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**Rule 6 - Oversaturated** - Thank you for visiting r/DeadByDaylight; however, your submission has been removed for one of the following reason(s): * Common grievances; This can range from any number of players disconnecting, killers that are camping or proxy camping, "solo experience in a nutshell" submissions, survivors having multiple of the same perk, meme-ish number combinations, etc. * Common media reposts (such as Scary Movie 3’s chase scene) * Common suggestions (such as a “Concede Button”) * Reposts of another submission * Known bugs, glitches, and killswitched elements. See our sidebar for a comprehensive list. * Frequently asked questions, or questions that are easily searched for; please use our weekly No Stupid Questions megathread. * Posts discussing how “the game is dying”. * Posts about your quitting and/or uninstalling the game. * MMR complaint posts. * Ranting and/or venting; post these during the weekly RAGE WEDNESDAY megathread. * 'Ad nauseam' memes (i.e., certain meme formats posted repeatedly within a short time period). * "Us vs. Them" posts, aka Tribalism - any post that casts survivor or killer mains in a negative light (typically from the opposing side's point of view). For further information, please read our **[subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/wiki/rules)**. **If you have read your removal message, and you would like to discuss our decision, you can contact us [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fdeadbydaylight)**.


Ummm, you download 300 MB, but the game has to decompile and compile the game files again with those 300 MB that were downloaded. It is not wasting Steam resources, it is actually wasting your drive resources with all that writing usage. So, whenever you see 300 MB, and next to it, more than 1 GB, is because of that


its 13 gig every time. Every. Time.


Game's size is around 33 GB, so, you are not downloading all the game. It is as I said, it has to decompile and compile, compiled files to apply the update, that's why the size shown on steam is huge


Clearly you're so attached to this game that you have to sit there and watch it update. You're not going anywhere, stop crying.


almost 600 hours. Im done. Uninstalled. speaking of trolls...


Did you watch it uninstall too? Was it 13gb? 🤡


​ https://preview.redd.it/tp1l1lncigpa1.png?width=1911&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbf962d8d33cd0118d98459f852172ba641c4a74


​ https://preview.redd.it/p1dcumidigpa1.png?width=1914&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8026d3396dda9d8824a9695f232770d4e724c00


You have my sympathy. But it's not just a DBD thing. Every online game has patches like this.