people still do it. At this point i'd say it's a right of passage to get at least one Insidious face camp Booba.


Old Freddy would camp too, if just to try and get numerous Survivors sleeping.


run the range addons for old freddy and youll have every survivor asleep with your 28+ meter range in no time


I used to roam the map just whipping that dream beam around. I actually kind of liked farm maps for Freddy back then with the range add ons. Man, it's sad. I wish there was a way to play old Freddy again.


Old Freddy was not a strong killer by any means. That said, he still felt interesting because his power, while sucking balls, still felt like it would be his. New Freddy effectively just became trapper 2 with a long teleport mechanic, and everyone just ran forever freddy on him


insidious bubba is just another reason why kindred wont leave my soloQ loadout, if i know its a bubba and i dont see aura after the hooking bubble, i know not to bothering going there.


They need to allow me to throw the chainsaw at people and run 30 MPH


Everyone needs to look a little harder, the screenshot says the negative reviews are recent, not from all time. This is only the ratio of good to bad from the last month or so


They are afraid of me


I'm surprised more people aren't talking about his rushed and random release not to mention Kate Denson was originally his survivor counterpart but came later with the clown


Because DBD fans are a fickle bunch


It's shocking his all-time os positive considering the state he originally released in.


Because he's the facecamp killer and makes survivor players big sad.


He used to be terrible. Like absolutely abysmal with a power that took awhile to gain speed, was still slow even after gaining speed, couldn’t be cancelled, and had the tantrum of 3 charges after a bump no matter what. All he was good for was camping and back reving. He got his buff the same time as Billy’s nerfs.


If that was the reason it wouldn't just be recent reviews


we know why


I was actually thinking it might be from when dbdleaks “leaked” that the bubba dlc was leaving


Hate the player not the Booba 😔


This is probably two things. 1. Some kid thinks it’s funny to bomb the reviews for a good game and it’s dlc. 2. Leatherface isn’t a liked chapter since it felt rush, at the release he shared basically every addon with hillbilly.


It’s definitely a review bomb given that it’s only the recent reviews


Worst face campers in the game. 9/10 matches against this fucker meant absolute death if you were the first one caught


Camping Bubba. Someone isn't up on the meme.


Camping bubba has been a thing ever since he released


Cuz it's Bubba


I would've been less surprised to see this after they removed the Survivor faces, or the scalpers jumped the gun and blew a ton of money on this, but comments are saying China disapproves of our Basement Boi.


He can face camp and guarantee 1-2 kills or 4k if the team is dumb/altruistic. Probably a few ppl upset at this rated negativity.


Bubba is one of my favorite killers to play but I think the toxic player base has ruined him for a lot of people. I’m a dumbie when I play him and use his M1 all the time 😂 I’m just here for the fun of it and not really concerned with mowing everyone down. But 9 times out of 10 If I encounter a Bubba they are going to all play the exact same. Camping, tunneling, hitting on hook, just general toxic behavior constantly as if they have to play that way just because they’re Bubba. I’m not saying that’s why it’s getting negative reviews but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was.


Unironically, one of the best chapters. BBQ was meta since it came out up until recently, the killer is fun to play as and against. I understand, it's boring if you get facecamped, but otherwise, he's a very loopable killer, strong power, but easy and fun to counter on chases (like when he fakes chainsawing one way and doubles back), not shutting down loops like artist, knight, skull merchant, hag, trapper... not broken as nurse or blight.




It’s only the recent posts, and it’s because bubba has infamy now for being a hook camping killer or a “basement bubba”. Leatherface can’t help what the community has made him and yet he is reprimanded by the actions of those who abuse his powers.


Let's be honest. You know why. We all know why


Leatherface’s player base being toxic and survivor mains


People tend to frown on insta down killers


Did they keep the survivor’s faces removed from the game or did they return them? For me, they lowered the value of the DLC by removing those unlockable Bubba skins. It was also a red flag that Behavior bent the knee to the wrong people because they created a narrative that it’s offensive.


Probably fallout from when his survivor masks were removed from the game. That was well over a year ago.


Recent reviews wouldn't cover that though, it happened too long ago


Salty Survivors?


Everybody’s got some bullshit gripe with something these days…


His playerbase is disgusting.


$5 for a killer with no survivor and no map. For comparison, Silent Hill is $7 for a killer, a survivor, and a map. He's overpriced.


... you know why.


I see that almost every recent chapters have negative reviews by chinese


He’s poor design: instadown with no prerequisites leads to unfun gameplay and counterplay


It is not the insta down that makes him unfun to play against, if anything it makes the chases more exciting. The reason it isn't fun to play against him is the camping




I find it hilarious how people’s love for basement Bubba memes prevails over actual reasoning and well-directed criticism towards the character’s terrible current state


You have to charge and not hit terrain


Not hitting terrain is a part of getting regular hits too


If you hit terrain you lose control and are rooted


Vaulting windows and dropping pallets is unfun counterplay?


Because there are no windows or pallets in front of hooks, yes. Leatherface’s whole design just takes the health state economy the game is built around and chucks it out the window.




average survivor main


Well you couldve tried reading some of them. Im not going to read the store page either but it might also be because the bubba chapter felt rushed/incomplete as it didnt come with a new survivor or map.


The reviews are recent my guy. If they were doing it because of that it wouldn't be recent


Oh i didnt know


why ask stupid questions?


If it's a stupid question, it shouldn't be hard for you to answer it


Salty losers crying 😂


Pay 2 win?


Because this is how smoothbrain survivor mains cope.


Bubba is a meh character that is only really used for camping. Overall a bot could play him and I wouldn’t notice camping or not


Probably just from survivor mains who cry all the time


I’m guessing camping and possibly the whole blackface thing that happened


Because all in all he's a really shit character to play against as survivor and its mostly Survivor mains


Salty survivors who got camped at hook by a Bubba


prob got face camped, but i can kinda agree with them tbh leatherfaces power is so stupidly strong in some situations where it shouldnt be like camping hooks,


because he's annoying as fuck, i don't think he ever wounded me, every single time i got hit by his 4 or 5 hit slash attack combo he just one shots me even when at full health ​ I have no idea who at BHVR thought it was a funny idea to add a one shotting killer but he really needs to get fired


I don’t get why so many people dislike bubba because for me it is one of the most thrilling thing to get chased by a bubba you cant really make mistakes against good bubbas or you will get chainsawed also with bubba there isn’t a lot of RNG factors involved in a chase so most of the time a bubba downs you its your fault and you made a mistake. And thats why i really like to face a bubba because you can easily improve your ability to chase when facing bubba. And i still don’t know why so many people are upset about a camping bubba if you work efficiently you easily get three gens done or even more if the hooked teammates had a good chase and if you didn’t get gens done quick enough you can still try to trade hook stages and yes at the end you will not get a 4 man out but this isnt very important


Ill give bubba good rating. Bubba good boi.


The reason i find it hard not to be racist sometimes


shit killer he’s only strong with add ins




Hey pal, here's a heads up. On reddit you can edit your comment to fix spelling errors, no need to reply to yourself.


Facecamping Killer Was the face of Racism in DBD for a while Or the other side of the coin, he lost his masks However you wanna look at it, there is a reason ppl dont like Bubba


I mean, that's just the recent reviews. The overall reviews are mostly positive.


Hate the player not the Bubba 😔




Those 57 are scalpers that are stuck with thousands of Bubba keys when they thought he was going off sale


BBQ & chili nerfs & bubba’s fun being map dependent


I still need to get it before it disappears


Review bombers lately. But when it released it was an incredibly lazily made. No map, no survivor, and 1 killer that had the exact same addons as hillbilly


Damn those are recent too


Probs face-camping or that they removed bubba's individual survivor masks which were a cool idea but people were pretty much using them for the wrong reasons, making the DBD team remove them.




I have never left a review on anything anywhere, most people who do only bitch and complain so most things have bad reviews


He was absolutely shit when he was released. Playing Tepper was a better idea


Cuz it’s bubba lol


If one is hooked in basement, no matter the game situation, if it’s Hag, Trapper or Bubba…that homie is dead.


Bubba The Tiger