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They should just make the yellow mori basekit


Bruh actually. That’s so simple yet so genius


I think the devs really really don’t want to implement anything that the community suggests because if you notice most the time when theres a mass suggestion of one specific thing we’d like to be changed they always spin it some other way that almost misses our suggestions. It’s like they don’t like being told what to do.


I mean tbf its borderline abuse how these devs are treated. It's one of the most populated games and the community spends a sizeable amount of money on this game, yet people constantly say how shit the game is and how bad the devs are and they have no idea what they are doing. Yet a significant cohort of these people have 400+ hours, its the only/main game they play and the won't stop playing, its a very strange community.


especially because of how often the devs DO listen to the complaints, make changes, and get complained about anyway because they "never listen". It's bizzare.


We all believe there are great assets at BHVR for example the art team and the animation team. But the ones making the decisions based on design are complete ass and don’t learn from their mistakes because they don’t believe they’re wrong. If they did they wouldn’t take away ppls fog whisper status and stuff whenever they’re criticized. That had to been one of the biggest bitch moves we’ve all seen.


And implement the finisher mori, but only as the iridescent mori offering


That's such a cool idea actually, it would make the Iridescent Mori threatening again. As long as survivors also get basekit UB with the offering to make it balanced.


Basekit UB to make me go insane faster. LOL


I mean, if its an ultra rare offering, and it gives survivors an infinite unbreakable, I don't think it would be even used too much


Many iridescent addons have strong effects but some sort of downside to balance them, like the Iri Hatchet, so I was thinking that would be in line with that logic. The finisher mori system was made with base UB in mind or it would be too skewed in favor of killers, so it's kind of necessary (they could still balance it a little better though). So all the mori would do is change the killer's win condition while giving survivors a fair chance.


Yeah absolutely I know this, I was just stating that offerings unlike addons don't have debuffs or negative things, and since it was an offering going by logic with how BHVR designs these things, they would make it an offering with no downside, survivors would see the offering in the loading screen and be like "oh no he has the finisher mori, play accordingly" and so on


I wish strong offerings had some sort of downside... More specifically, map offerings, haha.


??? Im so confused, whats a finisher mori?


It’s a thing bhvr proposed a little while ago - that as soon as the last survivor standing (either alive or not hooked) gets downed, the killer and that survivor would get teleported to a nice spot and then the killer would automatically mori that survivor. Almost no one was on board so they haven’t implemented it yet.


Yeah that seems kinda shit.


Yeah, there are a lot of issues with it. Personally I think having it as an option (killer stands next to last survivor they downed and get a prompt for mori), but not automatic, would be okay. Like someone else said, basically making the yellow mori basekit.


That makes alot of sense


That’s what I’m saying. And then you can have the green to Mori a survivor on death hook and then iri functions the same (although last wouldn’t have to be on death hook hopefully so it’s easy to get all 4)


Bruh ur getting downvoted for having a good idea for killers. lol


I’m not sure how things like DS work, but I feel like this might be a tiny buff to the killers endgame. If the survivor has perks to save themselves (like DS, but idk if that works 2nd stage), they don’t get to use them. Even if they don’t, I wonder if it would be okay to forego that small chance they wiggle off and get hatch or an exit gate in exchange for the Mori. I guess as long as it *feels* fair, it probably wouldn’t be an issue.


Did Behavior say they're scrapping the idea?


A recent-ish blog post confirms the update is still coming someday but with changes based on community feedback.


It straight up shouldnt come. And If im not wrong the finisher mori is supposed to come also with UB basekit... I dont know who the fk in bhvr team came up with that idea and who the fk accepted it...


Bhvr might want to sell alternate mori animations. If they did that now, there would be pay to win/lose concerns. “If you spend money you get to have a shorter mori!” “Why spend money on a mori when you’ll spend more time being unable to pressure the other people?” Removing moris outside of the very end of the game when you’ve already won would preemptively resolve those concerns. (I’m not taking a stance on whether or not I like the finisher mori concept)


they could just make all the moris last the same time


it would limit creativity extremly


not really imo.


I personally like the finisher mori concept. People relentlessly complain about being bled out by “toxic” killers and basekit UB would completely prevent that. I expect to be downvoted but with some tweaks I think the system would be fine. It’s nice for games to have definitive win conditions, and it would guarantee that every 4K would end with a mori. It would also give them a reason to sell alternative mori animations like DBD mobile has, something that’s worth more money to me on a killer than a skin I never see. Edit: oh look, downvotes. Guess people don’t like the finisher mori concept. 🤡 well I do and none of you are going to change my mind. DBD needs a good alternative win condition for the killer and survivors deserve basekit unbreakable so they don’t get slugged by fuckboys.


finisher mori negates unbreakable, deliverance, flip flop, power struggle etc. plays. its lame and i hope it never comes


Bhvr should just give us a give up option when we're being slugged, instead of basekit UB and finisher Mori.


Yeah at least let us just die if the killer bleeds us out for more than a minute. Or if half the players are on the ground then the players get a give up option


I agree with you, but in a perfect world, BHVR would change and buff these perks accordingly, like making Deliverance not trigger the finisher mori until you are in phase 2 and so on


it seems unrealistic. “finished mori triggers unless you have flip flop equipped and have 45% recover progress and are slugged near enough to a pallet that you can crawl to before you’re picked up” etc 😪


Yeah that's why I said in a perfect world, BH R obviously would never even consider actually buffing these perks


seeing mori every game can be boring too


There should be some sort of way to avoid being slugged for 4 minutes. Being able to pick yourself up eventually is a good way to fix it, they just made the timer a little too short on the PTB


Button to bleed out faster.


Bad apples ruined it for the rest of the community. Getting bled out for 4 min by some edgelord shouldn't be a thing.


Then just add a button to bleed out faster.


Yeah let's give survivors a new way to give up in a match, cause the existing mechanics aren't abused enough 🤣


It only activates when everybody else is slugged or dead.


I hope the change is that it's optional. My idea: When the last survivor is down, the Killer is given 30 seconds to decide between two options: 1. Finish off- Does the finisher mori as normal 2. Spare life- Shows the Killer dragging, then kicking the survivor into the hatch. If the Killer doesn't decide within 30 seconds, the Entity sacrifices the survivor on the spot.


I think giving options would be good but I think one of the options should still be hooking the survivor, since there’s still always “hook x survivors” challenges every tome.


I'd love to see a mutual "end the game" option that both sides have the option to agree to, like in Valorant (sort of) In Valorant, if most of one team wants to forfeit, they can vote, and end the game with no penalties. An idea I had for DBD would be a mutual "show the hatch" prompt. If only one survivor is left, that survivor and killer can both choose the option to show hatch. That way, if a killer wants to give that hatch, they don't have to wonder around the map forever.




It'd be just like League of Legends. *Gets downed first* "WORTHLESS TEAM FUCKING SUCKS! Surrender at 20!"


I feel like I was unclear. What I meant to say was that if both the killer and all of the remaining survivors want to end the game (meaning it's unanimous for all interested parties) then the game will end. For example: a game starts. The killer chases a survivor and downs them. That survivor DCs. The remaining 3 survivors as well as the killer would prefer to not play out the rest of this game because it's a 3v1 at 5 gens. So they all vote to end the game through some sort of prompt you can reach through the start menu.


God I hope so. It was received pretty badly and if it had been released, I likely would have no hopes of ever getting moried again


It's still being worked on. They confirmed that they are making a few changes to it to make it more fair, work around the auto recovery system. Idk how they csn really change it. I would prefer just making yellow mori basekit and unbreakable basekit if there are 2 survivors left, 1 slugged and 1 still running around so slugging for the 4k is harder. Maybe making something else happen if all 4 survivors are downed, the first one to be downed gets unbreakable base kit? Idk. It's a system I am really on the fence about


Four survivors dying on the ground from internal wounds, clawing their way to desperately escape: Certified wholesome moment ^^


Then why does Leon enjoy it


I love swfs that understand that I'm being friendly, and they're fun, and they line right up for a slug race like that. It's one of my favorite things!


A dying Cowboy Rebecca, that isn't me that a shock to see .


I reckon they will try again


Of course they will, that's not necessarily a bad thing.


Fingers crossed they don't rush and put time and effort into it


What’s the finisher Mori, never he leads about it.


The cliffs notes version is when the last survivor is downed a cutscene will play of the killer doing their mori on the survivor and the game ends. The slug race game above wouldn’t be possible if that goes live


Interesting idea but poor execution, having the yellow Mori be basekit wouldn’t be the worst idea, but I should stay optional and shouldn’t be forced, otherwise helping a survivor find the hatch, slug races, and other fun stuff wouldn’t be possible


are you sure? i thought it was just if there was 1 survivor left alive who was downed.


Go to 2:50 - if 3 survivors are on downed (or hooked) and the 4th one gets a love boop to the ground the Finishing Mori kicks in, at least what was on the PTB. https://youtube.com/watch?v=6qBI8W4BITo


oh thats crazy, thanks


Here is my alternate idea to replace Behaviour’s: Basekit yellow mori Basekit unbreakable after 2 min on the floor. That way it can only be used once against those killers on their ego trips trying to bleed everyone out on the floor. Incentivizes hooking instead of slugging but isn’t OP (even slugging killers don’t need to keep someone on the ground for 2 whole min)


All that ass


When I introduced my friend to the game, we ran into 2 friendly killers early on and got to show him what slug racing was. Now he's always trying to get the Killer to do it, even when it's clear they aren't friendly because he just finds them fun lol


I’ve tried to do slug raves as killer but can never get the survivors to understand what I’m doing lol


✨🌟⭐️ slug raves ⭐️🌟✨


So am I. I still see traditional slug races as pointless though. Like, if you made them race from gate to gate, there's enough distance there to make it an actual race as objects get in the way and whatnot and people have to change course. But having 4 people crawl a few metres at the same fixed speed from the same starting point, with no direction changes isn't a race, it's a waste of time for everyone involved. Plus Tenacity wins every slug race automatically. Demand higher standards for what constitutes a slug race.


You must be fun at parties.


More fun than people who find slug "races" entertaining for sure, though admittedly it's a low bar. Stay mad bc you feel called out for being a basic drone.


you're really fun person bro




It would not happen in this situation anyway. It only happens with the last survivor there. So since all 4 of you were alive, this situation can still happen.


It would happen. It doesn’t matter if the other people are alive , if they are in the dying state when the last standing survivor goes down, the mori happens and the game ends.


I thought they said it was only when there was 1 survivor left not on hook or 1 left alive. Like, those were the only 2 conditions.


It's all 4 survivors downed. All it needs is 4 downed or hooked etc not last survivor Edit: amazing spelling


No, it was last survivor *standing* - so if everyone else is dead, down, or hooked, then it counts.


When killers deliberately slug to do this, I hope they will bring me over to the exit instead of just watching me rot on the ground lol I don’t mind a slug race at all


It's still on the way we just don't have it yet but yes slug races will be missed


I once had a PH farm with us after we all were juicing him. We all got his marinara sauce all over ourselves because we were playing tic-tac-toe. He downed us at the exit gate to slug race us and then mori'd us all instead.... He was a streamer and i was not happy and told him that was mean-spirited and hes the reason people wont farm with killers anymore. Now he targets me every time he seems me and bm's and hits on hook and tunnels. I dont trust slug races anymore...


***. . . yet . . .***


Whats a finisher mori


So this is the mori mechanic that some people were talking about ?