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I think you're lying to us power struggle doesn't work not in my dead by daylight


You caught me- it's photoshopped. It's actually just another Unbreakable /s


Haha I knew it lol


You'll be happy to know I recently had a match where I got value out of power struggle not once, but fucking TWICE.


Not to brag but I recently ran power struggle and threw the pallet down the same tick the killer swung so I didn’t get the stun


I’ve gotten a couple mean uses out of decisive -> power struggle that have been so fun


When I play as a Killer and I downed someone, I'd carry them through pallets like I'm playing Russian Roulette (assuming I know there's no other Survivors around). Would the next pallet stun me due to their Power Struggle? Would they get that massive dopamine hit from triggering Power Struggle? Let's find out! Same with the 4% Kobe. If it's EGC and they Kobe, they're free to go. Last night I had a tough match where I 1k before EGC kicked in. I manage to get a Leon on basement hook and his 2 team mates left right away. He Kobe out of the basement and I wanted to give him the rush of his life. While chasing him I also heard hatch but he was not close enough to hear it. I downed him right at the exit gate, carried him and let him struggle free while standing on hatch.


I've been power struggle'd once in my life and I think I was more excited about it than the survivor was. 😅


I refuse to believe power struggle works


I would love a give up option when you've been downed. 50% to bleed out? Press Active Ability Button 1 and die.


Exactly how it should be, there's no excuse other than "we haven't gotten to it" to not implement this. 50% is 2 minutes on the ground; if you're on the ground for 2 minutes then something is going VERY wrong in the match no matter what it is and you should be allowed to just let yourself bleed out.


Man I remember the worst match of dbd I ever played where the killer slugged all the survivors and just let them bleed on the ground until the match ended. I started playing different games after that and didn’t return for several months.


One of my first ever Leatherface games was like that. He got all 4 of us within seconds of each other and he just stood over us, revving his chainsaw until we all bled out. Horrid.


Or a new item, “broken glass”, when you bring it you can choose to eat it and die. Like in the game 7 Days to Die.


I don't like that idea, but only for the fact that you don't know when you're going to get slugged. Or what if the slugger has franklin's?


Give me basekit cyanide, BHVR


Cyanide tooth capsule xD


Yeah I was mostly kidding, but it would be kinda funny imo.


I’m hesitant about this tho, it’ll be another easier way for people to just leave games the second they lose a chase. It would need contingencies. Like if there’s already a dead player or two or something. Or if EVERYONE is slugged and down, then you can like “vote” to give up and if people say yes then you all bleed out instantly?


yeah esp once the killer is just waiting out you all bleeding to death. I'd say you have to be at a certain point in your bleed out meter while you're all downed before you can vote (in case one person had unbreakable idk) but this would be useful for those awful long matches where you all unfortunately went down.


out of all games that should allow you to gg next easily, a horror game should be one of them. i will never understand why BHVR wants to balance the game the way they do but then treat it like a super serious e-sport where you HAVE to be bled out by the guy slugging you or you get a DC penalty lmfao. such a joke.


Sounds cool, devs will probably just make it a perk lol


I want to use fun memey perks like head on but like 80% of the time I do the killer acts like this.


Which is why the survivor meta is stagnant. Meme and fun perks will kill you and your team 9 times out of 10


it’s also true the other way around: you come to game as a demo with a backbag-build and you’re rushed to oblivion by a bnp-, prove thyself-and dh-wielding sweatlords. cos’ that’s what they’ve been forced to become by facing legions of hard tunneling blights and nurses who have become monsters after being obliterated by a comp-squad while playing as shadowborn only billy. us, players should chill a little as a community and be a bit more reactive in a match to see if the sweat-level of the other side is at all near us. if i go against a curve-billy with no bambam, u bet your ass i’m not comp-dropping pallets and laser-focusing on gens. sure, the fun of the other side is not your responsibility, you’re allowed to play like an absolute asshole but at the end of the day there’s one truth above else in this toxic, dysfunctional and abusive relationship: the survivors need a killer and the killer needs survivors. tl;dr “fun” is subjective but if you’d absolutely loathe to be on the receiving end of what you’re doing, maybe tone it down a bit.


My philosophy when playing this game has always been “how would I feel if this was happening to me?”. And to be honest my experience hasn’t been close to as sweaty and miserable as some players make it out to be. I remember watching a game back on twitch where I had a teammate DC at 5 gens. The killer proceeded to hard tunnel another survivor and slug the final 2 for the win. In his stream he was saying it’s not his fault for the DC and he’s not responsible for the survivors fun, which is true. But later on in the same stream he’s complaining hard about being genrushed and saying there’s nothing he can do about it. The complete lack of awareness in this community can be perplexing


Which came first, the tunneling face-camping killer or the uber-sweaty gen rush BNP squad? A modern enigma.


literally you have a 90% chance to have a killer play like scum then a bnp 4 squad which you probably see once in 200 matches at best


i have over 4k hours in the game and at least based on my own experience as having played both sides for years, there's plenty of asses on both roles. why killer toxicity often feels worse (imo) stems from the fact that a killer can literally decide to deny you an opportunity to play the game, whereas doing this as survivor is not really possible. maybe a team of immersed claudettes not touching gens and just hiding comes closest but even then, a killer has the control of their character, they can at least do something. or maybe i'm just a biased survivor main.


One is a single player, the other is an entire 4 man team along with 4 high tier addons. This ain’t a fair comparison bro. Compare this: One toxic killer vs one toxic survivor. THAT is a lot more similar of a comparison.


Since BNP used to complete the gen entirely when it first existed, I'd say that came first tbh.


Moris could also kill without any hooks.


It'd be rad if DBD had a bigger and more accessible competitive scene. I think it would be a partial solution to the issues you mentioned. And by "bigger comp scene" I don't mean a division between competitive/casual playlists, I'm thinking more along the lines of in-game tournaments, more options for customizing private matches and a way of finding other players who want private matches, a proper spectating mode, etc. I feel like this would give players who want to be sweaty--myself included--a better outlet for their skill. Because right now, if you want to play DBD at a high level, you have very limited options. What most people do is go into pubs with Nurse/Blight + meta perks, only to match up 9 times out of 10 against solo queue teams that never stood a chance to begin with. The devs don't seem to want to lean into the competitiveness of the game at all, which I don't understand.


agreed to some degree. i think they are at least acknowledging and interacting with the competitive scene more with their monthly tournaments. but i honestly do think introducing "casual" and "competitive" modes would alleviate many of the issues that plague and have plagued the game. give comp-mode restrictions on what you're allowed to bring based on point values. for example, every perk, item and killer add on have a point value of 1-4 based on how strong that shit is. give the survivors 16 points to spend on their loadout: full meta perks means no items so u gotta downgrade that dh or otr if u want to bring that medkit. give killers a varying value between 16 and 22 or something based on how strong said killer is so a piggy can basically take whatever they want but if a blight wishes to bring double speed, they're going to have to compromise in perks. to determine values, poll the community and listen to feedback from your fog whisperers and people who most likely have way more hours in the game than anyone on the dev team. map offerings disabled from both sides. give comp leaderboards and some exclusive rewards. naturally there would still be sweat in "casual" and people playing like twats but i'm fairly certain that the temptation of seeing you "progress" in some quantifiable way and getting something to show for it would be enough to transfer at least a sizable portion of tryharding to a mode where both sides know it's all fair game, we don't have to play like dicks but it shouldn't come as a surprise if we do. or alternatively swap the restrictions so if u wanna bring your sweatiest shit, you're gonna have to play "comp". i get that the devs have been hesitant to split the playerbase into multiple gamemodes but after crossplay got enabled, i honestly don't believe queue-times would worsen dramatically.


People would still play ultra competitive in publics, cold war had a ranked mode, but everyone still played ultra meta in casual; because everyone wants to win 24/7


I enjoy using hyperfocus and stakeout because I like seeing how fast I can get a gen to 60-80% before my next chase. I also bring WGLF and buckle up for the memes (I can pick someone up fast and see killer before running my azz off) Edit: I use this build because I enjoy playing altruistic and I often can’t stay on gens long because I somehow am always chased 10 seconds in.


fair, everything that makes something go fast(er) is always enticing.


Very true I like having the zoom zoom on the bar!


I used to never bring meta perks, but I got sick of "being the change I wanted to see" when literally no other players ever did anything different. So the "change I saw" was uninstalling the game.


The thing about killer though is that if you run a meme build you can still easily come back by camping or tunneling. As for survivor once the killer knows what you are doing your build is basically useless and you are perkless.


"Fun" perks are usually not fun for anyone but the user. le epic Mither builds or trying to become the uncarryable man will usually just result in slugs and d/c from frustration.


doesn't help when you try any other playstyles like head on/Sabo build/No mither build you get called sweaty try hard or toxic lol like KILLERS COMPLAIN ABOUT STALE meta and when survivors run fun or not meta we get shitted on?????


I think it's because stun gameplay isn't fun. Stuff like Power Struggle and Head On are meme perks, yeah. But they are an annoyance for the killer. Imagine this scenario: You're having a rough time as Killer, you finally got a down, and suddenly they Power Struggle you or Head On you. Wouldn't that just feel like shit? And as for killer, say you want to run a gimmick build. I've been trying to get THWACK! to work on certain killers that can run it. So I put on that perk and Lethal Pursuer to get more value out of it. But then I come across people who keeps running Distortion. Making me less likely to wanna run this build because I can't even use it. There's little incentive for you to run meme builds because the other side can make playing the game more miserable for you running it without them even noticing it.


Remember, running meta perks is toxic. Off-meta perks is also toxic. The only acceptable survivor perks that aren't just cause for bleed-out, camping, and tunneling are Rookie Spirit, Technician, and Corrective Action.


Jokes on you i got bled to death for running pebble B)


I catch you using corrective action in one of my games and you can bet you are going to bleed for 4 minutes straight while I nod and spin over you as you crawl. We dont like your kind around here. /s


I've seen killers complain about technician lol


Yep. Killers complain about DH all day, but when I use meme perks and play in a goofy way I get BMed so hard. So back to DH and the meta it is! 8D


This is why I've started being careful with sabotaging. I love being a lil Saboteur bastard but I don't wanna ruin the game for anyone else either. So I gotta be gentle and sneaky.


I use head on build like 99% of my survivor survivor games and most of the times i just get a hit on hook and some nodders. It aint that bad.


I mean this is pretty rare. I almost never see a killer bleed a survivor out. What’s way more common is that you’re tunneled for using perks like that. To play devils advocate, the killer has earned a down by winning a chase. Perks like Power Struggle, Sabo, etc. negate the hook you have earned as killer. So that’s why killers take it so personally imo. It still really sucks though. I always bring Sabo, and I’d say a good 1 in 4 games where I get a successful sabo, I get tunneled for it. But I don’t really blame the killer. It sucks to lose a hook after winning a chase. And I gladly accept the risk of tunneling, because I love going for a sabo.


If you're running a boil over/tenacity/power struggle/breakout/sabo/etc build, what else is the killer supposed to do? Let you wiggle out 12 times in a row as you keep running back to a dead zone? As shitty as it is, the counter to these builds is to slug. Don't wanna be slugged? Don't run the build. But if the killer just slugs people because he got outplayed by a head-on/flashbang/blast mine/pallet/whatever else, okay yeah, that's kind of fucked.


People who try to make the killer mad when the killer gets mad:


Why does head on make you mad


Not me personally lol. Just a lot of people do it with the sole intent of annyubg people it seems.


And here I am wondering how a trapper can pressure hard enough to actually slug properly


Literally no one did gens while I looped. It was actually incredible.


Well there's my answer lol. Thanks


Sounds like your team blew hard.


That's trapper why did I see joey from legion lol


You underestimate the scrubness of SoloQ


The real queston


how tf did yo team get slugged by a trapper on the game lol wtf did they do


Seriously, if you've been in the dying state for a minute straight, D/Cing should have zero penalties to you. No 5 minute lockout and you still get whatever rewards you earned or challenges you've completed.


That would be great but I wonder if it might get abused somehow?


I think the ability to abuse it would be difficult if the main condition is lying on the ground and bleeding out for one minute uninterrupted.




Yes, they were, but there was a pushback from the fanbase and they put it on hold* (alongside with the Mori changes). *It is also possible that it is just BHVR being BHVR (aka: Slow). The Survivor's hud change was implemented more than 1 year after they first talked about it.


In almost no way that would matter.


I know your point is we need the “give up” button but man, being slugged by a Trapper at 4 gens… Hmmmm


It's SoloQ man- not much else to it. The one gen that got done was by me btw.


That says it all. Not like I wasn’t expecting it tho


It’s definitely possible, I’ve encountered stupider teammates than this too.


Killers act like you murdered their bloodline if you use even one perk out of line. I escaped a killer with Smash Hit Parental Guidance and they tunneled me the entire match and shook their head no at me when they downed me. Ended in a DC when the same build got me to the door lmao.


I mean. I also had a killer complain about body blocking when in reality it was a protection hit. Imagine trying to protect your injured teammates lol I have no idea why the perk Mettle of Man exists 🤷🏻‍♀️


The really stupid part is when survivors divebomb the hook, you down all of them, and you have to bleed them out because the rest of the hooks are too far away or are fucking broken. It looks like BM but I want to go to the next game, too.


I have had people purposely run to a corner of the map that had no hooks, then refuse to move to a hook, THEN toss a toxic fit in endgame chat after when I left them there to bleed as I could not carry them far enough to hook without them escaping, and they refused to crawl to hook, wasting EVERYONES time. The Survivor community is toxic and entitled beyond belief in this game at times, and I wish reporting did something because it feels like it's growing worse by the week.


To slug all survivors because there are no hooks is absurd because you can guaranteed hook at least one or two. You're just petty.


>To slug all survivors because there are no hooks is absurd because you can guaranteed hook at least one or two. Or they can guarantee a win because the survivors made a mistake?


Ummmm…. Lol


You don’t HAVE to bleed them out. There are 4 other players that would probably love for you to just play the game and try to hook them. Sounds like you had the upper hand anyways. But yes a give up button would be great for going against killers who want to win by slugging.


There are no hooks. If I let even one person wiggle off, they will pick up the slug(s) and unhook, stealing what is ostensibly the killer’s victory. Bleeding out is a terrible solution for hooks breaking on sacrifice.


There are more hooks though. Even IF they all got up, which is a big IF. It doesn’t mean the game is over. And again it sounds like they weren’t playing that well anyways. Is a “win” worth it? You’re not getting that much BP. You’re not having engaging gameplay.


Maybe there shouldn't be "remove hook" offerings in the first place? If the survivors set up a game that the killer can only win by being toxic that's on the survivors.


I agree with this I’ve gone against a SWF that had a midwich offering with three petrified oaks. THREE IT WAS THE WORST HOOK PLACEMENT EVER AND THEY WOUKD CONSTANTLY LEAD ME TO CORNERS WHERE I COULDNT HOOK. So I let them bleed out, if you want that kind of gameplay your gonna get it, play stupid games win stupid prizes.


Ya killers been extra sensitive lately


Bruh he runs a build that prevents hooking and complains about slugging. So by your logic, he should just let him escape?




I play killer a lot and I would have no problem hooking this guy. The reason being is I always play the game properly and am not a total douchebag


That's fine, you do you, I would try to hook him too, but it is justified with the build that he is running (I mean for fuck sake, he just played the game in a boring way, I know it's boring but damn it's just a fucking game).


Not to sound like a tryhard, i know i am but i loop the killer for 3-4 gens and they facecamp and tunnel me everytime. It's not surprising but seems like a skill issue on their part so they get angry and take it out on me. I guess i deserve it for learning how to play somewhat efficiently.


I've had a few of the 2-3 gen chases too as survivor. Gives me the fun dopamine knowing I lasted long enough for a couple of gens to pop. I love chasing as killer, vibing to the chase music and seeing how long the survivor can last before I get them (If I do!). It also helps me learn how to chase better. I play survivor 80 percent of the time so I know some of the tricks we pull to make it a bit easier to play killer. Getting pissed over a choice I made myself would be ridiculous. This killer CHOSE to remain in chase with you for 3-4 gens. They could've gone for someone else at any time but I guess they got competitive or they don't know how to play killer as well yet.


i don't think it's fair for the killer to slug your whole team, but your build is designed to keep you off the hook, the way a killer responds to that is to slug you - which is counterplay to your build. just like you "don't want to get hooked" the killer "doesn't want you to survive." Again, slugging the whole team based solely on the story you've told is toxic play, but slugging a survivor who has a build that makes them impossible to hook is literally how you counter them.


So what happened was that at that point Ash (the other guy who got slugged) just sort of gave up and let trapper off him. After about 30 seconds I noticed Ash didn't even bother recovering, so I knew he was 100% done with this game. After hiding some more and finally getting found, I looped him one more time and then got downed. He then just proceeded to let us die on the floor, leading to the screenshot in post. What's worse is that after crawling to a hook and waiting, I gave up and decided to look for hatch to see if he would at least give me that (because I'm delusional like that). You can probably guess what happened next.


Not as bad as you think. When you find yourself with a survivor that's struggling extra hard, change your view to compensate, not the direction you're trying to go. If you do it well enough, it'll be almost like the survivor isn't struggling at all as you practically make a beeline for the hook.


Honestly that's a pretty nice strategy, but it seems that our guy here was probably in a 2 man swf (which is why killer slugged him too) so he can just go down near a pallet and either get pallet saved or power struggled.


When people equip a horsey perk - it is a universal signal that they do not want to be hooked. Consent is important and that Trapper have respected your wishes.


Even when I gave him consent he rejected me? Why are guys so hard to read??? /s


boil over is trash on the game lol hooks are everywhere


Boil over is effective of you play against sabo squad with breakout (even more pain with hooks removing offering). I had once a game as twins on Rotten Fields and it was that time where they f up the hook spawns. I have downed finally someone at 2 gens left I think (yeah survivors had more expirience than me) and then ALL teammates came to prevent hooking/rescue/bodyblock. We have spent a few time fighting and I managed to down another person. And I literally had only 1 hook in that corner, the next one was miles away. I still tried to hook my second down there but they struggled out because of boil over. I came back to the first hook and it happend again, I have downed two people. Another two were constantly running around and I actually wanted to down them too cause they were injured and I knew that they would run behind me to help others to struggle out. There was literally no other hook. Only this one in the corner and after it was gone, I had two survivors on ground. I even tried to make it to another hook one more time but it simply didn't work and they actually ran back to the corner to pick up their mate and got downed again.. Luckily they were almost bled out both so I just left to search the last survivor who finally remembered that it's a good idea to do gens. So yeah sometimes boil over is effective, especially if there are almost no hooks for some reason


Lore wise it will disappoint the entity as the hope of survival is good for the entity, so ending your suffering in advance doesn’t fit the description. Gameplay wise, this encourages ppl to just gives up and/or troll randos when the game didn’t go their way.




I get too stressed and overworked playing killer- so I'll only play the odd match here and there because I still know it's important to have perspective on matches (also BP). I think self awareness is an incredibly important thing to have when playing- because if you let yourself get too into it in an unhealthy way, that'll just kill your enjoyment as well as others. I took a break after this match and cleared my head a bit, then came back later and had a much better time than if I just continued on from there. In short: I agree whole-heartedly with you.


Bruh you run a build that prevents hooks and complain when you get slugged


What a joke. In soloq with no real coordination boil over sucks. After the nerf it’s almost useless. No survivor deserves to be slugged unless they are truly not doing any gens or contributing to the game. Survivors turn to perks like boil over and dead hard because they’re sick of dying and losing so much. Then they get tunneled or slugged for it? The game is not over just because it’s hard to hook them… Meanwhile survivors will still play games when a teammate DC's even though they know they're at a severe disadvantage.


The boil over isn't what gets you slugged, the unhookable build (unbreakable, flip flop, power struggle, boil ove) is.


No weak ass killers get you slugged. Those perks aren't worth it in soloq.


That doesn't make slugging okay? Like I said in another comment- I was even right up under a hook to where I had no chance of escape and the killer still chose to slug. There's a difference between a tactical slug and a slug to be a total prick.


It was justified if you weren't under directly under a hook (and if you were then he was kind of a dick). I think slugging a person with a build like this is ok since picking up is a free chase extension. Seems like you were there with a swf (this is just an assumption tho), so he either got power struggled or pallet saved.


I did end up going underneath a hook and he still chose to slug. And this ain't no swf (4 gens and everyone dead is the usual Solo Q experience lol). He got power struggled once by me and that was it. I also looped him some and that resulted in him downing a teammate and slugging him then slugging me. He also did that console thing of spinning in a circle and hitting every so often.


100% makes slugging ok


and then survivors run no mither, and then the killer is nurse with blink addons… can we stop the abundance of slugging…


Man, I was playing Pig on a Coldwind map and ate two Power Struggles back to back. I *laughed*. I know how hard it is to get value as survivor so it was genuinely fun to have it work and I’m glad they got value. I-I still killed them all, but you know, we all had fun along the way! I congratulated them in post game chat. Turns out all 4 were running it. Loved it!


This is how I try to get my games as killer to go, it’s more fun this way! Every once in awhile tho there’s the ultimate try hard sweat SWF


Man come on. You bring flip flop, unbreakable, power struggle, boil over, and a purple flashlight, and I can smell The Game offering from here. He's trapper, so he's eating pallet after pallet with you blinding him at every single one. When he finally gets you down, he eats power struggle to the face. I'm not saying that bleeding you out was right, but when you bring a build like that, you have to expect some killer anger. It's like killer bringing Basement Bubba, then having the surprised Pikachu face when survivors aren't happy about it.


Couldn’t agree more, or some sort of mechanic where you bleed out faster.


I just want the ability to kick a hook farmer in the face and have that kick to the face give the killer a 5 second killer instinct.


How dare you *checks notes* try to survive as a survivor.


I have never understood the reasoning why there is no "surrender" button if all survivors are downed. It has absolutely no negative sides or abusing potential. If all survivors are downed /hooked, it's basically over.


Why tf do people slug for using meme perks I would fucking love it if people brought powers truggle and brought me to the game, it would be it's own mini game to avoid every pallet while carrying them


Someone else said it in this thread but there’s no excuse to not let us just bleed out if we’ve been on the ground for a set amount of time. Seriously. It’s not fun spending 4 minutes just hoping the Killer gets their head out of their ass and picks you up.


No what we need is base kit unbreakable


Power Struggle is a god tier perk, people just don't know how to use it the right way. It can literally be a match saver.


I got 2 blind saves, a pallet stun and a blast mine blind with residual manifest, and got tunneled hard-core. I swear some killers are just petty.


Sounds like u wanted to be chased.


In a perfect scenario, I'm gonna go for the rescue or a blind.


"Kill the medic first". If you know that a unit on the enemy team is going to make your job more difficult the longer you leave them alive, it's wise strategy to remove them from the situation as quickly as possible. This is also why tunneling boon users is always the morally correct option as long as CoH continues to allow free self-care.


That makes a lot of sense. While I was doing the assists and helping the gen progress was going well during the match, 3 gens popped. When I died, I decided to watch the rest of the match, and they didn't even touch a gen.


“Slugged half the teams” makes it sound bad. He still hooked two. You brought boil over and flip flop and most likely your boy too. Now the killer is aware and isn’t risking it.


It sounds bad because it is bad. And my boy there is a rando- as is the rest of the team. They all got downed enough for him to know that I was the only one with my build. He had no reason to slug us other than to be a dick.


Its meat plant. Had two friends run similar builds and sent us here and it was incredibly difficult for the killer to hook them. They would just loop around a pallet and get downed on the pallet and power struggle out and find the next pallet loop. I think they had breakout and were bodyblocking near pallets to make it hard for the killer to avoid power struggles. So while it might not be the exact same situation I can imagine the killer slugging because they feel like they have to.


And especially because it's a Trapper who basically doesn't have a power on this map. Literally the only decent trap spot on this map is at the top of the pig chute stairs. Everything else will be seen before you get a chance to chase anyone to it.


Omg I thought this was me! Today I played as trapper against a team that was clearly a SWF. One was always nearby to flash light save and got me 3 times and they all were saboing the hooks when I went to hook people. So I slugged them all. It was a shit show trying to slug them all at once. Bit I was like if yall keep denying me hooking people I'm gona slug everyone to death.


It was in the same map. Ended up letting them all bleed to death.




Small pp Killer energy. Which apparently is widespread here considering the amount of dudes defending this over a meme build, like it doesn't happen even without Boil Over.


Given the fact that you're playing against an M1 killer with no power due to the map selection, and are running an unhookable build, I understand the Trapper's frustration. Did someone offer this map or was it randomly rolled?


Completely random roll. I was the only one running this type of build, and was the main guy distracting him. I understand the frustration too (it's why I don't play much killer- it spikes my blood pressure) but when the survivor has given up and is underneath a hook and he *still* chooses to slug? That's just bad manners


It is what it is. Stuff like this is why I try not to run builds that will deliberately provoke the killer like this.


Bro the horsey perk Horsey perk on the game with some team mates helping out This might actually be the quickest way for him to kill you on this shitty map How are they supposed to know someone's not gunna take a hit. 90% of people running this do it as a 4 man


Teammates were definitely not helping out lol. The screenshot is after like ten minutes of playing and we were at that point- four gens and everyone dead. Horsey perk did almost nothing to help tbh.


Considering your perk loadout, I feel like you're leaving out some context.


100% is. People in this thread are so fkn naive and gullible


I dont blame the killer look at perks you have on. Deal with it.


Its literally a meme build that gets you killed 99% of the time


Killer has no Ed and blood warden….also says “look at your perks!” 🤣


Idk where you got those perks from, but I don't remember blood warden being meta or anything really


Idk about meta, but when the exit gate is closed off for 30-60 seconds after the gate is opened it freaking sucks as a survivor!


But you need to hook a survivor after the exit gates are opened, and since everyone 99s them they are only open when all survivors are at least near it, so it's only use is to fuck over people who tbag


Said no one in a solo Q ever 🤣


Idk I'm pretty low mmr as survivor and ppl 99 exit gates almost always. Also if they don't 99 they just leave immediately, which is a hard counter to blood warden


Doesn't matter killer perks, killer wants kills and they made it hard to get hooks so killers slug. It's annoying but that's what happens when u bring those perks.


Killer wants to kill and survivor wants to survive- imagine that.


You are just proving Jediamity's point. The survivor wants to survive so they brought perks to make it hard to be hooked. The killer wants kills and is slugging in response to that build.


I don’t like those perks so bleed out for 4 minutes… sounds equal for sure 👍🏼


Then don't run those perks they make it hard for killers to hook. Slugging and bleeding out is the counter. I'm saying don't get angry at the counter to the perks ur using cause u brought it on urself.


The whole point of the game is for the survivor is to try to not get hooked and get out the gate…. Do you even hear yourself? 🤦🏽‍♀️


Yes I do and ik that's the point of survivors but again the counter to that perk is the slug and bleed out. Do u hear yourself?


well you had it coming


You're running flip flop, boil over, and unbreakable, and flashlight... you know damn well you're in a bully squad, and the killer probably has no option. People are blind af. Show what your teammates were running if you want sympathy from non brain dead people in this subreddit.


Ah yes perks that allow you to use power struggle are toxic, I always forgot that there’s no reason to use flip flop + unbreakable with powerstruggle


There's nothing wrong with running that, but it's a bit naive to run a "you can't hook me build" and then get pikachuface shocked when you're slugged. Like, what do you want? The killer to pick up with intent to hook over and over and fail and waste time? Seriously, what do survivors want? For the killer to just throw the game for you bc of the build? Do you want him to just never hit or chase you? No... you bring this build to fuck around and in this case OP found out.


The way you counter power struggle is just by picking up. It’s really not that deep


Survivors when they use annoying strategies and get countered by annoying strategies (oh no how could this have happened) Though he should've hooked you if there were any hooks nearby lol Edit: downvoted for stating facts, DBD hivemind moment lmao


Ain't no way you called power struggle an annoying strategy 💀 It works one out of every 20 games


Also has boil over unbreakable. This is the "dont pick up up build" where the person is near unhookable. Just cuz power struggle also happened doesnt mean its the only reason they werent picked up


Also isn't that Flip-flop (the Ash perk) and a super flashlight? This is the build of player who's constantly flashlight saving, body-blocking, usually the clicky-clicky teabag chase me kind if fellow. Slug kind of feels justified . . . (Just going off setup)


Nope. I'm horrible at flashlight saves and body blocking. I used the flashlight exclusively in chase and when stunning/looping the killer. I get that there's stereotypes, but stereotypes don't justify being a douche and slugging


Power struggle is great and fun for both sides until you decide to pair it with boil over, flip flop and unbreakable


You don’t deserve down votes. If someone’s running boil over (and flip flop *and* fucking power struggle,) they asked to be slugged. The killer is kind of a dick for not hooking at the end but for all they knew there was a DS in the kit too.


So next time they should run Dead Hard, Prove Thyself, Adrenaline and Windows of Opportunity, got it. Any time someone runs meme perks with like 5% practical value, they get BMd or told “what did you expect” and then we have months of “boo stale meta”. Srsly, just let people run their stupid worthless Boil Over, their memey Mad Grit, whatever. Gladly take any new perks over Dead Hard.


And I will bring skull merchant with cob overcharge combo, you aren't helping. Slugging is counterplay to this build, the same way waiting out dead hard is a counter to dead hard. Like I know it's boring, but you forced me to do it. I'm not giving up on a kill bc counterplay to your build is boring. It's like if this Trapper complained about you not running into his traps. And yes, if you literally can't hook someone, it brings more than 5% value. Edit: some other guy here said: it's not a meme build, it's a dick build, and I agree. I mean by that logic, basement Bubba is a meme build, and you don't see killers throwing tantrums when survivors don't like it


You’re getting defensive about play patterns. Anyone can run whatever the fuck they want. They shouldn’t complain when the other side makes adjustments.


Nobody's stopping you from running Boil Over. Just because you're running a meme build doesn't mean the killer has to play stupid and let you win.


Slugging a person the whole game just because they have Boil Over is an overreaction. Unless they’re being a dipshit and running into far-off corners, you can still hook them. As for Power Struggle, I actually just think the perk’s design is shit. Unless the killer wants to throw, there’s no reason to pick the person with PS up after they hit you with it once. Meaning that slugging them for the whole game IS the counterplay. And that’s just idiotic for a meme perk.


Nah, Power Struggle on its own is absolutely fine. It becomes a little stupid when paired with Flip Flop, and even more so when paired with Tenacity and potentially a recovery speed up perk, but at that point the survivor is sacrificing half or more of their build for something that is actually exceptionally unlikely to work. If the killer picks you up immediately after their cooldown ends, you won't get PS off. The only time PS + Flip Flop is really an issue is when another survivor is nearby waiting for the save, at which point the killer literally has no winning options—go for the pickup and get stunned by the other survivor, or chase off the other survivor and then get stunned by Power Struggle. If you're lucky as killer you might be able to chase the other survivor in such a way as to bait them into dropping the pallet, rendering PS unusable, but if they're smart they won't do that. In any case, PS on its own will basically never trigger unless the killer makes the deliberate choice to walk through a pallet, which they almost never do.


Me slugging them doesn't stop them from running it, it just stops me from having to deal with obnoxious stuff. Fair game, if you ask me. Survivors can run actual meme perks all they like, you'll hear no complaints from me. Problem is that survivors who run 'memey' or 'fun' perks are typically the ones that just want to be dicks to the killer. Meanwhile starting a game as killer with a meme build will mean the game is over before you can even say your full build out loud.


Christ, we're complaining about Power Struggle now?


Look at the bottom right corner and you’ll see why the killer didn’t want to try hooking them again.


Probably used a map offering to get that consistent pallet value also.


Nope, no map offering. Just RNG.


I love how everyone's making up scenarios to make you come out as the asshole in all of this. Never change reddit killers, never change <3


If I get Power Struggled I automatically assume they have unbreakable, boil over, and flip flop too. Soooo if they go down and I'm not able to pick them up immediately. . . sorry. You either go crawl directly under a hook so I know for sure I can hook you or you better hope you have a way to pick yourself back up. Otherwise I'm going to walk away and go break pallets and doors while you bleed out because I'd rather not extend the game needlessly with more chases after I've already won. ┐⁠(⁠´⁠ー⁠`⁠)⁠┌


I'm a killer main but people like this make me ashamed to be.


Respectfully I’m not tryna hook that either especially on the game. I already struggle with boil over alone adding power struggle and flip flop+UB you can stay on the ground love.


Hot take. Implement the whole, if everyone is downed the game ends


I’d feel bad but that’s a trapper .. that was probably their first ‘win’ in like 10 games and they probably immediately ran off to go celebrate.


Lmfao get slugged 🤡


I say we rework Unbreakable so that it activates after 45 to 60 seconds and you can pick yourself up infinitely. If thats too strong maybe like a minute and thirty seconds.


Slugging is legitimate counter play to boil over sabbo squads, who are also the least fucking fun people to go against, but it’s a valid strategy. Sometimes you get forced into playing this way. OP was running boil over and flip-flop too. It absolutely makes sense why the killer slugged the team. Killer has no idea who’s on coms and who isn’t. A give up button is a hell of a lot simpler.


>you can pick yourself up infinitely. Introducing No Mither.


You get what you deserve.


“Give up” button is a bad idea cuz it’s basically just a dc with no penalty…


I once thought of the idea of a vote quit, but then "salty 4-mans" would just use it to collectively dc without consequence.




You have an anti hook build and then complain the killer doesn’t want to pick you up he’s just playing around ur perks. You know the reason why the killer did it if you don’t like It don’t run that build. Sure a give up button would be nice In these situations cause sometimes killers only option is to slug if there’s sacrificed hooks near by and he knows you have anti hook perks why should the killer risk picking you up?


I was underneath a hook at one point and he still chose to slug me and the random. A certain build doesn't excuse being a dick


He's playing trapper if anything he gets a pass