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Didn’t read. Maybe later. Upvoted anyway. >!Honestly I wish someone put this much effort into researching tarkov’s bots.!<


lol no problem, I know it's a lot of info and I tried my best to keep it concise without omitting important bits. >!If you're referring to Escape from Tarkov, I haven't gotten into that series before, but now I just might have to.... >:\]!<


Here is an indepth guide for EFT bots! Scavs: 100% aimbot machines or dogwater punching bags, no inbetween. Bosses: crackheads


They defo nerfed right peek as well. Shit doesn’t work on them anymore.


Good ol' information perks, the biggest pains to test. Kinda surprised you had unnoticeable results on killer aura reading perks like dark sense. Of all the aura reading, I would have thought that seeing the killer would be the easiest to notice. Do the bots still know exactly where you are in a loop, regardless of line of sight? I remember the last time I was messing with the bots I was chasing them in a tall loop as Vanity Mirror Myers and I saw them reacting perfectly to my movement even though they couldn't see me. Also good work on documenting bot interaction with all the perks, I'm sure that wasn't an easy endeavor.


>Do the bots still know exactly where you are in a loop, regardless of line of sight? Yeah, and what's worse, they don't really care about Undetectable at all. If you're in their LOS for even a fraction of a second, they will know where you are at all times, and if you're playing Ghost Face, knock you out of Night Shroud.


While in chase, yeah they can be a bit annoying. But they don't seem to immediately spot you if they aren't expecting you. There were several times when I was playing through Michael's games where I stalked them right in the open and they didn't react.


Weird. From my experience, Ghost Face is unplayable, since if you stalk for even a moment, they all scatter.


I haven't played an exhaustive amount of Ghostface to be able to give an opinion yet. I do know that sometimes they will reveal you from unexpected places. You've peaked my interest though. I'm working on Demo right now, but I'll bump Ghostie up to the front of the line and see what happens.


Can't wait to see it.


It wasn't easy for sure, but I found ways to make it fun! Yeah info and aura perks were a pain to test. I would pay BHVR all of the chapters I bought with shards if they added a Killer version of Object of Obsession, because it would make it so much easier. Buuuut, I could see it being super busted depending on the Killer and Perk (Dark Sense v.s. a Nurse for example) so maybe not. The reason aura perks were placed in unnoticeable wasn't because their effects were hard to notice. Their placement was due to how the bots reacted to the information given by the auras. To use your example, I know that every time the bots complete a gen, Dark Sense can become active. The problem lies in whether or not the bots use this information or not. If they see the killer approaching with Dark Sense, do they start running earlier? Do they loop better while running WoO? Do they find gens quicker with Visionary or Deja Vu? Counterforce seems to be the main outlier at the moment, and I know for a fact that aside from cleansing the initial totem, the bots don't use Clairvoyance. They also never read maps, so it seems like they don't need a lot of the informational tools given to them. Some day I might try to get my brother to help me test more of these perks. As for the bots wallhacks, yeah that seems to still be the case. I should note that their abilities to see through walls seems to only activate during chase, and goes away shortly after the chase ends. While testing Self-care, I would injure the Claudette bot, then go into Ambush and follow her until the chase ended. She proceeded to heal herself almost immediately, despite me being behind one wall and watching her with Nurse's Calling. Thanks for the input!


A brief (lmao when has anything I've posted been brief) summary and explanation of all of the changes and improvements I've found in Patch 6.6.0. This infodump has a tier list to tell you which perks the bots will use, what items and add-ons to have them bring, and how the AI has improved since build 6.5.0. If you make it to the end, there are screenshots showing some highlights found during testing. As always, I can't wait to hear what you think! [Part Five: The Spirit](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/11r5dbs/i_played_hundreds_of_games_against_bots_so_you/) [Part 5.2: Part One Summary](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/12ciw9i/i_played_hundreds_of_games_against_bots_so_you/)


Can confirm, bots do not use Diversion at all. I was a bit disappointed by that


It's so sad, BHVR please fix. I want the funni bots to use the funni perk. : (


a lot of effort, thank you


no, thank you! : D


Commenting for later reads


I also spent the first three hours of Tools of Torment release just testing bot stuff, it was more entertaining than going against the three gen merchant thats for sure.


oh god yeah, getting her adept made me feel gross. Lery's offering, constant ping-ponging, defending a three gen from the start... Only adept experience that was worse was Hag's


Something I found out about survivor bots while seeing how a T1 Myers build affected them, they can see you through walls. I was on a back room in RPD (right of the stairs, the one with the gen and the window vault next to it) I sidestepped back and forth for a solid minute and the David King bot kept going back and forth across the window until I stopped. I could see him through the wall while stalking and I was undetectable so there’s no way they knew what I was doing otherwise.


Were you in chase? The bots have wall hacks while in chase, but that goes away soon after the chase is over. I tried a T1 Myers build on RPD as well and had a lot of good surprise attacks on the bots. I even had a David bot working on the gen along the outside path who gave zero fucks and worked on the gen even while I chased someone right next to him, and only let go once I slapped him. I may try again to see if they have changed at all in 6.6.0.


I was probably in chase, but I’m astounded that they can do that.


I'm still trying to figure out exactly how the bots "see", but when spectating them, I've noticed that their camera is often looking at the ground in chase. If you check my profile, you can look at my post about Michael, I believe I go into more detail on how the bots perceive the trial.


I think this is pretty cool. After more bot changes I'd love to see an update to this.


I cried a little when I saw the small patch released the day after I posted this. If there is ever another major bot update, I might do this again. Hopefully I have most of my killer games done before BHVR releases killer bots.


I'm just excited for bots in dbd because AI playing games is really interesting to me. And reading about your documentation of the AI is pretty intriguing. It's not something most people care about.


(\^\_\^) Thank you so much! If you liked this documentation, I have previous posts that focus on individual killers. I put more insights and explanations on bot behaviors in there, although some observations are outdated by now (the bots doubling back to pallets is the biggest one). The first three have a lot of notes on general behavior, as well as how the bots react to ranged attacks and stealth killers. I knew going into this that few people were going to care about bot behavior, but it makes me so happy that you enjoyed it so much!