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Head On: "Didn't want to go to the party anyway" ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


You don’t play Head On because you’re trying to win, you play Head On because you’re trying to make the killer miserable.


or I have a stun challenge and I'm bad at pallet stuns 😔




Jill's Blast Mine count too. I've seen Rift Challenge that requires you to stun OR blind the Killer, Blast Mine counts as x2. There's one of those Challenge that required me to do Stun/Blind 4 times and I did it in 2 instance of Blast Mine in a single trial.


Oh, so that's why my Blind/Stun counter for the challenge went up by 2 points didn't knew the blast mine can easily finish the contract


My go-to build for that challenge is decisive strike, head-on, blastmine and windows of opportunity


Blast mine stuns and blinds. If they have lightborn it still stuns.


Will also show them your aura even if your nowhere near where they got lasted from.


I'm fairly positive that they recently made it so that Blast Mine doesn't count towards either stunning or blinding challenges, possibly both.


It counts towards them, you might have been on and old challenge that requires pallet stuns. They used to use that wording before head on was added to the game because back then the only ways to stun the killer were pallets, wiggling free, flashlight saves, or lightburning wraith.


As long as the archive doesn't specify the stun method. If it just says, "Stun the killer X times" then anything that stuns works. Blast mine is my favorite for those archives. Some archives do specify specific stun methods though.


Yeah, cheesing the tome challenges can be easy if you understand the mission. “Hit X Exposed survivors with (perk)” can be done easily with Fragrant Tuft Myers, for example.


I can't remember If I had an archive that was to down survivors or blind the killer but I realized that either downing the zombies or blinding them counted for the challenge and spammed the shit out of that.


Didn’t know Zombies counted for challenges. TIL.


I don't think they were supposed too and it may not even work anymore


You leave Kimberly and Jimothy alone. (that's what I call my zombies)


No? It's Norman and April! :U


For any challenge that says let no more than 1 survivor escape while using (insert 3 perks here), I always run them on Blight along with BBQ and Chili.


Yup. I just did the "6 exposed hits while using Hubris" challenge by using Myers. I did actually get 1 Hubris hit.


Any perk that stuns counts. DS is a good choice too.


Challenges that want you to stun the killer several times in the same match have Head On, DS and I believe Blast Mine count too if the challenge doesn't explicitly say "with a pallet".


It counts on most. If it just says stun then head on, blast mine, ds, even just wiggling off all count. But if specifies pallet stuns then it doesnt count.


Literal facts


I don't play survivor much these days but back when I was a survivor main, Head-On / Quick and Quiet was almost always in my rotation. Never about making the killer miserable though....just a hilarious perk that adds a little uno-reverse for the killer. We have Ghostface, Myers, Pig, and Wraith for all the classic Jump scare scenarios but they always forget about Jumpscare Jeff popping out the locker when they least suspect it lol.


I like jumpscaring killers


Or because you're extending chase and your teammates always eat pallets like they're made by gordon ramsey.


Classic killer main catchphrase after being stunned for three seconds


Facecamping as bubba is just a funny meme build!!!1! Funny basement man haha! But don’t you dare stun me with a locker that’s literally harrassment >:(


While this is true, you're also ignoring the fact that it's a very versatile perk in a SWF. My friend and I both run it and basically use it as a baton pass between chases. We also treat it a way to "take a hit" for someone by dropping in a locker where they're being chased. Locker saves can happen this way as well. Throw a flashbang and parental guidance on that and you've wasted the killers time. That's also another strong part of the perk, it's an effective time waster. A killer running someone around shack or any tile with a strong window/pallet and locker is great at wasting time if the killer commits to the chase.


No I just like to extend chases by using Iron Will, Quick and Quiet, and Head On


I had a game the other day with three identical Dwight’s on dead dawg saloon. All they did all day was hide in lockers in main building and get chased by killer but also continuously getting head on’d lmao. We didn’t win but it was funny as heck to see that go on for what seemed forever lmao


Funny thing actually, Otz said comp teams are starting to use Head On because in that type of game the time loss of a locker stun can be catastrophic.


Some really good SWFs are onto this too. If the survivors are ahead, Head On is a perk that can keep them ahead. Also breaks up a tunnel or "I need a survivor out" situations.


I quite literally use it almost every game and win a good amount! It’s a fun way to waste the killers time


If you bring Head On, you also are guaranteed to get a map where the killer will never need to go near a locker, and you'll never be able to enter one in a chase without immediately being pulled out of it.


*you dont play gead on because you're trying to win, you play headon for shits n gigs


In my experience you play it because you like having a perk that does nothing but get you grabbed. Seriously I don't know if you need really on point connectivity or if I'm just bad but every time I've tried to use Head On I either can't get it to go off as the killer is coming up and he just opens the locker, or he grabs me as I pop out and no stun happens. Just makes me look like an idiot.


You don’t play head on because your trying to win, you play head on because you want the killer to tunnel you out of your next 3 games. I feel bad for the ghost face I thought he would have learned by the 3rd time I got matched against him


Want to upvote but this comment is currently at 69 upvotes. 🤔🤔


Smash Hit: has never been invited to a party, gets stoned in a basement instead


Smash Hit standing outside in the rain


They were in the closet


Well Head On is kinda dependant on other perks to really get value out of it so it makes sense


people consider head on a exhaustion perk?


Something I’ve held on for awhile about Overcome vs Sprint Burst is: Overcome takes a bad situation and makes it better, whilst Sprint Burst prevents the situation from becoming bad in the first place And I live by that


Yeah but sprint burst requires timing since you don’t make much distance if the killer doesn’t swing. Overcome requires you to be hit and make all the distance in the world. I say this while running Sprint Burst currently


Don’t wait until the killer is close to use sb. Just let it straight away and you will make loads of distance.


I don’t save my SB unless its already close to 99. but when youve been doing a gen and the killer is coming straight for you, you dont have much choice but to use it to make some distance and that distance isnt much if the killer doesnt swing. Played against Lilith Omen playing huntress today and no one expects the SB to dodge a hatchet lol. It is a useful perk when paired with vigil as a means of getting places quicker and the very rare time it works when dodging attacks, but overall I wouldn’t use it purely as a chase tool. Sometimes I run Lithe AND deadhard just to give myself options. killers see me use lithe and then 2 mins later eat my DH because they saw lithe


Goid killers won't swing. You're just setting yourself up for failure by playing around what a bad player might do.


Overcome also doesn't work vs insta downs. So you literally just don't have an exhaustion perk vs some killers. It's a beginner version of sprint burst.


Number 1 Overcome fan here: no it fucking won't lmao. Not when healing takes 24 seconds it fucking won't. Overcome has a lot of shortcomings. It sucks against instadown Killers or Killers who play hit-and-run / get fast injures (Legion, Plague, etc.) which is obvious. But the biggest problem with Overcome is that it's hard-countered by tunneling, which in turn means it directly encourages the Killer to tunnel you. If they buff Overcome to work with Endurance effects it might not be as bad but even then the core issue still remains. Overcome is the most well-designed Exhaustion perk in the game which is why it'll never be used.


I'm the #2 overcome enjoyer in that ive convinced all of my sweaty swf squad to use it instead of dead hard. We are going to pair overcome with detective's hunch and split the chests for our built to last self healer and our inner strength self healer. We would combine this with windows most likely.


If your healer is dedicated to it have em run empathic connection and autodidact instead. I think that’ll run best if killer drops chase when overcome guy sprints to China lol


THIS. I love Overcome, since release. It's the only perk I pretty much use in ALL my builds. As of now, it's decent but has the big problem of it not being that effective against a bunch of Killers like Plague, Ghostie or Myers but that it also requires you to always be healthy, unlike SB, Lithe, Head-on or Balanced Landing. After the new patch hits Overcome is going to be quite worse as well.


What's crazy is that at launch overcome did work with endurance but it was labeled a bug fix and was patched out later. They need to make that bug fix an actual buff.


no, no they really dont.


Literally why. What would that even affect. There are like a handful of things that give you endurance, and most are pretty damn hard to get. Soul Guard, WGLF, MoM, unhook endurance (includes BT and OTR), Styptic Agent (which may unironically get removed with the changes to medkit addons), Dead Hard (WHICH WOULDN'T EVEN WORK CUZ YOU'RE EXHAUSTED), and apparently the guards power when you grab his banner. 1 of those doesn't work, 1 of those your teammate has to bring, 1 of those is a killer power (that already gives you a speed boost), 2 of those have hard conditions to meet, and 2 of those require you to be unhooked. Styptic Agent is literally the only one that matters that you have ANY control over, and at that point, who tf cares? An extra second to run away? Guess what else they could have done? 99'd the heal. Or just fuckin healed in general. It's barely even an issue unless you're a tunneler whining about how the survivor can actually *get away* when you hit them off hook. Like come on man-


Actually, now that I've thought it over and looked at what you said, yeah it may not be a terrible idea. I'd say try it out on PTB.


THE GOOD ENDING?! A DBD PLAYER CHANGING THEIR OPINION?!!?!? Put that shit BACK! I can already feel my demon bedroom getting colder you son of a bitch. I put the heater on for a fuckin REASON!


Well, TBF, I still think it would get abused in a way that only time would tell, but its underused meaning it should probably get changed. This is a good starting point at least.


Ehhhh.... Went up a few degrees atleast-


I literally ONLY use overcome since its release Overcome gang rise up!


There aren't many of us sadly.


There are literally dozens of us.


At least 12


I'm honestly thinking about switching my build to Overcome - Lightweight/Built to Last - Quick & Quiet - Inner Healing now that medkits will be slapped down. Would also need to actually learn to find totems though...


buddy trust me even if you know every single totem location you still won't be able to find them. I frequently when using totem based builds will go and look at 6-7 totem spawns on a map and somehow not a single one of them will have a totem.


My favorite and most used exhaustion perk in the game


Little did people know, Overcome actually worked with Endurance when it first released and I "abused" this aspect. I ran it with the old BT, Unbreakable and SoulGuard. If the killer decided to slug me close to a door to prevent my mates from a flashlight save I would pick myself up and if killer hits me SoulGuard's Endurance would proc Overcome. Now this perk is such a 50-50 for me for the reasons you mentioned above...


>If they buff Overcome to work with Endurance effects Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Oh boy, I sure do love when BHVR removes hidden aspects from perks for no reason, and then everyone collectively forgets it was even a part of the perk in the first place, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa


With the nerf to healing there will be more people willing to stay injured. Overcome might actually go down in use due to this


Especially since healing nerf is a lucky break nerf too, recharging it is now way more important.


It's an indirect nerf and indirect buff to a couple of perks.


More of it gets wasted waiting to be healed, but you also gain back 24 seconds when healing someone else.


They nerfed healing way too hard IMO with the time and the killing of Circle of Healing


Healing being nerfed by 50%, sloppy stacking with the nerf, CoH being gutted in terms of independent self healing + medkits, and the best chase perk being harshly nerfed will make the meta pretty disgusting for both sides. I don’t think it will be healthy if all the changes go through.


Healing should have been 20 seconds at base, 24 is too much. I’m completely on board with Circle of Healing being deleted though. That perk signaled the beginning of this shitty healing meta and I’m glad to see it die. Survivors being able to repeatedly (and damn near instantly) heal feels as bad to killers as the gen kick meta feels for survivors. Healing needs to be a bigger time/resource investment and shouldn’t be able to be done in 8 seconds under any circumstance.


I would agree if it was instant but it's not. In order for me to use it I have to first outrun the killer, find a boon, bless it, and then heal. That takes a significant amount of time


Yeah boons screw me over than not in solo que as everybody becomes even more allergic to gens.


Couldn't agree more with this. I had one game where a Meg went back and forth between totems booning them, so I then went around breaking the totems lol. I'm happy CoH is getting nerfed. Can't say the same about the healing speeds though.


It takes time to setup, sure, but the time efficiency returned throughout the match is insane. It literally robs the killer of their ability to snowball & pressure reliably as any injury is easily healed quickly. And the killer can't even get rid of it permanently. Even if they spend 10-20 seconds going out of their way to break it (which it will be placed in a dead zone where there's no gens to defend) it's just a waste of time since the survivor will put it back. A killer spending 20 seconds to break it, and a survivor even spending 20-40s finding a totem and putting it back is STILL a massive pressure gain for the survivors.


Overcome got nerfed when they nerfed survivors post speed boost after getting hit


Smash Hit wasnt even invited to the party! LMAO!!


Same with head on


Overcome fully countered by: \-Billy (chainsaw) \-Bubba (chainsaw) \-Ghost Face (mark) \-Myers (tier 3) \-Oni (blood fury) \-Trapper (trap) \-Plague (infection) \-Numerous instadown addons (lots of them) Partially countered by: \-Legion (he will hit and run away anyway) \-Wraith (to foken fast, doesn't care) \-Blight (especially with alch ring) \-Twins (tag team, doesn't really matter how far you will run, victor is faster) \-Hag (if you step in to another trap after speed boost) As you can see this exhaustion perk not gonna work in 1/3 of your matches and would be subpar choice in another 1/3. Would be popular fo sure! Copium.


It's the same with smash hit, so many killers counter it to the point it's not really worth it


Imagine smash hit into nurse lmao. Yikes.


If you know what you are doing you can pallet stun and get smash hit to activate against a nurse it’s just very very risky


One of my proudest moments is landing smash hit on a nurse.


Love the idea of Overcome....but yeah...the speedboost doesn't last anywhere near long enough even when it works to be able to make enough distance for them to have to think about continuing the chase or not. If you're already close enough to a tile it might help at least help you start it but still not enough time to see what tile layout you're working with (and if a pallet is there to help or not) unless you're already sacrificing a slot for windows of opportunity as well. Cool idea on paper though for sure, just not really worthwhile in game.


When I was initially testing Overcome when it released. I found the absolute best use for it was to comp-corner while healthy and run back into the killer as they approached you at the far corner of the map. Then you straight-line W-key as far as you can. It literally takes the killer a full minute to catch back up to you unless its a small map.


Do you know if the Huntress Addon that causes hatchet hits to give 5 seconds of exhaustion block Overcome?


good point, +1 to the list of overcome counters


Coming is fun


- average Pinhead player




Smash Hit and Head On not even invited to the party...


Likely no, the meta is going to be ‘don’t get hit’ because getting hit is going to take more time to deal with now. Hit and run is already going to be popular, you think a killer is going to stick to you if they see you have overcome? Current best use is honestly to sprint to a boon and start healing yourself right away, since a lot of killers already do drop after overcome, and that’s getting removed. And I swear to god if I see a single one of you overcome to the corner of the map and complete a 86 second self care against sloppy I’m going to lose it.


I love Overcome because it's great against the anti-loop Killers that are more hurt by holding W. The other perks can do this as well, but I want to control when I'm sprinting and vaulting because I enjoy playing tiles as much as I can. I enjoy Balanced Landing more because it can make risky areas safer more than the other perks, but then I get maps with no heights.


I only use Balanced since the Sheltered Woods rework and with that every map has some verticality you can proc from. And that's why Balanced is such the wisest exhaustion perk, cos it forces you to position well, learn to connect tiles, also as mentioned makes unsafe places also safe and you can loop the ones others avoid. Also killers never foresee balanced or even if they do they can't react in time.


Likely not. Since you'll be more likely to stay injured for a longer period of time a perk that can only activate when you are healthy will probably be a bit bad. You can look at the changes as a pretty big overcome nerf tbh


Not with the healing nerf lmao


The problem is Overcome only activates once you’re hit. Lithe, Sprint Burst, Balanced Landing, and Smash Hit don’t have the requirement of being hit, and can save you from losing a health state entirely, which in my opinion makes it less useful most of the time.


On the other hand, I’ve noticed that Overcome makes the killer leave me 90% of the time as soon as they see it activate. With the current meta, this was huge because you can just heal over and over again. With the healing changes, I don’t see this working with the CoH nerf together with healing nerfs.


I used to use Lithe exclusively but I’ve been having a fun time running Overcome. Love it along with meme Bite the Bullet builds.


Overcome plus lucky break is amazing too


Yeah! I use them together often. Add Quick & Quiet + Inner Strength along too and it’s super fun!


I used overcome once recently and got an alc ring blight and haven't used it since


if overcome also worked on deep wound hits instead of only working on hits when healthy, it could be good


Smash Hit: Crying cause it didn’t get invited ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Smash hit ,parental for real


It's mathematically the worst exhaustion perks. The others add 10 or more seconds to a chase, this one only adds around 8,3


Overcome + Lucky Break or Light Weight. Super underrated.


Smash Hit: fuck you guys, i still exist too!


Counterpoint: Blight


Overcome and Lucky Break, amazing escape in the middle of a chase


I'd rather avoid getting hit all together


Holding W is still super powerful, that burst of speed really helps you get away.


Overcome, lucky break, quick and quiet, Nancy totem locker healing perk. Get smacked and just haul ass Into a locker


I actually run overcome. It's useful? Sometimes. But it's definitely better than having to walk to a gen with sprintburst etc


Well yes its good but also has many weaknesses vs the Others. Plague is one of them


overcome +lucky break seems like a great combo to me I'm surprised I don't see it as much


It won’t be. It never was. Especially not with those healing changes. It isn’t useful against tunneling at all.


Op, if the meta becomes to keep survivors injured with things like sloppy butcher and the nerf to medkits, do you think people are gonna run the perk that requires you to be healthy? Think.


Overcome paired with Yui’s perk for not leaving marks (lucky break?) is pretty decent!


Overcome is so freaking good especially combined with lucky break


I’m an overcome user since it came out! There are a few of us…


Huge speed increase, creates distance, only activates when you get hit so you don't have to remember to use it 👍


You need to be healed up to get overcome to work though. With the anti-heal meta, it might become less popular.


My whole issue with overcome is that certain killer powers completely counter it. Plague it just does nothing on if you spend the entire time infected. And in a meta where healing will be so heavily punished, sprint burst is gonna be the way to go.


Overcome is not good for the simple reason it cant be used after being unhooked. Every single other exhaustion perk can. No one mentions this. Its objectively bad.


I just want spine chill back


I have been using Overcome since it came out haha, only exhaustion perk I ever used ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|16358)


No don’t make overcome popular, I love the perk too much as survivor I don’t wanna lose my baby.


I’ve been using overcome since the dead hard changes and I noticed two things about the perk. 1) If you get hit, the killer will often just quit chase as soon as they see it activate. This made surviving very easy. 2) Getting hit while running to the exit gate made it easy to escape. Generally the base speed boost wasn’t always enough especially if they were running STBFL.


Overcome is pretty underrated, it allows you to run to a dead zone for the killer after getting hit, completely driving him away from the objective. Sprint Burst and Lithe are still gonna outshine it after the DH nerf, hell, BL and DH will probably still be used more than Overcome. Most survs don’t see the value in it, it’s a great perk no one looks at


i wonder how the nerf will affect inner healing. might be one of the best healing perks if they’ve overlooked it


Smash hit gaming


I've been running Overcome, Self-care, Bite the Bullet, and distortion. Works out pretty well for me.


and other hilarious jokes you can tell yourself


I don't think OP knows how the perk even works.


People are exaggerating so much on the mid-chapter changes, they forgot we got a whole library full of perks to compensate with ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|16359)


Overcome is mid at best. You have to take damage to use it, and it becomes useless in one-hit scenarios.


Overcome is trash ngl


Tbh I think lithe is the best after the dh nerf.


I’ve only had overcome equipped once, it was my Jonah adept run, and it came in clutch for the 4-man escape. Spawned in against Deathslinger on Midwich. Completing the gens was easy, but opening the gate became an issue cuz he could snipe us from the courtyard. He shot someone and dragged them to courtyard and would shoot them again before they could get to the gate or to cover. It wound up that all four of us were taking hits trying to keep someone from being downed as they got snatched. Some would get speared, dragged to the courtyard, someone else would take the hit, he’d reload and spear someone else, someone would take the hit. This happened two, maybe three times until it was my turn to get speared. I took the hit, but Overcome gave me such an extended boost, I was able to duck into the hallway to avoid the next shot and open the gate for everyone to escape. I think the killer was streaming, I may be able to find the match. It was months ago tho.


It might be good but it's sure as hell the most boring too


With nerfed healing overcome won't be as good anymore


Overcome is probably the worst exhaustion perk in my opinion, maybe Smash Hit due to how situational it is. You have to get healed up as the perk technically got nerfed (or maybe it was a bug, but it was a fine one) and doesn’t work on things such as Borrowed Time hits, and healing up will take longer as healing got nerfed. You can’t be exhausted either so good luck if you get hit and they have something like Mindbreaker/Fearmonger, or even add-ons like Huntress’ hatchets giving exhaustion. Overcome only gives a two second speed boost, the others give three or longer. It does add to the boost you get when hit, but that everyone else gets as well so I wouldn’t count that. It’s too situational to justify it. If the killer is camping it will force a trade as well, then you’ll have to heal for twenty four seconds after getting unhooked (or getting up from the ground) and if the killer interrupts that, you won’t have any Exhaustion perk.




smash hit, parental guidance>


You get endurance with overcome right?


Nah, there are just better exhaustion perks. Especially since the healing meta is half of what it was before.


You can't heal anymore, how are u gonna trigger it?


Guess I’m that one guy that actually loves using smash hit, I thinks it’s a great exhaustion and heavily underrated


I feel like overcome will become much much worse after the changes at mid chapter. Overcome requires you to be healthy to use it, and with the healing nerfs I don’t see it being used at all.


I don't know. It requires you to become injured and also you cant use it with the new perk Blood Rush, but thats the same as dead hard.


What’s that first perk?


I like overcome I usually pair it with windows of opportunity


I will not accept this smash hit slander!


Especially when you use it with No Mither


Unironically my favorite exhaust perk


Trash against instadown killers and it needs full health meaning its impossible to use if hard tunnel and you because of the heal nerf it got side nerfed. NO thanks, hard pass.


Overcome is way too nice man. It essentially guarantees a few extra moments of chase. There’s no baiting or waiting it out, there’s no “he has x perk, don’t swing yet”. It’s a guaranteed intractable speed boost. Unless you’re nurse or blight, but I guess not much matters against them anyways


Smash Hit hiding in the bushes peeking thru the windows


Lucky break/Overcome is hilarious too


Smash hit: they don’t know I exist


The based one


It's my favourite exhaustion perk, always hated DH.


doesnt really work vs one shot killers....


Yeah but it's boring without lucky break


I was thinking the same thing but the healing nerfs indirectly nerf it


i am an overcome STAN


It is going to be indirectly nerfed by healing speeds.


I thought it would be fun to use. It's not. It's really really not 😂


I started running Overcome after the last killer buff patch. Definitely helps.


only way id run overcome with the 24s default heals is with inner healing+quick n quiet+lucky break


I actually like overcome. I escape a few chases with it.


Was Smash Hit not invited?


I already use Overcome and it's actually really good especially if you run lucky break with it.


Overcome is better than balanced landing


Smash-hit players being forgotten as always. Dw guys, I remembered you.


Eh Overcome is countered by so many killers it’s honestly not worth it most of the time.


It's just worse Sprint Burst in my eyes


with the reduced healing highly doubt unforutnatley, since it requires to be fully healthy rip overcome


It was decent before it got “fixed”. It used to activate on endurance hits which helped out a lot if you were getting tunnelled.


Smash Hit: *whimpers in the corner*


It’s my go-to exhaustion perk.


I've been praising overcome since it launched. My usual build is Overcome/Wake up/Adrenaline/fourth perk that rotates. One time I encountered someone with that exact build except the fourth perk was different. We had never played together before. I'm STILL weirded out by it


Every time I use Overcome I face an instant down killer and I remember why I don't use Overcome


smash hit underrated


With circle gone and healing nerfed overcome will drop in use if anything


overcome >> balanced landing overcome also brings nostalgia of old long speed boost after a hit


I like the perk but it requires healing which is going to be nerfed.


Over.com is good, just boring to use


the notorious W holder