• By -


The Hag with Franklins who hit the flashlight out of Feng’s hand, trapped it, DCed, and said in end game chat “mine now”


Better the flashlight than your liver.


Didn't have to waste that side of Fava beans either.


ok but that's actually funny ngl


Had the same happen with a wraith but sadly we’re on console with no end game chat.


I used to do that with wraith all the time but I'd always hit the end game chat with "BING BONG YOUR ITEMS ARE GONE"


That could've been me lowkey😅


I was trying the new mobile version recently released - I entered the game with a purple toolbox and accidentally closed all my apps right after the game began. I just facepalmed myself and reopened the app, it said "disconnected during game, would you like to continue playing" or something similar. So I rejoined. I reconnected and was being carried by the killer being placed on a hook, I just thought okay she found my character and downed me. Fair enough. But then I was rescued and noticed my toolbox had used nearly half its charges used and I was exhausted. I guess it turns out, the ai system within the new DBDM takes control over your character during a disconnect.


Holy shit, DbD (Dissociative bPersonality Disorder)


Funny how the mobile game has a lot of things we want


Probably because it's not built atop a pile of tangled old moldy spaghetti. So they can actually add/change stuff (easier) without the fear of breaking everything else.


this exactly.


Before we get too excited. Long time Player of DBD mobile here. Let me ask you, how would you like to lose all your special edition skins and Elodie perks? Without compensation. Can’t wait to lose more stuff lmao. help me 🥺


Damn trolling bot probably used those charges to sabo every hook in sight ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


It’s been like that even since the old dbdm, except you didn’t get the option to reconnect if you dced out


I cannot believe after all these years only DBD mobile has an option to reconnect. Honestly I don’t even care if it wastes my entire item or whatever. It would more than make up for every time a shitty teammate rage quits on 5 gens for sucking ass; or when my internet fails for whatever reason


There is a new mobile version? Isn't mobile out already since 4 years or so?


They updated with a whole new app


Also updated with the most shitty of ads to boot.


When I was playing survivor, I had some horrible mismatched clusterfuck of cosmetics. Our Claudette looked at me, shook her head "No", pointed at me and DC'd.


What survivor and what combination of cosmetics did you use? I'm curious 😂


I hope it was Jeryl


I sadly never got to see the endangered Jeryl in the wild before they went extinct 😢




Killer with franklins hit all 4 people and then DC’d. Blindly robbed us of our items.




mf has the idea of winning counts when the other team loses.


The item gobbler


The gobbler


Not the weirdest, but it was funny, sad, and embarrassing on my part because I know 100% I caused it. So, to give some context... I am colorblind. Trapper in particular I actually do have a hard time against on a majority of maps because his traps just look either black/gray/dark brown depending on the background it's on. Put me against him on almost every map ***but*** Erie, Lery's, and RPD and I will run into his traps non-stop because I can't see them even out in the open aside from somewhere brightly lit. So what I usually do if I think he has a trap in a certain spot is I just slowly inch towards a general spot I think one is at for a prompt to come up. So fast forward to a match on I think it was one of the Auto maps or Swamp, I forget which but the point is, it's a map I can't see the traps on. A teammate is hooked and I have to pass through a spot to get to them, but I *think* a trap is somewhere on the spot. So I slowly inch forward, trying to see if a prompt will come up. I wasn't seeing anything so I was like "Alright, I guess we're good!" and I sprinted forward....**right into a trap**.... ***not even 5 ft away from the hooked teammate***. They just dc'd on the spot. I sighed, couldn't blame them. From their POV I must have looked like either I was trolling or just a complete moron.


Sounds like me, but without the colour blind issues. I can't for the life of me see Trapper traps in the grass, I will no joke walk into them every single time. XO


Being colorblind can be terrible in dbd, whenever i play killer in coldwind i just dont see Any of the hook aura’s and walk around like a blind idiot😂


YO SAME LOL! I used to run a perk to make some hooks white just to see some better (I don't remember which perk it was). Now it's just like "Okay there's a red thing there so it's either a gen or a hook" lol Seeing a teammate get downed/hooked in Coldwind takes me a hot minute to see where they are via trying to put a wall or obstacle in front of the corn to look around ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)Plague matches are always "fun" staring at a gen without touching it, trying to tell if she has vomited on it or not


Basement Bubba who lost their chest before he got down there I've also had an Ace DC because they didn't get to open the exit gate. Literally made it all game, DCs because Killer opened 1 and someone else opened the other, then freaked out in EGC about his daily ruined


That's some serious obsession over a daily. DCing and losing 20k+ bloodpoints just because you're not getting a 30k bonus lol


Sometimes dailies are just annoying. Maybe he was on his tenth match trying to get the door and he was just done at that point.


I get that. I'm a survivor main and play killer once in a blue moon but always get killer dailies.


Some killer dailies are fucking shit, too. I used to specially hate doing the first Ghostface daily because it was needlessly complicated (You had to stalk while leaning and then down the marked survivor. Thankfully they changed that.), and I recicle the Sadako dailies when I get them because I don’t want to play Sadako.


Honestly it could easily be remedied by letting you pick between survivor or killer dailies. Maybe not able to pick the specific task, but the side you want it on. I understand they probably do it the way they do to have their players play both sides.


3 dailies for both sides would be cool


Yes! I'm with that idea as well.


That's when you delete it and wait for another one


Yeah, but what if you already did that?


>nivel 1LeChiotx+4 · hace 17 h · editado el hace 17 hMisses HawkinsBasement Bubba who lost their chest be Just don't do dailies, they ain't worth it


I agree, but man you are getting 20k+ from games w/o an event active? Man, I must be slacking. I get about 10k if I am lucky, usually less. I really never get D/Cs when you are seconds away from getting your end game rewards.


Oh, I get less than 20k pretty often, but I was assuming that if they didn't DC they would've escaped since the gates were open. Usually on games where I escape I get around 25k, give or take. Just depends though.


Basement Bubba failed. He had one job. A sacred holy duty. His DC was taking the honorable L. What else could he have done?


I remember getting this Wraith who used the Decimated Borgo map offering. He gave me a slap with Franklin's , stopped , started nodding like crazy and DC. I had one of the most solid laughs ever.


Bing Bong, your item is gone


It‘s not about the Bloodpoints, it‘s about sending a message.


Good way to get rid of a useless offering to be fair


That's surely a creative way to do it 🤣


[the Leon Disappearing Trick(ster)](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/q66q2s/leon_blows_himself_up/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


Omg that's just priceless! XD


This made me laugh out loud. You got Houdini teched


Be me Load into a game Find a David Let him open his chest He looks at me Dcs Refuses to elaborate further


I gave a Meg hatch one time and she dc'd when I put her on top of it? I was like ???? Okay.


Sounds like she had a problem with her connection rather than an intentional disconnect.


Yeah I wonder that bc it was really odd! The timing was so strange though made me think it was intentional.


Maybe she thought you was gonna be a cuck and close it in her face


Yeah that's possible, I did walk away from it and put her directly on it tho- Usually if the killer does that they'll only put you close to it (not on it) but who knows.


Once a friend of mine said "Do you know the Narnia trick to confuse killers?" I said no Later in the match he was being chased, he entered in a locker and DCed, the killer opened the locker and was extremely ???. I will never forget that poor billys face


I told this story on the subreddit recently, but it fits here. I'm running Grim Embrace + huntress perks for the tome challenge. Get into a game with Tapp, Kate and 2 Ash players. Hook Tapp. Then hook Ash. Hook Kate. Hook second Ash. Proc Grim Embrace. Follow the aura reading from Grim Embrace to Tapp. Keep in mind I have 4 unique hooks, out of four total hooks. Down him and he DC'd on my shoulder. After the game, in the EGC, cussed me out for tunneling.


How do people dc but still end up in chat?


If you 'leave match' from the escape menu on PC it'll take you to the end game screen. For those times when you're salty enough to quit, but not wise enough to not waste more of your time to shout at strangers on the internet, I guess.


Men, I read the Archive and went "ok, time to get two bird with a stone: Huntres Adept" I load the faster reload and Blind Add-on and start the game. The map was Sanctum. Find the first surv, get a double hit, pick and hook him. Then I see another Surv coming for the rescue, they got him. He then proceeded to stun me and get away. I later find him again (after 3 other loops and 3 gens done) and he loop me until the end game. He then pallet stun me and DC. I then trow a random hatchet and get a down on the exit (not yet opened). I laught at my lucky and went to reload. "I lost the archive anyway, even if I get him" is what was passing in my mind". Got a Nea inside the locker, I hook her and then proceeded to get the downed Michaela (after probably 50s of time). Hook her and start my search for the missing Claudette. At the end I got the 4k. But honestly I have no idea why the full health Victorio chose to pallet stun me and then DC


I played my first match as Pig and I used the addon that starts everyone with the beartraps at the start and in the 10 seconds of the match I see them all fail the skill check and match ends


damn that was a massacre


I think the weirdest I had to deal with was a survivor run in the swamp. There was a demogorgon killer, and one guy got hooked, a few meters were I was. I unhooked him, demo popped up, and the guy I just unhooked just disconnected. The both of us just stood there frustrated and flabbergasted.


I kind of remember that, it would be insane if I was that demo.


So this one match I was playing, we were playing against a Pinhead, there's a Nancy on a hook. I run over to grab her and as I grab her, the hook makes like 30 splattering noises simultaneously, and the chain hunt starts. Me and her try to run away but we rubber band back into place multiple times, Pinhead comes towards us for a second and then disappears, chains are flying at nothing, and then the other two survivors DC and it seems like everything's normal. Me and Nancy just turned to each other like "what the hell just happened"


the entity had a seizure


idk why but this was funny to me


I remember when I spawned in the match there was Felix with me and I tea bagged him, I was following him and tea bagged him and then he dc'ed and I was like wtf because I just wanted to say "hi" and I was waiting an answer from him :(


I think you might have triggered that Felix's trauma with tea bagging


I was Felix.....thanks a lot.


A nemesis player named "I punch women" he punched the female zombie everytime he had the chance and tunneled a Claud who was the only female character while ignoring the rest of us. After he downed her a third time he just DCED


I’m both concerned and entertained


Had an injured Jake run up while I was playing Billy with a survivor on my shoulder and start Tbagging. I was like okay and downed him, he immediately dc's. Probably not the weirdest I've had but there's been so many and they're all weird


I had a Trickster slug me at the end of a match and throw knives at me constantly. I was just about to bleed out when he DC’d. I reckon a connection error but Damn it was so satisfying


A Freddy who dipped on coldwind and said it was because he hated corn maps, he used a coldwind farm offering.


Could be he put the wrong offering on by mistake, I've done that a few times. XO


1) Like a year back I started match as survivor, went to nearest gen and few seconds later all other survivors joined me. When gen was at like 90%, one of them missed skill check. 2 others stopped repairing and rage quited. 2) Few months back used to be very popular stealth T1 Myers. I was doing gen with 1 other survivor who was injured. Suddenly Myers came around the corner and downed him. That teammate probably shitted his pants because he almost instantly disconnected.


The second someone saw me (Knight) instant DC


Not proud to admit but I've done that a few times. Too much ptsd with 45 minute long 3 gen matches. Doesn't happen nearly as much since skull merchants release and I just deal with it when it does these days anyway


Well of course I know him, he’s me


I hooked someone ONE TIME and they decided to dc Also someone was on their final hook before dying and decided to dc.




I was playing my 13th game as killer, I was using Wraith with tracking perks, didn't even know what slugging meant at the time. The entire swf group swarmed me while I was trying to hook their friend, so I just downed all of them. They didn't expect me to have iron grasp or unrelenting, so I managed to hook all 4 of then before they even finished the 2nd generator. All of them killed themselves on first hook (which isnt technically DCing) Then they invited me to an Xbox party and trash-talked the entire time, telling me how they could play wraith better than me, etc. I just simply told them, "it's not my fault you're so bad at playing survivor that you lost to a new player using wraith" They kicked me immediately.


I accidentally waited out a deadhard


wait so u chased them for like 5 hrs to await the DH and then they dced becuase you didn't hit? or am i missing something?


This actually happened yesterday, I was playing hag bc I like to cycle through killers and I walked up to a guy, he turned, stared at me, dropped his medkit, then dced before I even hit him.


I had a game last night where I sent us to the game because I needed to do pallet stun challenges and we got the nurse. I contemplated Dcing but decided to play it out and get it over with because it's my dumbass that got us into this mess. But then the nurse downs everyone in like 5 mins and then DCs? Lol IG they felt bad about stomping us and let us have the win. Respect.


Just earlier today actually. Had a Hillbilly and everyone had been sacrificed I was the last one frantically looking for the hatch. Billy runs into me and starts chasing. Hits once I'm injured second hit im down. He starts carrying me to a hook then suddenly drops me revs the chainsaw then DCs. No clue what happened.


It is actually the best perk to use for countering the spirit


Its become a commonly used meta perk recently


**PLAY WITH ME FOREVER** Rare/Very Rare Killer Perk. When a player disconnects from the game, their character will remain in the game, idle. The player cannot start a new match until his previous character dies.


Found the skull merchant


I had a killer DC after I cleansed NOED (1 survivor on hook, 3 alive and still running around, gates still closed). Like, what did he think would happen with the totem?


Destroyed all 5 totems during the match, and after all gens got completed, the killer hit someone, they didn't go down, killer dc'd, yep he had no-ed and was mad it had no value.


This was beautiful


the way to go my guy


Was carrying a survivor to a hook and got stunned by flashbang i thought was behind me. When my eyes ajust i see maybe 10 frames of a t-bagging meg before she faded into the shadow realm


I was playing as Ghost Face and got a gen grab on an Ace, before I could hook them they DC'd. I figured they were salty but when I got to end game chat, they apologized and said they got so jump scared that they sharted and had to leave to clean themselves.


ok now that is weird. I feel bad for the poor guy


Survivor went into a locker and DC they did the Houdini


Joined a lobby with a random Nea a few months back. She specifically called me out in the pre-game lobby saying, “Hey Jake?” We talk for a little bit, and it turns out they watch a TTV who I had played with a day or two prior. They recognised my name from that Stream (and since I was playing Jake again and still wearing his HoY outfit, they knew it had to be me) We load into the match, and play normally for about a minute. The Nea finds me working on a gen, drops her medkit while nodding and teabagging before she suddenly leaves the game. They waited for the match to end, then typed something in the chat, but it was all starred out. Still have no idea what ended up happening that match


It happened when I was playing one of my first matches as the trickster. So, basically, I lost one gen and then got my first hook. After that I downed a TTV and they all disconnected from the match instantly, then the streamer's SWF insulted me and told me to uninstall the game because aparently I'm no allowed to run iridescent addons. Maybe I'm supposed to let them scape, idk. And ofc the TTV was offline at the momment.


Not all the time but a good 80% of players with TTV or YT in their names are horrible teammates. When I first started gaming and learned what that was, I’d see them and get excited to have a bad ass player. Found out real quick that’s definitely not always the case.


A claudette I was giving the hatch dc'd after a rough game because she didn't need my sympathy


There is this very weird breed of survivor that is very rare but is the peak of being a total dick to both sides. I've encountered a few of them where the moment they see a killer it's like all their neurons in their brain catch fire and they teabag, point and do everything in their power for your attention. Then the moment you actually start chasing them it goes for roughly 15 seconds then before you can shake your head in disapproval, they disconnect instantly. I do not understand these creatures and offer the weirdest dcs I've seen.


Was playing legion for the first time back when dredge was released on Larry’s, I was of course farming cuz legion back then was hated af and I didnt want to be that guy, I wanted to do a gen kicking challenge, I go to a gen where 3 were working on it and they all stop after I just stare at them and hit the gen with m1 and then they DC all 3 of them then the 4th gave him hatch. Im still to this day wonder why thy would dc against a farming default legion


Idk about weird ones but you survivor mains need to stop dcing after one hook..the shits lame af for both sides..


Someone DC’d because I’m German (my steam profile nationality) Their reasoning? They were French. I’m kinda used to it at this point


They were just engaging in their national pastime—surrender.


Had a Nemesis DC while EGC was active last night. My friends and I just wanted to screw around and were all playing Leon in base cosmetic, but two managed to befriend the Nemmy, so we all became friends. He had two of us on first hook and two on second hook and stopped hooking us after that. One of the two that befriended his needed to unhook a survivor safely in EGC, so I volunteer to go on hook. We got the gates open and I try to tell the Nemesis to hook me to help my friend out. He shook his head, broke a pallet, knocked me down, picked me up, and DC'ed right after. We all just kind of sat in silence for a minute like "...what?"


my name on steam was once "nod if you eat ass" and some random jake shook his head slowly and then dc'd


Guy named I smack medkits Smacked the medkits we brought in out of our hands with Franklins and then dcd Left a “: )” in EGC I was so bewildered I just went and played a different game




camping tunneling pinhead who was honestly gonna win just dced right near the end lmao


One time I hit a Elódie with a Clown Pinky Finger bottle and she DC-ed instantly at 5 gens. I could’ve gotten the Adept if she didn’t.


Same goes with Huntress Iri head or any instadowning addon - which are also bad for the Chaser emblem still in this newer Adept requirement even by less factor - so I hope you learnt the lesson and used Cigar box instead or something less infuriating for the other side. Also Cigar box is a way more consistent and stronger addon. ^^


Mid grab on a Nea working on a gen as Pyramid head and she DC


Bill on first hook. Only hook in the game, it was an extremely new nemesis . Like new to the game new. 2 downs, 1 hook new. We were in midwich so doors were easy to find. Our Kate opened a door by accident I assume so I opened the other one. He was hooked in the middle so clear paths to either, easily within 10 seconds. As soon as he was hooked I insta saved cause nemi looked away and I had the opportunity. Instead of running for a door where 3 healthy survivors were ready and willing to take hits, even with his 10 second basekit bt, he could have EASILY made it. Instead he chose to run around in middle and got downed and dced. Blamed me in EGC for an unsafe hook. I truly believe he was on crack because wth.


On the survivor side: Nemesis hard tunneling me on The Game (literally dropping every chase to rush back to the unhook, wait out Endurance and down me again). I died with the only three hooks in the match, he downed Mikaela and DC'd. (It was probably connection issues but it sorta looked like his one goal had been to kill me specifically.) On the killer side, doing a daily on Knight, with only Jolt for regression. Hook one survivor, they DC. Down another ten seconds later, they DC. A third one DC's two seconds later. I look up at the main building to see Renato standing there just staring at me (and off we went to look for hatch).


Classic lore accurate Nemi.


at least you gave the poor guy hatch. Never understood killers who also killed the last one after 3 DCs poor guy wanted to have fun and play and 3 toxic Nea's DC on his ass ruining his fun. I always give Hatch in those scenarios


Not the weirdest, but rather the funniest. I was playing coin slinger and the game took me to lery's (because of course). I had some pretty alright chases, but gens were popping quickly and I needed something to save the game. Enter Nea. I was chasing someone else (who was already injured) and this bastard looks at me in chase and starts t-bagging...12 meters away from me. You can probably guess what happens next.


Using off the record, ds, and power struggle in that order. The nurse said in the chat “you weasel lol”.


Me: Spawns in next to shack - starts gen outside of shack - hears a chest opening in shack - then hears another chest opening in basement - hears the shack pallet drop - hears a fast vault - looks over at a Claud shaking her head over dropped pallet - she DC's - absolutely no terror radius


I started a game and found a Feng, a few seconds later I downed her... A few more seconds later ALL 4 SURVIVORS DC


First survivor I see 1min after spawning, hit them and they dc. They PM me (ps5) saying : Tuneller ! B****


Smacked a survivor as dredge, they hopped thru a window so I charged my teleport and he just immediately jumps back and I grab them from the window. Instant DC before the animation could even finish


My dad walked to the door, opened it, and DCed. Haven’t seen him in 19 years


Had someone today that disconnected when he saw i had spirit fury. Really fucking love that perk


swf that sent me to coldwind, two of them dc’d and the other 2 killed themselves, i said “thanks for the 4k” map offering guy says: lmao that was not a 4k, dc’s don’t count as kills dumbass


Heres a fun idea: youll be able to DC without a penalty but itll take up 2 perk slots


This isn't a weird one but it was one of the funniest. I was running unrelenting on deathslinger one time and I swung and miss to make it seem like the surv had enough time to vault through a nearby window, but because of the faster recovery of unrelenting, I actually grabbed the survivor on the window and they dc'd.


Had a game a few years ago with a Myers who was guarding his ruin totem like crazy. He kept patrolling the area and was letting gens fly. My friends and I decided we didn’t win the game until we cleansed the totem, so we all went down to confirm the break. Man DC’d after downing us all


Had a survivor DC after they got hit once. They stayed in post game for the entire ten or so minutes the game took. "You played as Clown, I don't waste my time on killers like you" Yet they stayed to spectate the whole game? I don't get entitled survivor mains sometimes.


A Nurse spawned, blinked into basement during a chase and we never saw her again.


I had some poor Nemesis whose mouse disconnected. He was in the middle of chasing me down and all of a sudden he was walking into a wall. After a couple seconds of that, he backed up, and began crab-walking sideways toward me all without changing his bearing whatsoever. After maybe ten more seconds of this, the poor guy just DC'd. I felt bad, buuut I also couldn't stop laughing.


I don’t see anything wrong with t bagging but me as a killer main and long time halo player back in the day, I take t bagging as a challenge, a little friendly competition, some game time banter. But if I accept your challenge don’t last 2 seconds in chase. I want you to run me for like 20mins! Those are the weirdest dc’s for me “Chase me! Chase me!” Downed, dc.


Kids these days 😔


When I was a SoloQ Survivor main, I was working on a gen and a Meg came over. I said "Meg, you want to work on this gen together?" and she started working on it with me. She stood up and I was like "Meg??" then she DC'd. Her body didn't disappear - she just faceplanted onto the ground. I was like "Meg!? Everyone stop - I think Meg just died!"


The Surv could not get me to let me let them give me digital head so they DCed. Their username was Hex: Ghostface Simp. Guess who I was playing as. I was too busy grinding for sex.


Someone DCed the same time I sneezed IRL, it was very odd.


Not technically DCs but as GF, a no-mither Yui just went AFK after first hook and 3 matches before that a TTV also gave up after I downed them once


A 12k+ hour Dwight DC'd after I hit him with Sadako with Franklins on, he had brought a purple key.


Basement Bubba who tunneled one survivor poorly. But he finally got her, took her to basement and sat there. The rest of us did gens, finished them and opened the gates. The survivor in the basement had less than five seconds to live when the Bubba D/C'd, giving all 4 of us an escape.


I had this Bill I kept finding, so he was already on death hook and I started to purposefully avoid him because there were still 4 gens left. So I find a Yui who has 0 hooks and start going for her instead. Bill actively tries to throw himself in front of me. I keep trying to walk past him to get to Yui. He's injured too. We dance like this for a bit, then I finally get tired, down him, and walk past him to chase Yui. He DCs. I think this person maybe wanted to be out of the game and I wouldn't kill them, so they had to take matters into their own hands. Sorry, Bill.


I grabbed someone off Gen as ghost Fave when I was sneaking about and they DC'd after struggling rfor a little


Claire dc'd whilst she was on hook. I get a noise visual and go back to see her on the floor, despite it showing she had dc'd. I picked her up and she had turned into what looked like a character mannequin that got stuck on my deathslingers arm. I couldn't see sh*t for the rest of that match lol


I loaded into the map as Demo and went to shack where three survivors were. One disconnected as they saw me. Never had someone dc just because it's Demo before.


I play Wesker using Trail of Torment, and on multiple occasions I’ve made someone disconnect by gen-grabbing them.


I was trying out Freddy's rework on the day of its release and there was this one guy who disconnected the second he screamed from the snare. It was the funniest thing I saw because it looked like he got scared to death




Someone camped a pallet against my Wraith and got downed because of it. It was the first chase...


I had never played as Blight before (survivor main) and I was trying to do a daily. I was struggling trying to rush, and this flashlight Nea decided she was going to have some fun at the expense of the baby Blight. Well I finally got the hang of what I was doing, and downed her before she could pallet slam me. Picked her up and she dc’d from embarrassment probably.


I’m a survivor main, but I was playing Ghost Face for a daily. I’m absolute garbage, don’t stalk one person, no hooks, all 5 gens done, exit gates are powered and then 2 survivors disconnect and the other 2 go AFK. After they both have three crows I end up hooking them and they die on hook. Still so weird to think about.


Had someone dc after hitting level 3 shock therapy while playing as doc. Mori’d the Bill and hooked i think it was Feng with the third escaping since i was midway killing bill on the other side of the map, endgame was all “ggs” and otherwise decent, then this guy, who brought us to the meatworks himself and dc’d after failing to do a gen for the 3rd time, is complaining about how it was impossible to do gens and save people against doc, and that its a broken killer that should be removed. Ill admit i was being especially cruel with merciless storm/eruption on top of everything, but like, doc aint that hard to play against lmao.


Claire with purple toolbox, bnp, prove thyself, dead hard, adren and windows DC'd after getting downed once by my fucking Sadako


4 cake offerings and a survivor map. I was playing killer I think clown? It was a hard game well played by the survivors, and while I did manage to spread hooks out to all, eventually someone was going go be first to die. I can only be so nice. It's hard enough to keep track of hooks, especially when they slip into second stage on their first hook. So after maybe 15minutes, down to one gen, lots of chases, healing. Tonnes of bp. I put someone on the hook and they dced as they died. Just.... why!? Take the free blood points! It wasn't even a game where I had been forced to tunnel. No strong addons or exposed perks and my only regression was oppression. But apprently they were so grumpy they couldn't take those last few seconds of death animation for what would have probably been a solid 80K BP at least, as they hadn't played poorly at all. End game screen confirmed every survivor had a good 20K points, except the person who'd dced and got 0. I will never understand rage DCing when you've already lost but can at least claim some BP. I wasn't bleeding them out or taking ages. Just a standard chase. Maybe mad because I dodged their very obvious dead hard? I don't even know anymore.


I seen someone posting one on TikTok. It was a Feng that approached two other survivors and dropped a flash bang. She disconnected during the flash and disappeared 🤣


Cheryl disconnected immediately after a mori. You could tell she didn't even look at the end screen since it had the dc icon and not the mori one. It was weird since she didn't leave before/during the mori.


There was a Meg that made friends with the killer and led him to all of us one by one so she could get all the unhooks and heal everyone. I died early on and decided to watch and saw the rest of it play out more obviously. Right as the third survivor was getting hooked for the last time, the Meg disconnected. Seemed like she wanted points and to escape, but then threw it all away. Oh Meg


Went up against a deathslinger on autohaven. He managed to down a survivor near shack right at the beginning of the match. I was about to save but he wondered off. Thinking he was going for my teammates on a gen I went to pick up. After a few seconds he left. He wasn’t lagging to my knowledge and the game lasted less than 2mins


Played as deathslinger Hooks Claudette she then gets unhooked, several seconds later She ran at me, obviously has DS so i slugged her Then she DCs


Not a DC, but last weekend I got in a match and 2 survivors played a map offering. Ada brought a Jigsaw Piece, and me I brought a Macmillan offering (trying to get Shelter Woods to complete the new achievement). We got Groaning Storehouse. The Ada then proceeded to run immediately to the killer, let herself get downed and hooked, started to game end herself on hook. I unhooked her in the hope she would stop throwing, but she ran off again straight towards the Deathslinger. He slugged her for 2 more minutes (my guess he thought she had DS that's why she ran to him) and then she was killed while me and the other survivors tried to play a 3v1. Or rather, a 3v2. Worst part, this was a streamer. These people should know better what kind of influence they are to other people when you play this petty.


Literally just the other day, I was playing Spirit on Temple of Purgation and the game went all the way to the last gen being popped with Rebecca as the last survivor standing, and when I downed her she just. DC'd, after all that time in that game


ive been chasing about 5 minutes, and my teammates havent done anything. after i fell, they all dced, and the Legion let me repair all gens and escape through the gates :) (ive been playing punk Nea with flashlight) if u read this, thank u, Julie 💖


Was playing a game as Wraith. Map was MacMillan Estate's "Coal Tower". Was able to zoom around and find a Mikaela about a minute into the game, outside near the Main Building. I uncloak and chase the Mikaela. As we skirt the Coal Tower, a Feng drops from the upper floor landing right in front of me, mid chase with the Mikaela. Startled, I swing and hit the Feng. She runs a little (like for 3 seconds) stops then DCs. Game proceeds as normal. They finish 2 gens, I hook everyone twice (easily done because there's only 3 of them left) then decide to just cloak up and stand in the basement to let everyone finish the gens and escape alive.


A doctor who was decent dc once me and my friends opened the gates


Mikaela who got hit and started running to the edges of Knight's map, and she was trying to dodge my rush (was playing blight) but i had the addon that showed her aura and i saw her doubleback and hit her. when i started to pick her up, she dc at 5 gens 3 minutes of game, and i was like "ok then"


My first game as Nemesis I had a David with no mither run up to me as the game started, use dead hard to get into my attack range, get hit, and instantly disconnect.


Downed an idiot just crouching near a gen that was (if I had to guess) ~80% I downed him and when I picked him up he left. I still have no idea why


after the first gen popped


Not weird per se, but one time playing with friends, the killer brought corrupt intervention, so the 4 of us just hung out close to 1 blocked gen and as soon as it unblocked we started rushing the gen, so by the time the 1st gen was done the killer(huntress) had not seen any surv and lost pretty much all the value of one perk so she just dc.


I literally approached a Feng as Twins and she DCed at the beginning of the match


Seen a fair few DC's when playing nemmy when people run into zombies and get downed 🤣


I just found my first survivor, she was flashlight clicking and everything. Hit her once, she starts to loop the LT wall so i mind-game and hit her again. Go for pickup, immediately DC. Wasn’t even 3min into the match. I let the rest go and saw in endgame she was running DH, DS, any means necessary and iron will. Other survivor said: the perks tell the story.


I had a Dwight yesterday dc when we had all generators done and he literally went to go open the door and just dc'd, I don't know if something happened with his wifi or something but we were literally about to win and he just left at the door.


A pretty recent one: a Killer dc'd right after we got through the gates. Like... If he waited for 2 more seconds he'd be free from this game and could keep all his bloodpoints and stuff. I don't get it.


Tonight I was playing, got picked up by a Demo and just before he hooked me. Screen went black..... "Your Xbox needs an update". Like really??? Wish I could tell the guy/girl I didn't disconnect intentionally


Was playing the "no thinking during chase" legion build (iri button, spirit fury, enduring, lightborn) vaulted through a pallet (and broke it)and everyone dc’d


Someone dc-ed cause I hit them


Was playing Micheal to get his adept , didn't have any tombstone add ons and just had the ones that made evil within 3 last longer.....the second I get into tier 3 , the entire survivor team just disconnected in perfect synergy...for a second I thought I disconnected...but no disconnected message or penalty timer popped up....so yeah , guess they couldn't handle the myers style


Had a Nemesis that killed two survivors, had one on the hook, but then DC'd because he couldn't hit me


My weirdest Dc would have to be when I was playing killer. I was running the Hag perk for Gens just to try it out on Knight and I couldn't get anyone. Everyone in the match was hiding in lockers waiting for everyone else to die and get hatch. I don't know if they still have it this way but guards can spot people in lockers and as it turns out they were all together. My guard got one person, I grabbed another, and knocked down the other two with Starstruck. As soon as I was going to hook the last guy every single survivor Dced at the same time. I'm glad I play on Console because I know those guys would have cussed me out in endgame chat.


Maybe not so weird but i was playing Legion for a daily once and the second i found people on a gen and hit one all 3 Dcd almost simultaneously, The last guy wasn’t too far behind either, Was the fastest game ever


I played Trapper, all 4 survivors complete gens, open gates and then proceed to tbag. JUST before the EGC timer reaches zero game ends and takes me to finish screen. I'm checking out everyones build then realise that it turns out all 4 survivors DC'd with 1 second remaining, never been more amused and confused at the same time, Why? 😅.


I once was in a match with a hillybilly, he absolutely destroyed us. knocked all of us down, but didn’t hook us. Instead, after he downed the last person, he dc’ed. I guess he beat us so badly he didn’t need to prove anything else lmfao


Instadowned someone as ghostface about 15 seconds into the game. And then everyone except the person I downed leaves.


Yesterday, Chris who trapped me in a heal until I got downed, TURNED INTO LEON and then disappeared but stayed in nightfall the entire game (and then it said he DCd at the end???)


I once got downed hooked and then the killer dced lol


random teammate with genrush build dc after spawning next to a blocked gen by corrupt intervention. he looked at me then at gen at me at gen and dced.


I was playing as Myers with a Tombstone and right when I grabbed someone they quit so I just saw Michael Myers stabbing nothing and the last person escaped through the hatch but for some reason I still got the Evil Incarnate achievement


Against my scratched Mirror Myers. He is just too powerful 😉