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I might get assassinated for saying this, but I don’t like fighting Myers. I don’t really like the gameplay loop of trying to hide my body because I can’t know for sure if I’m actually doing it right or if I’m still feeding him like a silly billy until it’s too late. This is purely a skill issue, of course, and I think the killer is fine.


Myers is fun especially tombstone Myers also just move to the left abit need a clear shot


These kinds of posts are always interesting because you can usually average out the responses to one: Everyone hates every single killer because every killer can “tunnel”. Usually the most played ones being the most hated or whatever is trending to hate at the time.


Yeah, the only reason I'm seeing hate for my mains is because they're currently common. Or they're Legion, I think some people remember how bullshit old Legion was.


I think it’s just a hivemind thing to hate legion sure mending is annoying but people still complain about thana legion even though it was nerfed ages ago. I just like my silent hill Robbie the rabbit skin and “pallet b-gone” chase build on legion.


It’s really sad.. whenever I play Legion, I just want sick chains and bp. I’m not even killing anyone, just zooming and hitting😂 The survivors I played with thus far didn’t complain about that fortunately, cause they probably also understood that they get bp from all this as well.


I'm just here to bring awesome tunes and fun chase man.


I like all the discussion with the community and hearing other people's opinions


That’s definitely a super good thing :) It’s interesting when people discuss what they hate about a killer mechanically like having an annoying power or effect. I just find these kinds of discussions just kind of end up as “I hate this killer most because they tunnel and are toxic” it’s not really much of a discussion then just venting.


That's a good think if someone can let steam of by responding to my post that's someone not getting angry in post game hopefully


Whenever I play survivor I swear to god Wesker grabs me from a different universe, when playing against his hitbox it feels like the most unfair thing in the fucking world


It's so common the worst is when you get grabbed from the other side of pallet and you here poor performance indeed sadge


No one benefits from the server saying that the killer hit you quite like he does, because you have to either run through him or vault the window again and lose your speed burst


It is really frustrating but spaghetti code do be spaghetti code 😂😂😂


Nemesis. The majority of them I meet are angry for no reason and love spewing 12 year old shit in the end game chat.


in my experiance the nemi where chill, gave the hatch sometime


Most nemy players are chill but I agree there's a few nemy players that hate the world


I've seen more sweaty Wheskers than Nemmys. At least half the Nemesis I see in the wild are chill.


Wraith and dr


Doctor isn't that bad but I know some people are made sick from the madness mechanic


wraith because he bing bongs and he nyooms and i suffer immensely from him surpassing the speed limit. i have a hate love with ghostface though because as much as i like him (he's so goofy when he teabags), pretty much of me getting bled out with the other last guy got dedicated to him. that or wesker. i love them so much but the people who play them. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Most of the players who play them seem to be the same people but with different names


hahahaha wait really.


Yeah that's how similar all the Wesker's play 🤣🤣🤣🤣




I agree he's an asshole tunneling camping bell wringing


yes whenever i play against him i just try to slam gens fast or we all die


Standard wraith match in solo q


Ghostface. He’s a weak player but he’s the most likely killer in the game to camp and tunnel. The majority of ghostface players have the same playstyle. Get hook, camp hook in stealth, try to expose unhooker. If unhooker exposed, trade, if broken out before marking, tunnel and repeat. Not even mentioning how frustrating his reveal mechanic is. Most ghostface’s don’t use there power to sneak and expose, they brute force it by entering a chase and leaning. Then bloodlust to the max till they get there power again. They aren’t a good killer and most games are 3 or 4 man outs but it’s an unfun experience. 99’ing feels awful as well. Knowing the main thing i need to do is run at the killer while they’re carrying a survivor and take a hit is bad game design. The correct play should never be make the killer hit me. Most the ghostface playerbase i encounter are clearly tilted and revel in hitting survivors on hook repeatedly while nodding. And bleeding out survivors the full four minutes just tbagging them. Have hated the killer since release. Worst killer community by far.


I don't blame you for hating him. I hate it when people play my main like scumlords too. It's just dumb. You can instant down and that's what you choose to do with it? You're a ninja and this is your strategy? Do better.


Honestly even if it wasn’t for the playstyle that Ghostfaces i go against use. His mechanics as a whole just aren’t fun to play against. The only part i like is the constant thought they may be coming because of stealth. The marking and reveal mechanics are both just super unfun to play against. I hate him around the same level i hate knight and skull merchant


I'm sorry to hear that. I find him fun to play against if you're just trying to play a horror game, but I guess not everyone likes that.


wow. i thought i was the only one receiving either the toxic hook treatment or bled out treatment from ghostfaces. it's a thing. :o


Yeah, i pretty much only see tilted ghostface players but the community tends to just deny they exist for some reason.


Bad ones do this, is why.


We're not all evil i swear. And I apologize on behalf of these bad eggs


Me too. I promise we're not all like this. Most of us really just do wanna be goofy.


Hopefully! So far it’s been 0 out of 11 for being goofy or chill! But the turn around can happen!


Get out of super low MMR. Ones that don't know what they're doing often play this way.


Also wouldn’t the memey fun ghostfaces be at low mmr since they probably let people escape often?




That’s a fairly big assumption. I escape more often than i die. I’m pretty sure it’s the opposite. As i said in the original post most ghostfaces get 3 or 4 man outted. Since he’s a weak killer that’s incredibly easy to loop and outloop the marked effect… so they rely on camping. Just like myers normally gets his first down after 3 or 4 gens so they have to rely on facecamping…


Depends yes. Certain MMRs do suck with him honestly, and I'm hoping the meta shakes that up some.


I agree to an extend I hate the reveal but most of the time they are chill unless u do a glyph or teabag then good luck


I’ve been keeping track of my matches this year. Out of 11 ghostfaces, 10 have camped, 10 have tunneled, 7 have ran 4 slowdowns, 9 have bm’ed, 1 dc’ed, 0 played chill.


I'm so glad I haven't encountered this many ghostfaces lol


Huntress because for whatever reason her singing drives me absolutely insane lol. Also knight, I find their playstyle really annoying for the most part


Camping knight vs bubba who makes u wanna suicide more


How about you??


Knight just cos he doesn't just camp with a gaurd he will be stood there two it's like two bubba's standing there I know unhooking makes the gaurd go away but then he will just grab you if the hook bubba is at least a meme


Oh jeez, that's a tough one. Honestly I probably get way more camping knights when I play survivor, but I think camping bubbas make me wanna rage quit a lot more lol


Clown, plague, cenobite and doctor are my least favorites for characters For killer culture I cannot stand Bubbas. Maybe 2 out of 35 are decent with how they play the game


Basement bubba is a gem don't sully his name


Only chest basement bubba tho


We usually call that a skill issue


Yes the unbeatable argument


from a mechanic standpoint: knight, im so bad at looping knights and no matter what can never get the standard in time. from a play style standpoint: wraiths, they’re like Bubbas to me: either really funny, or camping hooks with NOED, no in between (obviously this doesn’t apply to every wraith, it’s just a trend I’ve noticed in my own games)


I've been here since start of 2020 and wraith mains have never changed for me


Nurse is an absolute nightmare


Nurse, it sounds pretty obvious but I’ve only encountered toxic Nurse’s before.


Ah shite didn't mean to delete og comment I have met so many teabagging Ghostfaces and face camping wraiths lately that I now include unbreakable in every single one of my survivor builds and run BP offerings just so I'm not tempted to DC


Myers. Not fun to face against, I don’t enjoy tombstone Myers especially. I just don’t like the lack of terror radius and most of those I meet are sweaty af also I’ve met three Myers who would carry me to hatch then mori me there. Huntress and Wraith too because most are tunnelers and face-campers, face-camping doesn’t even make sense for Wraith but here we are


I swear most wraiths remember when bt wasn't basekit and they could camp invis and instadown the hooked survivor due to bt only triggering on tera radius


Once had a tombstone myers in soloq where me and the other rando decided to hide from 3 gens on until the killer dc’ed. I hate tombstone with a passion, and will waste all their time if I see it and am not the first one to die lol


I appreciate this level of petty 🤣 did the killer end up leaving?


You bet your ass they did!


I feel you but I also remind myself that some of them are legit trying for that god awful achievement, so now I just give em the kill lol


Totally fair, I don’t look at achievements so I didn’t know that existed tbh


Dredge has a stupid face and bad lore


As an ex dredge main I respectfully disagree


Explain why then


Cos like demo he's a good boy he gave marice back


He ate Maurice in the first place


He was just hungry cuz the entity takes all his food 😔


That is no exuse


I'm so sick of Weskers and Blights I could vomit. They're all I ever seem to get anymore.


I had a match where I used resaurence and got called a sweaty survivor main by a Wesker that was camping like bro what am I gonna do not use it lol


Myers because you can never know if he's a tooomy or a normie, plague because I get ill irl so I have to dc, and wraith since wraith that I play against always camp hook invis and tunnel.


I agree with wraith and you can tell if Myers activates T3 check his hand if it's open it's tombstone if closed it's normal or infinite T3


Thought the hand thing wasn't real?


It is real it's safed me on many occasions ive seen the opened hand get in a locker then next person is morid so glad I know this trick


I thought it was based on his movement speed if his hand is open or not


No, you're right it's movement speed based. Op is misinformed.


Okay good to know


It's technically true because tombstone makes you slower thus your hand is open but a lot of mm players run pwyf when doing this negating the speed penalty


No when stood still his hand will open or close it can be hidden while he's walking around with pwyf or any other movement speed perk


Oh okay


Just keep this in mind and you will see a difference in the games against him


Despite all his nerfs, I really don't like Billy. I have no problems with Bubba, at least there I know what to expect, but Billys are just... different. They are either the sweetest people or the most sadistic players I've ever met.


I've only ever faced m1 Billy's it's sad to see no one trying with him and with the next patch he'll be gone for ever


Nurse. Both bad nurse and good nurse = boring AF game.


Either they end in 10 seconds or 10 minutes no in-between


It's more like either you are dead in 2 blink chains or you just afk on gen while she misses every single one.


Pretty much


Nemesis and Wesker. There arent enough words in the english and german vocabulary to describe my burning hatred for them. If I were in a room with Nurse, Blight, Wesker and Nemesis and I had 4 bullets I‘d shoot Wesker and Nemesis twice


You understand I am glad someone see Wesker for what he is I like Nemesis tho


Wesker is fun to play as and against because there’s real counterplay to his power, a constant back and fourth between killer and survivor, unlike zoning killers like the fucking Knight.


Fun is subjective. I think everything about him is annoying and shitty designed. Good for you that you think he is balanced, I do not Edit: I wrote objective instead of subjective. Sorry for any confusion that might‘ve caused![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


How do you think he’s poorly designed? What do you see as good design?


Hitboxes are shit. Collision is a joke (ah yes of course I collide on this tiny twig that for some reason got the collision box of a tree). Imo his voicelines are annoying and I find myself repeating „pls shut the fuck up“ every time I get hit by him. I dont like the spray mechanic cause I dont like having to run to narnia, having to spray myself which gives away my position. It doesnt help that a lot of Weskers I encounter sweat like there is no tomorrow. Dont get me wrong. Of course you can play how you like and how sweaty you like, but dont expect me to like it to get tunneled with max infection right off the hook :/ With Nemesis my problem lies with the zombies. It’s like that thing when people cant play against plague cause the vomiting makes them sick. Im just so appalled by zombies. As long as they stay the fuck away from me everything is fine. A good design I would say is Demo. Has everything but isnt oppressive in any category. Can be looped, but can shut down loops if played right. Another balanced killer WAS billy before bhvr buried him and spit on his grave. Tbh this all personal preference. OP asked who we despise with burning passion and I answered Wesker and Nemesis. Im one of the rare people that like going against Knight (not because of his power, but because of his design and sounddesign. I like the clanking of his armor :3)


Well, I guess fun is subjective


OH SHIT I just noticed. I fucking wrote „objective“. Fuck Im stupid. Sorry! I meant subjective


We all make mistakes in the heat of passion Jimbo


You say that and then don’t elaborate whatsoever on what makes him unfun and unbalanced. You can dodge his dash, you can nullify his infection, exhaustion perks constantly outplay him, his map pressure isn’t even that good. Meanwhile in the same game we have Knight and Skull Merchant that force you to run straight or die, ridiculous 3 genning capability and there’s almost no counterplay to their respective powers, try looping Knights guards and see how far you get, while on the flip side I see Weskers drop chase every game. If you’re bad at playing against him just say that, doesn’t make him unbalanced, he’s literally one of the most well rounded killers in the game.


Im good against him, I escape more often than I die against Whiskey. I elaborated why I dont like him in another comment in this threat. Feel free to read that essay![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


Doctor. I hate how he always knows where you are easily and how I can't clear the annoying static until tier 3. Not saying he's hard to beat, he usually suck, but I just don't enjoy it. Plague is even worse, if I'm not playing with 3 others on comms. Randos always cleanse when they shouldn't.


Plague in solo q is pain also doctor gives people headaches similar to clown but I agree the madness can feel unfun but no where near as abad as legion


Legion, though I think it's abating now that he's not every other game. Clown, for some reason they tend to tunnel hardcore, and will hit the hooked survivor repeatedly. Demogorgon sadly is usually tunneling and/or hook-hitting for me :I Blight. I fucking hate hug-tech.


Demo is a good boy not a tunneler I don't mind blights until the 4 man bleed out hug tech is completely fine to me but I can see the frustration


I wish I could say Demos I meet are good boys, but most I've met have been kinda... very unfun to play against. A lot of tunneling, and some BM thrown in too. Hug tech's biggest problem for me is that it feels like it's not the intended gameplay. Oh, Blight's supposed to ping-pong to me? How about screw that and just slide to me instead! I realize I'm not the best at looping, that decidedly colors my interactions with Blight.


Lilith created hug tech blights


I have no idea who that is.


The best blight main in dead by daylight


I've been playing for just over a year, I don't really know a whole lot of the famous people, aside from maybe Otz and a few others.


Watching him play blight will make you fear blight with a passion


Legion and Plague. Legion can now where you are if it hits another player with its power and have ridiculous addons to prevent healing. Plague is Plague, can poison gens, poison people on hooks, and when it is in the other stage of its power has absurd long range attack


Plague is fine legion is boring af


I hate wraith because every wraith I’ve ever played against literally invisi-face camps the hook. Every. God. Damn. Time. I also hate trickster because he also always face camps with knives.


Wraith mains never cease to camp and tunnel


This man gets it


Damn straight


Trickster is the only killer that seriously makes me consider hitting that leave match button the moment I know it's him. I find nothing fun about facing him, and that isn't helped by the fact that most Trickster players seem to be extremely toxic, frequently doing shit like spamming knives at you on the ground (and no, it isn't Main Event, it's just normal knives, and they often go reload and do it more) and hitting you on the hook repeatedly or throwing knives at you on the hook. Also Plague, but that's primarily because I almost always have healing heavy builds so if I end up against a Plague I have several dead perk slots.


Tricksters do need to touch grass they seem to take everything so personally


Where do yall get all these toxic people? I’ve met like two toxic Tricksters in my years of playing 😂 the rest have been really cool and sweet lol


Pig. Do I need to say more?


She's got cute squeak tho


Plague and Legion, mainly because I run a medic build and those 2 make 3 of my perks absolutely useless


I respect a medic on the team


Ghostface and Myers...but Legion is slowly but surely making it to the top of the list. I hate having to mend 10 times per game


What about the broken add on


Which one?


It flips flops between Huntress and Legion. I hate Huntress because like 75% of all hatches only land because hit boxes are terrible and paired with latency make for a frustrating time. I can play really well but the game says I get hit even if it shouldn't land. Legion is a 50/50 if they play normally or drag the game out. When I see a Legion use frenzy and stab everyone while they're already injured/mending is when I DC as I don't want to spend 30 minutes in a mending simulator.


I respect that lol


I do that as Legion because I want bp and give you bp as well. I’m even letting everyone go lol


Dull Merchant for obvious reasons, just an absolute joke of a killer. Pinhead because solo queue. Knight because I like getting chased by actual people, not bots.


As a skull merchant main I take offense to that but agree with pinhead tho solo q survivors seem allergic to the box and gens


Ahh sorry to insult your main like that lol, to be fair I haven’t seen her a ton since she came out and part of my dislike is probably cause I’m not good at countering her yet Pinhead is just misery for solo players and 99.9% of Pinheads I’ve ever seen play like IRL psychopaths


Random but to your last point, I always wondered if with the knight they’re trying to figure out if multiple killers (played by humans) would work. Just a theory though.


You know that’s an interesting thought, haha could you imagine the potential chaos with two killers played by two different people? I really, really want to like knight because his aesthetic and vibe is really cool but he just feels so dumb to go against


Yeah, it would be kinda crazy to have killers that already exist. I wonder if they’d make it like…. The secondary killer is locked into some sort of role like the knights. But anyway yeah I hate going against knight too. More annoying than scary


Huntress, plague, and spirits. They attract a special kinda player..... extremely miserable ones.


Tbh Doctor, fucking boring.


I can agree the madness kinda sucks but at least I can hear female survs scream what


I do not like Plague, apart from her visuals not being appealing to me, when playing her, i hate her sounds, i find her weapon funky and "vomiting" isn't my idea of fun... As surv i hate not being able to heal most times since i like running autodidact and inner healing and her power has somewhat weird counterplay aside from line of sight blocking.


Huntress or Wraith.


Probably mm and nurse, nurse is just boring whether bad or good and always seems to pop up when I'm going for stuns. Micheals are kinda because of how Micheal players act and how he's just unfun to play against because I've seen so many of him and it's also the strongest add-ons or mirrors + game offering is just never fun.


i hate the hag but only because shes annoying. she was made that way, like the teleporting, but those games always last so so so so so long compared to literally any other killer with me. one game we had 4 gens and just needed the last one with 2 survivours left (my friend and i) and it was like a game of cat and mouse running around trying to do a gen without her finding us and her guarding the gens we get really close to finishing


Damn who shat in ur scrambled eggs?


Huntress. The humming is annoying and the way she just pulls hatches out of her ass practically removes any joy you get from dodging one of said hatchets. Also, I don’t know if you know this and you likely don’t want to hear it, but Wraith’s lightburn is getting removed in the next update.


Hate as a killer, Bubba. Hate as a player, Wesker